December 6, 2013

World War T Hate Hoax at Vassar

From the Daily Mail:
Bias incidents at Vassar were a hoax as one of the culprits was 'the transgender student leading the investigations into the offensive graffiti' 
Six bias incidents of graffiti were reported on the school's campus 
Messages included offensive threats at transgender students and African Americans 
Claims were investigated by student-led group and school officials later realized that one of the group leaders was behind the graffiti 
Both of the students involved have left the school

This is based on reporting done by Robby Soave for the Daily Caller.

The purported hate crime included a graffito reading "Avoid being a hot mess."


  1. Oh gee, I'm shocked. Who could have imagined such a thing?

  2. If this is how they are then they deserve to be insulted.

  3. It's strange how autistic these hate hoaxers are -- completely unable to get inside the mind of their opponents and reproduce what they would say or do, like an actor or chameleon could.

    The KKK stuff is obvious: no one's into that anymore, and only a clueless nerd would think they were.

    In this case, the tranny wrote "Hey tranny. Know your place." It's a catty, passive-aggressive tone of voice that only a pissy trans-sexual would use themselves.

    But, realism and plausibility don't matter so much as the abstract ideas communicated. So don't expect the hate hoaxers to go Method and come up with some more convincing graffiti.

  4. Claims were investigated by student-led group and school officials later realized that one of the group leaders was behind the graffiti

    Isn't this a lot like a psycho-killer working with the cops to help find the murderer? Like in some old Colombo or Quincy episode. Who knows what kind of psychological gymnastics is behind this kind of behavior?

  5. My knee jerk response when I hearof these events has been to assume that someone within the "victim" group will ultimately be held responsible. Case in point: a week or two ago in Lunenburg MA made headlines in Boston when a half breed member of the local high school's football team found racist graffiti spray-painted on his house and claimed that it was just one manifestation of the difficulties team members imposed upon him. The family talked of suing the school and various persons associated with the football team. The school committee went into white-guilt lockdown and immediately suspended all activities of the football team. Coaches wewre suspended. When I first heard this story I suspected that the student himself was probably the guilty party. Last night I learned that there's enough evidence become available to indict the mother. So, while I may not be batting omne thousand I'm getting a hell of a lot better predictions from my model than the UN and its warmist scientists have ever gotten from theirs.

  6. It's strange how autistic these hate hoaxers are -- completely unable to get inside the mind of their opponents and reproduce what they would say or do, like an actor or chameleon could.

    Along similar lines this is what the psychology professor Jonathan Haidt found, people on the right had a much better understanding of how people on the left thought than vice versa, people on the left engaged in silly almost comical misreading of how people not sharing their political beliefs came to their views.

  7. another:

  8. Hoax or not, what's important is that awareness of the struggles LGBTQIIA individuals deal with on a daily basis has been raised.

  9. What a dummy

    She is confusing creativity with contrarian thinking. People stick with established ways because new risky ideas tend to fail, just like most start-ups fail.
    Also, paradoxically, creative people foster complacency in people. Apple products simplify tasks in life, for example.
    Hollywood makes products offering easy laughter and excitement.

    IQ IS good indicator of success. But yes, people who really make a real difference are creative, but then, creative AND very intelligent. It's not a matter of intelligent OR creative but intelligent AND creative.

    She thinks 'creative' = contrarian. In modern art, maybe. In tech & entertainment, however, creativity is meant to simplify and satisfy.

    Art world is shit right now because kids are told to be creative without learning and honing basic skills. It's like creative writing without mastering grammar.

  10. "It's strange how autistic these hate hoaxers are"

    Strange, but not altogether unsurprising. Most of them are coddled trust-funders who probably have never done anything rowdy or edgy in their entire lives. Plus they're far too sensitive to ever use an actual slur, even in a hoax. Principles and all that.

  11. A commonsense rider to put on anti-discrimination statutes would be some penalty for false claims and hoaxes like this. For instance ENDA is looking more and more likely, but no one will think to put a line in there about how it is OK to fire somebody for making up claims of discrimination.

    That's a problem with the R reps. When they see the writing in the wall, they would rather vote no in honor than work for changes that would make it more practical in implementation.

