July 12, 2013

Eric Holder and Rev. Bacon

From Investors Business Daily
Taxpayers Helped Sharpton Stir Anti-Zimmerman Anger 
Race War: The Obama administration spent thousands of federal dollars to help the Rev. Al Sharpton pressure the state of Florida to railroad George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin shooting case. 
The Justice Department not only met with Martin's parents and the notorious racial arsonist Sharpton, as we reported earlier this week. It even helped them organize rallies against Zimmerman, who trial evidence shows shot Martin in self-defense. 
Newly released documents reveal the department spent more than $5,320 to send officials to Florida "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen." 
According to Washington-based Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group that uncovered the records through a Freedom of Information Act request, the department launched six separate deployments to Sanford, Fla., between March 25, 2012, and April 12, 2012, when officials got their way and Zimmerman was arrested for murder. 
The purpose of one trip from March 30 to April 1, according to the expense report, was "to provide support for protest." Sharpton was a featured speaker at the March 31 protest, dubbed "The March for Trayvon Martin," where he agitated for Zimmerman's arrest. 
... Behind the scenes, Attorney General Eric Holder assured Sharpton that he would take "swift action" in the case to investigate whether local police had committed a "civil rights crime" in releasing Zimmerman from custody. Holder also deployed FBI agents to Sanford. 
Soon after, Sanford's police chief was fired. Bill Lee now says he was axed due to "political pressure" and that "outside forces" hijacked the Zimmerman case.
"They just wanted an arrest" to placate protesters threatening violence, Lee told CNN earlier this week, even though the evidence provided no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman. He said it was purely a matter of self defense, and he was right. 
As soon as the case was taken away from Lee, evidence was leaked to the Martin family and Sharpton and his thugs. They got to hear the 911 tapes and coordinate their stories. 
Who leaked them? The same person who fired Lee — Sanford City Manager Norton Bonaparte, a member of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. 
Before he sacked the police chief, Bonaparte met in Washington with — you guessed it — Eric Holder. The attorney general had summoned both him and Sanford's mayor to discuss the allegedly "unprovoked hate crime against a black teen." 
The evidence is clear that Zimmerman was framed to look like a homicidal racist. It's also now clear there was a larger political orchestration behind the racial rabble-rousing, one that was led from the highest levels in Washington.


  1. Racial agitation is now a defined role of the Federal Government. It's right there, in the Living Constitution.

    The Community Relations Service, part of the Department of ** heh heh ** Justice, is, at bottom, a street agitation organization paid for by the Federal government to stir up racial unrest under the Orwellian guise of being a “peacemaker” (which is literally what they call themselves). It’s run by an Asian academic with — shocker — a Harvard law degree.

  2. Dave Weigel follows his usual mo on this story: "Hey can you believe what the crazy, racist Republicans are up to now? Wait till you read about the latest wingnut theory" while secretly scratching the exact same itch for his Slate audience. Hard to believe there are any Slate readers who hear about Holder attending a Sharpton fundraiser and think, "Oh yeah, that's a good idea."

  3. as i said earlier, if this happened in Israel, where profiling is allowed, there would be nothing to see here, move along - just as it should be.

  4. This is textbook Frankfurt School Psychological Warfare - they do it before every election, and the Stoopid Party [the party which prides itself as having been founded on Abraham Lincoln's Anti-Constitutional Nihilism] lets the Frankfurt School get away with it every time.

    Bill Clinton's burning churches in his youth [which he never actually saw, kinda like Hillary not actually having been named after the New Zealand beekeeper], Al Gore's use of the James Byrd murder [despite the fact that GWB's Texas Gubmint had secured the Death Penalty against the murderers], Joe Biden's "They're going to put you all back in chains" [no, actually they're going to replace you with Mesoamerican Aboriginals in chains] - it's all the same damned Dog Whistle which the Frankfurt School drags out for each and every election.

    And this stuff - like the Trayvon Martin canonization - it works wonders for the Frankfurt School.

