September 11, 2013

The black wife advantage

The New York City Democratic mayoral primary was won by Bill de Blasio, a very tall liberal white guy with a black wife. Second place was Bill Thompson, a moderate, uncharismatic Tom Bradley-like black pol who was jobbed out of getting elected mayor in 2009 when the term limit rules were changed to allow billionaire Michael Bloomberg to run for a third term. Despite near-universal prestige press enthusiasm for Bloomberg, Thompson still almost pulled off an upset. I thought it would be fair if Thompson won to make up for 2009 but few in New York seemed to care.

Jonathan Capehart, a black Washington Post columnist, writes:
After a piece last month about a second poll showing Bill de Blasio was not a one-poll wonder, a New York political operative close to the New York City public advocate e-mailed me with a prediction. De Blasio has “staying power.” When I asked whether it was possible for his candidate to snatch the black vote from the only African American in the race, the answer was succinct. “Yup. I do. Particularly amongst black women,” he replied. He was right on both counts. 
De Blasio won just about every demographic. You name it, he won it. ...
But let’s focus on African Americans. Former city comptroller Bill Thompson was the only African American in the race. He and de Blasio tied for the black vote with 42 percent each. Now, let’s take a deeper dive. Thompson beat de Blasio among black men, 49 percent to 36 percent. As predicted, De Blasio won black women, 47 percent to 37 percent. But here’s the kicker: While black men were 12 percent of voters, black women made up 17 percent. 
... But when it comes to Thompson and the black vote, I believe there was something else at work. As we all know, de Blasio’s wife Chirlane is African American. But my unscientific and generalized analysis after more than four decades of observation says that a white male public person with a black wife or girlfriend gets major approval from African Americans in general and black women in particular. It’s the most tangible sign that “they” all don’t hate us and that some of “them” not only understand us but also know us. 

That last sentence is kind of boring and out of date and detracts from the better parts before . A more contemporary analysis is that black women like having the sexiness of black women publicly affirmed by examples of successful men, black or white, marrying them. Black women tend to have a high opinion of their own attractiveness, and are not pleased by evidence that this opinion is not universally shared.

Thus, Obama had to dump the Australian ambassador's daughter in New York and then the white anthropology grad student in Chicago and marry Michelle to have a political career among black women voters.

O.J. Simpson was seduced by a conniving white woman, but he finally saw the light, which the numerous black women on his jury just couldn't seem to hold against this prodigal son.

This may also shed light on New Jersey senatorial candidate Cory Booker's dilemma. Little is known about the ex-Stanford tight end's private life, which leads to the widespread assumption that he's gay. A less common rumor, however, claims that he has a white girlfriend in Brooklyn. I have no idea what's true about Booker, but you can see the problem the latter would pose for an ambitious black male politician. Unlike Obama, who didn't impress many people with his Presidential potential (or even his leadership skills in general), until he got to Harvard Law School at 27, people have been kind of thinking of Booker as a future President since he was elected student body president at Stanford.

By the way, as we all know, the worst thing in the world is to attempt to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality, except that liberal paladin de Blasio converted the ex-lesbian Mrs. de Blasio.


  1. It takes a special kind of mediocrity to be more boring and worthless than Eugene Robinson, but Capehart rises to the challenge!

  2. Sharp as always.

    Steve, please make your Obama book available as an e-Book for $3 or so. Thousands of people would pick it up. Googling shows how easy it is to set up.

    You want $15.76 for a hardback? Not gonna get nearly as many takers nowadays.


  3. I have a high opinion of the sexiness of a whole lot of black women that I've met, and I've met a lot in my work as a church organist.

    I don't have a high opinion of the quick resort to violence common to black women when they don't get their way.

    White women are no longer worth the time, because they have no desire to be a pleasing companion.

    So, Asian women win by a long shot. They are trained to be pleasing companions, and seem to actually enjoy same, and are generally minus the quick resort to violence when they don't get their way.

  4. Come come now.

    A question not being noticed much less asked: Are blacks as a whole that prominent in NYC? In other words which demographic is larger, blacks or Jews? Blacks or Italians? Blacks or Whites in General? Especially among city voters.

    I always thought that NYC was the one large East Coast city where blacks are not the majority demographic much less the 2nd largest demographic.

    What's left unsaid (as well as unwritten) is why didn't the New York Jewish voters turn out en masse and support "favorite tribe son" Weiner?

    The reasons are obvious so they went with the LaGuardia Guiliani type. In other words, one of NYC's traditionally largest (especially among NYC voters) tended to support the white candidate as well (perhaps memories of David Dinkins still loom large) whereas an Italian mayor may govern a la Guiliani and continue the policies that have made NYC safe and secure (continuation of stop and frisk, etc)

    So what's not quite being written or said is: How did the JEWS vote in the primary? It's unlikely they voted for the Italian cause of the black wife. But, for practical reasons, Guiliani type, stop/frisk, safe NY as always, lets continue the good gentrification policies etc.

    The black wife stuff (considering how few actually are married these days) are for yokel prole consumption.

