December 5, 2013

Mayor De Blasio decides to make his own luck

The upcoming mayor of New York City has decided he's not going to wait around for the Crown Heightses of New York to unravel his term, the way they destroyed the career of the last mayor elected as a Democrat. Today, Bill De Blasio named the brains behind Rudy Giuliani's operation, William Bratton, as his top cop.

By the way, here's a candid interview that Bratton gave in Toronto in 2006 that you might find interesting reading. (De Blasio would probably prefer that it stay obscure.)

Bratton was also head of the police department in Boston and Los Angeles. Appointing Bratton cost Los Angeles mayor Jim Hahn a second term. Hahn, a white liberal Democrat, had been elected in 2001 over Antonio Villaraigosa by a fragile coalition of blacks and Republicans. When the black police chief Bernard Parks' term was up, Hahn decided to let him go and pick the top available guy in the country, Bratton. This angered blacks, costing Hahn re-election in 2005.

I suspect that it's not going to work like that in New York this time. New York is too important to too many important people to let petty black politics get in the way of law and order. But, we shall see.


  1. Like I said Blasio's 'leftism' and 'multicultural' image is just a useful tool for NY's elites. For a Wall Street city to be ruled by a Wall Streeter didn't look too good, especially given the 'progressive' politics of NY from top to bottom.

    So, just as Obama has been a useful cover for the white-ization of DC, Blasio will be a useful cover for the continuation of white liberal Jewish and homo power and privilege in NY.

    Since Blasio is nominally a 'leftist', the noisy bunch who hold up up 99% vs 1% signs will feel placated and 'empowered', thus less likely to make trouble.
    It's called buying the opposition.

  2. Oh my goodness. How'd this interview ever get published and not raise even a tiny bit of a ruckus?

    Well, in light of this, one has to wonder just how really committed to ending stop and frisk De Blasio is going to be when his newly appointed top cop probably was behind implementing some type of policies that lead to the policy in the first place.

    Perhaps it's a carrot and stick on De Blasio's part.

    Stick, as in carry a big one but never actually use it, just publicly pontificate that you might one day threaten to use it.

    Carrot, in that stop and frisk and all the other policies that have helped NYC remain relatively peaceful and crime free will continue unabated in actual practice.

    Either that or he'll wait til after he's re-elected to a second term and then officially rescind stop and frisk and all those nasty Guilianian policies.

  3. "For a Wall Street city to be ruled by a Wall Streeter didn't look too good, especially given the 'progressive' politics of NY from top to bottom."

    Which is why Bloomberg served three terms?

    Ludicrous. Not even wrong.

    The only reason Bloomberg didn't run for a *fourth* term was because he shouldn't legally have run for a third, he just paid everyone off. The only reason he'd have lost if he had run again is because people were sick of him, not because he was a Wall Streeter.

    The reason the Dem won this time is because the Repubs were exhausted and it was time to punt. NYC Repubs are a strange lot and they come to life every so often to run a fusion candidate (LaGuardia, Lindsay, Giuliani, the first two Bloomberg admins.)

    "the way they destroyed the career of the last mayor elected as a Democrat. "

    For whom he worked in some flunky capacity, where he met Mrs. De B.

  4. Why the West is so loopy. Even Jewish socialists are much better and more successful capitalists than white conservative free-marketeers.

  5. I remember Bratton's previous stint here in NYC. He's a good guy. No illusions, and he's blunt about it. I hope he lasts here.

  6. I remember the manufactured controversy over Rudy's first candidacy.

    Some ancient fellow in Brooklyn was arrested and claimed to see "Arbeit Macht Frei" written on a chalkboard in the police office. He claimed to be a Holocaust survivor, therefore Rudy was Hitler.

    Another outrage was the frog-marching of some Wall Street crooks. That, too, showed Rudy was Hitler.

    After Dinkins, New Yorkers wised up about Rudy but made sure the next Rudy was Jewish.

    I predict a rough ride for De Blasio, Bratton or no Bratton.

    Why not go out on a limb? De Blasio will be impeached. You read it here.

  7. Bratton has stated that after he left the NYPD, the dept. went too far in harassing people.

    The people saying that toning down harassment of non-suspicious people will bring back a 1990 style crime wave are delusional and clearly don't live here.

    BTW, the NYPD has never got rid of the huge number of homeless ex-con black men loitering around Manhattan harassing people. They still walk right by these types as they pester people for money around Penn Station, Union Square etc.

    SaF is now mainly about checking boxes in performance evaluations. They could probably reduce the number dramatically with no loss in effectiveness.

  8. Hahn was dependent on a black political base, one that was losing ground to a rising Latino one, that had hoped they could grab the LAPD chief's slot as a secure sinecure for one of their own after the Rodney King beating and riots (Parks has been a city councilman from South Central ever since being let go as police chief). Two successive incompetent black police chiefs, of which Parks was the second and who oversaw the worst scandal in the LAPD in nearly 50 years, put an end to that plan. De Blasio doesn't yet have the same problem. And he's replacing Ray Kelly, who has been unpopular with the left after the handling of the 2004 Republican National Convention, spying on mosques, and handling Occupy.

