July 12, 2013

Janet Napolitano & UC's "powerful coterie of lesbians"

Department of Homeland Security honcho Janet Napolitano has been appointed to head the multicampus University of California system, despite little experience with academia, California (she attended the private U. of Santa Clara in the 1970s, but that's about it), or much of anything of seeming relevance.

Maybe she's got some files? But that raises the question: Does DHS get access to the Panopticon's good stuff, or are they treated like the dim stepbrothers of the Surveillance State, getting stuck just with lists of weird metal objects that people were carrying in their pockets while attempting to board airliners?

Hey, here's the premise for a thriller about blackmail in the halls of power and finance: Assume DHS inherited from the INS the list of all the illegal aliens caught coming over the Mexican border for the last 40 years. If you had access to that list, just think about all the major players in New York, Washington, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood whom an unscrupulous high government official could blackmail by threatening to expose their darkest secrets: that they're actually Mexican illegal aliens!

Not an undocumented worker
(not Janet Napolitano, either)
There's like ... well, no ... uhhhmmm ... okay, it's taking a little longer to think of anybody powerful in America who might actually be a Mexican illegal alien than I figured, so I'll just get back to you on this. It must be because of all that living in the shadows ... Wait a minute -- the guy who made the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots movie! Oh ... looks like Guillermo del Toro didn't permanently move to America until his dad, the owner of an automobile factory, got kidnapped in 1998 and held for a giant ransom, which James Cameron helped raise.

But now that I think about it, James Cameron doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this post. Perhaps Napolitano's being rewarded for her famous physics breakthrough in 2005: 
“You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border. That’s the way the border works.”

Probably of more relevance is that Napolitano's career in high office is an offshoot of The Year of the Woman. From Wikipedia:
In 1991, while a partner at Lewis and Roca LLP, Napolitano served as an attorney for Anita Hill.[9][10] Anita Hill testified in the U.S. Senate that then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her ten years earlier when she was his subordinate at the federal EEOC.[11] 
In 1993, Napolitano was appointed by President Bill Clinton as United States Attorney for the District of Arizona.[9] ...
Napolitano is an avid basketball fan and regularly plays tennis and softball.[66]
Napolitano has never married or had children; as a result, there has been speculation about her sexual orientation. ... She is not gay, she has said, "just a straight, single workaholic".[68] ...
In July 2012, Napolitano was accused of allowing discrimination against male staffers within the Department of Homeland Security.[56][57] The federal discrimination lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, was filled by James Hayes Jr. who is presently a special agent of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement in New York City.[58] The suit alleges that Dora Schriro and Suzanne Barr mistreated male staffers and promotions were given to women who were friends of Napolitano, and when the abuse was reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity office, that Napolitano launched a series of misconduct investigations against the reporting party, Hayes.[59] Immigrations and Customs Enforcement's spokesman stated that he would not comment on "unfounded claims".[60] 
Suzanne Barr, who was one of Napolitano's first appointments after she became secretary in 2009, went on leave after Hayes filed his lawsuit and then resigned on September 1, 2012. Although she called the allegations in the lawsuit "unfounded", others suggested that her resignation raised serious concerns regarding personnel and management practices at the Department of Homeland Security.[61]

Here's some forgotten history: The University of California system had a series of financial scandals in the 2000s focusing on successive female chancellors (i.e., presidents) of UC Santa Cruz and $192,000 per year jobs for their special lady friends. When Santa Cruz chancellor M.R.C. Greenwood was promoted to the #2 job in the whole statewide system, provost, she was succeeded as chancellor by Denice Denton (who briefly became nationally celebrated for claiming to "speak truth to power" in the Larry Summers brouhaha).

A local Santa Cruz newspaper columnist noted that for years people in the know whispered about how "a powerful coterie of lesbians has gained power and influence within the UC system." He was immediately disciplined for mentioning something so uninteresting.

Another boring aspect of this nonstory that got deservedly little attention is that on June 24, 2006, UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Denice Denton, age 46, climbed to the roof of her lesbian lover's luxury 42-story apartment building in San Francisco and leapt to her death.

Of course you didn't hear much about it when it happened, much less been reminded of it since then. It was just a dog bites man story. College presidents jump off skyscrapers all the time. It's not a world-historical news story like Trayvon Martin. And it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Janet Napolitano's new job.


  1. Stop noticing things!

  2. As the close friend of a lesbian (actually a bi- or straight woman experimenting with lesbianism), I can testify that lesbian relationships tend to be emotion-driven drama-fests, probably due to the emotional nature of women and the lack of male grounding.

