August 7, 2013

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From the NYT:
Diversity and ‘Doctor Who’ 

BELGRADE LAKES, Me. — YOU could hear the sighs of disappointment spreading across the nerd-universe on Sunday when the BBC announced, with much fanfare, that the Scottish actor Peter Capaldi would be the new star of “Doctor Who.”

For those readers who did not get beaten up in high school, “Doctor Who” is a beloved British sci-fi series about a character called the Doctor — a Time Lord who travels through space and time to battle evil. Thanks to a clever plot twist, the Doctor is able to regenerate into a new body whenever a mortal would die (or whenever an actor grows tired of the gig). As a result, the role has been played by 11 different men since the show went on the air in 1963. The current Doctor, Matt Smith, is stepping down this Christmas, and many fans had hoped that this time, a dozen cycles in, the Doctorship would finally go to a woman. 
Mr. Capaldi is a capable actor, and come his debut, I’ll be right there with my teenage boys, drinking Mountain Dew and cheering him on. But imagine if we were cheering for Helen Mirren instead, or for the comedian Miranda Hart, or for Emma Watson, the former Hermione Granger. If the Doctor can regenerate into any form, it seems, oh, just a little dispiriting, that time after time he invents himself as a white British male. 
As the news rolled out, I was reminded of the sinking feeling I had back in 2005, when the Vatican introduced Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope. No one, of course, expected a female pope, but after the long years of John Paul II’s sad decline, plenty of Catholics were hoping for at least a breath of fresh air. Benedict XVI may have been a lot of things, but fresh wasn’t one of them. It’s too soon to know about the new Pope Francis, but his recent comment about homosexuality (“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”) certainly got my attention. 
Maybe it was the election of Barack Obama that made it seem, fleetingly, as if there were no more glass ceilings, for offices from president to pontiff. While the president’s golden aura has dimmed considerably since 2008, the fact that an African-American occupies the highest elected office in the country remains a source of pride. Whether the 45th president is a woman (Hillary Rodham Clinton?) or a Latino (Marco Rubio?), it still feels, on a good day, as if we’ve entered a time when there are fewer limits on what men and women can aspire to. 
As a transgender woman, I was incredibly proud when, in 2010, Amanda Simpson became one of the first transgender people appointed by a president to an administrative position (a senior technical adviser in the Bureau of Industry and Security). In 2008, Joy Ladin became the first openly transgender professor to teach at Yeshiva University. While I have no skills in either industry or security, and I can barely explain the differences between Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, Ms. Simpson and Ms. Ladin’s accomplishments meant the world to me. Their triumphs felt, in a small way, as if they belonged to me, too. 
Still, I suspect that some institutions continue to view diversity as they view cholesterol — there’s a good kind and a bad kind. I attended a meeting of college department heads some years ago in which I, among other campus leaders, was urged by a dean to recruit faculty members from more “underrepresented groups.” I had to ask: “What kind of diversity are we talking about? Are you really telling me you want more transgender men and women?” There was, unsurprisingly, a little ripple of laughter in the room, as if the very idea of a community needing more people like me was amusing. The dean, to his credit, said: “Yes. We want everybody.” 
My grandfather, James Owen Boylan, never lived to see an Irish Catholic become president. But his great-grandchildren live in a world where an African-American is president and a pope speaks of gay people with what sounds like compassion. That’s progress. 
But unlike presidents or popes, we may not get that many more chances at a glass-shattering Doctor. According to long-held Doctor Who mythology, the character’s 13th regeneration could be his last. A few years back, the BBC overturned that theory, suggesting that the character is immortal. Regardless, even the most die-hard fans can’t expect the show to last forever. As the producers think about whom they want to take on the role next, they should keep in mind the way people’s hopes are lifted when they see someone breaking the glass ceiling, even when it’s for something as seemingly trivial as a hero on a science-fiction program. Equal opportunity matters — in Doctor Who’s universe as well as our own. 
Jennifer Finney Boylan, a professor of English at Colby College, is the author of “Stuck in the Middle With You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders.”


