July 11, 2013

Why are blacks moving to conservative southern states?

Thomas Edsall of the NYT is aghast that while there are now lots and lots of black legislators in Southern state legislatures, they almost all represent the minority party (Democrats). Something should be done! (And, no, not some blacks should join the GOP.) The Feds should help the Democrats win in the South.

It's funny, though, how blacks keep migrating to states like Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina. You might almost think that blacks find they do better in Republican-run states that are pro-jobs and pro-affordable family formation than in liberal Democratic states like Vermont, where prices are high and the economy shackled. Isn't it time for Vermont to start a strong affirmative action campaign to rid it self of its shame of being the least diverse state in America?


  1. I recently lived in Texas and in my town there were some blacks who had recently moved there from NYC, Detroit, Chicago, etc.

    I asked a number of them why they moved there and the vast majority said the weather. They said they hated cold weather.

    1. You should tell them..weather in West Africa is unmatched.

  2. Tom Edsall is a complete f'n putz...

    The lesson for what has happened in the South is that northeast whiteys who try to put down southern whiteys end up hurting southern whiteys who agree with northeastern whiteys.

    And this should be extrapolated far into the future.

  3. If you're living off the gubmint, it doesn't matter where you live since you're not worried about a job. Since north-eastern cities like DC, NY, Boston are becoming increasingly white/Asian and ever more expensive, blacks are taking off to cheaper pastures. Also, blacks don't like to be around white people and are moving to blacker towns.

    America is steadily self-segregating at a macro level. Eventually, everything will be New York or Birmingham, with Hispanics distributed everywhere. But over time there will also be more Miamis, cities that are predominantly Hispanic.

    Ultimately, multi-cult will take the only course it can take, which is tribalism and segregated cities.

  4. When people are desperate, they will go wherever they can get work. When they're not desperate and can choose where to live, they'll live among their kind.

  5. We don't want them. Let them stay away from Texas.

    1. Your so right. We don't want them here in Texas. They have screwed up every city they come from and let me not even get started on crime they bring.

  6. What an unbelievably boring article. Obviously Ebsall felt ideologically compelled to write something denouncing those evil southern whites and crying for those poor oppressed blacks, but couldn't think of an interesting way of doing it. So we get a convoluted chart, a bunch of numbers, and quotes from people nobody cares about.

  7. C'mon Steve, what happened to your yen for the simple answer? Blacks move from urban areas to the South because there's more space. A lot easier to have your own acre in Alabama than in California.

  8. This is one f the best articles on politics I have ever read. I am now an Edsallian.

    On a somber note: it is sad that the democratic process can be subverted by a misguided but highly unified minority. Like the bolsheviks. Shows how bad things can happen, even in an otherwise benevolent country.

    The Republican Party (AKA the NeoConfederate Party) needs to be defeated on all fronts and so soundly that it is beaten down back to its constituent atoms. Then maybe it can rebuild as a party worthy of a democracy.

    To do that, we all have to frikkin' vote. We can vote those clowns out if we just vote. When the defeat of the Republican Party comes it will be overwhelming and my worry is there will be no viable oppositions party. But before that, those of us who have the real traditional American values of democracy, opportunity, justice and opportunity have to vote to turn the Republicans out.

  9. FirkinRidiculous7/11/13, 10:11 AM

    'And, no, not some blacks should ... the GOP.'

    Join? Sue?

  10. Economic and social reasons are somewhat obvious.

    Let's talk HBD reasons.

    Whites are adapted to cold, northern climates. Their white skin is good at absorbing vitamin D.

    Blacks are not adapted to such climates. Their black skin is good at protecting from UV rays but bad at absorbing vitamin D.

    Supplementation of vitamin D is notoriously ineffective.

    Do blacks in northern climates suffer from a low to moderate level vitamin D deficiency?

    Vitamin D is involved in the release of dopamine and serotonin. We know that a deficiency can cause depression, but there may be other, less clearly understood effects.

  11. They said they hated cold weather.

    Winner! Sadly, climate change has made my area more bearable for the mopes that the world's Social Services keeps sending us.

    Yes, climate change. It just isn't as cold as it used to be. If only.

  12. *You might almost think that blacks find they do better in Republican-run states that are pro-jobs and pro-affordable family formation than in liberal Democratic states*

    The premise here is wrong. North Carolina was run mostly by Democrats until 2011 and Georgia until 2003. The attractive conditions that prevail there are due to Democratic governance if they are due to any government at all.

    Texas turned Republican around 1995, but its high growth rates were in place well before that.

  13. Little known fact - Northeastern states also incarcerate a higher percentage of their black population than "racist" southern states.

  14. Also, blacks don't like to be around white people and are moving to blacker towns.

    Not really, blacks love living around white folks. It's all upside for them, with safer, better schools and less crime.

    Blacks just can't always afford to live amongst whites up north. Places like Charlotte, Raleigh or Atlanta are a lot less segregated than Philadelphia or NYC.

  15. Looks like this blog post is bringing out the bigots. Oh well. I'm Black, have a MBA from a decent school no Harvard (university of Rochester) and have a good private sector job. True my folks are African but I was born and raised here.

    From my experience many Black folks just prefer the South namely Atlanta, Charlotte, Houston and Dallas (is DC considered the South these days?). They are just moving for the same reasons other people do looking for a better life. While I understand there is a large Black underclass suggesting that Blacks only move to live off the government is frankly racist. Besides Southern states aren't as generous with aid as Northern states so stands to reason we wouldn't move South if welfare was the motivating factor. In fact Blacks are leaving California the most generous welfare state in the Union. Push another racist meme please this one falls flat.

  16. Calls to mind the recent hand-wringing by pro-amnesty pundits that if the GOP doesn't get behind immigration reform, then what can the party possibly have to offer Hispanics? Or what can the GOP possibly offer to gays if the party doesn't support gay marriage? The answer, it seems to me, SHOULD be, "good, competent governance." The whole idea that the only way to get votes is to parcel out goodies to particular demographic groups is pretty perverse, and quite contrary to the idea of "one nation, under God."

  17. "Why are blacks moving to conservative southern states?"

    1.) Detroit and similar places are uninhabitable.
    2.) Cost of living is far cheaper in the deep south.
    3.) People have family members still loving in the deep south.

    It's not that difficult.

  18. The problem is that the entire South and the South West has become overrun with mestizo Hispanic Spanish-speakers. It's white and Hispanic by now.

    Texas is a bad destination for them. Florida is teeming with Hispanics too. California is full of Hispanics by now.

    I swear that the Yankee, Anglo-Puritan and the Jews are ironically destroying what's left of the black community in the USA.

