July 17, 2013

America's 4 races: Blacks, Bad Whites, Good Whites, and misc.

From my new column in Taki's Magazine:
Third, the example of George Zimmerman—a white, black, and Amerindian son of a Peruvian immigrant, what Latin Americans call a pardo—shows once again that, no matter what the Census Bureau’s demographic categories say and no matter how many sermons we hear about how immigration and interracial marriage are propelling us toward a post-racial utopia, in the 21st-century American media mythos there are really only four kinds of people: 
• Blacks
• Bad Whites
• Good Whites
• misc.

Read the whole thing there.

Of course, I'm lifting this from the 1992 Simpsons episode written by George Meyer:
Ned: "Homer, God didn't set your house on fire." 
Rev. Lovejoy: "No, but He was working in the hearts of your friends and neighbors when they came to your aid, be they Christian, Jew, or... miscellaneous." 
Apu: "Hindu! There are 700 million of us." 
Rev. Lovejoy: "Aww, that's super."


  1. Steve, One of your most perceptive commentators pointed out that whites in Harlan County evolved to be less "civilized" than other whites in America. Origins of this are when the Romans built Hadrian's wall. South of Hadrian's wall, society was set up so that the smarter, more diligent, hard working, organized and docile white men got to have five to ten times as many grandchildren as the violen and volatile white men.

    North of Hadrian's wall, the social rules were reversed and as a general rule violent and uncivilized men got to have more surviving grandchildren than the effete and civilized men.

    Steve, is there some reflection of this in the current divide between "good whites" and "bad whites" ?

  2. When anti-white liberals have fully cleansed the black population from New York, LA and DC they'll be able to incite black anti-white violence with complete impunity.

    We ain't seen nothing yet.

  3. I bet the percentage of Hispanics in the U.S who check the "White" box in the census would plummet big time if Mestizo and Mulato were options that Hispanics could choose from in the U.S census.

    There is no way that 53 percent of Hispanics in the U.S racially resemble pre-1965 Americans. I don't care what the census says, it is definitely not accurate.

    Especially since the flow of Hispanic immigration into the U.S is overwhelmingly of the lower class variety. And very few Latin American countries have a sizable population of poor lower class Whites.

  4. Very perceptive post. The chamber of commerce has teamed up with the "good whites" to push for 20 million additional latinos to immigrate to the USA. It is easy to understand the motivation of the chamber of commerce types and easy to see the motivation of the "good whites" - i fear that their combined forces are unstoppable

  5. Steve, let's assume for a minute that the "cheap labor lobby" is unstoppable - that their demand for 20 million extra low skilled workers to move to the USA can not be defeated. Isn't it better for the all Americans to satisfy the cheap labor lobby by importing the 20 million low skilled workers from the ukraine? I have been to the rural ukraine and it is so poor and crummy that many young people there would prefer picking tomatoes and working at Mcdonalds in America.

  6. Steve, I read your column, in which you refer to the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy. Contrary to what you seem to believe, that policy is highly controversial among white elites, and is currently the subject of litigation in federal court, the likely result of which will be the curtailment of the policy. Unfortunately.

  7. A somewhat unrelated topic but I need a little help. Debating with a friend about what the mainstream on IQ is. Does anybody know of a study from recent years that says IQ is more than 50% inherited?

    My friend dared me to find any studies saying this.

  8. Good Whites

    Somebody mis-spelled "Scots-Irish".

    BTW, that WND article is making exactly the same point that I made a few days ago in a really outstanding Komment which got Kontrolled and never saw the light of day.

  9. Remember when the ACLU was a liberal org that could do unfashionable things like support free speech for racist groups? Sort of like how liberal labor and environmental groups could still make stands against illegal immigration prior to the 90s? Anti-racism has become the core value of all liberal institutions.

    1993: ACLU against double jeopardy federal case after Rodney King verdict.

    2013: ACLU demands double jeopardy federal case after Zimmerman verdict.

  10. Doesn't Bill Gates profile blacks for extra help?

    Don't the government and colleges profile blacks--even rich ones and African immigrants--for preference?

  11. The blogger Vox Day has has talked about 4 Americas: the white, conservative one, the red, liberal one, the brown, third-world America and the black, feral America.

  12. "When anti-white liberals have fully cleansed the black population from New York, LA and DC they'll be able to incite black anti-white violence with complete impunity.
    We ain't seen nothing yet."

    ZARDOZ saw the future.


    The first Hunger Games.

  13. Are blacks using Stand Your Ground laws in Florida to kill whites?

    Sure looks like Disparate Impact.

  14. "Yet every American is guilty of sacrilege by noticing the falsehood of the tribe’s idols."

    All this talk of idols and scapegoats- has Steve been reading René Girard? It's true, though- a refusal to confess belief in Egalitarianism is the 21st-century American equivalent of an ancient Roman's refusal to sacrifice incense before a statue of Caesar.