  3. Denice Denton was apparently a fat Asian man in a blonde wig:


  4. The US the land of the free and home of the honest politician, is full of these sinecure setups. Do a good job for the politically connected, good job being good for the political class,(ie don’t rat them out), not necessarily good for the country and you too can get one of these positions.

    I think the Democrats have more of these positions available then the Republicans since the Democrats control most of higher education and many of the foundations and charities but the Republicans have some for their guys as well. They seem to split the corporate positions pretty evenly. You don’t expect them to leave government “service” and have them end up selling insurance do you? They might end up writing their tell all autobiography and that can’t be allowed, so they are given an office, a title and a nice paycheck. Since they are not doing any real work they can quickly move back into another political job if needed.

    The lesbian angle is just another variation. Butch girls need support in their political infighting too.

  5. I thought she survived the fall after they gave her some muff-to-muff resuscitation.

  6. Janet Napolitano plays softball. What a surprise. ("THE lesbian game since WWII" -- Sailer)

    The University of California needed a new President, and they found the best man for the job.

  7. It's been said a hundred times already, but bears repeating.

    She's Janet Incompetano. This woman has been a walking disaster area everywhere she's gone.

    I have no problem with lesbians, closeted or otherwise, but in anything resembling the private sector this woman would have been long gone.

  8. She is not gay, she has said, "just a straight, single workaholic"

    Does anyone actually believe this?

  9. There's something fishy going on here....

  10. My understanding is that what she brings to the position is the ability to protect and enhance federal grant money to the universities for research related to "national security." In other words, it's blatant transparent in-your-face corruption at the highest levels.

  11. "As the close friend of a lesbian (actually a bi- or straight woman experimenting with lesbianism), I can testify that lesbian relationships tend to be emotion-driven drama-fests, probably due to the emotional nature of women and the lack of male grounding."


    Hmmmm. And, how is that any different from the "emotion-driven drama-fests" of gay male relationships?

    Steve, there is indeed a way lesbians and gay men ARE similar: drama, drama, drama!

  12. Some people seem really gay but just aren't. In politics perhaps someone has an incentive to stay in the closet, but take Frank Rich, who has spent his life in Manhattan, DC, and Cambridge, made his name as a BROADWAY CRITIC, has a very gay voice, and who would have no reason to be in the closet.

    Yet he just isn't gay. He got married, had two kids, got divorced, then married another woman.

    Mannish brainy workaholic lawyers don't exactly have men beating down their doors, especially ones who'd be socially acceptable mates. Living asexually is a lot easier for a women than normal men can understand.

    Also, while you can't disprove she benefited from AA, Lewis & Roca is one of Phoenix's top law firms, and even now these types of firms might have 40% female associates and 5% female partners. So if there is AA in big law firms, there isn't that much of it. The daughter of a medical school dean would also be expected to have a high IQ.

    Also, she the only Democrat elected to statewide office in Arizona in a long time. I don't think representing Anita Hill helped her at all, that isn't a credential a Democrat running in a conservative state wants.

  13. She is not gay, she has said, "just a straight, single workaholic"

    Does anyone actually believe this?

    Of course not--talks butch, wears hair butch. I never realized until I listened to her giving testimony on Cap Hill one day just how she has adopted the speech patterns of a male.

  14. The fed connection has to be it. She has no particular skills for the job and then there's her Parkinson's.

    I agree with previous posters, very fishy and very corrupt and I wonder just what damage she can do upon orders from Obama/Jarrett/Holder in the area of .....you know, race admissions?

  15. I went to college with Denice Denton. She was a high-achieving EE major who worked hard and fit in well with her (coed, liberal) living group, but she was physically unattractive and may have faced social and professional difficulties as a result.

  16. Steve Johnson7/12/13, 6:56 PM

    Zoink said...

    Some people seem really gay but just aren't.

    Mannish brainy workaholic lawyers don't exactly have men beating down their doors, especially ones who'd be socially acceptable mates. Living asexually is a lot easier for a women than normal men can understand.

    Which is exactly what a lesbian is - a woman who isn't attractive enough to attract men she's attracted to.

    Women being women they'll get together with another woman maybe fool around a few times then settle into a life with a roommate.

    Then in step 2 of women being women they follow the herd of their new peer group and try to act like men to get to boss around the other women - who naturally respond to cues of masculinity. This is different from normal women who act femme to try to boss around other women in a feminine manner because they can't butch out or risk losing the man in their life.

  17. nonstory

    For some reason the word monstrosity jumped to mind when I read "nonstory" here.

    despite little experience with academia

    Maybe I should be beyond being surprised at happenings like this. But I admit I was shocked when I first saw the headline about it.

