January 27, 2014

Diversity in New Media Journalism

The big journalism news is that Ezra Klein and some friends are leaving the Washington Post for an all Internet media company, Vox. Here are pictures of Vox's staff, which looks remarkably like that picture of the 2012 Obama campaign staff, all the way down to having one black guy in the back row. Just as the Obama campaign was headquartered in Chicago, where no blacks live, Vox is based in Washington D.C., so there weren't any additional black workers available within a 100-mile commuting distance.

By the way, nobody should ever suggest that Matthew Yglesias is a tad out of touch with the Common Man. After all, back in 1948 his grandfather was the film critic for the CPUSA's Daily Worker.


  1. Usually blacks want to be AA'd into good jobs, not crappy "Between The Lines" dormitory-life ones.

  2. Such horrifying Whiteness; surely the DOJ will launch a disparate impact investigation immediately.

  3. Imagine the anguish that Matt Yglesias must feel, a Man of Color surrounded by Whites....

  4. That is wicked good Steve!

  5. There's some diversity in laptops in the pic on the right.

  6. How exactly is this going to end ? Both pictures are of mostly white people and both clearly support the ever shrinking number of whites in the country. Surely at at a certain point it cannot just be Steve Sailor pointing this out ? Surely at a certain percentage of whites left in the country others are going to spot this.

  7. The more obvious things become, the more moral/political brownie points you get for being oblivious.

    Looks at sports and race, for example.

  8. Oprah was on her friend Gayle King's radio show a few years ago and was bragging about how she has almost all whites working for her, the exception being one black male. The funny part of it was that this was meant to show that she's ruling over the white folks, in contrast to the bad old days, but it was clear the whole routine was a face-saving pretext to hide the fact that she wants a successful business so she hires whites.

    Transcript here.

    1. Arsenio recently joked that his show starts on time because he's got white people working for him.

  9. Also, the 2014 Mexican mariachi Olympic ski team uniform looks like it should be worn by the Three Amigos.


    But it's all going to be worn by MX's great alpine ski competitor, Prince Hubertus of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (I'm not joking), so it's OK.

  10. How exactly is this going to end?

    Probably like the Middle East is ending up: groups withdrawing into territories along ethno-cultural lines, with armed militias constantly spoiling for fights.

    I used to think, like Brazil. But now I'm thinking there are too many whites who are just flat out not going to mate with darker-skinned individuals. (These pictures: Ex. A). And I don't think armed, conservative whites are going to sit back and let the numbers get to South Africa or Zimbabwe ratios before they start seceding.

  11. The more obvious things become, the more moral/political brownie points you get for being oblivious.

    It used to be that people who missed the bleeding obvious were considered, ah... special. I think the term still applies.

  12. Steve, could you or a reader comment on the rumor that the WaPo summarily dismissed this pathetic f-----juiceboxer?

  13. Given the composition of the "JournoList" which Klein started, I imagine his friends will also be 90% Jewish.

  14. Yeah, all these whites are so qualified for their 100k sinecures with health insurance, profit sharing and 401ks. Pure merit, the SWPL class has going on.

    For people who brag about seeing the obvious, you all are pretty good at not seeing what you don't want to, same as everyone else.

    1. Yeah but we're not "those" white people. Those white people hate us, and you, so join us.

  15. No surprise here.
    I'm also pretty sure one would come up with yet another unsurprising conclusion by further investigating the ethnic composition of Vox Media Inc's staff.

  16. From the link:

    In 1942, Yglesias enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a radioman-gunner stationed in the Mediterranean. After World War II, he briefly attended Black Mountain College in North Carolina on the G.I. Bill, but he became disenchanted and returned to Manhattan.

    During his brief tenure at Black Mountain College, Yglesias wrote the autobiographical short story “Un Buen Obrero” which was published in the November 1946 issue of The New Masses. For a couple of years, he lived the life of a typical struggling writer until 1948 when he landed a position as a film critic for the Daily Worker. Over the next two years, Yglesias wrote more than 100 reviews, many highly critical of Hollywood fare. The rise of the anti-Communist hysteria in postwar era coupled with his interest in and support for left-wing causes and politics led to unemployment.

    One of these days, I'm going to tell the story of Black Mountain College. But for now, due to respect for family, I'll keep my peace.

  17. VOX Media? Really? Is it possible these children don't know of Vox Day?
    I'll bet he's getting a kick out of this news

  18. Hypocrites. They should have to work in Compton.

  19. Vox.

    Because, in a country saturated with left wing internet sites, the thing to do is create another one.

  20. Hardly Vox Populi, are they?

  21. I'm surprised Matt didn't bring over Jamelle Bouie on board. That's like his go to Black guy.

  22. They claim site will provide much needed "context" to the news, and who better to do that than Klein and Yglesias.

  23. Vox is the creation of uber-lefty Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas of Daily Kos fame, who may or may not be whiter than Pitbull. But he does a lot of vowels in his name, so maybe he gets the benefit of the doubt.

  24. "There's some diversity in laptops in the pic on the right."

    The Man with the Gray-Panel Puter.

  25. "Vox"? Was "Shtim" already taken?

  26. Klein, newly minted media mogul, has heard your concerns and will now insist upon a batch of H-1Bs to diversify his public interest journolism-- I hear we're falling behind in that.