  19. Many denizens of the Northeast seem determined to re-fight the Civil War into eternity.

    Blood lust and hatred for the Deep South can get a little out of hand here in Yankee territory!

  20. The Feds should help the Democrats win in the South.

    Does Edsall think that the Feds have some magic potion to make the white Southerner vote for the same political party that blacks vote for?

  21. The move to Southern states is too late.

    Hispanics tend to cause black flight, the same way blacks cause white flight.

    The South and the South West are a mix between white America and Mexico 2.0 already.

  22. Sailer writes:

    You might almost think that blacks find they do better in Republican-run states that are pro-jobs and pro-affordable family formation

    I respond:

    For blacks, affordable FAMBLY formation (aka procreation) is no big deal. Because...EBT, Section 8, SSI, WIC, et al.

  23. It is my hope that one day, perhaps as soon as just prior to the heat death of the universe, it will be considered gauche to wave the bloody flag. In the meantime, expect more strident jeremiads against the "former Confederacy".

  24. Dr Van Nostrand7/11/13, 11:51 AM

    Is it just blacks though? Even liberal whites after making a complete mess out of their states with their stupid policies move to states like North Carolina,Texas,Virginia,Colorado and Florida and turn them blue thereby transforming them into the same type of places they are escaped from.
    It is no wonder they empathize with immigrants,legal and illegal.Hispanics and Muslims in particular after escaping their hell holes are suddenly nostalgic for lands of origin(not nostalgic enough to return mind you) but enough to start agitating for balkanization.
    No wonder idiot white liberals and these two groups get along so well

  25. "(And, no, not some blacks should the GOP.)"


  26. Vermont. Yep, that'll do. Why not give America's most livable & beautiful spaces to everyone/anyone who isn't of a pale hue? For starters- Los Angeles & then, why not the entire State?
    Southern Florida is lovely, so let's make it Latin only.
    Don't speak Spanish, gringo? Go back to Vermont. These are OUR'S now.

  27. http://abcnews.go.com/US/george-zimmerman-face-life-25-years-parole/story?id=19636785

    No justice. Zimmerman is being set up for guilt verdict no matter what.

    The jury members will fear a riot and may sacrifice Zimmerman.

  28. http://www.infowars.com/judge-in-zimmerman-case-pressured-by-obama-administration/

  29. http://weaselzippers.us/2013/07/11/having-failed-to-prove-their-case-zimmerman-prosecutor-asks-judge-to-allow-jury-to-consider-third-degree-murder-based-on-child-abuse/

    Onion-itis reaching into the court room. Trial turning into farce.

  30. Maybe Edsall is afraid that blacks will move back up north if they fail politically in the south.

  31. Steve, that first paragragh could use a little editing.

  32. I am always amazed at the efficiency of the Hivemind. Prior to several weeks ago, there was little outraged talk of
    Republican gerrymandering, whereas now it seems that every liberal commentator has it on his lips. How stupid do these people think we are? Am I to believe that the Democrats do not gerrymander whenever they have the opportunity, and that this is only a Republican phenomenon?

  33. Could be more black politicians means less black voting power. It could be the result of gerrymandering.

    If blacks in south were spread out more, they could deliver the decisive votes to tip the balance toward the Democrat, even if he's white.

  34. I had to recheck the title to be sure this wasn't from The Onion - it sounds like parody. Let's see, in "private discussions," the wicked Republicans spoke candidly about turning the Democratic party into a "black" party, but later on, we're told that the Democrats "sound gleeful" that the GOP is becoming the "white" party. So it looks like both sides are pretty happy about this. But to Edsall, only one side is bad.

    And how could it be that the evil Republicans alone are out to screw the Democrats on redistricting? I mean, this never happens when the shoe is on the other foot, as in, say, California or Illinois. Oh no, there the Democrats are super-careful to make sure the minority Republicans get a fair shake; it's only when the Republicans have a majority that abuse takes place.

    Steve, as you point out, blacks in the South (or in other states where the Republicans control the state government) could fix this situation in a minute by joining the GOP. Wonder why that isn't proposed as a solution to this burning issue?

  35. Auntie Analogue7/11/13, 1:10 PM

    Were you, Mr. Sailer, supposed to notice?

  36. http://reason.com/blog/2013/07/11/canada-repeals-restriction-on-online-hat

    Canada stops hating free speech.

  37. "Let's talk HBD reasons. Whites are adapted to cold, northern climates. Their white skin is good at absorbing vitamin D. Blacks are not adapted to such climates. Their black skin is good at protecting from UV rays but bad at absorbing vitamin D."

    When man lived with nature, this was true. But we have air conditioners and heaters and heavy coats, and etc, so this can't be the reason. Somalis in Minneapolis are certainly staying put.

    It seems many blacks are moving back south cuz there are more black majority communities there. Northern whites may be less 'racist' in their politics but socially they don't offer much to black-blacks. Northern whites prefer the tokens and the mulattos.

    In the south, there are so many black communities that it 'feels more like home'.

  38. HBD reasons fails. Look at all the blacks in Africa who wanna move to cold Europe.

  39. No need to reach for economic or HBD angles here. American blacks are culturally of the South--its geography, its cuisine, its folkways--and feel more at home there than in other parts of the country.

  40. http://www.examiner.com/article/media-blackout-black-mob-hunted-white-victims-cincinnatti

    it's the media that should be put on trial.

  41. Just because a people evolved in the heat doesn't mean they like the heat. Similarly, just because Eskimos evolved in the cold doesn't mean they enjoy the cold.

    Adaptation is to survive, not necessarily to thrive.

    Mountain goats evolved to survive in steep areas but if provided with easy food and protection in a flat area, they'll stay in the flat area.

  42. http://theeveningclass.blogspot.com/2013/07/when-movies-matteredthe-film.html


  43. Yes, climate change. It just isn't as cold as it used to be.

    Hah. Just you wait.

  44. Or what can the GOP possibly offer to gays if the party doesn't support gay marriage? The answer, it seems to me, SHOULD be, "good, competent governance."

    Agreed. Unfortunately, not only are people not going to forget the GWB 2000s anytime soon, the GOP seems convinced the same policies are a winning strategy.

  45. Bill wrote:

    I am always amazed at the efficiency of the Hivemind. Prior to several weeks ago, there was little outraged talk of
    Republican gerrymandering, whereas now it seems that every liberal commentator has it on his lips.

    I respond:

    Because it's just now dawning on the left that racial gerrymandering to guarantee the election of blacks (which the left wanted in the first place) has hurt white Democrats and Democrats in general. You'll notice in the Edsall NYT article that he finally notices that Republicans won 233 of 435 House seats even though the generic Congressional vote was more Democrat than Republican (and of course it was going to be on the same day with the same electorate that re-elected Obama and retained Democrat control of the Senate.) That's because of the Republican-friendly gerrymanders that clump up bloc voting non-whites into their own kiddie pool districts.