    As Ann Coulter noted a few weeks ago, "The sleeping giant of the last election wasn't Hispanics; it was elderly black women, terrified of media claims that Republicans were trying to suppress the black vote and determined to keep the first African-American president in the White House. Contrary to everyone's expectations, 10 percent more blacks voted in 2012 compared to 2008, even beating white voters, the usual turnout champions. Eligible black voters turned out at rate of 66.2 percent, compared to 64.1 percent of eligible white voters. Only 48 percent of all eligible Hispanic voters went to the polls. No one saw this coming, which is probably why Gallup had Romney up by 5 points before Hurricane Sandy hit, and up by 1 point in its last pre-election poll after the hurricane. Only two groups voted in larger numbers in 2012 compared to 2008: blacks aged 45-64, and blacks over the age of 65 -- mostly elderly black women."

    PS: Sean Trende says, 'Yes, the Missing Whites Matter': "In my recent four-part series on demographic changes, the 2012 elections and immigration reform, I suggested that census data and exit polls reveal that some 6 million white voters opted to sit out last November’s election. The data show these non-voters were not primarily Southerners or evangelicals, but were located in Northeast, Midwest and Southwest. Mainly, they fit the profile of 'Reagan Democrats' or, more recently, a Ross Perot supporter. For these no-shows, Mitt Romney was not a natural fit..."

    Welcome to the seething, boiling, ungovernable new Western Branch Office of the Ottoman Empire, which our Frankfurt School Overlords have constructed to imprison us in.

  5. Really. No kidding. A President who was a community activist in a past life rabble rouses. Next thing you know, they'll tell us that dogs bark.

    Rhetorical questions: Why are black communities the ones with the community activists? Where are all the community activists in middle class white suburbs? Answer: A community activist is a black who does his level best to find a way not to blame black people for black failure.

  6. Newly released documents reveal the department spent more than $5,320 to send officials to Florida "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen."

    That's chicken feed! The secret service spends more than than on prostitutes.

    Maybe they should have bought Al a few prostitutes and kept him quiet.

  7. So Obama-Holder covertly guide street protests and then act as if they are responding to grass roots demands that something be done. They've been pretending that they're just reacting to a public outcry whereas they might actually have promoted it.
    Sharpton caused seven people to be murdered by one of his hyped-up followers in the Freddie's Fashion Mart mass murder. Wikipedia states that he preached his first sermon at the age of four. Since it was probably a Marjoe Gortner type hustle it can be said that Sharpton has been a fraud and a sleaze since the age of four. Also, it notes that his father left his mother in '63 to have a relationship with Al's half-sister. He and Obama both have had worthless biological fathers and yet both seem to blame, you guessed it, the white world for that. He was helped out by the white welfare system and yet he's turned around and bites the hand that fed him when his own kin failed him, again just like Obama slamming the white side of his family. That's gratitude for you. Strangely, both have found their twisted personal psychologies to be pathways to celebrity status and personal enrichment, a puzzle of the state of American politics.

  8. They are simply thugs, Chicago-style. It continues because they get away with it and go back to the well for more. The Obama Administration really thinks this is the normal way of doing business, and everyone does it.

  9. The real story here is not about whether George Zimmerman acted out of self-defense -- the evidence that he did is pretty overwhelming, as was obvious from the outset to anyone who followed the story closely after it broke.

    No, the real story here is about the mainstream media, including the NYT, Washington Post, the three major networks, CNBC, CNN, etc. Why did they buy into the idea that this was the killing of an innocent kid and that George Zimmerman was a white man who profiled Trayvon Martin on account of his race and the hoody he was wearing?

    I don't know the answer to that question. Was it a cynical attempt to get more readers and viewers? A man bites dog story? A way for the elites who own and control these media to distract the populace from their true interest by stirring up racial animus under the maxim of divide and rule? Or something else?

    Whatever it was I am sure of one thing. It was the same motive or set of motives that drove the coverage of the Duke Lacrosse case. And it is absolutely despicable.

  10. If there's a riot, the Obama administration will have officially made war on white people.

  11. What are the odds the GOP will flood Spanish radio with the story of the Obama administration's attack on a Hispanic man?

    The GOP doesn't have to do anything but report the truth, over and over, in Spanish and English, and they can drop a Florida sized wedge right not only into the Democrat's base but right into the heart of the Left itself.

  12. If true, this is outrageous. It goes beyond the imagination of even Tom Wolfe.

  13. The purported reasoning behind the push for an arrest, to placate protesters threatening violence, is just an excuse to make the situation palatable, in a bizarre way, to frightened liberals.

    The real reason was that New America has a vendetta and it doesn't care what tactics are used.

