September 26, 2013

New horizon in Chinese birth tourism: surrogacy

Via Marginal Revolution, the story of how Chinese families have taken birth tourism to a new level: don't even bother holing up in America for a month or two have your baby on American soil, just pay to have it implanted in a woman in America. 

The family still gets all eight anchor baby benefits outlined in this ad for old-fashioned Chinese birth tourism, without the inconvenience of even coming to America.


  1. The joke is on them. They're on the hook now. Lol. It might make good sense for poor Hispanics, but rich Chinese? With so many wealthy countries in the world, why choose the US?

    1) largest unpayable debt in the history of the world, with a soon to collapse currency.
    2) taxes its citizens on worldwide income.
    3) imposes severe financial burdens to renounce citizenship.
    4) most powerful and long armed tax collecting agency.

    They would have been much better off in Australia or Canada.

  2. All too often we here of how ideologically extreme the Republican Party has gotten, and how that has caused the gap to grow so wide between the two parties that it's all but impossible for them to work together.

    Well. All on its own, our immigration mess has pretty much proven than it's the Democrats and the Left who have turned into ideological fanatics. Five decades ago most elected Democrats (minus the Kennedys) would have seen 400-500 thousand anchor babies per year as a problem needing to be solved. Nowadays, though, every issue is lost in the topic of race. If enforcing the law, no matter how much sense it makes, hurts members of a non-white race, then it cannot be done.

    The Left is absolutely bent on the destruction of the white majority in this country. The Democratic Party ceased being the party of the working class long, long ago. They're more interested in the concerns of black welfare queens and Jewish hedge fund managers than middle class white guys who go to work at boring jobs and bother to spend time playing catch with their sons.

  3. ...but rich Chinese?

    This looks like a striving Chinese option to cast their "regressed to the mean" relatives on other shores. Australia and Canada still limit the franchise.

    I wonder which ethnic group will eventually grasp the levers of federal political power and end the anchor baby deal? Except for theirs and their posterity, of course.

  4. Charles Darwin had, (to misuse a phrase), "an ordinate fondness for beetles". In his boyhood, Darwin was an avid beetle collector, (believe it or not it was a popular early 19th century boys' hobby), collecting all manner of species from the English countryside. This helped to spark his fascination for the natural world.
    It was Darwin's fascination with the natural worl that turned right of religion and any belief in 'god'. He always said it was the fact of the ichneumon wasp that turned him nto an athiest. For those of you who don't know ichneimon wasps, (there are many species), nourish their young by injecting their eggs into the living bodies of caterpillars. The caterpillars are kept alive but immobile by the application of a paralysing toxin, thus ensuring fresh meat for the ichneumon grubs, which proceed to eat the caterpillar alive, from the inside, until emerging fully formed from the empty, dry husk of the caterpillar.

  5. That only applies to poor people, the rich have it pretty good in the USA, Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Most of the chinese doing this are probably part of the 1%, surrogacy costs like 100,000+.

  6. Chinese are involved in those countries Australia and Canada. US you pay the least taxes if you are rich. The only two countries tax you more, unless you are a corporation. Australia and Canada are more like Germany than the US. So, why not come to the US where you get a tax break with a lot of money. US rate is only 36, and Australia and Canada tax you over 40.

  7. In fact the Chinese like coming to California since they have a lot of relatives they are cheaper tax states, some go to Texas but they also go to New York which really has the highest taxes in individuals since it taxes both income and property high.

  8. Clever, no? How well do you suppose these future immigrants will assimilate?

  9. They're on the hook now. Lol. It might make good sense for poor Hispanics, but rich Chinese?

    You have no idea how rich they are.

  10. Over the last decade, Asian-Americans have become increasingly high-profile in Irvine. A Vietnamese-American woman heads the Chamber of Commerce. Last year, the city elected its second Korean-American mayor.

    As Asia's economy expands, more wealthy people from abroad are moving directly to Irvine — cash in hand.

    "They're more looking at it as buying a place where the kid moves into it and goes to school over here and goes to college," said Emile Haddad, President and CEO of FivePoint Communities, a developer in Irvine. "Then the parents come and visit, and they have a place in the United States."

    Haddad said these international buyers are inspiring new home designs. Open floor plans and large kitchen islands are popular for all kinds of homebuyers — but especially important to the Chinese design philosophy of feng shui.
    Asians like it because its a pretty plan suburban town. Some American whites dislike Irvine because its so plan that the housing colors are almost all the same colors. HOA dominate Irvine a lot.

