October 19, 2013

World War R

As affluent whites push blacks out of Washington D.C., it has suddenly become crucial for the Washington NFL team to drop its name of "The Washington Redskins." Because it's the symbolic stuff that really matters.

So, what would make a good replacement name for the Washington football team? Some suggestions:

The Washington Palefaces
The Washington Pandas
The Washington Gentrifiers
The Washington SWPLs
The Washington Mall
The Washington Consensus
The Washington Sacajaweas
The Washington Gergens
The Washington Lobbyists
The Washington Close Personal Friends of Prince Bandar
The Washington Pundits (But would that be anti-Asian Indian?)
The Washington People of Pallor
The Washington V-22 Ospreys
The Washington IRSs
The Washington NGOs
The Washington NPRs
The Washington Ridesharers
The Washington Helium Reserve
The Washington Bailouts
The Washington Printing Presses
The Washington Skyboxes
The Washington Magical Negroes
The Washington Beltways
The Washington Talking Heads
The Washington Spinners
The Washington Wide Stances
The Washington Cthulhus


  1. Vampire Squids

  2. How about a name that truly characterizes the people who live in and around our nations capital:

    The Washington Parasites

  3. The Washington Reds

  4. I'm guessing that the Skins' owner is milking this situation for advantage. The longer he holds out, the more outrage is built up by the media, the more favors the NFL will have to give him to ensure a name change.

  5. Titus Didius Tacitus10/19/13, 12:01 PM

    The Washington Parasites

  6. What’s next the Cleveland Browns?

    Hmm - how about The Washington Obamas?

  7. Washington Monuments.

    If you want to be accurate, Maryland Suburbanites.

  8. I thought this was going to be about Retards.

  9. The Washington Feds.
    The Washington Interns.
    The Washington Anti-racists.

  10. Libs liked Avatar. So, blueskins for a blue city.

  11. The Fightin' Neo-Cons!

  12. I like Washington Thinskins, that may have been a Limbaugh suggestion from years back

  13. Washington Bureaucrats.

  14. California Clippers10/19/13, 12:23 PM

    If you want to be accurate, Maryland Suburbanites

    I hate this trend of re-naming teams like the Marlins or the Patriots for regional appeal but if we're going to do this, I suggest Mid-Atlantic Minorities

  15. The Washington Tea Partiers.

    Because those people are scary, dominating, and cannot be reasoned with...or so I've been told.

  16. They should never be scheduled for games on Columbus Day or Thanksgiving.

  17. How about commemorating one of the most formidable militaries this country has ever had to face - the Redcoat?

  18. Gergens. That's a good one.

  19. San Franciscan non-monk10/19/13, 12:34 PM

    Polar Bears

  20. Norm Mineta postage stamp10/19/13, 12:43 PM

    The strategic helium reserve deserves more respect, yes

  21. The Washington Sinecures.
    The Washington Pensioneers.

  22. The Washington Scumsuckers.

  23. After this is settled,we need to come up with new logos for other teams that may have names which are offensive to some members of our society
    - Los Angeles Angles, San Diego Padres (religion)
    - Atlanta Braves, Clevland Indians (more native American slurs)
    - Clevland Browns, Milwaukee Bucks ( racial stereotypes )

  24. the washington washingtons

  25. Washington Porkskins?

    Washington Vampires is my favorite. A vampire's head could easily replace the Indian head. But other possibilities include:
    Washington Leeches
    Washington Filchers
    Washington Sharpers
    Washington Grifters
    Washington Looters
    Washington Parasites
    Washington Wreckers
    Washington Anglers

    But anon's Washington Reds is probably the best combination of parsimony and accuracy.

  26. Auntie Analogue10/19/13, 12:57 PM

    Pick your fave - The Washington...

    - Bloodsuckers
    - Vultures
    - Traitors
    - Back-Stabbers
    - Spendocrats
    - Face-Stabbers
    - Islamophiles
    - Hot Air Generators
    - Corporate Puppets
    - Liars
    - Contemptibles
    - Pestilence
    - Bullshitters
    - Manipulators
    - Chameleons
    - Radicals
    - Holier-Than-Thous
    - Multiculturalists / Multiculturals
    - Nation Of Immigrants
    - Socialists
    - Dictators
    - Sacred Cows
    - Thieves
    - Scammers
    - Phonies
    - ClimateChangers
    - Loathsome
    - Stooges
    - Parasites

  27. I kind of liked the idea of having 'New York Jews' and 'San Francisco Chinamen', actually, as per the famous viral picture opposing the Cleveland Indians. We can charge Germans and Palestinians double price for attendance, throw pennies at the opposing team, and serve lox and bagels in the stands.

