September 23, 2013

House GOP plots stab in the back

From the Washington Post:
House Republicans say they’ll act on immigration reform this year 
By David Nakamura 
House Republicans intensified their outreach to Latino groups last week, offering renewed pledges that the House will deal with immigration reform this year. The effort has revived hope among advocates that a bipartisan deal can be reached to address the fate of the nation’s 11 million undocumented workers and students. 
The chances of a comprehensive deal passing Congress remain doubtful, advocates cautioned, and they worry that the legislative process will spill into 2014, presenting new complications in a year when lawmakers face reelection battles. 

In other words, politicians want to pass amnesty, but not if they have to do it soon enough before an election for voters to remember they did it.
But they were encouraged by signals from key GOP leaders that the House is willing to move forward on legislation that could produce a breakthrough in the stalled negotiations. 
Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said Thursday that his panel is working on four new pieces of legislation dealing with border-control laws. He did not disclose details but emphasized the need to resolve the status of people living in the country illegally. 
“We want to do immigration reform right,” Goodlatte told about 70 Hispanic leaders during a roundtable discussion on Capitol Hill, adding that he hopes the House can begin considering bills next month. 
His remarks boosted the spirits of advocates who have become increasingly fretful that Republicans have been dragging out the process in an effort to kill momentum for a deal.

The best we can hope for from the GOP Congressmen is nothing -- nothing is better than something. But it's starting to look like nothing is too much to ask.


  1. One could argue that all non-white 'Latinos' are 'American Indians' since they lost their lands to white invaders.

    If 'Indians' in the northern hemisphere deserve affirmative action, why not 'Indians' from other parts of the Americas? Didn't they suffer 'genocide', slavery, and Jimenez Crowez under white Europeans?

    Suppose US had not wrested SW territories from Mexico. All the 'Indians' there would have been Mexican 'Indians' but still 'Indians'.
    Also, mestizos can claim to be 'Indian' since even one-drop 'Indians' count as 'Indians' in America.

    As for blacks, one could argue that they gained MOST relative to other races when we consider what they started with and what they ended up with.

    Blacks were illiterate savages since the dawn of time, but their contact with the white man catapulted them into the modern world.
    A new movie is called '12 yrs a slave' but before whites taught blacks that slavery is wrong, blacks had been practicing slavery for 100,000s of yrs than just for 12.

  2. I was waiting to see Steve's take on this article that says illegal alien parents in LA county (alone) will get 650 million dollars in welfare benefits in 2013.

    The article included this little gem:

    “When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” Antonovich said in a statement. “These costs do not even include the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually for education.”

    That strikes me as quite a lot of money, especially just for one county.

  3. Michael Barone:
    A Nation Built for Immigrants

  4. Is that a stab in the back or a shot in the foot?

  5. What a week this has been. First Pope Francis nukes his own side in order to impress his enemies with what a nice guy he is, and now this.

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

  6. The Republican leadership never passes up an opportunity to betray its base. The only question is how they can do it without looking like they are doing it, preferably at 3 in the morning on a Saturday on a long holiday weekend.

  7. LOL at the totally bogus figure: 11 million undocumented workers! By definition, these people are not documented: how do they know it´s 11 million, and not 20 or 50? Do they know something we don´t? Some paper pusher totally made up the number one day, and it´s repeated time and again like it was Plank´s Constant or Avogadro´s Number by every media whore, formerly known as journalists.
    In the UK they guesstimate the number of illegals based on the food sales at Sainbury´s and other major stores. Are they using Walmart, Costco, etc figures? If so, how accurate is 11 milion? For all we know, there could be 11 million illegals in California alone.

  8. While not a Republican, I view them as the less-bad alternative on certain issues. But then they insist on earning their moniker of The Stupid Party by proposing antics like passage of Mass Amnesty.

    People like me might do better by looking for a home among the least-lefty interest groups in the Democratic party.

    The Stupids should have to take into account that their betrayals are going to cost them parts of their "base".

  9. From my climbing experience, it is easier to fall off the cliff than to climb the cliff.

    Politicians, meet cliff.