  5. Shouting Thomas said...
    I have a high opinion of the sexiness of a whole lot of black women that I've met, and I've met a lot in my work as a church organist.

    Oh whatever! Question: When going to the promised land, do you want an Edsel or a Rolls? Do you want to break down along the way with the ride being bumped, bruised, and broken down? Or do you want an exceptional, amazing, spectacular, one of a kind and smooth ride that will get you there on time?

    Go for the rolls. Take the ride that all ethnics want whether admitted or now....Girls who are white always win.

  6. Booker's other problem is that he's spent a long time with some measure of responsibility for a city with intractable problems (elected to the city council in 1998, and elected mayor in 2006). The best timing there would have been to serve 1 term as mayor during a national economic boom, so you can take credit for some positive local economic trends and then get out of dodge before they revert to the depressing local means.

    Booker actually tried to do that, running for mayor unsuccessfully in 2002. Had he done that, he could have gotten Corzine to appoint him to finish out his Senate term (instead of Menendez) when Corzine got elected governor, Booker would have easily won a full term in the '06 wave. Then Newark's problems would have been less of an anchor on his resume.

  7. I know BdB's right hand, and she told me that this was the only thing that bumped up his numbers in polling, more than any issue. Same thing when I worked on his PA campaign in '09.

  8. Charles Barron, black nationalist "elected activist" from Brooklyn, hates Bill for this reason. We got plenty of "ain't voting for no white man" from the men at the doors.

  9. Of course Marat probally thinks white women are too prone to violence when they don't get their way.

  10. So de Blasio is the Michael Fassbender of New York City politics?

  11. A more contemporary analysis is that black women like having the sexiness of black women publicly affirmed by examples of successful men, black or white marrying them.

    No doubt, and maybe they were embarrassed by her until Bill came along.

  12. This is interesting in light of the Pew data suggesting that the majority of IR black children born in wedlock are born to black mothers and white fathers.

    The breakdown is 60% two black married parents, 25% black mom, white dad and 15% white mom, black dad for the 25-30% of black children born to married parents.

    Definitely a trend towards a mulatto elite, as 40% of 30% is...a talented Tenth part.

  13. Little is known about the ex-Stanford tight end's private life, which leads to the widespread assumption that he's gay.

    Heh. I see what you did there.

  14. I'm not sure. In NY people vote based on last names. DeBlasio ends in a vowel.

    For an amusing and bizarre bit of NY electoral manuvering. A black guy was seeking the Republican nomination, to run against DeBlasio. He apparently asked one Dan Halloran for assistance. Dan Halloran got elected due to his Irish Catholic last name, he is actually a Nordic pagan. Anyways, somehow the feds got wind of this, Edward Snowden might know how, and there was a corruption investigation. My guess is he got on the FBI S-list because a Nordic Pagan is to New Yorkers kind of neo nazish and that pissed off a lot of people.

  15. Harry Baldwin9/11/13, 3:32 PM

    If only Weiner had been tweeting crotch-shots to Rachel Jeantel, he could have been a contender.

  16. For what it's worth, based solely on my own personal observations, the prevalence of white male/black female couples is WAY higher in the Pacific Northwest. Basically despite living there for about only 1/2 as long as other regions of the country, I saw 5x the number of white M/black F couples as anywhere else. Some seemed young (and happy enough) that I assumed they were still dating, but mostly it was actually middle-aged married couples with 2-3 kids (based on skin color it was certain they belonged to the white husband).

    What was interesting is how very normal they seemed. That tired, dull look in their eyes I recognized as just the normal exhaustion and worry of being middle-class parents working and trying to raise their kids right. All very re-reassuringly normal.

    Not sure why the prevalence in that region of the country. Maybe the overall small black population size, combined with the fact lots of people work in the military or resource extraction industries, which are a bit more level than, say, Wall Street or Silicon Valley.

  17. Harry Baldwin9/11/13, 3:34 PM

    "Black women tend to have a high opinion of their own attractiveness, and are not pleased by evidence that this opinion is not universally shared."

    That single sentence explains a lot.

  18. Anonymous wrote:

    "This is interesting in light of the Pew data suggesting that the majority of IR black children born in wedlock are born to black mothers and white fathers.

    The breakdown is 60% two black married parents, 25% black mom, white dad and 15% white mom, black dad for the 25-30% of black children born to married parents."

    Where did that figure come from? It sure doesn't seem to match my daily experiences.

    I live in the South and virtually all the interracial couples I see are black man/white woman. I've seen the converse but very, very rarely.

    Do they not feel welcome anywhere or something?

    I've also been in other parts of the country, and the same pattern seems to hold to my eye, at least.

    So where are all these white man/black woman marriages?

    You say 25 to 30% of black children are born in wedlock, and of that 25 to 30%, 25% or 1/4 are born to white man/black woman marriages.

    Maybe it's true, but that is one invisible subgroup if it is.

  19. Cory Booker:

    Possibly gay but certainly batchelor mayor Ed Koch had a former Mrs America as his cover.

