January 15, 2014

Heartiste on the bearable whiteness of "Her"

The late River (top)
and Joaquin Phoenix
Heartiste writes about the Oscar-contender Her, which is set in a future Los Angeles purged of anything offensive to advanced tastes:
Replying to a Steve Sailer review of the movie Her as a mischievous chain-yank of the exquisite sensibilities of white people who majored in humanities, commenter stari_momak pithily spits,
You notice how [as] America has gotten darker, white people have gotten fairer (or paler)? 
One consequence of the CH axiom Diversity + Proximity = War is, ironically, a racial self-segregation that belies the media message drumbeat propagandizing the opposite. Her is very much a SWPL (Stuff White People Like) utopia: clean urban spaces, softening pastels, car-less mass transit, bicycle lanes, love affairs with an advanced Siri AI who sounds like the whitest white girl who ever whited, a noticeable lack of bling or vibrancy. 
It’s almost as if the crushing weight of diversity (especially in LA) has freed upper middle class whites to wall themselves off in cultural compounds of their own making. Sure, they have to guss up their motives with doublespeak, but their actions — their revealed preference in economese — is strictly for a society of the whites, by the whites, for the whites.

Here are the names I recognize from the cast of "Her:"

Joaquin Phoenix -- the Spanish first name is due to his having been born in Puerto Rico where his American parents, John Bottom Amram and Arlyn Dunetz Jochebed, had gone as missionaries.
Amy Adams, Matt Letscher, Joaquin

Amy Adams -- Born at an American air force base in Italy, raised in Colorado, ex-Mormon.

Rooney Mara -- Catholic football princess of the Rooney (Steelers) and Mara (NY Giants) dynasties

Chris Pratt
 -- Born in Minnesota, and looks it. The phrase "corn-fed" comes to mind.

Olivia Wilde -- Daughter of one of the Cockburn journalists (making her some kind of distant niece of Evelyn Waugh). Her maternal grandfather was president of the San Francisco Golf Club. The USGA holds the U.S Open next door at the Olympic Club because SFGC doesn't want hoi polloi wandering its superb grounds.

Portia Doubleday -- She's probably not Gen. Abner Doubleday's direct descendant, but she looks like she could be.

Spike Jonze
Voice-only actors:

Scarlett Johansson
Kristen Wiig
Bill Hader
Brian Cox
Spike Jonze

In terms of diversity, Chris Pratt has an Asian-American girlfriend who is a lawyer and has a few lines. And there is an Asian waitress who serves Joaquin and Rooney in one scene. The worker at the next desk at BeautifulHandwrittenLetters.com is a black lady, but doesn't interact with anybody.

There is one child in the film. She's explained to be the daughter of some friends of Theodore Twombly, who aren't seen in the movie. She's blonde.

The extras in the crowd scenes are heavily Asian (some of the outdoor scenes were shot in Shanghai, some in downtown Los Angeles). Apparently, Asians have pushed Mexicans out of Future LA, which doesn't seem utterly implausible. Overall, though, Larry David's social circle is more diverse than the one in this sci-fi movie.


  1. Olivia Wilde looks 1/4 asian, even though her parents both look 100% white. I find it confusing.

  2. Here she is with her well known parents Andrew and Leslie Cockburn:


    Who else looks a little bit Asian but isn't? Joseph Gordon-Levitt?

  3. Yes, I always assume Gordon-Levitt had some Asian in him but apparently he's just an Asian-looking Jew.
    I've seen a lot of Asian-looking Hispanics but I guess that makes sense because of shared bloodlines somewhere down the line.

  4. "I've seen a lot of Asian-looking Hispanics"

    "Chino" is a common nickname that Hispanics give more Chinese looking Hispanics, like in West Side Story.

  5. Come on, Steve, Larry David's social circle in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is more diverse than most Americans'. (Maybe a self-conscious move after one of the most common criticisms of "Seinfeld".)

    PS. I've seen Asian-looking blacks as well. My wife's father's side have a lot of Asiatic features in their faces, and the brother of a mulatto girlfriend I had in high school looked positively Japanese when his hair was covered. She looked Hispanic, though.

    1. "(Maybe a self-conscious move after one of the most common criticisms of "Seinfeld".)"