  10. They always use the 'brought here as children' sob story to push for amnesty. Policy is being pushed through Oprah style tearjerker stories. Full amnesty for all with no strings attached is what the advocates and partisans really want, legalizing the gigantic mass migration northward of millions upon millions of residents from Mexico and further south. This is where the vast majority come from. There have been few such large scale migrations in history and the US is being arm-twisted to just accept it. The number always thrown around of eleven million is about fifteen years old by now, as if no one has come in illegally since then.
    It's claimed that it's "important" to resolve it now. Why, because amnesty advocates want it right now? They've been living and working here, sending their children to public school and getting Medicaid all these years with no problem. If proposed legislation legalizes them without them going through too much trouble then fine; if not they'll just carry on as they have been. What they would really like is for the US-Mexico border to vanish so they can drive back and forth as though they were crossing a state line. They want dual-citizenship and all the benefits that would come with it. We get competition for jobs, crowded schools, pay taxes to subsidize larger numbers of residents, push #2 for Spanish, and end up living in the third world. Goodbye America.

  11. "In the UK they guesstimate the number of illegals based on the food sales at Sainbury´s and other major stores."

    The UK government have cancelled the next census, no prizes for guessing why.

  12. I was waiting to see Steve's take on this article that says illegal alien parents in LA county (alone) will get 650 million dollars in welfare benefits in 2013.

    The article included this little gem:

    “When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year,” Antonovich said in a statement. “These costs do not even include the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually for education.”

    That strikes me as quite a lot of money, especially just for one county.
    Antonovich has been saying this for years, its not just the Democrats the Lincoln Clubs of greater La, also including The OC that still votes more Republican than Democratic have pushed for Guest Worker Programs. Mike has never been able to convince Republicans in the Greater La area to support E-Verify since they support cheap labor.9/23/13, 12:54 AM

  13. What a week this has been. First Pope Francis nukes his own side in order to impress his enemies with what a nice guy he is, and now this.

    Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
    I think John Paul and Benedict did us a disfavor being so against birth control in fact if Mexico was more protestant the birth rate would have fallen even faster and less of them coming here, just my view.

  14. And here I was starting to think that immigration reform was a "juice bill," designed to take money from whales like Zuckerberg without Congress required to actually do anything.

  15. With Mexicans its there kids are a good measure since about 80 percent of illegal immigrants have kids. The illegal immigrant single male without kids is more a rarely these days. Santa Ana school district did lose about 7,000 kids in the past 3 years which means it was true that they went home to Mexico, So, the school enrollment helps since in Santa Ana Unified at least 30 percent of their parents are illegal. Also, educational levels, if you looked at community stats of Santa Ana about 30 percent of the population has 9th grade and lower education.

  16. If I understand things right, just by running the clock out eventually all the anchor children and grand children will be voting adults, so if the Congress does nothing it will the result will be the same as amnesty.

    If amnesty goes through that will change the the voting demographics, but also who qualifies for government jobs like school bus driver. People on the bottom rung of the labor market need to protect themselves from competition more than people further up the food chain. So I have doubts any R or D will gain by amnesty especially when all the school bus drivers and pot hole fillers have to compete for work against guys that have been actually busting their asses on roofing jobs for 10 years.

    So in short isn't the best result for an elected official of both flavors keeping the debate going forever but not actually amnestying anyone?

  17. Nothing new here, the Republicans might not be able to get something together because of the Democrats and the Tea party based which usually doesn't like it but they are working on it, maybe in a few years if a few more illegals go home with the bad economy the Republicans can get the Tea party based to go along with it.

  18. Three things;

    Notice how the term illegal alien (that's criminal infiltrator in Israel) is being called undocumented worker or student. (student?).

    Again and again we hear that curiously precise number 11 million. How do they know this? What methodology is used to arrive at this figure? Why does nobody question the authenticity of this claimed number? It could be much higher in reality.

    Is the Republican party really so stupid? Does it just have a death wish? Preserving the dwindling white majority is its only realistic option for staying a viable party.

