July 6, 2013

How immigration can solve all the world's problems

From the comments to "The Extended Stay American Dream:"
 Anononymous said... 
"everyone born here would have to leave. Then they would be replaced with immigrants." 
Excellent plan. Here's my implementation: 
Part the first: 
All third-world population to move to USA, supervised by the UN. All, no exceptions. America becomes an exponential-GDP economists-utopia with a population of billions of ad-revenue generators. NY-LA greater metropolitan area. World GDP doubles. Trillion dollar bills on the sidewalk. Third world poverty ended. Sally Struthers retires. 
Part the second: 
The non-vibrant portion of USA is banished to the now-vacated lands. The ultimate liberal-revenge fantasy. Now they can experience first-hand the misery they inflicted on those people by not allowing them to immigrate here. 
They can see first-hand life with the civil-wars, the gang-rapes, child-prostitution, drug-cartels, brutal dictatorships, AIDs. They will see what effect an accident of birth can have on your life. O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis. 
Then we will build a wall around USA so that the non-vibrant can never come back. They will try to climb the wall and beg for permission to immigrate, but their pleas will fall on deaf ears. See how it feels, hah. (Also, no one can leave either.) 
The low population density will really make for a miserable GDP. It will be like living in a world-wide Australia, shudder. 
I'm torn as to whether infrastructure left behind should be left intact or sabotaged. Immigrants are so industrious they won't need it.


  1. If vibrancy is what American liberals want, we don't need lots of immigration. All we need is internal migration within the US. Since the South and SW are more vibrant with lots of blacks and browns, they could be sent to northern states. I mean the south and sw shouldn't greedily hog all the wonderful vibrancy. They should be made to share it with places like Maine and Vermont.

    Problem solved.

    Of course, one of the attractions of immigration for elite liberals is that many immigrants are not vibrant. Silicon Valley want docile Asian drones and urban liberals want docile brown dish washers and nannies. Such immigrants, if used as buffers against blacks, serve to muffle out the vibrant noises and problems of the black community.

  2. If non-whites do better under white rule in America, doesn't it mean that non-whites are less skilled in ruling themselves? After all, where their kind rule, there are lots more problems and poverty and oppression.

    So, the conclusion to be drawn from such view is that whites make better rulers than non-whites, and non-whites do best to live UNDER white rule.
    So, this immigration argument is really premised on white superiority or at least white elite superiority.
    Non-whites do better under whites cuz they suck as rulers/elites whereas whites make great rulers and elites. Non-whites do better to follow white orders and obey white laws as set down by white(and Jewish and homo)elites.

    But if the non-stop immigration and decadent liberalism finally undermine white rule of law, then US will become a mess like other parts of the world where the law matters a lot less than tribal networks and who-you-know. Then, what happens? If non-whites should come here to live under superior white rule, but if superior white rule is undermined in the long run, US will be run by non-whites, in which case US will become like Mexico or Brazil.

    The immigration argument also says that while whites make better rulers than non-whites, they make worse followers than non-whites. Pro-immigrant people say immigrants, most of whom are non-white, are necessary to revitalize this country's small businesses and work force. That means American-born whites are worthless are workers and followers. Isn't that a kind of class snobbery?

    I thought liberals were for equality. But they say whites make better rulers than non-whites do, and white masses make worse followers than non-whites(at least non-white immigrants) do.

    Another contradiction in liberal logic: Liberals say immigrants from poor countries are great cuz they know what real poverty is. Thus, they appreciate what America has to offer more and work harder than American-born folks do.
    In other words, the sting of poverty makes poor people want to work and bust their butts to make it.
    But if that's true, why did liberals push welfare programs that cushioned the American's underclass so much so that they never wanna get off their ass?
    If the sting of poverty is the great incentive that makes the poor want to crawl out of poverty, then America did a great wrong to its homegrown poor by taking the sting out of poverty and offering tons of welfare that turned too many black/white trash into a bunch of fatasses.

    Liberals never make much sense.

  3. You mentioned that article last week by David Brooks referring to an imaginary "Enrique Cohen-Chen":


    "He's the 'Chexican' engineer running from Canada to Argentina to raise money for the 14 countries he passes through - without wearing shoes.