    Every complex civilization needs some kind of quasi-sacral theory of sovereignty. Some are explicitly religious, such as-

    *The Emperor is a living god
    *The King is a man, but one divinely appointed
    *We rule because we uphold the Prophet's teachings
    *The King has been anointed by the Church, which in turn speaks directly on behalf of God

    -while others claim not to be religious at all, but are obviously based on mystical or theological ideas, such as-

    *The Dialectic of History compels us to submit to the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
    *The Sovereign People have expressed their General Will
    *An ancient Social Contract exists which must never be broken


    My vague impression is that, during America's early history, the Declaration was interpreted mostly as the foundation of a Social Contract- "we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, & our sacred Honor"- between the leading men of the colonies; any mention of "equality" simply meant that the leading men should be equal to each other (i.e., nobody gets to be king). Since the end of the Civil War and the advent of universal suffrage, though, I sense that we've moved away from this interpretation toward an explicitly egalitarian, universalist one, probably as as way of rationalizing the intellectual tensions that come from contrasting the Declaration's rhetoric with America's actual history. Hence today, when "All men are created equal" is just about the only line that most Americans can even remember.

    Egalitarianism does have the advantage of simplicity. For example, rather than spending years trying to understand the complex Constitutional arguments for and against Southern secession in 1861, it's easier to just say "The Confederacy was racist" and have done with it.

  15. Just an image I'd like to circulate. The Prosecution case against GZ was comparable to a mid-level episode of "Ancient Aliens," absent the guy named Gregori with the crazy hair. The whole thing was based on "But what if . . ." and went on insanely from there.

  16. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2013/07/17/pmt-sot-tom-joyner-rachel-jeantel.cnn

    On Piers Morgan's show, radio host Tom Joyner, who is about as black as George Zimmerman, said he plans to pay for Rachel Jeantel's college education. This will be an interesting story to follow. What make him think she is intelligent enough for college?

    1. He was smart to limit it to HBCUs. Even the premier HBCU, Howard has horrendous admission stats by any objective standards for a private school. He knows the chances of her getting into one of these schools are high and since their standards are so low she may actually complete it.

  17. As some other commenters have pointed out, Zimmerman was deliberately mischaracterized as a "cracka" to avoid creating a rift between Hispanics and Blacks. Those are the elites´brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung, on which they base their electoral force and street muscle. (Read up on how Hitler and Mussollini rose to power) That´s why the Right is doomed to failure: they lack boots on the round and new voters. In a democracy you can only win by making an aliance with the lower class. So the Right is content to screw their electoral base for a living. Because that´s the only thing they can sell.
    BTW, when did Blacks stop using "honkey"?

  18. Ahh Steve you know that Lovejoy lisped.

    For the purposes of accuracy it should read:

    Rev. Lovejoy: "Aww, that's thuper."

  19. Most people aren't amateur anthropologists, and don't want to think about more than a few "tribes." Everywhere I've lived, the local mythology has been based on 3 or 4 groups, often many decades behind reality. Where I grew up, "everyone" was Irish, Italian, or WASP - which was believable, so long as you didn't actually ask anyone about their ancestry.

    Interestingly, an ethnic tribe can co-exist with a cultural tribe - a neighborhood of hipsters and Haitians, for example.

  20. dufus maximus7/17/13, 9:37 AM

    Hey, Steve. Rush Limbaugh is apparently a reader of yours. He's been talking for the last couple days about the possibility that St. Skittles' putative beatdown of Earth's first White-Hispanic was motivated by homophobia [sic].

    You've gone mainstream, sir. Congrats.

  21. Steve, black "leaders" I've heard seem to be suggesting that blacks should have a second tier legal system, somewhat in the same way Muslims in the U.K. have effectively campaigned for the right to try Muslims in the U.K. under Sharia law.

    These "leaders" aren't very clear about how the legal system should be changed, but it appears that they want veto power over the system if a black is involved.

    Also, they seem to want to declare certain cases "symbolic" of past oppression, and all rules seem to be off here. If a case involves this symbolic past oppression, blacks seem to be asserting the right to blood vengeance as a group, the individual defendant be damned.

  22. OT

    Britain needs 7million MORE immigrants over 50 years to 'meet the cost of caring for the elderly'

    140,000 extra immigrants to the UK are needed every year until 2063

    Office for Budget Responsibility says foreign workers needed to raise tax

    George Osborne's spending cuts will be wiped out by ageing population

  23. Great article!

  24. “In conclusion, if the elite media got so very wrong a not inherently complicated street-crime story such as Martin-Zimmerman, how likely are they to misinterpret intellectually challenging questions such as the current immigration bill’s effects?”

