June 13, 2013

The culture that is Mexico, Part II

In Mexico today, eight protesting schoolteachers were killed by a runaway tar truck.
A commenter on my post last night about Mexico City drivers sends in this horrifying breaking story from the Associated Press, with his summary: "Real Mexican culture: Leftist teachers doing what they do, mowed down by out-of-control tar truck."
Jun 13, 3:13 PM EDT 

MORELIA, Mexico (AP) -- Authorities in western Mexico say a tanker truck carrying tar has slammed into a highway toll booth that had temporarily been taken over by protesting teachers. They say seven people are dead and another 14 injured.
The lethal tar truck
Most of the dead and injured are believed to be teachers who have been holding a series of protests in the western state of Michoacan. 
State prosecutors' spokesman Alejandro Arellano said the accident occurred Thursday on a highway west of the state capital city of Morelia. 
The teachers are protesting educational reforms that would reduce union power in hiring decisions and establish teacher evaluations. 
Protesters in Mexico often seize highway toll booths, and sometimes demand drivers pay a small sum to drive through without paying a toll.

My commenter adds, translating from a local report:
The toll booth was located downhill (for some unknown reason, they seem to do that a lot in MX). The runaway truck ramp placed just before the toll booth was blocked by vehicles left by ... the protesting teachers killed in the accident!

(Sounds kind of like the fatal runaway truck crash by Marcos Costa in La Canada in 2009 that smashed up a bookstore near my son's school.)

Why does the Gang of Eight want to make America more like Mexico?


  1. "Protesters in Mexico often seize highway toll booths, and sometimes demand drivers pay a small sum to drive through without paying a toll."

    If you have to pay to drive through, that is a toll. Groan.

  2. maybe someone has some imagination. Tarring the teachers with the stigma of anarchism.

  3. I don't know the details here, but in Mexico these kinds of things are not always an accident.

  4. Off Comment Topic but blog relevant: http://www.salon.com/2013/06/13/deaths_exceed_births_for_first_time_among_non_hispanic_white_americans/singleton/

    Whites Americans, for the first time aren't replacing themselves. Why? Personally, my white experience hasn't been a bed of roses. Despite being an avid reader for years, years and years, the only regret I have about being childless is leaving a vacuum for the invaders to fill, but that passes in about a minute or two.

    I think we need a reexamination of possible causes from our favorite market researcher emeritus..

    I have an issue with the affordable housing based theories. Why aren't whites desirous of families moving to family-friendly areas? Are whites, as Buchanan has written about the Chinese, finding themselves content without children?

  5. MORELIA, Mexico (AP) -- Authorities in western Mexico say a tanker truck carrying tar has slammed into a highway toll booth that had temporarily been taken over by protesting teachers. They say seven people are dead and another 14 injured.

    Most of the dead and injured are believed to be teachers who have been holding a series of protests in the western state of Michoacan.

    Okay, so that really is one job Americans won't do. I'm kinda serious, here. Drivers who mow down leftist protesters are really in short supply in the States. We could use more of them.

    I hereby concede 1 point to the immivasion advocates.

    BUT, I think we should screen them rigorously and grant entry only to the tiny fraction proven most likely to mow down leftist protestors.

  6. Maybe the co-workers of the deceased can use this tragedy to talk about Darwinism in their science classes.

  7. Morelia is a nice place, with a contingent of gringo retirees, decent cultural amenities, and a low but not rock bottom cost of living. However, as with this tar truck and the teachers, many Mexicans have a poor sense of risk assessment. They seem to take stupid risks in a lot of areas of their life, e.g. racing horses in a public park, that leave gringos scratching their heads (or running for safety). This incident appears to be one of those poor judgement calls that makes for a spectacular disaster.

  8. I have an issue with the affordable housing based theories. Why aren't whites desirous of families moving to family-friendly areas? Are whites, as Buchanan has written about the Chinese, finding themselves content without children?

    Much as I hate to agree with Whiskey, I have to admit that demographic decline + immivasion is definitely one in the "war" column. If an ethnic group goes into decline, that's one thing. When an ethnic group goes into decline, and hordes of aliens swarm into their living space, that's a pretty good recipe for war.