  28. The Washington Toe-tappers.

  29. How is that there are so many blacks on the team but no names based on African warrior tribes?

    You'd think blacks would demand it rather than playing as Vikings or Buccaneers.

    Whatever happened to Afro-centrism?

    I think this will happen one day when the Liberal narrative changes.

    Most Libs are drones, so if the Lib elites say "it's racist to name sports teams after minorities", they just nod along.
    But if the narrative changes to, "it's racist to have no teams named after African folks when so many blacks play on the teams", that will be the new narrative repeated by all the Libs.

    To hasten such eventuality, whenever Libs complain about team names, Cons should agree and have all team names changed to white ones: Germanic Warriors, Russian Knights, Roman Legion, Spanish Conquitadores, and etc.

    With all teams named after white folks, Libs will then bitch about how the team names are not 'diverse' and 'inclusive' enough.
    Libs just need something to bitch about in order to feel morally superior.

  30. The Washington RawMuslGlutes.

  31. The Washington Republican Closet Cases.

  32. If being used as a team name is an insult, then how about naming teams after the Nazis, SS, KKK, Communists, Fascists, Islamic Terrorists, Death Squads, NKVD, etc.

    And if having an Indian mascot is offensive to Indians, then we should have a Nazi mascot for the team Nazis since it will be an insult against Nazis.

  33. Ichabod Crane10/19/13, 1:11 PM

    Washington Human Skins

  34. http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2013/07/09/surprise-indians-still-find-india-very-corrupt/

    If Indians say so, who are we to disagree?

    Looks like Indiaphilia pushed by Flathead Friedman is over. For awhile, he had many Americans believing that all of India would be one giant Silicon Valley.

  35. @ Anonymous, who wrote - "How about commemorating one of the most formidable militaries this country has ever had to face - the Redcoat?"

    The Washington Turncoats would be even better.

  36. http://www.firstpost.com/india/half-of-jharkhand-legislators-face-criminal-cases-says-govt-1117555.html

    Half of Jharkhand legislators face criminal cases, says govt


    You can't make this stuff up. It's like a real-life Sacha Cohen movie.

    But we are told more Indians will be the salvation of the US economy.

  37. This whole Redskins controversy is just about one side continuing to show that it, and it alone, gets to set the standards for what is and is not acceptable. This is not a pressing issue. No one is dying, becoming ill or losing their livelihood because of this name. There is no reason to debate this other than for one side to continue to show its dominance over the other.

    Herein lies my beef. Conservatives like Pat Buchanan realize that this is just another front on the broader culture war, and that surrendering by agreeing to change the name only represents more kowtowing to the other side. Those conservatives know the name of a football team is not important, but surrendering because the other side demands it is what is important.

    Enter the neocons who are supposed to be our allies. The neocons are stalwarts when it comes to overseas hegemony, bombing Iran and supporting Israel. On this there is no room to waiver, or one might be accused of being Neville Chamberlain at Munich.

    Yet on social issues like this or other domestic issues like the budget or immigration, the neocons have no interest in any prolonged debates, lest it weaken our resolve on the foreign policy front. They are prepared to give the left all it wants at home in exchange for allowing them to play king makers in the Middle East.

    Take Krauthammer's latest column about the Redskins. He goes out of his way to condemn the language police. But then he essentially makes a good argument that the name is offensive and should be changed, albeit a moderate change to just "Skins".

    Like good lawyers neocons are able to argue either side of a position. In fact most issues have valid points on either side. It is often just a matter of which side does a better job in presenting its points to undecided people. But most of us would prefer attorneys who argue our side of the case than those who adopt the positions of the other side. Can you imagine your attorney in a civil suit telling you to capitulate because the plaintiff is making some good points? No, you want your attorney to defend you to the hilt.

    And that is the problem. Conservatives brought the neocons into the party because they knew they were academics and were supposed to advocate our positions in a more polished manner. And they did during the Cold War. But since then it's been a one way street in which the conservative base elects the GOP who implement the neocons' foreign policy while the base gets no support from the "brain trust" on the home front. Not only do we not get no support, but they actually advocate for the other side.

