January 10, 2014

Pour encourager les autres

At Handle's Haus, there is a list (with links) to 91 incidents of  persecution for political incorrectness:
Bullied and Badgered, Pressured and Purged


  1. Nice, Steve. I searched for your name, and whoa, it seems like you have contributed approximately half of the examples.

  2. Nice, Steve. I searched for your name, and whoa, it seems like you have contributed approximately half of the examples.

    Good God, imagine if they could see the relatively innocuous and benign Kommentary which never even makes it past Komment Kontrol.

  3. Dubious list.

    "Ann Coulter purged from National Review (NR’s version here)."

    This is BS. No magazine is obligated to support crazy views, and Coulter's invade and Christianize nonsense was as crazy as they come.

    The Nation and Christopher Hitchens parted ways too.

    Helen Thomas. Now she was blacklisted for merely denouncing Zionist imperialism.

    But bullies will keep bullying until cowards stand up. Cleverly however, the new bullies pose as anti-bullies.

    Conservatives are hypocritical cowards:


    WWG against Russia but no WWA against Israel.

  4. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joelkotkin/2014/01/09/how-silicon-valley-could-destabilize-the-democratic-party/

  5. Thanks for the link! Come on people, help me crowd-source this.


  6. "Pour encourager les autres" Since you tossed out a French phrase, the silliness surrounding French comedian Dieudonne's ban is the on going story of 2014. FWIW in the US Dieudonne would be considered Black. Dieudonne fans seem to be a frightening mix of anti immigrant Front National White kids, Blacks, and highly assimilated North African muslims, with a whole bunch of punk ass kids of all orientations.

    DIeudonne giving voice to France's voiceless annoying kids.

    Shoah + Ananas (pineapple)

    Dieudonné - Shoananas

  7. Shhh, don't point out that a homogenous nation with shared values might be better. Heck, it might even make everyone rich.


    Thought-crime! Go 'merica!

  8. Nice list.

    I would add Keith Joseph blowing his chance to lead the Conservative Party with his Edgebaston speech in 1974.


    The bit that did it was the section beginning: "The balance of our population, our human stock is threatened." although the whole speech is well worth a read 40 years on.

    For the record Joseph was a regular attendee at his Synagogue and very devout, but it didn't save him.


  9. Sometimes, Libs make a spectacle to make examples.



    If you have the power, sometimes you don't need to make a lot of fuss. All you need to do is "Pull a Pantangeli's Brother."


    What really happened with PENTANGELI, MICHAEL?


    His brother came and helped.


    I didn't even know he had a brother. And where is he now?


    He's on a plane back to Sicily.


    All he had to do was show his face.

    [MICHAEL nods.]


    It was between the brothers KAY -- I had nothing to do with it.


    Just send the signal, and Frankie Pantangeli understood who had the power to do what. He folded on the spot.

    So, even without having it spelled out for them, conservatives know they better shut up and go along.

    Eskimos got them by the balls.

    Eskimos signal to everyone, if you don't do like we tell you, your 'brother'--power, wealth, status, reputation, etc--is toast cuz we got the power to make or break anyone.

  10. What is interesting is the number of purges the national review has performed. I don't ever read it, but for those that do, am I right in guessing that as it adopts ever more liberal ideas (pretending to be conservative) it has to continually do this ?

  11. Weren't you kind of watsoned yourself Steve after your "let the good times roll comment? That was after Katrina.

  12. Well, I think this goes to show that words matter and free speech has consequences.

    You have a right to speak your mind but society has a right to chastise and ridicule.

  13. http://dailykenn.blogspot.com/2014/01/nations-poorest-county-has-low-crime.html

    Sheeeeeeiit, how this be?

  14. it seems like you have contributed approximately half of the examples

    The entire New York Beta Times crack research team was unavailable to make a contribution.

  15. Trent Lott, but I see their commenters are arguing over who gets to claim the Galileo mantle, so maybe pointless coups aren't counted

  16. Actually Buchanan's '92 campaign was timed to coincide with Buckley's book but then the latter deviously moved up the printing schedule

  17. Dates match rise of the internet.

    The more they know, the more purging becomes necessary.