  12. What does it say about these people that their greatest aspiration is to become an Accredited Victim?

    Clearly there are garden-variety psychological issues at play here, but still, these hoaxes are revealing about what contemporary liberals value, and aspire to. I find it so bizarre.

  13. Also, "bias incident" is such a pussified term in and of itself, evocative as it is of therapeutic babble.

    "Bias" has statistical, probablistic connotations--i.e., bias exists if something is repeated multiple times and the probable outcome is shifted in one direction or another. But it seems like an odd word to use to characterize a specific event.

    If I came across grafitti, I would simply refer to it as an act of vandalism.

    The phrase "bias incident" is revealing in that it highlights that liberals care less about the actual incident than they do about the ostensible motives of the perpetrator. It's all about feelings and ideology rather than tangible acts and concrete reality.

  14. It's strange how autistic these hate hoaxers are -- completely unable to get inside the mind of their opponents and reproduce what they would say or do, like an actor or chameleon could.

    I wonder what the quintessential hate hoax graffito would say? Probably something like:

    "Attention negroes--your moral worth is inferior to ours! Signed, the Naziklan."

  15. If it makes the Daily Mail - or the Daily Caller, for that matter; in fact, the word 'Daily' need not even be in the name - is it then a macro- rather than micro-aggression?

    Just for the hell of it, I googled up some images for 'Vassar babes' and was disappointed by the results.

  16. Of course don't forget this recent hoax from New Jersey where the former marine turned lesbian waitress claimed a family did not tip her because of her lifestyle. The family fought back and went public with their receipt showing they left a tip, and the amount was confirmed by their credit card statement.

    Next we learned that she was discharged under conditions that were other than honorable.

    Further, as a former marine she announced she would donate all the money sent to her by sympathetic people across the nation to the Wounded Warrior Project. That sounded nice and showed she was not in it for the money. But...

    The lesbian waitress who claimed she received an anti-gay note in lieu of a tip promised to donate the subsequent gratuities that poured in to the Wounded Warrior Project — but the veterans organization reportedly can’t verify it had received any donations from Dayna Morales.

  17. What is interesting is the NewSpeak involved. The incidents are called a "hoax". Meaning what, exactly?

    They were (1) using hateful words written (2) with the intention of causing fear among minorities.

    And they worked!

    That is not a "hoax" hate crime, that is a HATE CRIME BY DEFINITION.

    "But," you say, "they really, really liked Negroes deep down inside. It can't be a hate crime! It must be a hoax due to their deep, deep inner love! They were just trying to get a healthy leftist self-confession/guilt session going to rid us of Evil White People."

    But that is not the measure of the crime. The crime is writing/saying/acting with the intent to put people in fear based upon their minority/victimness. And that is exactly what they did.

    So why all the talk about a "hoax"?

    An this is the deep, hidden, psychological/political part they don't want to talk about.

    The "hoaxers" know that no one in their right mind should be upset by Bad Words.

    In fact, they know that the supposedly "offended minorities" are not afraid, offended, or otherwise bothered by the language.

    The hoaxers and the minorities know that they are perfectly safe, always have been, and that their ginned-up outrage is purely political theater.

    They know--hoaxers and victims alike--that "hate speech" is almost universally done to drum up anti-white racism and further white genocide.

    And if it is "real" (once every 100 times or so) and not a "hoax" it is actually politically good for hoaxers and victims, since that one "real" hate crime provides the microscopic, infinitesimally small validation for continuing the "hoax" hate speech campaign of racial intimidation.

    Or, as the leftist college presidents put it, "this [hoax] may have been the action of a poor, deluded person (and we surely pity them), but it does raise an important issue--Evil White People--that we need to constantly think about and stamp out."

    And that is what universally happens. What do the lefty students, lefty profs and lefty college Presidents do? They immediately suspend classes and force everyone to undergo political re-education/sensitivity meetings. Vassar did it. Lefties on the Vassar Student Association held consciousness-raising sessions to indoctrinate heir new freshmen on the evils of white people, heaters and males. Just like they did on every other campus.

    Anyone who calls it a "hoax" is falling into their trap. It is done deliberately to teach white self-hatred and encourage anti-white genocide.

    The "hoaxes" will only stop when white kids see it for what it is--anti-white racism--and react negatively by immediately pointing a finger at the minorities. Only when white students hold their own consciousness-raising meetings to teach fellow whites how they are being deliberately guilt-tripped will the hoaxes stop: and they will stop only because they are no longer effective.

