July 23, 2013

La Raza v. Los Anglos

From the New York Times
More than 5,000 Latinos from community groups came to the conference of NCLR, the nation’s largest Hispanic organization, which is also known as the National Council of La Raza. Facing fading momentum in Washington on immigration, the leaders said they were heading to the fight this fall with their rank and file intensely motivated and more united than ever. 
“Fear, denigration, abuse: those are words that resonate with our community, particularly when it comes to immigration,” Janet Murguía, the president of NCLR, said in a speech on Monday. 
She said the travails of millions of immigrants without legal status were widely affecting Latino neighborhoods, making them feel besieged the way African-Americans did during the civil rights era of the 1960s.

It's interesting that the National Council of La Raza appears to be hoping in the future to just go by their acronym NCLR, although that might not please the the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

With La Raza in the news again, it's worth looking at the thought of Mexican philosopher José Vasconcelos Calderon, whose 1925 book La Raza Cosmica is the well-spring of the Mexican ethnoracial ideology reflected in NCLR's last two initials.

Vasconcelos was, as you'd imagine, more of a white Hispanic than George Zimmerman is.

Here's a long essay denouncing Vasconcelos as a racist, even as a Nazi for taking German money to write anti-English essays during WWII.

Wikipedia offers a few quotes from Vasconcelos, including this regrettable effusion immediately following the English defeat at Dunkirk:
"Hitler, although he disposes of absolute power, finds himself a thousand leagues from Caesarism. Power does not come to Hitler from the military base, but from the book that inspires the troops from the top. Hitler's power is not owed to the troops, nor the battalions, but to his own discussions... Hitler represents, ultimately, an idea, the German idea, so often humiliated previously by French militarism and English perfidy. Truthfully, we find civilian governed 'democracies' fighting against Hitler. But they are democracies in name only". ("La Inteligencia se impone", Timon 16, June 8, 1940)

I think it's fairer to say that Vasconcelos just really disliked Anglo-Saxons, and saw himself, in fortifying the post-Revolutionary Mexican government's anti-Americanism and in attacking Britain in June 1940, as continuing the long struggle between Spanish and English civilizations that goes back to Henry VIII's mistreatment of his first wife Katharine of Aragon. 

Growing up, Vasconcelos lived on the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande, but attended school across the river in Eagle Pass, Texas. Americans widely assume that to know us is to love us, but that's not necessarily true, especially for young male intellectuals.

Vasconcelos wrote:
How different the sounds of the Ibero-American development [from that of the Anglo-Saxons]! They resemble the profound scherzo of a deep and infinite symphony: Voices that bring accents from Atlantis; depths contained in the pupil of the red man, who knew so much, so many thousand years ago, and now seems to have forgotten everything. His soul resembles the old Mayan cenote [natural well] of green waters, laying deep and still, in the middle of the forest, for so many centuries since, that not even its legend remains any more. This infinite quietude is stirred with the drop put in our blood by the Black, eager for sensual joy, intoxicated with dances and unbridled lust. There also appears the Mongol, with the mystery of his slanted eyes that see everything according to a strange angle, and discover I know not what folds and newer dimensions. 
The clear mind of the White, that resembles his skin and his dreams, also intervenes. Judaic striae hidden within the Castilian blood since the days of the cruel expulsion now reveal themselves, along with Arabian melancholy, as a remainder of the sickly Muslim sensuality. Who has not a little of all this, or does not wish to have all? There is the Hindu, who also will come, who has already arrived by way ofthe spirit, and although he is the last one to arrive, he seems the closest relative ...

A Brazilian intellectual, Gilberto Freyre, came up with a similar but mulatto rather than mestizo oriented theory, Lusotropicalism, that was adopted by the rightist Salazar dictatorship of Portugal to justify holding on to Angola and Mozambique. (In contrast to the Spanish, the Portuguese traditionally got along with the English, to keep from being overwhelmed by their Iberian neighbor.)