  19. Off topic: Business Insider reports that a transgendered girl (?) was homecoming queen in Los Angeles:

  20. The Republican leadership never passes up an opportunity to betray its base. The only question is how they can do it without looking like they are doing it, preferably at 3 in the morning on a Saturday on a long holiday weekend.
    That's why the republican political philosophy of being on the side of business even when they hire illegal immigrants shows there has always been a flaw to the Republican Party. I only vote for them since they are the lesser of the two evils.

  21. Why on earth would this be considered a stab in the back? As demonstrated by their actions on health care (designed by and for insurance company executives), war and peace (designed by and for defense contractor executives), trade policy (designed by and for all of the execs of the Fortune 500), the GOP is just doing what it is for.

    The GOP hasn't been an advocate of the interests of the American people since Teddy Roosevelt, if not earlier. Shouting about Jesus for billionaires has worked marvelously for them, why would they ever change?

  22. ue Aug 28, 2007 5:56pm EDT
    (Reuters) - Hundreds of U.S. immigration agents raided the Koch Foods Inc. chicken plant in Fairfield, Ohio, and arrested more than 160 employees as part of a criminal operation against illegal immigrants, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Tuesday.

    "As of 2:45 p.m. (EDT) more than 180 Koch employees have been identified for further questioning and more than 160 have been administratively arrested for immigration violations," ICE special agent in charge Brian Moskowitz told a news conference in Cincinnati.

    Moskowitz said employees faced a range of charges including illegal reentry to the United States, identity theft, document fraud, social security fraud and forgery. Koch Foods was being investigated for federal crimes including encouraging, inducing or harboring illegal aliens.

    ICE said in a statement the raid by more than 300 agents was "part of a two-year, ongoing ICE investigation based on evidence that Koch Foods may have knowingly hired illegal aliens at its poultry processing and packaging facility."

    The raid at Koch Foods, which produces chicken for export, food service and retail markets, began at 10 a.m. EDT. Moskowitz said simultaneous search warrants were executed at the plant near Cincinnati and Koch's Chicago headquarters.

    Calls to Koch Foods, based in the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge, Illinois, were unanswered. Koch Foods is not affiliated with Wichita, Kansas,-based Koch Industries, the largest private company in the United States, a Koch Industries spokeswoman said.

  23. Steve, your take on the article is interesting. Mangan's view of the same article is "Amnesty Bill Dead?".
    Given that this is the WaPo, I'm not sure that the writer isn't projecting his own wish for immigration amnesty onto a doubtful situation. I think the issue is still up in the air, but I would never underestimate the likelihood that the Republican leadership is trying to sell out their own base. One thing is pretty sure - if it doesn't pass this year, it's dead, at least until 2015. Even the Republicans aren't stupid enough to pass a bill like this in an election year.

  24. “We want to do immigration reform right,” Goodlatte told about 70 Hispanic leaders during a roundtable discussion on Capitol Hill, adding that he hopes the House can begin considering bills next month.


    When you add the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers exceeds $1.6 billion dollars a year

    As a quasi-minority, I'd like to think that Citizenism is sensible and viable; I can only go so far with ethno-nationalism.

    But it seems to me that the Citizenist understanding of the social contract is now simply null and void. One can and should mentally elide the nation with the citizenry if there's close to a 1:1 overlap, but the growing number of people who are citizens but not members of the nation simply makes Citizenism untenable.

    Here you have a very large and ever-growing block of citizens whose "citizenship", in the case of the anchor babies of LA County, derives explicitly from criminal acts and the utter nonsense of jus soli.

    Consider also those Latino leaders being courted by the GOP leadership. Sure, they're on the make, but one must presume that they speak for a great many Latinos qua Latinos. That is to say, you have a population that (naturally enough) views its ethnic identity as having a greater claim to their allegiance to the airy-fairy Proposition Nation.

    Sorry, but in the absence of reciprocity, Citizenism is a sucker's game. If Steve thinks of the ethnocentric anchor-colonists of his county as fellow Americans entitled to his solidarity, then the more fool he.

    As for me, I'd rather take my chances with a resurgent traditional America. I hope my opposition to its dissolution counts for something.