  1. Think of all the sadness around the world when the next Dalai Lama is a Tibetan again.

    Btw, lots of SWPL white boys on facebook are salivating at the prospect of some black guy being the next James Bond. Yes, the white race has come to this. Cuckoldism is the new ideology among white liberal males, and some conservatives too.
    If the cool black guy should be president, he should take the role of everything that is cool.

  2. Btw, I don't care about Dr. Who or who plays him because I hate the show. It's as ugly and dorky as Star Trek, and I don't know which is worse.

  3. Doctor Who Am I? Woman or Man, white or black?

  4. For a minute there, I thought (s)he was going to ask for the only kind of diversity that really counts - diversity of opinion, but no, she was just advocating for one more little interest group. You can be any color or gender you want, as long as your opinions fit the prevailing ideology.

  5. I'm....


    Let me get this straight. White guy decides to cut off his dick and cross dress.

    And, he gets to join an official victim class... women?

    I'm processing this and I'll get back to you as soon as I can make any sense out of it.

  6. After reading this, I can only come to the conclusion that we need a stronger glass ceiling.

  7. Too bad Yoda and Luke Skywalker weren't homos. Imagine what they could have done with their light sabers on each other.

    But I think C3PO was gay, and maybe he was pissed with R2D2 all the time because R2 kept on telling gay jokes that were 'bleeped' out.

  8. SWPL White boys = parroting beta male style what women want, in the hope they'll get some.

    Agreeing with women is one of the stupidest moves Beta Males make, mostly because it worked when the genders were more disparate (before 1955).

    Women want Idris Elba (the guy in Pacific Rim) to be the next James Bond the same way they drool over the NBA players in bakkaball.

    SWPL guys just go along like beta males who can't figure out that what worked for their grandparents in 1955 is a total loser now.

    Pacific Rim is btw a perfect example of the anti-White male stuff in most culture. Its writer/director/producer/creator, Guillermo del Toro, is a Mexican national who looks plenty White but identifies as Mestizo and grew up in a melange of Japanese anime and monster movies, etc. The idea is that there a Black guy on top, charismatic and intelligent (the two are rarely found together in any race), with various other races represented, one "good" White guy as the hero but subordinate to the Black leader.

    Guys like del Toro cannot handle the truth. The mega-cities of the Pacific are under attack from giant monsters from another dimension, not the real threat of people of vastly disparate racial backgrounds all competing over the same territory and resources in a winner-take-all genetic struggle. In other words, Darwinism and Natural Selection, again.

    Instead he's retreated to fantasies, gorgeously done, but silly in conception: "good" and noble Communists (Stalin's willing slaves), magic, monsters from another dimension, etc.

    As for the article writer, more evidence that White women really can't stand most White guys, for the only sin that really counts for women: lack of sexiness.

  9. "You could hear the sighs of disappointment spreading across the nerd-universe on Sunday ..."

    I.e., a few feminist scolds are angry over something the nerd-universe couldn't care less about.


    Surprisingly, another unattractive feminist.

  11. These identity politics people bore me.

    Anyhoo, I have seen the first few episodes of the new, 2005 incarnation of Doctor Who. It was decent. The Doctor's sidekick was some near-white trash girl with a dumbass black boyfriend whom she dumps to take off with the Doctor. They rehabilitate him (a wee bit) in a later episode. In another episode they show the Doctor being compassionate for a group of spirits claiming to need refuge on earth, but who in fact have come to conquer.

    If the show has continued this anti-PC streak it can't be all that bad.

  12. I will comment that upcoming Dr. Who Peter Capaldi is pretty awesome in the British sitcom "The Thick of It" and the movie version "In the Loop" as the Labour PM's Karl Rove like enforcer in charge of bollocking cabinet ministers who fail to spin correctly.

  13. Looked up her(?) photos on Bing, and found not one as a man, which seems kind of exclusive. I note, however, that her(?) hips give reason to doubt that she(?) can successfully bear children.

  14. "I’ll be right there with my teenage boys, drinking Mountain Dew and cheering him on."