  9. Paul Walker would have hired someone better than Bratton as police chief.

  10. New York is too important to too many important people to let petty black politics get in the way of law and order.

    Which is why the Rev'm Al is on the warpath against the Knockout Game we all know is urban legend. Follow the money…

  11. By the way, the only way I can understand Bill Bratton having a career in public life at all after an interview like that is that he's kept a lot of the "right people" in New York and Los Angeles safe. Even then, if he'd given that interview today in the Twitter era, I don't think he would skate.

    The hypocrisy of the white liberal Cathedral in all it's glory.

  12. Paul Walker would have hired someone better than Bratton as police chief.

    LOL. On top of the "Scots-Irish" meme, another one is shaping up: "what would Paul Walker do?"

  13. The only way a white man like Blasio can continue with Guiliani style policing is because of the street cred his black wife gives him. Only half tongue in cheek, perhaps this is the solution to black women's husband shortage. Tell every lonely single black women to find herself a Democratic white man with political ambitions.


  14. Hahn's failure is not only due to Bernard Parks. He failed to follow though on his promises to vastly increase the police force, and he failed to make ground on transportation issues, including the traffic messes at LAX airport. A number of ethics questions dogged Hahn as well. It is somewhat simplistic to link this one to "petty black politics."

  15. 40% of black interracial marriages are now black woman/white man. Interesting that Mr. Sailer hasn't updated his love colorblindness article to consider this new trend.

  16. "40% of black interracial marriages are now black woman/white man. Interesting that Mr. Sailer hasn't updated his love colorblindness article to consider this new trend."

    i guess educated black women gave up on black males who are too loose or chasing after white girls. And maybe mulatto chicks are attractive to hipster whites.

    but when it comes to sex outside marriage, it's mostly black male on white female.

    jungle fever isn't about marriage but porny lusts. look at all the white groupies chasing after rappers and athletes.

  17. Simon in London12/6/13, 2:51 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    40% of black interracial marriages are now black woman/white man. Interesting that Mr. Sailer hasn't updated his love colorblindness article to consider this new trend."

    But if only upper middle class blacks are still marrying, then marriage rates may not reflect cohabitation and reproduction rates. It may be that lower down the social scale black man/white woman matches remain far more common, but they don't get married.

  18. An alternative explanation for why Bratton has a career after that interview is that he has some significant dirt on someone important.

  19. 40% of black interracial marriages are now black woman/white man. Interesting that Mr. Sailer hasn't updated his love colorblindness article to consider this new trend.

    Sorry, but old episodes of The Jeffersons don't count.

  20. Though the main reason Bloomberg won three elections was the ridiculous amount of money he spread around each election, rifts between Blacks and Latinos within the Democratic coalition also had something to do with it. Latinos wouldn't support Bloomberg's liberal Jewish opponent, Mark Green, in 2001. When Green's rival for the Democratic nomination in 2001, Fernando Ferrer, ran against Bloomberg in 2005, Blacks retaliated by not supporting Ferrer. In 2009 the Democrats ran a Black candidate, and of course he had problems getting Latino votes. The 2001 and 2009 races were fairly close, by the way.

    On the other hand, the 2013 results could have been influenced by normally Republican voters in the outer fringes of the outer boroughs realizing that Bloomberg was never much of a Republican.

  21. "And maybe mulatto chicks are attractive to hipster whites."

    They're not. I live in NYC and I very rarely see that. When hipster men go outside the fold, it's usually for East Asians.

  22. The end of NYC? Lets hope so.

  23. "I suspect that it's not going to work like that in New York this time. New York is too important to too many important people to let petty black politics get in the way of law and order"

    But only in New York* because "offense is the best defense" so allowing it to quietly work in New York means very loudly and dramatically pointing and spluttering at everywhere else to deflect attention.

    *maybe LA, Washington and Chicago also.

  24. "Why the West is so loopy. Even Jewish socialists are much better and more successful capitalists than white conservative free-marketeers."

    Although oddly enough Germany after WWII would appear to be a total refutation of that theory.

  25. >> An alternative explanation for why Bratton has a career after that interview is that he has some significant dirt on someone important

    But... be Careful with that Potential Blackmail. Folks get killed for less.

  26. >> Germany after WWII would appear to be a total refutation of that theory

    they built what they built, with Turkish immigration.

  27. Re De Blasio's black wife. I gues the black man feels no jealousy at seeing De B take one of their lovelies away from them. I wonder why? Maybe the black lesbians are upset?

  28. they built what they built, with Turkish immigration.

    Let this kindhearted fellow offer you a word of advice. Read around this and related blogs a little bit. Then you won't sound like such a moron.

  29. "40% of black intermarriages are black woman/white man"

    What about common-law? Or "relationships" that don't even go that far?

    I mean its not like any blacks have ever procreated outside of marriage now, huh?


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