June 28, 2013

"This Is the End"

The Los Angeles Apocalypse, when the Lotus Eaters of L.A. finally get what's coming to them, is a popular topic worldwide, and is a particular favorite of Angelenos. As local bestselling author Mike Davis says, Los Angeles is "the doom capital of the universe." For example, Jerry Pournelle told me recently that he continues to do very nicely off Kindle sales of his and Larry Niven's Lucifer's Hammer, the most logistically magisterial of all Los Angeles Apocalypse stories, in which a comet wreaks havoc on Lankershim Boulevard.

Seth Rogen's "This Is the End" is a movie comedy in which a half dozen actors (such as Jonah Hill and Craig Robinson) have to hole up in James Franco's Hollywood Hills mansion when The Rapture lifts all the good people to heaven, leaving Los Angeles a fiery wasteland tormented by demons and populated mostly by movie stars.

Assuming that they are merely victims of a huge earthquake and that the Army will soon rescue them, the stars -- with no personal assistants to advise them -- fail repeatedly at prepping. An ax-wielding Emma Watson (Hermione of the Harry Potter movies) briefly shows up, having impressively survived what she cogently argues must be the Zombie Apocalypse, but soon ditches the male losers.

The not very masculine actors spend most of their time smoking weed and arguing over their friendships like junior high school girls. (It seems trivial, but, actually, 9 figures  of money are at stake over whether Franco and Rogen decide to do Pineapple Express 2 together.)

Rogen once again somehow makes himself being reasonable while beset by psychopaths funny (although not as funny as an interview he and Barbra Streisand did last Christmas with Dr. Phil to promote their movie in which they play son and mother, an interview in which Babs was her usual megalomanical self and Seth tried, ineffectually, to return her to the level horizon of reason and self-awareness).

Only the 3/4ths gentile Jay Baruchel and the black Robinson notice the obvious parallels of what's happening to Los Angeles to the "Book of Revelation" in the New Testament, a tome with which Rogen, Hill, and Franco are blankly unfamiliar.

It's pretty funny.


  1. http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2013-06-26.html

    "Jewish publications have repeatedly observed that the declining fertility rate among all American Jews except the Orthodox -- the group that votes 86 percent Republican -- means that, in another generation or two, Jews could be majority Republican."

    Annie you nut, Jewish power is in the control of institutions, not in votes(except in Florida and NY).

  2. Lankershim?

    Oh my goodness, It's always been wankershim!

    Leave it to iSteve to clear up that mystery for me.

  3. Interesting to learn that Jay Baruchel is 3/4 gentile, as he seems very Jewish to me. Just shows how genes don't get inherited evenly from all forefathers and mothers. I myself am an opposite case: 3/4 Jewish but often taken for a gentile because my gentile genes are quite dominant.

    And yes, the movie is pretty funny. The Hollywood decadence and pettiness that is focused on in the first part of the movie is funny enough that the apocalyptic scenario is almost unnecessary.

  4. I always thought that the LA apocalypse will happen when LA's self absorption will become so acute that it creates a black hole style vortex that sucks in and destroys all of Southern California!

  5. The whole "Rapture" thing is a American Evngelical invention.

  6. Anne Coulter linked to Steve again in the column about the demographic collapse of the left.

  7. There could very well be something very like that for real next year when the Great Oakland Earthquake hits. It should be felt in LA too. Like that movie catastrophe it will have separate and separating effects. Only black people will suffer.

    That should make Sharpton crazy!

    Speaking of ethnic background I got my 23andMe results back. I watched "Valley of the Dolls" on TCM the other night but this time I knew that I didn't have Huntington's Chorea. Progress I guess.


  8. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/opinionla/la-ol-bert-ernie-gay-marriage-new-yorker-20130628,0,2401518.story

  9. http://youtu.be/sK3RTjC4IFg

    OKeefe, another white gentile whistleblower.

    What happened to the Jewish leakers and whistleblowers?

  10. You must consider the source ... and Freud.

    What is the zombie theme song?

    "Tomorrow Belongs to Us"

  11. Here are some pics of Emma Watson with her Asian boyfriend.


    Individual Pics

    Besides "This Is The End", Emma is also currently starring on Sofia Coppola's "The Bling Ring" which didnt get that great reviews.

    Do you think Emma Watson has what it takes to make it in Hollywood ???

  12. Bloomberg on stop and frisk:

    On the defense after the City Council passed a pair of bills designed to curb the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk tactic and other alleged abuses, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said today that his critics had it backwards when they accuse the police of stopping too many black and Latino men. In fact, he bluntly declared the opposite to be true if viewed through a lens of who commits murders.

    “I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,” Mr. Bloomberg argued during his Friday morning WOR radio show with John Gambling. “It’s exactly the reverse of what they say. I don’t know where they went to school, but they certainly didn’t take a math course. Or a logic course.”

    Mr. Bloomberg, repeating a line similar to one Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has used before, was contending that the NYPD’s stops should be compared to the racial breakdown of murder suspects, not the the city’s overall demographics.

    Power speaks truth to power. Or something like that.