Vasconcelos observed, with some acuity:
"Each of the great nations of History has believed itself to be the final and chosen one. [...] The English found theirs on observations relative to domestic animals. From the observation of cross-breeding and hereditary varieties in such animals, Darwinism emerged. First, as a modest zoological theory, then as social biology that confers definitive preponderance to the English above all races. Every imperialism needs a justifying philosophy". (La raza cósmica, 1948)

I've harped on the same point, that Darwinism-Galtonism is an outgrowth of smart, rich country boys breeding animals, a field in which the British led the world from the 18th Century onward. 

The triumph of British ideas like Darwinism was not unconnected with the triumph of British horse racing. It's not a coincidence that the various Jockey Clubs founded in 19th Century continental Europe and Argentina were centers of Anglophile sentiment. Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days, and its hero Phineas Fogg (played by David Niven in the movie), is the purest expression of modernizing 19th Century Continental admiration for the sporting English gentleman, a sentiment which Vasconcelos did not much share.

Ironically, this nearly 500 year old Hispanic annoyance at Anglo presumption has taken on new life with the current Cuban putsch within the Republican Party over immigration.


  1. Another one of these Mexicanish young male intellectuals that hates us is Rage Against The Machine frontman, de la Rocha. To see young white males embracing his music while not reading or understanding the lyrics of this anti-white, somewhat self-hating Spanish-Jewish-Irish-German Mexican identifying whatever-he-is, is a real facepalm moment.

  2. "Vasconcelos wrote:
    How different the sounds of the Ibero-American development [from that of the Anglo-Saxons]! They resemble the profound scherzo of a deep and infinite symphony:"

    True or not, that was wonderfully put and has poetic ring and power, a kind of romantic multi-racism, a mestizo Wagnerianism.
    Great to read and you sort of want it to be true...
    but then you think of clowns like Hugo Chavez, Guillermo, Cheech Marin, and Pee Wee Bush, and the theory of all that wonderful mixing just doesn't cut it.

    It reminds me Indian cooking. Rich ingredients, complex processes, and tantalizing combinations...but when you finally taste it, it isn't really all that great.

  3. I rather like this guy, and I would have no problems if his ideology remained within the borders of Mexico.
    He reminds me Ataturk the great.

  4. Steve, I think you mean British defeat at Dunkirk.

    For some reason Americans often conflate English and British.

  5. Aside from the opportunistic conquistador-American pols Steve likes to rib, we don't really think of "white Hispanics" as playing a big role in American public life. After all, they're not the ones who are immigrating here in huge numbers. (I guess Cuba is an exception, being a Latin country whose professional rather than downscale class has had the greater reason to emigrate.)

    But, just as the Cold Civil War is largely an affair between two groups of white people with minorities playing a secondary role, maybe the Hispanic Tidal Wave itself can be viewed as a conflict between...well, two groups of white people.

    Is it unreasonable to suppose that, at some level, Latin America's hidalgos are quite happy to inflict costs and discord on an Anglo-Saxon power using their best weapon--a large and (comparatively) fecund peasantry?

    I recall reading that Spain is a particularly anti-American country. Part of the reason for this was the Spanish-American war.

    So, how much of the Hispanic triumphalism in America today is attributable to the actual mestizo/indigenous raza, and how much is attributable to Latin America's white ruling class re-fighting the great game of empires via demographic proxy?

    I don't mean to suggest that migrant campesinos are entirely lacking in agency, but it seems that, say, Mexico's elites have strong political and strategic reasons to build up the identity of a Mexican raza to which they don't actually belong. Pit them against the Anglos--it's all good for Team Hidalgo.

  6. On the subject of Iberian racial theories, has Steve ever written about Lusotropicalism?

    The nexus between Invade the World and Invite the World might be characterized as Yanko-tropicalism: the whole world exists within vibrant and diverse America, which means that America should exist across the whole world.

