July 22, 2013

George Zimmerman runs amok again

Once again, the Most Hated Man in America gets out of his vehicle. From ABC News today:
By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and ALEXIS SHAW (@ashaw109) 
July 22, 2013 
George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue a family who was trapped in an overturned vehicle, police said today. 
Zimmerman was one of two men who came to the aid of a family of four -- two parents and two children -- trapped inside a blue Ford Explorer SUV that had rolled over after traveling off the highway in Sanford, Fla. at approximately 5:45 p.m. Thursday, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said in a statement. 
The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin. 
By the time police arrived, two people - including Zimmerman - had already helped the family get out of the overturned car, the sheriff's office said. No one was reported to be injured. 
Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after speaking with the deputy, police said. 
It's the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his acquittal last week on murder charges for the death of Martin. Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.


  1. Surprised he didn't shoot them while he had them pinned in the SUV, the way he shot Travon when he was done smashing his head against the pavement and punching him in the face.

  2. I'm rethinking my opinion that Orwell was the most prophetic/perspicacious author of the 20th century. Tom Wolfe might be. And followed in second by a tie between Orwell and Houellebecq.

  3. You have to wonder what Trayvon would have done in such a situation. Being so concerned about the community and all.

  4. Sherman McCoy inverted.

  5. I wonder how many police station dartboards Zimmerman's face is on, for demonstrating that pretty much everything important that happens has already happened "by the time police arrived."

  6. Civic minded people are creepy ass crackas. Why can't this man just mind his own business?

  7. Now that Drudge is giving this CNS story some attention:


    Maybe it's time for some journalists to probe into why why interracial crime is no longer accounted for in the National Crime Victimization Survey?

    See: Hatefacts go down the memory hole

    Which will be relevant considering Section 8 increases crime.


    This is anarcho-tyranny... demanding diversity data for "desegregation" but then they get rid of the data on interracial crime.

  8. We wouldn't be seeing a story like this about Trayvon had he been the one to walk away.

    There are few things more unforgivable than being wrong about something important. One of them is being right.

  9. a very knowing American7/22/13, 12:10 PM

    "George Zimmerman Wins Florida State Lottery"

    The Onion, July 16

  10. I can picture Jesse Jackson exclaiming "Zimmerman!" the way Seinfeld used to say "Newman!"

  11. SUV owners should protest him for making SUVs look bad and drawing attention to SUV rollover risk. We could have a whole series of "no good deed goes unpunished" with Zimmerman playing the fall guy over and over.

  12. I think Steve is an asshole for referring to Zimmerman as Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I hope now he realizes that the guy is genuinely civic minded.

  13. Here's a report of an hilarious comment over at GLPiggy:

    In daytime, he’s just a regular fat mestizo guy. But when the night falls, he becomes Zimmer Man, a white Hispanic superhero, a vigilante who walks the mean streets of small Florida towns, blowing the brains out of black thugs and helping trapped people get out of wrecked cars. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector — the White-ish Knight.

  14. Wonder if they'll start describing Zimmerman now as "black Hispanic"--e.g., "Black-Hispanic Man Heroically Saves White Family from Flaming Car Wreck!"

    Or something.

  15. Good thing they didn't lock their doors from the inside.

  16. When will that creepy ass cracker stop profiling people as in need of his attention?

  17. He saved a white family, i.e. he came to the rescue of the KKK!!!

  18. I imagine it will have to be reported that "the Hispanic George Zimmerman saved a family trapped in an SUV" while the "white George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin."

  19. In daytime, he’s just a regular fat mestizo guy.

    Slightly OT, but when I saw how much weight Zimmerman had gained, I wondered if it might be part of a long-term disguise strategy. After weeks of his fat, clean-cut image being imprinted into everyone's memories, he hides for a while, loses all that weight, pumps some iron, grows a beard and long hair and nobody will recognize him.

  20. Hollywood will put out the film version shortly.

    Of course, Zimmerman in the movie will be a black man and his shooting victim an angry white man who comes barreling out of his house and punches him to the ground.

    The selfless heroism of the black hero, rescuing White car crash victims at the end of the movie, despite his horrendous treatment at the hands of the racist media and judicial system, will leave the audience in tears.

  21. Zimmerman rescues people trapped in cars ... Trayvon protestors beat the shit out of people in their cars.

    I've seen enough.

  22. What a douchebag. He thinks he's a superhero or something. He's got a savior complex.

  23. First he's a wanna-be cop, now he's a wanna-be paramedic. What's with this guy and his weird concern for the well-being of other people?

  24. Whatever -- we all know that vehicle wouldn't have overturned if Florida didn't have a Stand Your Ground law.

  25. I think Hollywood needs to do a movie on Super Zimmer Man!

  26. So, this time Zimmerman not only got out of his car (which, as we know, is a crime in Florida, or at least should be) but -- get a load of this -- also helped a family get out of theirs. Is there no limit to how evil this guy is? NO_LIMIT_PARDO.