    Joseph Michael Liu Kai-Tsu Roqueni will run at least 25 hours each week to complete his 11,806 mile (19,000 kilometer) journey within 18 months."

    "The self-described 'Chexican' because of his Chinese, Mexican and Canadian roots, kicked off his barefoot trek - equivalent to 450 marathons - in his hometown of Montreal on July 2."

  4. Yeah... This is the thought experiment the lefties won't allow to run in in the most abstract form. Because they already know the results. Everyone who is anyone knows.

    Given today's technology, a bunch of WASP settlers can turn even Central African Republic into a reasonably prosperous state on a par with Chile or Taiwan. At the same time, any number of Nigerians can't sustain Iowa for more than a couple of generations.

    That's all there is there... All the freaking political economists of the world only muddle the waters to distract everyone from this very obvious conclusion.

  5. This sounds like one of the all time best comments on AR: It was on a thread where some crackpot leftist said that white people should be put in concentration camps. The comment was that it would be the only mass prison that blacks would try to break into, and that the real prison would be outside the walls.

  6. America: It's Magic! Come here and step on the magic soil, drink the magic water, and breathe the magic air, and suddenly you, too, will be thinking, acting, and earning like a First Worlder!

    It's Blank Slate Theory taken to it's logical conclusion: the state of the Third World is all about lousy geography and a lousy system of government. It's the system, stupid. The country isn't the way it is because of how its people behave - it's how it is because of a lousy system. Install the people into a different, better system, and suddenly they'll behave completely differently.

    It's the utter, dehumanizing philosophy of leftism: humans are all interchangeable widgets to be installed, removed, and discarded by those in charge of the system.

  7. Meant to add that my captcha for the last post: DeUnity.

    How appropriate.

  8. A good plan needs a good, catchy name. What's a good name for this? The immi-pipheny? The immig-gination? The Total Immigy? The Big Immigrahug? The I-state? Then i whirld?

  9. Mr. Rational7/6/13, 7:48 PM

    The sad part about this satire is that you'll find thousands of irony-deaf leftists who'll take it seriously.

  10. One thing that the open borders people do not get around to mentioning is that mass immigration is happening literally at the point of the gun of the state. These people are being invited and come by by the power of the state. How is that Libertarian?

  11. Contact Kevyn Orr and Gov. Rick Snyder, they'll sell you parts of Detroit to put all these immigrants. Snyder might even throw in Flint, Saginaw, and Benton Harbor. That should take care of 2-3 million new Americans. And liberal elites will get to ethnic cleanse each of those cities!

  12. Immigrants may hate us, but Indians hate us with a ferocity you cannot imagine, and I've been to Compton & all sorts of bad 'hoods in Merica.

    At least they have a plausible reason. I've never understood this whole "Haha, you complaining is pretty hypocritical after your ancestors took land from the natives!"

    Well yes. Mass immigration worked out incredibly badly for the people who were already there. It destroyed their way of life and dispossessed them from the lands of their ancestors. Their experience should inspire anyone with two brain cells to prevent mass immigration as the highest civilization priority. The price of failure is astronomical.

  13. These people are being invited and come by by the power of the state. How is that Libertarian?

    Judge ideologies by their real world manifestations and by their slogans. Communism said one thing, and did something very different. For all the silly sophomoric horseshit about "don't do harm to anyone", real world libertarianism boils down to "Government should give more money to people who are already very rich". And nothing else.

  14. Why pick on liberals George Bush thought this way. He wanted the poor Mexicans to come up here since they didn't have a regular job and didn't have indoor plumbing to feed their families.

  15. f the sting of poverty is the great incentive that makes the poor want to crawl out of poverty, then America did a great wrong to its homegrown poor by taking the sting out of poverty and offering tons of welfare that turned too many black/white trash into a bunch of fatasses.

    Liberals never make much sense.
    There are few lazy whites. Whites as a percentage are less on welfare than blacks or illegal Hispanics that are at least on the free and reduce programs.You are also spreading conservative myth whites in Kentucky and West Virginia are over 13 percent of the population on food stamps compared to blue states like California in counties like San Diego at 7 percent of all people's in 2009. San Diego isn't real liberal but there are plenty of whites in California less on the dole than in some red states. Stats from New York Times 2009. In spite of the so called stats by the right wind that California has 30 percent on the dole but many are 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans.

