August 6, 2013

CNN: Here's a giant Marco McMillian story with no new news!

From CNN last month, the opening of an 18-page article:
Mysterious Mississippi murder stokes suspicions bred by an ugly past  
Beaten. Dragged. Burned. 
The words leave attorney Daryl Parks' lips like a barrage of gunfire in the sanctuary of Chapel Hill Missionary Baptist Church, where people have gathered not for prayer but for answers. 
Some wear "Justice for Marco" T-shirts. They are enraged over the investigation into the death of Marco McMillian, a young black gay mayoral candidate, whose broken body was discovered dumped downhill from a Mississippi River levee on February 26. 
Parks' words suggest the most heinous of murders. Here in the Mississippi Delta, they conjure even more: a chilling history of racial hatred.

Except that back in February a blood-covered young black man named Lawrence Reed, who was driving McMillian's stolen car, confessed to multiple witnesses that he had just murdered McMillian with his wallet chain.

They just can't admit defeat, can they?

What's next? A Michael Moore documentary about the Oberlin KKK rally?


  1. the link doesn't work.

  2. Sideways said...

    the link doesn't work.

    Good. Why give CNN or Salon etc the website clicks they are trolling for.

  3. From the article: "Others believe McMillian and Reed were sexually involved, that the killing was domestic violence. Or, they say, Reed killed McMillian in a fit of rage after the latter made sexual advances. Reed is not gay, his friends said."

    Black men who have sex with men often do not consider thrmselves "homosexual" or "gay". An orifice of convenience is just that: convenient. Many develop a taste (or at least a tolerance) for sex with men in prison.

    Due to the significant AIDS risk, it is a continuing concern of black women, the primary receptacles of black sperm, that their men do not acknowledge their homosex activities.

    Google "on the downlow", the colloquial term used in the black community for such cross-over sexual activities.

    Read more:

  4. The link:

    They even have the confessed murderer's photo, yet some of the commenters say that "the murderer is probably white." What CNN does is working. Big bold lies. They work.

    "in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods."
    Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"

  5. There's another element here that's seldom discussed.

    When people discuss violence against gays, they always seem to assume to that violence just comes out of the blue from bigoted straight men.

    My male gay friends are almost all into weight lifting and constant exercise. Part of the reason is that you have to look good on the gay dating market.

    Another reason is that, when you're constantly trolling for sex in public places and for rough sex, chances are pretty good that you'll eventually run into a man, gay or straight, who's off his rocker. You're naked and vulnerable. Now what you gonna do?

  6. The trouble is, Steve, is that 'they' are precisely at the mental development stage of yer average 2 year old toddler.
    They are used to getting their way all of the time. They scream. They shout. They stamp their feet. They *command* people to placate them. All this as a matter of course. 'They' (by this I mean the vasty bulk of the US media)I genuinely thrown into a blind existential raging fury, a primal scream of despair weltschmerz crisis issuing up from the dark unknown recesses of the psyche when their primacy at the center of the universe is for one second doubted.
    'Their' response is simply to fling more faeces around a their impotent fury and rage that they are no longer 'god'.

  7. If you wanna talk racial murders how about this poor guy? He was going out in the early evening to get a cup of coffee at the 7/11 on Maryland Ave and he gets popped like he's in the mob. Just because he's a YT.

    Sure it was a long time ago but it was only six blocks from where our solons of wisdom decide our nation's fate.
    The Black bad ass who did it only got 35 years. That is it!
    If-the-situation-had-been-reversed(that seems to be a pattern!) they would have renamed the street(it is only a block long) after the victim.
    If-the-situation-had-been-reversed the YT murderer probably would have been publicly hanged from the statue of Freedom above the Capitol.

  8. It's like they have no shame. What is it? Incompetence?

  9. Too bad the link doesn't work, because I was about to go over there and leave one comment:

    "Rough trade rough trade rough trade rough trade rough trade..."

  10. Here's a link that works for me:

    If it does not work, put

    Mysterious Mississippi murder stokes suspicions bred by an ugly past

    into Google and click on what comes up.