  27. As an idiot Facebook friend of mine said (in a very different context): "He got out of his car! He got out of his car!"

  28. Amusing comments!

    By the way, there is a typo in the original ABC News Story.

    "The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin."

    should read

    "The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from the gated community where Zimmerman shot Martin.

    "George Zimmerman" with "gated community" -- 281,000 hits

    "George Zimmerman" with "condominium complex" or "condo complex" -- 47,000 hits. With "crime-plagued condominium complex" -- 0 hits.

  29. On that note, what's going to happen to this poor guy when he's forced to put another round into some thug who goes after him in revenge for the Martin shooting? If I were him, I'd invest in some kind of lapel camera that can be worn while out and about in public, so I can prove self-defense beyond any doubt when I have to go through round II of this fiasco.

  30. Slightly OT, but when I saw how much weight Zimmerman had gained, I wondered if it might be part of a long-term disguise strategy. After weeks of his fat, clean-cut image being imprinted into everyone's memories, he hides for a while, loses all that weight, pumps some iron, grows a beard and long hair and nobody will recognize him.

    I was thinking he wanted to be as unattractive as possible when he arrived at the state pen.

  31. Anonymous heartiste said...
    I'm rethinking my opinion that Orwell was the most prophetic/perspicacious author of the 20th century. Tom Wolfe might be. And followed in second by a tie between Orwell and Houellebecq.

    What? No mention of Aldous Huxley and Brave New World? But he's the guy who put the Alphas in Dystopia.

  32. From the comments section of CNN's story about the birth of the royal baby in the UK:

    The baby almost suffocated on the umbilical cord until George Zimmerman bust through the wall and tore the cord into shreds. Thank you GZ!

    I think this has great potential as a new meme.

  33. Hubris (MSM) meets Nemesis (George Zimmerman).

    Nemesis wins. As Nemesis always must.

    I mean, what a great dude. He's just made the transition from tragic doofus victim to American folk hero.

    Truth really is stranger than fiction.

  34. Wait a minute. How come my neighborhood isn't filled with George Zimmermans? Just a bunch of judgmental stiffs.

  35. Enjoy these comments:



  36. George Zimmerman is basically Batman.

    In any story involving Zimmerman, ask yourself, would society be better served by more George Zimmermans, or by less George Zimmermans?

    The one that we do have has already nearly singlehandedly saved a family of people from a burning vehicle and stared into the face of black criminality at great cost to himself.

    If he runs for President in 2016, I'll renounce my citizenship, go to Mexico and become a citizen and then sneak back across the border so I can vote multiple times for him without being investigated.

  37. "The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin."

    should read

    "The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from the gated community where Zimmerman shot Martin."

    In last week's Economist it's a "subdivision."

  38. [QUOTE]You have to wonder what Trayvon would have done in such a situation. Being so concerned about the community and all.[/QUOTE]

    If the family had an jewelry on, Trayvon Martin would have robbed them at gunpoint.

    He was a thug in training who was obsessed with robbing jewelry.

  39. Ppfft, that's such a "Stuff White Hispanic People Like" thing to do.

  40. "Zimmerman verdict: 86 percent of African Americans disapprove"


    "African Americans have a mostly shared and sharply negative reaction to the shooting of Trayvon Martin and the not-guilty verdict in the resulting trial, while whites are far more divided, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    At least eight in 10 African Americans say the shooting of the Florida teenager was unjustified, recoil at the verdict in the trial and want the shooter, George Zimmerman, tried in federal court for violating Martin’s civil rights.

    On the Martin shooting in particular, the racial gaps are extremely wide.

    Among African Americans, 87 percent say the shooting was unjustified; among whites, just 33 percent say so. A slim majority of whites (51 percent) approve of the not-guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial, while African Americans overwhelmingly and strongly disapprove. Some 86 percent of blacks disagree with the verdict — almost all of them disapproving “strongly.”

    There is also a partisan tinge to the public views. Among whites, 70 percent of Republicans but only 30 percent of Democrats say they approve of the verdict.

    Some of the reaction to the trial — among both blacks and whites — stems from wildly different views of the role of race in the criminal justice system more broadly. Fully 86 percent of African Americans say blacks and other minorities do not get equal treatment under the law; the number of whites saying so is less than half as large, 41 percent. A majority of whites, 54 percent, say there is equal treatment for minority groups.

    About eight in 10 African Americans (81 percent) say the federal government should charge Zimmerman in federal court with civil rights violations. Just 27 percent of whites agree, while 59 percent say the government should not bring such charges."