  7. Corporate sponsors:

    Best way to govern multiracial countries:
    1. Declare everyone Mestizo or in the US's case, American.
    2. No more racial categories, preferences, or grievances.
    3. Profit

  8. Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary:

    "At last we anchored within Sydney Cove; we found the little basin, containing many large ships & surrounded by Warehouses. — In the evening I walked through the town & returned full of admiration at the whole scene. — It is a most magnificent testimony to the power of the British nation: here, in a less promising country, scores of years have effected many times more than centuries in South America. — My first feeling was to congratulate myself that I was born an Englishman"


  9. sailer wrote:
    I've harped on the same point, that Darwinism-Galtonism is an outgrowth of smart, rich country boys breeding animals, a field in which the British led the world from the 18th Century onward.

    Which finds its roots in the inherited genes of a pastoralist species that for thousands of years survived on their ability to select and breed animals for milk, meat, hair etc. The same genes are expressed in the interest in the NFL and NBA drafts and fantasy football, etc.

  10. "I've harped on the same point, that Darwinism-Galtonism is an outgrowth of smart, rich country boys breeding animals, a field in which the British led the world from the 18th Century onward."

    Makes sense.

  11. In Spain there is also anti-English and pro-German feeling, the famous German HK G3 rifle was produced together with Spain CETME, the Spanish military operates German equpment.

  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312709/Romanian-crime-problem-Britain-admits-PM-Victor-Ponta.html

    Romania ships out its crime problem to other parts of EU too. They have their own section 8.

  13. Young male Mexican intellectuals may hate us, but their sisters, daughters, girlfriends, wives, and mothers absolutely adore Anglo men.

    I tell you this from personal experience.

    In my wilder moments I sometimes imagine that the force of La Raza (such as it is) could be blunted
    somewhat if enough white Latinas bred with Anglo men.


  14. B: "It's not that the world hasn't changed, its that the world hasn't changed nearly as much as you think. Frankly, I have found many of the posts I've seen on your wall by various people to be pretty racist. You all need to walk in someone elses' shoes for a change. The country isn't Chicago, Chicago isn't free of racism and what you think you know isn't what you know. The problem that is occurring isn't about gangs, it is about how African American men are perceived by society at large. re: meeks --
    Why do you assume his opinions represent anyone but himself."

    A: "I will put my credentials on bring racist free against anyone. My mother taught in mostly black schools and has mostly black friends. In business school I led the diversity initiative and planned programs like this CNN program and you know my in-laws. While America is not perfect on race, it has made massive strides. To not acknowledge that, shows a myopia in my opinion. As far as Meeks, my older brother is gay and very active politically. It is the whole black caucus here and the same group passed prop 8 in California."

    B: " No one is free of prejudice. re: America making strides -- I just did acknowledge that. But if you look at the statistics you will also understand that being a black man in America is a whole lot different from being a white man. And that hasn't changed as much as it should have."

    A: "we can focus on the problems or look at this as people like Charles Barkley have said. We have less of a race problem than an income equality. If you are rich, whites and blacks associate fine. If you are white poor, you are treated very similar to the black poor. Btw, I agree that race is the primary factor in the criminal justice system as mark Geragos is saying. The types of sentences for various drugs proves this."

    B: "That's not the experience of people like Levar Burton, Don Lemon CNN and many others. Rich or poor they are discriminated against by police and others. If you don't think that discrimination should be happening then the proper response would be outrage. My earlier point is exactly this, it is not about white VS Black. It is about how society perceives black men, real men, the grown up, income earning responsible citizen kind, not just the bad boy with low hanging pants. It isn't about you."

    A: "I'm taking myself out of the equation. I have witnessed profiling when my moms friends would come to our house and the police would pull them over. As far as don lemon, is rather have a non media guy make the point. He has a pov that he stakes out on here and knowing a bit on media,points often get blown up to make a conversation on TV shows. As far as me, I've twice hired minorities because I thought they were underrepresented at my employers. After they joined the company, I've noticed that people tend to self segregate with whites dining with whites and visa versa. Some would call this racism, but I'd say people hang out with people like themselves. Btw, in Cincinnati, I used to be the only white in a lunch group and I learned that my world experience was very different than my black colleagues."