    I’ve commented on this before. It no longer seems to be requirement to actually know anything to become a journalist. I blame it on the rise of journalism schools (check out the course list sometime at Columbia or other top journalism school: It’s a lot of narcissistic crap focusing on how wonderful and important journalists are. There is nothing on “how stuff works” or anything useful). I started noticing this years ago when I’d read articles about topics with which I’m quite familiar – particularly military and commercial aviation. The articles would be riddled with errors, details would be taken out of context, other important details would be ignored, etc. On military topics they can’t even bother to learn rank order (e.g. a USAF/USMC/US Army Captain outranks a First Lieutenant, but is not even close in rank to a US Navy Captain). I started asking friends in different fields (e.g. medicine) if they noticed this and they’d invariably have a similar experience to mine. I now work in a different profession (a small sub-field of finance & investing) and the level of elite media ignorance is astounding. You’d think it wouldn’t be too hard for them to build a network of sources: some retired airline pilot for plane crash topics, a few doctors for medical issues. Nope, its easier just to remain clueless and blather on.

    “The great bulk of public discourse consists of whites arguing with each other over who are the Good White People and who are the Bad White People. Blacks such as Trayvon and Barack are valuable props in this white struggle over status.”

    This is true and thus demonstrates the utter futility of debating with leftists. They’re arguing in bad faith. Leftists should be opposed and when possible have their careers destroyed. Trying to convert them is futile.

    Non-lefty whites will argue about how reasonable it is to profile blacks and go on and on about crime rates, etc. As if that has anything to do with the discussion. The left argues from the point of view that white people that have to interact with and send their kids to school with blacks are idiotic proles and thus not worth noticing. What’s really important is having the right positions on an array of topics. It’s similar to fashion. Just like nobody wears leisure suits, nobody is supposed to have unfashionable views on blacks.

  25. From your story about the violist I imagine that you don't like cops very much. Me either, and for much the same reason. They are clannish. They protect and support their own irrespective of the merits of the particular case.

    That's one of the reasons so many people hate Jews and blacks too. All these groups set themselves up as having automatic allies among their membership and implacable animosity and suspicion toward all on the outside.

    All blacks seem to hate all cops. A white mother answers the door when a cop knocks and she expects the worst. But that worst is likely to be that her kid was a witness. The black mother expects that her kid was the perpetrator. Natural enemies.

    But in the Zimmermann trial they found an even more hated group than the real cops - the 'wanna be' cops. The whole emotional core of the prosecution centered on the outrage we were expected to feel over the fact that Zimmermann was a volunteer who was trying to help his neighbors.

    I feel favorable towards firemen even though they didn't perform very well in the Great Oakland Firestorm of 1991. But towards cops I'm much less sympathetic. It's all that 'stick together', Thin Blue Line stuff.

    I also appreciate that cops change after they have been exposed to the lower class as they really are for a few years.

    But everyone should realize that most young men who want to be cops, feel that way for altruistic purposes. It's only later that they grow cynical and cliquish. I was pretty altruistic myself when I first became a social worker.

    George Zimmerman seems to have been a very sweet guy who was yet to be coarsened by his exposure to too many 'teens' and 'youths'. But instead of being lauded for his selfless community service, he is mocked.

    The blacks celebrities who attack Zimmerman have joined sides. Their hearts are with the black criminals. They want to protect their 'right' to rob, rape and murder. They see themselves as the natural enemies of the cops, law and order, but they reserve their deepest contempt for those who only want to be cops.


  26. Studies showing IQ more than 50% heresitary...I doubt any researcher has committed to a particular percentage, other than the fact it seems to be at least 50-50; but most who truly study it (as opposed to studying how to diminish discussion)think the percentage is mostly hereditary.

    Linda Gottfredson is one of the few professors that has gotten away with making such research her priority:

    "Some have written that current evidence makes the black-white gap more plausibly 80% genetic than 0% genetic and others that 50% genetic is more plausible than 0% genetic, and yet others have argued that the available evidence is equally consistent with 0% genetic or is not yet sufficient to venture an opinion. I suspect that most experts on the topic now believe that the gap is at least somewhat genetic, because that was the plurality judgment when solicited confidentially twenty years ago (Snyderman & Rothman, 1988). My view is that the current weight of evidence favors a 50-80 percent rather than a zero percent genetic component (Gottfredson, 2005b)."

  27. Steve Sailer wrote:
    "First, the KKKrazy Glue that holds together the disparate elements of the Obama Coalition is fear and loathing of white racists, even when they aren’t racist. Or white."

    All tribes need enemies and heroes....and gods....

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    The only reason Zimmerman was put on trial for murder was because, in their lust to find a white racist murderer of an innocent black baby who got away by flashing his White Privilege Card, the media didn’t bother checking a photo of Zimmerman before inflating this exurban police blotter item into the Defining Event of Our Times.

    Superficially, yes, that is the reason for that turn of events. But what are the driving forces that shapes the culture of the media, a culture that drives media professionals to act this way? Or is that question too complicated for this forum?

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    “The great bulk of public discourse consists of whites arguing with each other over who are the Good White People and who are the Bad White People.”

    200 years ago, the 'good' anglo american would show his or her status by other means, such as writing poems, and even asserting the superiority of the white race over other races, other races that, just coincidentally of course, happened to occupy territory that that could exploiting by corporations. Funny how the dominant cultures always seem to work out to help the wealthy accrue more wealth.

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    The great bulk of public discourse consists of whites arguing with each other over who are the Good White People and who are the Bad White People. Blacks such as Trayvon and Barack are valuable props in this white struggle over status.