    “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border. That’s the way the border works.”

    But then she's been head of 'Homeland Security' for how long?

    Three women often in the news recently: Napolitano, Angela Corey, Debra Nelson. All of them absolutely repulsive personalities.

  18. Steve Johnson7/12/13, 6:57 PM

    The University of California system had a series of financial scandals in the 2000s focusing on successive female chancellors (i.e., presidents) of UC Santa Cruz and $192,000 per year jobs for their special lady friends.

    She's not my special lady, she's my fucking lady friend. I'm just helping her conceive, man!

  19. Parkinson's? I believe you are confusing Napolitano for Reno.

  20. I believe the socially proper term is "partner."

    The story I had heard is that said partner had checked Chancellor Denton into a mental health facility for treatment of a mental condition with risk of suicide, and there were other circumstances why the Chancellor left that facility to be home.

    Chancellor Denton, apparently, was under considerable stress, taking harsh criticism in the local newspapers for her being an open Lesbian and for her management of the University. Whether that stress was a factor in her passing or simply incidental to underlying mental disease or the "straw that broke the camel's back" of pushing her over the edge, I do not know.

    Mr. Sailer, I read your blog because of the "elephant in the room" effect -- you are willing to remark that there indeed being an elephant in the room, with that elephant having some attributes of size, color, certainly smell, and the propensity to step on the furniture. There indeed is an elephant in the room, but the outcome was tragic and it is unbecoming for your esteemed readers to get snarky.

  21. Brokeback Mountain. Truly.

  22. I was wondering about her appointment as well, but as a commenter noted, it is all about the money, one of the truest cliches ever coined. UC lives on government grants. Education is a loss-leading subsidiary. Fund raising is a primary task of college presidents. Her PC attributes are a garnishment.

  23. As a UC employee my darkest moment came today when we all received from neocon harpy UC regent Sherry Lansing the news that the open borders lesbian would be replacing criticism-of-Israel-is-off-limits zionist Mark Yudof.

  24. Is Steve gay? Probably not, but here is something at your level- Was Marvin Gaye *really* gay? C'mon. It's a slam dunk.

  25. She got the job because she's held several high federal positions and knows a lot of people with a lot of money. That's what university administrators do; raise boatloads of cash. Whatever other things you might say about her, you must admit that she knows enough powerful people to make it easy to find people to fork over donations.

  26. The Muffia.

  27. I went to college with Denice Denton. She was a high-achieving EE major who worked hard and fit in well with her (coed, liberal) living group, but she was physically unattractive and may have faced social and professional difficulties as a result.

    Being physically unattractive is generally not a major impediment in STEM fields. It's not a career killer.

    Furthermore, I don't see how you can say that she had career difficulties. She seems to have coasted by with well paying administrative positions, positions on boards and prestigious memberships.

  28. She wouldn't need to be highly committed to active dykery, e.g. on a Melissa Etheridge or Camille Paglia level. Another explanation is that she's just exploited her lez appeal to ascend the corp-bureaucracy escalator. Played a few softball games, sang a few folk songs, blah blah. Post-college version of LUG, would be very doable for a certain kind of undersexed career woman

  29. Another boring aspect of this nonstory that got deservedly little attention is that on June 24, 2006, UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Denice Denton, age 46, climbed to the roof of her lesbian lover's luxury 42-story apartment building in San Francisco and leapt to her death.

    Of course you didn't hear much about it when it happened, much less been reminded of it since then. It was just a dog bites man story.

    Well she was a muff diver.

  30. An odd thing about Commisar Napolitano is that there doesn't appear to be any pictures of her when she was young. Google just about any prominent Washington denizen with the string "x young" where x = Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder, John Boehner, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sibelius, etc., and you'll find a handful of pictures of them as a young adult, or at least one picture of them when younger. With Napolitano, zippo. It's as if she sprang fully formed from a body-scanning booth in 2009.

  31. "Hmmmm. And, how is that any different from the "emotion-driven drama-fests" of gay male relationships?"

    You're ignorant.

    Male Gay relationships are much more driven by sex, because men are much more sexual.

    Lesbian relationships are much more driven by drama and emotions, because women, duh.

    Source: Gay person who knows, which you don't.


    "She got the job because she's held several high federal positions and knows a lot of people with a lot of money. That's what university administrators do; raise boatloads of cash. Whatever other things you might say about her, you must admit that she knows enough powerful people to make it easy to find people to fork over donations. "

    Bingo! We have a winner!.

    There was a time when Deans were selected primarily for their academics.