    This is why it's all but impossible for Democrats to win back the house in 2014. Sure, Democrat voters might turn out big time, but they'll be turning out in their solid blue gerrymandered kiddie pool districts.

    One thing Edsall misses: The white Republican and black Democrat favored gerrymandering helps Republicans most in states like Ohio where whites are more divided partisanly. It doesn't help Republicans in racial headcount election states like Mississippi.

    Examples from 2012:

    Ohio: Obama won the state, Sherrod Brown won Senate re-election, Democrat Congressional candidates got more votes than Republican Congressional candidates in the aggregate, but Republicans won 12 of 16 House district.

    Florida: Obama won the state, Bill Nelson won Senate re-election, Ds over Rs in generic Congressional, but Republicans won 17 of 27 Congressional districts.

  46. http://projectcinephilia.mubi.com/2011/05/23/criticism-and-film-studies-a-response-to-david-bordwell/

  47. "HBD reasons fails. Look at all the blacks in Africa who wanna move to cold Europe. "

    They move to Europe, because it offers a better life.

    That doesn't mean that the climate has no effect on them when they get there.

    It would take some work to figure out that a lack of sunlight is causing you to be a bit depressed and grumpy.

    Many white people suffer from vitamin D deficiency in cold, dark climates. It must be much worse for black people.

    It would be interesting to see if black people in Chicago and Buffalo are less happy than Black people in Georgia and Mississippi,after controlling for factors like income.

  48. "From my experience many Black folks just prefer the South namely Atlanta, Charlotte, Houston and Dallas (is DC considered the South these days?). They are just moving for the same reasons other people do looking for a better life."

    Winner, winner chicken dinner! Today's Atlanta isn't 1955. Someone should tell the Justice Department.

  49. Black power + black poverty = black powerty.

  50. Just once I'd like to read about some people moving somewhere to make themselves a worse life.

  51. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/07/11/CNN-white-hispanic

  52. To the 10:53 poster:

    Looks like this blog post is bringing out the bigots. Oh well. I'm Black, have a MBA from a decent school no Harvard (university of Rochester) and have a good private sector job. True my folks are African but I was born and raised here.

    From my experience many Black folks just prefer the South namely Atlanta, Charlotte, Houston and Dallas (is DC considered the South these days?). They are just moving for the same reasons other people do looking for a better life.

    That's not the full reason they're moving to the south. For all practical historical purposes, blacks identify with that US region that they've lived in the longest-- the South. AND percentage wise, has the most number of backs living there.

    You're right about the fact it hasn't anything to do directly with gov. benefits. But ultimately Steve's post makes the larger point "birds of a feather flock together."

    Think of it realistically: Most blacks, percentage wise, are not really part of the middle class. Therefore, those that move to the South aren't going there for jobs, opportunities, or benefits per se. They're moving there to be with their own kind. Pure and simple. Family. Extended families "it takes a village" kind of thing and since all the original black villages originated (for the most part) in the south (due obviously to the legacy of slavery) so, they're comfortable with the land of their ancestors.

    Also, yes, for those small numbers who are part of the middle class Southern states are more affordable economically.

    But let's have no more distortions of why they're moving to the South in massive numbers.

    Whether middle class blacks or lower class ones, the answer is the same: It's race, pure and simple. They have an affinity to be with their own kind and in the land of their American ancestors and now that they have a little more money, they can live there in better style.

  53. To prevent further Zimmerman-Martins, how about we institute stop and frisk on a national scale?

    But gee, if such happened in the south, it'd be 'racist'.

  54. The problem is that the entire South and the South West has become overrun with mestizo Hispanic Spanish-speakers. It's white and Hispanic by now.

    Texas is a bad destination for them. Florida is teeming with Hispanics too. California is full of Hispanics by now.

    California? When people talk about the Southern states, they're not talking about California.

    Anyway, blacks are still the predominant minority in the southeastern US. Looking at 2012 census data for LA, MS, GA, FL, AL, TN, SC, NC, and VA, blacks number around 16 mil, or 23%, while hispanics number around 7.8 mil, or 11%. And the bulk of those hispanics (5 mil) are concentrated in FL, most likely southern FL.

  55. The NYT comments are really depressing.

    Is there ANYTHING whites can do to shake the hijacked left's resolve - which channels non-white energy - for collective punishment of common whites for past crimes? Short of a complete demographic genocide?

    The relationship between the 'white' left (often really people who don't feel psychologically white) and non-whites is obviously the key alliance. Whites have pretty much given the whole house away. And yet it's still not good enough. It's never good enough. The aggression towards whites is so over the top. Racist this, racist that - give me more. The more whites apologize the more the aggression picks up. Whites start feeling confused - the whole process is overwhelming.

    The sad part is this may just be the way it's meant to play out.
    With the world shrinking due to technology white lands are the frontier lands for the deeper cultures of browns and blacks.

    There is something missing here though. It's an evolutionary step that may or may nor happen. Kind of like a test for the whites race for which there are no guarantees of a pass (survival).

  56. Lol at "one and done" censorship. I can only imagine.

  57. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2359517/Documents-Little-known-Justice-Department-unit-provided-support-protest-deployment-Florida-initial-Trayvon-Martin-unrest.html

  58. For the record, Vermont has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.


  59. "Think of it realistically: Most blacks, percentage wise, are not really part of the middle class. Therefore, those that move to the South aren't going there for jobs, opportunities, or benefits per se. They're moving there to be with their own kind."

    Partly true but not entirely.
    For one thing, if blacks are into family and relatives, why do so few black men stick around to take care of their kids? And blacks generally don't know crap about their roots. Their idea of blackness is coming up with funny names.

    Also, blacks have been in the north for a long time, so they put down roots too in many northern parts. And they have many relatives and kin in the north. I mean a lot of blacks in NY have relatives in the north. Same in St. Louis, chicago, philadelphia, etc.
    So, if blacks wanna be with other blacks, there's a lot of opportunity in many places in the north. I mean there are lots of blacks in Milwaukee, and since blacks sleep around so much, I'll bet a whole bunch of them are related and even inbred without knowing it. I mean a negro guy could have kids with a bunch of hos on the block, and the kids of the ho's might do one another. You never know.

    I think maybe the appeal of the south is the rurality. Though south has big cities, it has more of a small town and rural feel that makes you feel more laid back and rooted.
    In the north, cities are black whereas rural areas are often white.
    In the south, there are lots of rural areas with lots of blacks with the 'down on the farm' feeling.
    Maybe blacks in the north who are sick of city life and don't feel at home in the northern rural towns--cuz they're mostly white--wanna move down south for rurality and blackness.
    Even southern cities and big towns have more of a rural feel. It's a feeling but you gotta spend time in the south to know what it's all about.

