August 9, 2013

Informative logo for Open Borders movement

The Open Borders movement is looking for a logo, so here's one that would help them get the impact of Open Borders across vividly:
C'mon, Open Borders guys, you always feel as if the media, while sympathetic, doesn't give you enough attention. By encapsulating one obvious effect Open Borders would have (the extinction of the Jewish State), this logo would get your message lots of attention.


  1. Oh snap!

    Steve making some kind of stand? I wonder how long this post will stay up before Steve puts it back down?

  2. Indeed, Israel has a border policy that we unenlightened racist gentiles ought to emulate. A Light to the Nations! I wish we had any leadership at all that gave as much of a damn about white demographic hegemony in the US as Bibi cares about Jewish demographic hegemony is Israel.

  3. I thought I got it but I don't - 'No Jews', yeah, but ... ah, 'end the Jewish-only state of Israel'. Perfect! (posting for other slow coaches).

  4. Similar to one that I was working on earlier today:


    I have an idea for another one, but it would take a lot of time to slap it together.

  5. redzengenoist8/10/13, 12:23 AM


  6. I am Jewish and 100% approve of Israel's border fences and Jewish-centric immigration policies. Israel is a Jewish state for very good historical reasons, being that Jews were often treated like shit in European nations so why not make one of your own and show your stuff. Show the world what you can do. And Israel has shown this with all kinds of hi-tech advances in medicine and other fields. By helping out black African nations with agricultural technicians. By making the desert bloom via drip irrigation which they are tech leaders in. Israel probably publishes more books than the entire ignorant Arab world when you don't count the Koran.

    America should copy exactly the Israeli border fence design and build this on the Mexican border. We need effective computerization of entry-exit on visas and punish nations that send visa violators to us by cutting way back on visas.
    I agree with everything Pat Buchanan says we should do about legal/illegal immigration and have agreed this way for 22 years plus Pat has always been right about free trade.

    Yes, I admit most American Jews are complete idiots when it comes to immigration and voting for Democrat rotters like Obama. Mark Zuckerberg is a fine example as he is massively funding efforts to get us this illegal immigrant amnesty .Israel is the last thing Zucky thinks about. Andy Grove of Intel was Israel friendly and located fabs and research centers in Israel

  7. Many of those people don't really want the borders to disappear - just to move inland to the walls of their gated communities.

  8. you know what's really funny about caplan's 'competition?" he really thought his 'free market' theories would produce a bulletproof argument for his theories .. instead he has to become a micro regulator of his website and comments posted therein

  9. Nice try Steve, but as always, we're one step ahead of you.

    "Sociologists Stephen Cohen and Ari Kelman have now confirmed what everyone already knew: Young American Jews do not care very much about Israel. They are not just apathetic about Israel, that indifference is "giving way to downright alienation," write Cohen and Kelman.

    More than half of [American] Jews under 35 said that they would not view the destruction of Israel as a personal tragedy.

    You may not have noticed that Israel is increasingly a Sephardi-dominated middle-eastern state, but American Jews have.

  10. The Facebook page has been taken down. Your link doesn't work.

  11. El Capilan's oficina para la protección de logos8/10/13, 7:46 AM

    Steve now that Caplans blocking the satirical logos like we should be blocking the border, maybe we should post some facebook border patrol logos to help him keep satire out. I think you owe it to Him.

  12. Is the average American voter an idiot? This question has vexed me for some time. Why do American voters keep tolerating policies that promise the abolition of their country?

    Yes there is media brain-washing. But it is not as if there is a shortage of information sources. With access to the internet, virtually any and every opinion is accessible.

  13. the funniest thing about caplan's website is he doesn't allow undocumented commenters

  14. Steve, from a couple of recent posts, you seem to be moving toward a Jewish-influence centred theory. Please don't.

    Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."
    Gregory: "The dog did nothing in the night-time."
    Holmes: "That was the curious incident."