    Ed Koch Dies: Was Former NYC Mayor Gay? Bess Myerson Campaign Appearances, Richard Nathan Fueled Rumors Of Homosexuality

  20. That was de Blasio, who ran as an unapologetic liberal, promising to raise taxes on the wealthy and to curb the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk tactics.

    New York City seems headed for the crime blighted seventies.

  21. black females suffer from low self esteem. We need to spend more money boosting their self esteem.

  22. sunbeam, the math totally shows it's a small, clustered, invisible group. If you work it out, we're talking about 8% of all black kids born. Since blacks are 12% or so of the population, it's just not that many couples, even if it's a larger and larger slice out of the functional black pie. It's like 1-2% of the entire population, so yes, totally invisible.

  23. Harold Ford is a cautionary tale to what happens to a black man who marries a white woman in politics.

    Did anyone catch how Thompson cleaned up in Orthodox Jewish districts last night in the NYC primary? I wonder what that was about. Weiner never caught on with the Jews and I suspect it's the Arab Muslim wife that was the problem as opposed to his sexting.

  24. ScarletNumber9/11/13, 4:30 PM

    1) Booker was campaigning recently with Eva Longoria by his side, much in the way Ed Koch used Bess Myerson as a beard.

    2) Deep within NJ political circles, Booker has romantically been linked to former NJ attorney general Anne Milgram. Milgram is a white woman with very little femininity about her.

  25. Ed Koch wasn't the shy type. If he were gay, I can't imagine him staying in the closet.

  26. The daughter is ... wait,

    Let me check how old she is ....


    ... very hot.

  27. de Blasio ran on the following platform:

    "My wife is black!"

    "My son is black!"

    "I'll end stop and frisk!"

    "Soak the rich!"

    And he was elected mayor of New York on it. Of course the other candidates were just as much a joke. New York? Gedoudaheah!

  28. Plenty of "lesbians" end up marrying dudes. For them it's kind of a phase like vegetarianism.

  29. Power Child, black women don't like interracial relationships because the availability of white women to black men lowers the demand for, and so the value of, black women on the sexual market. So a white man marrying a black woman is the right, though all too rare, kind of interracial marriage.

    Of course, black guys disapprove because men are possessive of their women. I suspect that a man from the outgroup taking your women throws up ancient associations with tribal warfare.

    But ultimately for either sex it's simple sexual economics.

  30. Thompson is a son of Caribbean immigrants. Lotta tension between them and native African-Americans. De Blasio's wife is AFAIK one of the latter.

    One of the commenters asked how Jews voted. See here, from the NYT, a map of the primary results broken down by neighborhood, plus exit polls and other data:

    Exit poll says that Jews weren't much different from the broader electorate: deB did somewhat better with the "others" in religion (hard core atheist liberals), Thompson beat his overall average among Protestants (blacks), Quinn (the establishment lesbo candidate who "flamed" out) did a few points better with Jews (although deB still won them, too).

    Other interesting points:

    NYC Dems divided in half over whether they like Bloomberg

    deB beat Quinn among homosexuals

    deB's win was fueled by white men and black women; Thompson won black men; the two were even among blacks overall

    Anthony Weiner's best category? Hispanic men, at 12%. Maybe they appreciated his choice of a Latino nom de sext, Carlos Danger!

  31. Dear deBlasio, please tax the rich and end stop and frisk. We conservatives get a kick out of watching liberal policies destroy cities.

  32. Mod Abe, Vermont is the same way. White male/black female couples outnumber the reverse. It must be a SWPL thing.

  33. Many years ago I saw an episode of Phil Donahue's show where he had two black-and-white mixed couples, one of each variety. The black women in the audience absolutely raged at the white woman who had "stolen" a black man. (Too bad Marcia Clark didn't see it; she would have known she was packing the jury with women who might wish they could have wielded the knife themselves.)

    But they downright cooed at the white man who was sitting there with his black wife. And they saw no contradiction in this behavior, of course. So yes, black women love the rare white guy who goes for them enough to marry one of them.

  34. Ted Danson should run for mayor. Not only did he date Whoopi (black female vote) but its ok for him to wear black flace ( black male fooled by blackface vote and unfooled Bensenhurst vote). My knowledge of Bensenhurst comes from that Joe Pesci snl skit so the demo may have changed.

    Matt Buckalew

  35. Another BdB advantage: his name.

    Bill de Blasio's real name is Warren Wilhelm.

    Does Warren Wilhelm beat Bill Thompson in a New York City primary? Maybe in 1905.

  36. HBDers would be beside themselves with reflected glory if one of their ranks somehow managed to hook up with an attractive model/actress.

  37. Wonder if de Blasio would have done as well if he hadn't changed his name from "Warren Wilhelm".

  38. As a white guy who has lived his life, outside of work, solely in the company of white people, I have never heard any of my white friends (none of whom are PC) refer to black women as ugly, at least as a group. A hot black woman captures their attention just as intensely as any other hot woman. I think most of us consider how hostile blacks are towards whites and figure it is not worth the trouble getting involved with that culture - life is tough enough.

