June 16, 2013

"Stockholm rioters could be a labour asset"

The iSteveification of everything continues apace:
'Stockholm rioters could be a labour asset'

The head of Sweden's Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen) has said Swedish employers need to be more open-minded in their recruitment, choosing to joke about the organizational skills of vandals during the recent Stockholm riots. 
Agency chief Angelez Bermudez-Svanqvist made her comments on Thursday at The Economist's Digital Horizons Conference in Stockholm. 
She first addressed her own previous work in health care, adding that in retrospect she felt that employers in Sweden need not always demand perfect Swedish from their would-be staff. 
"If you are a brain surgeon, do you need perfect Swedish when you are operating on someone who is sedated?" she asked the audience rhetorically. 

Because hand gestures and grunts are a perfectly adequate way for a brain surgeon to communicate with his nurses and anesthesiologist, because, hey, it's not rocket surgery. I mean, it's not brain science.
Bermudez-Svanqvist decided to continue her talk about seeing hidden competences also among young people - of whom one in four is not in work - by referring to the string of vandalism across Stockholm in May, after unrest in the suburb Husby spread. 
"These revolutionary acts, because we are talking about revolution aren't we?" she joked about the title of the debate, Workforce Revolution, which looked at how digital technology could help employers and jobseekers find each other. 
"These acts show organizational skills, these are people who follow a leader," she said about the arson attacks on buildings and cars that grabbed headline space across the world. 
Bermudez-Svanqvist also pointed out that there was a working-condition like aspect to why some young people end up engaging in crime. 
"Those leaders 'employ' you even if you're young, they even take you out for coffee," she said.  
Sweden has long been at loss over how to tackle youth unemployment, with a string of governments looking at various solutions. 

This is from The Local ("Sweden's News in English").


  1. You say nothing you like ever takes off, but you certainly positioned your own blogging career perfectly. Write about something growing, guaranteed to generate conflict, that the MSM wilfully ignores or offers up Onion-like stories on. Definitely a niche there.

  2. Wow. I know its been said here many times in many ways, but Orwellian, soviet union, pravada, bizzaro world- none of it even begins to describe the bewilderment i feel when I read stuff like this.....
    it just doesn't make sense...

  3. Translation: those Alpha male non-White rioters really have the business, don't they? Not like those icky beta White male natives.

    That's what I got from it. White society is just too vulnerable to more aggressive, testosterone-poisoned males who by being aggressive are not fit for work but draw admiration across the female spectrum. Exhibit A: Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who had a side-piece reputedly with his Wife working 80 hours a week to keep food in the house. With frequent domestic violence (also with said side piece, if press reports are believed).

  4. @steve - "'If you are a brain surgeon, do you need perfect Swedish when you are operating on someone who is sedated?' she asked the audience rhetorically."

    what does she know? she's a DENTIST! (^_^) (no offense to all you dentists out there.)

    lucky for all of us, she's written a book: Management by love:
    att leda genom mångfald (Management by Love - lead through diversity).

    btw - angeles bermudez? she ain't swedish.



  5. "These acts show organizational skills, these are people who follow a leader," she said about the arson attacks on buildings and cars that grabbed headline space across the world."

    Yeah, that is the ticket!

    Somali warlords and pirates got skills! Organizational skills!


    Batshit crazy!!!

    It reads like freaking parody!!!!

    They follow the leader... like dogs in a pack. Hey, maybe we could just use more dogs in the labor force, cuz they can follow the leader!!!

  6. btw - angeles bermudez? she ain't swedish.

    She's also a deep thinker. Probably an affirmative action hire.

  7. please tell me this is from the Onion.

    I am begging you, please, this can't be real.

  8. The more you look, the more you see that spokespeople for immigration have a connection with immigrants. For example, this Bermudez-Svanqvist. The Bermudez could have come from various different places, but not Sweden obviously. On that same site there is an article on a left/right split for an inquiry into the causes of the violence. The right opposes it, the left is for it. One of the two representatives on the left quoted as being in support for this inquiry is... wait for it... Mehmet Kaplan.