    Today their main job is not that different from political fundraisers, that's why Yudof the Zionist("hands off Israel!!11") was selected, there's a ton of hard-right Zionist money to be had. If he went to them and said, listen, I know apartheid isn't easy to sell but I can be your inside man. The UC system is very important for the rest of the nation and if we stop BDS there, well, you just have to give me money and I can help.

    Janet knows a lot of people in power, she can draw a lot of relationships.

    Does the fact that she is (probably) lesbian help her?

    Well, Steve, how do you explain that a lot of the white male Republicans on the board committee voted for her too?

    Janet was selected because the board thought(and appropriately so) that her political connections with the fundraising world could help her.

    Do you really think people are selected on the basis of academics anymore to Deans(reading your outrage over lack of academic qualifications)?

    It's mostly about fundraising.

    But that doesn't help soothe your prejudices, does it? Much better to shout LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

    Steve, you're getting lazy.

  32. "Hmmmm. And, how is that any different from the "emotion-driven drama-fests" of gay male relationships?"

    You're ignorant.

    Male Gay relationships are much more driven by sex, because men are much more sexual.

    Lesbian relationships are much more driven by drama and emotions, because women, duh.

    Source: Gay person who knows, which you don't.


    "She got the job because she's held several high federal positions and knows a lot of people with a lot of money. That's what university administrators do; raise boatloads of cash. Whatever other things you might say about her, you must admit that she knows enough powerful people to make it easy to find people to fork over donations. "

    Bingo! We have a winner!.

    There was a time when Deans were selected primarily for their academics.

    Today their main job is not that different from political fundraisers, that's why Yudof the Zionist("hands off Israel!!11") was selected, there's a ton of hard-right Zionist money to be had. If he went to them and said, listen, I know apartheid isn't easy to sell but I can be your inside man. The UC system is very important for the rest of the nation and if we stop BDS there, well, you just have to give me money and I can help.

    Janet knows a lot of people in power, she can draw a lot of relationships.

    Does the fact that she is (probably) lesbian help her?

    Well, Steve, how do you explain that a lot of the white male Republicans on the board committee voted for her too?

    Janet was selected because the board thought(and appropriately so) that her political connections with the fundraising world could help her.

    Do you really think people are selected on the basis of academics anymore to Deans(reading your outrage over lack of academic qualifications)?

    It's mostly about fundraising.

    But that doesn't help soothe your prejudices, does it? Much better to shout LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.

    Steve, you're getting lazy.

  33. Re: "Chancellor Denton, apparently, was under considerable stress, taking harsh criticism in the local newspapers for her being an open Lesbian and for her management of the University."

    Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on this one. A US newspaper attacking someone for being gay? In the Age of PC? C'mon.

    That they accused her of mismanaging the university -- I can see that; their attacking her because she was a lesbian. Nope.

  34. "Anonymous said...

    Chancellor Denton, apparently, was under considerable stress, taking harsh criticism in the local newspapers for her being an open Lesbian and for her management of the University."

    I find your first assertion difficult to credit - that an open lesbian would elicit anything other than fawning praise in Santa Cruz in the early 2000s. As to the second, she did go out of her way to create a bogus (and highly paid - nearly $200 k / year) position for her partner, and had the University spend a small fortune on modifying her official residence. The Old Lesbians network can apparently be quite profitable for certain old lesbians.

    I'm sure that Ms. Napolitano will has the perfect qualities for her new job as UC chancellor: an authoritarian will to suppress dissent, unthinking adherence to the false and fashionable pieties of our present age, and the personal and professional corruption needed to feather her own empty nest and to advance the cause of her fellow left-wing apparatchiks.

  35. "Another explanation is that she's just exploited her lez appeal to ascend the corp-bureaucracy escalator."

    I don't recall seing her on TV and I refuse to Youtube politicians because life is too short, but, yeah, maybe she just sets off lesbians' lesdar so they treat her well.

    For example, when I was young the women athletes who got to do the most TV commercials were Chrissie Evert and Nancy Lopez. Why? Because the biggest target demo for TV advertisers is moms, because moms do more shopping than anybody else, and Evert and Lopez tripped moms' momdar.

  36. status-based economy7/12/13, 10:07 PM

    The modern white-collar workplace is so relationship-intensive and "meritocratic" i.e. biased toward kiss-ups and charmers that you really don't need a lesbian cabal for a lez-friendly selection like Napolitano to grab the crown. My mercifully brief exposure to the UC system and their Roman legions of administrators left me with the impression that it was a good career milieu for *all* types of lesbians, butch, lipstick, or otherwise--you get paid well for working not too hard part of the year and the bonus of getting to be a martinet/harridan with lots of opportunities to shut down insolent youngsters. In this context perhaps she was merely the people's choice, rather than the beneficiary of some conspiratorial pull.