  25. The double dealing is why I left the political right, not saying that I'm now a leftist but a lot of the times its seems the Republican Party was more interested in guest workers or foreigners like than me. Also, recently I needed more help from the government since I started to have employment problems and the Republican elites basically are only interested in getting guest workers and cutting me off as much as possible from any financial help. If the Republicans were more serious about getting rid of illegal immigrants and not importing as many workers even if they cut welfare I would support them more but they just want to cut welfare for whites and then add guest workers for skilled and non-skilled labor.

  26. Well, you could look on the bright side and say that our political class is shot through with mediocrities barely able to make prudential decisions (much less ethical ones) because our real best and brightest went into engineering and medicine.

  27. Steve, what did I tell you about Obama? With a Bush President, he's limited in how much he can betray the base. With Obama as President, you rely totally on the weak and money-driven House to stand firm. That requires extraordinary courage and requiring super-human courage is a fool's game.

    Peter Brimelow has a whole series of "if only" certain pols exhibited suicidal courage. Like Tancredo. But pols by nature are not courageous, the problem is that most Americans don't figure America is worth fighting for. Ever. Thus they don't reward guys like Tancredo with the Presidency and don't severely punish guys like Obama, instead the exact reverse.

    This is not "the Frankfurt School" (the explanation the late Andrew Breitbart offered) or the variant "the Jews" others offer but three critical factors.

    1. Modern technology alienates and destroys like acid ordinary feelings of nationalism and group unity, and does it on Whites who use it the most the most severely (Derbyshire noted that his daughters pals from coastal China also exhibit PC/multiculturalism).

    2. Modern technology amplifies young and youngish women's desires to move leftward for status marker reasons and disdain their co-ethnic males as unworthy because they are generally status-equal.

    3. Technology provides a huge apparent but not real "safety margin" and so society looks like it can take any shock or stress or when the reality is that it is more fragile. Hence no threat mass immigration.

    4. As you noted, Elites face no external threat from other elites forcing unity between masses and elites; instead their threat is internal and class-oriented hence "real enemy" is White middle class people.

  28. Barone's open boarder enthusiasm and general level of BS is the stuff of self parody and legend. He use to be a frequent guess on right-wing talk radio. I think that largely stopped when callers went ballistic over his shtick.

    I guess he never heard of the preamble of the Constitution.

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[note 1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

  29. David Nakamura is such a shameless effete beltway "presstitute". He helped Jay Carney and Obama label the desperate unemployed engineer Darin Wedel family as nativists and xenophobes.

    Translation of his article. Lots of congressional aides and Congresscritters are fearfull that if CIR does not pass in some form they will miss out on their big chance to cash in on a sweet life as a beltway influence peddler.

    If amnesty does not pass by December recess, it will take a lot of chutzpah to pass it come Jan 2014. Cantor, Ryan and Boehner all risk being primaried out. All of them already under perform their districts' Republican party margin.

  30. A nation built for immigrants... and people from here can go f*** themselves

  31. Peter Turchin is at it again:

  32. Meh. This comes from the insanely pro-Amnesty WAPO.

    The mainstream media is often guilty of wishful thinking.

    I'm not saying ignore it. But I'm taking it with a grain of salt at this point.

  33. (Reuters) - Hundreds of U.S. immigration agents raided the Koch Foods Inc. chicken plant in Fairfield, Ohio, and arrested more than 160 employees as part of a criminal operation against illegal immigrants, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said on Tuesday.

    I don't want to downplay a good thing, but this is the equivalent of damning with faint praise. If it takes 300 agents and two years to nab 160 criminals who were operating in plain sight, someone's not trying very hard.

    It's not complicated; if a place is slaughtering animals or milking cows or picking fruit and vegetables or assembling clothing on a large scale, it probably hires illegals. It's not rare. Just ask around: I know that a hog farm 10 miles from my place hires illegals; a banker who worked with them told me so. In some industries, nearly everyone hires illegals; it's just the way it's done. Granted, the cops need some evidence to kick down the door, but when they know a crime is being committed, they usually don't have much trouble coming up with some.