    One big way the rich get richer is through bringing more cheap nonwhite labor into the workforce. And just coincidentally we have the Cult of the Sacred Non-white that helps intimidate, cow and guilt white people into allowing that to happen. Just like the Manifest Destiny cultural trope of 150 years ago just happened to help the rich then get richer. Of course you can argue that it helped ordinary people of 1850 get richer, too. Cannot make that argument today about immigration, however.

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    But mostly, nobody much cares about the miscellaneous. Sure, their vast numbers mean they matter for marketing and vote-counting. But they don’t have much of a place in the media imagination, which prefers to keep things simple: black and white, good and bad.


    Yes, they like to keep things simple. Too much complexity makes people Notice Things, such as the ill effects of mass immigration by Sacred Immigration. That is simply part of the dogma of the Liberal Political Tribe of America. But there is another political tribe in America. And it also has its own dogma and things that they ignore, too. Things like how mass immigration and Sacred Nonwhites help the rich get richer. But let's keep things simple, right?

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    The miscellaneous get mentioned mostly in meta-allusions. For example, support for massive immigration today is frequently a coded form of white filial piety and ethnic pride in Ellis Island roots.

    The NEW Manifest Destiny dogma?

    Steve Sailer wrote:
    Thus, to release these psychic tensions, the press occasionally does us the favor of picking out a ritual sacrifice like Zimmerman. His public crucifixion fulfills our unarticulated need to symbolically expiate our manifold sins of desecrating the sacred ideology that demands we never notice patterns.


    That is a brilliant sentence.

    Remember, Saint Trayvon died for our racial sins....

  28. I also wrote a blog on this blogpost. I think you will enjoy the photoshop :-)


  29. A little perspective here. I know a lady who has recently bought and renovated a house that sits next to a Section 8 housing complex. She saved slowly and controlled her spending. The idea of giving people loans they didn't qualify for appalled her. She should be a rabid liberal, Jewish biology, heart with American Indians,gov't worker, etc. Yet she's not. She thinks welfare people ought to clean up the local area instead of the yuppies who pay the taxes. When 3 candidates ran for council, she supported the white guy against the black and the lady. In fact, in a hilarious tour de force she went around ripping down the black guy's signs one night. Sometimes she seems like an overgrown 15 year old.
    She has been attacked in the metro and wrote an angry letter to the admin about black teenagers and how the metro should have more diversity in its force. Now a lot of this is because she personally has been affected, but there are deranged people who would still not pipe up about "minorities" no matter what they suffered from them.
    When the cops were called to the complex, she said the tenants were looking at them like "the pigs are out to get us" when in fact the cops in this town are more like social workers. She sent the police station cookies and for the K-9 patrol (she loves animals) she sent some dog biscuits and a letter of thanks for their (the police's) attentiveness. She has always been supportive of cops and firemen.
    Some of this is because she grew up more or less poor and is self-made. She knows all about the Zimmerman case and agreed with the verdict. I have come to understand something about how minds work in politically driven environments. She does not like Pres BO but looks at President and Administrations only in terms of what she can expect for her causes, mainly American Indian (not Hispanics; the kind who live on the Res.)

  30. "These "leaders" aren't very clear about how the legal system should be changed, but it appears that they want veto power over the system if a black is involved."

    One option would be to allow them to have their own laws for cases where all parties involved are black.

  31. "Contrary to what you seem to believe, that policy is highly controversial among white elites"

    Some of it's just noise to make it sound like they 'care'.

    But some white elites are sincere in their opposition, but then, their opposition is possible ONLY BECAUSE it's been so effective and a whole new generation of NYers grew up without the experience of NY in the 70s and 80s when it was turning into hell.

  32. "he plans to pay for Rachel Jeantel's college education. This will be an interesting story to follow. What make him think she is intelligent enough for college?"

    If Michelle was accepted to Harvard Law School...

  33. Sam:

    Intuitive as the idea may seem, there is no single answer to "What % of IQ variation is hereditary?" It depends on the populations in question - how varied are their genes, and how varied are their environments.

    Consider some extreme examples. For identical twins, any variation in IQ is 100% environmental in origin, whether the twins grow up in the same house or on opposite sides of the earth. When a Jewish family adopts a Tutsi child and raises it alongside their own, intuitively, those children will have a variation in IQ that is overwhelmingly genetic in origin.

  34. Looking for heritability and IQ? Twin studies is where it's at, there's plenty of fairly recent scientific evidence to support it, and it's as close as a google search.
    Behavior in general and IQ in particular, is heritable, just as athletic prowess is heritable. It's a scientific fact.
    Even without verified twin studies, you might want to ask non-believers why an Australian sheep dog is always a better choice for the task of herding sheep, than a Bassett hound, even though they're both sprung from the same original gene pool–or why thoroughbred horse owners keep throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase thoroughbred horse sperm, when they could by it from a rental horse facility for twenty bucks. What's the story with these "racist" horse breeders, and sheep herders?? Shouldn't they be stopped, lest their primitive philosophy spread to other social dialects?

