July 16, 2013

Obama confesses to racially profiling black youths

Richard Cohen writes in his Washington Post column:
In the meantime, the least we can do is talk honestly about the problem. It does no one any good to merely cite the number of stop-and-frisks involving black males without citing the murder statistics as well. Citing the former and not the latter is an Orwellian exercise in political correctness. It not only censors half of the story but also suggests that racism is the sole reason for the policy. This mindlessness, like racism itself, is repugnant. 
Crime where it intersects with race is given the silent treatment. Everything else is discussed — and if it isn’t, there’s a Dr. Phil or an Oprah saying that it should be. Crime, though, is different. It is, like sex in the Victorian era (or the 1950s), an unmentionable but unmistakable part of life. We all know about it and take appropriate precaution but keep our mouths shut. 
At one time, I thought Barack Obama would bring the problem into the open and remove the racist stigma. Instead, he perpetuated it. In his acclaimed Philadelphia speech on race, he cited his grandmother as “a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed her by on the street.” 
How about the former Barry Obama? When he was a Columbia University student living on the lip of then-dangerous Harlem, did he never have the same fear?

Indeed, as I pointed out in March 2008, following the famous Philadelphia "race speech," the Presidential frontrunner's bestseller Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance includes a passage in a Chicago chapter in which he obliquely confesses to racially profiling black youths:
"That night, well past midnight, a car pulls up in front of my apartment building, carrying a troop of teenage boys and a set of stereo speakers so loud that the floor of my apartment begins to shake. I've learned to ignore such disturbances -- where else do they have to go? I say to myself. But on this particular evening I have someone staying over ...
"'Listen, people, are trying to sleep around here. Why don't y'all take it someplace else?' 
"The four boys inside say nothing, don't even move. The wind wipes away my drowsiness, and I feel suddenly exposed, standing in a pair of shorts on the sidewalk in the middle of the night.... One of them could be Kyle. One of them could be Roy. One of them could be Johnnie."

Kyle, Roy, and Johnnie are all black male characters in Dreams from My Father -- in other words, as Obama's grandfather might say, the fellas in the car are black. Obama then proceeds to make stereotypical assumptions about young black males' violent tendencies:
"I start picturing myself through the eyes of these boys, a figure of random authority, and know the calculations they might now be making, that if one of them can't take me out, the four of them certainly can."

The chapter ends:
"The engine starts, and the car screeches away. I turn back toward my apartment knowing that I've been both stupid and lucky, knowing that I am afraid after all."

Shocking, isn't it?

Let me quote one sentence to show you why so few people ever finish reading Dreams from My Father:
"As I stand there, I find myself thinking that somewhere down the line both guilt and empathy speak to our own buried sense that an order of some sort is required, not the social order that exists, necessarily, but something more fundamental and more demanding; a sense, further, that one has a stake in this order, a wish that, no matter how fluid this order sometimes appears, it will not drain out of the universe."

I think this means that the Ivy Leaguer has just now realized he's on the side of the cops, not on the side of the crooks.

But, of course, unlike his grandmother, Obama is allowed to racially profile blacks.

Because he's black.

Have you noticed how 21st Century ethics are just becoming simpler and simpler?


  1. Steve, is this not the whitest sentence ever written?

    "On this particular evening I have someone staying over"

    Use of particular: white.
    Evening: white (who else says evening?)
    Gender Neutrality (someone): white
    euphemistic way of discussing sex: white

  2. "I think this means that the Ivy Leaguer has just now realized he's on the side of the cops, not on the side of the crooks."

    Or he realized how to get the votes who are on the side of cops.

    Clinton: "I share your pain."

    Obama: "I share your fear."

    When Negroes are relatively quiet(or at least not causing problems in whitopias), progs like this side of Obama.

    But when the negroes are pissed and enraged, progs don't want Obama to overplay the "I share your fear" card(with the white community) since he will seem a sell-out and phony to the black community. They want him to allay black rage by making him play the "I share your (out)rage card".