    Another factor is the federalization of all of America. Now, you can live in red states and get all the federal benefits just the same. There was a time when blacks had to move out of the south to be offered more by the government. But today, there are government offices all over the place to dole out free stuff.

  60. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/10/obama-police-militarization_n_3566478.html

    The liberal way.

    Speak softly by employing a 'magic negro' as sock-puppet and use a big stick.

    How easily people are duped.
    But if law and order is conservative, it looks like libs are taking the 'conservative' root. Why not since they are the overlords?

    No wonder Steven Pinker loves the new law and order. It's been 'liberalized'.
    It's got more men and bigger guns but wear pink gloves.

  61. I know quite a few blacks who have moved down South after living in NYC. In fact most of them were born in NYC. These are working class blacks who had blue-collar jobs up here (I don't really know any blacks on welfare, and wonder if all the people who write so many theories about them actually know them, or are just projecting.)

    The people I know (and I have asked them) say the same things: 1) NYC is now unaffordable 2) they have family in the south 3) the lifestyle is more simpatico 4) the south is not racist like it used to be and like the north is-- the whites down there like blacks more than the whites up north do. They all say that.

    One guy told me that he's happy to be in South Carolina becuase everybody, black and white, goes to church down there.

    There is no question in my mind that the yuppification of NYC (Bloomberg) has made blacks feel unwelcome. For one thing, very few working class people, black or white can afford apartments here.

  62. What difference does it make? This is alarming for the South. Blacks and northern transplants will ally to destroy what's left of the Southern homeland.


  63. I know quite a few blacks who have moved down South after living in NYC. In fact most of them were born in NYC. These are working class blacks who had blue-collar jobs up here (I don't really know any blacks on welfare, and wonder if all the people who write so many theories about them actually know them, or are just projecting.)

    NO, it's called government stats. No one disputes your personal experience about knowing middle class blacks. Of course they exist. They just are not the majority of their tribe. Sorry to dissolution your ideas about the majority being comprised of hard working middle class citizens.

    That's why at least in all the major urban cities black out of wedlock births number between 65-80%. Out of wedlock births correlate to high rates of poverty, imprisonment, and other societal problems. Facts don't cease being facts just because some might wish to ignore them.

  64. OT: If you can't trust Nigerians, who can you trust?

  65. Capitalism of quality: Silicon Valley. The innovators and top managers.

    Capitalism of quantity: Mexico and China. Workers and drones putting stuff together for a pittance.
    And it seems like the American South too.

  66. Blacks would have rioted if OJ was convicted and they will riot if Zimmerman is not convicted.

    Sick nation.

  67. What makes those Southern states "conservative"? After all,it's NYC that has stop-and frisk.

  68. When NYC blacks (the traditional US kind) go on vacations, it is often (more than 50% of the time) "down south", where they still have relatives. This includes middle-aged blacks who were born in New York. So it is no surprise that when rents went up in NYC, a lot of them moved south, specifically to those parts of the south that they personally knew and where they had kin.

  69. " Isn't it time for Vermont to start a strong affirmative action campaign to rid it self of its shame of being the least diverse state in America?"

    Actually, Vermont already has that. Vermont has been importing black refugees from Africa. But you already knew that, didn't you?


  70. helene edwards7/11/13, 6:27 PM

    suggesting that Blacks only move to live off the government is frankly racist.

    Have any plans to acquaint yourself with English? To suggest that blacks ... etc. is pretty obviously not "frankly" racist; if it's racist at all, it's only covertly so, i.e. just the opposite. You meant to say, "Frankly, ..."

    But of course, it isn't even "racist," because an explanation or other analytic statement can only be correct or incorrect, informed or uninformed. A policy can be 'racist,' but not an attempt at analysis. So for example, were you to claim, "white guys make lousy tax lawyers," this would just be wrong, not racist. The motivation for making such an obviously untrue statement might be racism, but that is irrelevant in judging the statement itself. Sorry - I know this goes against all of your in-group training.

  71. The immigration policies promoted by the NYT push black people out of employment. If you're going to be unemployed you might as well be unemployed somewhere nice.

    On top of the employment question however there is also the specific policy of the New York political establishment to make Manhattan Schwarzerein. They are achieving this through the use of police harassment of scary blacks to make them leave making it easier to push out the non-scary ones with gentrification.

    This policy of stealth ethnic cleansing is made psossible by the silence of the New York media especially the NYT - especially all of their writers who live on Manhattan.

    A similar black ethnic cleansing process is underway in LA and DC. It's supposed to be happening in Chicago too but either Rahm is messing up or Chicago is too corrupt and nepotistic to organize an ethnic cleansing in a brewery.

    Articles in the NYT attacking the south should be seen as a distraction from New Yorkers turning New York into a sundowner city.

  72. Prof. Woland7/11/13, 6:51 PM

    In one sense, blacks are simply moving back to whence they came from. Black are thoroughly American, and when you consider that they are just a branch off of the white tree, they really not that into multiculturalism per se. They really don't have much in common with other minorities in spite of the babbling otherwise. They are out competed by Hispanics on the low end and Whites and Asians on the high end so why not try your luck in an area where you have political influence and might land a job at the DMV or something. The shame is that they are selling their birth right by encouraging immigration and it won't end well for them no matter what their leaders tell them.

  73. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/1/cnn-airs-george-zimmermans-social-security-phone-n/

    Zimmy's social security info more important than Obama's birth certificate.

  74. "Is there ANYTHING whites can do to shake the hijacked left's resolve - which channels non-white energy - for collective punishment of common whites for past crimes? Short of a complete demographic genocide?"

    You're approaching this from the wrong angle.

    If accused, counter-accuse. Point out all the hypocrisy of section 8, stop and frisk, gentrification, segregation in northern cities, horror of detroit, the whitening of DC, whitopia where liberals flock to, and etc.

    If white liberals attack white conservatives, attack white liberals.
    If white hispanics attack white anglos, attack white hispanics.

    Also, if Jews wanna dig up stuff about the South, dig up stuff about Zionist crimes and Jewish communist crimes.

    Fight fire with fire. Don't try to be nice and win them over.

    The thing is liberals and Jews morally accuse, but conservatives only play defense. No, go into 'we are all palestinians' mode.
    You can't play nice with a-holes and their dumb minions.

  75. Shouting Thomas said:
    "Many denizens of the Northeast seem determined to re-fight the Civil War into eternity."

    Edsall's wife (daughter of Karl Deutsch, a Jewish-born anti-Nazi refugee) is Jewish.