  35. @ Sam
    “A somewhat unrelated topic but I need a little help. Debating with a friend about what the mainstream on IQ is. Does anybody know of a study from recent years that says IQ is more than 50% inherited?
    My friend dared me to find any studies saying this.”

    These should two papers should fit the bill:
    Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11, 201-211 (March 2010) | doi:10.1038/nrn2793
    The neuroscience of human intelligence differences
    Ian J. Deary1,2, Lars Penke1,2 & Wendy Johnson1,2


    Molecular Psychiatry (2011) 16, 996–1005; doi:10.1038/mp.2011.85; published online 9 August 2011
    Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic
    G Davies1, A Tenesa2,3, A Payton4, J Yang5, S E Harris6,7, D Liewald1,7, X Ke8, S Le Hellard9, A Christoforou9, M Luciano1,7, K McGhee1, L Lopez1,7, A J Gow1,7, J Corley1, P Redmond1, H C Fox10, P Haggarty11, L J Whalley10, G McNeill10, M E Goddard12,13, T Espeseth14, A J Lundervold15, I Reinvang14, A Pickles16, V M Steen9,17, W Ollier4, D J Porteous6,7, M Horan18, J M Starr7,19, N Pendleton18, P M Visscher5,7,20 and I J Deary1,7,20


    Also have your friend watch these two presentations by Steve Hsu:



  36. [QUOTE]In Southern California, we used to hate Oakies and Arkies for good reason. Too many of them were complete irredeemable reprobates. It was like they arrived from another planet. They're gone now, thanks to early death and assimilation–but the black psychopath hillbillies from the south just keep reinvigorating themselves here. The only thing that has mitigated the black scourge here is illegal immigration. Hispanics suffer no "white guilt" and confront blacks in their own neighborhoods. Blacks eventually pick up and leave under the pressure. Hispanics have effectively "cleansed" Compton. The monolith of black Southern California has been neutered forever. Inglewood is safe to drive through now. Game, set, match to Hispanics again. When Hispanics set their sights on Oakland, that city will be safe again also.
    The reason black "riots" were puny was because there's relatively few blacks to get anything going. They've either moved to the high desert, Oakland, or they've left the state. The days of Rodney King magnitude of riots in LA are gone forever.
    Thanks, illegal aliens![/QUOTE]

    If Compton and Inglewood are such safe peaceful places to live now, why are most Whites in the Los Angeles metropolitan area still afraid to step foot into those 2 cities ?

    I am not seeing any gentrification going on in Inglewood and Compton because Whites in Southern California fear they will be a victim of gang violence if they rent or purchase a home in one of those 2 cities.

  37. http://www.davidmcelroy.org/?p=18715#comment-5266

    "As I wrote Friday, I don’t think Zimmerman is a murderer, but I also don’t think he’s a hero. He and Martin each had chances to back away from this confrontation and they each made unwise decisions that left Martin dead."

    Zimmerman is a hero not for what happened on that fateful night but for standing up to the media's railroading of him. This trial was not about Martin vs Zimmerman or even The People vs Zimmerman. It was about the combined powers of the media elite, federal government, and black rabble-rousers vs Zimmerman; and Zimmerman kept a cool head and STOOD HIS GROUND against the powers that be.
    If it weren't for the powers-that-be, there would have been no trial. There was a trial only because the powers-that-be were out to get him. Especially as the media proved to be so wrong about the incident, they sought to save face by winning in court. That is why they sensationalized this case and why they are now bitching about its outcome. It's not about their sympathy for a poor black kid but the arrogance of their supreme elite power. I mean how dare this pudgy little boring 'white Hispanic' stand his ground and refuse to apologize and admit guilt?!! How dare he remain cool-headed?!! How dare he not have a past history of 'racism'?!! Who the hell is he to stand up to the all-powerful and all-knowing media that can turn water into blood and blood into wine, that can turn white into black and black into white?

    So, even though Zimmerman only defended himself on the night of the shooting(and was no particular hero for his action), he is a hero who was persecuted by the powers that be but stood his ground and overcame the kangaroo court with the support of six decent jurors who came from ordinary middle America.

    The morally narcissistic/supremacist elites cannot tolerate anyone making a mockery of their holy narrative. Why it's sacrilege!! Burn the heretic!! But against such power, Zimmerman stood his ground. He proved to be a herOtic.

  38. "Steve, I read your column, in which you refer to the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy. Contrary to what you seem to believe, that policy is highly controversial among white elites"

    Yeah right.

    It's been going on for years in selected locales i.e. the ones where the anti-white liberals live. It's what zero tolerance was all about. You don't reduce crime you move or remove the criminals.

    Nothing wrong with facing reality but facing it secretly in a handful of favored cities while both section 8-ing and pointing the finger at everyone else - tsk tsk.


    "After all, the Left is essentially saying a Hispanic is not entitled to a fair trial if the victim is black."

