August 10, 2013

U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Pro-Immigration Image

To promote increased immigration and lower wages, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has come up with this terrifying logo:


  1. Less scary than than an arrow going up from South to North.

  2. The Reagan Presidency would have never happened if the the business interests and the intellectual right had been this into open borders in 1979-80.

  3. Auntie Analogue8/10/13, 9:03 PM

    Time for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to change its name to the Chamber of Global Cheap Labor.

    Time, too, for a constitutional amendment to change the name of what used to be our country to the TWUSA: the Third World Undone States of America.

    Stock up on lube, Americans, because from now on it'll be serial BOHICA.

  4. That article is nearly 6 months old.

  5. gpandatshang8/10/13, 9:32 PM

    It manages to be both unintentionally revealing and at the same time dishonest -- since apparently they mean to imply that a bunch of people will move here from Europe.

  6. At first look I thought the graphic was one of your own satirical creations of the past few days, then I clicked the link and saw that this is no joke, these lunatics are fronting this themselves. We are living in an age of true madness.

  7. They look like ants.

  8. No one in America realizes London is north of Maine. Let's look on the bright side: there's only one arrow.

  9. Many years back there was a comedy film about bumbling Trekkies entitled Free Enterprise

  10. Harry Baldwin8/10/13, 10:05 PM

    Scarier than any open-borders logo I could think of.

  11. The people are coming from Europe exclusively. It should be from all directions but Europe.

  12. The symbol can be read the other way round too.
    ie white Americans fleeing back to the 'motherland' after the open-borders disaster has worked its way through.

  13. The people are coming from Europe exclusively. It should be from all directions but Europe.

    I see it as "an infinite invading army of brown people marching from across the sea". Steve is right - it's terrifying.

  14. Europeans dont have Orange Skin. Im thinking this is a central asian horde... oh no it cant be, can it? Run for your lives! The Chechnyans are coming!

  15. They should rename themselves "The Chamber of No Commerce."

    That's what we have when all the money goes to the rich and the ownership class. Wages cannot stay the same - or even decrease -- while prices continue to rise without growing disfunction and social unrest.

    Let them thse cheapskate employers try to stay in business by selling to themselves. Let them pay all the taxes too.

    Let's see how they like that. That is the final insult and ridiculousness of all this: What all these people are begging for, they really don't want. It will bring down the system we have -- the system that benefits them so much, the system they need to make money and prosper.

  16. hmm....bit of a tin ear there by the US C of C.

    I suspect that this logo will get some play eventually, and then they will erase that page and logo.

  17. The Untied States of America (sic)

  18. The only thing that would make that logo scarier is if the little men all had erections and were carrying machetes.

  19. steve,
    You had something about Cory Booker the other day and his obviously-a-bribe/graft "tech start-up," no more high tech than whatever phony businesses Boss Tweed had going.

    Cory Booker exposes more future rifts in the Democratic Party, maybe more important than Zimmerman and the silence of Hispanic "leaders." Frank Pallone is a long term congressman who has been a likely senate candidate for many years but Booker gets to shove him out of the way because of money and media (Zucker's 14 year old son getting cut in on Waywire goes a long way to explaining why it was news every time Cory Booker rescued a cat). And black power in Democratic primaries.

    New Jersey is not a black state. Blacks are only 13% of the state and everyone in this state knows about the Newark riots in the 60's --- Jerseyans think blacks are a problem to the state, to be blunt. The black cities are gobbling state resources, especially with the state supreme court giving them most of our income tax money. With no results. We put a billion dollars a year into the Newark public schools. It was galling to see the fanfare with Booker and Christie and Zuckerberg over only $100 million (little of which has been spent aND MOST of what has been spent went to consultants/administrators).

    So, why do we get a black senate candidate and likely winner of the seat? Because blacks will be "mobilized" via a lot of crap scam stuff like trotting homeless around and those black churches and they will vote 99% for Booker because he is black.

    And that will be replicated in other states and the Democratic nomination for president is always vulnerable to going to a black candidate on that basis: Blacks vote for blacks.

    So, isn't that going to turn off talented white politicians to the Democratic Party? If Pallone was a Republican, he could win the Republican nomination, even though he is "liberal."


  21. Your local Chamber of Commerce types aren't trumpeters of free enterprise, capitalism, truth, justice and the American Way! These guys are about cheap labor as an insurance policy against the effects of innovation on their businesses. Innovation puts many current business models at risk, so cheap labor is a low-tech way to compete.

  22. At first look I thought the graphic was one of your own satirical creations of the past few days, then I clicked the link and saw that this is no joke, these lunatics are fronting this themselves. We are living in an age of true madness.

    This brings to mind that madman(?)Michael A. Hoffman believes that our elites have been openly mocking us for years.

  23. Not only are they all coming from the middle-east, but they all walk on water too. It is reminiscent of the big black arrows used to show military movements in books about invasions - which is pretty fitting, actually.

  24. Well, the color's right, but the direction is all wrong.

  25. "“As we have this important debate, let’s remember who we are and where our families would be today if earlier generations of Americans had decided to slam the door shut,” says Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue."

    Tom Donohue and the Chamber of Commerce members must have mastered quantum many-worlds travel to have any "memory" of the counter-factual world in which the closing of the American frontier was matched by the closing of the American border. No wonder they possess wisdom so great that they can, in all good conscience, impose experiments such as mass immigration on unwilling human subjects such as the Nation of Settlers!

  26. On 'Elysium':

    I spoke with James as he was working on his review for VDare. I lasted all of five minutes in the movie before walking out.

    Went home, popped in the blue-ray disc for "Starship Troopers" and watched a vision of the future we must all work to make happen.