    So drive around the neighborhood undercover in a construction truck in the early morning until you spot some mestizo-looking guys hanging around on a corner, offer them $100 bucks for the day, drive them several miles away, bust them, offer them $500 to snitch on the last place they worked, and go bust that. Or send some mestizo cops undercover to go hang out on the corner until they get hired, and go bust that place.

    They could be busting illegals and their employers every day of the week, multiple busts per day all across the country, if they wanted to. If the cops heard someone was operating a meth lab in the area, and they knew that meth dealers always bought their supplies at Home Depot first thing in the morning, you can bet it wouldn't take them two years to get a bust out of it.

  34. Aye, laddie! Should have known it wasn't the Frankfurt School imposing Cultural Marxism, it was iPhoned schoolgirls themselves!

    It just never gets auld, does it?

  35. Sgt. Joe Friday9/23/13, 5:41 PM

    "The GOP hasn't been an advocate of the interests of the American people since Teddy Roosevelt, if not earlier."

    Oh, I dunno. Eisenhower was pretty sound on immigration, I think.

  36. Oh, I dunno. Eisenhower was pretty sound on immigration,
    I think.
    I think Ike is not like by the rank and file because marginal tax rates were high in the 1950's. Republicans like Reagan of course since he lowered those marginal tax rates even if he legalized millions while Ike booted them out is not like since marginal tax rates were high.

  37. I saw a chart of immigration and Mexicans were about 3rd in 1970 but jumped to first by 1980 and this wasn't all the illegal immigration.

  38. I saw a chart of immigration and Mexicans were about 3rd in 1970 but jumped to first by 1980 and this wasn't all the illegal immigration.

    It's worse than that. Most people were brought up to think of immigrants as mainly Germans, Italians and Irish. Those are, or were, the big three. In 400 years, from Jamestown in 1607 until today, about 7 million Germans, 5 million Italians and 4.5 million Irish immigrated here. That's about 17 million COMBINED over 400 years.

    In just the past 35 to 40 years, about 17 million Mexicans have come to the USA! Get that? As many Mexicans have come to the USA in just the past 40 years as ALL THE GERMANS, ITALIANS AND IRISH COMBINED OVER 400 YEARS.

    That's crazy especially when one considers that Mexico is a New World nation. To me that is the most frustrating part of current immigration. The vast majority of today's demographic changing immigration is from the New World. The New World is supposed to be where new nations flourish.

    If Latins have messed up their part of the New World so much in just two hundred years, do we really want them coming here in such huge numbers?

  39. It's not complicated; if a place is slaughtering animals or milking cows or picking fruit and vegetables or assembling clothing on a large scale, it probably hires illegals.

    You think? Every public construction job in Texas is done by illegals in plain sight of millions of motorists passing by every day, so it's a pretty damn safe bet that sociopaths in your neck of the woods also hire illegals to do jobs that the public doesn't know about.

  40. Black Death wrote:

    Even the Republicans aren't stupid enough to pass a bill like this in an election year

    The Reagan amnesty was passed by Congress less than a month before the Congressional elections of that year (in which the Republicans got clobbered).

    Dubya Bush pushed his amnesty proposal in 2004, his reelection year, and 2006, a Congressional election. McCain talked about it in his presidential campaign.

  41. Anonymous 10:49 wrote:

    The GOP hasn't been an advocate of the interests of the American people since Teddy Roosevelt, if not earlier

    Harding. Coolidge. Lot of Republicans in the America First committee. Eisenhower.

  42. You think? Every public construction job in Texas is done by illegals in plain sight of millions of motorists passing by every day, so it's a pretty damn safe bet that sociopaths in your neck of the woods also hire illegals to do jobs that the public doesn't know about.
    Well, research on construction jobs in Texas shows about 60 percent of them are Hispanic. Maybe, not road construction but Houston is known to hire illegal immigrants on construction of high rises. Also, Texas is second to California in total number of illegal immigrants, something that Republican Texans don't want to be reminded.

