January 13, 2014

Haaretz: "Fischer won't discount post as Israel's next foreign minister"

From the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:
Fischer won't discount post as Israel's next foreign minister 
By Moti Bassok     Jan. 30, 2013

Stanley Fischer on Wednesday dismissed the idea that he would become finance minister, but did not discount a role in the Foreign Ministry.  
Outgoing Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer has no intentions of leaving Israel - or its public life - and at a news conference on Wednesday, he said just that. 
“I will continue to be involved in the country’s public life. Israel is my second home and I’m not sure that it’s less than first,” Fischer, who announced Tuesday that he would resign from his post this coming June, said at the conference. 
Fischer rejected any suggestion that he would accept the post of finance minister in the next government but did not say he would turn down a chance to lead the Foreign Ministry. 
And there is also speculation in Israel that Fischer might take the mostly ceremonial position of President of Israel if 89-year-old Shimon Peres ever drops dead.

A man's got to keep his options open in life. This assumption that a 70-year-old high government official has to pick just one country and stick to it is so 20th Century.

Vice chairman of the U.S. Fed, foreign minister of Israel, head of the IMF, CEO of Citigroup, president of MIT, Dalai Lama, Pope, Ayatollah of Rocknrolla, head groundskeeper at Fenway Park, coach of the Boston Celtics, starting tight end for the Patriots (just until Gronk's healthy again, of course), astronaut, fireman, secret agent, who says one person can't do it all? And why not all at the same time?

What kind of monster are you to crush the dreams of a little boy?


  1. “I will continue to be involved in the country’s public life. Israel is my second home and I’m not sure that it’s less than first”

    For any US Senate with balls, those words in and of themselves would be utterly damning and disqualifying.

    I doubt our Senate has any balls.

    But perhaps Fischer has gotten word that his nomination may be attacked in other ways, such as his ties to Russian privatization. Understandably, he may not want his past to undergo such scrutiny.

  2. Titus Didius Tacitus1/13/14, 7:59 PM

    This is a clarifying moment. The people who run America and through it America's allies and the West in general are declaring themselves, in two ways.

    They are saying they can occupy key positions themselves when they want to, without regard for "patriotic" norms.

    And they are declaring which the important positions are, the ones that are worth hands-on rule.

    It turns out that financial schemes really are that important.

    It was possible to doubt that till now. That kind of thinking sounded like "conspiracy theories". And banks are so boring that in the absence of clear evidence that this is where the action is one might prefer to ignore the topic.

    "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."

    It turns out that Jewish control of the white world's finances is similar.

  3. No doubt he is uniquely qualified for all of those positions.

  4. Contrast that to the life of a military contractor. He has to have single citizenship to acquire and keep a clearance. If he worked in a foreign country for a length of time, he has to officially report all of his contacts there.

  5. Steve if you're going to sample from The greatest comedy ever written you need to at least footnote the movie.

    The Legendary MacGruber. Former Navy SEAL, Army Ranger and Green Beret. Served six tours in Desert Storm, four in Bosnia, three each in Angola, Somalia, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Sierra Leone. Recipient of sixteen Purple Hearts, three Congressional Medals of Honor, seven Presidential Medals of Bravery and starting tight end for the University of Texas, El Paso.

    Dan in DC

  6. "This is a clarifying moment. The people who run America and through it America's allies and the West in general are declaring themselves, in two ways."

    It was a clarifying moment when Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich.

    It was a clarifying moment when Jeb Bush announced that Mexicans had better family values than Americans.

    It was a clarifying moment when two Marco Rubio aides announced that Americans weren't up to snuff for the 21st Century economy.

    It was a clarifying moment when they refused to deport 12 million illegal aliens in the midst of the Great Recession.

    It was a clarifying moment when, very shortly after their elections, Marco Rubio, Jeff Flake, and Orrin Hatch announced they had lied their asses off about amnesty to get elected.

    It was a clarifying moment when Holder & Co. refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers, prosecuted states for attempting to enforce immigration law, and announced that it was discrimination for businesses to consider arrest records when hiring.