  18. White flight in sports entertainment:

    "Half of NHL playing to 100 percent capacity, twice as many as NBA"


  19. They missed Bret Ratner getting nixed from producing the Oscar's after joking to a reporter that "rehearsal's for fags." As a result, instead of seeing the very funny Eddie Murphy host the show, we had to watch the very unfunny Billy Chrystal do it for the 20th time. Proving again that PC correctness doesn't result in greater cultural diversity, only in lower quality culture.

  20. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001502/?ref_=tt_ov_dr

    How come Mexican directors don't look like Guillermo?

    But Emilio Fernandez did. So did the guy who made LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE(and who played Herrara in THE WILD BUNCH).
    Where did the mestizo-ish directors all go?

  21. Bret Easton Ellis's favorite movies of 2013 include Fast & Furious 6:


  22. Canadian Observer1/10/14, 1:30 PM

    I'm surprised I didn't see Daniel Patrick Moynihan's name on there.

    He was earmarked as future Presidential material by the Democrats until he released that "Negro Family" report back in 1965. He had to get a job with Richard Nixon after the ensuing debacle.

  23. "CNN analysis: Some college athletes play like adults, read like 5th-graders"


    "Early in her career as a learning specialist, Mary Willingham was in her office when a basketball player at the University of North Carolina walked in looking for help with his classwork.

    He couldn't read or write.

    "And I kind of panicked. What do you do with that?" she said, recalling the meeting.

    Willingham's job was to help athletes who weren't quite ready academically for the work required at UNC at Chapel Hill, one of the country's top public universities.

    But she was shocked that one couldn't read. And then she found he was not an anomaly.

    Soon, she'd meet a student-athlete who couldn't read multisyllabic words. She had to teach him to sound out Wis-con-sin, as kids do in elementary school.

    And then another came with this request: "If I could teach him to read well enough so he could read about himself in the news, because that was something really important to him," Willingham said.

    Student-athletes who can't read well, but play in the money-making collegiate sports of football and basketball, are not a new phenomenon, and they certainly aren't found only at UNC-Chapel Hill.

    A CNN investigation found public universities across the country where many students in the basketball and football programs could read only up to an eighth-grade level. The data obtained through open records requests also showed a staggering achievement gap between college athletes and their peers at the same institution.

    This is not an exhaustive survey of all universities with major sports programs; CNN chose a sampling of public universities where open records laws apply. We sought data from a total of 37 institutions, of which 21 schools responded. The others denied our request for entrance exam or aptitude test scores, some saying the information did not exist and others citing privacy rules. Some simply did not provide it in time.

    Academic vs. athletic scandal

    As a graduate student at UNC-Greensboro, Willingham researched the reading levels of 183 UNC-Chapel Hill athletes who played football or basketball from 2004 to 2012. She found that 60% read between fourth- and eighth-grade levels. Between 8% and 10% read below a third-grade level.

    "So what are the classes they are going to take to get a degree here? You cannot come here with a third-, fourth- or fifth-grade education and get a degree here," she told CNN.

    The issue was highlighted at UNC two years ago with the exposure of a scandal where students, many of them athletes, were given grades for classes they didn't attend, and where they did nothing more than turn in a single paper. Last month, a North Carolina grand jury indicted a professor at the center of the scandal on fraud charges. He's accused of being paid $12,000 for a class he didn't teach.

    When Willingham worked as a learning specialist for athletes from 2003 to 2010, she admits she took part in cheating, signing her name to forms that said she witnessed no NCAA rules violations when in fact she did. But the NCAA, the college sports organizing body, never interviewed her. Instead, it found no rules had been broken at Chapel Hill.

    UNC now says 120 reforms put in place ensure there are no academic transgressions.

    But Willingham said fake classes were just a symptom of the bigger problem of enrolling good athletes who didn't have the reading skills to succeed at college.