  11. Observing from the Sidelines9/26/13, 8:52 AM

    Hm, I thought China was going to be the new world superpower and trendsetter, and we would all want to live there. Not for a while I guess.

  12. OT

    Greenville Wal-Mart Shooter Picked Victims By Race

    Wow, despite the up-ratcheted gun control rhetoric and the media's seeming obsession with making a national issue out of every mass shooting since Sandy Hook, this is the first I've heard of this one. That tells us who our shooter was, and who he targeted, from the headline alone.

    A man who shot four people near a Greenville Wal-Mart in June picked out his victims because they were white, according to several indictments handed down against him.


    Faust, who is black, picked out his victims based on their race, according to the indictments. The documents didn’t specify why Faust wanted to shoot white people, and police have not talked about why he picked out his targets.

  13. "largest unpayable debt in the history of the world, with a soon to collapse currency."

    Uh, not exactly. We should stop using this misleading and obsolete term "Federal debt," and instead call it something like "Federal mirror assets," because Federal deficits approximately equal additions to private savings, especially in pension and retirement accounts. Look up the literature on Modern Monetary Theory to show how Federal mirror assets really work.

  14. This goes to show how many Chinese apply some thought to family formation, instead of just letting it happen haphazardly the way Latinos, blacks and many lower grades white do. I bet these families also stockpile money for their new children starting well in advance.

  15. A six figure medical bill that your parents have to pay is a better screen than anything we have now.

  16. ... just pay to have it implanted in a woman in America.

    Egad! Does the diabolical fiendishness of the Eastern mind know any bounds!

  17. I wonder if there is any epigenetic(?) effect when using surrogate mothers, doubly so in the event of a transracial surrogacy.

  18. "I wonder if there is any epigenetic(?) effect when using surrogate mothers, doubly so in the event of a transracial surrogacy."

    this isn't epigenetic but my sister is a doctor and she says it is a known but rarely broached fact that mixed race babies cause complications in childbirth due to racial differences in the shapes and sizes of skulls and pelvises. I suppose that doctors in this country love c-sections enough that they needn't even mention this to parents.

    but race is a social construct, so why mention potentially cataclysmic problems during childbirth? we don't want to confuse or alarm the poor ignorant folk with talk about anatomy...

  19. Well. All on its own, our immigration mess has pretty much proven than it's the Democrats and the Left who have turned into ideological fanatics. Five decades ago most elected Democrats (minus the Kennedys) would have seen 400-500 thousand anchor babies per year as a problem needing to be solved. Nowadays, though, every issue is lost in the topic of race. If enforcing the law, no matter how much sense it makes, hurts members of a non-white race, then it cannot be done.
    You mean Reagan and Bush didn't have a negative effect. Personality, the Democrats are stupid to think that lots of people is a good thing but the Republicans have been greedy to have every Hispanic or Asian here for labor or to make money. Why some here don't think about how the right has betrayed them time and time again and only goes against the amnesty because their based doesn't like it I don't know why. I say to hell with the Republicans more for wanting to bring in 3 million guest workers every 10 years like Ted Cruz. Cruz will make the country more Chinese and Indian than even Obama.

  20. This "anchor-baby" citizenship nonsense has to be brought to an end.

  21. "You mean Reagan and Bush didn't have a negative effect. Personality, the Democrats are stupid to think that lots of people is a good thing but the Republicans have been greedy"

    Few people doubt the dishonesty corruption of the GOP establishment WRT immigration, but the Dems are the limiting factor: Republicans always have to be to their right on the issue, but the Dems have made that all too easy. You can't get to the Left of completely open borders.

  22. "Republicans have been greedy to have every Hispanic or Asian here for labor or to make money."

    Yes, we're lucky you happened along to educate us. No one here had any idea that Republicans have been bad on mass immigration for decades. It's not like we regularly discuss Republican traitors like McCain or Reagan's 1986 amnesty. We owe you a great debt of gratitude for opening our naive eyes. Thank you.

  23. Egad! Does the diabolical fiendishness of the Eastern mind know any bounds!

    Meh, they're responding to incentives. If anything is boundless here, it's our own stupidity and shortsightedness as a people.

  24. "this isn't epigenetic but my sister is a doctor and she says it is a known but rarely broached fact that mixed race babies cause complications in childbirth due to racial differences in the shapes and sizes of skulls and pelvises. I suppose that doctors in this country love c-sections enough that they needn't even mention this to parents.

    but race is a social construct, so why mention potentially cataclysmic problems during childbirth? we don't want to confuse or alarm the poor ignorant folk with talk about anatomy..."

    absolutely fascinating... Doubly so given the large head sizes of asian people.