    For some reason Janet Scholasticus reminded me of Bea Arthur who was definitely a tad dykey and even started as a truck driver in the Marines but times have changed and everyone must now be binary-sorted into their protected entitlement groups. If you look at the way American academia is structured it's like the parody-opposite of a productive stable society, with the normal non-fringe residents getting cycled out every 4 years or so.

  37. role-playing games7/12/13, 10:09 PM

    Are any of the Zimmer-women jurors lesbian? Going by Gallup polls on LGBT% of population, at least 1 of them ought to be statistically.

  38. It's a good omen for Hilary at least although i'm not sure the white working class demographic she is supposedly appeals to will be okay with the Saudi aspect.

  39. Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on this one. A US newspaper attacking someone for being gay? In the Age of PC? C'mon.

    Very true. But to the blessed minorities and their liberal pals out there somewhere is a parallel universe where a vast right wing, male, straight, white racist power structure is ready to attack them in the media, runs them out of office and so on.

    Strange, because I can't remember a time when being black/gay/lesbian/transgendered etc wasnt portrayed as the most important and wonderful thing ever.

    If anyone knows how to visit this parallel universe, do let us know here. Id be fascinated to see what its like.

  40. I believe Napolitano stayed in her gig at DHS after the first Obama administration because she had nowhere to go. Most of Obama's political appointees headed for the exits to cash in on their public service resumes because they could but it's hard to imagine who would want this disagreeable nitwit. But now she has become a liability to the White House as it pushes Amnesty. So long as Napolitano is in charge nobody believes new border security laws will be obeyed. To dupe Republican goons into supporting amnesty Napolitano must be replaced by a faux border security hawk. She will be eased out of DHS and into UC at a perfect time as California state colleges and universities attempt to push an agenda of hiring and promoting as many Hispanics as possible to placate growing Hispanic political clout. Napolitano is the very face of the elect-a-new-people agenda. She will totally politicize the job of UC President which is exactly what California Democrats and latinos want. Academic excellence and integrity be damned.

  41. "Are any of the Zimmer-women jurors lesbian? Going by Gallup polls on LGBT% of population, at least 1 of them ought to be statistically."

    So 16.7% of women are lesbians? The real world number is closer to 1% to 2%, which means the odds that at least one of the six jurors is a lesbian are between 5.8% and 11.5%.

  42. "Parkinson's? I believe you are confusing Napolitano for Reno."

    Egads. You're right. I had a brain freeze. Ahhhhh, age.

  43. I don't recall seing her on TV and I refuse to Youtube politicians because life is too short, but, yeah, maybe she just sets off lesbians' lesdar so they treat her well.

    Maybe she just reeks of tuna so they treat her well.

  44. If your goal was to destroy the morale of the main force behind immigration enforcement, she succeeded wildly.

    When BPA Brian Terry was killed, she was shouted down and chased out of Tucson Sector Border Patrol HQ, attempting to defend the beanbag rounds that Terry and his team had been ordered to use by DHS HQ. The BORTAC team Terry was assigned to is the Border Patrol's equivalent to a SWAT team, and each agent is heavily trained (to the tune of near $100K of extra training). Once 60 strong, the politics of the situation brought it down to about a dozen or so.

    But who cares? DIVERSITY!

    Another fun fact of DHS: Former Chief of the Border Patrol and CBP Commissioner David Aguilar retired suddenly this year with little media fanfare. Why? Because he had attempted to interfere in the investigation of his protege, Chief Patrol Agent Jeff Self, who had attacked Chief Patrol Agent Richard Barlowe.

    DHS is a dysfunctional organiation, but of course King Janet will be fete'd for her 'great work'.

  45. I'm still vague on how Janet Napolitano is a giant fundraiser for the University of California, over, say, Gov. Jerry Brown's little sister Kathleen Brown, who works for Goldman Sachs because she's California Royalty. I don't really get the logic of: "Oh, man, the University of California is finally going to cash in on all that Arizona Democrat big money!"

  46. The real world number is closer to 1% to 2%, which means the odds that at least one of the six jurors is a lesbian are between 5.8% and 11.5%

    You missed the lame joke there, Bob (cf. "Gallup"). However you did remind me I was reading another HBD aspie blog, amid so much tuff talk.

  47. "it is unbecoming for your esteemed readers to get snarky"

    The male readers of this website are not interested in being "comely".

    Speaking truth to power is never comely.