  41. "Zimmerman verdict: 86 percent of African Americans disapprove"

    Nearly the same percentage that approved of the verdict on OJ Simpson.

    Jewish media was 100% disapproving of the verdict.

  42. Will this vigilante's reign of terror never end?

  43. TMZ actually found a way to make this story fit the narrative. you wouldn't have thought it possible but they did.


  44. Tom Wolfe might be. And followed in second by a tie between Orwell and Houellebecq.
    - add Raspail Camp of the Saints

  45. I think the most important takeaway from the Zimmerman trial and verdict aftermath is this: Blacks and their high minded white enablers have jumped the shark.

  46. We wouldn't be seeing a story like this about Trayvon had he been the one to walk away.


  47. Steve, a blog piece on Gabe Finger and his deadly ninja question to Obama's functionary? It and he deserves publicity in symoathetic outlets!

  48. Not Batman so much as the Green Hornet, or more like
    The White Hispanic Hornet.

  49. "Jewish media was 100% disapproving of the verdict."

    Except for Fox, which WNs always describe as neocon/Zionist.

  50. Mr. Zimmerman do you have no shame?!


  51. He is proactive, only a small percentage of the population would act like that. no wonder those who rule want him deepsixed.

  52. Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta7/22/13, 3:26 PM

    What kind of complexion did the accident survivors have that dear George helped?

    More proof of racism perhaps?

    Isn't that all we care about?

  53. As one astute observer put it,"If Obama had a city, it'd look like Detroit."

  54. Well that was mighty White of him wasn't it.

  55. Who would have thought that the biggest threat to the mighty Narrative would be some short pudgy mestizo who keeps on getting attention for trying to help people--protect the community from burglary, save people from a truck?

    The funny thing is Zimmerman isn't even trying to do that but just wants to be a good guy. But inspector clouseau-like, he's messes up the Narrative around him.
    He just jinxes the media. We don't know how it happens, but it just does.

    Zimmerman vs the media:


    Clouseau means well, but everything always goes wrong for Dreyfus.

    Btw, the looks kinda like Our Gang's Spanky.

  56. josh(yeah I'm back)7/22/13, 3:45 PM

    When the fsmily in the SUV saw George there,urging them to let him help them out of the vehicle,Father couldnt help but smile. "Its always about getting OUT of the car,isnt it,George?" The fsmily said they were cut off by a car driven by an overweight black female. "The sign clearly said 'YIELD',"father said,shaking his head ruefully. "Its almost as if,"said Mother,"this overweight black female couldnt READ the sign..."

  57. Media jumped on Zimmerman worse than Trayvon did.

    Zimmerman kinda looks like a brown version of John McCain.
    Boy, did the media jump on McCain in 2008 while making Obama out to be the messiah.
    Same dynamic here.

    Obama and his kool aid, Trayvon with his skittles.

  58. On that day Zimmerman had already passed by 4 overturned, burning cars full of black families.

  59. "As one astute observer put it,"If Obama had a city, it'd look like Detroit."

    LOL! This is one of the funniest threads ever.

  60. So anyone know the identity of the other rescuer? I bet it was either Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, since they follow GZim around and threaten him. It would be ironic if it was a black family that George helped save. I bet he never thought of the race while rescuing them. I bet Al and Jesse would.

  61. Seen on the net:

    "Almost convicted of crime he didn't commit, he escaped to the Miami underground. Today, still wanted by the Federal government, he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you can find him...maybe you can hire... George Zimmerman. "

  62. Steve,

    I don't think the vehicle was on fire, but Zimmerman thought it was and happened to have a fire extinguisher in his vehicle.

    He'd make such a shitty neighbor.

  63. One thing for sure, Obama couldn't have been Zimmerman 35 yrs ago or now. I don't see Obama serving or saving anyone but himself.

  64. One more act, and Zimmerman becomes prime material for one of those folk hero ballads.

    1) Saves a trapped family from a burning SUV
    2) Turns back the powers-that-be who want to keep him from protecting his community
    3) ?????????

  65. Hacienda said...
    Wait a minute. How come my neighborhood isn't filled with George Zimmermans? Just a bunch of judgmental stiffs.

    At a guess? Too many Haciendas, not enough Anglos.

    What is an Asian doing with that handle, anyway? Would you go by latifundium? What about cotton plantation?

  66. What would the Zimmerman Signal look like? Maybe some combo of the Neighborhood Watch and NBC peacock logos

  67. anonymous at 3:13 why do you like to rain on parades!

  68. Maybe I'm wrong on the car being on fire. Mixed reports on it right now. Either way, dude came prepared.

  69. Liberal villain: rescues family of four trapped in overturned vehicle.

    Liberal hero: leave 29-year-old woman to drown in sinking car.