  15. Dr Van Nostrand7/24/13, 8:23 AM

    It reminds me Indian cooking. Rich ingredients, complex processes, and tantalizing combinations...but when you finally taste it, it isn't really all that great. "

    To each their own. If you prefer slugs and sheep's stomach instead more power to you

  16. Dr Van Nostrand7/24/13, 8:30 AM

    Young male Mexican intellectuals may hate us, but their sisters, daughters, girlfriends, wives, and mothers absolutely adore Anglo men. "

    An awfully trolly comment. But lets analyze it...

    I tell you this from personal experience"

    Ah you disqualified yourself with that qualifier!

    If white Latina fondness for Anglo men was so strong then you wouldnt need "personal experience" to make your case. Statistics in dating and marriage preferences would bear it out.As in the case of Anglo men and Asian women.
    More Anglo women are likely to go for the telenovela Antonio Banderas caricature which the Euro Mexicans resemble than white Latina women going for blonde cubicle drone

    And BTW Asian men dont do that badly with European or South American women.Just FYI
    And if you compare them when American women one wonders why Asian men bother with them at all!

  17. Dr Van Nostrand7/24/13, 8:41 AM

    In Spain there is also anti-English and pro-German feeling, the famous German HK G3 rifle was produced together with Spain CETME, the Spanish military operates German equpment."

    This admiration for things German probably stemmed from Hapsburg rule of Spain. Yes technically Austrian but for them potato potatoe

  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2373773/More-Americans-disapprove-Barack-Obama-George-Zimmerman-new-polls-presidents-job-approval-rating-nosing-downward.html

    Blacks and whites may be divided on the verdict, BUT the real difference between the two groups is that whites are divided among themselves whereas blacks are united.

    Only half of whites think Zimmerman was right while virtually all blacks think he was wrong.

    Maybe some whites feel ambivalent because Zimmerman is brown. Maybe some liberals are less willing to condemn him for that reason and some conservatives are less willing to side with him for that reason.

    Some whites could even be enjoying this as a veiled black vs brown conflict narrative. Indeed, the notion that Zimmy is 'white' made this a national issue, but the drama everyone saw on TV was one between black and brown. Regardless of the narrative, eyes saw something else.

    So, paradoxically, the hype about Zimmy's whiteness made his brownness(in contention with blackness) the focus of attention.

    Had the narrative been Zimmy the brownie killed a black at the outset, it would NOT have made the national news.

  19. 1. Phileas Fogg, not Phineas.

    2. Vasconcelos was a politician, too. His primary contribution was as secretary of education in the 1920's.

    The secretary of education of Mexico actually runs the national school system. It's not like the symbolic pork position with the same name in the USA.

    Vasconcelos took over education in a nation where the majority did not speak Spanish, did not identify themselves as Mexican, and didn't have enough to eat, much less enough to send kids to school. He instituted a national teacher corps with vastly expanded teacher training schools and dispatched teachers to almost every village. His child nutrition programs bought the teachers credibility in their rural environs. Insisting on Spanish language instruction united the nation with a common language.

    A generation later, Mexico was really a nation for the first time in its history. Today, the neighbors that didn't have a Vasconcelos program like El Salvador and Guatemala and Honduras have less than a fifth the typical income of a Mexican. Those countries have the same genetic mestizo and culturally Spanish and indigenous heritage but haven't united themselves. Guatemala maintains fifteen official languages; Mexico is tribally even more diverse but has one national language.

    Net migration between Mexico and the USA has been toward Mexico each of the last six years. Central America has been supplying the replacement migrants.

    La Raza Cosmica was the result of decades of work unifying a thoroughly divided Mexican national identity, not some kind of racial manifesto.

    Also, Vasconcelos wrote a brilliantly funny magical realist autobiography of his early years and stretched into a lot of avant garde surreal technique as a writer. I wouldn't take quotes out of context too seriously.