  76. "Is there ANYTHING whites can do to shake the hijacked left's resolve - which channels non-white energy - for collective punishment of common whites for past crimes? "

    Yes, there is. Whites have to stand up for themselves. They have to stop presenting themselves as polite, apologetic milquetoast weaklings.

    Become more like Chechens and suddenly people will be less interested in taking your lunch money and trying to shove you into lockers.

    It's really that simple, people respect strength, not weakness. Whites are still strong but they act incredibly weak and pathetic, so they get no respect.

  77. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/11/politics/congress-election-costs/

    Globalist elites tighten their grip on power.

    Three things go up and up.

    Movie budgets, cost of higher education, and election campaigns.

  78. "For the record, Vermont has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country."

    And one of the highest self employment rates. I love Vermont.

  79. Shouting Thomas said:
    "Many denizens of the Northeast seem determined to re-fight the Civil War into eternity."

    Edsall's wife (daughter of Karl Deutsch, a Jewish-born anti-Nazi refugee) is Jewish.

    Um ok thanks for that. By the way just so you know even the paleos don't blame the jews for the civil war. It would be hard to what with the South's gay attorney general. The Civil War was a pretty WASPy affair for the North. I guess there is some consolation in the fact that he was Attorney General you know those Jews always be lawyering.

  80. Blacks and southern whites are culturally similar. My black co-worker traveled to georgia on a greyhound bus and told me "You know how here (in California) white people and black people talk different(ly)?" "In the south, they don't." She was talking on the bus to a white woman who told her about her dog who "Craw elled up unda neeth the house and died." My co-worker felt instantly at home. I read a good book by a black guy who was researching his family and needed to talk to an old white guy. He went to this guy's house and knocked on the screen door. A voice said, "I'm back here, come on in." He walked in to the bedroom of a sick old white guy lying on a bed, who asked him,"What can I do you for?" He thought, there is nowhere in the north that a black man can walk into an old white guy's bedroom and be received without fear.

  81. http://www.vdare.com/articles/zimmerman-not-guilty-beyond-reasonable-doubt-but-will-he-go-to-jail-anyway

    If Tawana Brawley spoke the truth and if OJ is not guilty, I suppose Zimmerman is guilty.


  82. "Should Republicans Just Focus on White Voters?"

    GOP should just focus on color blindness, which is defacto white-ism since, all things being equal, 'equal justice' will favor smarter whites over most blacks and browns.

  83. "NASA Had Zero Plans To Send Women Into Space In The '60s"


    "NASA has been getting a lot of flak lately for something it wrote over 40 years ago. Reddit user come_on_now_guys posted a letter that was allegedly sent from NASA to a woman identified as "Miss Kelly" at the University of Connecticut in 1962.

    The letter stated that NASA had no existing space program for aspiring women astronauts and the agency wasn't planning on sending women into space in the future"

    "It seems a number of women have faced rejection from the aeronautical organization. At an event celebrating Amelia Earhart last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the audience that she also received a rejection letter from NASA because of her gender.

    "When I was about 13, I wrote to NASA and asked what I needed to do to try to be an astronaut," Clinton said. "And of course, there weren’t any women astronauts and NASA wrote me back and said there would not be any women astronauts. And I was just crestfallen."

    At some point NASA changed its mind and Sally Ride became the first American woman sent to space in 1983. In this year's new class of NASA astronauts, 50% are women, which the agency said was the "highest percentage of female astronaut candidates ever selected for a class."

  84. Blacks in NYC still enjoy rent control. A major reason for the younger ones leaving are the random police frisks. Another is the significant increase of Hispanics, who don't suffer the "white guilt" of our beloved slavery mythology. If they don't like what some black kids are doing, they will confront them directly, and aren't in the least bit hesitant to take it to the next level. Blacks don't like that.
    Also, if your a landlord, would you rather rent to an immigrant Mexican family, or black people? Most would go with the Mexicans.
    That is one reason why there is an established, and rapidly growing Mexican community now in east Harlem. Mexicans don't give a rats ass about black gangs, and will confront gang members directly, with a bat, knife, or gun. Once blacks learn he new rules of the game, they try moving to where Mexicans aren't a force to be reckoned with: down south.
    The same thing has happened in Southern California. The city of Compton is now 80% Hispanic. South central is now mostly Hispanic. No more Rodney king riots around here. Mexicans wouldn't stand for it, and he blacks who are still around know what would happen if the stepped out of line again.
    One decided plus about illegal immigration is it definitely has put a social buffer zone between whites and blacks. Hispanics stand between us now, keeping blacks in line. Hispnics are willing to do the shooting or beating of the criminal element of blacks that whites find to be distasteful.

    Re: the fear of "not gilty" riots. I think there may be some flash mob stupidity locally, and perhaps Chicago, ( they like any excuse to kill each other) but it won't be happening anywhere else. Certainly not Los Angeles.
    Those days are over.

  85. Shouting Thomas said:

    "Many denizens of the Northeast seem determined to re-fight the Civil War into eternity."

    Hail said:

    "Edsall's wife (daughter of Karl Deutsch, a Jewish-born anti-Nazi refugee) is Jewish."

    This reminds me of what Norman Podhoretz told Gore Vidal regarding the Civil War:

    “To me the Civil War is as remote and as irrelevant as the War of the Roses.”

  86. "Blacks and southern whites are culturally similar."

    That's true to some extent. They are more likely to believe in Creationism and feel something positive when they hear 'Hallelujah' and 'Amen'. White liberals wince at such words and only respond to some black spirituality since it's associated with MLK and civil rights. If there had been no Jim Crow and if southern blacks had evenly spread out after the Civil War, would there even have been any kind of moral sentimentality for blacks among northern whites? Would secular northern white liberals have responded to black religiosity?

    So, southern whites and blacks are politically more apart but culturally closer.
    In contrast, northern whites and blacks are politically on the same team but culturally different. Northern whites are more likely to be secular and intellectual whereas southern whites are more likely to be spiritual and 'cultural'--as in being part of a culture than enjoying culture as art.

    But cultural similarity may not be enough to create peace between two groups. Orthodox Jews and conservative Muslims may be culturally similar, but they sure don't like one another.
    Indeed, that is the paradox of tribalism. Tribal peoples are more like one another in how they feel and express themselves, but the essence of tribalism is to drive people apart.

  87. anon 7:58

    "One decided plus about illegal immigration is it definitely has put a social buffer zone between whites and blacks."

    Er, no. Maybe for the "whites" in the wannabe sundowner cities like Manhattan, LA, and DC but Section 8 is making sure the opposite is true for those White people who don't have the benefit of media silence.