  70. BTW, I'm starting to wonder about the numbers Blogspot includes in its captchas. Is Google using them to help identify numbers for Google Street View that its own software cannot? I've started typing in bogus numbers for the captchas and it still accepts my comments.

  71. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/113941/big-law-firms-trouble-when-money-dries?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=sppost&utm_campaign=080513_coverrelease#

    Some good news.

  72. OT Bill O'Reilly making it real!


  73. @rob,

    No seriously. Always been on Zimo's side. And fully expected the racial self-congratulation orgy with this news. Sheesh. Childish in the extreme. But, doesn't diminish Zimo, though. He's Hispanic! Take that haters. That's got to some real cognitive dissonance going on here.

  74. We'll altruism is your greatest virtue. This guys imbibed that. If he keeps going he will have his OJ moment and the prosecution will have their revenge. "Surely he has 'Hero Syndrome'? etc causing incidents/accidents to look like a hero "etc.

  75. Wankers Gawking at Vox7/22/13, 8:16 PM

    Liberal villain: rescues family of four trapped in overturned vehicle.

    Liberal hero: leave 29-year-old woman to drown in sinking car.

    Surely you are not dissing the Hero of Chappaquiddick?

  76. Just a note in terms of those statistics. I worked last year on the Justice Departments Survey of Crime Statistics as an interviewer. All those surveyed are asked to account for the race of their victimizers. So the data exist, perhaps just not calculated or released. But it IS there.

  77. O'Reilly's rant tonight and his discussion with Rove were amazing. O'Reilly took on black out-of-wedlock birth rates hard. Rove took on Obama saying he could have been Trayvon Martin 35 years ago. Rove (paraphrasing): "Oh really, Mr. President? You would have punched a stranger who confronted you, knocked him to the ground and wailed on him?" (Of course, the evidence was clear that Z did not confront Martin. Rather, Martin doubled back to attack Zimmerman. Probably would have taken a cellphone of a comatose Zimmerman and posted it on YouTube, as well as robbing Z.)

    Worth a watch, though. I've never seen anything like it on TV.

  78. The lunatics are already saying Zimmerman caused the wreck.

    I once asked a black co-worker what she meant by this "justice" she kept yammering on about. She thought for a moment. "There actually is no justice," she replied, "there's Just Us." A pretty bald statement of nonobjectivity.

  79. Wankers Gawking at Vox7/22/13, 8:57 PM

    Truth says:

    Stand your ground SWiPples and refers us to an article on an almost reverse situation to Zimmerman's in NY.

    I am white and a gun nut and the research I have done on the case suggests to me that Scott was a very responsible gun owner and was confronted by two or three white teens early in the morning, one of whom had had previous brushes with police.

    I think that both Zimmerman and Scott were justified in their actions.

  80. He has a CCP and patrols the neighborhood, he carries a fire extinguisher in his car (!) and pulls a family out of an overturned car...

    He can be my neighbor any day. And I usually prefer Nordics and Northeast Asians as neighbors. But character and deed trump race.

  81. "John Derbyshire said...

    In last week's Economist it's a "subdivision.""

    Last year it was a gated-community. This year it's a subdivision. Next year.......ghetto. HUD - spreading the poverty, so that everybody gets to enjoy some.

  82. "Marcus A. said...

    As one astute observer put it,"If Obama had a city, it'd look like Detroit.""

    That's pretty good.

  83. Breaking on Drudge:

    Politico reports that the ACLU is walking back its demand that Zimmerman be charged by the fed, citing the org's policy of opposition to double jeopardy:

    "'There should be no exception to double jeopardy principles simply because the same offense may be prosecuted by two different sovereigns,' the policy says.[... Laura Murphy, director of ACLU's DC office, writes to DOJ:] 'The ACLU believes the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Constitution protects someone from being prosecuted in another court for charges arising from the same transaction. A jury found Zimmerman not guilty, and that should be the end of the criminal case.'"

    What Holder will do is anyone's guess, but the story mentions some hints that there's an unlikelihood of further criminal prosecution of Zimmerman.

    The story contains one head-scratcher that is typical of our age. I had to rub my eyes and think twice when I read:

    "The heated debate highlighted one of the ACLU's challenges: It is perhaps the nation's foremost advocate for civil liberties — but it also has a long history advocating for civil rights."

    An open admission by Politico that civil rights are the enemy of civil liberties.

  84. Make that "well".

  85. OT: Iraqis celebrate the peace and stability we brought them:

    Massive prison break in Iraq

    Tis' a good thing we stayed the course and won the war, as all those FOX talking heads harangued us to do.

  86. I am white and a gun nut and the research I have done on the case suggests to me that Scott was a very responsible gun owner and was confronted by two or three white teens early in the morning, one of whom had had previous brushes with police.

    I think that both Zimmerman and Scott were justified in their actions.