    So, he needs to balance "I share your fear"(for whites) with "I share your rage"(for blacks), and the prog-Jewish media are helping him along.

    He's Negreico the insurance selling lizard.

  3. Maybe Martin was on top because he got a lot of practice with Jeantel with whom he would have been crushed if he'd let her get on top.

  4. Obama is as white as George Zimmerman, perhaps he should be called a White Black.

  5. OT: Robots to revolutionize farming, ease labor woes

    "If you can put a man on the moon," Sandoval said, "you can figure out how to pick fruit with a machine."

  6. OT, but have you caught Robert Zimmerman making the rounds? Very impressive and well-spoken fellow. And a wonderful brother. In proper English, he's told Eric Holder to FOAD.

    I predict he'll become a star.

  7. Clinton. From 'I share your pain' to 'I share your gain'.

    How much is he worth? Over 100 million?

  8. Sheeeet, never mind he was racially profiled to be president from day one.

  9. Blacks in hoodies killing many more Negroes than whites in hoods ever did.

  10. The show THE WIRE must be racis' cuz it racially profiles black Baltimore as a lousy crime-infested place.

  11. Whenever I think of that incident between Obama and his grandmother (and grampa and "daddy Frank") I think of Ann Coulter's column on the incident. Obama's grandfather was a lazy pos. Get your ass to work Sydney...dont get mugged...Im going back to bed!

  12. Cohen Jewish. Yglesias Jewish.

    It seems the media 'racially' profiles Jews for hiring.

  13. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=596332660389666&set=a.125514427471494.14389.100000388127496&type=1

    Sailer is right. White people find Hispanics boring.
    So much hipper and cooler to hold your white fist in the air yelling 'Trayvon' than caring about some pudgy brown guy who looks like Guillermo.

    More surreal than KKK at Oberlin. They found the Great White Defendant, and he isn't even white and he was freed by rule of law in a trial that shouldn't even have taken place.

    Goes to show that so many people are sheeple. But then, this is a country that was sold on 'gay marriage' cuz of Will and Grace.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. See someone in a blanket(at Oberlin college) and immediately profile him as the grand wizard of the KKK and suspend classes!!!!!!!!!

    But if you see a black guy in a hoodie prowling around a neighborhood racked with crime(committed mostly by blacks), nothing to see. Just move on.

    You see, progs are so sane and temperate while 'white hispanic kkk guys' like Zimmerman' flip out over any sight of a black guy in a hoodie and bloodthirstily stalk him to murder him.

    Pure projection. Hysterical progs project their hysteria onto Zimmerman who was only being cautious in guarding his neighborhood.

  16. [QUOTE]The show THE WIRE must be racis' cuz it racially profiles black Baltimore as a lousy crime-infested place.[/QUOTE]

    I am glad The Wire did not go politically correct like Robocop did by portraying the majority of urban inner city criminals as White men.

    A film about White thugs terrorizing the city of Detroit is even less realistic than the sci-fi film Pacific Rim which is about robots battling monsters that rise from below the sea.

  17. http://occupydemocrats.com/watch-martin-bashir-sum-up-the-trayvon-martin-travesty-in-under-4-minutes/

    Maybe he misses Michael Jackson.

  18. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/16/us-usa-florida-shooting-lawsuit-idUSBRE96F1EL20130716

  19. http://www.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=USRTX11MID#a=6

    Iconic image of what passes for 'civil rights' in America in 2013.

    Do the Trite Thing.

  20. Crowe's Candle7/16/13, 6:17 PM

    Its appropriate that Obama profiles blacks, his policies result in more black deaths and black poverty than a thousand Zimmermans ever could.

  21. Catholics have wafers and wine.

    Trayonites have skittles and Arizona watermelon drink.

  22. Traysteria.

  23. Didn't waste time looking for a new Trayvon. They seemed to do better with this one making sure loose ends are tied up. Old man pleading not guilty by reasons of insanity though. Might be alzheimers or dementia.


  24. ... like racism itself, is repugnant.