  43. Ben,

    I didn't mean that illegals are only found in the industries I mentioned; just that if the authorities want to enforce the law, those would be an easy place to start. As you say, construction could also be on that list. In my area, apparently most of the drywall work is done by illegals.

    Whatever the exact list, there's plenty of low-hanging fruit out there before they would need to go after anyone sneaky enough to require a 2-year sting.

  44. Reagan and Bush Debate Illegal Immigration
    Via my colleague Doug’s Twitter Feed, this is unbelievable Outside the Beltway a video on George H Bush and Ronald Reagan supported legalization process back in 1980 during a debate. A young man asked you we be education the children of illegal immigrants in Houston in 1980. So, Ed Meese might have lied a little to save Reagan reputation.

  45. "Off topic: Business Insider reports that a transgendered girl (?) was homecoming queen in Los Angeles"

    oh, i bet the homecoming king just loved that.

  46. "The UK government have cancelled the next census, no prizes for guessing why."
    Unlike the US census, the British census is pretty useful for breaking down races and ethnicities. You got separate categories for White British, White Irish, White other, Asian (Pakistan), Asian (Bangladesh),Mixed race (W+African) Miexed race (Asian+ African (Caribbean) etc. Look it up inthe wikipedia.
    I gather the first category, White (British) is dwindling faster than projected in the media. So they´d rather not make it public.

  47. This is not "the Frankfurt School" (the explanation the late Andrew Breitbart offered) or the variant "the Jews" others offer but three critical factors.

    1. Modern technology alienates and destroys like acid ordinary feelings of nationalism and group unity, and does it on Whites who use it the most the most severely (Derbyshire noted that his daughters pals from coastal China also exhibit PC/multiculturalism).

    It's just hand-waving until you explain how and why technology alienates and destroys feelings of nationalism and group unity in the west, but seems to have no effect on Japanese nationalism and group unity, at least, not in the context of immigration.

    On it's face, this idea makes little sense. E.g., here:

    Peter Turchin explains War! What is it good for?

    Technology is what helped make nationalism possible.

    2. Modern technology amplifies young and youngish women's desires to move leftward for status marker reasons and disdain their co-ethnic males as unworthy because they are generally status-equal.

    This makes no sense. Who's making the "other" status-superior? I know the Frankfurt School's got this one as the top of their totem, and the media has the Frankfurt School Cliff's Notes in lieu of company manuals, so it makes sense to me. But you've ruled that one out, so it doesn't fit your theory at all.

    This is just common sense; in high-tech societies, people from low-tech societies should be inherently L-O-W-E-R status, not higher.

    3. Technology provides a huge apparent but not real "safety margin" and so society looks like it can take any shock or stress or when the reality is that it is more fragile. Hence no threat mass immigration.

    Nah. Media does that. The media (and by extension, the Frankfurt School) is the nervous system of nations, and it's controlled by a hostile elite. That's why they talk about meaningless crap all day and ignore, say, immivasion.

    4. As you noted, Elites face no external threat from other elites forcing unity between masses and elites; instead their threat is internal and class-oriented hence "real enemy" is White middle class people.

    White "gentiles," yes.

    And, to tie it all together, P.S: the Frankfurt School was like 90%+ Jewish.

    In short, yes, the case that it's (partly*) the Jews and the Frankfurt School is well-made, and no, your case against the Jews + Frankfurt School theory isn't well-made, and no, your alternative explanation doesn't make any sense.

    (* necessary, but not sufficient, works for me)

    The irony is, nobody's forcing you to absolve the Frankfurt School and the Jews of any and all responsibility with your hare-brained explanations, thus dragging me into the discussion to punch your Hasbara full of holes. Which kinda makes ironic the fact that the only people you carry water for are the Frankfurt School and the Jews.

    P.P.S: I've figured out a way to save you time. Just condense all your arguments to "it's just the inevitable tides of history and society, nothing can be done." Because that's what all your stuff boils down to: "nothing can be done, it's inevitable, it's just the nature of the universe." It's the eternal refrain of the social malefactor.