    You're wasting your time responding to "Truth". Like the vast majority of the black community, "Truth" is mainly interested in having as many blacks get away murder as possible - as long as it's of non-blacks. In "Truth"'s worldview, Roderick Scott's is a good shoot because he was black and the dead victim white, and not because the shooting had a self-defense element. The wrinkle here is that the dead victim was shot in the back from 20 feet away. The question is whether he was first shot in the arm as he advanced towards Scott and a second shot was fired as a coup de grace. Here's the relevant passage:

    Court papers revealed the teenager killed in Greece was shot in the back.

    District Attorney Mike Green confirmed that Christopher Cervini, 17, was shot in the back from about 20 feet away on Baneberry Way in Greece on Saturday, April 4.

    Another bullet struck Cervini's hand, went through his chest and out his armpit.

  87. I bet it will turn out that he was following the suspicious black SUV, which made a sharp turn and overturned when they saw that they were being followed by a creepy mexican.

  88. "Like the vast majority of the black community, "Truth" is mainly interested in having as many blacks get away murder as possible..."

    Oh yeah, I'm a HUGE fan of murder; there just can't be enough senseless killing for me.

  89. One thing for sure, Obama couldn't have been Zimmerman 35 yrs ago or now. I don't see Obama serving or saving anyone but himself.

    Oh, young Barry might have helped them out of the car. But after regaling them at length about how he could have been them, like when grandma had to swerve to avoid a turtle , causing him to spill his pineapple juice, or the time he dropped a lit joint in his lap behind the wheel, etc ad nauseum, well, they'd probably be begging to be put back in.

  90. Simon in London7/23/13, 12:10 AM

    I said to my wife a week or so ago that Zimmerman seems himself in the mold of Superman and suchlike superheroes, fighting crime and seeking liberty and justice for all. Guess this is another example!

  91. "TMZ actually found a way to make this story fit the narrative. you wouldn't have thought it possible but they did.


    Today's debate on CNN "If the SUV family were black would Zimmerman have shot them all in the face?"


    "One more act, and Zimmerman becomes prime material for one of those folk hero ballads.

    1) Saves a trapped family from a burning SUV
    2) Turns back the powers-that-be who want to keep him from protecting his community
    3) ?????????"

    Win a billion suing the media and give half away to charity?

  92. The only question that remains to be resolved is whether or not George Zimmerman was wearing his full KKK regalia the night he brutally murdered Emmett Till.

    The BBC helpfully asks why "so few people" have heard of this young man, in spite of the fact that very many people have heard of him (Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom? Who?)


  93. CNN, July 14

    "...Zimmerman, who identifies himself as Hispanic,..."

    CNN, July 22

    "Zimmerman, who is Hispanic,..."

  94. I imagine it will have to be reported that "the Hispanic George Zimmerman saved a family trapped in an SUV" while the "white George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin."

    Thread winner. And there's been some seriously funny shit in this thread.

    Hollywood will put out the film version shortly.

    Of course, Zimmerman in the movie will be a black man and his shooting victim an angry white man who comes barreling out of his house and punches him to the ground.

    The selfless heroism of the black hero, rescuing White car crash victims at the end of the movie, despite his horrendous treatment at the hands of the racist media and judicial system, will leave the audience in tears.

    That sounds like parody, but that's exactly what Hollywood would do, if they thought for a second that they could get away with it.

    Whatever -- we all know that vehicle wouldn't have overturned if Florida didn't have a Stand Your Ground law.

    See what I mean? Thread keeps getting funnier and funnier.

    St. Skittles my ass; St. Zimmerman of Punking the Media Scum.

    Amusing comments!

    No shit! This is easily the funniest story/iSteve thread I've ever seen. Troof is strangier than fikshun.

    On that note, what's going to happen to this poor guy when he's forced to put another round into some thug who goes after him in revenge for the Martin shooting? If I were him, I'd invest in some kind of lapel camera that can be worn while out and about in public, so I can prove self-defense beyond any doubt when I have to go through round II of this fiasco.

    Brother, if I were you (or me), I'd invest in same. We're all George Zimmerman now.

    Hubris (MSM) meets Nemesis (George Zimmerman).

    Nemesis wins. As Nemesis always must.

    I mean, what a great dude. He's just made the transition from tragic doofus victim to American folk hero.

    Truth really is stranger than fiction.

    So true. And you beat me to "troof is stranger than fikshun," too.

    If he runs for President in 2016, I'll renounce my citizenship, go to Mexico and become a citizen and then sneak back across the border so I can vote multiple times for him without being investigated.

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Can I vote in a new thread-winner?

    [QUOTE]You have to wonder what Trayvon would have done in such a situation. Being so concerned about the community and all.[/QUOTE]

    GD you, use HTML!

    Except for Fox, which WNs always describe as neocon/Zionist.

