July 2, 2013

Cornel West: Black is the old gay

It’s been a great week for gay activists, but Dr. Cornel West is not happy. As the postmodern professor par excellence explained to radio host Tavis Smiley last Sunday, the advances made by gays and lesbians mean that “we black folk are just being pushed to the back of the bus”: 
The irony of the age of Obama in which black folks found themselves pushed to the back, [and] our gay brothers and lesbian sisters more and more pushed to the center. 

Can't say Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon Martin contributed much to making white liberals like blacks more than all those bright-eyed showtunes singing gays on Glee.


  1. I can't believe I'm saying this, but West is right.

    In the past 20 years gays and Hispanics have moved into the center of cultural and political debate. In both parties. Blacks, on the other hand, have been largely forgotten about or treated as an afterthought. Even though they are actually in many ways worse off now then they were then.

    I can't help but think the demise of "black power" politicians may have something to do with that.

  2. We had a discussion over at Half Sig... er Lion of the Blogosphere's about who the Democrats/Progressives would throw under the bus in the future.

    Blacks came in 1st. Then, iirc environmentalists.

  3. So homosexuals are pushing blacks to the back of the bus. Why did he figure otherwise? Black folks voted their race and elected a Talented Tenth President. Obama has their vote and he knows it.

    The Talented Tenth has already moved on. The Congressional Black Caucus knows they own the black vote. They are now fighting over the Mexican and Puerto Rican vote what with Jesse's and Al's visits to Vieques and the CBC pushing Mexican amnesty.

    But black folks (sadly) are chumps that way.

    I tell black folks like it is: once the CBC and the rest of the Talented Tenth sticks us white folks with 46 million new Mexicans to feed, clothe, medicate, educate and house, we are going to be looking at black folks to pick up the slack. We can't be carrying all the black folks and all the new Mexicans, too.

  4. He's nervous because academia has deconstructed blacks into oblivion, but deconstructing gender? Shit, there's 1,000 master's theses there for the taking. Brother needs to get with the down low and get in on the action .

  5. In the past 20 years gays and Hispanics have moved into the center of cultural and political debate. In both parties. Blacks, on the other hand, have been largely forgotten about or treated as an afterthought. Even though they are actually in many ways worse off now then they were then.

    While that might be true, it's not as if Blacks were never at the center of cultural and political debate. What did they do with their platform? West is suggesting that Blacks should be at the center, until Blacks say otherwise. Anything else is racist.

  6. Re: the loss of interest in blacks: there's probably a good deal of learned helplnessness to it. Or else, the larger world knows that they're throwing blacks under the bus by this immigration loosening, so they divert their eyes, in favor of the new shiney.

    It seems sort of revealing, complaining about attention moving away from you - that you wanted it, forever. Maybe this will cause blacks to look to themselves more.

  7. Jonathan Silber7/2/13, 1:07 PM

    The Fire Island Next Time.

  8. It's called leverage.

    Because when you have money and you give a lot of money, and threaten credibly to stop giving money, you get to be at the front of the bus.

    This is why on May 9, 2012, Barack Obama changed is previous supposed position opposing gay “marriage.” That’s because one day earlier, North Carolina passed a definition of marriage amendment to their state’s Constitution, and organized LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH threw a lot of money and weight into the state thinking they could get it to fail, as NC voted Obama in 2008 mainly on the strength of refugees from Yankeeland flooding into Raleigh-Durham. Well, it won, and it wasn’t even close. That got organized LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH into such a fit of rage that they read Obama the Riot Act: Either come out for gay “marriage” or we stop bundling for you. (One in six Obama bundlers are gay.)

    Let me put it to you another way: For Obama or any black Democrat or almost any Democrat for that matter, black votes will always be there, while gay money could leave at any time.

  9. He is really gonna be pissed when the Hispanic identitarians become more vocal about their "rights" and "white oppression" against them

  10. Jews and whiterpeople liberals never cared about blacks as human beings, but only as props in the political struggle against Bad Whites. Steve has written of this before: politics in America as a status competition between whites, with non-whites as bystanders and tools to be exploited by one side or the other.