    Most white people would not have the chutzpah to immigrate to a foreign country and then tell the natives how to run their own country in order to be kinder, more accomodating to immigrants and to import more of them. At least, not without having fought a war first to conquer the place. The idea of conflict of interest would prevent most of us from doing such a thing.

  9. "because, hey, it's not rocket surgery. I mean, it's not brain science."



  10. "If you are a brain surgeon, do you need perfect Swedish when you are operating on someone who is sedated?" she asked the audience rhetorically.

    Good grief. If you have the capability of being a brain surgeon, you can learn Swedish (or any other language) while you wait for your visa application to go through. Of course, you wouldn't be out vandalizing cars, either.

    This is one of those people who makes you wonder: does she really think we're blank slates, and that any person out there is a potential brain surgeon? Can anyone really believe that, or is this just all chatter?

  11. Leftism is a riot, a real riot.

  12. Harry Baldwin6/16/13, 5:27 PM

    Sometimes I see something that vandals have chosen to destroy, such as a sturdy park bench, and think, "For that much effort they could be earning a paycheck."

    However, it doesn't work that way, does it?

    You'll sometimes hear people talk about the Victorian age as one in which people were terribly repressed and harbored a lot of benighted ideas. However, if you read magazine articles from that time you realize that people were much more open and honest than we are today, and that a lot of their "benighted" ideas about race and sex differences were closer to reality than those we are permitted to express. You have to struggle to find another period in which as many stupid ideas were fashionable.

  13. Maybe it sounds better in the original Swedish.

  14. "In order to save the GDP, we had to destroy the GDP."

  15. The numbers of immigrants you see on the streets of Stockholm have burgeoned in the past couple years. It's getting scary. Head into the city center at 8 a.m. on a weekday, though, and the demo on the streets is very Swedish indeed. Who's making the bread and who's snatching it is very obvious. Almost everybody I talk to about immigration seems to fall on a continuum from queasy to horrified ... except, of course, for anybody who matters.

    Shortly after the recent riots, a conservative politician from Borås wrote an Enoch Powellesque column warning of internal religious war if immigration isn't curtailed. He was forced to resign the next day, in case any of the rest of us were unclear on the bounds of the discourse.

    The bumbling single-issue anti-immigration party is going to clean up in the next election. One wonders when one of the conventional parties will break ranks. They'll be vilified as Nazis, but if they time it right, it will be a lasting triumph for them. Because a turning point has to come. The current policy is a mammoth, slow-rolling catastrophe.

  16. That's it. Official Sweden now blames the Car-B-Ques in Stockholm on Sweden not being liberal enough.

    That's what you get when you're dealing with true believer ideological cultist crackpots. Even though Somalia is and should be technically speaking a libertarian paradise, a given white libertarian will go there, come back (if his head isn't chopped off while there), and tell you that all of Somalia's problems is due to a lack of libertarianism. Lamestream conservatives will blame California's problems on the lack of lamestream conservatism, even though lamestream conservatism was the governing order of the day in the state for several decades. And now we're really (not hypothetically) being fed the dog food that Sweden isn't liberal enough.

    It has been said that ideological true believer cultist crackpots have to feel the negative consequences of their own ideas in order to snap out of their cult like beliefs. Turns out that won't even help.

  17. Is that the real meaning of Stockholm Syndrome?

  18. Angelez Bermudez?

  19. Uncle Peregrine6/16/13, 6:30 PM

    " employers in Sweden need not always demand perfect Swedish from their would-be staff."

    Perhaps some commenters can answer a question that I have. When third world immigrants go to countries like Sweden or the Netherlands where essentially all the natives speak English, do they end up speaking English in the workplace at times rather than Swedish or Dutch?

  20. "Smithers this isn't rocket science its brain surgery!"

  21. I'm starting to wonder if it would have been better to simply allow the Soviet Union to take over all of Europe.

    We sure didn't fight for this.

  22. "Wow. I know its been said here many times in many ways, but Orwellian, soviet union, pravada, bizzaro world- none of it even begins to describe the bewilderment i feel when I read stuff like this....."

    one news headline a time.

