August 22, 2013

Chuck cracks open Oberlin racism hoax

At the Daily Caller, Chuck Ross of GL Piggy reports:
One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus  is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barack Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. 
Dylan Bleier, one of the two students, organized a voter registration drive on behalf of Obama before the 2008 election. That voter drive is still listed on the website for Organizing for Action, the non-profit group whose mission is to advance Obama’s agenda. 
The Oberlin Police Department identified Bleier and his partner in the spree, Matt Alden, as two of the principal architects of a month-long spate of racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages at the small, private campus. 
On his now-defunct LinkedIn page, Bleier noted that he was the founder and president of the Ithaca High School for Obama club. He also identified himself as a member of the Oberlin College Democrats. 
Bleier also listed his participation in a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. He joined the group in May of this year, he reported. He said the group’s goal is to “eradicate structural racism in Tompkins County [NY], via forums discussing racism.” 
On his Twitter account, which he protected after TheDCNF reached him on Tuesday, Bleier hailed Obama’s comments on George Zimmerman, tweeting: “Zimmerman is just the tip of the iceberg, a single highly visible symptom of the racist system that is ‘succeeding’ in the US.” 
Bleier also describes himself on Twitter as an “atheist/pacifist/environmentalist/libertarian socialist/consequentialist.” 
The progressive school canceled all classes for a day in a mad scramble to address the alleged hate-related incidents the campus. The saga culminated in a report of a person wearing a hood and robe resembling a KKK outfit near the Afrikan Heritage House, according to Oberlin’s president Marvin Krislov in a letter also signed by three deans ...

More background at Legal Insurrection.


  1. "atheist/pacifist/environmentalist/libertarian socialist/consequentialist.”

    Holy run-on sentence Batman!


    As Blockbuster movies are SO EXPENSIVE, can they afford to be political purely one way or the other? To recoup its cost, it has to appeal to everyone, and the best way is to make it vague enough to appeal to any many people as possible.

  3. If I were virulently racist and anti-Semetic, I'd try and join as many Left-wing causes as I could, too. The better to hide myself with.

    Conversely, if I were an atheist/pacifist/environmentalist/etc. I'd try to stir up KKKraziness just like Bleier did. The better to make myself look relevant and on the Right Side of History.

    The big mistake this Bleier made was getting caught!

  4. My impression is that most of these hate hoaxes are done by mentally unbalanced attention-seekers, but these guys appear to be genuine agents provocateur. How very Tsarist!

  5. These are supposed to smart people at an institute of higher learning. Yet instead of thinking the obvious, that the guy with the white blanket was somebody playing a ghost prank, they instead think that some student at an uber liberal institute was actually a kkk member.

  6. They were in it for the money; Bleier's resume makes it clear that he was hoping to glom on to some kind of well-paid "anti-racism" gig. Beats working for a living.

  7. PS. The easiest thing to do is simply not be a passionate advocate of nonsense. That way you're less likely to find yourself tempted to deceive or alarm huge swaths of people.

  8. "'Paula Deen SHOOTS Trayvon Martin' in new SVU that wraps both scandals into one controversial episode... and Cybill Shepard plays gun-wielding TV chef"

    "Cybill Shepard plays Jolene Castille, a famous southern chef who guns down an unarmed, hoodie-wearing black teen in New York
    Castille claims she killed the teen in an act of self-defense because she knew police were chasing a rapist of the same description
    On Wednesday, pictures emerged from the SVU set, sparking rumors the show was taking on the George Zimmerman trial
    'Can self-defense involve racial profiling? We're diving right into that,' the TV show's executive producer said"

  9. Most of the original pointy hoods were registered Democrats.

  10. @Eric Ruttencutter:

    I believe Noam Chomsky calls himself a libertarian socialist. I don't know if he's the first person to do so, but he's probably one of the most high-profile.

  11. Libertarian socialist? That's a new one.

    One of those Facebook profile ideologies.

  12. The "Leo Traynor" thing was another obvious hoax. There's no such person and "Leo's" story was laughably just-so fiction, but it got picked up by thousands (literally) of blogs worldwide.

    It's like an endless stream of race hoaxes. If racism were such a problem, why the need to constantly fabricate these "incidents"?

  13. Could Oprah's new movie, "The Butler," be classified as yet another hate crime hoax?

  14. "Could Oprah's new movie, "The Butler," be classified as yet another hate crime hoax?"