  48. http://www.theimaginativeconservative.org/philosopher-poet-donald-davidson-agrarian-south/



  49. The University of California System operate Los Alamos National Labs, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, and Lawrence Berkeley Labs through partnerships. Also, UC-Berkley and UCLA, UCSD are some of the biggest recipients of federal research dollars.

    I suspect that Napolitano got the job to deal with the federal government and to leave the fund raising and academic issues to others.

  50. Steve Sailer said... I'm still vague on how Janet Napolitano is a giant fundraiser for the University of California, over, say, Gov. Jerry Brown's little sister Kathleen Brown, who works for Goldman Sachs because she's California Royalty. I don't really get the logic of: "Oh, man, the University of California is finally going to cash in on all that Arizona Democrat big money!"

    Oh, c'mon now, haven't you ever heard of in-group maximization strategies?

    Just kidding.

    Seriously, though, I first started noticing the Lavender Mafia about twenty years ago - I was in school, and I had a parttime job working in the hospital, on weekends, and I came to discover that all [and I mean ALL] of the upper-tier managers in the Department of Nursing were dykes.

    It was so bad that the Director of Nursing and her immediate second-in-command, the Asst Director of Nursing, were, ah, "housemates".

    If it weren't for all of us redneck honky creepy-assed crackers out in here flyover country [we who aren't going to put up with this shiznat much longer now], then it really would be fun to just sit back and watch the Scots-Irish and the Lavender Mafia fight each other to the death over the question of who gets to control the vast clone army of sharks with frigging lasers on their heads.

  51. The real world number is closer to 1% to 2%, which means the odds that at least one of the six jurors is a lesbian are between 5.8% and 11.5%.

    (0.99)^6 = 0.941418...

    (0.98)^6 = 0.885842...

    So you seem to be assuming independence.

    However, as tightly clustered [or should I say "cloistered"?] as the Lavender Mafia has become, I'd guess that, in general, independence is a TERRIBLE assumption to be making.

  52. >There indeed is an elephant in the room, but the outcome was tragic and it is unbecoming for your esteemed readers to get snarky.<

    Yes, the media hounded her to death, with cries of "burn the lesbian!" in newspaper editorials. I remember it well. They live in a dark, backward land, these Californians. Would that KKKalifornia were more like enlightened Tennessee and Saudi Arabia.

    You know, sometimes people check out because their crimes have been discovered, or because they've been dumped from a long-term relationship, or because the money has run out, etc. Just a general observation. Not every death is attributable to the white male patriarchy. (Btw, as another commenter said, if you know where this white male patriarchy is located, please let us know.)

  53. I guess something with a few bucks could buy her high school year book. Appears Janet was a big wheel on campus in 1975 according to the index.


  54. This reminds me of the old question about the Democrats in general and the Obama admin in particular: are they evil, or just stupid?

    Napolitano makes me think they are just stupid, as she is so patently dense. But then I remember that all the actual power brokers behind Obama and in his administration are Jewish, so I'm back to evil again, since their certainly not stupid.

    The real question here is how does a stupid person like Napolitano rise so high within an evil organization? And how can I get me a job like that?

  55. re: "Maybe she just reeks of tuna so they treat her well." Anon

    Not tuna! Anchovies, Anchovies, epitomized in Pasta Puttanesca!

    Dan Kurt

  56. "If anyone knows how to visit this parallel universe, do let us know here. Id be fascinated to see what its like."

    Um, there are those of us "in" that parallel universe, but do you catch my drift from the PC'isms in my post and my reluctance to give my bona fides as a source? Can you allow that there are deep cover moles in the Parallel Universe?

    True, the newspapers are never going to say "it is a scandal that the UCSC Chancellor is Lesbian." It is couched in the Chancellor's partner getting that 200K position whereas "spousal hires" are agreed-to sweeteners to persons in high-power positions with salary caps in academia -- all the time.

    Denise Denton was over her head in that job -- the evidence is her not considering that who she was would draw "flack." An older, wiser Lesbian person may have been more discrete about the partner hire, may have had a tougher skin against the criticism that comes at anyone in high places for any number of reasons.

    But that the Lesbian network, just as the "old boys network" of times past advanced someone too far too quickly is no reason to treat the passing of someone with a mental condition, perhaps someone who should have been held back and kept in a lower-profile lower-stress position on account of their overall health, as anything less than a personal tragedy.

  57. MRC Greenwood: white lesbian doing research on an issue critical to white lesbians.

    "An expert on obesity and diabetes, Greenwood most recently served as vice-chair of the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention. She has also served as director of the Foods for Health Initiative, chair of the Graduate Group in Nutritional Biology and distinguished professor of nutrition and internal medicine at UC Davis. She has published extensively, received numerous scientific awards and been president of the Obesity Society and the American Society of Clinical Nutrition, chair of the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine and fellow of the American Society for Nutrition."