  20. In Spain there is also anti-English and pro-German feeling, the famous German HK G3 rifle was produced together with Spain CETME, the Spanish military operates German equpment.

    I was reading a book one night and could not help blurting out to my startled wife- "the Tigers of Normandy!" I'd long known that the Sherman tank was significantly inferior to the Tiger and King Tiger, but this was ridiculous:


    Not only could the Tiger easily knock out the Sherman well outside the latter's canon range, but there was basically no range where the Sherman was guaranteed to penetrate the Tiger- even side shots at point-blank could still bounce off. In favorable conditions Tigers would rip-up entire Allied columns- scoring literally 20 kills on armor and infantry transports in 15 minutes. Allied supreme command knew about the situation but did nothing because it did not affect the strategic bottom-line: complete Allied air superiority, plus Germans shortages of parts and fuel, made this tactical advantage moot. Still, pretty cold-blooded how they sent so many tank crews to their fiery deaths.

    But that was in the bad old days, though. Now the US has the awesomest main battle tank in the world, right? M1A1 canon... design licensed from Rheinmetal.

    The more things change...

  21. True or not, that was wonderfully put and has poetic ring and power, a kind of romantic multi-racism, a mestizo Wagnerianism.
    Great to read and you sort of want it to be true...

    That's the problem. 2nd-rate societies like Mexico, the more white-ish Latin American countries, Turkey and several of the more modern Arab countries have no shortage of verbally-gifted, 125-130-ish IQ dreamers like this. The literary class in even backwards, basket-case countries like Egypt is in no way inferior to our own (I've read some Arab poetry in translation and it's quite good). The problem is getting a critical mass of 145+ IQ builders and getting them to work hard together. Otherwise you can dream about your multi-racial melting pots till the end of time- you're still never going to sequence the human genome. Mathew Yglesiases are cheap.

  22. Well Doctor, the statistics do bear it out:


    "The most common interracial marriage is between a white and a white Hispanic. Yes, the New York Times was kind enough to break down Hispanics into white Hispanics and black Hispanics. There’s a huge difference in how these two groups intermarry. White Hispanics behave very much like whites in shunning blacks as marriage partners, while black Hispanics have a very high intermarriage rate with non-Hispanic blacks."

    Whoops. Personally I'd prefer the Sophia Vegaras of the world to anyone who comes out of East Asia, and it looks like I'm not alone.

  23. I think it's fairer to say that Vasconcelos just really disliked Anglo-Saxons

    This is representative of why right-wingers are at such a disadvantage globally- left-wing movements in different countries have little trouble mutually supporting each other because they speak the same language and have common goals.

    Right-wing movements, even when it would make sense for them to team up to oppose things like globalization, are often too alienated from each other to effectively coordinate.

    European conservatism in the 1st half of the 20th Century was usually hostile to America, seeing it as the engine of (19th Century) liberal, culture-dissolving mercantilism and green eyeshade utilitarianism. American conservatives, patriotically interpreting this as an attack on their country, would then try to undermine such blood-and-soil conservatism.

    Vasconcelos seems to be channeling this blood-and-soil conservatism. And, of course, it is a cheap, Latin American knock-off of a superior German product. Still, like that crack about the value of the French Revolution ("too early to tell"), maybe European conservatism will be proven to have been right all along.

  24. "In Spain there is also anti-English and pro-German feeling, the famous German HK G3 rifle was produced together with Spain CETME, the Spanish military operates German equpment."

    Many Spanish hate Nazi Germany for its role in the Spanish Civil War, but Germany never invaded Spain, and it was the British Empire that eclipsed the Spanish empire. So, the bad feelings are deeply rooted in history.

    And in the Americas, anglos trounced the latinos in economic development, political progress, moral advancement, science and technology, military power, and etc. A lot of resentment.