    And they're wrong because...?

    Well that was mighty White of him wasn't it.

    Hahahaha! Yeeehaw! Just when I though this thread couldn't get any funnier...

    The funny thing is Zimmerman isn't even trying to do that but just wants to be a good guy. But inspector clouseau-like, he's messes up the Narrative around him.

    Okay, I give up. I'm not gonna say how this thread can't get any funnier anymore. I promise.

    On that day Zimmerman had already passed by 4 overturned, burning cars full of black families.

    See what I mean? Funniest f-ing bit so far. I give up again...

    LOL! This is one of the funniest threads ever.

    Christ baby Jesus yes. This is hands-down the funniest iSteve thread ever, period, no effing contest whatsoever. And the most delicious. I can almost hear Troof's asshole snapping shut.

    So anyone know the identity of the other rescuer? I bet it was either Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, since they follow GZim around and threaten him.

    Jesus, please stop, guys, please; "onna these days yer gonna die laffin'".

  95. Rev. Al Sharptone7/23/13, 3:18 AM

    If the family had an jewelry on, Trayvon Martin would have robbed them at gunpoint.

    Mr. Sailer, why do you allow such biased and hateful statements from your racist readers.

    If 17 year old Trayvon had not had his life tragically interrupted, I have no doubt he would have acted nobly, like 17 year old De'Marquise.

  96. Yesterday afternoon, AKAHorace wrote (7/22/13, 2:11 PM) --

    Enjoy these comments:


    I posted the following on that thread at 4:14 PM MDT. The moderators struck it within 10 minutes.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    From paying some attention to media reports and the trial, this is my understanding of a key part of the sequence of events:

    1 -- Zimmerman (in his car) had words with Martin (on foot). Martin ran down a footpath, out of Zimmerman's sight. Zimmerman left his car, presumably to look for Martin. Martin then returned, seeking out Zimmerman.

    2 -- Martin found Zimmerman, and they exchanged words. Although there were no witnesses, circumstances suggest that Martin initiated the physical confrontation by punching Zimmerman. Other facts excluded from the trial tend to support this interpretation.

    Is there any strong evidence that points in the other direction -- to Zimmerman as the one who escalated this tragic encounter into violence?

    3 -- Eyewitness accounts seem to establish that the lanky, street-wise Martin was winning the fight. Martin was atop pudgy, unfit Zimmerman, pounding his head into the ground, though Zimmerman's injuries were less severe than his account to police might have suggested. From the bottom, Zimmerman was likely crying, "Help!"

    4 -- At this point, Zimmerman shot Martin, killing him.

    Could knowledgeable commenters correct any misstatements of fact in this outline?

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Perhaps some folks want to maintain the low-information status of their allies.

  97. London resident7/23/13, 4:42 AM

    I bet Grand Dragon Zimmerman tailed them and ran them off the road, Mississippi Burning-style, before shooting them dead and burying the bodies in a remote location.

    I mean, in these days when actual facts mean so little, and lies are ubiquitous, this may as well be the truth, right? Sanity and rationality are nothing but fond memories now.

  98. According to Salon.com's FB followers, the Koch brothers faked the SUV rollover. Because they're racist.

  99. Forward Roll7/23/13, 5:52 AM

    "One more act, and Zimmerman becomes prime material for one of those folk hero ballads."

    I'm channeling Grandpa Jones and "Ole Dan Tucker":

    Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    Get out the way of ole George Zimmer,
    He’s not a loser, he’s a winner.

    1st Verse:
    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Born with a mes-ti-zo sun tan,
    Holstered gun when he walks his beat,
    Cleans up the Skittles at his feet.


    2nd Verse:
    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Rescued kids from a burning van,
    Cops a sittin’ at the doughnut shop,
    Wishin’ this whole damn thing would stop.


    3rd Verse:
    Ole George Zimmer was a fine old Man,
    Holder’ll jail him if he can,
    FBI and the state DA,
    Will keep on tryin’ till the Judgement Day.


  100. You okay, Steve? It's been like ten hours since your last post.

  101. "Here's the relevant passage:"

    Oh come on, Vladimir; Scott is a GREAT man, a credit to his neighborhood, just the type of neighbor I'd like to have, keeping an eye out for dangerous thugs like Cervini!

    I for one am glad he got to remove that scum, that criminal element from the neighborhood personally, I think he should get a medal, it's an open and shut case, those little gang-bangers where in the process of committing a crime when that GREAT man took aim and POOF! Just drag that little criminal off to the morgue.

    Why don't they make more "White Africans" like Scott, I'd love it if he patrolled my neighborhood...