    The "Left" is saying a White man is not entitiled to a fair trial if the victim is black and in addition that they can define random hispanics as White if no GWD is available.

  39. @sam - "Does anybody know of a study from recent years that says IQ is more than 50% inherited?"

    tell your friend that the heritability of adult iq is 70-80% [there are links to research on that wikipedia page]. that's heritability (so not exactly what you asked), the best layman's explanation of which that i've ever seen is by jared taylor.

  40. "Hispanics suffer no "white guilt" and confront blacks in their own neighborhoods."

    I don't know about that. I've lived in the south, on the west coast and the east coast, and in my experience hispanics don't do much "confronting" of black majorities. In fact, they're pretty timid when outnumbered by blacks.

    In Southern California, they've benefited from a 30 year demographic tidal wave pouring across the border.

  41. The elusive search for the Great White Defendant continues, with NO STONE left unturned...


  42. "The days of Rodney King magnitude of riots in LA are gone forever.
    Thanks, illegal aliens!"

    Well, we would all prefer US being Mexico than Liberia. But it would still be best as America.

  43. "Does anybody know of a study from recent years that says IQ is more than 50% inherited?"

    It's better to say intelligence is 100% inherited biologically and 100% developed socially/culturally.

    Einstein was 100% born with the intelligence that he had. But intelligence doesn't work on its own. It must be trained and allowed to grow, and society makes that possible.

    So, it's not a matter of 50/50 or 60/40 or 80/20 but of 100/100.
    There's a duality. Intelligence is 100% inherited and 100% developed.

    Same with body. Michael Jordan was 100% born with the body that was born with. But it didn't learn basketball on its own. Jordan had to be taught and he had to train a lot. So, his basketball skills were 100% developed through practice.

    So, everyone was born 100% with the intelligence they have. And it's up to them to develop it socially 100%. But social development of one's intelligence is limited by one's biological design.

    So, the 100% development of one's natural talents will be different from another person's 100% of his natural talents. Thus, an average person's 100% development of his basketball skills will be considerably below Jordan's 100% development of his natural skills.

    Suppose I have a container with a bunch of wooden blocks. I open the container and 'give birth' to 10 wooden blocks and call it 'block creature'.

    Block creature is 100% made of 10 wooden blocks 'naturally'.

    Now, suppose I stack up the blocks to build a column. The column is 100% hand-built 'socially'.

    Now, if I 'birth' another 'block creature' that is made up of nine blocks. Its 'natural' 100% will consist of nine blocks.
    And if I stack them high, its 100% 'social' height will be of nine blocks.

  44. Zimmerman is a hero not for what happened on that fateful night but for standing up to the media's railroading of him.

    I think he's a hero for patrolling his neighborhood, which is part of a city with 8x NYC's burglary rate - a number you can check on city data. How many people are that civic-minded?

  45. "It's better to say intelligence is 100% inherited biologically and 100% developed socially/culturally."

    It's better to say you need a math class, and a biology class. And a therapist.

  46. "I don't know about that. I've lived in the south, on the west coast and the east coast, and in my experience hispanics don't do much "confronting" of black majorities. In fact, they're pretty timid when outnumbered by blacks."

    I do know about that. I've looked out my window on the upper west side of manhattan, and watched about a hundred Dominicans chasing five black guys right down the middle of broadway. Seen it numerous times. I've seem a black guy naked, handcuffed to a tree on riverside drive. Again Dominicans. Also saw them strip search a black guy in an apartment lobby while the black guy screamed for help. All this happened just a few blocks up from Columbia University.
    In LA county, race riots in high schools are not uncommon. Happens in parking lots, schoolyards. Blacks don't complain nearly as much about being muscled out of Compton, because... They're gone!
    Know what you're talking about before contributing. Google is your friend.

  47. Jefferson Said:

    If Compton and Inglewood are such safe peaceful places to live now, why are most Whites in the Los Angeles metropolitan area still afraid to step foot into those 2 cities ?

    I am not seeing any gentrification going on in Inglewood and Compton because Whites in Southern California fear they will be a victim of gang violence if they rent or purchase a home in one of those 2 cities.

    Straw man issue, since no mention of white gentrification was included in my statement. Inglewood and Compton's crime rate has dropped dramatically, since Hispanics–legal and otherwise–moved in, and muscled purged their neighborhoods of blacks. The assumption that middle class whites might take pause in moving into an unassimilated Hispanic area is besides the point. The assumption of roving Hispanic gangs in those areas becomes a moot point, as Hispanics, for whatever reason are measurably assimilating out of gangs. Hispanic gang violence is diminishing. If illegal immigration was significantly curtailed, you see Hispanic gang membership drop dramatically, since the comparative lack of black gangs make Hispanic gang membership less of a necessity, and we wouldn't be importing an unassimilated underclass who sell drugs here to survive.

    But thanks for playing... Jefferson.

  48. Steve,

    Blacks want to be the center of the American civil rights movement, always and forever (and there are reasonable arguments as to why they feel entitled to that primacy).