      Not sure if you've seen the show, but Larry David makes it pretty obvious he doesn't give a fig that sort of thing. His added diversity included a family of black Katrina refugees called the Blacks, one of whom played by the hilariously foul-mouthed J.B. Smooth as

  6. Reminds me of Frasier. That was the whitest damned show ever made.

  7. I work as a tutor in the L.A. area, mostly for Hispanic kids, and one of those kids was distinctly Chinese-looking. His mom sometimes called him "Chino".

  8. Some Finns look Asian in the eyes. I used to date a blonde German girl (more Nordic than Alpine) who had an incipient epicanthic fold. Convergent evolution? Or hybrid fast times?

  9. Hmmm I don't have an axe to grind with this subject.

    I will say I feel no kinship with these people, either the characters portrayed, or the real life actors and others described.

    They quite simply aren't my tribe.

    That said, I am curious about something. This seems like a kind of artificial society. What do they do when someone tough enough to knock it down comes along?

    Could be Mexican Drug gangs. My take on them is that the financing and activities they use is only window dressing. They are armed bands, strong enough to deal with the government of the country they reside in on deterrent terms.

    Doesn't have to be them, America is perfectly capable of growing it's own warlords, much as the former Soviet Union sprouted a bunch when it collapsed.

    So what happens when someone lines up a few artillery pieces and starts shooting just for the hell of it? Are these capable of dealing with an environment like Renaissance Italy, with city states, and the spaces between the cities controlled by whoever can hold it?

    Just not seeing anyone here capable of dealing with that kind of thing.

    Bet Machiavelli would laugh his ass off if he could see this situation.

    To me these guys are the ultimate hothouse plant. They can only exist because other people let them exist, "enable" them if you want to use language like that.

    If all the myriad ways that money is funneled to them dried up, or they actually had to fight over the scraps, they would become something very different.

    Or they would die.

    1. "To me these guys are the ultimate hothouse plant."

      Look at the big picture. They're only a few generations removed from people who survived winters in North America or Europe without heat or indoor plumbing. When times get tough, people can toughen up pretty quickly, and those with a greater capacity for organization will be able to withstand those without it.

  10. Is 'her' referring to the voice or to... him?

    With 'her' as voice in his head, isn't he turning into 'her'?

    her and me... her-me.

    hermes was the fruity greek god.

  11. "Joaquin Phoenix -- the Spanish first name is due to his having been born in Puerto Rico where his American parents, John Bottom Amram and Arlyn Dunetz Jochebed, had gone as missionaries."

    How come most Mexicans are not named Joaquin? Are lots of Puertos named such?

    Even when white folks choose OTHER names, it's special other names.

  12. "That said, I am curious about something. This seems like a kind of artificial society. What do they do when someone tough enough to knock it down comes along?"

    I'm sure they got big cops to stop and frisco everyone.

  13. Herassic Park

  14. Hmmm kind of bored, so I decided to post a link to a scene from a movie I actually watched.


    Tried to find one that has the next scene where they storm a city using a dildo siege weapon, but eh, the movie is 32 years old.

    Had a neat setpiece in that where a foppishly clad ... courtier? Whatever, takes about 10 crossbow bolts to the belly, quivers delicately, then dies.

    That is what the guys in this movie make me think of.

  15. Every now and then I'll take a photo where I look part Asian...its just the fat in my upper cheeks squeezing my eyes narrow while I smile or talk...compounded by doing cat eye makeup as Olivia Wilde does.

  16. a very knowing American1/15/14, 3:02 PM

    Depending on how you count Asians or orcs, "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" might have been less white than "Her." It had a fair number of black extras, inserted for no discernible reason, in the Laketown scenes.

    "Her" is pretty good science fiction movie. "The Hobbit" is pretty bad.

  17. Sunbeam, this situation actually happened in the early 1990s when the sophisticated urban hipsters of Sarajevo were besieged by their redneck Serb cousins.

    The Sarajevans got their asses kicked for a bit, but like most fairly bright, soft people they toughened up pretty quickly under duress and learned how to fight, and fight well.

    To paraphrase Pericles, don't mistake loving things of the mind with being soft. The American Southerners with their glorious martial tradition made that error and ended up getting the crap kicked out of them by the college professors of New England.