  25. The USA does NOT represent Central and South American interracial trends.

    In the continent of Central-South America, white men are part of the upper-class and have fairer features. White women as well.

    Hispanic-White couples, families and children are roughly sex even. That means both sexes are represented, whether it be the fair woman with the tanned man, or the tanned woman with the fair man, and their children.

    Mixed raced women, whether mestiza or mulatta, love, love, love fair men.

    I think the USA has corrupted one's mind, because in the USA black men (the darkest skinned black men), are aided by government, corporations, NGOs and the like. They have implemented an artificial middle-class there, and African-Americans have the highest black African descendant living in the world.

    It's a wonder why African-Americans don't go back to Africa, and countries like Congo, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan and others.

    Being too dark, unlike with Americanized USA Hispanics, is seen as bad, bad, bad.

    There's a SES and a caste system in Central-South America.

  26. If Hitler had won the war people would still be talking about him that way.

  27. "White Hispanics behave very much like whites in shunning blacks as marriage partners, while black Hispanics have a very high intermarriage rate with non-Hispanic blacks."

    So, if a yellow Japanese-American marries a yellow Chinese-American, is that 'interracial' too?

    And how about a Irish-white and a Russian-white?

    This is getting ridiculous.
    They are calling interethnic interracial.

  28. If a black hispanic kills black black, is that an interracial crime too?

  29. Dr Van Nostrand7/24/13, 11:58 AM

    On the subject of Iberian racial theories, has Steve ever written about Lusotropicalism?

    The nexus between Invade the World and Invite the World might be characterized as Yanko-tropicalism: the whole world exists within vibrant and diverse America, which means that America should exist across the whole world."

    Fierce anti modernists like John Boorman(Deliverance) disagree.

    He made a movie set in South America with a similar theme


    For those deranged loons who thought that Boorman was some sort of urban Jewish tool against poor Southern whites, one only has to listen to the commentary on the DVD where he places his sympathies solely on the side of native fold and even justifies the sodomy happy mountain men as agents of natures revenge

    This ties into Vasconcelos world view-all that rich imagery and exotic lineages are the mating call of a dying anti modernist.

    Vasconcelos seems to be channeling this blood-and-soil conservatism. And, of course, it is a cheap, Latin American knock-off of a superior German product. "

    More hbd idiocy. Blood and soil is as old as humanity itself. Why do need Germans to express themselves thus.Anyway were not very good at nationalism when they were broken up in to dozens of prinicipalities for most of their history until Bismarck and even their nationalism quickly became less blood and soil and more mystical and abstract - Nietzche,Wagner,Blavatsky,Vedas etc etc

  30. I know what a Mayan cenote is. The Yucatan has no surface rivers. The strange geology makes all the water flow under the surface of this semi-desert peninsula. There are places where the surface layer has collapsed like a sink hole.

    The Mayan's made use of these during droughts - they threw teen agers into them. Lots of teenagers.

    Lovely people the Mayans. Mel Gibson's movie tells at least a little of their so-called civilization.

    When I first got cable TV all the documentaries seemed to be about the Maya. The soft headed anthropological community had traditionally painted the Maya as a kind of Jesus-like holy people - infinitely peaceable and noble.

    But unlike and other New World people the Maya had a script and it was decoded. The truth about the Maya came out.

    They were a population that like the Mexicas also indulged in mass executions. It isn't still clear if they too were a cannibal culture. But they were a culture that worshipped death, torture and self mutilation. The king and queen would cut a hole in their tongues and run a string of thorns through it. As they bled out they saw hallucinations.

    There was civilization in the Old World West. There was civilization in the Old World East. But only in the New World civilizations were there ever peoples as cruel and bloody as the Mexicas and Mayas.

    White people don't seem to be able to grasp just how barbarous Amerindian peoples were.(are?)

    The invading Amerindians crossed over Beringia and killed and ate all the new world fauna they found. The horse had evolved in the Americas but the Indians ate all of them and never saw another until Cortez arrived. Mexico City was a very densely populated area but it had no stock yards. They had no major animal source of protein. The Mexicas met the protein challenge by invading and conquering their neighbors and then eating them.