  14. Auntie Analogue7/12/13, 8:52 AM

    So Eric Holder, Norton Bonaparte, and Enemedia-Pravda have made it plain that those poor dead and bereaved Québecois souls in Lac-Megantic are not the only victims of railroading.

  15. I'm afraid you're to subtle for me. Geoffrey Holder is (was) a black dancer-choreographer. I saw him once is an Aida production I think. What is his connection?

    Is he related to Eric Holder? He played a zombie before it was cool to play a zombie. Zombies symbolize black encroachment to some people. Is that it?


  16. More and more I think that 2013 will be looked back upon by historians as a major turning point in US history.

    What kind of new era 2013 is ushering in, however, I don't have a clue. Things could go so many ways, but all I know is that things can't continue the way they're going now.

  17. I just assumed the Geoffery Holder thing was a Bonfire of the Vanities joke so my eyes glazed over.

  18. But Truth told us that Zimmerman got out the car !!

    He got out the car !!

  19. where are all the posters on here now, telling us obama doesn't hate white people.

    i remember lots of people coming here to post that last year.

    walks like a duck, talks like a duck, sits in reverend wright's church for 20 years like a duck.

    yeah, sure. he doesn't hate white people.

  20. Jody said:

    "yeah, sure. he [Obama] doesn't hate white people."

    And yet he was raised almost exclusively by a white mother and white maternal grandparents, without whom, he would never have got into Harvard, let alone into the White House.

    Man, Noel Coward was so right: no good deed goes unpunished.

  21. Well, I guess the United States of America is now officially a banana republic.

    It's certainly becoming more and more akin to a Latin American one.

    Very sad.

  22. More and more I think that 2013 will be looked back upon by historians as a major turning point in US history.

    If there are any historians able and interested in looking back on the US, that is.

    China is wrecking its ecology, producing massive wealth in the present at the expense of the future. Europe is collapsing. Japan is going extinct. The Middle East is suffocating in its own population. Africa and South America... well.

    This isn't the beginning of the end of our society. It's not even the beginning of the end of our civilization.

    It's civilization itself that's ending.

  23. where are all the posters on here now, telling us obama doesn't hate white people.

    They're busy preparing for the massive anti-white riot which is going to start any minute now.

  24. ***What are the odds the GOP will flood Spanish radio with the story of the Obama administration's attack on a Hispanic man?

    The GOP doesn't have to do anything but report the truth, over and over, in Spanish and English, and they can drop a Florida sized wedge right not only into the Democrat's base but right into the heart of the Left itself.***

    That would happen if the GOP were a serious party actually interested in winning.

    But that won't happen because of that "if".

  25. where are all the posters on here now, telling us obama doesn't hate white people.

    Just like the rest of the hereditary elites, he only hates the right white people.

  26. Um Jody those weren't posters those were Steve articles and also a book. There was no bigger Obama's just a mulatto Episcopalian golf fan you know like Ike booster than Steve.


  27. And why wouldn't they be down with it? They're the ones who have no problem with Obama attending fundraisers hosted by Jay-Z! What's the difference? And that was during Benghazi. And he's attended numerous Jay-Z fundraisers. A convicted drug dealer hosting presidential election fundraisers.


    The evidence is clear that Zimmerman was framed to look like a homicidal racist. It's also now clear there was a larger political orchestration behind the racial rabble-rousing, one that was led from the highest levels in Washington.

    Question: If this is so, it would appear that Zim has a legal case vs the US goverment. Couldn't he sue them for malfeasance or illegal coordination? Crime is a state matter not a federal one and he's never been charged with a federal crime.
    Sounds like the right defense attorney could sue US Gov or the Attorney General's office.

    The one attorney that Steve mentioned a while back who could've tried the OJ trial and found him guilty. Wonder if he'd take Zimmerman's case to sue US Government/Attorney General's Dept??

    Sounds like Zim would have a lawsuit to file based on this evidence.

  28. http://www.suntimes.com/news/21284805-418/no-jail-time-for-former-bear-chris-zorich-in-tax-case.html

    What happens when a turkey hands out free turkeys.

  29. Just like the rest of the hereditary elites, he only hates the right white people.

    Which "hereditary elites"? Most of the current contemporary "elites" are from middle-class and lower-middle class backgrounds.

  30. "He got out the car !!"

    Even the liberal and/or black defense of Martin actually betrays the fact that blacks are a danger to society.