  102. Trayvon would have rescued their wallets.

  103. the undercover Angela Corey7/23/13, 7:02 AM

    Why is everyone missing the obvious explanation? Zimmerman being an incomprehensibly evil genius took a public relations course at his local community college all as part of his master plan to shoot a young black kid, use his community college coursework to craft a plausible defense, and now he executes the PR part of the plan. Why can't you idiots see how this genius is playing you? Note to self -- bring new development in master scheme to attention of E. Holder.

  104. anon@7/22/13, 12:03 PM: Interesting link; recommend a look. So much delusion, tyrannical scoial-engineering intent, and pure comedy gold packed into a few news paragraphs. Just one:

    “For the first time ever," Donovan added, "HUD will provide data for every neighborhood in the country, detailing the access African American, Latino, Asian, and other communities have to local assets, including schools, jobs, transportation, and other important neighborhood resources that can play a role in helping people move into the middle class."

    "Access to local assets". I especially liked that bit.

  105. In order for sites to get more clicks/visits, every damn site comes up lists and lists and lists and lists. It might as well be called the listernet.


  106. Don't you have to pay to drive into NY city's downtown area?

  107. Wankers Gawking at Vox7/23/13, 7:49 AM

    Quoted from here:

    The most famous white Hispanic helped rescue 4 Americans. The most famous black Caucasian refused to rescue 4 Americans! Who’s A HATER?

  108. Sniff the air and blame the odor on everything but the shit causing it.


  109. Truth "refers us to an article on an almost reverse situation to Zimmerman's in NY."

    I don't click on Truth's links anymore. He has, with malicious intent, linked to computer virus sites before. DON'T CLICK, guys!

  110. Win a billion suing the media, turn it into ten billion day trading penny stocks, then give it all to charity.

  111. Especially in light of this incident, shouldn't Chris Matthews apologize on behalf of Liberal control of the media?

  112. "On that day Zimmerman had already passed by 4 overturned, burning cars full of black families. " - He did stop to see who they were first.

  113. In a hundred years when the Confederacy tells the folk tale of Wanderin Zims, hero to all, the media will only have itself to blame when he's turned from a chubby mestizo to a chubby good ol boy.

  114. Bill O'Reilly still got it wrong on the reasons Zimmerman suspected Martin; he says it was because of Martin's CLOTHING, which is bullshit. It was Martin's suspicious BEHAVIOR that drew his attention, and that's what he reported to the police.

    The degree of emotion on this case on the part of people who simply don't know the facts is incredible, and their willingness to toss aside fundamental principles of law and jurisprudence in order to convict Zimmerman and those like him is truly frightening.

    Here's an interesting "quiz" on the Zimmerman/Martin case which provides a lot of information that most people are entirely unaware of; given the degree of coverage this case had, it's also a major indictment of the mainstream media.


    And the fact that so many, especially blacks but also many whites, are convinced Zimmerman was a "racist", is a shocking inversion of the truth.

  115. George Zimmerman was apparently in the process of changing his name to Carlos Danger...

  116. "I don't click on Truth's links anymore. He has, with malicious intent, linked to computer virus sites before. DON'T CLICK, guys!"

    So I opened up this some dirty on my computer in order to get you to paste it to yours with "malicious intent."

    That's brilliant. Steve's right; born an imbecile, die an imbecile.

  117. "I bet Grand Dragon Zimmerman"

    No, he's the Gran Mago of Kla Raza .

  118. You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
    You don’t spit into the wind
    You don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
    And you don’t mess around with Zimm

  119. Florida resident7/23/13, 3:00 PM

    I stopped looking into "National Review" after the defenestration of Derbyshire. As a result I learned about the article by Victor Davis Hanson there from the blog-comment by Derbyshire at VDARE,


    I had to break with my decision not to read National Review, and have read the article.
    Quite bleak article. If he published it in "Slate" or "TNR", I could understand that for tactical reasons he would not be inclined to mention Derbyshire affair.
    But not to mention Derb in NR on this occasion is extreme dirt and low class on the part of VDH.
    Editors cleansed up all _665_ comments (as of 2013/07/23, 5:50 PM Eastern time.) of all mentioning of Derb; I tried to find them via "find" --- nothing.
    Shame on VDH !

  120. Can't keept the Dark Knight scene out of my head. Batman has apparently killed a villain, but not villain. The police come to chase him with their dogs as he hops is Batmoto and escapes into the night...

    Little boy sess and asks his father,
    "why are they chasing him dad. He didn't do anything wrong?"

    Dad: "Because they have to, son."

    So it has been all through this Zim thing.

  121. If any brown group is like the KKK, it's La Raza, leaders of which has spouted brown supremacist and revenge rhetoric.

    But Zimmerman gets tagged with 'racism'.

    I guess razismo is okay.

  122. "I had to break with my decision not to read National Review, and have read the article. Quite bleak article."

    One thing...