  18. "Who else looks a little bit Asian but isn't? Joseph Gordon-Levitt?"

    Jerry Lewis


    Mickey Rooney



    (Why is Bruce Lee upset? Didn't he present Japanese as a bunch of lowlife scum in Chinese Connection)?

    Marlon Brando


    Richard Gere


    Paul Muni


  19. John Wayne


  20. Olivie Wilde is attractive but she can star in JAWS IV

  21. Olivia Wilde looks 1/4 asian, even though her parents both look 100% white. I find it confusing.

    Yeah. Her dad found it a bit confusing when she was growing up, too. But everyone said she looked like him so he stopped.

  22. Her-meneutics

  23. There's a kind of circularity to HER.

    Before the coming of photos and films as widespread consumer phenom, words were central. History was read through books. Stories were heard through storytelling. People heard
    or her-d about other worlds and other people without actually seeing. Many French people didn't know what Napoleon actually looked like. They formed their impression of him in their own minds.
    (And before TV, kids listened to radio and formed images in their own minds of radio plays and stories).

    Before movies, any novel produced a million different images in million different minds. Everyone who read the novel formed his or her image of the characters. But once movies gained prominence, they officially stamped the word with the image. Thus, most fans of GONE WITH THE WIND think of Vivien Leigh when they think of the novel. Most 007 fans of the novels think of Connery, Moore, or Craig as Bond.
    So, words become idolized and iconized with images. We cannot read THE GODFATHER without Brando as Vito. And people reading about T.E. Lawrence might actually think of Peter O'Toole than the actual Lawrence.

    Movies brought books/words to life but also trapped them in specific images. And that was the appeal of movies. The power to make words and ideas come alive.

    Now, Jonze uses cinema to free the word from the image. And because we hear the words and see their effect on the person who is listening, we are made to look at ourselves. Instead of directing our eyes at the object of fantasy, this film seems to direct our eyes back to ourselves--as represented by Phoenix--that yearn for the fantasy.

    There may even be a religious angle. Jewish God was known through words, not through idols which were forbidden. But Christians during the Renaissance embrace the idolization and iconization of God and Jesus and others into images. Puritans rebelled against this.
    We don't see any angry rebellion in HER but maybe the embrace of the word without the image has a purifying effect because we are exhausted with so many images thanks to the internet where's it's image upon image, video upon video.

  24. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/10561607/Why-this-Shoreditchification-of-London-must-stop.html

  25. You've got to love how insanely high-toned many actors are these days in terms of family background.Via WIKIPEDIA, Olivia Wilde:

    "Wilde's father's upper-class British ancestors lived in several places during the height of colonialism and the British Empire, including Beijing (where her paternal grandfather was born), Kolkata, Mumbai, Cairo, and Tasmania (one of her paternal great-great-grandfathers, Henry Arthur Blake, was Governor of Hong Kong).[2] Wilde's father's ancestors include abolitionist and Anglican minister James Ramsay, politician George Arbuthnot, lawyer, judge, and literary figure Henry Cockburn, Lord Cockburn, Lord Provost of Edinburgh Sir William Arbuthnot, 1st Baronet, and Sir Thomas Osborne, 9th Baronet.[2][3] Wilde's ancestry includes English, Irish, Scottish, Manx, and German; she is also of more distant Sephardi Jewish descent (from Spain and Portugal), through her paternal four times great-grandfather, Ralph Bernal (1783–1854), a British Whig politician and actor.[4][5]
    Wilde has said that as a result of her parents' occupations, she has a "strong journalistic streak," being "really critical and analytical.[1] Both her parents were prominent in the Washington social scene, hosting dinner parties. Her mother once recounted a story of a four-year-old[6] Wilde eavesdropping one night on a conversation between diplomat Richard Holbrooke and singer Mick Jagger, until Jagger noticed her and shooed her to bed. She has wanted to become an actress since the age of two.[1] For a short time, Wilde's family had a house in Guilford, Vermont. She attended Georgetown Day School in Washington, D.C., as well as Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, graduating in 2002. She also studied acting at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin, Ireland.[1] Wilde had writer Christopher Hitchens as a babysitter.[7]"


  26. Steve Sailer:"The extras in the crowd scenes are heavily Asian (some of the outdoor scenes were shot in Shanghai, some in downtown Los Angeles). Apparently, Asians have pushed Mexicans out of Future LA,"

    The cherry on the SWPL sundae, living in a city where the only non-whites are East Asians....