    As well as her stunt in Switzerland.

    Of course, the entire coverage of the Zimmerman case was a hate crime hoax.

  15. I googled Bleier's photo to see if this was a "paranoia needs constant feeding or it will die out and then they'll get us when we're not ready" story and found this unrelated pic - which i thought was funny.

  16. "Libertarian socialist? That's a new one."

    A lot of anarchists used to call themselves that.

  17. "If racism were such a problem, why the need to constantly fabricate these "incidents"?"

    Paranoia needs to be kept fed.

  18. And you just have to love this: "Cornell University law professor William Jacobson, who tracked the Oberlin story at his blog Legal Insurrection, said the fraudulent hate-related incidents “may be the greatest race hoax since Tawana Brawley.”

    What a naïve, self-deluding, knee-jerk, liberal boob. I believe most commenters on this site had the hoax sussed out while it was still breaking.

  19. For some reason I feel even better about my son heading off to a state A and M school this month.

  20. The laughably insane part about the story is that EVEN IF it had not been a hoax, so what?

  21. College students do all kinds of assinine, stupid, offensive behavior. It's almost part of the job description. These guys just did it in a way that fit The Narrative, and so got a lot of attention. At the same time, someone was surely being an equally stupid attention-seeking asshole at another college, but as long as their idiotic behavior didn't fit The Narrative, nobody ever heard of it.

  22. Fellows, there is no such thing as a "fake hate crime". Those are real hate crimes; we've just misinterpreted the target.

    These boys deserve to have the hate-crime book thrown at them.

  23. "Alden"?

    Is this a case of a genuine Mayflower decendant, no doubt half-caste, taking after the other side of the family, à la Alec Baldwin?

    Or is he the scion of presumptious immigrants like those Kabotchniks who became Cabots?

  24. Steve,

    Chuck is learning at your feet. I love to see it. Someday you'll have to pass the torch. When that day comes, invite him out to Cali for a hazing/initiation.

    Dan in DC

  25. MacGyver's Duct Tape8/22/13, 8:37 PM

    I bet that kid has a second passport for when the shit hits the fan here in the US.

    You know Steve, that dovetails right into your dilemma of how to get the new elites to start demonstrating genuine noblesse oblige instead of taking whatever they can get and thinking only of themselves- change US policy so that US citizens (like many other countries in the world) can only have single and not dual citizenship and I think you'd find a bit of a shift in the right direction. Or a significant number would move. Either way, problem solved.

  26. This kid pretending to be a racist is somewhat like medieval plays representing the devil. I assume it has a similar titillating and cathartic effect. He gets off on playing the role of the most evil thing imaginable for him - a "racist" - in order to expose and defeat this evil, which exists primarily within himself and the collective consciousness of his culture.

  27. Bleier is a interesting surname.
    Remember, smart people are generally better to hide their ''true feelings''.

  28. more good reasons to avoid anything to do with libertarians.

    only far left libertarian ideas seem to be allowed, and have been embraced.

    they're just allies of the cultural marxists and want to attack anything in conservatism that prevents people from achieving more "freedom". usually just the freedom to do as many drugs as they want, to bash christians and have freedom FROM religion (but only from christianity), and to have open borders (for european nations only) that creates chaos and a breakdown in the rule of law which the libertarians magically think will be maintained once the area becomes majority vibrant.

    people certainly aren't allowed freedom of association, for instance, under modern libertarians. liberals and cultural marxists don't want european peoples to have freedom of association, and libertarians are just as afraid of going up against the liberals as conservatives are, so libertarians will ignore their own ideology for purposes of avoiding conflict with liberals and cultural marxists, who demand forced associations (for europeans only) in almost all facets of life.

  29. they're just allies of the cultural marxists and want to attack anything in conservatism that prevents people from achieving more "freedom". usually just the freedom to do as many drugs as they want, to bash christians and have freedom FROM religion (but only from christianity), ... people certainly aren't allowed freedom of association, for instance, under modern libertarians. liberals and cultural marxists don't want european peoples to have freedom of association,

    Political people are hypocrites about freedom. Even so-called libertarians. And most of them follow the left-right polarization to the point where an objective observer can list very specific rights and freedoms espoused by either wing. And these change.

    Example, the right to ingest vitamins and other health supplements was originally "left", but now it has become "right".


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