    War or absorption. Absorption in this case being a euphemism for race-replacement; the groups looking most likely to genetically swamp white Americans won't have any trouble keeping up the admixture until their genetics are all that's left.

    But Anglos have a pretty good history of racial-genetic snobbery. I think a lot of them will refuse to go quietly into the good night. And the more Britons/Anglos are absorbed, the more ethnocentric will be those who remain. This will become increasingly true, until all Britons/Anglos are hard core racists. There may not be many left at that point, but it wouldn't take many such hardened Britons to make a comeback.

  9. "Whites Americans, for the first time aren't replacing themselves."

    But it must be said a good number of Hispans are white or substantially white.

  10. Whites Americans, for the first time aren't replacing themselves. Why? Personally, my white experience hasn't been a bed of roses.

    What does your non-bed of roses experience have to do with whites not replacing themselves?

    Despite being an avid reader for years, years and years, the only regret I have about being childless is leaving a vacuum for the invaders to fill, but that passes in about a minute or two.

    What is the relationship of your reading habits to your feelings about being replaced?

  11. "Whites Americans, for the first time aren't replacing themselves. Why?"

    It's surely complicated, but a big part of it is that being a young, single childless white person, especially in a big city, is too much fun. It takes a lot of maturity to willingly give it up, rather than hold on for as long as you can. The average 20-something white person in a big city, either pursuing a graduate degree or working a somewhat cool job, lives a life that 99 percent of human beings throughout history could never have dreamed of - the bars and parties, the slick new restaurants, the friends, and certainly the sexual variety.

    If you asked the average 20-something white girl if she ever wants kids, she'd say "definitely - but not right now." Too many adventures to be had, too many fun places to visit, too many cool guys to meet, too much drama to discuss with her friends over wine.

    When a young woman gets to the point where you'd think she'd want to consider kids - 27, 28, certainly 29 - the more mature and thoughtful ones say "this was a fun and exciting stage in my life, but that's over. I need to grow up." Most of them can't do that, though. In fact, they do the opposite: trying harder than ever to "have fun" at bars and clubs, taking vacations, re-committing herself to her Grey's Anatomy/Ally McBeal/etc lifestyle. By the time she's 35 and realizes she better get to it, she's much less attractive, much less fertile, much more likely to have a history of STDs, and basically not good wife/mother material.

    The men, meanwhile, have always fallen into one of two categories. They're either cool, charming men who can get sex with regularity or semi-regularity, or they're not. If they are, they refuse to grow up just as surely as the women (but they attempt to extend their adolescence even further, and even more pathetically). If they're not, they either never have the chance to get married and have kids, or their options are limited to the washed-up 36-year old women.

    Again, this doesn't apply to everyone, but it certainly applies to far too many. What's really needed is a serious and sustained campaign to say to 20-something white women, "look, if you want to get married to a quality man and have children, the time is RIGHT FUCKING NOW." Needless to say, this is the one thing that absolutely nobody is even allowed to say.

    Anyway, I'm largely more sanguine about it than I used to be. If we can't convince our young women to want to be wives and mothers, why SHOULDN'T we go extinct?

  12. Another seven people will be killed in the stampede to the employment office to get the dead teachers' jobs.

  13. No, dead Mexican teachers' heirs normally inherit the teaching jobs. If the heirs don't want want them, they can auction them off to the highest bidder.

  14. thats where i fell in love

    souuuth of the border

  15. Auntie Analogue6/13/13, 9:54 PM

    Tar truck slams into teacher union protester-occupied toll booth. Why the first thing that popped into my head was: The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

  16. Regarding the '09 crash, isn't it something that La Canadans/Flintridgigians for years successfully abetted South Pas locals' obstruction of the decades-old plan for the 710 connector--wealthy people evince great networking skills--yet failed to crack down on the increase of methed-up undocumented truckers coming over from Palmdale? In the 90s growing up there I recall several runaway accidents and recurring predictions that one day a truck would just plow into pedestrians on the main civic thoroughfare at the base of the crest. As I got older I realized traffic or safety remediation just doesn't happen in California without a disastrous earthquake first.