  27. On the topic of the narrow eyes of East Asians, I once read a theory that this had to do with protecting from the glare of the snow. This sound plausible, but it does not explain what Europeans would not have developed the same then ?

  28. heatiste:"Some Finns look Asian in the eyes. I used to date a blonde German girl (more Nordic than Alpine) who had an incipient epicanthic fold. Convergent evolution? Or hybrid fast times?"

    Some Whites just have a quasi-Asiatic cast to their features.Bjork is a good example.

  29. I'm sure they got big cops to stop and frisco everyone.

    You're probably thinking of Pacific Rim, but then, that stars Idris Elba. Then again, it was directed by Guillermo del Toro, who is Mexico's answer to Comic-Book-Guy, a man so blindingly SWPL-white that he completely cancels out Idris Elba, so that might still work. Or else, maybe Robocop?

    And when it comes to diversity, at least Scarlett Johannson and Spike Jonze are half-Jewish (who BTW, to use Adam Sandler's calculus, apparently equal out to one 'fine-looking Jew'). That's gotta count for something.

  30. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/2014/01/15/scientists-discover-the-very-first-hipster/?WT.mc_id=SA_facebook

    Shiiite. First hipster. maybe there is something to tree of life.

  31. Well Steve, once you get cited by Heartist f/k/a Roissy, you've made it!

  32. What do they do when someone tough enough to knock it down comes along?

    Could be Mexican Drug gangs. My take on them is that the financing and activities they use is only window dressing. They are armed bands, strong enough to deal with the government of the country they reside in on deterrent terms.

    The white weakness is the corruption/emasculation of the elite by alien groups.

    A white America would deal with the Mexican drug cartels like that. The next day it would be as if they had never existed.

  33. Darwin's S-list1/15/14, 5:25 PM

    Who else looks a little bit Asian but isn't?

    Why, David Carradine, of course.

  34. Steve, SFGC is only selectively anti-hoi polloi. For example, they allow a hard and dissipated Russian chick, who resembles a stiletto more than a woman, to walk her two dogs, a crazy akita and a docile pit bull, across the entire width of the course almost every night.

  35. Just when I thought Olivia Wilde couldn't get any hotter, you had to tell me she was related to Evelyn Waugh.

    Thanks a lot.

  36. Anonymous:"And when it comes to diversity, at least Scarlett Johannson and Spike Jonze are half-Jewish (who BTW, to use Adam Sandler's calculus, apparently equal out to one 'fine-looking Jew'). That's gotta count for something."

    Being half-Jewish has an exponential effect on SWPLdom;it actually makes you more SWPL.

  37. It's sometimes not easy to tell at first glance whether a young woman is Asian or Hispanic. Usually it soon becomes apparent which one she is. An odd thing is that this superficial racial confusion does not exist among women over age 2 or so, or among males of any age.


  38. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    To paraphrase Pericles, don't mistake loving things of the mind with being soft. The American Southerners with their glorious martial tradition made that error and ended up getting the crap kicked out of them by the college professors of New England.

    1/15/14, 3:02 PM"

    Imagine what the South could have done if they had their "martial tradition" and added industry and the Union's troop stength! My goodness, Harvard would have become just another provincial LAC!

  39. Anonymous wrote:

    "To paraphrase Pericles, don't mistake loving things of the mind with being soft. The American Southerners with their glorious martial tradition made that error and ended up getting the crap kicked out of them by the college professors of New England. "

    Really don't want to start one of these Civil War things, so I hope it doesn't go any farther than this. I really don't want to hear about the Tennessee Valley, Gettysburg, or any General or battle.

    But my take on the whole thing is that is was a pretty dumb thing for the South to take on.

    The North had 3 times the population, an actual industrial base, and a number of other advantages.

    That said the war dragged on. Mostly due to Northern stupidity in the early years. The South was pretty dumb too, cause I would totally have taken Washington after Manassas/Bull Run.

    Plus they had their very own 5th column built in at home.

    I also believe that if the South hadn't fired on Fort Sumter, that a good chance existed that a peaceful, if not amicable separation, might have occurred.