    Black/white interracial relationships seem more common in the educated urban areas within the cocoon of the multicultural elite, and at the very bottom, where the cultures are almost indistiguishable.

  39. So I guess they haven't figured out a way to miniaturize the Deep State Apparatus TM into a nifty city size version. If they have de Blassio should let the wife turn the car on for the next few days.

  40. The student population of Harvard, if my social activities on that campus are any indicator of what is going on, is another place where WM/BF couples outnumber BM/WF couples. I have no idea why, but it seems that in SWPL places (Harvard University, Vermont, the Pacific Northwest) WM/BF couples happen more often whereas in prole places (the South) BM/WF couples happen more often.

  41. I just wanted you to know that you are my favorite racist of the day. And a moron, to boot. Then again, they're one in the same, no? Yes. Anyway, I know that since the comment section in this bullshit blog of yours is being moderated, my comments won't show up. But I didn't write it for your readers. I wrote it for you. Mission accomplished. Now, you go enjoy the rest of your hateful waste of a life. Now, I'm off to go have a laugh at you and your kind. Sincerely, Anonymous.

  42. Weiner never caught on with the Jews and I suspect it's the Arab Muslim wife that was the problem as opposed to his sexting.

    I really dont think that was helping him either.

    We could posit it as a "Whats good for the jews?" A lot of jewish voters not seeing him as a good figurehead for them.

    If somehow he was elected the jokes about him, the attacks, the dislike of him as a person was never going to go away. He would have had precisely zero credibility. The fact he refused to fall on his metaphorical sword after the scandal got started being proof of that.

  43. And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revelers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.

  44. Of course, black guys disapprove because men are possessive of their women. I suspect that a man from the outgroup taking your women throws up ancient associations with tribal warfare.

    Im not sure that black men are that bothered. A friend who lives in Jamaica says they might fight over a spilled beer but never a woman. Of course thats black men/black women. A white male interloper might be different. Having said that he was married to a Jamaican woman and had a child with her.

    Used to date a black woman myself, met her (black) ex-husband a few times, first time I was bit nervous, encroaching on his territory as it were. He didnt seem to care at all, quite indifferent I felt.

  45. The difference in gender coupling between SWPL areas and Prole areas isn't *that* surprising when you think of it in terms of what women want, which is namely, men that show status. Who shows the most status in SWPL land? Who shows the most status among proles?

  46. Douglas Knight9/11/13, 10:24 PM

    This theory seems more complicated than necessary.

    It is important that black men and black women are different voting blocks. It is important that marriage is a means of pledging allegiance and winning the black woman vote.

    But does the psychology ("public affirmation of sexiness") have any explanatory power? Does it distinguish your theory from the one you quoted?

    Here's a question that should separate several theories: to the extent that a group practices identity politics do the women care about the identity of the male politician, or only his wife? (Obviously, the more a group practices identity politics, the easier this is to answer.)

  47. Comment #1: What's wrong with Warren Wilhem?

    Comment #2: I did not know there even were any Blacks in Vermont. In the Pacific Northwest Blacks are very rare and more likely to be mixed race. I don't think White man/ Black woman couple are a specifically SWPL thing. In fact, it's not on the SWPL list, "Asian girls" is. I think it's just a result of how few blacks there are.
    Interestingly, before the legalization of interracial marriage in the South, there were more White man/Black women couples then today. Probably because White men did not fear persecution as much as Black men did under Jim Crow laws and feared reprisal from Black men less than they would today.

  48. The quality of Vermont or Portland white women might be a factor in some cases. I would assume Black women in those parts are less likely to look/act like a character from Portlandia, or the rather stiff, cold, haughty New Englander with a masculine haircut and androgynous voice/accent infected with lalaland loonyness common among ladies of such station and origin. Black women might seem in contrast, rather "normal". Just a hypothesis.

  49. I have been reading about Cory Booker and his constant lying and malfeasance in office. He will fit right in with our corrupt Senate...

    I came across this website recently. It makes for good reading:

  50. "Anonymous said...

    As a white guy who has lived his life, outside of work, solely in the company of white people, I have never heard any of my white friends (none of whom are PC) refer to black women as ugly, at least as a group."

    I can second your experience. A beautiful woman is beautiful without qualification, irrespective of race.

  51. What to do if you want to get yourself noticed and be a big shot?

    Running for mayor, especially of a big city, might get you noticed.

    Marrying someone of a different race (or the same sex) might get you noticed.

    Changing your name might get you noticed.

    Spending a lot of time in publice when you're abnormally tall might get you noticed.

    All kinds of things to do to get yourself noticed and be a big shot?

  52. Ditto Anon 9/11 8:22 PM. One can't get thru a week in the South withouy eeing a BM/WF couple. The WF always seems a bit mental to me; wrapping a nine iron around Tiger's head didn't surprise me because I've seen with my own bugging eyes a verbally abusive BM deliberately mowed down by his Desdemona in an SUV. She left him for dead. Not sure if the lesson took, though. It was a rough sight, believe me.

