July 17, 2013

"Michelle Obama Finally Gets Around To Reading ‘Dreams From My Father’"

Michelle Obama Finally Gets Around To Reading ‘Dreams From My Father’ 
WASHINGTON—Saying that she had put it off for a long time and that now was as good a time as any, Michelle Obama told sources Monday she had finally gotten around to reading her husband’s 1995 memoir Dreams From My Father. “I read the first couple chapters back when it came out, but I just couldn’t get through it, and it’s been lying on my dresser ever since,” said the first lady, explaining that she felt obligated to read President Obama’s autobiographical exploration of race and identity in America even though, “to be honest, it’s a little slow.” “The parts about his dad seem a little overwrought, and he spends so much time writing about himself that he comes across a bit narcissistic—who writes a memoir when they’re 33, anyway? I skimmed a lot of it, but I can still pretend I read the whole thing if he asks.” 

The Onion.


  1. I was about to comment when I saw the article came from The Onion!

  2. In before (after?) people who don't realize it's a joke

  3. It's nice that the Onion has gotten around to being funny again. Their George Zimmerman stuff has been pretty good too.

  4. He was younger than Adolf Hitler then, who wrote his autobiography at the age of 35. Bit slow too.
    Hitler was not married at the time, though, also he didn't have two nice daughters.

  5. The "gang war at the All-Star Game" story was also a good one

  6. Methinks Sailer's point with this post is that more people ought to get around to reading Dreams, so that we can kind of decrackpotize ourselves when thinking about this "President."

  7. http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/hating-on-the-newsroom/51e4449b2b8c2a7aeb00057f

    Get a load of these SWPL dorks.

  8. If you want to parody narcissism, then a First Lady who wrote a master's thesis about her college experience is one ripe onion to pluck.

  9. Ignored by media: Zimmerman voted for Obama, tutored black kids


    Hahaha, what a dummy. He went through all that trouble but media elites roasted his 'white hispanic' ass just the same.

  10. From the Onion but sounds so real.

    I really can't tell anymore.

    Indeed, if Onion had run a piece about how some brown pudgy Hispanic would be attacked as KKK or how Oberlin would freak out over a lady in a blanket some yrs ago, I would thought, haha, that's really cute.

    But stuff like that really happened and keeps happening.

    post-modernism is read. We are living in a post-real world.

    what killed satire? the banality of ludicrousness that is so much a part of our 'reality'

  11. Harry Baldwin7/17/13, 3:27 PM

    The funny thing is that that's probably absolutely true. Michelle just wouldn't say so.

    I've written a number of books. My wife has never read any of them.

  12. That's the first Onion article I made it all the way through without realizing it was a gag. Totally fooled. I was just laughing and wondering why this wasn't bigger gossip fodder/news!

  13. http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/case-censoring-hate-speech

    Alternet calls for ending free speech.

  14. Justice is now a publicity stunt.


  15. http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-home-prices-soar-20130717,0,254160.story

    CA roaring back?

  16. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-zimmerman-crenshaw-attacks-20130716,0,6938859,full.story

    "Negrete said he didn’t see who hit him. He was punched once in the back of the head. Another person grabbed his bike and rode off, but that was it. “It just made me feel so small,” he said. Shortly after the attack, Negrete broke down in tears and expressed his frustration over the violence. “Why does it always have to go down this road?” he told The Times on Monday night.
    He said he felt he was targeted because he was Latino. Others in the crowd said they saw similar incidents."

    Latino named Negrete whupped by Negroes though he protested Zimmerman's acquittal.

    No outrage from white libs. I guess Latinos are just sooooo boring. They exist to pick lettuce and be punching bags of Negroes.

  17. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-zimmerman-crenshaw-attacks-20130716,0,6938859,full.story

    "Negrete said he didn’t see who hit him. He was punched once in the back of the head. Another person grabbed his bike and rode off, but that was it. “It just made me feel so small,” he said. Shortly after the attack, Negrete broke down in tears and expressed his frustration over the violence. “Why does it always have to go down this road?” he told The Times on Monday night.
    He said he felt he was targeted because he was Latino. Others in the crowd said they saw similar incidents."

    I'm sorry, at first I thought this was another Onion satirical article until I looked above to see the source. Wow.

    It was probably the "punching bags" phrase that threw me off. Sad though, just sad. Of course the libs would counteract with "Well, what was he doing out riding his bike after dark? What did he expect was going to happen to him?" Unsaid of course is that the guy may or may not "look" a certain way as well and there you go.
    Sad, sad.

  18. “I read the first couple chapters back when it came out, but I just couldn’t get through it, and it’s been lying on my dresser ever since,”

    That other Zimmerman trial girl can not read cursive, the first thing I think we have a pattern here.

  19. I bet Obama himself has not read the book, let alone written it.
    Politicians are the most uninteresting people to read about. It´s been that way since WWII. Unless you read about the mud and criminal activities they have engaged in, which we won´t know until a hundred years or so after the scoundrels are dead. Bill Clinton would make a nice biography.

  20. The only other person I have ever heard of who wrote two autobiographies was the famous American baritone Robert Merrill.

    But in Merrill's case there was a good reason. The first one was, as I remember, dedicated to his mother. All the stories in the first one were sweet and inspirational.

    So in the second one he wrote about what it was really like to be an opera singer. It was sort of like 'Ball Four' versus Gary Cooper's movie speech as Lou Gehrig.

    He told for example about going to the Copacabana with Mario Lanza. The Maître 'D didn't seem to appreciate just who Lanza was and made them wait. Lanza unzipped his fly and laid his manhood on a table. Two things came clear - Lanza didn't like to wait and his voice wasn't his only outstanding attribute.


  21. Lanza unzipped his fly and laid his manhood on a table

    Heard the same story about Charles Haley. Anyway, seems like a pointless gesture

  22. Of course Michelle never read his book, why would a woman who is frustrated about being black want to read a book about a man who is frustrated that he isn't ?

    On second though, if she had any sense of irony, you would think she'd be extremely curious, but she probably isn't, she is too preoccupied with her striving and vacations and stuff.


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