    As blacks' political utility to the Jew/scalawag white-led left decreases (relatively to numerically growing mestizos and financially and culturally influential homosexuals), the solicitude of left elites for blacks will diminish commensurately. Not that the elite left has ever really had black interests at heart: mass immigration, free trade, sexual libertinism, and the decline of the traditional family have been devastating for blacks, as for white Americans.

  11. Global Victim Status Hierarchy

    #1 - Muslim (Middle Eastern). Muslims have always wanted Europe and by damn it, they SHOULD have it.

    #2 - Mestizo Hispanic. Why? The most mixed race population on the planet, a real Tower of Babel, despite the fact that they're typically 1/2 white to 2/3 white, and speak an European language (yes, Spanish IS European) and their culture has European influence. SSSSSSHHHH! Quiet! Don't make them notice that most people in Central and South America are mixed half-white Spanish speakers.

    #3 - Asian. Why? All that Hinduism, Confucianism and Buddhism is so leeeefftist, so liberal, so tolerant, so exotic and diverse. They make good minority pets for egotistical liberals. The only good minority which is NOT mixed with white. Oh wait. Caucasians from North-Central Asia ARE half-white too, except maybe East Asians. But East Asians are the bomb too. Korea, China, Japan. YEAH!

    #4 - LGBTPQI. Why? Just <5% of the global population. Too small and not enough clout and money like Jews and White Liberal Anglos. Not to mention, way too much freakiness and sexual depravity.

    #4 - Black. Why? 1 billion on the planet, but a bad minority to be a pet, perhaps the worst.

    #5 - White Woman. Why? Too White. Race/Ethnicity/Culture/Religion trumps Sex.

  12. We laugh now (just as the nation laughed at the idea of two people of the same sex marrying) but down the line, the progs will argue for lowering the age of consent to accommodate the activist gay males, the pervs at the fringe of the movement, who are quite the activists.

  13. Well, the brain of the African-American has been won. They gave 93% of their vote to Obama.

    They believe: there was once a Black Civilization far superior to any other since, a True Black Religion, and a separate Black Homeland will solve their problems.

    As this body of African-Americans was so easily inverted, single parented and youth-crimed, with nearly half their females sharing genital herpes - you don't send more salespeople out to them. The job is won. A depraived population can't negotiate at the 'Devil's Table' anymore.

    Now, Hispanics still got that thing about family, and the schools are grooming more sexual-erotics who don't know where they are except where they cum; so they're the ones being spoon-fed until too weak and diseased to lift a member on their own.

    The Americans meanwhile are neutralized as they have got "White Privilege" to worry about, (who thought of that wheeze?), and now fear being knocked about in the street like a Jew. So they're keeping their heads down and watching how South Africa unfolds into a Communist Protectorate and the genocide of Euro-Africans.

    I think that explains the game so far - get rid of the intelligent from humanity for a slave race which clamors for a Charter of Universal Slave Rights... that is, if the State is even minded to act upon them.


  14. Yeah, I heard this on Rush Limbaugh today, while I was driving down the road, and I immediately thought of Steve's premise that Teh Ghey is the new Black.

    The overwhelming, overpowering, odious nihilism of the elites is almost enough to make me feel sorry for the poor negro.

    Which, in turn, will always be the Achilles heel of the Conservative: We're just too damned nice.

    We don't play mean like the elites do.

  15. Bottledwater7/2/13, 1:58 PM

    After electing Obama, I think Oprah shrewdly realized that gay is the new black and it's one of the reasons she ended her #1 syndicated talk show in 2011 while she was still on top, and put openly gay talk show host Ellen on the cover of her magazine, symbolically passing the torch. While Ellen's ratings are nowhere near as high as Oprah's were, she's universally well liked and celebs and politicians are not fully accepted by the culture until they dance with Ellen.

  16. "The irony of the age of Obama in which black folks found themselves pushed to the back, [and] our gay brothers and lesbian sisters more and more pushed to the center"

    So, no Black people are Gay?Or does being Gay somehow trump being Black

  17. So where in the bus do gay blacks sit?

    Blacks vote too monolithically. Dems can ignore them for the most part and still get their votes. And only the most senile Republicans think they are worth reaching out to.