  16. Auntie Analogue7/6/13, 10:17 PM

    If we will all be leaving to populate the rest of the world vacated by all the wannabe Americans who will have immigrated here, then I call dibs on Tahiti!

  17. The flaw with the scenario of so-called ultimate immigration justice is that the non-vibrant are not supposed to go and suffer the fate of the excluded. The non-vibrant must pay! They must pay reparations by remaining in the US and provide two basic services: Their labor and their women. Only then can justice be served and the problem finally solved by abolishing the white race -- well abolishing them after they've put out enough. Come to think of it, maybe abolishing the white race isn't such a great idea. They owe so much there's really no amount of money and pussy that can pay off the debt is there?

  18. I would agree to the left's demands if they give nonvibrants their own reservations as neo-native americans. I belong to the Scotch-Irish tribe. I demand a res in Appalachia!

  19. Most hardcore libs see the combination of having a structure for the free flow of capital/resources across borders and limiting the free flow of people who are following said capital as inherently evil.

    Obviously it's much more complex than that, but they refuse to look beyond that.

  20. "It's Blank Slate Theory taken to it's logical conclusion"

    Mebbe it could be called BLANK STATE THEORY.

    America is a blank sTate and can be written with vibrant lingo... though the writing seems to be 'down with whitey'.

  21. I came up with a similar idea, after reading too many posts and comments on this site. I posted it in the early thread, and am reposting it here.

    Essentially, its non-native born citizenship. Anyone born outside the country becomes a citizen immediately upon arrival, if they declare they want to become a citizen.

    People born in the country can never become citizens. They are not allowed to leave, they become a class to be exploited by the citizens. Elite citizens would go to great efforts to make sure their children were born outside the country, for this reason.

  22. Charter cities are a neo-liberal, or whatever that sort wants to be called these days, idea to export white people to run city-states full of non-whites in the third world. It makes sense and seems more ethical than immigration. Charter cities and eventually charter provinces or countries could host and uplift vastly more more non-whites than white countries could. The white man's burden would only fall on people who want to uplift/exploit non-whites. Immigration imposes a large burden on people who don't want it. Most importantly, unlike non-white immigration to white countries, charter cities would not degrade the first world countries. How many Pakistanis can occupy the UK before it breaks? Probably a lot fewer than the population of Pakistan. But charter cities run by British people in Pakistan could expand to the entire country.

    We know that 'charters' have potential, because they're essentially colonialism with a new name.

  23. http://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836#.Udb53zt9vVo

  24. Re: the sting of poverty. It's mostly libertarians, globalists, and free-marketeers who use that argument - not liberals. I did hear some liberals say that the long-lasting remnants of European imperialism was what held down Third Worlders in their own countries, and they need to escape to America to reach their full potential.

  25. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/06/referee-player-killed-brazil-soccer-fans_n_3555436.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false

  26. Government and media literally related.

    The inbreeding of power.
    From checks and balances to chums and dalliances.




  27. I've got an even simpler idea.

    In line with the current orthodoxy amongst economists that 'absolute freedom' for trade, investment flows, capital etc, (not to mention 'people'), is *the* absolute, vital, essential prerequisite to 'economic growth', wouldn't it be a lot cheaper and easier (and hus 'economic') to move the USA wholesale to the Indian subcontinent rather than move the Indian subcontinent to the USA?
    By this I mean that entire liquid capital base of the USA together with its oh-so-vital 'institutions' should all, lock, stock and barrel relocate to India and start working their 'magic' over there whilst leaving the unworthy Americans to their fate.
    I mean what could possibly go wrong, the federal reserve, microsoft, IBM , GM, GE etc will all be Indian using Indian workers and paying Indian taxes as the globalist minded economists will tell you it's a win-win. The superabundance of indian labor will ensure the high profit rates that they have craved so much and hey presto! Global GDP will expand! just like those clever economists keep on lecturing us, we will all be richer! what is there to dislike about it?

    My only proviso to my agreement to this proposal is that big business and the politicos take the economists with them - all of them, and in this case a specail dispensation will be passed to never, ever let the economists to come back, up to the 13th generation.
    Never mind the eventual ramifications of the proposal, I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it perpetually banished the economists.