    I feel sorry for those teenage boys to have a "mother" like this.

  15. Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta8/7/13, 3:07 PM

    I get it.

    If people of color can feel sad and left out if there are no representations of their kind, so does another minority - people with blue eyes.

    Watching this video / ad for Fiat cars, ostensibly an ode to "Sexy People" you will notice that there are no blue eyed talent worthy of inclusion among this ensemble of the "cool" and "vibrant."

    Now there is no need to make everything look like a ridiculously contrived Benetton ad, but if right-thinking (more likely left-thinking)SWPLs acknowledge a need for media that reflects the viewer, now that the "vibrant" ones are in demand, when am I going to see media depictions that are respectful of squares like me?

  16. "As a transgender woman"


  17. SWPL white boys on facebook are salivating at the prospect of some black guy being the next James Bond.
    probably the same ones that walk around with Muhummed Ali shirts.

  18. I don't really know much about transgender issues except that this woman who has been pursuing me for two years has a transgender gender child. I'm unclear as to the child's sexual status. She refers to the kid as he, she, it and 'the kid' - almost in rotation. The mother lives far away and we have only communicated by phone. To tell you the truth the whole thing creeps me out.

    I just googled transgender. The advocacy site claims three to five percent of then public are transgender. But I remember when I worked for epilepsy we used to claim that 2% of the population were epileptic. As far as I could ever tell the central office just made that number up. Certainly any neurologist thought that figure was at least an order of magnitude too high.

    The site cites an SF study of 70 transgenders. That would be about a hundredth of one percent. They wouldn't have been able to reach everyone for the survey but SF has long been a magnet for gays and has an incidence well above the national average. So I wonder.

    In that survey 20% of the males are homeless, all are low income and 35% have AIDS. So it's not exactly a gifted population cohort from which to recruit a Time Lord.


  19. Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta8/7/13, 3:23 PM


    Where are the "sighs of disappointment" about the lack of male voices that also look like me at middlebrow mass-intellectual rags and blogs like the Atlantic, Slate, Salon, NYT, etc.

    If this one thinks we've had enough British men playing Dr. Who, are we allowed to say we have had enough capable Jewish ladies scribbling at these fine (if dwindling) journalistic institutions?

    The Economist has the best policy. Anonymity offends and disappoints noone. And the pimply rookies among them can hide behind the facade of a respected institution.

    In all earnestness, the best solution to that peculiar American obsession and paralysis regarding identity politics would be to put every citizen in a hood, chador or burqua that completely obscures ethnic identity, gender, age, etc. but with a clear and legible serial number linked to a personal CV / credit report so we know if we are dealing with trusted people or deadbeats.

    Think about it. No more profiling with regard to race, age or gender. No more women getting raped by strangers - no one will know if it's a lady or a linebacker. No more nepotism and people being given unearned attention, respect and credit. We wouldn't select or reject a candidate for president because of his (or her) complexion or genitals.

    If we really care most about achievement and merit, we spend way too much breath worrying about identity.

  20. "If the Doctor can regenerate into any form, it seems, oh, just a little dispiriting, that time after time he invents himself as a white British male."

    jennifer obviously knows nothing about time lords.

    male time lords do NOT "invent" themselves when they regenerate -- they just make the jump and wind up with whatever they wind up with.

    female time lords, on the other hand, can choose what they're going to look like when they regenerate, like romana did.

    honestly. non-geeks are so clueless! (~_^)

  21. "Btw, lots of SWPL white boys on facebook are salivating at the prospect of some black guy being the next James Bond."

    James Bond is a thriving, long-term franchise. We have a black Miss Moneypenny and had a female M (but who can say a word against Dame Judy Dench?), but we won't be getting a black or Asian James Bond so long as MGM wants to keep the franchise alive.

  22. "Dr. Whom" made my day. Thanks.

  23. Heh, James Taranto had a funny joke about a female would be objectified and they'd have to call it Dr. Whom.

  24. Auntie Analogue8/7/13, 3:42 PM

    A tempest in a teapot.