  23. Write about something growing, guaranteed to generate conflict, that the MSM wilfully ignores or offers up Onion-like stories on. Definitely a niche there.

    The problem for us is that it's not a niche so much as it is the mainstream.

  24. Sweden asked for those problems by refusing to dismantle socialism. If Sweden embarked on a radical privatization regime, and dismantled its welfare state, young immigrants would be able to form businesses and find jobs

  25. "These acts show organizational skills, these are people who follow a leader,"

    something tells me she is a secret nazi-lover.

    what does she know? she's a DENTIST! (^_^) (no offense to all you dentists out there.)"


  26. Apparently a Swede can go through life without anyone calling him an asshole.

    It's a human right, you know.

  27. Surreal. This would have fit seamlessly into 1992 The Onion, when it was really funny.

  28. Why the hell does Sweden have a bunch of young middle-easterners there in the first place?

  29. I used to dream of being kidnapped by the Swedish Bikini Team. Lately the dream has become a nightmare, in which they actually take me to Sweden.....

  30. Who is Angeles Bermudez-Svankvist?

    Among other things the President of an outfit out of Brussels, the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES). It's not exactly clear from their web site exactly what this is, but it's some sort of world-wide collection of government bureaucrats involved in "public employment". An organization for government welfare-work-program providers (the following translation from a page at their site sounds a little barnyard, maybe that's appropriate):

    "Public Employment Services (PES) have two major client groups, employers and job seekers. For optimal outcome, both groups need to be serviced with a high level of attention and support."

    Sounds like one of those EU-type one-world-via-bureaucratic connections things. They have congress/conferences and give talks with abstracts such as:

    "Labour Migration and Public Employment Services: Managing migration of the workforce is the most successful when it takes in four aspects. First, how the migrant is prepared before he/she goes to work in another country, including not only the professional aspects, but also the private and cultural ones. Second, there needs to be a sensible regulation in place to ensure regular migration. Thirdly, in the country of destination the migrant needs to find work, if he/she does not have an occupation already. ..."

    WAPES has Angeles' professional bio online. Among other things...

    "... one of the authorities with the most holistic approach to the challenges in Swedish society. Creating opportunities, always with focus on individuals in need or in alienation, her innovative ideas have led to great changes.

    ... Her book Management by Love (2006) shows us how to build organizations by focusing on change management, always with joy and a big heart.

    ...currently focusing on the world­wide challenges we face with youth unemployment.

    ...Bermudez-Svankvist speaks Swedish, English, Spanish, Italian and French."

    She is out of the Stockholm School of Economics, the guys who brought you Gunnar Myrdal ("...influential in the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decision Brown v. Board of Education") and who had a lot to do with the Swedish welfare state.

    Holistic. Alienation. Innovative. Challenges. I'm so excited I'm tingling all over. Wait, who is it exactly that is "managing migration"?

  31. A book written by Steve Farron called the Affirmative Action Hoax, details the lower quality of medical care, along with statistics showing that "diversity" increases all sorts of medical errors, from infections to death.


  32. The evidence that being a Leftist is just an extreme form of autism is piling up recently.

  33. This has got to be some special case of Godwin's law...

    31 comments and noone's mentioned the similarity of this logic to praising those hardworking Kristallnacht-ers who did so many historically significant things seventy or so years ago?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Sweden asked for those problems by refusing to dismantle socialism. If Sweden embarked on a radical privatization regime, and dismantled its welfare state, young immigrants would be able to form businesses and find jobs

    6/16/13, 6:47 PM

    God Steve, that mention by Ann Coulter has obviously brought in undesirable elements from conservatardistan...

    Listen sweetie, if socialism means anything, it means worker control of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. By this definition Sweden is far from socialist. Do yourself a favour and do your homework so you don't have to rely on your ideology. Now scoot back to human events.

  35. Stockholm rioters could be a labour asset

    Sell your shares in the Onion, is all I can say.