    Anyway, Scarlet and Rhett never did a thing for me and mine. Just sorry I ever had anyone involved with their mess. Looking at this from the viewpoint of what I think I know now, I'm pretty glad the South lost that war.

    Leave aside the moment that the long series of events that led to a particular egg being fertilized at a particular time would never have happened.

    But the old South wasn't a particularly nice place to be if you were white, unless you were a member of a small class of people.

    My take is it would have become a third world style hellhole, an anglo version of a central or south american country.

    I tend to think slavery would have gone by the wayside by about 1900 maybe. Not that the black inhabitants would have noticed much improvement.

    Anyway, I'll stand up for the home team. In a straight Dixie/New England war, I think the South would have won easily. You know if New England didn't have Ohio, Iowa, and Minnesota to draw up troops from.

    Of course, that is kind of like Israel and Iran going to war. Exactly how is that supposed to work? Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan have some legal obligation to provide "battle lanes" or something? You can insert the mid atlantic states in what I just wrote.

  40. Serbian tennis player Jelena Jankovic looks very Asian yet both parents look like typical Serbs.

  41. Was Warhol a put-on? Did he care? Did anyone?

  42. Von Trier. A put-off. Hate him.

  43. "Serbian tennis player Jelena Jankovic looks very Asian yet both parents look like typical Serbs."

    She looks space alien

  44. Olivia Wilde looks 1/4 asian, even though her parents both look 100% white. I find it confusing.

    Because of the way she looks, I tend to get Olivia Wilde mixed up with Olivia Munn (who is part Asian).

  45. As long as we're on the subject of unbearable whiteness, how come no one on either side of the issue ever brings up the excruciating whiteness of "same-sex marriage"?

    Is anything on the planet whiter than that? Even DC and South Africa owe it to their white minorities.

  46. Who else looks a little bit Asian but isn't?

    Kyle Orton fits this bill.

  47. But my take on the whole thing is that is was a pretty dumb thing for the South to take on.

    What you're missing is all they had to do was convince the North the price of victory would be too high. They didn't actually have to win a military victory. They were partially successful, too - the Civil war was the first US war with a draft, because the Union couldn't sustain the fight with volunteers.

    Also, in the lead-up to the war there were a few ultimately Union states that may have gone with the Confederacy. The story of the Confederacy is partly one of losing before the first shot was fired as a result of failed political maneuvering. Move a few states from "North" to "South" and the military picture changes dramatically.

  48. As a master's student in city planning at Georgia Tech and a former commenter at the Chateau Heartiste website before he banned me, I can confirm that most so-called city planning revolves around dreaming up pie-in-the-sky dreams of gentrified whiteness surrounded by eco-friendly white recreational activities and symbols of supposed white generosity towards diverse non-white neighbors, and a kumbaya mentality that white status-climbing disguised as pro-social non-white inclusiveness will result in the achievement of both market-oriented white goals like higher real estate prices (which of course will be discussed in terms of economic development and general community development) and government-oriented diversity/vibrancy enhancement, which will ideally mostly mean the addition of token individuals from various sections of the eastern part of the Eurasian continent. Affordable housing, workforce development for the poor, crime reduction, and reduction in the school achievement gap will be achieved through wishful thinking and creative non-profit sloganeering. This paragon of whiteness will be exemplified in movies like "She" or "Her" and "Portlandian" and a final solution will be achieved where the gay Jewish black man non-cisgender proto-post-vegan post-post-postmodernist is mayor of the world, thereby resulting in a final-orgasmic and apocalyptic ending of the last 4000 years of white evolution.

  49. On the topic of the narrow eyes of East Asians, I once read a theory that this had to do with protecting from the glare of the snow. This sound plausible, but it does not explain what Europeans would not have developed the same then ?

    I read that too. From what I remember, the theory is that the icy period after the last ice age was much longer and harsher in East Asia/Siberia.

  50. Some of you guys seem confused w/ almond eyes beauty mark, which is common throughout Europe & standard in white-ish populations in Middle East like Persia & Lebanon.

    It might be uncommon in nw Europe, but throughout all of Europe it is.

