December 16, 2013

Steve and friend

I want to thank everybody who has contributed so far to my latest panhandling drive. It has been most encouraging.

Today, I'd like to focus upon readers who have never contributed. Please just try it once.

Here are some options for donating:

First, you can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here. You can use credit card or check (please put my name on the memo line of any checks).

Second, you can make a non-tax deductible contribution via credit card at WePay by clicking here

Third: You can mail a non-tax deductible donation to:

Steve Sailer
P.O Box 4142
Valley Village, CA 91607-4142



  1. Steve, do you normally wear a mustache?

  2. Now that Gilbert is 'financial' again, he looks forward to running up a bar tab in 2014.

  3. San Franciscan non-monk12/16/13, 6:22 PM

    OT: Apparently challenging a black male to prove he deserves your product never stops working, no matter the age, power, or even intelligence of your target.


    "“Obviously it’s not going to be a shoe that every man is going to buy and understand,” a salesman tells him.

    “O.K.., O.K., I’ll take them,” Mr. Brown says."

  4. You look kind of like David Macaulay now, if you know who that is (except I believe he recently shaved off his mustache).

  5. Matt Buckalew12/16/13, 8:22 PM

    Nice to know my suspicions were correct. Isteve is as I always suspected Rams coach Jeff Fisher.

  6. Is that Steve Sailer or Vincente Fox?

    Steve you getting ready to run for president of Mexico with stache.

  7. You look like a goofier version of Kevin Kline. Love ya, Steve. I'll be donating next month. December is tough for me. God bless and merry Christmas.

  8. I won't contribute because as a 20-something I'm never going to pay for media content--ever ever.

  9. cumin-flavored beans12/17/13, 12:01 AM

    Except that that tree's mouth is open and your mouth in your main picture is closed, I would have sworn that was a photoshop - it really matches the unique expression in your picture.

  10. Which method do you recommend for a UK resident?

  11. Forrest, is you???

  12. Finally contributed after reading for a long time.

  13. I´d donate if only:

    -you shaved off that moustache.
    -I could use paypal without the Vdare detour
    -you replied to my email, two weeks ago.
    -stopped befriending ents, those annoying talking trees who are,along with Tom Bombadil (the Jar Jar Bings of the Tolkien universe), my least favourite characters in LOTR.

  14. I'm sorry but I'll have to keep being a free rider. Still a poor college student.

  15. Steve,

    Fake a micro aggression.

    Dan in DC

  16. Ignore all the obviously blind commenters above.

    You look like William Hurt. He just played Feynman on TV so he should be all warmed up for your bio-pic.


  17. My mental image of Steve just gained several IQ points.

    Come to think of it, I have an idea for closing the Gap...


    Sweet Daddy Williams.

  19. "More People Searched for a Movie Star Than Nelson Mandela in 2013"

    "Google has released its top searches of 2013—and guess whose obituary is most searched-for?

    That's right—Paul Walker. Eat your heart out, Nelson Mandela."

  20. "More People Searched for a Movie Star Than Nelson Mandela in 2013"

    Why search for Mandela when he's all over the news 24/7?

  21. bitcoins bitcoins bitcoins

    You wanna get the Gen Y money you gotta take bitcoins

  22. Paint an American flag in off-colors and put it for sale on Ebay. Thank your many supporters for being there for you against the arrayed might of the ruling elite. It's working for George Zimmerman. Bids on his artwork have pushed the price to $100K.

    You might need to get a little more infamous first. Try egging SPLC headquarters.

  23. Yeah what is the deal with the Paypal boycott? For spur of the moment donations, it is still the default choice for most people on the Internet instead of inputting CC numbers or signing up for yet another webpay service.

    You are prob. losing out on a large number of potential donations.

    That, plus the blog format is ancient. There are plenty of newer options. Ever consider just hiring a blog consultant (or maybe just the 16 year-old kid neighbor) for an overhaul?

    But hey, it is your blog.

    1. Please do not do this. The site is fine. The change at vdare ruined the site, lots of lost content and the site didn't improve anyway.. I don't understand while people enjoy style over function so muc, especially with such a content rich blob such as yours

  24. Hmmm,

    I went to VDare to make a contribution, but the process is similarly convoluted. Check in the Mail? Really?

    An attempt to use Paypal asked for name, address, etc., which defeats the whole purpose.

    Did Paypal blacklisted you guys? If so, why?

    How about texting for frequent small donations? Other methods?

    It's like Vdare and ISteve are stuck in 2003, or they don't really want too many donations.

    Can you clarify in a post?

  25. Serious suggestion: make an account that doesn't say "Steve Sailer" on it, so that "Steve Sailer" doesn't show up as a line item on the credit card statements of those who donate. Unfair and depressing as it is, Steve Sailer is on many blacklists, and that will remain the case until the intellectual climate relaxes a bit, perhaps in a decade or two. People are paranoid. Meanwhile, there is money to be collected, including mine, if donors are given better cover.

  26. Steve, you're a nice guy and everything, but darn it all, some of your friends are thick as a plank.

  27. In this photo he looks like one of the Smothers Brothers (I forget the difference)

  28. Is the lack of a straight paypal account because of tax issues? There used to be this option--I know because I used it to donate...

  29. Serious suggestion: make an account that doesn't say "Steve Sailer" on it, so that "Steve Sailer" doesn't show up as a line item on the credit card statements of those who donate. Unfair and depressing as it is, Steve Sailer is on many blacklists

    Who sees your credit card statement?


    Yet, Putin is made out to be the bad guy.

  31. So, no answer to why no Paypal?


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