    "Isn't it all cheating if I'm sitting at a table with a kid who can't read or write at college level and pulling a paper out of them? Is this really legitimate? No," Willingham told CNN. "I wouldn't do that today with a college student; I only did it with athletics, because it's necessary."

    NCAA sports are big business, with millions of dollars at stake for winning programs...."

  24. "Death threats and denial for woman who showed college athletes struggle to read"


    "The death threats, Mary Willingham expected.

    More shocking is that the University of North Carolina is now disavowing her research as a whistle-blower -- research that showed between 8% and 10% of the school's football and basketball players are reading below a third-grade level.

    UNC issued a statement Wednesday night saying it did not believe Willingham's account of a basketball player who could not read or write."

  25. Anon:

    Ah, but this is easy enough to resolve to everyone's satisfaction. Bring the whole basketball team in. Let a skeptical reporter show up with a high school level book like 1984 or The Scarlet Letter, open it to a random page, and have each player read a page. If none of them have any trouble, then the matter's all cleared up--whatever abuses happened in the past, the present day basketball players can read at a high school level. And if it goes the other way, the same thing applies--the star center looks at the book with genuine puzzlement and asks "what's *that* thing?", and we've got our answer.

    I have some small doubts about whether any top basketball school would be willing to subject their players to such a test. for some reason.

  26. Dieudionnes fans judging by pics are Muslim women in burqua, so much for assimilation, Muslim gangsta men, and Blacks. No one hates Jews like Mslims and Blacks, due imho to IQ jealousy. Nevertheless he should be allowed to say what he wants. His Holocaust denial is emblematic of diversity.

    French gov is making a play for NF voters, in suppressing a Black guy mocking, denying Holocaust and pleasing Muslims. Ironic given how Hollande ran on the Rap platform in his campaign videos. NF today likely sides with White French Jews against Blacks and Muslims. Skin color is your uniform.

  27. Next thought, speech suppression based on racial blocs? Diversity is our strength. Similar action in US against World Star Hip Hop for polar bear hunting vids?

  28. DIeudonne giving voice to France's voiceless annoying kids.

    White, Black and Arab unite against the JDL:


    For those of you who do not understand French, let me summarize what we see.

    Members of the Jewish Defense League (LDJ) show up to scream insults at Dieudo and his supporters who, in turn, shout all types of abuse at the LDJ members and wave pineapples at them while sining “Shoananas”. The cops keep the two sides apart as best they can. Then the supporters of Dieudo begin to chant “liberte d’expression” (freedom of speech) to which the LDJ members reply “am Israel hai” (“Israel is alive” in Hebrew) and begin to sing the Israeli national anthem. At this point the supporters being to sing the French “La Marseillaise” from the top of their lungs totally drowning out the completely overwhelmed LDJ activists. Now take a close look at the faces singing “La Marseillaise” – do you see that a lot of the people singing it are clearly Brown and Black? These are precisely the type young people taken mostly, but not only, from the notorious ‘banlieues’. These could be the same people who in 2001 and 2002 booed the French national anthem during soccer matches (a big scandal at the time).


  29. Even Jimmy Carter came under attack for using the term "ethnic purity".

  30. Wow, it only took the conservative Right--what, 40 years?--to start putting together a list of these crimes.

  31. modern-day Galileo1/10/14, 3:24 PM

    Weren't you kind of watsoned yourself Steve after your "let the good times roll comment? That was after Katrina.

    No, that was one person who complained (Podhoretz Jr). And Sailer must have been thrilled or he wouldn't have been still writing about it months later.


  32. No, that was one person who complained (Podhoretz Jr). And Sailer must have been thrilled or he wouldn't have been still writing about it months later.

    What this says to me is that Podhoretz reads this blog, which is a very good thing. I wonder whether his reference to Idiocracy in the Tweet quoted in the comments to Steve's prior blog post is due to Steve's frequent references to that movie.

  33. This is BS. No magazine is obligated to support crazy views, and Coulter's invade and Christianize nonsense was as crazy as they come.