  53. I don't mean to criticize but why don't you know if Booker is gay or has a white girlfriend?

    I personally don't know about such things, just as I don't have any inside dope on the inner workings of the White House or Capitol Hill. But I'm not a journalist. Couldn't you just make a few calls to your contacts and find out?

    I have some idea as to how many hours you must put in each week, but just one hour on the phone a week to your network of admirers around the country should yield some good results. You could have an unpaid intern do it for you.

    You are one of the best blog analysts on the web already. You have easy access to resources to generate some 'scoops' too.



  54. >does the psychology "public affirmation of sexiness" have any explanatory power?<

    Yes, if you know that voters are not rational and often vote for emotional reasons. Such as "Black women tend to have a high opinion of their own attractiveness, and are not pleased by evidence that this opinion is not universally shared" and conversely are pleased by someone who does share it. Just like people prefer presidential candidates who have a full head of hair.

    This is the American voting public we're talking about. As Miley Cyrus said, "You're overthinking it."

  55. I´ve met quite a few lesbians and even lived with two of them many moons ago. (You don´t want to know the details, and yes, even right-wing heterosexist and racist isteve readers have a past)
    Anyway, from personal experience you cannot convert a true lesbian. Just as a hetero man would never consider sleeping with another man unless he was stranded in a deserted island without women, in jail, or formerly, in the navy (because the Navy today is more like the Love Boat than Nelson´s Royal Navy).
    No, lesbians aren´t naturally attracted to men. "Converted" lesbians are really hetero women who put an end to an experimental phase. Usually, before they turn thirty.
    Which makes Mrs. De Blasio very late conversion all the more suspect, coming from the author of an article called "I am a lesbian" , published in Essence Magazine.

  56. Anonymous @12:58 "before the legalization of interracial marriage in the South, there were more White man/Black women couples then today"

    Agreed, though you probably mean more as a share of interracial couples than as a shared of total couples.

    Also in the 19th and early 20th century marriages between Asian men and white women were much more common than the reverse (at least within US borders), once again in contrast to today. This is largely because mostly Chinese and Japanese men traveled to the US for work and education, and adapted to Western dress and styles fairly quickly when they chose to, combined with the exclusion of Chinese women under various immigration laws.

    Both data points are an interesting refutation of the standard conventional wisdom.

  57. For black guys who ogle/heckle my wife, as for black guys who ogle/heckle the black wives of other white guys, I suspect the main component to it isn't even the tribal warfare thing, but that it's a passive-aggressive form of "Polar Bear Hunting."

    They do it more because they think it emasculates me than because they're trying to return my wife to the tribe.

    Their experience in these situations must be that the white man in question is usually either a guilt-ridden liberal or a wankster Eminem-type (these being the types of white guys I've noticed most commonly date/marry black women). The guilt-ridden liberal is likely to cower or submit to the ogling/heckling ("Come on dear, let's find another place to sit"), while the wankster is likely to pretend it isn't happening, because he's pretending he's as black as the guys them.

    So the fun part is when I smile at them, like I would smile at some little first-grader who had a crush on my wife ("How cute!"), then I close my eyes slightly and nod as though they're complimenting me and giving me an approval.

    I'm also unusual for a white male married to a black woman in that I'm basically a paleocon who's down with HBD (I was raised in part by an evolutionary psychologist). Not most, but a good portion of my politics have rubbed off on my wife, if she didn't share them already. So another thing that's fun is when we're in a social situation and someone (usually a woman) will say some multiculti/Marxist thing based on the assumption that we, being an interracial couple, will agree, and then my wife sharply disagrees and lays down some truth that, if she wasn't black, would be considered hatefacts and get us shunned. (Who/whom to the rescue!) Instead, the person usually just shuts up and nods thoughtfully.

  58. Black women who are into SWPL stuff age better than white women SWPLs given the typical ages of marriage these days(who handicap themselves with speed-aging things like low-protein vegan diets). The black women in SWPLtopias who marry and have children in wedlock are the kind who mostly are above average in looks, slim, toned but not muscular and not into resentment politics.

    They only play that game to the extent it gets them a husband and most don't even go that far if they don't have to (not all SWPL subcultures require it, especially the health-oriented but not vegan ones). The ones who are into the resentment politics just have successions of boyfriends and don't marry.

    The top 10-20% of black women are basically revving up the standard nonwhite wife gunning for a financially secure marriage strategy outside of wartime. Be open to outmarrying, be thin, be fun to hang out with but not skanky or loud, and always look up at that gawky white guy making six figures dreamily in social settings.

    It's working very well now that white women are so competitive with white men, some of those B-level white guys are happy to come home and not be competed with by their Cree Summer or Lisa Bonet or Kerry Washington looking wife.

    It's actually a really fascinating phenomenon, but again, it's only a few percent of all black women and thus not really a dial-mover except within the black community. And in about 15 years we will start seeing how that plays out when these secure, happy wives who mostly got to SAHM or work easy AA sinecures with lots of flextime push their 3-5 kids (these marriages are more fertile on average than other IR marriages) out into the world.