  17. Has anyone considered a jujitsu approach on immigration/demographics? If the current effort to erase the southern border is being greased, to some extent, by Ellis Island nostalgia, why not -- after an appropriately long pause, to allow labor markets to tighten and the economy to recover -- tap into that nostalgia to promote a new wave of European immigration?

  18. Tar truck slams into teacher union protester-occupied toll booth. Why the first thing that popped into my head was: The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

    That was awesome.

  19. The road to hell is paved with ... Mexicans!

  20. "What does your non-bed of roses experience have to do with whites not replacing themselves?"

    I'm a white who is not replacing himself. I haven't found life to be so satisfying that I want to pass it on. I wonder if white people in this country, who aren't having kids, feel the same way.

    "What is the relationship of your reading habits to your feelings about being replaced?"

    I see this blog as a clarion call to preserve the essence of white American culture. Despite my enthusiasm for the message, I see the future as being too bleak to subject a new generation to it. Forgive my obfuscation, but there is a stigma to feeling this way. I would rather my offspring not exist than suffer.

  21. There might be a certain boom to the personal injury plaintiff's attorney side of things. That's about all I can think of to say for immivasion, and I'm not saying that's good.

  22. tap into that nostalgia to promote a new wave of European immigration?

    Who do you think those immigrants would be? Would they be the old European stock who are reproducing at well below replacement level, or would they be immigrants from Africa and elsewhere who stop in Europe long enough to qualify as "European" for the purpose of this hypothetical program? I doubt we could trust such a plan to end up doing what you want.

  23. MKP:
    Okay, makes sense.
    Just make sure, while you're campaigning for the 20-something hot gals to hurry up and marry their quality boyfriends and get preggers, that you also campaign for the non-quality men, whose options are limited, to hurry up and marry and impregnate the 36 y-o washed-ups while they ARE still fertile.
    Our demographic decline demands it.
    After all, sanguinely, if we can't convince our betas to want to be husbands and fathers, why shouldn't we go extinct?

  24. A smooth-running country is boring to the schoolmarms and puritans. They want the trouble so that they can struggle to fix it, or morally preen about fixing it. Making America more like Mexico is a feature not a bug to these types, as long as the Mexicanization isn't in their own neighborhoods.

  25. @anon 6.13 10:45 pm

    Serves them right. These people don't give a damn to others.

    Let their high networking skills work with the methheads.

    Such people excerbate the decline of the west

  26. @ JSM

    But, see, that's exactly my point: I have no campaign, and I don't give a shit.

  27. Not to sound like that Turkish economist, but how much of this is culture and how much is government? Granted, I realize the two are connected, but sometimes if good policies are enacted inertia can keep them there. I'm just thinking that if Mexico were governed as well as Chile is it would be a lot better off than it is now.

  28. "What does your non-bed of roses experience have to do with whites not replacing themselves?"

    I'm a white who is not replacing himself. I haven't found life to be so satisfying that I want to pass it on. I wonder if white people in this country, who aren't having kids, feel the same way.

    The way you put this expresses an unusual, I think, presumption. The default (for any number of good reasons, including sexual pleasure) is generally to simply pass it on, without too much deliberation about it. Your construction suggests that one needs to reach a certain abstract satisfaction with life before wanting to have children. Is that really how you approach this? Why?


  29. "What is the relationship of your reading habits to your feelings about being replaced?"

    I see this blog as a clarion call to preserve the essence of white American culture. Despite my enthusiasm for the message, I see the future as being too bleak to subject a new generation to it.

    What do you see in the future? Are existing whites already subject to the bleakness and you feel it is so unpleasant as to not be worth living?

    Forgive my obfuscation, but there is a stigma to feeling this way. I would rather my offspring not exist than suffer.

    A social stigma? How does the stigma attach itself to feelings if they are unexpressed?

  30. "Your construction suggests that one needs to reach a certain abstract satisfaction with life before wanting to have children. Is that really how you approach this? Why?"

    I sure don't know why. I'll chalk it up to brain chemistry, along with risk aversion. You think I'm a rare case, but a lot of people aren't having kids. Do you think I'm hiding the true source of my behavior? You seem very bright, I think you must have some theories why so many whites aren't reproducing, I'd be interested in hearing them. You might even know my reasons better than I do.