  25. "Paul Mendez said...
    ... just pay to have it implanted in a woman in America.

    Egad! Does the diabolical fiendishness of the Eastern mind know any bounds!"

    Thanks for the compliment ;)

  26. "this isn't epigenetic but my sister is a doctor and she says it is a known but rarely broached fact that mixed race babies cause complications in childbirth due to racial differences in the shapes and sizes of skulls and pelvises. I suppose that doctors in this country love c-sections enough that they needn't even mention this to parents."this isn't epigenetic but my sister is a doctor and she says it is a known but rarely broached fact that mixed race babies cause complications in childbirth due to racial differences in the shapes and sizes of skulls and pelvises. I suppose that doctors in this country love c-sections enough that they needn't even mention this to parents."

    Don't know where you are getting this from. I'm one of three mixed (Asian/white) sons, and our mother had no such complications with any of us. And all three of us had children with Caucasian women, and none of those birth (five in total) had complications or defects. So that's a sample size of eight with none of the issues you mention.

  27. "This looks like a striving Chinese option to cast their "regressed to the mean" relatives on other shores. Australia and Canada still limit the franchise."

    You're pretty stupid are you?

    Have you read the article? They specficially want people with Ivy league degrees, often Asians and in some cases white Ivy grads.

    Also, they don't 'cast off' relatives, they purposefully plant offspring in America in order to, at some future date, move to America with the whole family.

    I'm stunned at the level of poor reading comprehension some people have.

  28. Ex Submarine Officer9/27/13, 12:29 AM

    "this isn't epigenetic but my sister is a doctor and she says it is a known but rarely broached fact that mixed race babies cause complications in childbirth due to racial differences in the shapes and sizes of skulls and pelvises. I suppose that doctors in this country love c-sections enough that they needn't even mention this to parents."

    Some decades back, maybe the 80's, when the U.S. was less diverse, military hospitals had rates of C-sections far beyond the civilian sector.

    I remember it being attributed to the relatively large incidence of marriages between white/black male military members and their relatively petite east asian, filipino, etc, wives.

    If I weren't lazy, I'd provide a footnote, but I already know this (the once hi rate of military c-sections and the reason(s) attributed to it at the time) is true and google works as well for you as it does for me.

  29. That only applies to poor people, the rich have it pretty good in the USA, Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. Most of the chinese doing this are probably part of the 1%, surrogacy costs like 100,000+.

    You're analyzing a frame, when I'm predicting how the movie ends.

    We should stop using this misleading and obsolete term "Federal debt," and instead call it something like "Federal mirror assets," because Federal deficits approximately equal additions to private savings, especially in pension and retirement accounts

    Cute graph. But, there are no detailed description of any of its components. Is it just assets or equity? Also, that theory was first conceived before mass personal debt was ever an issue. I could go on and mention foreign ownership of much of the "mirror assets", but I'll stop with "I see many flaws with MMT."

    How do you think "this" will eventually end? "This" being Gov's addiction to "mirrored assets" and assets held by the Fed and foreign treasury holdings?

  30. The joke is on them. They're on the hook now. Lol. It might make good sense for poor Hispanics, but rich Chinese? With so many wealthy countries in the world, why choose the US?

    1) largest unpayable debt in the history of the world, with a soon to collapse currency.
    2) taxes its citizens on worldwide income.
    3) imposes severe financial burdens to renounce citizenship.
    4) most powerful and long armed tax collecting agency.

    They would have been much better off in Australia or Canada.

    BINGO. My thoughts exactly. I think tax evasion will become rampant as America descends into the fiscal nightmare that will soon unfold. The IRS will find it hard to enforce the tax code in some Chinese or Indian city where a rich Chinese or Indian is holed up and refuses to pay US taxes.

    Among Indians, the more wealthy Indians have stopped applying for US passports after they get their green cards. There is a noticeable shift in perception about the US among the wealthy.