    Go to hell with that "repugnant" boilerplate. Racism is not "repugnant." Racism is a normal human pursuit of man's most basic social needs, starting with physical safety.

    In a cant-free environment, it would be understood that if you are not "racist," you are cognitively impaired.

  25. Simpler and simpler and stupider and stupider, "scro."

  26. Cohen claims: This mindlessness, like racism itself, is repugnant.

    Life in the American Ouroboros can almost be comfortable in its consistency. One can imagine the mental volleying as Cohen composed that sentence: Racism…is… reprehensible or repugnant? Repugnant or reprehensible? Is there nothing acceptable but these two? Ahh to hell with it…Repugnant!

  27. Steve S.
    Let me quote one sentence to show you why so few people ever finish reading Dreams from My Father.

    I finished the book, though I suspect I did so by glossing over that particular passage. Such incoherent prose indicates to me that Obama took one too many Sociology courses in college. Though in defense of Sociology, neither Politics nor Law -fields which in Obama took many courses- are noted for promoting coherent prose.,

  28. "...carrying a troop of teenage boys..."

    Whoops!! Das racis'! After all, what other organism comes in troops?

  29. I like the way he gussies up his fear:

    "I start picturing myself through the eyes of these boys, a figure of random authority, and know the calculations they might now be making, that if one of them can't take me out, the four of them certainly can."

    No one "pictures himself through another's eyes."

    In plain English he is saying that "I looked at these boys and I knew what they were thinking: if one of them can't take me out, the four of them certainly can".

    He isn't "seeing through eyes" (whatever that means), he is mind-reading.

    And that is exactly what millions of black folks do every day when they face these kids. Unlike the President, however, they don't want to cop to it in front of De White Folk.

    Part of his magical appeal in 2007-2008 was to bring us inside the mind and thoughts of a black man. To take the Professional Negro mask off and to reassure us that what he feels--what all black people feel--is not so different from what we feel.

    He admitted that black folks are scared sh!tless of the hood rats that eyeball them and force them to lower their eyes, move off the sidewalks and triple-lock their doors.

    ... and then he won the Presidency and it was all over. Back to The Narrative and racial theater.


    He had the chance to cut through the racial crap and chide the Sharptons and Jesses and chose not to.

  30. Basic to profiling are facts. A
    brilliant journalistic investigation into crime and race statistics was Jared Taylor's THE COLOR OF CRIME, compiled over a dozen years ago and updated since.
    Not one source in MSM tee vee indicates even remote awareness of the astounding higher Black crime incidence.

  31. http://unrealnewsonline.com/2013/07/16/facebook-reports-more-unfriending-and-blocking-sunday-than-any-day-in-its-history/

    What a silly world we live in.

  32. Google "Marley Lion", similar cirumstances to Trayvon. NO media coverage.

  33. Don't racially profile individual blacks as potential criminals but profile and accuse all of white America for 'white supremacism' over the Martin-Zimmerman affair. Makes a lot of sense.

  34. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/15/temar-boggs-jocelyn-rojas_n_3597825.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009

    Oh my, a black teenager racially profiles an old white male as kidnapping suspect and saves a child and he's a hero!!!

    But when Zimmerman trailed a possible black burglar, that was just terrible!!!!!

    Now, suppose the white man in the car had leaped out and attacked the black teenager, and suppose the teenager had a knife and stabbed the white man to death.
    Of course, everyone would be saying it would have been justified.

  35. Dawn of the Living7/16/13, 7:18 PM

    Black= good, White=bad

    This is the cornerstone for how all good people pretend to think in the modern day West.

  36. Galton's Digit7/16/13, 7:21 PM

    "Maybe Martin was on top because he got a lot of practice with Jeantel with whom he would have been crushed if he'd let her get on top."

    -Or maybe it was all that Rough Trade with your granddad

  37. Forgot My Alias Again7/16/13, 8:05 PM

    "Part of his magical appeal in 2007-2008 was to bring us inside the mind and thoughts of a black man. To take the Professional Negro mask off and to reassure us that what he feels--what all black people feel--is not so different from what we feel."