    After a rocky 4 years with two years left on her contract, she is now stepping "down" as President of UH into a $300K/year professorship in "research." I'm trying to stop laughing. Denton may not have been a top 1% engineer, but at least she was a top %40 engineer. Greenwood is an academic nothing burger whose "ethical lapses" didn't hurt her a bit. At least Denton had good taste in dogs and felt sufficient shame at her own ethical lapses to kill herself.

  58. Male Gay relationships are much more driven by sex, because men are much more sexual.Lesbian relationships are much more driven by drama and emotions, because women, duh.

    Reminds one of the two part joke:

    Q: What does a Lesbian bring to a second date?
    A: A U-Haul.

    Q: What does a homosexual bring to a second date?
    A: What's a second date?

  59. Anonymous said...
    "Hmmmm. And, how is that any different from the "emotion-driven drama-fests" of gay male relationships?"
    You're ignorant.

    Male Gay relationships are much more driven by sex, because men are much more sexual.

    Lesbian relationships are much more driven by drama and emotions, because women, duh.

    Source: Gay person who knows, which you don't.

    Let's play counter insult: No, *you're* ignorant.

    Of course I know gay male hook-ups are driven by sex-- fem or not, they're still male. So, "Duh" right back at ya.

    I said gay male "relationships," the word connoting more than just a quick bang then on to the next bang. The word "relationship" was meant to suggest some kind of agreed-to promise or pledge of monogamy or some attempted "variant of monogamy" whatever the hell that is. You must know, though, that in the gay community "monogamy" has been a re-defined word with practically no meaning at all.

    Source: I myself, who once upon a time lived in an apartment complex which, it turns out, was home to a lot of gays, both "couples" and the unattached.

    You talk drama? You talk fights in the middle of the night? You talk calls to police? Over what? Well, seems Danny told (or "suggested) to Robbie that their partnership would be "monogamous" but he cheated on Robbie and Robbie caught him in the act. Fights, making up, fights, making up. In a week or too Robbie was the cheater and then all the other little friends got involved in the drama. A lot of queens do a lot of dramatic queenie things.

    Yelling, screaming, stuff thrown against thin apartment walls, out and out fighting that sometimes spilled outside their domicile.... although seeing two gay men fight is much like watching two teenaged girls push and shove and pull hair and swing and miss.

    Much of this was often fueled by partying and the intoxicants that can be found at such revelries. Either they themselves, in fit of domestic rage, wound up calling the police on their "partner" called the police or some straight person sick of the noise made the call.

    I know because *I* made several of the calls. To the police they'd demand: "Okay, just WHAT bitch called the police?"

    Next day, after tempers had calmed, they'd be at my door trying to share their story, trying to gain my sympathy, crying about Frankie and Johnny and Dannie and all the Eddies....I think they wanted to turn me into a fag hag. No dice.

    I moved, realizing I hadn't exercised due diligence in finding an affordable apartment. Last I knew, the corporation which owned the place had hired new managers and one by one by one, they seem to have cleaned up the place of all the drama, if you know what I mean, without offending the housing laws about non-discrimination.

    Never tell me there isn't drama among gay males over "relationships." Many are gossipy, always-looking-for-drama biddies of the sort you see in old black and white movies.

  60. Re: Denice Denton. An EE from UMass Lowell (Lowell Tech when she was there) is the gold standard for lesbianism.

    Gay Anon, I'm not gay, but I know a lot of them (hey, I live in Mass.), and lesbians, with very few but notable exceptions, just don't get on well with men, PERIOD. Gay men don't have drama, they just bring in a third guy to change it up. Women have only the drama when Lesbian Bed Death sets in.

    Chancellors are fund raisers, and you don't hire someone who'll turn off any appreciable percentage of your potential donors. You hire hail, well met types who can work any room.

  61. "Three women often in the news recently: Napolitano, Angela Corey, Debra Nelson. All of them absolutely repulsive personalities."

    Just wait until it's all Hillary all the time.

  62. lol. i knew when it was announced that steve's beloved UC was to be headed by this person, he would have something to say about it.

    imagine all those UC alums who've sent in thousands of dollars over the years, now knowing that their donor checks are going to be handled and overseen by this woman.

    the gynocracy rolls on.

    OT 1: does the judge in the zimmerman trial remind anybody else of chris farley?



    i submit that judge nelson probably lives in a van down by the river.

    OT 2: the female attorney general in pennsylvania apparently thinks she can pick and choose which laws to enforce. women taking more and more positions of power in america - what could go wrong? dozens of nations over the course of history have successfully been guided by women...right?