    Kids who were brought up without grievance politics and with a white father and a passel of white middle class and UMC relatives to help them along. Should be interesting!

  59. Spike Gomes said...
    The difference in gender coupling between SWPL areas and Prole areas isn't *that* surprising when you think of it in terms of what women want, which is namely, men that show status. Who shows the most status in SWPL land? Who shows the most status among proles?

    You're kind of missing it. Black women for the most part are closer to a somewhat better version of Rachel Jenteal and oftentimes with a few kids out of wedlock to boot. In a sense, they've taken themselves out of the game before they're even 23yrs old.

    To play the game (consciously trying to land a wealthy husband) you have to be aware that you're IN the game. For the most part, black women aren't anywhere in the game.

    Compared with white women, black women with a lower average IQ, lower income to start with, as well as for the most part appearing to measure up to all the bad stereotypes (more akin in appearance to Queen Latifah than to Lena Horne) well, there you go.

    Example: US Olympian Lolo Jones (mulatto) continues to get attention over the two track teammates (both black) who beat her for the medals. She hasn't won anything, yet she continues to get attention from pop culture etc (relatively speaking) Wonder why?

    Google and then listen to the two black women who beat her for the medals last yr in London. Listen to the post game interview and see if they couldn't pass for Rachel Jeantel's cousins.

    And there you go. Even white guys dont want to deal or date much less marry that.

    If they have options, that is.

  60. Wise words from Douglas. To take it further, since black women don't do well in the marriage market, they are likely to place a very heavy significance to the fact that a politician (white or black) marries a black woman. It makes them feel validated.

    But let's not jump to conclusions here. I just heard on the news that there many more paper ballots let uncounted, at least 70 thousand, and not 18 thousand as previously reported.

    Thompson is down but not out. Assuming there is a runoff, this will be a gender war between black women and black men (among other things).

  61. Can we all agree that the more cream there is in the coffee, so to speak, the more attractive a black woman is likely to be?

    Can we also agree that blacks of both genders with a little more on the ball would be more open to dating a white/Asian? What's more important, being the same race or having the same smarts?

    And yes, there are blacks in Vermont. The are mostly of the neo-hippie ilk, usually accompanied by a white boy with a beard and dreads.

  62. there are blacks in Vermont

    Really? Seriously? Like seriously? Really? You mean, like 1-2 whole % of total state population? Wow. 1-2 whole percent. Wow. Take a bet here and say that those few are probably mulatto (some of them) and most of them probably "sound" like they're white. 'nother words, if they called you on the phone and you didn't know who they were, they could pass for being white. Almost. Like, you'd have to think about it for a second.

    Also would assume they're not all named Chaniquah or something along those lines.

    Can we also agree that blacks of both genders with a little more on the ball would be more open to dating a white/Asian?

    Oh, we KNOW that the BM's love nothing better (for the most part) in going for WF. No question about that. But its a bit naive to think that they consciously are thinking "By banging this girl, I'll end up with smarter kids." Nope. Unless he's also Jewish most people, even most white men, don't consciously consider those things when wanting a partner. Smarts? Yeah, right. Goes in the same category as "Oh, yeah, she's got a great personality."

    At best, the BM's might think "By nailing this one, it will open doors to me up the social ladder which would in turn lead to better job, connections, etc."

    But then, the relatively few BM's that high up the economic ladder also have to compete with WM's as well. And they tend to be greatly outnumbered.

    Except for BM's who are athletes and muscians, where else or what other professions are BM's in greater percentages than WM's? Answer: No where. They don't exist in greater numbers much less significant numbers. Just aren't there.

    What's more important, being the same race or having the same smarts?

    Come come now, race & smarts go hand in hand, for the most part. Go back and re-read the bell curve which conclusively demonstrates the genetic linkage between IQ inheritability and race.

  63. Speaking of IR dating, I was in Berkeley recently on a Saturday and was somewhat surprised at the large number of IR couples. Every combination imaginable, some I don't think I'd ever seen before, like East Indian man, Asian woman.

  64. This black engineering student is a likely IR marriage prospect.

  65. Is Anon 10:07 serious?

    A college grad, 120-IQ black woman in Atlanta has some options in her race; the same woman in Portland, not so much. Is the Portland girl marrying a 90-IQ black guy because he's black, or a 120-IQ white guy with whom she's likely to have much more in common, intellectually and socially?

    Similarly, the low-IQ white prole girl may be more comfortable with a black guy, especially if, like a lot of prole girls, she's not a stranger to Big Macs and caramel macchiatos.

    The difference is that by age 40 the white prole girl will likely be alone raising 3 little half breeds, which, if she had consulted with her counterparts in the Sistahood, she'd have known was the standard model for hooking up with a brother.

    Spike Gomes has the right of it.

  66. And a moron, to boot. Then again, they're one in the same, no? Yes.
    'One in the same'. And you call someone else a moron. Classic.

  67. "Can we all agree that the more cream there is in the coffee, so to speak, the more attractive a black woman is likely to be?"