  51. "Some whites just have a quasi-Asiatic cast to their features."
    I have always chalked that up to the Genghis Khan effect. What is it, 16 million descendants? If you visit Russia they go on and on about the 'Mongol-Tartar yoke' which was no joke to them. They had to struggle mightily to rid themselves of this Asian horse collar controlling YT. It left its genetic imprint. Even now I can spot a group of Russians on the street. This effect would bleed over to Poland and Germany.

  52. "Not sure if you've seen the show, but Larry David makes it pretty obvious he doesn't give a fig that sort of thing. His added diversity included a family of black Katrina refugees called the Blacks, one of whom played by the hilariously foul-mouthed J.B. Smooth as"

    Dude, it's J.B. Smoove...SMOOVE. You are allowed to lower yourself to prolean standards for the sake of accuracy.

  53. "Yeah. Her dad found it a bit confusing when she was growing up, too. But everyone said she looked like him so he stopped."

    Yeah, it's like that sometimes. You should see James Watson's daughter:


  54. This may be true of the movies but television, particularly advertising, increasingly features mystery meat models who could be European or Hispanic, and who are distinctly darker and consciously un-blonde and blue-eyed than in the past.

  55. "I have always chalked that up to the Genghis Khan effect."

    Genes and faces are interesting, especially with regards to how many different people can wind up looking Asian.

    My dad, who is of Russian Jewish stock, looks a whole lot like this picture of Genghis Khan. My maternal grandmother--also Jewish but of mixed Russian and Eastern European stock--as a younger lady looked like Ava Gardner, who I think looked somewhat Asian from many angles.

    My infant mulatto daughter looks straight up Mongolian when she's wearing this fleecy robe thing she sleeps in. It's pretty hilarious.

  56. "Joaquin Phoenix -- the Spanish first name is due to his having been born in Puerto Rico where his American parents, John Bottom Amram and Arlyn Dunetz Jochebed, had gone as missionaries."

    The million-dollar question: does he qualify as Hispanic for Affirmative Action purposes? He was born in a Spanish-speaking territory, and technically a person of any race can be Hispanic. Perhaps in the future you will see a lot of White "birth tourists" having babies in Puerto Rico so that their kids qualify for AA bennies, such as scholarships.

  57. Another high toned British Empire descended actress is Kate Beckinsale. She said she looked very Asian as a young girl but she has a Burmese great grandfather.

  58. History has the answer. Remember the Chinese Exclusion Act that kicked a bunch of Chinese out of the US also pushed a significant amount of them into Mexico. It's not uncommon to find several deeply mixed Asian/Hispanics just south of Arizona. It's quite strikingly beautiful to see an epicanthic fold of eye to an otherwise, obviously Hispanic bronze-skinned young woman.

  59. Many of the women I've gone out with have almond eyes, and they have all had German ancestry. I attributed my current girlfriends eyes to her American Indian ancestry until I went to her family reunion. Most of her German relatives have the same Asiatic eyes.

  60. "Many of the women I've gone out with have almond eyes, and they have all had German ancestry."

    The Huns!

  61. "You've got to love how insanely high-toned many actors are these days in terms of family background.Via WIKIPEDIA, Olivia Wilde:"

    Olivia is probably a big leftist who can't stand racism, yet can pick choose where she lives staying safely away from diversity.

  62. "I'm sure they got big cops to stop and frisco everyone.

    You're probably thinking of Pacific Rim, but then, that stars Idris Elba. Then again, it was directed by Guillermo del Toro, who is Mexico's answer to Comic-Book-Guy, a man so blindingly SWPL-white that he completely cancels out Idris Elba, so that might still work. Or else, maybe Robocop?

    And when it comes to diversity, at least Scarlett Johannson and Spike Jonze are half-Jewish (who BTW, to use Adam Sandler's calculus, apparently equal out to one 'fine-looking Jew'). That's gotta count for something."

    Blonde haired and blue eyed Scarlett Johannson looks way too physically White to be considered "Diversity".

    With the exception of the Jew haters on Stormfront, nobody in the real world sees a Nonwhite Person of Color when they look at Scarlett's phenotype.

  63. Jefferson wrote:

    "With the exception of the Jew haters on Stormfront, nobody in the real world sees a Nonwhite Person of Color when they look at Scarlett's phenotype."

    Hmmm I am vaguely aware she is some kind of movie star.