    If they wanted to, the mainstream white (nonJewish) elite could stop mass immigration with a flick of their eyebrow, even now. They don't because they want it.

    Mark Zuckerberg's main worry is being thought a rich arrogant bastard, so he is showboating in what is generally believed by almost all the elite to be a noble cause. If you want to be thought moral and ethical, open borders is the only way to go; Caplan is right about that.

    Caplan's touchstone is whether an issue allows him to pronounce from a moral high horse. If an issue passes the test he is not scared to pronounce on things he has not the foggiest idea on. For instance, Caplan knows next to nothing about being an Asian mother, and yet he takes to task Chua the Tiger mom's parenting style as "truly sadistic". Possibly because Tiger mom's kids are half Jewish, Caplan goes off on a riff about how Jewish kids are just naturally studious, and should not be screamed at. See here

    Sometimes he is so wrong it is frightening; for example he seems to take an obviously fabricated interview with Hitler as completely genuine here.

    The US's policy on Israel is the area where Jews uniquely influence the US. Obama is going to order an attack on Iran next year.

  15. I am Jewish and absolutely support an Israeli style border fence in the United States and in any and every Western country. I would back that fence up with no birthright citizenship and deportations. The liberal Jews who want Open Borders, exactly like the liberal Gentiles, normally live in completely walled off segregated enclaves and so have no idea what their policies are causing. Israel of course does not have the luxury to even experiment with such utter destructive nonsense and so the immediate building of a border fence there. However, I do take exception to the comment that Jews could be an intellectual asset to the West. They have been. The Nobel prizes testify to that. And whether the Jews recognize that the destruction of Western Europe is their own tragedy is meaningless. ONLY the Europeans (and North Americans) can save themselves. ONLY the Europeans can stop fetishizing the third world and muslims and save themselves. The Jews, whether or not they recognize the danger Europe is in or not, can do nothing for them. Right now the Europeans have chosen suicide, for reasons I do not understand.

  16. Re: yet another Open Borders success story...

    On what level did you mean that? Your photo shows Italian-American actor Iron-Eyes Cody in costume as an American Indian, the sort of role he frequently played in Hollywood. Are you sugesting that open-borders will lead to a future in which tomorrow's immigrants will be hired to portray today's natives for the amusement of those who replace current Americans?

  17. The SWPLs don't know that he's a Wop.

    The SWPLs only know him as the Keep-America-Clean Crying-Indian from their childhoods.

    And the only other thing that the SWPLS know for sure about the Indians is that Christopher Columbus gave syphilis to all the squaws and smallpox to all the braves.


    BTW, I'm gonna be hitting the smallpox angle pretty hard.

    Stay tuned.

  18. That was never really the case in Britain, Holland, France or the Scandinavian countries

    France and Britain expelled their Jews in the medieval period and only allowed some Jews to settle again much later. For a long time after that, the Jewish populations in those countries were small. The Scandinavian countries had essentially no Jews until the late 18th century. Prior to that, they had been forbidden to settle there.

    Despite this quibble, I sympathize with your point. I am Jewish and wish that more of us showed appreciation for the special qualities of the West and were less easily seduced by open borders fantasies.

  19. >I wish Jews would see this.<

    The history - and mythology - of all peoples includes prophets warning of the imminent destruction of the nation. This is seen in the Old Testament: Samuel, for instance, fits this general pattern.

    The dumbheads they're preaching to always ignore the prophets until it's too late, then take it in the shorts. This has happened over and over apparently.

  20. I've been making the case for a while now that Jews have actually been treated pretty well in the Anglosphere countries and have had a great deal of success there. I am heartened to see that others are now making a similar argument, and not only that, have found some examples of other European countries outside of the Anglosphere in which this is also true. Well done.

  21. how could you forget this one from the US Chamber of Commerce:

  22. let's not forget this one from the US chamber of commerce:

  23. Anybody wanna start a Jews for Strong Borders group? There's already a Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership...



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