  88. Is the Zimmerman trial judge a lesbian or trans?


  89. "Blacks and southern whites are culturally similar."

    That's true to some extent. They are more likely to believe in Creationism and feel something positive when they hear 'Hallelujah' and 'Amen'. White liberals wince at such words and only respond to some black spirituality since it's associated with MLK and civil rights. If there had been no Jim Crow and if southern blacks had evenly spread out after the Civil War, would there even have been any kind of moral sentimentality for blacks among northern whites? Would secular northern white liberals have responded to black religiosity?

    So, southern whites and blacks are politically more apart but culturally closer.
    In contrast, northern whites and blacks are politically on the same team but culturally different. Northern whites are more likely to be secular and intellectual whereas southern whites are more likely to be spiritual and 'cultural'--as in being part of a culture than enjoying culture as art.

    Translation: Northern whites are smarter, have higher IQs and southern whites are dumb and stupid. Tell us something that wasn't always suspected for decades.

    Who was Mencken writing about regarding "bible belt" "scopes monkeys" "booboisie"? And he was from Maryland.

    Funny thing, how come most of the last 50yrs of well educated public intellectuals, technology inventors/innovators, scientists, mathematicians, pioneering physicians in medical fields, etc etc. have NOT generally originated from the south? Generally have come from the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific.

    Most of the televangelists/hucksters have come from Dixie, btw.

    Also, there's a link here to a website from someone who breaks IQ down according to religious affiliation. Jews and mainline protestants at the top and fundamentalists at the bottom. Guess which region is filled with the fundies.

  90. An Anonymous wrote:

    "So, southern whites and blacks are politically more apart but culturally closer.
    In contrast, northern whites and blacks are politically on the same team but culturally different. Northern whites are more likely to be secular and intellectual whereas southern whites are more likely to be spiritual and 'cultural'--as in being part of a culture than enjoying culture as art.

    But cultural similarity may not be enough to create peace between two groups. Orthodox Jews and conservative Muslims may be culturally similar, but they sure don't like one another.
    Indeed, that is the paradox of tribalism. Tribal peoples are more like one another in how they feel and express themselves, but the essence of tribalism is to drive people apart. "

    I think there is a lot of truth in this.

    Politics aside, there is more of a gap between blacks and the very nature of liberal people, at least in most areas considered liberal, like San Francisco.

    Nancy Pelosi is much further away from the average black person than Bull Connor was.

    I'm not talking about distance in miles, nor considering Bull Connor's racial views.

    Simply that I think blacks understood Bull Connor.

    I'd imagine Nancy Pelosi seems like a space alien to a lot of black people.

    I've read an anecdote somewhere, about a black person saying the part of the country they felt most uncomfortable was the Pacific Northwest, specifically San Francisco.

  91. Negro Unleashed

    Lol. Jamie Foxx is such a PoS.

    Blacks would have rioted if OJ was convicted and they will riot if Zimmerman is not convicted.

    I was thinking the same thing today, lol. Least they know which side they're on.

    By the way just so you know even the paleos don't blame the jews for the civil war.

    But we all know which side the Jews are on, in retrospect, yes?

    If they don't like what some black kids are doing, they will confront them directly, and aren't in the least bit hesitant to take it to the next level. Blacks don't like that.

    They have solidarity, too. Whites will desert one another in a heartbeat.

    Hispanics stand between us now, keeping blacks in line. Hispnics are willing to do the shooting or beating of the criminal element of blacks that whites find to be distasteful.

    And Hispanics aren't subject to the PC police; that's for YT only. Whites can't keep Hispanics in line, not even for racism against blacks, without being vulnerable to charges of racism.

  92. Another Anonymous wrote:

    "Translation: Northern whites are smarter, have higher IQs and southern whites are dumb and stupid. Tell us something that wasn't always suspected for decades.

    Who was Mencken writing about regarding "bible belt" "scopes monkeys" "booboisie"? And he was from Maryland.

    Funny thing, how come most of the last 50yrs of well educated public intellectuals, technology inventors/innovators, scientists, mathematicians, pioneering physicians in medical fields, etc etc. have NOT generally originated from the south? Generally have come from the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific.

    Most of the televangelists/hucksters have come from Dixie, btw.

    Also, there's a link here to a website from someone who breaks IQ down according to religious affiliation. Jews and mainline protestants at the top and fundamentalists at the bottom. Guess which region is filled with the fundies."

    Wow. You must be really smart. I bet you have some great genes.

    What's your IQ? I really wanna know. I bet it has to be something totally awesome.

    So dish.

    And with you being so smart, you must be from the Northeast, Midwest, or Pacific, right?

    Cause otherwise you couldn't be as extra special and precious as you are.

  93. I spent a month as a tourist in Vermont last summer. All I know is it was a very nice place, very scenic and the people were warm and friendly. I never once felt unsafe or uncomfortable. I also saw two or three blacks there the whole time.

    But of course, no conclusions can be drawn from any of this.

  94. ScarletNumber7/11/13, 9:11 PM

    Vermont: Diversity for thee, not for me.

  95. Translation: Northern whites are smarter, have higher IQs and southern whites are dumb and stupid.

    Dumb and stupid? Man, that's just harsh. You sure it isn't just dumb, or just stupid? It's really both?

    Also, there's a link here to a website from someone who breaks IQ down according to religious affiliation. Jews and mainline protestants at the top and fundamentalists at the bottom. Guess which region is filled with the fundies.

    So, we southern Episcopalians get a pass on the dumb and stupid thing? Yay!

    You do have a point, though; smart southern whites do tend to move away from all the blacks with alack.

  96. A similar black ethnic cleansing process is underway in LA and DC. It's supposed to be happening in Chicago too but either Rahm is messing up or Chicago is too corrupt and nepotistic to organize an ethnic cleansing in a brewery.

    It's being in done in Chicago by pushing blacks into the outer burbs South and West of the city proper. This is the Parisian strategy enacted by Rahm's predecessor Daley Jr. Downtown is very white residentially and the North Side is at least 90 percent White and a lot of the remainder is Asian. The North Side is a yuppie paradise a la San Francisco with a very large gay male population and even most of the nannies for the rich are white female college students and/or actresses, probably 75 percent if I had to guess based on what I saw the last time I was there two years ago. All the white liberals in Chicago always whine that it is the "Most segregated city in America"

  97. And with you being so smart, you must be from the Northeast, Midwest, or Pacific, right?

    Cause otherwise you couldn't be as extra special and precious as you are.

    Thank you, yes, I am special. Thanks for noticing and no, I'm not available. ; )

    "tis better to let people assume you're an imbecile than to open up and remove all doubt."