  18. We went from a model minority culture to a model majority culture.

    In the past, whites(esp wasps) suggested that there was something lacking, backward, deficient, inferior, and/or wicked about non-whites. Thus, non-whites were afraid to validate such perceptions and tried to be a 'credit to their race', worthy to live as free people in white society.
    Such pressures checked possibly hostile attitudes and behavior among non-whites. On the defensive from aggressive white judgmental-ism, they were mostly mindful to prove their worth in the eyes of whites, esp Anglos. Because, if they acted 'out of order', whites would say, 'you see, they are crazy and undeserving to live amongst us', they tried their best to be good Americans. (During Vietnam War, blacks were complaining, 'why do we have to fight this hon*ey-ass war?', but in earlier wars, blacks were eager to serve dutifully to prove their worth as good Americans. And even after US imprisoned Japanese-Americans, Japanese-Americans were willing to fight for America to prove their patriotism in the eyes of White America. Even when wronged, they wanted to be worthy in the eyes of white America.)

    In the past, whites, as the builders of civilization, had the moral upperhand and saw fit to judge and condemn other races that came to feel compelled to prove their worth before whites. Whites also controlled the law, media, government, and etc the white moral system.

    So, blacks tried not to act crazy, and many Jews opted not to rock the boat.

    But since the 60s, the morality shifted where whites were made out to be bad guys. And with Jews and do-goody liberal wasps controlling the media, academia, and culture, the pressure was on whites to watch what they say and prove their worth as repentant and redemptive 'progressives'.

    With no more moral pressure put on minorities, now we have Jews, blacks, browns, illegal aliens, and homos feeling free to vent their spleen and then some, and indeed they feel completely morally justified in doing so.

    Meanwhile, the 'model majority' pressure on whites makes them ever so careful about what they say as they are eager to be a 'credit to their race' that has been discredited enough with 'genocide', slavery, 'homophobia', etc.

    At any rate, Jews and whites now agree on morality. Whites say 'we are guilty', and Jews say 'you are guilty'.
    Jews say 'we are so perfect', and whites say 'you are so perfect'.
    Hmm, something isn't right with this picture.

    At any rate, Jews are smart to keep the pressure on whites so that whites won't even dare to mutter anything 'antisemitic'. Those hiding behind the shield from the arrows have no time to shoot the arrows back.

    When whites showered moral arrows on non-whites in the past, non-whites were too busy proving their worth as 'credit to their race' to do and say the stuff that Kanye West and Al Sharpton are saying today. But look at blacks today.

    So, if pressure on whites were to end, there will be the return of white anger and 'hate', and Jews don't want that.

  19. What does it say about these people that their greatest aspiration is to become an Accredited Victim?

    They do seem desperate to be victimized. It's as if it makes them important and gives them a real adult big war story that they can calculating drop into the conversation and have their listeners go "ohhh!".

    Makes people pay attention to them, like their parents did when some other kid insulted them or beat them up in kindergarten. Still starved for adult attention that makes them feel important. Lee Harvey Oswald would have understood.

  20. With dozens or more of these hate crime hoaxes over the past few years, some enterprising conservative could easily write a book about the phenomenon. Liberals act as if these hoaxes are a new thing every time they are found out, yet it keeps happening over and over again. I don't think that these will ever stop until people see the evidence that they have become commonplace. The MSM will attack the author, but at least the information will be out there for the country to see.

  21. "Along similar lines this is what the psychology professor Jonathan Haidt found, people on the right had a much better understanding of how people on the left thought than vice versa, people on the left engaged in silly almost comical misreading of how people not sharing their political beliefs came to their views."

    Perhaps because leftist views are fully represented in the main-stream media. But rightist views are almost absent.
    Robert Hume


  22. With dozens or more of these hate crime hoaxes over the past few years, some enterprising conservative could easily write a book about the phenomenon.

    More likely to make waves would be a Lloyd's-like gaming site, giving the odds that this one might be real for a change.

  23. It's not a hoax. It's a false flag attack.

  24. Hoax or not, what's important is that awareness of the struggles LGBTQIIA individuals deal with on a daily basis has been raised coast to coast.


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