  25. My grandfather, James Owen Boylan, never lived to see an Irish Catholic become president. But his great-grandchildren live in a world where an African-American is president

    So did all this diversity firsts celebratory stuff begin with the "first Catholic president" or was someone forever known as the "first woman ______" or "first handicapped ______" long before JFK?

  26. There will be a black Bond before there will be an American Bond (of any ethnicity). Bond's Britishness is less negotiable than his whiteness.

  27. There's something deeply wrong with our society when some mentally ill self-mutilating freak is allowed to spew its psychotic lunacy to the entire country in the "paper of record."

  28. There was an article in the Guardian making pretty much the same point. Basically moaning that a white man would play Dr. Who again.

    Someone commented that Capaldi, being Scottish-Italian does in fact represent an under-represented ethnic minority.

    See how easy it is to turn a stupid argument against itself?

  29. I personally was hoping for a transsexual androphilic genderqueer half African, half Australian Aboriginal wheelchair-bound person as the next Dr. Who.

  30. So I guess Wanda Sykes will have to wait for the next regeneration to grab the role?

    Well maybe for the American version...

  31. You know in the end you have to be practicable about things.

    Do women actually watch these kinds of shows in enough numbers to support them in the style to which they have become accustomed?

    In my life virtually every show like this has had a sausagefest viewer demographic.

    Xena and Buffy are the only ones that pop into my head as genre shows that had an appreciable female audience.

    Maybe Firefly. I haven't been to a con in a long time, but it seems like the fanbase for that is another Y chromosome society. Not sure why that is, ie why Buffy and Xena were popular with lots of people and Summer Glau was a more limited flavor.

    In other words, if Doctor Who had a female doctor, does it affect the reasons this show has been popular? Presumably they would spend time dealing with the change via different kinds of storylines than they have used. I just can't imagine too many geek guys being able to relate to a woman in that role, let alone storylines about rape or something.

    Is there any guarantee women would watch it, even with a female doctor?

    If we have any brits, maybe they can correct me. I would just imagine real life british Who fans would be just like the American versions I've seen.

  32. @Thin-skinned Masta-Beta:

    "If we really care most about achievement and merit..."

    You were being funny, right?

  33. "There will be a black Bond before there will be an American Bond (of any ethnicity). Bond's Britishness is less negotiable than his whiteness."

    Which is as it should be. However a black Bond is, by definition, not a British Bond, since blacks by definition aren't ethnically British. Americans are not British politically. Blacks aren't British ethnically. Pierce Brosnan, however, managed to get the gig despite being Irish. But Brits don't feel culturally drowned out bythe Irish the way they are by Americans, so I understand the distinction.

    FWIW, I'd put money on an Asian Bond before a black one. I wouldn't mind either if the multicult and our insane immigration policies weren't the problems they are.

  34. "After reading this, I can only come to the conclusion that we need a stronger glass ceiling."

    "Strengthen the Glass Ceiling for Women!" is likely to confuse people as much as "End Women's Suffrage!"

  35. "There's something deeply wrong with our society when some mentally ill self-mutilating freak is allowed to spew its psychotic lunacy to the entire country in the "paper of record.""

    For me it's less about them being able to speak and more that everyone else is denied a voice, above all the Silenced White Male. Then again, perhaps they fear that on any level playing field the "Dark Right" would trounce them.

    Anyway, what I want to know is why in every movie Adolf Hitler is portrayed as a White Male? Booorrriiinnng.

  36. A sane, healthy society operates on merit, and does not encourage transgenderism, homosexuality, or give handouts to people who are too lazy or stupid to achieve.

  37. Yeah, right, I'm sure you could hear the sighs...

    I'm gonna take the word of a guy who expects everyone to take him seriously when he dresses as a woman. How exactly is this not mental illness? It seems like a pretty straightforward example of dissociative disorder.

  38. Hey buddy, when you gave up your nuts, you gave up your right to gripe about them.

  39. More or the less the same article appeared at the Daily Telegraph the other day:

    'I was really hoping for a new female hero' – an 11 year-old's take on the male Doctor Who

    The DT seems to have hit upon a money saving device - you only need pay 11 year olds to write articles supporting the Correct Narrative.