  28. "For all the silly sophomoric horseshit about "don't do harm to anyone", real world libertarianism boils down to "Government should give more money to people who are already very rich". And nothing else."

    More to the point, libertarians (allegedly) believe that the one single power the government should have...is the power to enforce the right to private property. How convenient, as if that comes at no cost.

    The Koch brothers should have to guard their own damn oil wells. Ted Turner should have to grab his trusty Winchester and get his ass up to his million acres in Montana and guard it 24/7 from the Mexican hordes.

    The last time I checked, the Cato Institute had three billionaires on its board of directors: John Malone, Fred Smith, and David Koch. That is no coincidence.

  29. We need immigrants because much of america's native population can no longer do their jobs well. They have become too egotistic and resent having to help customers or do a thorough job.

    You say the elites are creating a service class. So what? That's the way its supposed to work, not a bunch of disgruntled workers who work only so they can pursue other ventures.

  30. http://youtu.be/gLKpcsqlKsI


  31. I am astounded that people continue to leave the Third World considering how "vibrant" its supposed to be. All that vibrant cultural richness, all that industriousness and creativity... why would any non-Westerner want to live in the boring, unvibrant West?

    I just don't get it.

  32. Not all whites should go. Libs will be needed to run the social service agencies. And the schools. And medicine. And the professions. And skilled trades. And the Reconciliation Tribunal. At least until a couple of generations past Year Zero.

  33. 17th Century American7/7/13, 6:33 AM

    "Immigrants may hate us, but Indians hate us with a ferocity you cannot imagine, and I've been to Compton & all sorts of bad 'hoods in Merica."

    Indians' problems stem from their own political incompetence. I cannot recall a group of people who collectively made so many bad political decisions over the centuries that resulted in their near destruction. Throughout history the Indians aligned themselves with the loser in almost every New World colonial conflict. They have been played as chumps by colonial powers to the point of near extinction. The Indians were an example to the US Founding Fathers for staying out of European colonial conflicts, the Indians were always played as fools by some European ally to provide needed muscle in exchange for a few beads and trinkets, only to end in the inevitable backstabbing.

    Perhaps many Americans can re-learn a few lessons from the plight of the Indians when it comes to immigration, diversity and inclusion, but most likely not.

  34. Semi-employed White Guy7/7/13, 8:09 AM

    I recently saw a horror/sci-fi movie, "I'm Not Jesus Mommy", where an evil white scientist offers illegal senoritas a deal to carry and birth cloned embryos in exchange for "permanent residency". The implication being deportation back to vibrant Mexico, if the undocumented gals refuse.

    Later in the movie, America becomes a frozen apocalyptic hell-hole and gets its comeuppance. Mexico builds a wall to keep out the gringos.

  35. "There's a lot of money to be made off of constant churn."

    Churned brokerage accounts, high-turnover mutual funds, cheap Chinese imported junk, household appliances that don't last, the latest generation electronic doo-dad, gee-gaw and gadget. Immigration fits into this business model.

    Tired of the surly black busboys at the Beverly Hills Hotel? Replace them with low-hassle illegal Mexicans at a fraction of the cost. Just put the blacks on food stamps and Section 8 vouchers and send them to be someone else's problem. High-salary dorky computer programmers putting a dent in your bottom line? No problem, H-1B visas are here to help by lowering salaries and depressing contracting rates. These dorks can move back into their parents' basements where they belong, it keeps them off our golf courses.

    Cultural Marxists in the Democratic Party and the Chamber of Commerce Republicans are teaming up to shape America into a land of opportunity for billionaires controlling a modern plantation of cheap worker bees who, once they develop enough experience and contacts to demand a bigger piece of the pie, are replaced by more immigrants.

    To have the smart young people on board these "elites" hold out this candy called entrepreneurship, just start your own business and get rich like us. However, don't get too uppity and start cutting into our top line. We'll work with our politician lap dogs to put up legal and political barriers to entry to preserve our plantations. And don't think about starting your own business as an independent contractor and charging us those high billing rates or we'll crush you with increased H-1B visa volumes and more Indian outsourcing contracts.

    And don't think about forming any of those Bolshevik unions to cut into our bottom line or we'll ship all that dirty labor stuff to China where we have millions of nameless, faceless worker drones willing to live monastic lives in corporate worker dorms. Beat that, smart guy!