    There is a bit of funny stuff in the article (which I just glanced through looking for funny stuff).
    Example, at the end:

    She [Marco's mom]asks everyone to write to a Department of Justice representative who has come to Clarksdale for this meeting. She is convinced outside help is needed to solve Marco McMillian's murder.

    Toward the back of the church, one woman nods her head in agreement. Then, she whispers the title of singer Nina Simone's civil rights anthem. "Mississippi Goddam."

  11. They talk about the current suspect, but try to make it a white-black issue. They even claim that the power structure is white, without backing that up. If I remember correctly, Steve pointed out that the mayoral position has been held by blacks for some time.

    Here's a working link for non-mobile devices:

  12. JeremiahJohnbalaya8/6/13, 12:33 PM

    "requires cookies"???

    To read the news?

    Say what?

  13. "'Immigrants will be the job creators of tomorrow': Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg goes public with backing of immigration reform"

    - Made his remarks at San Francisco screening of documentary by activist and journalist Jose Antonio Vargas
    - Disputed the notion that Silicon Valley leaders are just trying to secure more H1B visas for high-tech workers
    - He said U.S. needs to embrace immigrants if it is to get ahead economically
    - He has been teaching entrepreneurship classes and is saddened by limited further education opportunities for his students without documentation"

  14. In this controversial and engaging exploration of athletic success, Sports Illustrated senior writer David Epstein tackles the great nature vs. nurture debate and traces how far science has come in solving this great riddle. He investigates the so-called 10,000-hour rule to uncover whether rigorous and consistent practice from a young age is the only route to athletic excellence.

    Along the way, Epstein dispels many of our perceptions about why top athletes excel. He shows why some skills that we assume are innate, like the bullet-fast reactions of a baseball or cricket batter, are not, and why other characteristics that we assume are entirely voluntary, like an athlete’s will to train, might in fact have important genetic components.

    This subject necessarily involves digging deep into sensitive topics like race and gender. Epstein explores controversial questions such as:

    Are black athletes genetically predetermined to dominate both sprinting and distance running, and are their abilities influenced by Africa’s geography?
    Are there genetic reasons to separate male and female athletes in competition?
    Should we test the genes of young children to determine if they are destined for stardom?
    Can genetic testing determine who is at risk of injury, brain damage, or even death on the field?

  15. Ghosts of Mississippi?

  16. Imagine if a white man had done it. Biggest Story Of All Time. It would have been on the front page of the NYT everyday for a year.

  17. Off Topic but... Here's yet another scene from the unpublished Steve Sailer novel brought to life...

    I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back
    'Amnesia’ awakening

  18. What, he was killed by another black man? Never mind. No news here, move along. Move along.

  19. There will come a day when whites will be accused of 'racism' for not acting 'racist' enough to be accused of 'racism' so that blacks and others could have an handy excuse for their own failures.
    Whites are thus denying the right of blacks to have an excuse for their problems. Whites are 'punishing' blacks.

  20. Detroit the UGLY PRESENT AND FUTURE.

  21. Once micro-aggressions go away, what's next? quantum-aggressions?

    Blacks act macro-aggressive most of the time, but that's no problem. Rather, it's the micro, micron, quantum, and neutron aggressions of whites.

  22. In the past year, how many whites have been robbed, beaten, raped, and/or murdered blacks in Mississippi?
    Aint such crimes the ugly truth?
    Isn't the fact that the media hide all such stories the ugly reality of how media work in this country?

    Wasn't NY Times acting ugly in writing about the black rapists of the 11 yr old Hispanic girl in an 'empathetic' manner?
    Wasn't NY Times acting ugly in suggesting that the victims of Omar Thorton maybe got what they deserved because they may have been 'racist'?
    Didn't the entire media act ugly and vile in the Duke Lacrosse and George Zimmerman case?

    Instead, the media only attach 'ugly' to past white violence in Mississippi.

    But if a blanket person at Oberlin is KKK and if Zimmerman is the grand wizard of the clan, maybe the killer of the homo black guy in Mississippi is really a 'black white guy' like the character in SHOCK CORRIDOR. You see, white hatred has made blacks hate themselves so much that they see other blacks and wanna act like the KKK. It's like in SOLDIER'S STORY, a black guy kills a black guy who killed a black guy, but the black hatred of the black was planted in the black heart by the ugly white soul.