    It will go the same with Hispanics as their vote numbers cross the 90%+ mark for Dems. But there's more of them. I'm really looking forward to the political fights over resources between black and Hispanic groups.

  18. Cornel West is a drama queen.

  19. I think blacks probably are becoming an afterthought politically, but considering they vote Democrat 90-98% of the time, why wouldn't the Democratic Party and all the leftist movers and shakers take them for granted?
    I'm not saying the Republicans necessarily have more to offer blacks, but the lefties know they got blacks in their pocket come hell or high water.

  20. Blacks so dependably vote in huge majorities for the Democrats that the Democrats need pay them very little real attention to get their votes and Republicans know there is no point in wasting resources on the black vote.

    All the Democrats need to do is pull the occasional PR stunt to get them sufficiently fired up to get to the polls. The Trayvon Martin circus, for example.

  21. Here's the thing, though- gays are in just the same position as blacks. The cute, middle-class ones get promoted as the normal ideal, and the dysfunctional ones are ignored. It's harder to ignore dysfunctional blacks though, because they are visible and have a more visible culture. As homosexuality becomes more open, though, people are going to start noticing gays aren't all, or even mostly like the fabulous ones on TV.

  22. Maybe Cornel Psuedo-scholar West has a point.

    The NY Times has all but conceded that Zimmerman is going to be found not guilty thanks to the prosecution's own witnesses:


    300 pounds of ghetto attitude indeed.

  23. You can't blame white Progressives for cutting their losses. They've been trying for 50 years now to turn black people into dark-skinned white people, but it just didn't work out. At some point, even the most stubborn Progressives have to admit defeat and move on.

  24. Of course the media depiction of gays is about as far from reality as the media depiction of blacks. Just as you never seen typically bad black behavior mentioned in the news or in dramas, you don't see typically bad gay behavior either. Both groups are heavily white-washed.

  25. Dr Van Nostrand7/2/13, 3:32 PM

    What about the black gays? Does media avoid them because they may get too chatty about how homophobic the blacks are?

    When I was Seattle , I knew this black gay Jewish guy who used to often complain about how he was treated a tad shabbily because he was so different.
    Back then being a non immigrant alien unfamiliar with identity politics and a young liberal leaning college student I swallowed his sob story whole

    But later (older and wiser) I wonder- I mean for Gods sake-SEATTLE! One of the SWPL paradises!
    I forget his name. I wonder what became of him. I mean a black gay Jew-a threefer!Surely he couldve done something in his life by being just that!

  26. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it. How exactly are blacks worse off now than before?

    They have one of their own in the White House! Absolute power. That's being worse off??

  27. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but West is right.

    In the past 20 years gays and Hispanics have moved into the center of cultural and political debate. In both parties. Blacks, on the other hand, have been largely forgotten about or treated as an afterthought. Even though they are actually in many ways worse off now then they were then.

    I can't help but think the demise of "black power" politicians may have something to do with that."

    -Colonel West is a self-deluded Token. Blacks get the best scholarships, the biggest thumbs on the scale for entrance to college, jobs, grants, best opportunities K-12, best opportunities in college, get a free pass on all sorts of noxious behavior that would get a white man shitcanned in a nanosecond.

    All unearned.

    About the only one getting a better deal in terms of a free ride are the Indians getting reservations, special deals on establishing casinos and a free piece of it,etc.

    The 'poor black man sitting in the back of the bus' has an overabundance of support; if he f*cks up smooth sailing with all that headwind, its his own fault. The problem is, he's so greedy with unearned privileges, he doesn't want to share the freebies, even with his own. And certainly not with gays. Even when the handout pool keeps growing every year.

    To answer the second point, they seem to have no shortage of spokesmen blatant arguing tribalism for their behalf.

    I feel no sympathy for blacks in this 'poor plight'. Just like hearing that their poor feelings were hurt by hearing that Paula Deen said, "n*gger" 27 years ago after a black guy put a gun in her face. Its always the same horsesh*t. I'll feel some sympathy when violent crimes by blacks against innocents are treated with vastly more moral outrage by the media, elites, and schools than a single rude word someone said decades ago.