    Got curious, so I did a google image search.

    I have two thoughts:

    1) She really should have been a redhead with that name.

    2) Sure seems like she has a "proto" Hapsburg chin going on.

    Ah heck, big chins, it's a feature. Other people had them besides the Hapsburgs.

    But I got a hunch an analysis of her dna would be very interesting if you could go back a few generations.

  64. Anonymous from 1/15 2:30.

    I think Joaquin is a fairly common Hispanic name - maybe not a top one, but not unheard of. There seems to be a fair number of Joaquins listed in English Wikipedia (I assume Spanish Wikipedia would have more):


  65. Joaquín is simply Spanish for
    Joachim, which, as a German so named once explained to me, is the grandfather of Jesus. What's strange, then, is not its popularity in Spanish, German and other languages, but its almost total absence in English. That may be a reaction to its extra-biblical tradition.

    Joaquín was the only Phoenix given a normal name, but even he went by "Leaf" for awhile.

  66. Just for the record:

    SWPL= self hating white pussified liberal.

    Can we stop using it as meaning "stuff white people like" Sounds out of context and doesn't really fit when describing these libtards. I know it began as "stuff white people like" but it evolved eons ago.


  67. "SWPL= self hating white pussified liberal"

    more like self-loving

  68. Oswald Spengler1/17/14, 4:59 PM

    How about SWPL = "self worshipping pussified liberal"?

  69. Oswald Spemgler1/17/14, 8:42 PM

    Or for venues with more delicate sensibilities, SWPL = "self worshipping pretentious liberal"?

  70. what olivia wilde looks like from the photos of Her.


  71. I saw some people here talking about how they noticed Asian features on the faces of Finns, Russians, and Ashkenazi Jews.

    I've read many genetic studies that confirmed that Finns and Northern Russians have some North Asian ancestry. They are a bit related to some tribes in central Siberia. The old saying "Scratch a Russian, find a Tatar" has some truth.

    A graph prepared by Doron Behar and his colleagues in 2010 shows admixture elements in Ashkenazi Jews, non-Ashkenazi Jews, and non-Jews. The yellow North/Northeast Asian color is a strikingly noticeable minority element in ethnic Russians but absent from people from France, Italy, and Spain.

    We can quantify genuinely North/East Asian ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews as well. Behar's graph shows some Ashkenazim have Northeast Asian ancestry (yellow), some have South-Central/Southeast Asian ancestry (orange), some have both, and a few seem to have neither element.

    The East Asian allele called 1540C that causes hairs to be thicker than those of other races is found in 1.7% of Ashkenazi Jews according to The ALlele FREquency Database by Kenneth K. Kidd at Yale University.

    On average, 1.1% of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups found among Ashkenazim originate in North/East Asian per the article "A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages" by Marta Costa and her colleagues in Nature Communications 4. Elevated rates of oriental haplogroups were found among Russian and Belarusian Jews (1.4%), Polish Jews (1.2%), Romanian and Moldovan Jews (2%), and French Jews (2%). The rate was less than 1% among Czech, Austrian, and Hungarian Jews.

    The mitochondrial haplogroup named M33c1 is carried by small numbers of Ashkenazi Jews, including in Belarus, and originates in southern China. Another one, N9a3, is carried by small numbers of Ashkenazi Jews (including Lithuanian Jews), Hungarians, and Slavs and comes from eastern parts of Asia where it's also found among peoples like Koreans, Japanese, Buryats, Mongols, and Uzbeks.

    Some references:

  72. Cath Carroll, but maybe that's just the bowl haircut

  73. Being half-Jewish has an exponential effect on SWPLdom;it actually makes you more SWPL.

    Very true. Paradoxically, to be half-black and half-Jewish (e.g., Rashida Jones, Lenny Kravitz) is to be SWPL-white at its very whitest.

  74. Who else looks a little bit Asian but isn't?

    Renée Zellweger, and to a lesser extent, Jennifer Lawrence come to mind, if one focuses on the eyees.

    That being said, when it comes Hollywood's views of ethnicity, Renée Zellweger is apparently more suited to playing the role of a Hasidic Jewess while Jennifer Lawrence is the actress best suited to play a character called Rosalyn Rosenfeld. Funny how that works out.


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