    By the way, though the KKK has been an unsavory organization, can its crimes be compared with those of other groups all over the world? How many people did the KKK kill?
    Compare that to the number of people killed by NKVD and other such groups all over the world. KKK's crimes and evil, in this light, has been vastly exaggerated. But then I suppose all that spooky costuming made them easy targets of such fantasies.

  23. They just can't find the evil white Southern Christian men they need to keep up interest in their nonsense.

    If they have to go this far to find their Great White Menace, why even bother with twisting a real story in ridiculous contortions like this- why not just go the extra step and invent the entire story whole cloth? Its the next logical step in illogical coverage.

  24. If this victim wasn't gay, it'd probably have been forgotten as a just another black on black crime.

  25. Well, they were hoping about this time to be writing analyses of the upcoming sentencing of George Zimmerman. Since that didn't pan out its: Marco McMillan: Still Dead

  26. This is another story where the MSN really, really wanted the accused to be a straight, older, conservative white male. Must very disappointing for them.

  27. "When people discuss violence against gays, they always seem to assume to that violence just comes out of the blue from bigoted straight men.

    My male gay friends are almost all into weight lifting and constant exercise. Part of the reason is that you have to look good on the gay dating market.

    Another reason is that, when you're constantly trolling for sex in public places and for rough sex, chances are pretty good that you'll eventually run into a man, gay or straight, who's off his rocker. You're naked and vulnerable. Now what you gonna do?"

    That's an interesting post. I remember years ago in People Weekly or some magazine there was a profile of a gay man. His first homosexual experience was a rape. He had gone to gay bars as a young man and never gone home with anyone. Guess he was just shy or not quite ready to leave the closet. Finally he goes home with one guy who repeatedly propositioned him and when they get back to the guy's place there is another guy in waiting. He ends up being raped by both men.
    I'm not sure if it's relevant to anything but out of curiosity I wonder if there have been any statistics ever compiled on the homosexual date or acquaintance rape rate.

  28. Charlene Downes in England (a white girl) was raped, murdered and served up as kebab meat and the MSM took no interest at all. If she had been black, her mother would have played a leading role in the opening ceremony for the London Olympics.

  29. "Another reason is that, when you're constantly trolling for sex in public places and for rough sex, chances are pretty good that you'll eventually run into a man, gay or straight, who's off his rocker. You're naked and vulnerable. Now what you gonna do?"

    Don't know where you live but I'm in Jersey City. 2 gay guys live across the street from me. They are very fit for that reason. I go running with them Saturday mornings. And they are not exactly lovers of diversity.

  30. Oh, come on, Steve! A young, gay, black, Democrat-party politician was killed! Who else but old, straight, white, RepubliKKKan/Tea-party activists could have done it?

    If we've learned nothing else from Law & Order, it's that the wealthy, middle-aged white guy is responsible for all crime.

  31. Is Morris Dees the new publisher of the New York Times?

  32. So how did McMillian get the large burns on his hands and legs?

    Seems like the obvious question.

    If he was tortured there must have been another person involved. For Reed to act alone in torturing McMillian he would have needed to restrain him. No sign of restraints were found.

    If Reed burned McMillian after his death, why would he do that? What would motivate such an act?

  33. "If you wanna talk racial murders how about this poor guy? "

    Nope. Won't work.

    In situations like this, defense attorneys use the "rational robber" defense.

    In short, black people who selectively rob white people are not racists. They are making a rational, criminal calculation that (a) white folks have more money than black folks, and (b) white folks are pussies and give it up without a fight.

    When the murderer said "lets go get a whitey!" He was merely making a "rational robber" calculation.

  34. "If Reed burned McMillian after his death, why would he do that? What would motivate such an act?"

    Disgust at having just performed a homosexual act for money. An attempt to burn evidence, the evidence being a 200 pound body with your dna inside of it and outside of it. He's not a master criminal, he's a hustler from Mississippi trying to make a few dollars.

    Also, the burns were the size of a quarter. Probably done with a standard lighter.


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