  28. Can't say Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon Martin contributed much to making white liberals like blacks more than all those bright-eyed showtunes singing gays on Glee

    Likewise Cornel West and Tavis Smiley. With black people it's the terrifying in the streets and the tiresome on the tube.

  29. "Can't say Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon Martin contributed much to making white liberals like blacks more than all those bright-eyed showtunes singing gays on Glee."

    Hard not to overstate the impact of Twitter here. There's a quip that Facebook is where you tell lies to people you know and Twitter is where you tell the truth to people you don't know. Blacks have embraced Twitter at a higher rate than whites, and their tweets tend to shoot lots of holes in the standard narratives that folks like Cornell West have tried to shape.

    Rachael Jeantel's testimony is one example. For every black intellectual attempting to spin it into something positive, there were many more black Twitter users offering more candid and often unflattering assessments.

  30. If it comes down to Judy Garland versus Lil Wayne, I'm going to have to go with actual singing rather than tuneless obscene chanting.


  31. not a hacker7/2/13, 5:04 PM

    Despite the plaints of Cornel West (btw read Wieseltier's takedown of his published work), it's a mistake to think blacks are worse off than they were 25 yrs. ago or that gays have somehow "passed" them. This is because blacks have been playing for a different goal all along. The objective for blacks has always been monetary, and they have now largely achieved exemption from the costs of living. Blacks do not pay for their food, cellphones, parking spots (widespread handicap placard fraud), medical care, public transportation or, probably, utilities. By contrast, gays have been playing a game called 'transgression', in which the idea is to turn western civ. inside out and make str8's look out of style. If the media currently give more play to gays than blacks, that is peripheral, even if it happens to be what West is personally most interested in.

  32. Can't say Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon Martin contributed much to making white liberals like blacks more than all those bright-eyed showtunes singing gays on Glee.

    I wonder how many liberals have really seen the recent Trayvon pictures, as opposed to the 12 year old ones.

  33. OT: Giddy pro-illegal immigration propaganda from the BBC.


    "You have to allow mass immigration - otherwise you'll be denied a precious influx of Irish immigrants who support a nation-destroying amnesty."

    Also, found these charming cartoons:


  34. http://www.vdare.com/articles/gop-support-of-immigration-globalization-and-corporatism-why-the-reagan-democrats-departed

    Buchanan's missing the point. While the GOP had 'Nixon Democrats' and 'Reagan Democrats' for awhile, the real base of the Republican Party was the rich and super-rich. GOP never did much for the working class, and the latter only drifted to the GOP out of fear of crime and hatred of communism. So, it's hardly surprising that after the fall of communism and decline in crime, many blue collar whites would return to the Democratic Party.

    The real prize that the GOP lost was the rich. While it's understandable why the GOP lost the blue collar 'Reagan Democrats', the loss of the super-rich and rich is more puzzling since the GOP gave the superrich and rich everything they wanted: free trade, lower taxes, lax Wall Street regulations, pro-gentrification policies favoring the haves over have-nots.

    While Clinton catered to the globalist superrich in the 90s, the GOP always offered more to them. Even lower taxes, even more free trade, even fewer regulations. So, why did the superrich and rich--on whom the GOP banked so much on--go to the Democrats? Because the GOP got associated with dumb southern Bible Thumpers and neoconfederate flag wavers. Because liberals gained control of elite academia and media and indoctrinated children of the rich and privileged to be 'progressive'. Because people like Buchanan made the GOP seem medieval with all the God talk and statements like 'Darwinism led to communism and Nazism'.

    But the other reason why the superrich turned out to be liberal was because lots of liberal Jews and liberal boomers were better at business and more creative than conservative boomers. Liberals had more people like Lucas, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and etc while conservatives had more people like Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin. Conservatives may read more Ayn Rand but liberals are better at doing Ayn Rand, even as they speak some soft Marx.

    So, the loss of the Reagan Democrats was not the key reason for the demise of the GOP. It was the loss of the superrich and failure to win over the new class of superrich. GOP did everything good for the superrich, but GOP never learned that man doesn't live on bread alone. The likes of Bill Gates don't just wanna feel rich and greedy. They wanna be 'loved'. And Donald Trumpism is too nouveau riche and vulgar for most of the rich and educated.