    Blaming Zimmerman because he got out of the car is like blaming a human for getting out of a car in the middle of wilderness with rhinos, lions, hyenas, and aggressive baboons. He should have known better since wild animals are dangerous!!

    So, the logic of 'Zimmerman should have stayed in the car' argument implies that black males are INDEED dangerous beasks and one should remain IN THE CAR when one sees one walking the streets.

    It's funny. Blacks used to complain that white folks lock their cars when blacks walk by. Now, they are complaining that someone walked out of the car when a Negro kid was prowling nearby. I mean doesn't Zimmerman know that one should never leave the car when a Negro is around?

  31. I guess no beer meeting for Zimmerman.

    The Gates case was kinda funny.

    White liberals in the neighborhood saw a black guy by Gates' home and 'racially profiled' him as a burglar. It turned out to be Gates, and the cops were doing their job, but Gates got almost as angry as Martin. But I guess a middle aged black nerd couldn't do much against a bunch of big cops with guns.

    I guess the lesson is LEAVE STOP AND FRISK TO THE PROS.

  32. If some crazy lawyer helped George Zimmerman sue the U.S. Attorney General for these trumped up charges against him , it would be the greatest thing in the history of forever. It would be front page news all over the globe. It would be amazing!

  33. Zimmerman should have pulled his gun out earlier so that Martin could see it. Martin would have just walked away. Martin obviously thought Zimmerman was unarmed and jumped him.

  34. http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/12/white-house-holds-obamacare-background-briefing-with-liberal-reporters/

  35. I've long thought that Holder is the most evil member of the Obama administration.

    Mark Fuhrman had a good line on Fox yesterday: "Does this feel like a trial, or does it feel like hostage negotiations?" You don't much closer to the truth than that on American TV.

  36. Zimmerman should have pulled his gun out earlier so that Martin could see it. Martin would have just walked away. Martin obviously thought Zimmerman was unarmed and jumped him.

    It's called "brandishing" when you show it and "assault with a deadly weapon" if you unholster it. Both are felonies.

    The lesson should be to leave people alone and assume they may be armed.

  37. Potato Brush7/12/13, 5:53 PM

    Nah; And the Nazi party had nothing to do with Kristallnacht.

  38. "China is wrecking its ecology, producing massive wealth in the present at the expense of the future."

    Yeah and they're using that wealth to buy up the rest of the world, including here. And eventually, if the left keeps f*cking us up, about all we will be able to afford to live in is the eco-wrecked China.

  39. The final defense and prosecution speeches were televised this morning. The prosecution again used the argument that the 'child' Trayvon Martin were terrified by the scary 'man' George Zimmerman.

    The child was 17 but no one mentions that blacks reach puberty about three years earlier than whites.

    So it would have been appropriate for the defense to inform the jury to think of Martin as a 20 year old - not a teenager. (Not that I really think this could ever happen).

    NOTE: It's hard to find a simple unambiguous age of puberty by race but there are data in Rushton's in 'Race, Evolution and Behavior' Chapter 7 that support the three year estimate.


  40. Professor Woland7/12/13, 6:21 PM

    Instead of, "get to the back of the bus", we need to say, "stay in the car".

  41. I'm thinking this case has really exposed the sides in the current cold civil war.

    Both Mark Steyn, the neocon, and Patrick J Buchanan, the paleocon, have come out with articles today denoucing what's been done to Zimmerman. These two men don't agree on much -- and indeed they decry the trial for different reasons -- but they're obviously in the acquit Zimmerman camp.

    Seriously. If you want to know which side you're on in the cold civil war, take a look at your position in this case.

  42. Please tell me that when I wake up tomorrow morning, my Komment won't still be Kontrolled.

    Because it was a really good Komment.

    And it would really hurt my feelings if it were permanently Kontrolled.

  43. Look Mark Steyn isn't a neo-con. He's almost certainly more social conservative than you. I mean how many of you guys live in small towns with your multiple kids. He opposed tarp, constantly talks about demographics, is second only Kirkorian over there in decrying amnesty. Honestly, get over yourselves and your holier than thou anti-interventionism. You don't like American power because you don't like who you think is wielding it. I mean we've been over this with Pat B in the Balkans. Send in the troops he cried weep weep weeping (or can evangelicals only weep for Israelis) lest the sword of Christendom be besmirched by the Stalinist butcher Milosevic. He supports a muscular foreign policy. If that makes him neo then Carol Mosley Braun is a paleocon and really basically she is since all paleocons care about is bringind down the empire. More like Skywalker cons.