  48. They could be busting illegals and their employers every day of the week, multiple busts per day all across the country, if they wanted to. If the cops heard someone was operating a meth lab in the area, and they knew that meth dealers always bought their supplies at Home Depot first thing in the morning, you can bet it wouldn't take them two years to get a bust out of it.

    The real key would be to simply change the rules and institute draconian, going-out-of-business type fines for employers of criminal infiltrators. That would dry up the swamp with the current level of enforcement. Businessmen generally don't play the bankruptcy lotto. Throw in a viable E-Verify and cut off bennies for criminal infiltrators and call it a day. The beauty is, criminal infiltrators would simply become unemployable and self-deport. No crybaby gaming from the media over deportations.

    There'd be fewer man-hours, lower costs, and far better results.

    P.S., I'd like to thank the Associated Press for the term, "criminal infiltrator." I was using "illegal infiltrator" like the Jewish politicians and press do in Israel, but the AP pointed out in their style guide that no one is illegal. They're right, the proper word is "criminal." Thanks AP!

  49. "The UK government have cancelled the next census, no prizes for guessing why."

    They haven't cancelled it (the next isn't until 2021), but they're discussing doing so and replacing it with an "annual survey." How in hell can you count the total population without an actual enumeration?

    The 2011 census found half-a-million more people living on that tiny island than estimates had projected. That Labour would want to hide the results of their immivasion policies is perfectly understandable. Why Tories would want to do so, unless they're on board with the Labour policies, is not.

    Frankly at this point I'm hopeful the House GOP will hold the line on amnesty. A more charitable interpretation of their actions is that they're running out the clock, talking about doing something 'sometime in the near future,' which is always a month or more away. Remember when it was going to happen in September?

    They've got budget fights and other matters ahead of them, and that takes up most of the rest of the year. Then we're in an election year, with primaries rapidly approaching. While the Senate might do so (as they did in 2006), the House, with 100% of members up for re-election, probably won't pass an amnesty in an even-numbered year.

    My bigger fear is that they'll try to pass something in the lame duck session, when several amnesty supporters (Landrieu, Pryor, Graham, etc.) may be winding up the last few days of their political careers. Why we haven't amended the Constitution to eliminate lame duck congressional sessions and lame duck pardons is beyond me.

  50. "Off topic: Business Insider reports that a transgendered girl (?) was homecoming queen in Los Angeles"

    oh, i bet the homecoming king just loved that.
    9/23/13, 11:56 PM
    Actually she was in a school in Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach is more libertarian than traditional conservative except with some white nationalists gangs. Huntington Beach voted against prop 8 but voted for McCain in 2008.

  51. When you point out that the Koch brothers support the gang of 7 bill you are called a liberal Troll. This is a problem with a lot of the Tea Party that opposes illegal immigration but supports anyone that is criticized by the left. The Koch brothers had a meeting about 3 months ago to support a legalization process. In fact, the brothers are so influential in the Republican Party that they invited Cruz, Perry and so forth to several secret meetings and they are about the 3rd richest people in the US.

  52. @Anonymous 9/23/13 1:01 pm,

    "Barone...frequent guest on right-wing talk radio..."

    Michael Medved,neocon talking head,Loves Barone.

  53. “We want to do immigration reform right,” - Roll back the 1965 immigration law and secure the border in that case.

  54. The strategy of the Republicans in the late 1960's wasn't so much a Southern strategy but a sunbelt strategy. Paul Johnson mention the growing economic power of some of the southern states like North Carolina, Florida, Texas and sunbelt states like Arizona, Nevada and California in the 1960's. Whites had left the Midwest and Northeast to come to these states while blacks had left the south to the north making an economic gain in the sunbelt. Probably in 1970 California might have had the highest income in the US not the northeast states like it is today. In my opinion Ronald Reagan who like the growers instead of Ceser Chavez because Chavez was a leftist and Reagan was pro-business might caused the major turning point since he turned a blind eye to them bringing in illegal immigrants for farm work. Mexican immigration to Los Angeles seems to have tripled during the decade of the 1970's. La was about 12 percent Mexican in 1970 and about 28 percent Mexican and some Central American by 1980.


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