    It's both tragedy and farce. GOP did everything for the superrich, but lost not only the 'Reagan Democrats' but the New Vanderbilts.
    It lost not only the group it betrayed but the group it most slavishly catered to.
    And Buchanan, in pushing anti-intellectual medievalism and dummifying the GOP, played a role in alienating the rich educated class.

  35. http://t.co/RTUIhoIhF2

    Fourth of July celebrations canceled. Gentrifying cities curtailing events that attract lots of blacks.
    The favored event now is the 'gay pride parade'. It is a defacto whitopia event that brings out whites and keeps blacks at home.

    Gay is the new white.

    No wonder some conservatives are gravitating toward gay madness. It's as white as Sweden before the immigrants arrived.
    But since homos are a 'minority', they are white but not white. They are privileged but also get to claim the mantle of 'equality'.

    Very sneaky yes.

  36. helene edwards7/2/13, 6:09 PM

    Mendez, I don't know what you're talking about. What progs have been doing for 50 years is exempting blacks from every standard. They might have HOPED blacks would approximate middle-class whiteness, but they wouldn't even attempt persuasion to achieve it.

  37. Ahhh, the Vibrant New America in action!


    A black and a Hispanic harass a bunch of queers on the NYC subway. Ain't that America?

  38. White gays have been displacing blacks for some time, e.g. gentrification.

  39. Re: "Rachael Jeantel's testimony is one example. For every black intellectual attempting to spin it into something positive, there were many more black Twitter users offering more candid and often unflattering assessments."

    You mean even black people recognized that Rachel Jeantel is an imbecile? Hoo-boy....

  40. Gubbler do you know how many times on this site the downfall of the FUSA has been blamed on Christians by your ilk. Talking about blaming the victim. Please go back to Reason or HuffPo or wherever you came from.


  41. Also Gubbler you are not worthy to hold Mr. Buchana's Bible.


  42. "If it comes down to Judy Garland versus Lil Wayne, I'm going to have to go with actual singing rather than tuneless obscene chanting."

    Oh come on, Boyley; are you still holding the Mickey Rooney thing against her?

  43. "We had a discussion over at Half Sig..er Lion of the Blogosphere's"

    I stopped reading him when he took that name. It's putrid and said a lot about where his head is.

  44. "The Fire Island Next Time."

    Very good one!

  45. In Europe, this is going to end in tears. The psychiatric Left will very soon be torn between fawning over Muslims and fawning over gays, but there will shortly come a time when it can't do both.

    It's also no secret there will be problems when previously favored groups like Jews and "wimmin" come into conflict with Muslims, as they increasingly must.

    Someone's going under the bus.

    And it ain't going to be the Muslims, the way things are looking now.


  46. "she's (Ellen) universally well liked and celebs and politicians are not fully accepted by the culture until they dance with Ellen."

    From what I last saw, I'd say that Ellen herself has gotten "creepy." It's like she's trying a bit tooooo hard to be butch, as if it's an act. She seemed much more comfortable in her skin a few years ago, when she was still an out lesbian, but not feeling the political pressure to be an OUT LESBIAN.

  47. David Davenport7/2/13, 9:02 PM

    Mr. Gubbler, I take it that you would like to be a real he-man Right winger.

    However, you don't have many or any Christian ancestors, so deep down inside you feel that you don't really belong with the Right.

    Am I wrong, Mr. Gubbler?

  48. Auntie Analogue7/2/13, 9:52 PM

    Before I repeat, or quote, anything Cornel West has written or said, Satan will have first pooped ice cubes.

  49. Both gay and mulatto are the 'new black', so I don't know West is bitching about. The light-skinned likes of him have been coddled and favored by libelites for a long time, and he's cashed in big time on it along with dyson, gates, jarrett, obama, etc.

    And he was among the black elites who undermined black politics by forging an alliance with homos and endorsing the idea that 'gay marriage' is on par with the civil rights movement, a decadent and haute notion.