  36. The journey of a thousand miles to jump off a cliff begins with a single step. How many miles have we marched in the West since the 1960's to get here? This crap would have been unimaginable even has recently as the early 1990's. How much does the astronaut have to talk the same language to the aerospace engineers really? Did I just read this? Derb is right, we are doomed.

  37. big sister is shitting you.

  38. Rioters are a story of the bravery of work ethic.

  39. "These acts show organizational skills, these are people who follow a leader."

    Anyone who's ever had the misfortune to spend even 5 minutes in the company of a criminal or homeless wino bum has come away from the experience remarkably impressed with how clever and energetic they can be in their efforts to cheat you or get something for nothing. That doesn't mean they're suited for honest work, but then nowadays neither is most of our so-called elite, which is, I suppose, why they feel a common bond.

  40. I think companies should hire flash mobbers.
    Just at the speed and frenzy of their 'working' and 'organizing' skills.

    And murderers would make especially great workers. I mean they go all the way and do the job 100%.


  41. "Sweden asked for those problems by refusing to dismantle socialism. If Sweden embarked on a radical privatization regime, and dismantled its welfare state, young immigrants would be able to form businesses and find jobs"

    Not much welfare in Africa. So, why aren't blacks creating Apples and Microsofts there?

  42. I'd love to know what the blood pressure is for your average iSteve reader, because reading this stuff day after day infuriates me. Does it have the same effect on others?

  43. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp6hVkuR4Bw

    Mexican genius

  44. Anonydroid at 6:47 PM said: If Sweden embarked on a radical privatization regime, and dismantled its welfare state, young immigrants would be able to form businesses and find jobs

    Hunsdon said: Am I missing a "sarcasm off" tag here? Or are you serious?

    Anonydroid at 10:17 PM said: I'd love to know what the blood pressure is for your average iSteve reader

    Hunsdon said: I think of it as cardio.

    Jack Hanson said: The evidence that being a Leftist is just an extreme form of autism is piling up recently.

    Hunsdon asked: Which Leftism? Frankfurt School leftism? Post WW2 Scandahoovian social welfarism? (Absent the immigration thing, the Swedes seemed to be holding on, as our host noted.)

  45. "I'd love to know what the blood pressure is for your average iSteve reader, because reading this stuff day after day infuriates me. Does it have the same effect on others?"

    As a Swedish reader, it doesn't really bother me. But that is probably also because I know that their previous attempts have been complete failures.

    They had a huge program aimed at the these same populations where only 15 out of 6000 individuals got a job.

    You just laugh at them. Also, I've noticed, at least in Sweden, a declining willingness to actually fund these kind of programs but an increase in this kind of overheated rhetoric.

    I'd assume the same is true in America, look at the gutting of head start, for example, or the slow tearing-down of Affirmative action. SCOTUS will likely rule against it, this summer.

    Is her words a display of idiocy? Sure. But know that she's been in her job purely on the grounds of being an immigrant woman. She has been a dysmal failure. How did she get into her job? She talked her way into it. She's very good at turning disasters into "opportunities". This should be kept in mind when reading her statements. She's trying to save her job more so than trying to solve a problem.

  46. Also, a note to Steve Sailer:

    The Local is owned by Scotch-Irish and if you read the news from the French edition or any other edition you'll barely see the difference between them and a typical cultural marxist journal in academia, but with news scattered around.

    So, protip: they're not a great news resource and they selectively take the most left-leaning spin on most stories, not very representative.

    (There's a strong alt-right presence in Sweden so if you want to know more about what's happening there, you could easily just write a blogpost and see replies falling in). I understand this drives pageviews, but still, 'The Local' is a propaganda arm of the most piggish types. Don't help them get traffic.

  47. I've never been anti-socialist. In fact, Sweden seemed like a pretty nice place to live before they started letting in third-world muslims. Live by the sword, die by the--I forget how the rest of that goes.

  48. What an absolute f*cking joke.

    As a big fan of David Attenborough (the greatest Living Englishman, as it happens) wildlife shows on TV, I particularly enjoy it when Sir David occasionally treats us to a 'chimp' show on the telly.
    Anyway, I've never, ever seen a group of humans, military, police, soccer hooligans or otherwise, organise a stealth attack and ambush better than a pack of chimpanzees - the bit of footage of the chimp pack capturing the colobus monkey was an absolute classic of must-see water-cooler TV.
    One wonders what use would Ms. Bermudez-Svenquist would put a pack of chimps to.