    How many more clarifying moments do we need?

    What the elites have learned is that we're all sheep, that we're all too busy watching American Idol to bother with what's going on in D.C. They've learned that they can get away with pretty much anything, if they are on the side of the neofeudalist business lobby.

  7. I never noticed before the difference between paleo-conservatives and everyone else. It's mighty strange that ordinary conservative sources (e.g., Fox, NR) aren't against Fischer's nomination. Remember Chuck Hagel's somewhat distasteful line, "I'm a United States Senator, not an Israeli Senator." Well, this case is the reverse or worse because Fischer isn't even saying what he considers himself.

  8. OT, but Jim Cramer is now questioning the elite consensus on trade and immigration.

  9. Titus Didius Tacitus1/13/14, 9:14 PM

    Matthew: "How many more clarifying moments do we need?"

    Maybe different people wake up to different aspects of things at different times. That was a clarifying moment for me, re: Zionist financial control. I really didn't think it was that big of an issue. (I do think mass immigration is that big an issue.) Obviously I was wrong.

    It won't be a clarifying moment for many people because most people will never hear of it, and most of those that do won't have heard the facts that would enable this to be seen as part of a pattern, and most people who have seen such facts at one time or another will naively accept mass media assurances that this is all fine.

    Matthew: "What the elites have learned is that we're all sheep, that we're all too busy watching American Idol to bother with what's going on in D.C. They've learned that they can get away with pretty much anything, if they are on the side of the neofeudalist business lobby."

    That they have. And they are acting accordingly. And as they prove they can get away with this too, they'll only go further.

    They don't have any fear of the long run, because mass non-white immigration in all white countries and only white countries plus forced assimilation means we don't have a long run.

    This is an amazing time to be alive and to see such strange and terrible things unfolding.

  10. Other than 'controversial', another change in media attitudes involves 'irreverence'.

    Jews, homos, beatniks, liberals, and radicals used to take pride in their hip and edgy culture of irreverence. So, they mocked everyone, especially conservative or traditional authority figures and promoted that sort of thing as liberating and cool. They loved it when Hustler magazine mocked Jerry Falwell.

    Today, reverence is back in full force. You have to be reverential toward homos and bow down to them at 'gay' victory parades.
    The Pussy Riot can disrupt and trash a Russian Church service, but Putin and Russian nationalists are excoriated for not showing reverence toward the Pussy Rioters.

    Rick Sanchez was irreverent toward Jewish power and joked about how 'powerless' the Jews are in the media, and the Jews who'd long been promoting the cult of irreverence blacklisted him for his irreverence toward Jewish power.

    Though Libs speak of separation of church and state, our government does promote a religion: MLK cult. Why is it a religion? It demands total faith in the man, reverence for his name, heretical excommunication and exile of all those who dare mock his name or question his character. He cannot be debated; he must be worshiped and idolized. MLK is a cult of worship with powerful taboos protecting it, therefore a quasi-religion.

    "We mock and spit on you, but you better worship and revere us." That is the attitude of new Liberalism.

    So, shhhhhhh about Fischer's background or loyalties. No controversy or irreverence. Just trust him and revere him.


  11. "It's mighty strange that ordinary conservative sources (e.g., Fox, NR) aren't against Fischer's nomination."

    No it isn't.

    "Remember Chuck Hagel's somewhat distasteful line, "I'm a United States Senator, not an Israeli Senator.""

    Hagel's nomination was a very strange affair. Several Democrats made very ratty comments about him, which made me think his nomination might fail. However, after the Republican shit brigade started unloading on him, the Ds fell in line and he was confirmed. I think all things considered he's done an admirable job. Better than Leon Panetta by far.

  12. JeremiahJohnbalaya1/13/14, 9:48 PM

    Either this is really bizarre, or Steve has done a marvelous job of making it seem really bizarre.

    It's so bizarre that it almost seems like some kind of well-planned act to gin up resentment. Sort of the way that I got the impression that Obama purposefully did everything wrong, and nothing right, with his birth certificate mess, just to screw with his opponents. Because he knew he could get away with it.