  63. Evil and stupid aren't contradictory, and smart people can make stupid decisions when led there by ideology or incentives or groupthink.

  64. This is among the most quibbling of irrelevant disagreements, but I don't think it's fair to compare Pacific Rim to Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots, Mr. Sailer. That honor goes to Real Steel. Pacific Rim is a bit more of an oddity in that it's a pastiche of Japanese anime and Toho Studios clichés repackaged for a knowing American geek audience.

    This probably isn't the best place to post this comment either, but oh well.

  65. "no reason to treat the passing of someone with a mental condition, perhaps someone who should have been held back and kept in a lower-profile lower-stress position on account of their overall health, as anything less than a personal tragedy"

    You do realise that "tragedy" means a disaster or misfortune brought on by one's own decisions, rather than external forces, don't you?

  66. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a lesbian sitting on a man's face - forever.

  67. Gay Anon, I'm not gay, but I know a lot of them (hey, I live in Mass.), and lesbians, with very few but notable exceptions, just don't get on well with men, PERIOD.

    Huh? Scientific research conducted via the Internet indicates that lesbians are all slim, pretty young women who liked to like to be photographed during erotic same-sex encounters.


    Big Sis Janet as a rain maker: the donation is gonna be a big check from Uncle Sugar's bank account written to the state of CA.

    Will poor Uncle S.'s bank account be overdrawn? So what? The Muslim occupying the White House doesn't care about bookkeeping details.

    Big Sis did something exceptionally naughty, so Valerie Jarrett told her to resign. Big Sis said, "You better set me up with a sweet job, or i'll spill some dirt."

    So the bosses in Washington fixed Janet up with this U. CA gig. Lots of casting couch opportunities with female staffers and non-tenured lady profs there.

    What was Janet's mortal sin back at the royal court of Wash.? I guess we'll find out. Hard to keep everything covered up.

  68. Beavis and Butthead7/13/13, 6:22 PM

    Obligatory 69 comments screenshot.

    Uhh, you thaid "thickthty-nine", er thumthing.

    Uh huh huh.

    Uh huh huh.

  69. Read Denton's bio on Wikipedia. Her life was a parody of hermetic academic leftism. Sorry 'bout the botched landing on the lesbo leap, but who was it that said you'd need a heart of stone not to laugh?

  70. I'm thinking maybe the current administration is trying to flood the U.S. with so many ethnic families as to "breed" white people out... an interesting concept. It's not always the blatant attack that makes the greatest mark-it's building a foundation step at a time that can have the greatest impact. Apparently Caucasian Evangelicals are a threat to creating the perfect cattle ranch.

    After all, how else do you depose the greatest super-power on Earth? You put bugs in their bed to eat their shorts.

    At end, we will have mostly blacks, Hispanics and Asians with an ever-declining white population (and intelligence factor-not bias, truth is truth). They are already coining Hispanics as "whites" I'm shocked because that could not be further from the truth, but then logic in this current administration, and "truth" are subjective (hence the instigation of "Common Core" 3 x 4 = 11). Eventually whites will be considered baggage and a threat to personal liberties (or moral decadence) and a mass genesis will occur which will separate the whites into several states; something that began a few years ago, but will pick up when the hidden agenda's currently in motion begin to leak through the skin, showing the terminator is alive and well).

    Since the middle class has effectively been removed, who is there to stand up to tyranny? No one, because this sort of reverse prejudice will fuel the fires of rebellion and will ingratiate those who have been allowed to move forward into prominent positions.

    The perks go to the gay community who are generally more intelligent (guffaw) as a whole and tend to be far more organized raised up on the sympathy of being subjected to "haters" (a term they so deserve for themselves, while shouting "we have been oppressed!" all along) as a platform to install laws protecting their actions and even granting permissions for special rights for any who appose them. All will fear them and obey.

    How perfect a system for hostile takeover can you get? By the time everyone realizes what's really occurring it will be too late to take back the law. The constitution of the United States will be null and void, the cancer that has undermined the system will be considered the new flesh and the movie 1984 will be the new reality-with white heterosexual families being as freakish and bizarre as gay families are still considered today. The sperm banks will do well, blacks will get their welfare they have worked so hard for, gays will have infiltrated the school systems so as to bring up new crops of young recruits for their obvious pleasures (and to the delight of the catholic community) and we will have a blend of chaotic and decadent nirvana-at least in the opinion of those left in the rubble we used to call civilization-like Sodom and Gomorrah?.

    *These comments do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the author, although many people who know the truth may well agree with the concepts.


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