    And don't think about any of that anti-monopoly restraint of trade stuff that's so Teddy Roosevelt. Our armies of Brooks-Brothers-clad corporate shysters and bought-and-paid-for politicians will make sure your legal bills will exceed the GDP of most of our trading partners. All in the name of free enterprise, diversity and inclusion, by the way. Churn, baby, churn!


  36. The last time I checked, the Cato Institute had three billionaires on its board of directors: John Malone, Fred Smith, and David Koch. That is no coincidence.
    Well, the Koch brothers pushed the image of Texas. Is this the Texas of nice upper middle class suburbs in Plano or Sugarland or the hellish Texas of the border areas that sometimes didn't have indoor plumbing and looks a lot more like Mexico. Hildago County the highest in poverty in the Us.

  37. We need immigrants because much of america's native population can no longer do their jobs well. They have become too egotistic and resent having to help customers or do a thorough job.

    You say the elites are creating a service class. So what? That's the way its supposed to work, not a bunch of disgruntled workers who work only so they can pursue other ventures

    Take your ass to Santa Ana and find out how much they work. If you are a libertarian, Santa Ana has about 77 percent of the student body on the free and reduce lunch program while White Mission Viejo has under 20 percent. Also, unemployment in the 30 percent illegal Santa Ana is 8.8 percent versus only 3.9 percent in Mission Viego. This destroys the myth that Mexicans are working while whites are not.

  38. Conceding that natural selection is true, nature doesn't care what the racial composition of the Unitd States will be. There is a determinist aspect to Darwinism (at least I can't avoid seeing one), which implies whatever happens is what was meant to happen and whomever triumphs was meant to triumph. I'm not saying that we shouldn't participate in the debate, but I have a feeling that the side we choose might be influenced by the almighty double helix.

  39. After silence for six years, someone managed to drag GWB out of hiding to say nice things about immigration. Not sure if this is a Hail Mary attempt to 'convince' the House, or if someone is trying to sink it by reminding them of 2006 and how the base went absolutely apeshit against the Republicans.

  40. "Brooks Brothers clad" look dude Brooks Brothers is basically a middle class brand now like Polo. Even a poor bitter person like you can clad himself in at least some Brooks Brothers pjs.

  41. An Anonymous wrote:

    "Liberals never make much sense.
    There are few lazy whites. Whites as a percentage are less on welfare than blacks or illegal Hispanics that are at least on the free and reduce programs.You are also spreading conservative myth whites in Kentucky and West Virginia are over 13 percent of the population on food stamps compared to blue states like California in counties like San Diego at 7 percent of all people's in 2009. San Diego isn't real liberal but there are plenty of whites in California less on the dole than in some red states. Stats from New York Times 2009. In spite of the so called stats by the right wind that California has 30 percent on the dole but many are 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans."

    I have a belief, that never seems to be of much interest to anyone, but I fervently believe is true.

    A lot of rural areas in this country aren't economically viable. The bulk of the population, even the ones that run the mini-marts, are in the end dependent on the federal government for support.

    There just isn't any economic vitality in West Virginia and East Kentucky. You can start all the businesses you want, and starve. The same effort and good idea that might make you rich in California, Texas, or Washington state won't do squat in these areas.

    There's just nothing going on, and it isn't likely to change. 50 years ago West Virginia had coal mining and some industry. The industry got hit by all the same factors that hit the midwest. What's left of the coal mining industry is much more automated, and is nowhere near the employer it once was.

    In short, move just about any population there, and they will have the same pattern of food stamps and government dependency.

    At least as long as they are part of the US, and able to consume products from outside the state borders. If whoever you move there has to compete with the rest of the US, it isn't going to go well for them.

    The word Scotch-Irish is bandied around here a lot. Most West Virginians really are Scotch-Irish.

    And like Ireland they have an ongoing diaspora all over the US going on. Has been for decades.

  42. Sunbeam said, "I have a belief, that never seems to be of much interest to anyone, but I fervently believe is true. A lot of rural areas in this country aren't economically viable."

    That is because they do not have any export businesses that bring money into their communities.

    There are rural areas in North Dakota that are doing fine due to the fracking business. They sell natural gas.

    There are rural areas in the farm belt, such as in Nebraska, that are doing okay.