    One of her best friends died in the attack dude. Derbyshire got cranky one day and wrote a completely crotechy and uninformative screed. Now, this being isteve and consistency of thought being such a hallmark I'm sure you weren't bellyaching about Derbyshire getting fired right?

  34. Dieudionnes fans judging by pics are Muslim women in burqua, so much for assimilation, Muslim gangsta men, and Blacks.

    That may be true, though most of pro-Dieudionnes protesters in this video appear to be native French:


    French gov is making a play for NF voters, in suppressing a Black guy mocking, denying Holocaust and pleasing Muslims. Ironic given how Hollande ran on the Rap platform in his campaign videos.

    It's not ironic because it's obviously not true. Hollande and the French gov aren't suppressing him in order to win NF voters over. It's interesting that you feel compelled to blatantly lie like this. It's obvious that you're doing so in order to promote the view that people who support the NF should share your views.

  35. "Dieudonne fans seem to be a frightening mix of anti immigrant Front National White kids, Blacks, and highly assimilated North African muslims, with a whole bunch of punk ass kids of all orientations. "

    By acquiring the enthusiastic support of young Muslims, Catholics, Whites, Blacks and "Maghrébins" of France, Dieudonne has done what the politicians who want to ban him have always pretended to want to do, but have never done themselves.

  36. FirkinRidiculous1/10/14, 5:34 PM

    Wow, it only took the conservative Right--what, 40 years?--to start putting together a list of these crimes.

    It's not easy predicting the future.

  37. There are a few different sorts of actions conflated on that list:

    - Speaking truthfully, but tactlessly about controversial subjects - what most of us would agree is being politically incorrect.

    - Being gratuitously offensive - Michael Richards's outburst falls into this category. Some of Coulter's statements in the past do too.

    - Holocaust denial. Joe Sobran falls into this category via his association with the Institute For Historical Review.

    It might have made more sense to limit the list to the first category.

  38. Dieudionnes fans judging by pics are Muslim women in burqua, so much for assimilation, Muslim gangsta men, and Blacks. No one hates Jews like Mslims and Blacks, due imho to IQ jealousy. Nevertheless he should be allowed to say what he wants. His Holocaust denial is emblematic of diversity.

    French gov is making a play for NF voters, in suppressing a Black guy mocking, denying Holocaust and pleasing Muslims. Ironic given how Hollande ran on the Rap platform in his campaign videos. NF today likely sides with White French Jews against Blacks and Muslims. Skin color is your uniform.

    Jean-Marie Le Pen is apparently the godfather to one of Dieudonne's children:


  39. the odds of a random Isteve commenter accurately understanding anything about that comedy of nastiness that is French political expression, which includes for various sadly bogus literary and mediocre artistic reasons unique examples of anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Europeanism, more than usually vicious xenophobia, and even anti-human anti-decency strains, is very close to zero. My advice is to learn French, read the book of Proverbs through a few times in French, spend some time thinking about why the French have the reputation they do, and then, after a few years, try your best to put out a useful comment. Or else do something better with your life. BTW, libertarians who got purged: that A-team guy (Broccoli from Star Trek) who Gwyneth Paltrow's father allegedly blackballed from some TV doctor show in the 80s, and Federal Judge Ginsburg who smoked some weed; Catholics who got purged : Dawn Eden from the NY Post for calling abortion abortion in a headline, not to mention Joseph Ratzinger whose problems at the Vatican were definitely not from those more conservative than him; liberals who got purged, I'm gonna go with former Navy spokeswoman Cher on that one, not to mention the various cable show folks who went on liberal tirades against people they hated, hated, hated. Also, Dennis miller and Rush Limbaugh were fired from NFL coverage and Keith Olbermann (fired in another context) was not?

  40. French gov is making a play for NF voters, in suppressing a Black guy mocking, denying Holocaust and pleasing Muslims. Ironic given how Hollande ran on the Rap platform in his campaign videos. NF today likely sides with White French Jews against Blacks and Muslims. Skin color is your uniform.