  44. Harry Baldwin7/12/13, 10:00 PM

    When you watch courtroom dramas, a common theme is the need to employ the rule of law to free an innocent man condemned by a howling mob. "To Kill a Mockingbird" would be an example. Liberals love it.

    However, in the Zimmerman trial, enlightened opinion favors placating the howling mob by condemning an innocent man.

    Come to think of it, in Hollywood films the lynch mob is always white, so I guess whether we're supposed to be on the side of the innocent man or the howling mob is one of those "who-whom" things rather than a matter of principle.

  45. Re: "Look Mark Steyn isn't a neo-con. He's almost certainly more social conservative than you. I mean how many of you guys live in small towns with your multiple kids. He opposed tarp, constantly talks about demographics, is second only Kirkorian over there in decrying amnesty. Honestly, get over yourselves and your holier than thou anti-interventionism. You don't like American power because you don't like who you think is wielding it. I mean we've been over this with Pat B in the Balkans. Send in the troops he cried weep weep weeping (or can evangelicals only weep for Israelis) lest the sword of Christendom be besmirched by the Stalinist butcher Milosevic. He supports a muscular foreign policy. If that makes him neo then Carol Mosley Braun is a paleocon and really basically she is since all paleocons care about is bringind down the empire. More like Skywalker cons."

    I'm not going to reply to the entire Steyn lovefest above except to say that I bet I've been reading him far longer than you -- back when he only appeared in UK publications. Which is why know he opposed bombing the Serbs -- just like Pat Buchanan. As such, I can assure you I'm a lot more socially conservative than him. I even have the same number of kids.

    Unfortunately, since 9-11, Steyn pretty much adopted all of the neocon talking points and his conversion to an anti-amnesty position has come rather late in the day (and he's in no way VDARE on the national question).

    As for his talking non-stop about demographics, yes, if by demographics you mean Muslims; but he's fine with western nations being flooded with Hindus, non-Muslim Africans -- in fact, pretty much anyone who doesn't worship the pedophile prophet.

    On Israel, the credal nation crap, Europe, Muslims, and so on, he's relaibly neocon. Has been since 9-11.

    And actually, most of here don't object to American power -- we object to it being used in a fashion that goes directly against the best interests of this country.

    But that's because most of us are loyal to this country -- not another one.

  46. "The Obama administration spent thousands of federal dollars to help the Rev. Al Sharpton pressure the state of Florida to railroad George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin shooting case."

    LOL, a presidential conspiracy worth THOUSANDS of dollars. Steve, you are killing me; after Bechtel and Haliburton? I can see how the conversation went:

    E-Hold: Hey Barry, we gon' get dat creepy ass cracka Zimmerman. Give Al-Sharp some money to rouse the troops!

    Barry: Yo, I'm feelin' dat N- yo, hooook homie up with some chips, dawg!

    E-Hold: Yeah, we finna get his azz, how many millions we gon steal from the Justice Department??

    Barry: Millions? N- is you sick?!?! just give him like 5 grand, that'll buy a cupla laptops for his peeps.

    E-Hold: 5 grand? Is you serious? We gon go through all the paperwork for that?

    Barry: Naah, N- just take it outa yo' sock!

  47. "So, the logic of 'Zimmerman should have stayed in the car' argument implies that black males are INDEED dangerous beasks and one should remain IN THE CAR when one sees one walking the street..."

    Dude, I don't belive you can have 46 chromosomes and be this stupid.

  48. "So it would have been appropriate for the defense to inform the jury to think of Martin as a 20 year old - not a teenager. (Not that I really think this could ever happen)."

    I don't know Sport; I mean, how do you know that in this case a black kid is not indeed 17, and a white kid 14?

  49. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0ee001a0-eb13-11e2-bfdb-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2Yu6sGoMS

    US does to other nations what Jews do to gentiles in America.

    Jewish dominance in law, computer geekery, finance, and government allows them to spy and snoop on everyone. And since they're Jewish, no one dares challenge them cuz that would be 'antisemitic'.