  31. What about the culture that is the DC Metro:

    "Metro to Place Stickers in Cabs Reminding Operators to Stop at Red Lights"


    "Metro derailed by culture of complacence, incompetence, lack of diversity

    ‘Inept get promoted, … capable get buried’"


    "Ninety-seven percent of the bus and train operators at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority are black, with only six white women out of more than 3,000 drivers, according to Metro documents — a lack of diversity at one of the region’s largest employers that has led to an acknowledgment of failure in affirmative-action documents and spawned a series of lawsuits.

    The homogeneity, interviews with dozens of current and former Metro workers indicated, is a proxy to a clubby culture of favoritism in which merit has little to do with promotions, and accountability, such as noting safety violations, is a career death knell. In typical examples, court and Metro records show, a black man who spent eight years in prison for dealing PCP was promoted to a high-level management position soon after his release, and whites in the same positions as blacks with far less seniority are inexplicably paid less."

  32. "What do you see in the future? Are existing whites already subject to the bleakness and you feel it is so unpleasant as to not be worth living?"

    I had to read this question twice to make sure I got it right. Not all existing whites are subject to the same bleakness. My bleakness, I'm sure, is shared by many others who make their living in the trades. I may have a greater sense of insecurity than most of my peers. I got lucky enough to find a reasonably secure position which makes life comfortable, but if my offspring were similarly inclined to work with their hands and were afflicted with my aversion to tedium and paperwork, their future looks very bleak indeed. Do you see blue skies for the working class?

    "A social stigma? How does the stigma attach itself to feelings if they are unexpressed?"

    I have to presume you know I meant that "expressing" those feelings carries a stigma. That kind of rejoinder might win you points in an academic debate, but it doesn't make me feel that since I lost a point I have to reluctantly have a few kids.

  33. "The way you put this expresses an unusual, I think, presumption. The default (for any number of good reasons, including sexual pleasure) is generally to simply pass it on, without too much deliberation about it."

    Doesn't yielding to the "default" result in the poor having more kids and expanding the underclass? How much is "too much" deliberation? Is there any decision which merits more deliberation?

  34. Doesn't yielding to the "default" result in the poor having more kids and expanding the underclass? How much is "too much" deliberation? Is there any decision which merits more deliberation?

    I guess the joke in the opening sequence of Idiocracy kinda flew right over your head, eh?

  35. "I guess the joke in the opening sequence of Idiocracy kinda flew right over your head, eh?"

    Not at all. But I don't fit either caricature - I fall somewhere in-between. I presume you are a parent, would you have another child if it meant needing food stamps or moving to a minority school district?

  36. What are you talking about making the US more like Mexico? That's what Republicans have been doing since Reagan.


  37. "Her subsequent book Death without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday life in Brazil (1993), she discusses the violence between mothers refusing to care for their sickly children. Once again, her work had many critics, both inside and outside Brazil, given its depiction of women forced by horrific circumstances to ration their love and favor towards infants and toddlers who seemed to have the best chance of survival, and (even more controversial) her description of mothers "collaborating" and "hastening" the deaths of infants thought to be lacking a will (desejo), a knack (jeito), or a taste (gusto) for life. Death without Weeping has become something of a classic within the field of medical anthropology.[citation needed]" - Wikipedia article on anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes

    The mothers is this piece seem inhumanly cruel. What would have been very humane is, if they had asked themselves if they and their spouses posessed these three qualities before procreating. Desperate mothers have a sorting process a lot like those of Ivy Leauge colleges and big corporations. If I were given the authority to issue birthing licenses, I would use this criteria. It is a standard I apply to myself.

  38. If you have to pay to drive through, that is a toll. Groan.

    Once again, we have a reporter who's a moron, and a news service that doesn't employ editors to read what its reporters write.

  39. I see this blog as a clarion call to preserve the essence of white American culture. Despite my enthusiasm for the message, I see the future as being too bleak to subject a new generation to it. Forgive my obfuscation, but there is a stigma to feeling this way. I would rather my offspring not exist than suffer.

    In other words, you don't breed in captivity.

  40. "In other words, you don't breed in captivity."

    Exactly - I wasted too many words. Now, if I could spread my perspective to the teeming masses, yearning to be free, I'd feel my life has meaning.


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