    If black elites had condemned the comparison, homos could not have made the gay issue the new human rights issue. But black elites sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver, and West himself got rich off it.
    Blacks may be back in the bus but a mulatto like West get to ride up front with the Jews and homos.

  50. "However, you don't have many or any Christian ancestors, so deep down inside you feel that you don't really belong with the Right."

    What we need is Chrislam. A fusion of Christian culture with Islamic warrior mind-set.

    Americans must become AmeriChechens.

  51. Whitewashing the black-white gap amounts to smoothing over a 1 S.D. gap.

    That's an interesting point. If you took a group of whites with an IQ curve that matched blacks', bombarded them with propaganda about how they're the most victimized and secretly wonderful people in the world, and gave them welfare and government make-work jobs for a few generations to encourage them to give up any work ethic or incentive they might have had, would you get Detroit?

    My guess is you'd get most of the way there, but not all the way. I've lived in a white trailer park that I seriously doubt had an average IQ much north of 90, where there were plenty of unwed mothers and bastards running around, and plenty of welfare checks coming in, but there was still a baseline of acceptable behavior. Low-IQ, low-aptitude whites have a serious meth problem going on, but they hardly ever shoot at each other, even though they all have guns for hunting. I dunno, there's a difference, but I don't know what it is.

  52. What we need is Chrislam. A fusion of Christian culture with Islamic warrior mind-set.

    That's easy to do: Orthodoxy, where every Nation eventually gets its own Church. And Catholicism, which can be extremely robust when it sheds its fuzzy, universalist obsessions, as in France, Croatia and Hungary.

    The Middle East is showing how easily Christianity can be rolled away in the face of barbarism. Christians better recover their balls at some point, but I'm not counting on it.

  53. Anonydroid at 10:28 PM said: What we need is Chrislam. A fusion of Christian culture with Islamic warrior mind-set. Americans must become AmeriChechens.

    Hunsdon said: Stuff and nonsense. We need Christian culture, which includes a Christian warrior mindset. Since we are in the midst of Gettysburg's anniversary, I would offer the following names for contemplation: Grant, Lee, Sherman, Jackson, even ol' Yellow Hair himself, Custer.

    Or to pick three British names at random: Wellsely (Wellington), Hope Grant, and Cromwell.

  54. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but West is right."

    You can hear the same in Europe - in the right circles - vis a vis muslims as since 9/11 they became white liberal's favourite oppressed minority.

  55. "And so on. Trying to paint gays as "just like us" is the most baldfaced lie any activist group of any significance has ever told.

    The fact that a growing majority of Westerners have swallowed the poisonous gay lie just goes to show how corrupted their minds have become. Either a failure in basic reasoning, or an ideological blinding. In either case, there's no hope trying to persuade people whose minds have turned to mush."

    I don't watch TV much except for Britcoms. There's one called My Family which I watch because I like the house decor (I'm female), and the two lead actors. Sometimes its pretty funny. But there is a persistent gay undertheme (also incestual since it involves one of the crazy sons and the dad) that is creepy sick and yet you're supposed to laugh. When the daughter brings home a lesbian friend, the initially disgusted parents are disappointed when their daughter explains she isn't gay but was insulted by the lesbian calling her shallow, which the parents then muse over as a worse insult. It was subtle and bizzar. Then, the coup de grace, the youngest son proudly comes out as gay and thenseforth, gayness becomes the pride-of-place situation. I saw through it all but I wonder how many people just swallow it, digest it, and embody it. It was particularly sad seeing the youngest son enthroned as the gay prince, because he was the great, bright hope in the blighted family when it first started.
    Some of this writing is just cobbled from other shows (I recognize lines and themes taken verbatim) but I can't help wondering if it was not deliberted social engineering. MY FAMILY? I won't even mention some of the double entendres (which are not "self-cleansing) which are so smutty and -- insestual -- that I can hardly believe what they're saying.
    Soical engineering.
    Tavistock Insitute anyone?

    So I just watch it for the decor and Robert Lindsay (who in real life is a very normal guy.) I ignore most popular culture, but small, concentrated doses do give me an idea of what "they" are trying to do to us.