  50. Dude, Why should Zimmerman have been afraid of TV? He had a fucking gun. If Zimmerman wanted to he could have just walked up to Traybon and shot him point blank in the forehead. Martin was the one who should have been afraid but he stupidly assumed that Zimmerman was not carrying a piece. That is why he is dead. You make it sound like Zimmerman was on an African safari hunting rhinos.

  51. My Komment has been un-Kontrolled.

    Yay me!

    I am sooooo happy!!!

    It's a beautiful morning!

  52. It's funny. Blacks used to complain that white folks lock their cars when blacks walk by. Now, they are complaining that someone walked out of the car when a Negro kid was prowling nearby. I mean doesn't Zimmerman know that one should never leave the car when a Negro is around?

    Nicely done. Lib Matter/Anti-Matter pairing #7,518,267. We could fill a set of encyclopedias with these things at this point.

    I've long thought that Holder is the most evil member of the Obama administration.

    Looking at Holder is like looking at the character from Soul Man, if it had been about a Bond villain.

    When you watch courtroom dramas, a common theme is the need to employ the rule of law to free an innocent man condemned by a howling mob. "To Kill a Mockingbird" would be an example. Liberals love it.

    However, in the Zimmerman trial, enlightened opinion favors placating the howling mob by condemning an innocent man.

    Yep. Liberalism is totally dependent on controlling the narrative. It's all about who-whom. If they don't like the facts, they change or ignore them. They really don't want to see a mestizo who votes Democrat, comes to the aid of a black homeless guy against the police, has a black grandparent, works with black kids, etc., in the dock for being an evil profiler of blacks. So, they spin it until they get a story they like.

    Come to think of it, in Hollywood films the lynch mob is always white, so I guess whether we're supposed to be on the side of the innocent man or the howling mob is one of those "who-whom" things rather than a matter of principle.

    Right. Makes me wonder how they'll handle the Zimmerman movie. I mean, the more facts they include in the story, the worse it gets for them.

    Liberalism is principle-free. Any decent principles libs have are incidental, unrelated to liberalism. At first I wrote that liberalism has two principles at most, statism and tribalism, but that's not true, either. They're not even consistently statist or tribalist, shedding those values when they aren't convenient.

    Unfortunately, since 9-11, Steyn pretty much adopted all of the neocon talking points and his conversion to an anti-amnesty position has come rather late in the day (and he's in no way VDARE on the national question).

    Steyn might seem better on the national question simply because of his prominence on a pretty shallow bench. But yeah, when I listen to him filling in on Rush's show, I hear squishy sounds.

    LOL, a presidential conspiracy worth THOUSANDS of dollars

    Yeah, that's what I thought when I read my first article on this thing. I saw the dollar amounts and figured the Pentagon sold a toilet seat and donated the proceeds to Trayvon's Vibrant Yoof Fund. The funny thing is, they spent just enough money to expose their motives and loyalties, but not enough to actually have any real effect. On the other hand, icebergs, tips...

  53. T, I asked you this in the other thread, but I'll ask here, too:

    Do you think Zimmerman is guilty as charged?

  54. "My Komment has been un-Kontrolled."

    Unfortunately your mind hasn't.

  55. First I've been reading Mark Steyn since Broadway Babies Say Goodnight so it's not so obvious that you are more aquainted with him than me. Secondly, Pat B did call for American intervention against Sloby in the Balkans. "Sword of Christendom" and "Stalinist butcher" are culled directly from his op-ed calling for intervention.

    Knowledge is power chief.

  56. ABC News has just provided personal details about the jurors on the Zimmerman trial -- while the deliberations are taking place.


    Nice touch -- we know who you are; and while we haven't released your names, it'd be a shame if something happened to make us do so...

  57. "Truth said...

    LOL, a presidential conspiracy worth THOUSANDS of dollars. Steve, you are killing me;"

    What can we say, cockroach, you're people can be bought on the cheap. For a small investment in Olde English and Kools, you can buy yourself a protest. No sense in spending any more than you have to.

  58. Truth,
    "Dude, I don't belive you can have 46 chromosomes and be this stupid."

    Whatever, sport. This revelation of official anti-white rabble-rousing is a bombshell. The appropriate reaction - in terms even you could understand - is if it's on maternal copulator then it's on, G.

  59. Mark "our future will be decided by whoever decides to wash up on our shores" Steyn, lolz. He is completely, totally and utterly FOS on immigration. (I'm paraphrasing, but his implication was there's nothing to be done but to sit back and take it.)