    No kidding. The dirty little secret is that people of all races are similarly improved by having more white in them. Compare the number of times you've heard, "Not a bad looking girl, but she's got too much white in her to call her beautiful" to the number of times you've heard that remark made about other races. Says it all really.

    "Can we also agree that blacks of both genders with a little more on the ball would be more open to dating a white/Asian?"

    Smarts are emphatically unnecessary for blacks to want to have sex with white girls. Having smarts likely does increase the chances that the black in question will satisfy his desires.

  68. Speaking of blacks in Vermont, the mixed race attorney for Trayvon Martin's family, Jasmine Rand, is from the state.

  69. "Come come now, race & smarts go hand in hand, for the most part. Go back and re-read the bell curve which conclusively demonstrates the genetic linkage between IQ inheritability and race."

    That's too glib an answer to an important question. And the question is really: which is more important, common culture or common race?

    Can a shared cultural identity make up for a yawning racial divide? I think the evidence is solidly on the side of the affirmative. I've seen it and experienced it too many times to entertain any doubts on this.


    It's all a question of numbers. Numbers make a world of difference. With only a handful of people there's no question culture can bridge the widest of racial gaps. But when the numbers run into the millions, a different set of rules applies.

    Hypothetically, if you begin with 100% your own racial kind and begin adding other races, the way those early additions are socially experienced will depend on racial distance and the number of additions. How different are the additions? This is something that can be genetically measured, and measures of visual difference - always vastly more socially impactful than stale tales of "what the genes tells us" - could be invented, but an eyeball snapshot generally suffices. And how many of them are there?

    A million non-English-speaking Germans arriving in a 100% English England would probably do no more than raise cultural questions of how soon the arrivals can acculturate, because the racial similarity is so great that a sizable majority of the native English populace would feel that acculturation is something that is right around the corner.

    A tenth as many English-speaking Nigerians - so 100,000 and they can already communicate in English - arriving would have vastly greater social impact that the million Germans because they're so strikingly racially different. Even though they're speaking English, acculturation would seem in the minds of many something light years away, if at all even possible.

    If the total numbers are kept small - ie if immigration is terminated - the issue would eventually die down, with only the most acutely racially attuned continuing to make a fuss.

    If the numbers rise to a "medium" presence, people's antennas would begin going up, with a great many concluding that something is rather wrong with what is occurring and beginning to vigorously protest it. The point that this reaction is produced again depends on the degree of racial difference and number of arrivals; Nigerians produce that point sooner, Germans much later.

    If the numbers because large or massive, virtually everyone becomes aware that an enormous mistake was made, but the feeling is that it's "too late" do anything about it. Numbers here determine the feelings aroused about the state of affairs. If Germans, the conclusion drawn would mostly be, it was a mistake, and if I had the chance I wouldn't repeat it, but at the same time, these people are basically us, so it's not really a loss at all. If Nigerians, the conclusion drawn would vary between "it's a total catastrophe" and "diversity is strength!" -- both acknowledge that the old ways are over; one knows it's a tremendous loss, the other senses it's a tremendous loss but goes into emotional overdrive pretending it's a gain.

  70. BB753 said:

    "Just as a hetero man would never consider sleeping with another man unless he was stranded in a deserted island without women, in jail, or formerly, in the navy (because the Navy today is more like the Love Boat than Nelson´s Royal Navy)."

    Not only wrong, the opposite of true. In my decade of open homosexuality, I've had many straight men. It's relatively easy to get one, provided they're away from home(loosens their inhibitions) and don't think they'll be found out. Just compliment their masculinity(something I can do well because I'm a manly man who likes manly men), flirt but don't flirt, make it clear one is gay. Talk about sex and to create an opportunity to offer to suck them off. Straight men won't kiss another man but they won't mind being fellated by one. Once you've done that they'll do anything. Far from foolproof but it's worked for me down the years. I'm not saying I've turned anyone,nor have I tried, far from it, I just wanted to get laid. But most hetero men, yes including most of you people, are not half as revolted by homosex as you say or think you are.

  71. That's too glib an answer to an important question.

    No, it's a fact. Sometimes facts do appear to be glib. Again, reread the book. The question is important, but the answer (just as important) is...staring the face, so to speak.

    And the question is really: which is more important, common culture or common race?

    The fact you had to ask that question helps to demonstrate that you really dont understand modern America. The last half century has taught us, if anything, that RACE trumps well, just about everything.

    A common race is everything to the card players. And blacks play cards (or card, as in race) quite well.
    Their total identity of who they are inside as a person, a unique person, the main defining critique, is their blackness. Apparently you must have been asleep the last few decades not to have noticed that.

    Also, when push comes to shove, blacks side with their own on most things. If given the choice, most BF's will choose another black to mate with. Simple as that. BF's going for a white guy is mainly due to the fact that they couldnt find their best option (a black guy) or they may have something on the ball and are somewhat ambitious (have above average intelligence, are not baby mamma-ed by the time they reach 20, etc) In that case, the older they get, the fewer brothers they'll find. Therefore faced with little other choice, they will go for WM.

    But for the WM who go for a BW is vastly due to the same reason: They couldn't get a WF. They didnt have any options.