  13. The whole "Rapture" thing is a American Evngelical invention.

    Kinda like the whole Christian thing is a heretical Jewish invention. Or the way the Jewish thing is heretical Canaanite invention. And so on...

  14. "Jewish publications have repeatedly observed that the declining fertility rate among all American Jews except the Orthodox -- the group that votes 86 percent Republican -- means that, in another generation or two, Jews could be majority Republican."

    The breeder Orthodox don't "vote 86% Republican". They vote 100% Jewish. The 8-12 TFR Jews vote for whoever they can buy off, whether it is Hillary (for getting Bill to spring their welfare/school-funding scamming rabbis), or the Brooklyn DA (for not arresting their kiddie-diddlers), or Likudniks (for giving them the Minister of Education portfolio in Israel), or anyone else who promises to (a) open up the government cash spigot and (b) lets them rule their community as they see fit.

    They are not ideologues. They couldn't care less about "American culture" or "The American Dream" or the pretend atruggles between left and right. They are strictly a "show me the money" crew. And they vote as they are told. Think ethnic politics on steroids.

    All the bleeding heart and secular 1.5 TFR Jews in Israel are freaking out because the 8-12 TFR breeder Orthodox refuse to join the Jewish Army, refuse to permit their kids to learn secular subjects, and work countless education, welfare and housing scams. They are beyond ideology. They fight for food, shelter, and reproduction.

    So dont fall for that "86% of Orthodox vote Republican" foolishness. Think "Amish on welfare" and you won't be too far off.

  15. When I first heard of this, I figured it was just a quick and dirty ripoff of The World's End. Hmm. Still gonna catch the Wright movie first.

  16. Seth Rogen's "This Is the End" is a movie comedy ...

    I doubt that.

  17. "in another generation or two, Jews could be majority Republican"

    1) Everything will be trashed by then.

    2) Republicans are (currently)globalists too. The only difference is the globalist left want "1984" while the globalist right want "Bladerunner."

  18. Speaking of movies i recently saw the danny boyle 2007 film "Sunshine" which i'd missed - very good imo. Kinda like "Alien" for people who don't like horror movies.

  19. "in another generation or two, Jews could be majority Republican"

    In another generation or two the majority of Jews will be living in East Asia.

  20. Boyle is all style and no substance, other than virulent PC.

  21. "Only the 3/4ths gentile Jay Baruchel and the black Robinson notice the obvious parallels of what's happening to Los Angeles to the 'Book of Revelation' in the New Testament, a tome with which Rogen, Hill, and Franco are blankly unfamiliar."

    What about the sixth main actor, Danny McBride? - an actual Southern Scotch-Irishman! (Also, is Franco Jewish? Doesn't sound it from the name.)

  22. Only the 3/4ths gentile Jay Baruchel and the black Robinson notice the obvious parallels of what's happening to Los Angeles to the 'Book of Revelation' in the New Testament, a tome with which Rogen, Hill, and Franco are blankly unfamiliar.

    One of the funniest parts of the movie has Baruchel, using a crucifix fashioned out of kitchen implements, trying to exorcise a demon-possessed Jonah Hill.

  23. Anonymous said: the globalist left want "1984" while the globalist right want "Bladerunner."

    Contemporary Los Angeles is a globalist rightwinger's paradise ;-)

    -The Judean People's Front

  24. James Franco is half-Jewish

  25. "Also, is Franco Jewish? Doesn't sound it from the name"

    What an interesting comment. "Franco" can actually easily be a Sephardic Jewish surname. On the other hand, "Rogen" (his grandfather changed it), "Hill" (he changed it), and "Baruchel" don't particularly sound like Jewish surnames, though that didn't seem to stop you. "Baruchel" is a Jewish surname, to be fair, but I don't think it particularly sounds like one.

  26. For future reference:
    Actors of fully Jewish background: -Logan Lerman, Natalie Portman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mila Kunis, Bar Refaeli, James Wolk, Julian Morris, Esti Ginzburg, Kat Dennings, Erin Heatherton, Odeya Rush, Anton Yelchin, Paul Rudd, Scott Mechlowicz, Lizzy Caplan, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Gal Gadot, Robert Kazinsky, Melanie Laurent, Marla Sokoloff, Shiri Appleby, Justin Bartha, Adam Brody, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Gabriel Macht, Halston Sage, Seth Gabel, Alden Ehrenreich.

    Actors with Jewish mothers and non-Jewish fathers -Jake Gyllenhaal, Dave Franco, Scarlett Johansson, Daniel Radcliffe, Alison Brie, Eva Green, Emmy Rossum, Jennifer Connelly, Eric Dane, Jeremy Jordan, Joel Kinnaman.

    Actors with Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers, who themselves were either raised as Jews and/or identify as Jews: -Andrew Garfield, Ezra Miller, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alexa Davalos, Nat Wolff, James Maslow, Josh Bowman, Ben Foster, Nikki Reed, Zac Efron, Jonathan Keltz.

    Actors with one Jewish-born parent and one parent who converted to Judaism -Dianna Agron, Sara Paxton (whose father converted, not her mother), Alicia Silverstone, Jamie-Lynn Sigler.


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