    No, what has happened is that diaspora Jews have worked so hard to suppress nationalist sentiment and politics like the NF in their host countries, going so far as to diversify them and creating monsters like this that end up turning on them.

  41. Conservatives=low tax Israel Firsters


  42. Anonymous Head Start Booster - it doesn't work, and your contentions are silly. It is impossible to affect adult behavior via a pre-K program. Whatever studies you think prove this are obviously nonsense. These alleged effects get trotted out but it's always nonsense when you look at the study.

    If you have an actual cite for a study allegedly proving this effect that you'd like to share so we can eviscerate it please do.

    Otherwise stop being a troll.

  43. spend some time thinking about why the French have the reputation they do


    1. Because they did not fight to the last man standing against Germany during World War II and even eventually made peace with Germany.

    2. Because they had a national identity.

    And our rulers in the media and academe dislike both of those facts.

  44. I'm reading this thread in a sports bar and LeBron just threw a forearm at the white guy guarding him on the break. Too bad lawyers are so in the bag for the cultural Marxists. The proof of systematoc hostile work environment is right there on video for all to see. Jesus, blacks are such monsters of bad faith.

  45. My advice is to learn French, read the book of Proverbs through a few times in French, spend some time thinking about why the French have the reputation they do, and then, after a few years, try your best to put out a useful comment. Or else do something better with your life.

    My advice to Scots-Irish concern trolls is to... keep it up. You're very entertaining!

  46. >Derbyshire got cranky one day and wrote a completely crotechy and uninformative screed.<

    Uninformative? The criticism on both sides was that it was TMI.

    Every drunkard who finds himself the target of an intervention says in protest: "I know, I already know all that."

  47. Silver, you poor little fool, I am a cradle Catholic and one of the closest living relatives of Alexander Graham Bell,although I would be just as proud to be fully Jewish, or English, or Irish, or whatever; perhaps you have not heard of Alexander Graham Bell - buy a book and read up, if you haven't. I am fluent in French and have lived there, I am a proud member of the United States Veterans of Foreign Wars, and I consider furball draftdodgers like you to be one of the main reason why Steve Sailer does not have a wider
    audience. Head back to Lew Rockwell or Stormfront for the affirmation you desire, ignoramus, or else try and learn about the world you live in. Once you do you will not be so "entertained" as you think you are now. To anonymous who discussed the French and WWII, try and think about even earlier history. Almost every brave Frenchman born from about 1885 to 1900 was killed in the useless disaster that was WWI. Most of the best of the nobles had been murdered a few generations before. The ones left over were not quite as brave, and over-engaged in the falsely brave tendency towards argumentation that those of us, to include decent people, as well as the Jewhaters so common to this site, are so prone to.

  48. Silver, you poor little fool

    Alexander Graham Bell, my my, now there's a novel angel. I'm truly impressed.

    Now look here, if you sincerely think your price-of-tea-in-China blather has anything to do with the discussion at hand then being a concern troll would actually be a step up in status for you.

    As far I know, Steve himself isn't a practicing blacklister (despite him electing not to post a pertinent comment of mine which, in the grand scheme of things, was really rather mild, tsk tsk) so people can feel free to discuss what they regard as important, your desperate attempts to shame them into (yet more) silence notwithstanding. We clear?

  49. The Book of Proverbs is very short. Read it. It is very relevant.

  50. The discussion on this thread is even shorter than Proverbs. Participate in it; don't block it.

    Btw, I'm curious, are you as energetic in your recommendations to Mexicans to learn English and read proverbs before discussing American affairs? Or is it that you simply don't make any such recommendations?

  51. Not to distract the hasbara contingent from their work, but the homo unveiling of Thomas Hitzlsperger might be worthy of some attention from our host.

  52. To the guy trying to argue that the book of proverbs leads to wisdom, sorry but that is laughable. It is primitive and dull, it says a lot of things but on closer inspection says very little. It mostly just says that one is clever and good if one follows some deity, and bad otherwise.