    Hanson and many conservatives say it's understandable that whites are nervous around blacks because statistics bear out the higher rates of crime among blacks, but that's rather disingenuous.

    It's not the stats but firsthand experience, word-of-mouth about what happened to friends or family members, images on TV news(despite the efforts to edit the material), and other visceral factors.
    While numbers and stats do bear out the higher rate of black criminality, people are not reacting to dry numbers. If white folks knew about black crime only through numbers, they would care far less.
    Also, there are certain signals you can pick up when around blacks. Some blacks look scary, act scary, and move like they're about to do something bad. If you know urban black reality, you know the signals.

    Also, Obama is being disingenuous when he says all black men are held in suspicion by whites. Again, most people know the reality and can pick up the signals as to which blacks are dangerous and which are not. Even someone such as myself who is no fan of negroes can tell most times which blacks to look out for and which ones not to.
    In a downtown area, NO ONE fears well-dressed or decent-seeming blacks who look like lawyers, accountants, professionals, etc. I mean what white person is gonna flip out over someone like Clarence Page?

    If anything, Obama has been greeted and embraced by privileged whites because he's a nice negro type. Indeed, he's been befriended, patted on the back, trusted, accepted, rewarded, and etc more than white people with similar credentials. He's been treated like royalty for being the dream nice negro that whites like to be around. But he mentions none of that. The ungrateful son of a bitch yammers about how someone locked the car door when he was walking by. But how does he know they were locking the door because of him? People enter cars and lock the doors. They put on seat belts too. Possibly, because the young Obama was a dopehead and maybe looked like a punk, maybe some whites were a bit wary of him, but that woulda been Obama's fault since he was a pothead punk in his youth. It prolly had less to do with his skin color than his demeanor as a punk.

    All this talk about statistics misses the point. If you've seen blacks in subways, buses, and etc, you know there are plenty of nice blacks but there are some that are just scummy. And these scummy ones sear into your head. Even if they don't do anything bad to you, their demeanor is something you can't shake off. Also, local news is filled with stories of blacks who rob, beat, and assault. These stories are visceral; it's not about numbers and stats.
    Also, most people know someone or someone who knows someone who was done in by blacks. I had a friend who went to an elite college in the 1980s and was raped by a black in her car. And I had experiences walking down the street and being pushed and held at gunpoint by such scum. And I've experienced plenty of bad black behavior in schools, malls, buses, and etc.
    I don't feel the way I do because of numbers or stats. All those numbers do is confirm what I know emotionally through experience and observation and hearsay.

  123. Prof. Woland7/23/13, 5:13 PM

    Now that the criminal trial is over, Zimmerman could probably raise a fortune to pay for his legal costs if he faces a civil trial or a Federal civil rights trial. During the criminal phase of this, the judge was able to put the kibosh on his legal fund when she nearly revoked his bail for his not disclosing. that of course, was one of the dirty tricks played on Zimmy. He needed good legal counsel and by interfering on his ability to pay for it nearly cost him his hide. I am willing to bet that there are millions of Americans that would donate anywhere from $1 to $100 if he simply asked his fellow citizens for help. Not only would it put a thumb in the eye of Holder, Obama, and the Martins but it would a nice little version of a conservative protest as well.

  124. Steve, I saw this on Ace of Spades HQ:

    "Greg Gutfeld earlier today had a good term for that sort of talk: "Hatefacts." What you're saying is a fact, but it's a Hate Fact, because the dominant cultural gatekeepers don't want to hear it and will call it "hate" to get you to shut up about your impolitic truth-telling."

    It's an obvious unattributed usurpation of a concept you've explicitly named and championed for years.

  125. What? No mention of Aldous Huxley and Brave New World? But he's the guy who put the Alphas in Dystopia.

    At least his dystopia didn't require Alphas to be tortured in compulsory government schools.

  126. You can do a million good things but you will only be remembered by the one bad thing. poor guy.

  127. "Hanson and many conservatives say it's understandable that whites are nervous around blacks because statistics bear out the higher rates of crime among blacks, but that's rather disingenuous."

    I stand corrected. I yammered about Hanson without having read his article, presuming he stated his case in the same vein as O'Reilly and others who dwelt on statistics than details of black crime.

    Hanson did delve into the horror of the crimes involved and the reality many Americas have to deal with.
    A courageous piece.

  128. Nobody's mentioned the scene in Crash where Matt Dillon's racist cop gets to show that he's not all bad, by rescuing Thandi Newton from an upturned vehicle?

  129. First Zimmerman gets found not guilty, then he rescues a trapped family, now the royal couple has named their baby after him:


    Talk about being on a roll!

  130. Now that the royal baby has been named George, and George Zimmerman has slain a dragon and rescued innocents, I am going to load my Kenneth Alford CD and cue up "Standard of Saint George."


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