  40. To tell you the truth the whole thing creeps me out.

    Pat - its creeping me out just reading about it and I'm safe here in far away England!

  41. Someone commented that Capaldi, being Scottish-Italian does in fact represent an under-represented ethnic minority.

    Yes, if you mean the Italian bit. Otherwise he is the third Scottish actor to play the Dr.

    First was Sylvester McCoy who played the Dr as Scottish, then David Tennant who used an English accent. No word yet on whether Capaldi will be a Scottish or English Dr.

    Apparently one complaint is Capaldi's age. But he is 55, the same age as the firstDr - William Hartnell.

    My opinion - its a return to form, using older character actors was how the series started. The first four Drs were 55, 46, 50 and 40.

    By the way Richard E. Grant should be playing the role, he was born to do it!

  42. But Brits don't feel culturally drowned out bythe Irish the way they are by Americans, so I understand the distinction.

    I think this actually annoys some Irish people, but we (British) dont really regard them as truly foreign. I'm sitting here writing this, giving the idea some consideration but emotionally I'm like that too. They just aren't 'real' foreigners.

  43. If we have any brits, maybe they can correct me. I would just imagine real life british Who fans would be just like the American versions I've seen.


    However, Dr Who started as a children's show, younger kids have always been part of the audience; boys and girls. But most of the girls fall away as they get older leaving the hard core fanboys in the majority.

  44. "Btw, lots of SWPL white boys on facebook are salivating at the prospect of some black guy being the next James Bond"

    A lot of people slam white women, but study after study show they are actually more ethnocentric than white men.

    The reason why you have this miscegenation is because white men approve of it.

    Most relationships happen via social circles and it's usually white men who introduce (and recommend) non-whites to white women. Also, it struck me when Kanye West's new album, which I haven't bought or even listened to, came out, just about every reviewer was a white male who praised it to the sky.

    If you look at Reddit's hip hop forum, it's 90% male and mostly white.

    White women follow white men.

  45. "I personally was hoping for a transsexual androphilic genderqueer half African, half Australian Aboriginal wheelchair-bound person as the next Dr. Who."

    You're talking,but all I'm hearing is a bunch of cis-human privilege. As a self-identifying Pygmy Marmoset,I'll have you know I am deeply offended!

  46. "o women actually watch these kinds of shows in enough numbers to support them in the style to which they have become accustomed?

    In my life virtually every show like this has had a sausagefest viewer demographic."

    Nah. I know a bunch of girl geeks who watch these types of shows, are into various fandoms, scifi, fantasy, ect.. However, geeks are very rarely gender warriors or any other social justice type nazis. They already got hobbies they are passionate about. Whoever is "sighing" about this all over the internet is a lot more likely to be a social justice person who kinda sorta likes to watch the show sometimes than an actual fangirl. Few things are more irritating than a beloved character randomly changing beyond all recognition.

  47. "Someone commented that Capaldi, being Scottish-Italian does in fact represent an under-represented ethnic minority."

    but with dario franchitti and now this guy, isn't the vanishingly small scottish-italian group actually over represented? throw tony iommi in the mix and british-italians are practically the new armenians of isteve.

  48. Hey, you know how in the last movie James Bond got shot in the beginning and disappeared to sulk/reflect/heal? Next time they should have him go away for some similar reason and come back as a post op trans woman, and it should be treated like a very minor plot point. Like, "Yeah, it's Jamie now, moving on. What about this new villain?" Jamie should still be played by a super masculine actor, as per usual. He could just wear a wig and some generic dress, without even attempting to more or speak any differently. And he should still seduce women. Oh, and all the other characters, including the women and the villains should act like it's totally normal.

  49. He could just wear a wig and some generic dress, without even attempting to more or speak any differently.

    That's exactly how they did it on season nine of South Park when Mr. Garrison became Ms. Garrison. It was the same character with the same hair and the same voice but he was now wearing a bra. He became disappointed in men after trying to date them and so became a lesbian.