    Cortez prospered with his recruitment among the Mexican enemies because he made it clear to them that he didn't want to eat them. That was quite diplomatic advantage. It was probably more important than steel, cannon and horses.

    If I were Mexican or Mayan I'd want to keep it quiet.



  31. A small correction:

    "La Raza Cosmica" is an essay, not a book. After all, books are a very un-Mexican thing.

  32. Dr Van Nostrand7/24/13, 12:31 PM

    Jack Hanson , I wonder if you even bother to read my posts or the source material instead of blindly pasting nonsense forwarded by the lunatic Half Sigma

    1) I never said that white Hispanic women are NOT on the whole attracted to Anglo men . I merely stipulated the reverse may be more likely
    2) Yes the white Hispanic female and white male is higher than vice versa but how many of them are due to attraction and not just money grubbing green card hounds LOL.
    3)The source clearly states that intermarriage for white Hispanics is on the way down

    My objection to that silly poster is that he made it sound like white Hispanic women are taking over from Asian women when it comes to a desire of coupling to white men

    And the perception of Euro Hispanic to Anglo women is far more appealing one than vice versa.

    Note I used qualifiers such as perception,caricature and cubicle drone!

  33. Crawfurdmuir7/24/13, 1:14 PM

    @ Steve Sailer's comment - "I've harped on the same point, that Darwinism-Galtonism is an outgrowth of smart, rich country boys breeding animals, a field in which the British led the world from the 18th Century onward."

    Another great influence on Darwin was the work of Thomas Malthus on the growth of population, with its pressures on abailable food supplies, living space, and other aspects of what a naturalist would call 'habitat.'

    And - for whatever it is worth - here is Karl Marx's aperçu on Darwin:

    "It is remarkable how Darwin recognizes among beasts and plants his English society with its division of labour, competition, opening up of new markets, inventions, and the Malthusian struggle for existence."

  34. The leading retailer in Spain is called El Corte Ingles.

    I do not think white hispanics hate anglos, they love them, want to gain their respect.

    However they're happy to blame the gringo when the peasants complain....

  35. White people don't seem to be able to grasp just how barbarous Amerindian peoples were.(are?)

    At least, not until they look at the murder/capita statistics worldwide. Some of the South and Central American statistics beat even sub-Saharan Africans. That's saying something. Some of these places must make Detroit look liveable, which is kind of hard to visualize.

  36. "Fear, denigration, abuse: those are words that resonate with our community, particularly when it comes to immigration," Janet Murguía, the president of NCLR, said in a speech on Monday.

    If a Martian were to visit the US he would surely observe that our immigration policy over the last several decades has been overwhelmingly, gratuitously favorable toward Hispanics. There was never anything written in stone that said the US had to take in tens of millions of Latinos, including beneficiaries of amnesties like IRCA.

    One of the saddest realities about politics is that beneficiaries of policies feel cosmically, inalienably entitled to the continuation of those policies, regardless of the merits.

    Has it ever occurred to these people to just say, "Thanks, America. You didn't really have to let me in, but I'm grateful you did"?

    Instead, they have the chutzpah to basically say, "You're racist if you object in any way to being crushed by our demographic steamroller."

    In the end, though, the blame lies with us for yielding to this kind of attitude. The more fool we.

  37. "Mixed raced women, whether mestiza or mulatta, love, love, love fair men."

    "Being too dark, unlike with Americanized USA Hispanics, is seen as bad, bad, bad."

    Hey Whiskey. Trying to create a new identity huh?

  38. At least, not until they look at the murder/capita statistics worldwide. Some of the South and Central American statistics beat even sub-Saharan Africans. That's saying something. Some of these places must make Detroit look liveable, which is kind of hard to visualize.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. African countries have horrible statistics and bad governed governments.

    Lack of statistics and bad statistics doesn't mean that Detroit is better.