    Thanks for opening up, dude. But again, I'm not available.
    ; )

  98. The anti-South break down above brings to mind something that has been intriguing me for awhile.

    Sociologically, is part of the alt rights probelm in expanding its popularity a product of the fact that it attracts a lot of smarter than average, but not super smart people. It seems to me a movement can suceed if it is average folks who are basically humble but angry who by recruiting a certain segment of the intellectual elite push their agenda through, or it can suceed if it is a bunch of really high iq people.

    The alt rights IQ make up seems to make it absurdly status conscious and picky about its allies. However, it doesn't have the super high octane brain power to seduce elites. Instead, every one just tries to black ball the other one in a status competition on steroids. I mean no movement of the right will succeed without at least the gruding acceptance of the religious right and yet a lot of posters here love run their mouths off about stupid fundamentalists. I mean a common conceit at this site seems to be that when someone posts a comment that is a little too close to "Conservatism Inc." that post immediately elicits several maybe that would fly at Hot Air, but not here we are too smart for that. Really, too smart or just a different perspective. The genius of the Cultural Marxists was that they realized Frankfort School Inc. lost a lot of the suppleness of Lukacs' or Benjamin's theorizing, but it was memorable and effective. HBDers want to immediately show off their knowledge of human evolution by deducing that Blacks move south because of Vitamin D defiecencies. What is the point of that. Steve's rejoinder about Blacks wanting to live under Red State goverance is a vote getter and something that shuts the left up for a second. Talking about melanin and Vitamin D (espeically when as several commenters pointed out adaptation does not equal preference) just makes people think you are weird. It's like how the biggest nerd thinks he boost his status by telling you what size breasts the navigator on Star Trek season 8 had when really he is just destroying any chance of status for nerds in the real world.

  99. He thought, there is nowhere in the north that a black man can walk into an old white guy's bedroom and be received without fear.

    That's because of the North/South divide regarding blacks: Southern whites don't care how close they get, as long as they don't get too "high," and Northern blacks don't care how "high" they get, as long as they don't get too close.

    Southern whites have long histories of living in the same small towns and even houses in the case of live in servants, and before that, house slaves) with blacks; albeit with strong lines of demarcation, but they have been uncomfortable with black people in power outside of churches.

    Northern whites have been fine with black lawyers, judges, whatever (at least in theory), but don't move in next door. What's happening in NYC now is a perfect microcosm of that mentality.

  100. The problem with that is that you pretty much have to figure out who you are and what you want.

    By that I mean there has been a culture war between the "southern" states and the northeast for a few centuries now.

    Pick your book, Albion's Seed, Nine Nations, etc.

    It's been ongoing quite a while, and in some ways race relations and politics are merely peripheral to this issue.

    It's not like everyone in this country is on one side or the other. Blacks have obviously been involved. But hispanics, many of the other immigrant groups, and some sections of the country are merely bystanders to this particular culture clash.

    I'd even go so far as to say that if the North were religious, or the South was more secular, the two regions still wouldn't like each other much.

    Heck they had a hate on when the Northeast was very religious.

    In a sense this modern Democratic/Republican standoff is a regional thing.

    Of course while this is the angle used to mobilize the troops, the important things are untouchable.

    So it is kind of a Pepsi/Coke thing.

  101. "So, southern whites and blacks are politically more apart but culturally closer.
    In contrast, northern whites and blacks are politically on the same team but culturally different."

    This post and Miss Carnivorous's post explains alot I think.
    Orson Scott Card (who lives in North Carolina) wrote in a musing on his website once that one thing he liked about living in the South is that for all their antagonistic history blacks and whites interacted and tried to get along on a social or daily basis, whereas he thought blacks and whites in the North just hunkered down and tried to pretend the other didn't exist.

  102. The thing about Vermont is that affirmative action doesn't work in a rural setting where most people are self employed or employed by small businesses. We have no big box stores, no cities (at least not on the scale of other states), no army of civil servants.

  103. "HBDers want to immediately show off their knowledge of human evolution by deducing that Blacks move south because of Vitamin D defiecencies. What is the point of that."

    HBD isn't a disguised form of politics like cultural marxism. It's interesting in itself with at least potentially more explanatory power than the blank slate theory - which is as we all know complete horsesh*t.

    HBD would be more effective if it was more devious and dishonest - like cultural marxism - but i think it appeals more to the sort of people who instinctively recoil at all the blank slate nonsense served up by academia and hence by their nature aren't that well suited to deceit.

    The only way for people who aren't naturally dishonest to become good at being devious is to treat it as a game.

  104. I've read an anecdote somewhere, about a black person saying the part of the country they felt most uncomfortable was the Pacific Northwest, specifically San Francisco.

    That could be because of the white people he was confronted with:


  105. Captain Clarke7/11/13, 11:55 PM

    "as the minority population grows"

    You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait twenty years or so and 100% of the US population will belong to a racial minority.

    But of course that wasn't quite what he meant, was it.


  106. One decided plus about illegal immigration is it definitely has put a social buffer zone between whites and blacks. Hispanics stand between us now, keeping blacks in line.

    I'm not sure the extent to which they are keeping blacks in line; I've seen the data and there are substantially more black-on-hispanic homicides every year than the reverse. In fact, most black-on-"white" homicide victims seen in government stats are in fact hispanic. In that sense, they are keeping a buffer between us and blacks, I suppose.

  107. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/14/magazine/golf-in-china-is-younger-than-tiger-woods-but-growing-up-fast.html?ref=magazine&_r=1&

  108. OT, but on the topic of blacks behaving in ways that don't fit The Narrative: Steve, you must see a new film called "A Band Called Death", about a black proto-punk band from the early Seventies. It's got a couple of elements that are right in your wheelhouse: 70s punk, and a refreshingly different look at black life in America. Notable about the band in question is that they are believing Christians (the band's name is actually meant as religious affirmation, not nihilism). And that their musical influences were primarily white (as opposed to the white-musicians-ripping-off-blacks cliche). They are also the kind of non-racist, non-angry, humble, family-oriented black people who should be held up as a model (yet they still party and rock out). Not surprisingly, one of them marries a white woman, and their obscure music career is later revived by interest from white hipsters - who at the same time are probably not receptive to the Christian preaching in their lyrics. In short, see it. http://abandcalleddeath.com/

  109. "The North Side [of Chicago] is a yuppie paradise a la San Francisco..."

    Yes. The changes over the last 20 and even 10 years are amazing. You see far more white children than you used to. Yuppie restaurants and stores abound. Blacks have been pushed out and housing projects have been torn down. There are lots of Mexicans but they are not too objectionable and do seem to be more willing to take over black areas. Young whites flock here after graduating from Big 10 colleges. All the shootings are taking place in black areas and don't spill over to the white areas.