    There are rural areas in California that do all right: wine country.

    Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia do not have an exportable product that brings in much money. Coal mining is on the skids and doesn't create many jobs.

    Every prosperous community has an income stream that comes in from the outside world. If you don't have one, your community will be poor.

    Manufacturing at one time supported many communities in the U.S., but it has been Federal policy for many years to get rid of it.

  43. Along the zombie-wall around the Blank State (Blank Nation?), be sure to put a large armoured replica of the Statue of Liberty ever 30 miles or so, as an armed watch tower. Put a helicopter landing pad on top of her head, of course. I'm still thinking about the best weapon and sensor mix.

    The world has a long history of military towers. And walls, of course.

  44. So, people that complain about Calfornia are making an excuse for Kentucky and West Virgnian. You say they don't have enough jobs but you complain about whites in Riverside or La being on the dole.


  45. Placer and Alpine vote Republican and if income is adjusted for cost of living Placer might have higher income than Marin. Placer is out of Sacramento. Placer and Alpine Republican 67,000 and the poorest county Imperial-Mexicans Democratic in the south.

  46. Placer and Alpine vote Republican and if income is adjusted for cost of living Placer might have higher income than Marin. Placer is out of Sacramento. Placer and Alpine Republican 67,000 and the poorest county Imperial-Mexicans Democratic in the south.

  47. Now, the inevitable flip side to such data. The two Rio Grande Valley metropolitan areas have finished no. 1(McAllen-Edinburg-Mission) and 2 (Brownsville-Harlingen) on a list of "America's Poorest Cities" (or, if you prefer, 365th and 366th on a list of "America's Richest Cities") by the website 24-7 Wall Street .So,

  48. You say the elites are creating a service class. So what? That's the way its supposed to work, not a bunch of disgruntled workers who work only so they can pursue other ventures

    Actually, the way it's supposed to work is that by pursuing their own ventures, they, too, have a chance at getting rich. The way it's not supposed to work is an "elite" that you have decided has some inherent right to rule over and be served by grateful peasants does so in perpetuity...at least, that is not the way it's supposed to work in America.

  49. Part the second:

    The non-vibrant portion of USA is banished to the now-vacated lands. The ultimate liberal-revenge fantasy. Now they can experience first-hand the misery they inflicted on those people by not allowing them to immigrate here.

    I imagine most of the ruling elite would feel this way. However, the ruling elite are smart enough to realize that the Jews made "the desert bloom" in Israel. That's the expression I often hear when they justify the displacement of the Palestinians. They point out how the Arabs did little with that land and it took the Jews to make it thrive.

    Do you think they would ever come to the same conclusion about us? After all we made our part of the New World "bloom" in Canada, the US and Australia while the rest of the New World is woefully underdeveloped.

  50. Re: "Indians' problems stem from their own political incompetence. I cannot recall a group of people who collectively made so many bad political decisions over the centuries that resulted in their near destruction..."

    Unfortunately, once Amnesty passes (and then another passes again, 30 years hence, because third time's the charm) that same epitapth will be applied to White America -- or the United States of America, I as I prefer to call it.

    "Perhaps many Americans can re-learn a few lessons from the plight of the Indians when it comes to immigration, diversity and inclusion, but most likely not."

    Quite so.

  51. Marco Rubio wants to pass a national anti-abortion bill to fool conservative voters after his involvement with the national suicide bill.

  52. I think if you removed all the Nigerians and Congolese, then parachuted in a few hundred thousand US farmers, you'd have a functioning NCAA football program within a generation to go along with the lush, productive farmland.

    Also, the US stole from Mexico the side with all the paved roads.

  53. "We need immigrants because much of america's native population can no longer do their jobs well. They have become too egotistic and resent having to help customers or do a thorough job.

    You say the elites are creating a service class. So what? That's the way its supposed to work, not a bunch of disgruntled workers who work only so they can pursue other ventures."

    Yes, precisely. Third world immigrants give better customer service than native born Americans. Anyone who has ever been to a McDonald's in a large city and one in small town can tell you that.

  54. "...US will be run by non-whites, in which case US will become like Mexico or Brazil."

    Got news for you brah, Mexico and Brazil are both run by white people. Consider them best case scenarios. Liberia may be closer to the mark.


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