    It just means that certain countries are more likely to be honest about their slums and living standards rather than hide it.

  39. I've always wondered why Mexico's "Toma de Protesta" (when a government official takes the oath of office)-


    -looks so much like the Nazi salute -


    I, too, am curious about that URL for the Peña Nieto pic ...

  40. It's the Republican Roman salute as envisioned by J.L. David in the 1780s:


  41. "It's the Republican Roman salute as envisioned by J.L. David in the 1780s:


    But it's kinda weird with Mexican intellectuals often calling the U.S. fascist or nazi, Mexico uses a salute for their oath of office now associated exclusively with nazis and neo-nazis.

    The Mexican President's Toma de Protesta is taken in the federal Congress building under giant gold letters reading: "La Patria es Primero" - Nation (or, really, Homeland) First. Not the people. Not civil society. Not God. The Homeland.


    Kinda ... creepy?

  42. "Kinda ... creepy?"

    Creepez assez Mexicrackez.

  43. You used to say the Pledge of Allegiance while performing the 'gladiator salute' before the Germans spiffed it up with Hugo Boss uniforms.

  44. @ Anonymous, who wrote: "I've always wondered why Mexico's "Toma de Protesta" (when a government official takes the oath of office)-


    -looks so much like the Nazi salute"

    It may be the imagined Roman salute, but I suspect the origin is more recent.

    In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, every meeting is closed with a reaffirmation of the oath of secrecy taken by the brethren. They extend their right hands, as if to place them upon the V.S.L., and say, "I vow." The arm is held horizontally, as in the linked photo, rather than at an angle pointing upwards, as in the typical rendition of the Nazi/Fascist salute.

    The Mexican government has been deeply influenced by a political Freemasonry in the French style ever since the country declared its independence from Spain. When Poinsett was our ambassador there in the early nineteenth century, he reported that the opposing political factions divided themselves along masonic lines: "Yorquinas" (adherents of the York Rite) versus "Escoceses" (adherents of the Scottish Rite).

    I heard it claimed years ago that every Mexican president since the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz in 1910 has been a Freemason. Whether this was then true, or has remained so, I am unable to say - but it is certainly striking in a country that is so overwhelmingly Roman Catholic in its religion.

    The antipathy between the Roman Catholic Church and Freemasonry is one of long standing. Some support for the hypothesis of the masonic influence in Mexican politics is found in the anti-clerical policies of the country's post-1910 government, which not only confiscated church lands and dissolved monasteries, but at one point went so far as to prohibit clergymen from appearing publicly in clerical garb. A late friend of mine, an Episcopalian priest, recounted to me his experience (this as recently as the 1980s) of being required to remove his clerical collar before being allowed entry into Mexico as a tourist. Whether such policies are still in force I am not sure.

  45. "If white Latina fondness for Anglo men was so strong then you wouldnt need "personal experience" to make your case. Statistics in dating and marriage preferences would bear it out.As in the case of Anglo men and Asian women.
    More Anglo women are likely to go for the telenovela Antonio Banderas caricature which the Euro Mexicans resemble than white Latina women going for blonde cubicle drone"

    Actually my friend's Mexican mestizo husband (looked more Indian except he was 6 ft tall and slender) said the same thing about Hispanic women (whom he personally was not into much and of whose excessive procreation he disapproved.) He said they all (more realistically, many) dreamt of blond, blue eyed American men.
    That was the 1980s. I remarked that many American girls dreamt of "tall, dark and handsome" and he just laughed at variance of human nature. Each race has it own version of what "dark" or "light" is. Tall, dark and handsome did not mean a black man. It meant Cary Grant in the 1950s, maybe Al Pacino -- not v. tall though -- in the 70s. When we hear that Indians prefer light skin I automatically assume its "their" kind of light skin that they like.
    But the attraction of mestizo women to white men is well known, and has usually proceeded with little of the drama that accompanies other racial mixing, unless the "hispanic" is a full blood native from a village.


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