  38. Washington Federals

    that or

    Washington Cronies

  39. She may not have realized it at the time, but HBD Chick posted a slew of attractive alternatives.

  40. The Washington Billionaires

    The DC PC

    The Washington Undocumented

    The Washington Kings (MLK Jr. as mascot, of course)

    By the way, there is a serious movement to name the team the "Red Tails."

  41. "The Washington Leeches". That sums up what out capital city is really all about.

  42. Liars



  43. The DC PC


  44. Harry Baldwin10/19/13, 3:28 PM

    How about the "Washington Red Inks"? Uses almost all the same letters.

  45. The Fighting Scots-Irish of Washington

  46. The A-Pack (get it?)

    The Washington Leviathon

    The Washington Broders

    The Washington Gerrymanders

    The Washington Sequesters

    The Washington Shutdown

    The Washington Debtors

    The Washington Chosen People

    The Washington Diversity

  47. My friend and Dallas Cowboy fans would refer to this team as the Foreskins.

    Alas, I assume there would be protests against this name from those who have, or have not, been circumcised.

    Let's just save everyone time with all these sports teams names can call them all United.

  48. How about the Redskin Potatoes?

  49. Washington Vibrants

  50. Washington Whachamacallit.



  51. Lobbyists.


  52. Steve in Greensboro10/19/13, 6:16 PM

    Washington Orcs
    Washington Parasites
    Washington Pinworms
    Washington Candiru
    Washington Lamprey

  53. Washington Whigglers, Whoppers, Neanderthals, Villains, Porkers, Sharks, Whales, Serpents, Plug Ugglies Busters . . . ?

    Washington Lawyers!

  54. The Washington Politcally Correct or The Washington Poliical Correctors

    Or The Thieves (no city necessary to idenify those who steal from those whjo are productive)

  55. How about the Washington Potato Skins?

  56. The Washington Boondoggles.

  57. The DC Snipers

  58. To quell current anger and restore the team's prestige, they should simply drop "Washington" from their name.

  59. And now every time the Redskins come to town the natives can put on their war paint and protest. Minneapolis (Redskins visit November 7) may try a more legalistic hate speech in the workplace approach.

  60. POP. Person of Pallor. I'm using this.

  61. I feel that the team name needs to pay homage to D.C.'s intellectual types - those who have served our country so well and made us a beacon to the world, a city on a hill.

    It should also recognize those brave men who make up the thin blue line protecting civilization from anarchy. How many teams have cops as their mascots? Not one, I'd bet.

    It should also atone for the team's old sin by recognizing the people who helped them to see the light and change their name.

    Thus I propose we call them the Washington Thought Police.

  62. The Washington Fighting Engines. Say it out loud. Their mascot could be a race car with no hood over the motor, and a smiling face on the grill. Might appeal to the NASCAR fans and still piss off the politically correct.

  63. The whole point of this is not to end oppression, it's to punish we, the oppressors. When understood in that light, it becomes obvious what the name should be changed to:

    The Washington Crackers.

  64. The Washington Israelis
    The Washington Pigs
    The Washing Closets
    The Washington Interior Decorators
    The Washington Scandal
    The Washington Corruption
    The Washington Epidemics
    The Washington Plague
    The Washington Rats
    The Washington Dipsticks
    The Washington Haircuts
    The Washington Lone Gunmen
    The Washington Arms Suppliers
    The Washington Whores
    The Washington Loopholes

  65. The Washington Statists

  66. Honest Abe Foxman10/21/13, 7:48 AM

    The Washington Denzels?

  67. Ananymous "After this is settled,we need to come up with new logos for other teams that may have names which are offensive to some members of our society
    - Los Angeles Angles, San Diego Padres (religion)
    - Atlanta Braves, Clevland Indians (more native American slurs)
    - Clevland Browns, Milwaukee Bucks ( racial stereotypes )"

    How about some gay team names:

    Texas Rump Rangers
    Green Bay Fudge Packers
    Pittsburg Butt Pirates

  68. The Washington Crooks

    The Washington Corruptocrats

    The Washington Elitist Bastards

    The Washington Treasonists

    The Washington Benedict Arnolds


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