    But with a (half) black President in the White House, a rapidly Hispanizing America, and gay marriage front and center, they find themselves, as Cornel West said, being pushed to the back of the civil rights bus. I know these things have been discussed here to varying degrees.

    But the weakness of the case against Zimmerman is paradoxically a sign of black power in pushing their narrative. In other words, we can FORCE you to treat this as a case of racism/racial profiling, even though it almost certainly isn't. We can make you charge a man, ruin his life, fire a local police chief, and highjack the media's attention for weeks on end... because we demand it. Our feelings matter more than your facts or Constitution.

    This sounds like a cynical explanation. I believe that many blacks (and others) are deeply upset about what happened to Trayvon Martin. It's the (manufactured) media firestorm I'm referring to, and why your "four races" serve that narrative.

    The message is simple: we are still the center of the Civil Rights movement, and don't any of you forget it.

  49. "The message is simple: we are still the center of the Civil Rights movement, and don't any of you forget it."

    With idiots like Martin as its face, it might as well be called the Evil Rights movement.

    Btw, maybe the media overplayed this cuz it was feeling a bit guilty by having ignored blacks in favor of homos, illegals, pussy riot, bailing out Wall Street, 'creative class', and etc.
    So, it was red meat tossed at Negroes to feel they still matter.

  50. "In Southern California, they've benefited from a 30 year demographic tidal wave pouring across the border."

    The "purging" he's talking about is probably 90% sheer weight of numbers and, at best, 10% "confrontation." Unless he wants us to believe hispanics went house to house evicting blacks from Compton, lol.

    As an interesting aside, a latino internet pal from south central on another forum told me a story of a white woman he knows of who moved with her mexican husband to Compton. Not saying it's become a paradise, but I think that it says something that they would consider the danger level low enough not to be concerned about the woman's safety.

  51. "I do know about that. I've looked out my window on the upper west side of manhattan, and watched about a hundred Dominicans chasing five black guys right down the middle of broadway. Seen it numerous times. I've seem a black guy naked, handcuffed to a tree on riverside drive. Again Dominicans. Also saw them strip search a black guy in an apartment lobby while the black guy screamed for help."

    According to 2010 Census data, those areas you named (Morningside Heights, along Broadway and along Riverside) all have more hispanics than blacks, so your anecdotes don't contradict what I've said at all.


    Just enter 10027 for the zip code and it will zoom you close enough to where you can see the ethnic/racial data for the tracts we're talking about.

    And further, looking at homicide data for 2011 (the last year for which there's data), 80% of interracial black/hispanic homicides in Manhattan north of 110th had black perps and hispanic victims, so whatever hispanic "pressure" blacks uptown are supposed to be feeling, they don't seem to have gotten the message.


    "In LA county, race riots in high schools are not uncommon."

    And half the time blacks are starting them. Keep in mind, Hispanics outnumber blacks in LA county at least 5 to 1. And Blacks were still out beating hispanics in LA recently over the Zimmerman verdict.

    Hispanics wanted no part of blacks when they dominated inner city LA demographically. They've had a 35 year demographic tide on their side. God bless them, but the idea that they marched into black warzones of LA in the 80s, when black numbers peaked, and sent blacks packing is laughable.

  52. Zimmerman isn't "white"? How white do you have to be to be white?



  53. All this talk of idols and scapegoats- has Steve been reading René Girard? It's true, though- a refusal to confess belief in Egalitarianism is the 21st-century American equivalent of an ancient Roman's refusal to sacrifice incense before a statue of Caesar.

    I recently re-read Girard, and I have found it remarkable how well his general anthropological theory, as well as his commentary on contemporary political culture, applies to this whole fiasco (and to other PC scapegoating events, e.g. Richwine).

    Essentially, Girard argues that political correctness, the dominant ideology of our day, derives from the traditional Christian concern for the victim but has divorced itself from Christianity and morphed into something that outwardly supports victims but in practice resembles the victimizing mythologies of the past. Sounds about right to me.

  54. Hispanics suffer no "white guilt" and confront blacks in their own neighborhoods. Blacks eventually pick up and leave under the pressure. Hispanics have effectively "cleansed" Compton.

    Gang formation aside, all the Mexicans and other Hispanics have to do to prevail is to stick together-something YKW and their neo-Puritan allies have brain-laundered whites *not* to do since the days of the wartime "anti-prejudice" campaigns and (shortly afterwards) the notorious and highly influential book, The Authoritarian Personality.

    It's almost hilarious (if we all weren't so used to this sort of thing)that the ethnic cleansing of blacks that PC demands that whites outsource to Mexicans causes barely a ripple of public commentary, while if whites were doing it to blacks it would be the equivalent of another Holocaust and all the whites involved would be facing long federal prison terms.