  110. Vermont is also a state where anyone can own pretty much any weapon they want, and a lot do. That tends to focus the attention of any minority lawbreakers.

    Massachusetts has much easier pickings, as well as a vastly superior welfare state. Welfare in VT, NH and ME has historically been a bus ticket to Boston.

  111. "HBDers want to immediately show off their knowledge of human evolution by deducing that Blacks move south because of Vitamin D defiecencies. What is the point of that."


  112. One episode that highlights the cultural similarity between Southern Whites and Blacks is the Paula Deen affair. You will notice that the outcry about her comments wasn't from Black people. Interviews of patrons at her restuarant were significantly Black who voiced their support for Paula even Sharpton and Jackson weren't calling for her removal. Her demise was wholly instigated by Northern media elites who somehow have crowned themselves the moral arbiter of race in this country.

  113. Thomas Edsall column title:

    Should Republicans Just Focus on White Voters?

    I respond:

    If the you take to the prom the only girl in school that would let you take her, should you dance with her?

  114. >One decided plus about illegal immigration is it definitely has put a social buffer zone between whites and blacks. Hispanics stand between us now, keeping blacks in line.<

    I wonder if the elites who are pushing amnesty have an ethnic cleansing program in the back of their minds. Blacks and the wrong kind of whites are to be phased out? Recalls an episode of The Simpsons where the mayor brings in one pest to eliminate another pest, then brings in a third pest to eliminate the second, etc.

  115. California is not that good on welfare benefits. LA County gives you a lot of welfare benefits but San Diego has one of the lowest welfare usage in the US. Center for Immirgation studies show than San Diego has less folks on a welfare program than the major cities of Texas. San Diego Food stamp usage for all at 5 in 2009 versus Houston at 7 and Dallas at 11. Blacks are more likely to get food stamps by going to Houston and Dallas than San Diego. The major cities in Texas are run by Democratics which explains how they have higher welfare usage than San Diego or Placer. And Dan Diego now has a Dem Mayor but less welfare than the major cities of Texas.

  116. "black ethnic cleansing"

    urban bleaching.

  117. Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2009: 14.3%
    (9.4% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 20.4% for Black residents, 22.8% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 22.3% for other race residents, 11.5% for two or more races residents)
    Stats for San Diego everyone has lower poverty in San Diego than Houston expect whites before cost of living is factored in.

    Read more: http://www.city-data.com/city/San-Diego-California.html#ixzz2YrDvt3Pd

  118. Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2009: 20.6%
    (7.2% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 25.7% for Black residents, 28.0% for Hispanic or Latino residents, 26.7% for other race residents, 12.6% for two or more races residents)

    Stats on Houston its cheaper to buy a house but Houston doesn't have the lowest poverty rates for Blacks. Virginia Beach, Virginia Black poverty was only 12 percent one time. Blacks and Hispanics can own homes but their poverty rates even adjusting for cost of living are still in the 20's.

    Read more: http://www.city-data.com/city/Houston-Texas.html#ixzz2YrFVxFEB

  119. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/11/perry-trip-israel-sign-another-white-house-bid/


  120. I think in Vermont some places are cheaper than Austin Tx or burbs out of Atanta Ga. Also, little states like Nebraksa are doing better than Texas in terms of the liberal stats like poverty. Us Census 12 percent for Nebraksa and 17 percent for Texas in a 5 year period. Housing is not much cheaper in the south tha Nebraksa. In fact there is not much of a price differnce between the midwest than the South. People leave the cold midwest for the humid south. Not really much of a gain since the unemployment stats show both regions are similar now in umemployment and Georgia and the Carolinas are high around 8 percent or so.

  121. If you are a run-of-the-mill black who wants to work and has two or three children, the big advantage to moving to the rural South is that your children can attend an integrated school with mostly Christian teachers and classmates.

    If they remained in a large Northern city, they would have to live in an "iffy" or bad neighborhood, and their children would either end up as crime victims or criminals or both.

    If you have an average or below-average income, you live better in the South, especially the small-town South.

  122. Interesting trend on Texas, sorry about hitting it too much but it seems from 1980 and on to have high poverty, the Southern sterotype. We all know of lots of Mexicans and the 2nd largest number of blacks after New York not percentage though.In 1980 when cost of living was probably not much higher in other states Texas 15.7 versus US 13.0 A lot of years in the 15's to the 18's at the worst. The Republican and Conservative movement is stuck with a state that historically is going to have high poverty no matter what. The Dems are smart in that they usually mention Northeast states, and different parts of the northeast can vary in expensive. Boston, New York City, parts of New Jeresay and CT are expensive. Maine, Vermont, New Hempshire closer to the national average.

  123. On Paula Deen, a black co-worker, totally ignorant of the facts of Deen's recent troubles, began to spout her uniformed opinion of Deen's actions to an interested but also clueless black co-worker. I couldn't stand to listen to the litany of inaccuracies being spouted and had to add my 2¢ worth. "They've been trying to get Deen for years," I said. A third black co-worker chimed in, in disgust, she said, "They have, they've been after her. They've been trying to get her, they tried to get her when she had the diabetes, but they didn't get her then, but they kept trying. Now, they finally got her." The clueless guy asked, "Who is they?" "The cooking school chefs," I answered, "The other TV chefs." The ignorant co-worker apologized for speaking without knowing the facts. The next day the other clueless co- worker came and told me what a shame it was that a lot of people would be losing their jobs because the cooking school liberal chefs hated and went after Deen.

  124. Housing is not much cheaper in the south tha Nebraksa. In fact there is not much of a price differnce between the midwest than the South.

    There's a lot of coastline in the south. Drive beyond reasonable commute distance and the prices drop sharply, but the coastal areas are included in the southern averages.

  125. i don't think that the 'black life matter' assholes would stand much of a chance in lucky Vermont.

  126. If all the blacks in the south were to suddenly move up north the whites would move to the south to get away from them .that's why the north is always trying to get them blacks to move out of the north so that they don't have to deal with them any longer ....the secret democrat/liberal strategy of keeping them out of way .

  127. It would be logical for black leaders to lead a Moses-type movement to bring Blacks to the South with the aim to ensuring 3-5 States attain black majority as early as possible. Probably Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and S. Carolina should be among these states. Meanwhile some whites in these states should consider moving North to Canadian border states, Hispanics to the Mexican border states and East Asians to Northern California and the Pacific N-W states. The aim is not to create racially segregated states in the USA. The aim is to create certain ethnic majority states in the USA to boost the confidence and standing of ethnic minorities. After all, there are already white majority states in the USA. This should change.


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