    Can a shared cultural identity make up for a yawning racial divide?

    Answer: No. Again, race trumps everything. Why wouldn't it? That's the one cultural identity (their struggle) that both BM and BW have in common from birth, and quite frankly, no white person (from their perspective) will ever truly understand that. To a large extent, they're pretty much correct on that assumption.

    I think the evidence is solidly on the side of the affirmative. I've seen it and experienced it too many times to entertain any doubts on this.

    Naive, and not based in reality much less common experience. I dare say you're either bloviating severely, willfully ignorant regarding how the real world works, or in your woods neck you're fairly higher up the totem pole where the color green does appear at times to trump all other competing colors.

    But in life, blacks are card players. It trumps everything in their lives. Uncle Sam completely agrees with this fact by having created entire bodies of jurisprudence specifically for them based entirely on their race.

    The few BW and BM who intermarry usually are considered Uncle Toms and Aunt Thelmas. Sellouts. Betrayers.

    Wonder why the President didnt intermarry? Think about that one? Did he want the White house or WF?

    From his perspective, the choice was an obvious one to make.

  72. Irishman said:
    "Not only wrong, the opposite of true. In my decade of open homosexuality, I've had many straight men. It's relatively easy to get one, provided they're away from home(loosens their inhibitions) and don't think they'll be found out."

    Hello Irishman. I'm a big supporter of gay rights and have contributed to the Human Rights Campaign for years. A couple of dear friends of mine are gay. I share this to make it understood that I don't find the concept of homosexuality wrong or disgusting. If I were in any shape or for, even tiny little bit homosexual, I'd proudly admit it.

    That's why your above post strikes me as extremely silly. You were able to get a bunch of "straight" men to have sex with you, were you? I got news for you then: they weren't really straight. By definition, a straight person isn't aroused by the idea of sex with a member of the same sex. At all. Not even curious. There is a lot of us out there.

    Each time I hear gay men boast that they've slept with straight guys who were from out of town (like yourself, they were all internet boasters), I always wonder how they've managed to meet these "straight" out of towners. Did these "straight" guys "accidentally" end up in a gay bar, you know, because they were from out of town? Or did they happen to go to a venue that's not officially gay, but a cabby would, hypothetically, recommend as one frequented by gay clientele? Even if you happened to run into such a gentleman at a convention center, did it ever occur to you that some people enjoy playing coy? Obviously, you are turned on by the idea of sleeping with a straight man; seducing him into uncharted territory. Well, I bet, some men are turned on by the idea of being seduced. Kinda like some men enjoy breaking in virgins, and some women enjoy pretending to be virgins.

  73. Maya don't respond to people who boast about sexual conquests on the Internet. What you say is absolutely true the people he seducded were role playing gays but still he's bragging about bagging partners on a site where the average poster uses their palm more than people dancing at a capulet family dance.

  74. @Anonymous of 9/13/13, 9:54 PM:

    I think your comments about black females (BFs) are generally accurate in my experience.

    My wife is probably somewhere between 1-2 standard deviations above the white mean IQ (100), plus she's very organized and linear-thinking, and a firm believer in monogamy and marriage-before-babies and all that stuff, so her chances of finding a suitable black mate were very low.

    But while she likes the look of the prototypical black guy (she jokes that if she met a guy who looked like a tall Kevin Hart, she'd leave me for him), she also has a thing for hairy middle-eastern looking guys--and thus me, despite my average height. She loved watching the Tahrir Square news footage back in 2011 because she thought it was full of hot guys.

    As for the WMs who marry BFs, I can't speak for others but for me your comment falls flat on its face. I started dating black girls in high school and never "went back". Just developed an aesthetic preference, I guess. I wasn't a man-slut PUA or anything, but I had a succession of girlfriends worth showing off, and for more time than I spent single.

    For example, I started dating my wife in college, and had to break it off with another attractive black girl to do so (I saw more long-term potential with my wife).

    In my experience and I suspect in that of my several white friends with non-white wives, it comes down to simple aesthetic preference for darker girls, usually acquired by chance during adolescence.

    In which case, it probably has a lot to do with the guy's level of confidence that he will be able to find a suitable spouse despite racial differences. The idea of finding a bright, intelligent black wife with tolerable in-laws would daunt many white guys, but might not daunt those who are brave, individualistic, and a little cocky. That pretty well describes me and my miscegenist white friends.

  75. Looks like Steve Sailler has not read the essay
    BILLIONAIRES Prefer Black Women by Kola Boof
    or Swirling By Christelyn Denise Russell Karazin

  76. Posted on Kola Boof ‘s page by a black woman,

    JaeJae UppityN'HiFalutin Turner

    I know I will be making biracial babies and I know I will not be reproducing blackness. We can not under any circumstances pretend that this is NOT what we are doing. However, I have no tribe and no male collective that is loyal to me therefore, I will breed out and sleep well. I adore all babies and black ones are my favs, but I'll damned if I birth them into dysfunction. They don't deserve. It
    16 October at 05:07
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