    But he's not one of them. Too many of us are still taken in by the greatest political con job ever perpetrated--"Obama is an African-American." Ethnically, experientially, he is not, never was, never can be, not in the sense that run-of-the-mill American blacks are African-American. (Afro-Caribbeans--like Holder--come closer, but they're conning us as well.) Politics attracts calculating opportunists, to be sure, but such spectacularly bald-faced manipulation of an electorate should take your breath away--you'd almost think someone was behind the scenes, pulling the strings...

  38. Too many of us are still taken in by the greatest political con job ever perpetrated--"Obama is an African-American."

    No, no, no, whites were not taken in. They voted him because he was a different kind of black.

  39. Forgot My Alias Again7/16/13, 9:06 PM

    "They voted him because he was a different kind of black."

    Great. You do realize we're still stuck with the rest who are the same as they ever were?

  40. "It does no one any good to merely cite the number of stop-and-frisks involving black males without citing the murder statistics as well."


    Otherwise you end up with the media silently covering up the ethnic cleansing of black people from New York, DC and LA for crime reasons while deflecting people's attention by pointing at those nasty Southerners.

  41. Forgot My Alias Again7/16/13, 9:52 PM

    "...media silently covering up the ethnic cleansing of black people from New York..."

    I *heard* Michael Bloomberg, in his final State-of-the-City address, talk about how welfare rolls have declined on his watch. Want to know how he did that? Section 8 housing vouchers. He has simply exported the problem to the ex-urbs. How do I know? I've spent the last dozen years watching the dregs of the Bronx wash over this region--and the kids? They *hate* it out here in the sticks. They *dream* of going back to the ghetto--only Bloomberg and his ilk will have priced them out. They already have.

  42. "he show THE WIRE must be racis' cuz it racially profiles black Baltimore as a lousy crime-infested place"

    Speaking as an ex-Baltimorean and victim of black crime and harassment (though there were nice blacks too, as any pc-indoctrinated person must add (sincerely here), that is dead-on. Though I can't watch the Wire as I lived too near too much of it. I knew people of my parents' generation (they were adults in the 40s and beyond) who said Baltimore was a perfectly safe place to walk around in before the late 60s, which is all I recall.
    There was an amusement park called Druid Hill Park, that was a lot of fun. In the early 60s the Catholic schools in Baltimore refused to take the kids on outtings there because it was segregated. In 1963 they allowed blacks. Within a couple years it was a mess and crime ridden. Closed by 1968.
    In the late 70s a traveling amusement park set up in the Balti. Inner Harbor, and a lot of blacks were there, but plenty of whites too. Since it was temp anyway, I don't think they did damage. But I remember being in a line for one of the rides and the behavior and expressions of the black "youths" was shudder-producing. The look in their eyes was empty and unaware of protocol aside from being forced to wait until the ride was ready for them, and focused on the ride as if they were five instead of 17 or so. It's a behavior-expression-aura unique to them, and which you can't explain to those who have never been around them in numbers. They jostled and and were in such numbers, it truly creeped us out and we left the area for that ride. Had that amusement park remained, they would have ruined it even more quickly than Druid Hill. OTOH,for a tamer ride there was a very nice black mom waiting with her little girl. The mom asked my friend and me to get on the ride with the child because she (the mom) got sick on them. We (two white girls) obliged and the little girl was well behaved and sweet. The mom was grateful.
    It seemed strange and is the kind of incident "liberals" imagine happen all the time, but which are rare in places like Baltimore.

  43. Same as 20th century ethics as expounded by the great ethicist Lenin - " Who, whom".

  44. not a hacker7/17/13, 4:22 PM

    I'm probably the most enthusiastic critic of black culture who comments here, but I have to take issue with Steve's conclusion that this anecdote shows BO engaged in racial profiling. There's no doubt in my mind that a 30-ish white man facing four white teenagers would have exactly the same thoughts.


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