  55. n Southern California, we used to hate Oakies and Arkies for good reason. Too many of them were complete irredeemable reprobates. It was like they arrived from another planet. They're gone now, thanks to early death and assimilation–but the black psychopath hillbillies from the south just keep reinvigorating themselves here. The only thing that has mitigated the black scourge here is illegal immigration. Hispanics suffer no "white guilt" and confront blacks in their own neighborhoods. Blacks eventually pick up and leave under the pressure. Hispanics have effectively "cleansed" Compton. The monolith of black Southern California has been neutered forever. Inglewood is safe to drive through now. Game, set, match to Hispanics again. When Hispanics set their sights on Oakland, that city will be safe again also.
    The reason black "riots" were puny was because there's relatively few blacks to get anything going. They've either moved to the high desert, Oakland, or they've left the state. The days of Rodney King magnitude of riots in LA are gone forever.
    Thanks, illegal aliens!

    Well, Anaheim and Santa Ana never had many blacks but years ago some parts of Santa Ana were the black area and Valley High had good football players when it was about 20 percent black. Valley high in Santa Ana. The blacks moved out to Riverside. Anaheim and Santa Ana are like El Paso they have one of the lowest crime rates for a minority town. Granted, there are Mexican gang bangres.

  56. "Thus, to release these psychic tensions, the press occasionally does us the favor of picking out a ritual sacrifice like Zimmerman. His public crucifixion fulfills our unarticulated need to symbolically expiate our manifold sins of desecrating the sacred ideology that demands we never notice patterns."

    That's very good writing. Gold standard of succinct.

  57. "According to 2010 Census data, those areas you named (Morningside Heights, along Broadway and along Riverside) all have more hispanics than blacks, so your anecdotes don't contradict what I've said at all."

    I was further north than morningside heights. More towards the "sugar hill" area, which was an middle to upper middle class black area, now cleansed of blacks by the dominicans.

    "And half the time blacks are starting them. Keep in mind, Hispanics outnumber blacks in LA county at least 5 to 1. And Blacks were still out beating hispanics in LA recently over the Zimmerman verdict."

    It may amaze you to learn that many conflicts between blacks and whites aren't reported to the police!

    "Hispanics wanted no part of blacks when they dominated inner city LA demographically. They've had a 35 year demographic tide on their side. God bless them, but the idea that they marched into black warzones of LA in the 80s, when black numbers peaked, and sent blacks packing is laughable."

    I see. So because you're flummoxed, you feel the need to laugh, thereby undercutting the legitimacy of the argument that troubles you.

    Good luck with that, Sparky.

    In the meantime, let's watch a video of a black kid explaining the best way to fight the hispanics who want no part of them:


    Here's another vid of some hispanics walking into a section 8 apartment complex, otherwise described as a "black war zone," and beating one up, and leaving unmolested because the blacks were scared shitless:


    I know that, for you, unless it's recorded as a police statistic, it JUST CAN'T BE, but some of the other readers here who like reality might enjoy it.

  58. "I was further north than morningside heights. More towards the "sugar hill" area, which was an middle to upper middle class black area, now cleansed of blacks by the dominicans."

    There are still blacks in that area, but there are roughly twice as many hispanics (as of 2010). Like I said, your annecdotes don't contradict what I said at all.

    "It may amaze you to learn that many conflicts between blacks and whites aren't reported to the police!"

    OK, but police statistics and news data are as close to an objective record that we have on any of this stuff. Otherwise all we have to rely on (in the context of this discussion) are anonymous anecdotes and youtube videos.

    "I see. So because you're flummoxed, you feel the need to laugh, thereby undercutting the legitimacy of the argument that troubles you."

    You don't pay attention. I've been undercutting the legitimacy of your argument with hard data. You counter with anecdotes and youtube videos.

    "In the meantime, let's watch a video of a black kid explaining the best way to fight the hispanics who want no part of them:"

    Man, you don't sweat the details. The black "kid" (sounded a lot older to me) was using the video to illustrate how best to fight against overwhelming numbers, which is apparently what those black inmates were faced with. This doesn't do much to bolster your suggestion that hispanics are aggressive towards black majorities. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    "Here's another vid of some hispanics walking into a section 8 apartment complex, otherwise described as a "black war zone," and beating one up, and leaving unmolested because the blacks were scared shitless:"

    It looks like some kids arranged for a 1 on 1 fight, the black kid lost, then they made up, hugged, and went separate ways. Doesn't sound like a "war zone" to me. Someone in the comments who apparently knew the two guys said that they were friends. I'm not even sure what this is supposed to prove. Is this the sort of "pressure" that "frightened" blacks out of inner city LA in the 80s when people were getting killed left and right over gang and drug beefs? LOL You're really grasping at straws.

  59. "In the meantime, let's watch a video of a black kid explaining the best way to fight the hispanics who want no part of them:"

    LOL, hey the Swipple Porn guy is back! Is that really EVEN CLOSE to what he said in that video?

    "It looks like some kids arranged for a 1 on 1 fight, the black kid lost, then they made up, hugged, and went separate ways. Doesn't sound like a "war zone" to me."

    HAHA! Oh come on bro, that video of 40 people standing around watching a one one one fight with a bunch of moms taking cell phone video is INDISPUTABLE PROOF OF Mess-Kins kicking the blacks out of the ghetto!

    What would I ever do without this site?


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