  27. Steve, could you or a reader comment on the rumor that the WaPo summarily dismissed this pathetic f-----juiceboxer?

    It's not a rumor that Jeff Bezos refused Klein's plan for the Washpost to bankroll Ezra K.'s web site. It's a fact.

    Jeff Bezos is of course the Amazon.com tycoon. Bezos bought the Wasington Post in Oct. 2013.

    It's not clear what Bezos's politics are or what changes, if any, Bezos plans for the WashPost newspaper. Maybe sacking young Ezra is Bezo's first sweep of his new broom.

  28. I hear they're going to pad things out with bean recipes.

  29. Hideously white.

  30. Anonydroid at 5:35 PM said: Given the composition of the "JournoList" which Klein started, I imagine his friends will also be 90% Jewish.

    Hunsdon: yeah, but that's all on merit.

  31. Oswald Spengler1/27/14, 8:42 PM

    More "diversity for thee, but not for me" hi-jinks.

  32. From common man to cummin man.

  33. Thanks for the laughs. Maybe the Post doesn't consider Klein a good investment because Obamacare is failing.

  34. Jeff Bezos is of course the Amazon.com tycoon. Bezos bought the Wasington Post in Oct. 2013.

    It's not clear what Bezos's politics are or what changes, if any, Bezos plans for the WashPost newspaper. Maybe sacking young Ezra is Bezo's first sweep of his new broom.

    According to James Bowery:

    A “coincidence” is that in the aforelinked acrimonious debate about the citizens dividend, there is also an excerpt from an essay I wrote in 1982 while working on the first electronic newspaper in the US for the Knight Ridder News Service’s Miami Herald, that talks about the zero-sum mindset of the media authorities (which got me into a conflict with the Miami Herald’s editorial authorities). The Washington Post is being purchased by Jeff Bezos. 1981-1983 I was the local support team leader in Miami for the Space Studies Institute sponsoring public awareness events about space settlement. Some punk gave his valedictorian speech on space settlement during Miami Palmetto Senior High School’s 1982 graduation ceremonies. That punk’s name was Jeff Bezos. Things are working out pretty much the way I foresaw in 1982.

  35. Bezos is not exactly a popular-with-the-public biz titan, like Oprah or Richard Branson, but he's not hated either (I remember the stupid Taco Bell ads, back when he had hair). He already got a goodly portion of fawning press before buying the newspaper -- which makes me wonder why he bought it. You can't profit from the brand without tamping down a lot of egos. Anyhow if the Washington Post is somehow not a white elephant I'd be interested to hear the explanation.

  36. It's the chief local news institution of the capital of the global empire. Why wouldn't you want to own that?

    Carlos Slim has done extremely well for himself bailing out the New York Times.

  37. How many are Jews? Not just Klein I would imagine. Jews are a minority themselves, so they don't have to kowtow to all that 'diversity' crap. In that sense, it's probably already a majority minority company; that's gotta be diverse enough to satisfy everyone.

  38. Matt Yglesias, hispanic opinion leader?

  39. "The rise of the anti-Communist hysteria in postwar era coupled with his interest in and support for left-wing causes and politics led to unemployment."

    Poor fella, really had it tough, with all the hysteria and what not. Amazing that despite such horrible discrimination (and being a person of color too!), even his Grandson gets to go to Harvard, be a professional (an influential!) opinionator, and publish half-baked books. And *he* accomplicshed all this despite being completely mediocre is every respect. What that family is overcome is truly heartwarming.

  40. Steve,

    I'm sensing that SWPLs are starting to like the idea of internet startups.

    Think abt it: the whole idea of it; big future bucks, globalist scale, instant success, young people, metropolitan oriented, etc.

    This also clicks w/ this weird stories popping up where progs wonder so few women code and how that's a bad thing in itself.

  41. Some punk gave his valedictorian speech on space settlement during Miami Palmetto Senior High School’s 1982 graduation ceremonies. That punk’s name was Jeff Bezos.

    My best guess is that Bezos is a cap. "L" Libertarian -- culturally Left, economically Right. Advocating space settlement and other techno-Futurist endeavors fits with Libertarianism.

    Prediction: The WashPost will continue to cheerlead for MultiKulty diversity, while undergoing global editorial cooling regarding tax increases and labor unions.

    Wait for a WashPost opinion piece endorsing mail order sales of marijuana


    Re Unitarian Universalist churches: On another chat board, someone wisecraked that U. U. churches are a safe, genteel place to "score" drugs. Myself, I have no personal experience with that.

  42. Jeff Bezos did buy the WaPo, for $250 million.

    The best news in that is that since his order was over $25, he got free shipping.

  43. Actually, the black population of Chicago went down by over 200,000 in the past decade. They no comprise less that 1/3 of the population.

  44. Sailer's Law of Journolism: The prestige press/Journolist cabal should change their PC just enough so they can give him a job.

  45. Well it's hard to be the dark matter of the Internet if anyone in Washington DC were willing to hire you

  46. vox on your house

  47. Cadaver Synod1/28/14, 7:43 PM

    Pay no attention to the lack of blacks, we've got Macbooks and Obama says we're cool.


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