    If I were raising kids, I wouldn't have a tv in the house.

  56. "I would offer the following names for contemplation: Grant, Lee, Sherman, Jackson, even ol' Yellow Hair himself, Custer."

    Grant was a drunkard, Lee lost, Jackson got killed, Custer done lost his scalp to Indians.

  57. OK, let's resurrect the fighting spirit of Charles Martel, Charlemagne and Jan Sobieski to make Anon 12:16 happy.

  58. " I've lived in a white trailer park that I seriously doubt had an average IQ much north of 90..."

    Dude, they must have been tired of your 96 messing up the curve.

  59. Dr Van Nostrand7/4/13, 5:46 AM

    But the other reason why the superrich turned out to be liberal was because lots of liberal Jews and liberal boomers were better at business and more creative than conservative boomers. Liberals had more people like Lucas, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and etc while conservatives had more people like Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin. Conservatives may read more Ayn Rand but liberals are better at doing Ayn Rand, even as they speak some soft Marx.

    So, the loss of the Reagan Democrats was not the key reason for the demise of the GOP. It was the loss of the superrich and failure to win over the new class of superrich. GOP did everything good for the superrich, but GOP never learned that man doesn't live on bread alone. The likes of Bill Gates don't just wanna feel rich and greedy. They wanna be 'loved'. And Donald Trumpism is too nouveau riche and vulgar for most of the rich and educated.

    It's both tragedy and farce. GOP did everything for the superrich, but lost not only the 'Reagan Democrats' but the New Vanderbilts.
    It lost not only the group it betrayed but the group it most slavishly catered to.
    And Buchanan, in pushing anti-intellectual medievalism and dummifying the GOP, played a role in alienating the rich educated class."

    It seems that the super rich may tick off all the PC shibboleths on their check list but they are pretty bipartisan in their monetary support.

    Evironmentalism? Check or rather Heck! They actually ways to make money off this racket -see GE,T Boone Pickens and Al Gore

    Multiculturalism- happily diversity and cheap labor often go hand in hand. Add a token gay or black for a do nothing upper management job with a VP title and the good PR from this move more than makes for the yearly salary they "Earn" doing jack squat

    Feminism: see above

    Certainly they consider Sarah Palin and Donald Trump a bit gauche(a truth be told they ARE gauche) but we dont hear more about such people with their less than sexy businesses in say retails or hardware dealerships. It is because the media due to its very nature is interested in more form than content.
    They are interested in the airy ethereal world of online social media and marketing. Less so in the contractors who laid the wires in the Atlantic and Mediterranean

    Its why they are make architects the superstars not the civil engineers

    Its why Steve Jobs was deified when he died but Dennis Ritchie passed on the same week unnoticed

    Businesses friendly to the red meat conservatism are just not interesting to the media...at best...at worst they are demonized

    The problem is that GOP naively dangles a carrot of low taxes,deregulations,cheap labor for Big Business but never even threatens the stick of nativism,populism,minimum wage and so on

    It is no wonder GOP is played for suckers by all concerned

  60. If you took a group of whites with an IQ curve that matched blacks', bombarded them with propaganda about how they're the most victimized and secretly wonderful people in the world, and gave them welfare and government make-work jobs for a few generations to encourage them to give up any work ethic or incentive they might have had, would you get Detroit?

    Trouble is the kids would regress to the mean, and Detroit probably takes a few generations.

  61. "Some here mentioned the cold civil war between the whites in America and how the non whites are their pawns. The same happened in South Africa once, when the British tried to use the blacks against the Boers, in the end neither side won, the blacks won, the same will happen to America."

    The problem with that argument is that South Africa is/was 80 to 90% black.

    America used to be 33% black. In 2000 it was 15~ish% black.
    Today it is 12.2% and falling.

    Whites are going to be about 50% by 2030, Asians about 10-15% and then hispanics at about 30%. Blacks and the rest will get the other scrabble.

  62. Certainly they consider Sarah Palin and Donald Trump a bit gauche(a truth be told they ARE gauche)

    No they are "tres droit".

    Or how about Ross Perot? Authoritarian and populist at the same time, homophobic, and 100% honest about it.


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