  31. "You mean Reagan and Bush didn't have a negative effect. Personality, the Democrats are stupid to think that lots of people is a good thing but the Republicans have been greedy"

    Few people doubt the dishonesty corruption of the GOP establishment WRT immigration, but the Dems are the limiting factor: Republicans always have to be to their right on the issue, but the Dems have made that all too easy. You can't get to the Left of open borders..
    However, the right is actually worst you can not get to the right of cheap labor. Cheap labor not the Dems being nice to illegal immirgants has fuel the job magnet. In fact I would say that Republicans are not that much better on border security. They voice it but does Texas have a strong border. In fact the situation in El Paso could have been avoided if George W Bush when he was governor pushed for El Paso being close off more like the San Diego Sector was. Also, the man had 8 years as president and he had Republican Majorities and could have close the border more instead of doing tax cuts for rich people and getting into foreign wars. He could have developed a strong ID system to have cut the hiring of illegal immirgants. Instead in 2001 they captured 1.6 million Mexicans while in 2012 under Obama who is bad on the issue as well the Mexicans went down to 280,000 that they captured trying to get across.

  32. "Don't know where you are getting this from. I'm one of three mixed (Asian/white) sons, and our mother had no such complications with any of us. And all three of us had children with Caucasian women, and none of those birth (five in total) had complications or defects. So that's a sample size of eight with none of the issues you mention."

    my sentence was poorly worded. i didnt mean that mixed race pregnancies always lead to problematic deliveries; i meant that it can be a factor.

    it would be nice for families like yours to have better access to this kind of data:

    "Method and Sample: A retrospective, secondary data analysis of selected variables extracted from Texas Department of Health birth certificate records for the three-year period from 1999 through 2001. The study sample was derived from all births occurring in Texas (n=1,091,237) during the three-year study period.

    Findings: Cesarean birth occurred more frequently amongst mixed-ethnicity partners than parents of the same racial or ethnic background. When both biologic parents are from the same racial group, the rate of operative birth is 14 to 17%. Various combinations of ethnicities result in cesarean-section rates from 0 to 100 %. White and Black races are usually not differentiated by ethnicity or country of ancestry. Subgroups of the Asian population, however, are specified on Texas birth certificate records and statistically significant differences can be observed in cesarean delivery rates for parents from different ethnic backgrounds."

    i dont see if/where she has published the numbers from her research.

    fwiw my sister's example was black mother (narrow pelvis) with asian baby (large head). i wonder if that's the 100% (!) c-section.

    rest assured doctors are thinking about this, whether they tell you or not. i just think they should be telling their patients about possibly important factors.

  33. The IRS will find it hard to enforce the tax code in some Chinese or Indian city where a rich Chinese or Indian is holed up and refuses to pay US taxes.

    I kind of disagree with you. From what I've read, the primary driver for elite Chinese emigration is to "get their money out and attain a second passport" before the politico-economic climate in China changes. If that is true, I can't see the Chinese government being overly sympathetic to these emigres. In fact, it seems likely that they would cooperate with the IRS in order to bring their own tax evasion charges against the emigres. The IRS might have to wait in line. The Treasury could alo say, "If you don't help us find these tax evaders, we can't pay down our debt to you. Thank you for your cooperation."

    OT, but one thing that doesn't get enough attention is the temperamental difference between the northern and southern Han Chinese. Northern Han (assimilated northern Asian tribes) are the East Asians we're more accustomed to ie. most of your engineers, Taiwanese, etc. Southern Han (true coastal Han) are your hyper savvy commerce types ie. Bamboo Network, Hong Kong, Singapore types. Prior to 1990, most post-1965 immigration were northern Han. But that's completely changed now. I wonder if people notice a difference?

  34. ""largest unpayable debt in the history of the world, with a soon to collapse currency."

    Uh, not exactly. We should stop using this misleading and obsolete term "Federal debt," and instead call it something like "Federal mirror assets," because Federal deficits approximately equal additions to private savings, especially in pension and retirement accounts. Look up the literature on Modern Monetary Theory to show how Federal mirror assets really work."

    -Well, that's probably the liberal way of accounting for it anyway.

    Why worry? There's plenty of money in peoples' personal retirement accounts and homes that they have been grinding away for their entire adult lives to scrape together, so there's some money we could blow on building a $10,000,000,000 building in LA that we can pretend will allow us to better educate poor minority students, or use it to leverage another few Trillion more $ from the Chinese.

  35. I work with Mainland Chinese who have come to the US. They have absolutely no political loyalty to China, do not think about China politically and all want to stay in the US. This is not to say that they are loyal Americans or even Americans at all; they have no thoughts towards the US politically, they just like living here better. If not here, they will go to Canada or Ireland or Australia or the UK. They freely speak about it. But for whatever reason, the US is their first choice. They don't care about citizenship, they care about a green card. They are productive intelligent, law abiding, people. I don't know how it will all turn out in the end, having citizenship or rights live so divorced from political or national loyalty. Of course their children, if they manage to stay here, may be more Americanized but it is impossible to know.


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