  53. France is the only place in the West where there is serious resistance to the hegemonic neoliberal-cultural Marxist regime.See Alain Soral, Bloc Identitaire,GRECE,Front National and the millions who last year marched against same-sex marriage/adoption. Meanwhile, the anti-regime opposition in the USA has gun fetishism and absolutely nothing else.

  54. I don't understand why, after so many years, you guys insist on responding to Whiskey.

  55. It's not easy predicting the future.

    Well, of course, but after the first several cases I'm sure a pattern was discernible even to the geniuses in the conservative movement. Or maybe not.

    What I think really happened was that the conservatives simply didn't have the imagination or the guts to think the worst about their adversaries and react accordingly.

    The late Sam Francis liked to call the GOP the "Stupid Party". Conservatism, I would argue, is just "Stupid Politics".

  56. "The late Sam Francis liked to call the GOP the "Stupid Party". Conservatism, I would argue, is just "Stupid Politics"."

    Not really. After all, how did Francis end up?

    GOP is stupid IF it's objective is to serve the white race and preserve Western Civilization.
    But if GOP politicians' main objective is to further their careers, then the smart thing to do is go where the cash and prizes are. Whores have to serve the most powerful pimps and put out to the best paying customers.

    That's what politics has always been and will always be. Politicians are, above all, looking out for numero uno. We cannot blame GOP politicians for serving their new bosses since new bosses pay best and give them best media buzz.

    We should take the blame for not making the most money, gaining most power in academia and media, and etc. If we'd done that, politicians would listen to us. Not to the globo elites.

    Politicians serve their masters. If we want them to serve us, we have to be the masters.
    We have failed in this.

    We can't lose in the game of economics, ideas, culture, and social morality, and then bitch about politicians not serving us. Politicians serve winners, not losers.

  57. Incidentally, why do we laugh at misspelled words even when they are closer to the phonetics of the words?

    Ai went tu the laibrery and then to skool.

    We would snicker at that, but shouldn't we really be laughing at the fact that the 'properly written' sentence is phonetically incorrect?

    That says something about how the human mind works.

    Even if something is more precise and closer to the fact, we laugh and mock it as wrong if it deviates from the established norm.

    So, our minds would rather conform to established forms even if they are questionable than favor something closer to the truth.

    So, we write train as 'train' than 'chrane' when 'chrane' is closer to how it's spoken, and we would laugh at those who write 'chrane' while seeing nothing funny about the fact that 'train' derails from how it's pronounced.

    I'm not saying that we should make English precisely phonetically precise, but this aspect of how our minds work may say something about why so many prefer social, biological, and political myths even when they don't jibe with the reality. They prefer the established 'proper' over the troubling precise.

  58. I don't understand why, after so many years, you guys insist on responding to Whiskey.

    Pour encourager les autres! It's good practice, especially for beginners, since Whiskey's comments are so silly.

  59. Not really. After all, how did Francis end up?

    Yes, you conservatives keep losing.

    Conservatism has been losing for decades.

    Conservatism = loser.

    How many times do we need to spell it out?


  60. We can't lose in the game of economics, ideas, culture, and social morality, and then bitch about politicians not serving us. Politicians serve winners, not losers.

    It mostly traces back to worldwide the democratic-Communist victory of 1945. There was a blood purge of anti-leftists of all sorts in Europe after the Allied conquest. The "prestige of conquest" (Moldbug's term) put leftist neo-progressive and extreme philosemite elements in charge of all aspects of culture and high-level govt in the US. The last non-phony battle in the US culture-political war was the battle over US intervention in WWII.

  61. http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/reich/article/The-Great-Redistribution-a-windfall-for-rich-5132227.php

  62. FirkinRidiculous1/12/14, 11:28 AM

    What I think really happened was that the conservatives simply didn't have the imagination or the guts to think the worst about their adversaries and react accordingly.

    What would you have suggested?

  63. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/PrintArticle/Royko-Again-Roils-A-Minority-Group-p-19

    Not purged but attacked big time.


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