October 23, 2013

I, for one, welcome our new Natural Republican overlords

Thomas Edsall writes:
There is a fundamental disagreement along racial and ethnic lines about what causes poverty. This is demonstrated in a June 2012 Pew survey that asked “In your opinion, which is generally more often to blame if a person is poor, lack of effort on his or her own part, or circumstances beyond his or her control?” Whites were split, 41-41, but strong majorities of blacks and Hispanics answered “circumstances beyond his or her control,” 62-28 and 59-27, respectively. 

Hispanics: They are only 18/21st as economically liberal as blacks!

All the GOP has to do to win the Latino vote is Get Our Message Out.


  1. Mingo the Merciless10/23/13, 1:42 AM

    All the GOP has to do to win the Latino vote is Get Our Message Out.

    Meanwhile, in the UK:

    Ministers in mosques as Tories bid for ethnic vote

    Conservative ministers could be sent into mosques and other religious buildings as part of an urgent attempt by the party’s high command to build better relations with ethnic minority voters.


    Remember: one man, eight votes!

    In the London borough of Tower Hamlets, where a Ken Livingstone supporter is mayor, the number of registered voters increased by a “surprising” 7,023, in a single month, between April and May 2010. Likewise, in a borough with a large Bangladeshi community – not a society to which the concept of communal voting is unknown, or one famous for its liberated women – the proportion of postal votes has inexorably grown.

    Some of the worst frauds have made their way to the courts. In a case in Birmingham [involving more ethnic enrichers], in 2005, Judge Richard Mawrey likened our postal vote-heavy system to that of a banana republic. The same judge is reported this week as saying that postal voting fraud remains rife.


    It's almost as tho' politics in the US and UK were controlled by people who wanted to destroy the historic nation. Meanwhile, in Israel:

    Its current leadership emphasises that it is a Jewish state; Benjamin Netanyahu would want the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to recognise it as such in any future negotiations. A law passed in the last parliament requires non-Jews who want to migrate here to swear an oath acknowledging its Jewish nature.

    That kind of talk makes the 20 per cent or so of the population which is Arab feel uneasy, or even angry.

    They have civil rights - including the right to vote and run for the Knesset of course - but many still feel marginalised or excluded.

    Even if they vote they feel that power will always be shared among parties representing Jews, leaving them as part of the electoral process rather than the game of government.


  2. That's a poorly worded question. What genes you have is beyond your control, but they play a large role in how you behave, regardless of your circumstances.

  3. Blacks and Latinos are right.

    If IQ is the main determinant of success, then it's correct to choose "circumstances beyond one's control."

    I'm not surprised. As groups whose means are in the mid 80s, blacks and Latinos are more aware of the drawbacks of low IQ and how "up by the bootstraps" isn't a realistic model for everyone.

  4. I hate to think how much my feelings about that question have changed in the past 5 years.

    I expect the answers of lots of white people to that question will change in the future.

    While our rich will continue to be mostly white, most of the white people are at the wrong end of the income inequality equation. That their white overlords continue to look the same as them won't help struggling whites one bit.

    For a lot of kids looking to use education as a way up the ladder, the co-signer requirement for many student loans is really beyond their control and kills their chances to go to school full time and in some cases, to study what they want. They just don't have anybody who can co-sign for them.

    We need to get rid of that requirement, which should never have been introduced, in my opinion. It's enough that student loans don't go away in bankruptcy. You've got the kid from their 20s-death to hound for money.

  5. Quote: ''black buying power...$957.3 billion in 2010''

    $957,300,000,000 : 38,929,319 blacks in USA = $24,590/USA black


    p.s. in Africa they will have $1/day.

  6. strong majorities of blacks and Hispanics answered “circumstances beyond his or her control,”

    Uhh, but in fairness to the Blacks and Hispanics, they're CORRECT!!!

    Now they might mis-identify the circumstances which are to blame [or the entire 50,000-year-long series of circumstances], but I don't see how you can blame an innocent newborn baby for having been born with an IQ of 80 or 70 or 60 or 50.

    That particular newborn baby certainly isn't "to blame".

    In fact, I don't think that the Western mind would be able to use the word "blame" in that fashion.

    You'd have to go hard-Orientalistic, and pretzel-twist the semantics into a horribly Old Testament phariseeical bolshevik tribalistic sense if you wanted to use the word "blame" like that.

    Something along the lines of: "Don't blame me for me being rich - my entire Tribe is to blame!!!"

  7. Responses to this survey are a rough proxy for IQ.

    It is also clear that blacks and Hispanics do not believe in the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, that hallmark of intelligent people everywhere.

  8. steve, krauthammer and jeb bush stopped using the "natural republican" line a long time ago. now they say if amnesty is not passed, republicans can be portrayed as racists by democrats.

  9. Blacks and Hispanics are correct insofar as their low IQs are indeed out of their control.

  10. And it is likely that the question; "In your opinion, which is generally more often to blame if a person is criminal, subnormal intelligence or poverty?" would yield similar numbers along the same racial fault lines.

  11. On this subject, people, even our people, misinterpret the motives of the Republican-leaning EL CHEAPO labor lobby and the barnacle-consultant class that rides herd for them.

    They're not interested in Republicans winning elections, they ARE interested in open borders for cheap labor, and they don't care if an R or a D gives it to them.

    Sheldon Adelson gave tons of money to Gingrich in the primaries and Romney in the general, but Obama won. You think Adelson lost? No, he won, because an open borders advocate won the Presidency.

    The purpose uber alles of what they do is to keep immigration patriots from winning.