    Sorry, that's poorly phrased, but I'm tired, and I think you'll get the point.

  13. OT, but it might be worth investigating why it is that the only mainstream media outlet - that I can find - that reported on the HUGE 2013 genetic science breakthrough CRSPR, in the United States, is foxnews. While several did in England - which I believe is where the research took place.

  14. "It's mighty strange that ordinary conservative sources (e.g., Fox, NR)"

    Going off topic here, but Fox is only considered conservative because it is more pro war, on most other topics it actually leans more liberal. It opposes the Democrats mostly because they are Democrats and how they run things not because of any real fundamental disagreements of principle.

  15. How dare Stanley Fischer continue to push that tired, yet vicious, old anti-Semitic canard that Jews have dual loyalty! Does the ADL know?

  16. Titus Didius Tacitus1/14/14, 5:30 AM

    JeremiahJohnbalaya: "It's so bizarre that it almost seems like some kind of well-planned act to gin up resentment."

    It's simpler than that. The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.

  17. The real Stanely Fischer - from Ha'aretz article, Jan 11, 2005


    "Fischer has received the second-most important position in the economy, despite not having an Israeli public-service record. He is, in fact, something of a mercenary, even if he really is 'a warm Jew,' as he has oft been described over the past few days. A mercenary is employed when the internal elements are no longer sure of their strength."

    ("A mercenary is employed when the internal elements are no longer sure of their strength." Same might be said of Mark Carney's appointment to the Bank of England.)

  18. Dave Pinsen said...

    "OT, but Jim Cramer is now questioning the elite consensus on trade and immigration."

    Cramer is pretty much Elliot Spitzer's best friend. Elliot Spitzer desperately wants a political comeback but can gain no traction. Is Cramer sending up a trial balloon for him?

  19. Janet Yellen was NOT a national merit scholar. Bernake was. So we go from a > 136 IQ bureaucrat to a < 136 IQ bureaucrat who for all we know bombed the math SAT.

  20. The people already elected an unpatriot to run the US, and did so not once, but twice.

    Surely a bright Jew would have at least been more competent.

  21. "Maybe different people wake up to different aspects of things at different times. That was a clarifying moment for me, re: Zionist financial control. I really didn't think it was that big of an issue...Obviously I was wrong."

    put on the glasses, did you?

    roddy piper would be proud.

  22. Re Fox and other MSM.

    Discussion of the bias of news and current affairs is a bit of a red herring.

    The reality is the rest of the media pump out anti-white, pro-gay, female empowerment messages 24/7.

    News is a ghetto, anyone who seriously watches a lot of news probably uses the internet a lot too which makes them far less likely to swallow the liberal crap.

    The majority only skim through news on their way to watching CSI or Law n Order which will tell them the WASP did it.

    The major news providers could easily give way a bit knowing the real formation of The Agenda isnt really happening in the news stories at all, they are just one part of the platform.

  23. Maybe someone has mentioned this in a previous thread, but here's a potential conflict of interest.

    Suppose an Israeli intelligence operation needs some off-the-books funding. So Mossad hits up Dr. Fischer for a tip-off on an upcoming FOMC decision. That way they can preempt the bond markets with inside information and earn some black-budget cash.

    Would Fischer refuse? Why or why not?

  24. Jews, homos, beatniks, liberals, and radicals used to take pride in their hip and edgy culture of irreverence. So, they mocked everyone, especially conservative or traditional authority figures and promoted that sort of thing as liberating and cool. They loved it when Hustler magazine mocked Jerry Falwell.

    I love giving leftists shit over this. Pretty much all my attacks on them include some reference to it. I like to start out by responding to any attack on Christians, white males, conservatives, traditional values, my ancestors, non-deviants, etc., with "OMG, you're sooo edgy," etc., then segue into "my" take on edgy. Usually I cap it all with a reference to the "Puritanical," "humorless," "orthodox," "Inquisitorial" nature of leftism.


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