    Also the point about the xenophonic brain surgeon is an utter joke too. The silly cow must realise, at some level, that planning and preparation - rather than the actual operating itself - is the essence of surgery. Basically, the surgical operation is worked out beforehand (to be forewarned is to be fore-armed), and the doctors work on the basis of knowing just what happens to be what - where the nerves are, where the arteries are etc etc.
    Discussing the operation beforehand with a doctor who doesn't know what the hell you're talking about, doesn't seem to make such sense.

  49. http://deadspin.com/there-is-a-new-miss-teen-south-carolina-and-it-is-miss-513729096?utm

    American genius

  50. "Also the point about the xenophonic brain surgeon is an utter joke too."

    Mebbe she is a sterling example of someone whose brains were operated on by a 'Swedish' doctor who doesn't speak Swedish.

  51. The "Bermudez" part of her name could be Cuban. Sweden has taken in a surprisingly large number of Cuban refugees in over the years.

  52. ""These acts show organizational skills, these are people who follow a leader," she said about the arson attacks on buildings and cars that grabbed headline space across the world.
    Bermudez-Svanqvist also pointed out that there was a working-condition like aspect to why some young people end up engaging in crime.
    "Those leaders 'employ' you even if you're young, they even take you out for coffee," she said.
    Sweden has long been at loss over how to tackle youth unemployment, with a string of governments looking at various solutions. "

    Sounds familiar. Ah yes:


  53. You may laugh, but the British National Health Service employed an Indian radiologist who could not speak a word of English anyone could understand for over three years at one of its hospitals. In fact, his English worsened as time went by and staff complaints proved impossible for managers to ignore. The administrators seemed to think that doctors & surgeons never need to discuss X-rays with the radiologist or ask him for particular kinds of images. The bill at the NHS for translating its documents into a multitude of languages read by its customers or employing actual translators to speak for the illiterate now runs into tens of millions. The same goes for local councils and the courts and most government departments.

  54. Ms. Bermudez-Svanquist was born in Mallorca, I suppose a Spanish father. Her mother is Swedish. Swedes have been heading to Spain for the sun for the past half-century.


  55. "Why the hell does Sweden have a bunch of young middle-easterners there in the first place?" - Same as everywhere else, the people in power hate the common swede that much.

  56. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angeles_Bermudez-Svankvist

    Gee, she sounds like a wise latina.

  57. @anonymous - "anti-dentite!"

    (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

    (that was one of my favorite episodes!)

  58. "... Her book Management by Love (2006) shows us how to build organizations by focusing on change management, always with joy and a big heart."

    Phony Swedish women are a story of management of love.

  59. playing early tomorrow6/17/13, 9:45 AM

    lamestream conservatism was the governing order of the day in the state for several decades

    What are you trying to say here? California really only has one problem, and that's the control of the legislature by public employee unions. If you're saying that mainstream conservatives willingly capitulated to that process, then fine, but are those the facts? My understanding is that was a Jerry Brown-Willie Brown project.

  60. It's getting increasingly difficult to satirize "progressive" thought [sic], since it sounds like a ridiculous parody to begin with.

  61. Anyway, I've never, ever seen a group of humans, military, police, soccer hooligans or otherwise, organise a stealth attack and ambush better than a pack of chimpanzees - the bit of footage of the chimp pack capturing the colobus monkey was an absolute classic of must-see water-cooler TV. One wonders what use would Ms. Bermudez-Svenquist would put a pack of chimps to.

    Dude, you are being distressingly hominoid-centric. I once saw some amazing (also Attenborough?) aerial footage of a lioness hunt, start-to-finish. The level of organization and co-ordination was astonishing. Plus, they're female, a diversity plus, and you don't find much in the way of high-level hunting skills in our own (primate) females. How can we maintain dynamic economies if we insist on limiting our search for talent to our own order or superfamily?