  50. "He could just wear a wig and some generic dress, without even attempting to more or speak any differently.

    That's exactly how they did it on season nine of South Park when Mr. Garrison became Ms. Garrison. It was the same character with the same hair and the same voice but he was now wearing a bra. He became disappointed in men after trying to date them and so became a lesbian."

    -That's practically the way they've done it for the POTUS. He's prissy as a daisy, but everyone pretends he's not.

  51. As a relatively recent graduate of Colby College (at which this professor teaches), I'd just like to point out that not all of us have bought into the lunacy that our esteemed institutions of higher learning try to force down our throats. But it's for for their lack of trying.

  52. Say what you will about the examples of Kennedy and Obama. At least they were real people, doing real things. But what is the fascination with having minority representation in fictional TV shows, particularly fantasy shows where the characters do things that are clearly impossible for anyone?

    I mean, I can see the attraction of having little black kids see Obama as a role model, and thinking "Wow! Someday I can be President!".

    Are little girls supposed to watch the female Doctor Who and think "Wow! Someday I can be a Time Lord too!"?

    Or is it just more like "Wow! My minority group is so influential that we can get TV producers to pander to us!"?

  53. "Still, I suspect that some institutions continue to view diversity as they view cholesterol — there’s a good kind and a bad kind."

    I liked that line of Jennifer Finlay Boylan. Sadly, my own suspicion is that her [sic] suspicion is correct, but in the worst way. E.g. as mentioned upthread, diversity of opinion as something to be avoided.

  54. "As a transgender woman, I was incredibly proud when,....."

    What Boylan should have written is: "As a dickless freak, ......" I'm sick of these weirdos passing themselves off as if they're just-plain folks. They are mentally disturbed. They have no business insisting that I humor them in their sad, pathetic delusions, or that I endorse the lies they chose to live.

  55. British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.

  56. This crap comes from a college professor?

    Higher ed is a joke without a punch line.

  57. Mr. Anon said...
    British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.

    You mean like H.G. Wells, John Wyndham, Brian Aldiss and Arthur C. Clarke?

    Talk out of butt much?

  58. "Anonymous said...

    ""Mr. Anon said...
    British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.""

    You mean like H.G. Wells, John Wyndham, Brian Aldiss and Arthur C. Clarke?

    Talk out of butt much?"

    I meant movies and TV, not books. I should have been more specific.

  59. British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.

    You mean cars like these, Bentley or Jaguar?

  60. British sci-fi - Quatermass or Blake's 7 how about those? Quatermass terrified me as a kid and Blake's 7 while made on the cheap compared to Star Trek for example is a lot more 'grown up' in its story lines and themes.

    And to bring this full circle, at one stage the Daleks were going to appear in Blake's 7,thus tying it into the Dr Who universe.

  61. Anonymous said...
    British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.

    You mean cars like these, Bentley or Jaguar?

    AND Rolls Royce and of course Aston Martin? Bringing it back full circle to James Bond again.

  62. I stopped watching British sci-fi when that dude from Torchwood swapped spit with another dude.

    You mean cars like these, Bentley or Jaguar?


    There's something deeply wrong with our society when some mentally ill self-mutilating freak is allowed to spew its psychotic lunacy to the entire country in the "paper of record."

    That's kinda why I stopped watching British sci-fi when that dude from Torchwood swapped spit with another dude.

    Anyway, what I want to know is why in every movie Adolf Hitler is portrayed as a White Male? Booorrriiinnng.

    Yeah, they made Maid Marian into a negress, so, why no Jewish Hitler?

  63. "Anonymous said...

    British science-fiction has always been to science-fiction what british cars are to cars - ridiculous and embarrassing rinky-dink contraptions.

    You mean cars like these, Bentley or Jaguar?"

    And would you want to own one? Do you have your own personal mechanic on staff?

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    British sci-fi - Quatermass or Blake's 7 how about those?"

    Do you really want to expose yourself as some kind of Brit Sci-Fi fan-boy? Knock yourself out.


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