  12. Low IQ is mostly a circumstance beyond one's control.

  13. Uh steve,

    28/(62+28) = .3111
    27/(59+27) = .3140

    Which is about a 1% difference.

  14. But being born stupid is beyond his or her control.

  15. The question is stupid anyway. Poverty is not caused by some single factor.

  16. Well, with Hispanics being an immigrant group 40 years in a roll means that they will feel its circumstances since they come here from Mexico with little job skills. Also, what is interesting is our current political preference were developed in the 1972 presidential elections. John Schmitz the forerunner of the Tea Party group did the best in small northern states like Idaho and Alaska and so forth, while Nixon the Rino did best in the south and McGovern did best back east in DC and Mass and Minnesota and South Dakota. Ben Spock did better in the Bay Area.

  17. Just the other day I asked my 26 year old daughter who was to blame for children being poor and she said, "their parents." Theres hope.

  18. Here's an interesting changed from current elections, in the olden days probably before Seattle got as many Asians and liberal whites, King's county was 5th highest for John Schmitz in 1972. It might be the old aerospace influence which caused the voters to be anti-communists.

  19. "circumstances beyond one's control" is a euphemism for "I don't understand how stuff works"

    Seriously, people who have the modern aka enlightenment worldview see the world as something that can be understood and controlled. Even bleeding heart liberals have this mindset to some extent which is why they are so sure education is the answer. Their problem is that they jump to control before they understand. Liberals do not understand the concept of the zero marginal productive employee nor are they willing to accept the fact that a huge fraction of the "poor" are ineducable. But liberals do embrace controlling the poor with "access" to birth control, so their may be some implicit understanding.

  20. Actually, I believe IQ is beyond a person's control. I'm with the blacks.

    Intelligence, not IQ.

  21. "Whites were split, 41-41, but strong majorities of blacks and Hispanics answered “circumstances beyond his or her control“"

    That's heading to change real soon.

  22. Anonydroid at 5:11 am said: (Krauthammer and Jeb Bush) say if amnesty is not passed, republicans can be portrayed as racists by democrats.

    Hunsdon asked for clarification: And if the Republicans pass amnesty, will Democrats portray them as racist anyway?

  23. The way the question is worded, the blacks and hispanics are correct. A better question to indicate compatibility with the Republican party should have been along the lines of "why/when do people need welfare?"

    Whites are proving gullible as usual, perhaps that is why we buy into the claims of the cheap labor lobby.

    I think the only period in American history in which poverty could possibly be attributed to lack of work ethic was 1950-2005 or so. Argument obviously falls flat before that- plenty of hard working, even high IQ people were hard scrabble farmers with no real access to education.

    Argument is starting to fall apart today too- for everyone. High and average IQ young people are saddled with astronomical student loans. Underemployment is an issue even for graduates in STEM fields. Yeah, they still have some semblance of a middle class lifestyle, but how long will that last? Years of debt are going to make it much harder to accumulate wealth over time.

    Low and Average IQ workers have it even worse no matter how hard working they are- they are increasingly replaced by automation and cheaper labor.

  24. Might everyone be right?

    Stipulate it takes a 100 IQ for one's personal efforts to show any financial consequence (probably closer to 115 circa 2010 and onward, but I digress).

    Then yes, about half of whites would agree personal effort matters, and half would feel it's beyond their control. Similarly, there's would be a 1 S.D. drop-off among blacks that agree, and slightly less than that among hispanics.

    The survey results seem pretty close, no?

  25. The blacks and Hispanics are right, but not for the reasons they think.

  26. OT: First time I've seen the DM do some major suppressing of comments.

  27. OT: So what race/ethnicity is Philip Chism? The picture looks like he could be middle eastern, north African or mixed white and African. The name Chism is Scotch-Irish. http://www.houseofnames.com/chism-history/Scottish
    Chisholm is another spelling variation. His father apparently is or was in the military.

  28. Sad thing is that whites were split 41-41. Ten years ago whites would have chosen "your lack of effort" by ten or twenty points.

  29. It's not that it's Latinos, it's which Latinos. Mexico has lots of doctors and lawyers and airline pilots - they're just not the ones who are crossing the Rio Grande at 3AM to sneak into the US.

    This proves that Mexicans are actually smarter than Americans. Or, more accurately, that Mexican elites are smarter than American elites. Mexican elites have found a way to dump millions of their country's low-IQ proles onto somebody else's country, thus making the care and feeding of them somebody else's problem. Brilliant!

    It's us who took them in. What did we expect? If we were smart, we'd be finding ways to dump our own Trayvon Martins and Honey Boo Boos on some poor unsuspecting country - maybe Denmark.

    But we aren't as smart as Mexicans.

  30. If immigration had only been allowed from people who could earn above the median wage then the numbers might be different.

    Deliberately importing millions of people who could *never* get above the bottom rung is such a crime.

  31. Penny Al Arrabbiata10/23/13, 7:13 PM

    "So what race/ethnicity is Philip Chism? The picture looks like he could be middle eastern, north African or mixed white and African. The name Chism is Scotch-Irish."

    He appears to be black, with somewhat higher than average white admixture. The origin of his name is probably irrelevant. Most former slaves took Anglo surnames, often the surnames of their former masters, because those were the names they knew.

  32. "I'm not surprised. As groups whose means are in the mid 80s, blacks and Latinos are more aware of the drawbacks of low IQ and how "up by the bootstraps" isn't a realistic model for everyone." - even still, provided that labor scarcity was the order of the day(as it once was) they could live a good life. Too bad thats not going to happen.


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