  62. Angelez Bermudez? It looks like La Raza has made its way to Sweden.

  63. socialism is ideologically linked with associated leftist ideas such as universalism, egalitarianism, 'anti-racism', and compassionism

    You could say all of that with equal or greater truth about capitalism.

    Of course it's not a coincidence that the ideology of capitalism was conceived by the same people who gave us the ideology of communism.

  64. Fay Weldon's "The Spa" features a vignette of brain surgery amid broken plumbing as well as quicky sex with twin construction workers (it's complicated, but a randy nurse basically takes over so the heroine can successfully complete the operation).

    The surgeon's name is Shimmer, but there's a Brandenburg Concerto playing in the background while she operates, so all is well. Apparently they all could at least speak proximate English.

  65. There's not much out there on Angeles Bermudez-Svanqvist's ethnic background, although apparently the "Bermudez" came from Majorca. A quick Google search, however, reveals that, as one might expect, there are lots of Jews named Bermudez, including the president of Figueroa Capital Group, who highlights his firm's commitment to "diversity of capital":



  66. "socialism is ideologically linked with associated leftist ideas such as universalism, egalitarianism, 'anti-racism', and compassionism"

    "You could say all of that with equal or greater truth about capitalism. Of course it's not a coincidence that the ideology of capitalism was conceived by the same people who gave us the ideology of communism."

    Not true. In the purest terms, capitalism is about the best possible, most efficient economic system, namely free markets under rule of law. It doesn't say how things in society should turn out. If smart people make more money, fine. If more industrious people have bigger homes, no problem.
    Capitalism doesn't say anything about spirituality, culture, society, politics, and etc. It's true that capitalism profoundly impacts all aspects of the social order, but it has nothing specifically to say about them. It only addresses economic issues.

    Socialism was always more than just an economic theory. It was meant to be the new religion, the new culture, the new organizing principle at all levels of society, etc.
    If capitalism's impact on non-economic aspects of society was indirect, socialism's impact was meant to be direct, i.e. socialist rulers and bureaucrats should DICTATE what people should learn, what they should believe, how they should act, etc.
    While capitalism does influence our behavior, its main goal is to make profit. Neither McDonalds nor Microsoft can force us to eat Big Macs or use Bing. The capitalist side of Bill Gates just wants to sell us stuff. The socialist side of Bill Gates wants to remake society.
    Socialists have always wanted to have direct control over all aspects of people's lives from the very beginning.

    To be sure, not all socialists are the same. Communists were extreme, social democrats were moderate. Nevertheless, the difference between socialism and capitalism has been that while capitalism tried to be a new way of trading goods, socialism sought to be the new way of worship(or saving souls).
    Ayn Rand did try to mythologize and spiritualize capitalism, but 'saving a ton of money for myself' isn't as 'inspiring' as 'saving the world'.

  67. http://fracturedparadigm.com/2013/06/17/us-house-passes-amendment-to-ndaa-regarding-the-national-defense-ofisrael/

  68. I see Ms. Angeles_Bermudez-Svankvist is half Spanish, born in Mallorca to a Spanish father and Swedish mother. Her father was a flamenco dancer..


  69. I see Ms. Angeles_Bermudez-Svankvist is half Spanish, born in Mallorca to a Spanish father and Swedish mother. Her father was a flamenco dancer...

    Sephardic Jew then, most likely.
    Fits well Ms. Bermudez-Svankvist's heavily middle Eastern appearance.

  70. "Whiskey said...

    btw - angeles bermudez? she ain't swedish.


    6/16/13, 5:09 PM"

    Don't be racist. She might not be an ethnic Swede, but she is "swedish", a Swedish citizen, that is.

  71. Full-Fledged Fiasco6/17/13, 9:42 PM

    "She is out of the Stockholm School of Economics, the guys who brought you Gunnar Myrdal."

    The Family Way.

    "("...influential in the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decision Brown v. Board of Education")"

    Brown v. Board.

    Devlin is well worth reading.

  72. The Stockholm rioters are a labor of capital.


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