  60. Re: "First I've been reading Mark Steyn since Broadway Babies Say Goodnight so it's not so obvious that you are more aquainted with him than me. Secondly, Pat B did call for American intervention against Sloby in the Balkans. "Sword of Christendom" and "Stalinist butcher" are culled directly from his op-ed calling for intervention.

    Knowledge is power chief."

    Indeed, unfortunatley the argument -- and therefore the knowledge -- isn't about Buchanan (about whom I never claimed expertise), but Steyn.

    Whom, by the way, I first ecountered on the BBC some years before Broadway Babies Say Goodnight. Which, by the way, I'll bet you read after discovering him when he published America Alone. I notice you've failed to mention a single one of his pre-American Alone news outlets such as the Telegraph and (London) Spectator.

    But I tell you what, I'll make a deal: if you concede that when it comes to Steve Sailer's apt description of neocon philiosophy, "Invade the world, invite the world," that Mark Steyn's is a modified "Invade (the Muslim) world, invite the (non-Muslim) world." I'll concede he's not a neocon.

    Because at that point, it's semantics. Which is all you have.

    Over to you, Chief.

  61. Ok Silver what's your plan. Yea Steyn has yet to blow up a immigrant factory, but he does take to the corner and his very popular weekly column to critique amnesty.

    I mean whiskey is right its about power. Steve and you don't really have that much when it comes right down to it. Steyn doesn't really either, but what little he does have he is pushing in your direction.

  62. Dont get all huffy man. I didnt realize I was dealing with a man of the world Telegraph reader. Nope I dont concede it because he isn't for amnesty.

    Congrats by the way on discovering Mark Steyn before me. The first book I read was face of the tiger so I'll let you calculate how much longer you've been reading him. Of course im all of 25 so don't get to cocky. Tell me in all that writing you've read (including gasp the Telegraph stud) can you point to where he wants to invite the non Muslim world?

    For the record you said Pat B opposed intervention in the Balkans and you were wrong. Cheerio dbag.

  63. Not guilty. Said it all along, though doubt did creep in when they weren't back in two hours.

    I knew as soon as I saw they reached a verdict that it was not guilty. It was too soon for insanity to have overtaken the decent jurors, and not long enough for a hung jury - they'd at least have worked through the weekend to get past a hung jury.

  64. Hey "Truth":


    Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

  65. "Ok Silver what's your plan."

    To keep talking. Keep pushing racial realist, pro-white points of view, exposing anti-white hypocrisy and trusting that it's all making a cumulative difference. There's little else to do at this point. I have plenty of "ideas" that go well beyond this but it's rather pointless talking about them at this point because you're absolutely right:

    "its about power. Steve and you don't really have that much when it comes right down to it."

    That will have to change. And one to change it, however small, is to discredit shysters like Steyn.

    "Steyn doesn't really either, but what little he does have he is pushing in your direction."

    He's making overtures, but he's not really serious. Race matters; it's not everything, but it's not nothing either. Can Steyn acknowledge this? Whites people have racial interests. Can Steyn acknowledge this? 99% of official racial policy and public race-talk is complete BS and driven by varying combinations of political fear and anti-white resentment. Can Steyn acknowledge this? Until Steyn can acknowledge these baseline racial realities I'll feel justified in dismissing him.

    Mind you, I'm asking only that he acknowledge those realities, not that he agree with my response to them. Responses to those realities can vary significantly. "Race is not everything, but it's not nothing." There's no one sole way to respond to that. "Whites have racial interests." There's no one set way handle that. "Official racial policy is driven by fear and anti-white resentment." There isn't any set of ready-made, fully-formed policies that spring forth the moment one acknowledges that reality. Steyn is fully capable of coming up with his own responses. But for the time being these are realities that Steyn remains committed to denying.

  66. "Do you think Zimmerman is guilty as charged?"

    I think he was guilty, but he had his day in court, and was exonerated by a jury of his peers; good for him. Hopefully he will take his reprieve and start being less of an asshole.

    This is a great nation, sometimes the justice system misses out but hey, people get killed every day, so all in all, I don't give a shit, you were emotionally attached to the railroading of your WHITE brother. It was nothing more than an intellectual exercise for me, and as usual, I scored quite high.

  67. That's very unkind to bacon.


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