  27. I think most people don't see the direction of movement in the logo. The people are leaving America and heading to Europe. The Chamber seems to think the threat of depopulation will cause panic among Americans.


    Violence takes over 'CelebrAsian'

  29. The Cold War is really over, isn't it?

    ...and they won (or they think they did)...

  30. Dennis Dale said...

    "Reminds me of the Sherman Williams Logo."

    Which in turn reminds me of the William J. Clinton Foundation's 2004 Arkansan ingathering of Davos types, the hilariously-named "Globecoming."

  31. White America is a raging racist fire that must be put out with the holy and innocent waters of immigrants.

    Oh, praise God, and light one's candles at their Saint Oprah shrines. If prayer is done with a clear, vibrant soul, the god GDP may bless us with Ipads, pray tell, and Subarus.

    Your holiness,
    High Equality Priest of the Church of Modernity.


  33. The Chamber of Commerce will eventually turn us all into Bolsheviks. Good job, guys.

  34. International Jew8/11/13, 9:28 AM

    Straight east would be the direction to Europe only if the world were flat. It's pretty clear to me that those marchers are coming on a great circle route from equatorial Africa. A bit of unintentional honesty on the artist's part?

  35. People want this though. White people hate White culture and their race so much they want mass third world immigration.

    If the mass of people truly hated it you would see violence on White people scale ... Spain 1930s, Bosnia, even Mafia Sicily 1990s.

  36. What a disgustsing logo.

    Anyone who would create such a logo hates America and is a parasite on the nation.

    Why don't they add the motto:

    AFrica for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everyone!!

    That's what that picture says.

  37. This shows you how disconnected the Chamber Pot of Commerce is from reality. This graphic scares most people, but the Chamber Pot loves it because they designed and approved it.

  38. LOL @ immigrants coming from Europe... as if there are any of those. They just can't be honest about what's going on.

  39. The global game as one of Risk-in-reverse.

  40. I don't know why you righties are so fond of Big Business. They're screwing the white working man almost as badly as the Democrats--worse in some ways. It's Josh Goldfarb on the 'left' and Tex Oilman on the 'right' against Joe Sixpack.

  41. As Neil Diamond warned us 30 years ago:On the boats and on the planes
    They're coming to America
    Never looking back again
    They're coming to America

    He forgot to mention on foot and in the backs of vans, but then again he was singing about the Church of Ellis Island

  42. Thank goodness this human tsunami stopped at Iowa! Close call for us Westerners...

  43. The Chamber and other business lobbies exist so that owners of one type of capital (businesses) to convince the owners of another type of capital (the American people who own this country) that their country isn't really a form of capital, and doesn't belong to them.

    It's like a bunch of tenants of a shopping mall getting together to convince the doddering old fool who owns the mall that he doesn't really own it, and that he's obliged to give them their lease for free.

  44. In the "Rocketeer" Howard Hughes showed a "Nazi" propaganda movie. There wer many images within this fictional movie which are similar.

  45. My favorite part of the accompanying article:

    “As we have this important debate, let’s remember who we are and where our families would be today if earlier generations of Americans had decided to slam the door shut,” says Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue.

    Yes, let's remember past immigration restriction, and its beneficial effects.

  46. The color is right, but the arrow is going in the wrong direction.

  47. It's like an ad for the board game Risk.

  48. "Yes, let's remember past immigration restriction, and its beneficial effects."

    Yes. Thank God for the Chinese Exclusion Act, which saved California and the Pacific Northwest for Anglo-Americans - at least for a century or so until all of our politicians went batshit crazy.

    As we all know, decency requires that we let foreigners conquer our country, rather than protecting it for ourselves and our posterity.

    It's terrifying to think how differently this world have turned out had our forebears not had the presence of mind to erect immigration barriers to cultures entirely incompatible with our own. In the mid-1800s Australia was drawing in massive amounts of immigration thanks to the gold rush. They quickly placed limits on Chinese arrivals, due to pressure from Anglo-Celtic Australians.

    At the time, Australia had about 1.2 million people. China had over 300 million people. Just as Anglo immigration to California and Texas caused those territories to flip from Mexican to American control, China could have easily sent 2-3 million people each to Australia and California (1880 pop. 865,000) and made them Chinese, all without ever even noticing the loss back home.

    We have our country today because in the past thoughtful men made tough, "heartless" decisions that preserved it for the descendants, who are now in the process of pissing it away.

  49. In reaction to business support of increased immigration with the objective of lowering wages I have come to believe we need a significantly higher minimum wage. Make work, regardless of what kind of work it is, something worth doing.

  50. That logo looks like this:

  51. nefarious skeptic8/11/13, 7:49 PM

    This electing a new people didn't work out so well in Libya.

    -Nefarious Skeptic

  52. White self hate due to nerdy unsexy White guys and tech.

    Yeah, that's it. Unsexy white guys are the problem. We can now move on to another topic, and you can stop posting here.

  53. Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity: Study

    It's getting harder to keep this dangerous information from eventually dawning on Johnny send in the Mexicans.

    (Interestingly, much of these productivity gains are chalked up to technology. Remember when technology was whooped up as something that would increase everyone's leisure and real income? Instead, what most working folks got at the end of the day was some junk to play with, iPads, or Dells and Facebook, which distracts them from their being screwed out of leisure and real income.)

  54. The arrow is coming from the east, but look at the way their legs are bending. Those people at walking TO the east.


  55. If only they were coming from Europe as this logo suggests...

  56. Here's a US WWII poster, apparently from a Walt Disney film, that has another take on the chamber of commerce poster.


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