January 31, 2014

The best defense is a good offense

From The Jewish Daily Forward:
A Short History of Jews and Obscenity 
Author Explores Link Between Purity Laws and Anti-Semitism 
Reviewed by Joshua Furst

Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture
By Josh Lambert
NYU Press, 280 pages, $35 
Among the Jewish traits I am most proud to be historically and culturally associated with is the way my people obstreperously defend our principles even when doing so goes against our best interests.
I love the loudmouths and the unreasonably argumentative. I love people who are willing to go to great hyperbolic length to get a laugh or to irritate their opponents. I love the ranters and the hysterics, those who never know when enough is enough. Whether I agree with what they’re saying or not, I always appreciate their compulsion to take things too far. I see it as my birthright to get under people’s skin and annoy them until they want to scream. And one of the greatest rhetorical tools people bent toward this sort of behavior can wield is the well-timed, carefully aimed obscenity.
For this reason, I was excited to hear about “Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture,” Josh Lambert’s recently published book on the subject. 
“Unclean Lips” is, essentially, an examination of the way obscenity laws have been historically used to legitimize anti-Semitism in America and the notable roles Jewish writers, publishers and lawyers have played in fighting these laws, and by extension, furthering the cause of Jewish equality in American culture. To this end, Lambert studies examples that further his argument and ignores or merely mentions in passing major cases like Henry Miller’s “Tropic of Cancer,” James Joyce’s “Ulysses,” and William S. Burroughs’s “Naked Lunch.” 
Moving sequentially through the historical record, he first attempts to explain how “anti-Semitism, both sexual and genteel, has made obscenity seem meaningful and useful, even necessary, to some American Jews.”  
He draws a connection between the Comstock laws, which regulated depictions of sex and sexual mores in American society throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the stereotype of Jews as bigamists, pedophiles and sexual deviants, framing the fight against these laws as a battle against anti-Semitism. 
As Victorian prudery gave way to modernist transgression, Jewish writers and publishers were able to exploit the laws for personal gain. Lambert explains: “The publishing of obscenity was one means through which to convert… financial capital into a very precious form of cultural capital. It was… a way of purchasing literary prestige.” Thus Jewish publishers like Horace Liveright pursued books that might provoke lawsuits against them, and most touchingly, a writer like Henry Roth was able to believe that he could transform his shame over a youthful incestuous relationship with his sister into a literary cause célèbre on par with Joyce’s “Ulysses.” The reason he failed, according to Lambert, is because “the book was never suppressed, and so while Roth was never threatened with jail, neither did he receive the speaker’s benefit that was due him.” 
The most provocative section of the book examines the way Jewish writers exploited and challenged sexual themes in their work in the decades after the Comstock laws were repealed. For most of this chapter, Lambert focuses his analyses on two books, Philip Roth’s “Portnoy’s Complaint” and Adele Wiseman’s “Crackpot.” “Portnoy” is presented as an allegorical argument against Zionism and “Crackpot” depicts the sexual love between a mother and her son as a transgressive celebration of the imperative to marry within the tribe. ...
When he finally arrives at the present, Lambert brings his argument full circle and looks at the ways that Orthodox Judaism has argued for and modeled a new interest in modesty within American culture, and how in the presence of the resurgent Christian right, secular Jews like Larry David and Sarah Silverman “continue to assert their Jewishness emphatically, in virtually every one of their performances, but also glory in and glorify the use of taboo language… [because] identifying oneself as a ‘dirty Jew’ in the 21st century has become attractive as a means for signaling one’s opposition to… the country’s most powerful social, religious, and politically reactionary movement.” 
... Maybe more problematic, if one cares about the relationship between Judaism and American culture, are the limited and predetermined objectives Lambert presents his Jewish protagonists as having. In these pages, obscenity is first and foremost presented as a tool by which Jews were able to assimilate and gain acceptance by the American cultural elite as well as monetary and societal success, and to enter the “prestige culture” as Lambert calls it. ...
But what of the other ways in which obscenity can and has been used? What of transgression and dissidence? Obscenity is such a powerful weapon against those who would wish to control our behavior (to say nothing of our imaginations) and villainize us for our culture. And the angry refusal of Jewish figures like Lenny Bruce, Abbie Hoffman and even Al Goldstein to accept the terms the over-culture demanded was as Jewish in character as Henry Roth’s yiddishisms and Liveright’s entrepreneurship through scandal. 
To many of them obscenity was a political tactic, a way by which to draw attention to what they perceived to be the greater obscenities of our government’s behavior toward its citizens and others around the world. I would have liked to see what Lambert has to say about the role Jewish heritage played in the antagonistic relationship between these dissidents and American culture. 
One explanation for why he shies from doing so is his fear of what he calls the “booster-bigot trap” by which the well-intentioned scholar “[relies] on essentialist visions of Jewishness that mirror those of anti-Semites.” His reservations are understandable, but they place him in a position of having to normalize Judaism and implicitly promote a vision of Judaism that, ironically, given the subject matter, is both culturally and politically conservative. 
What’s lost in “Unclean Lips” is the thrill obscenity can create. It’s the sharp dangerous edge of anarchy and when used effectively, it can BLEEP up the most carefully planned cocktail party, smashing all propriety to BLEEP. ...
Presenting obscenity as a means of gaining access to the domain of polite, civil society seems, to me at least, to miss the BLEEPING point.
Joshua Furst is a contributing editor to the Forward. He is the author of “The Sabotage Café” (Knopf, 2007).

"... against our best interests." And, yet, judging by the membership of the Forbes 400, their financial interests seem to be doing pretty well. Mormons, to pick out a notoriously agreeable people, are outnumbered by Jews on the Forbes 400 by a ratio of something like 5 to 140. It's almost as if being aggressive pays off better than being polite these days, as long as you can rationalize your hostility as being the fault of those you are defeating due to your certified victimhood.

But woe to any outsider who questions victimhood. Now, that is always obscene and will not be tolerated.


  1. There is a minority of obnoxious and transgressive Jews who seek to normalize their obnoxiousness and transgression by claiming, as Furst does here, that they are inherent Jewish cultural characteristics. But that strains credulity when you consider a broader swath of Jews. Consider the German Jews you mentioned in an earlier thread. We're the Loebs known for talking like Sarah Silverman? Marcus Goldman? Not that I know of.

    How about, to name a prominent current Jew, the House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Any Sarah Silverman rants by him floating around on YouTube? What about by David Brooks? Again, not that I know of.

    How about Sarah Silverman's sister, the female rabbi she mentioned in her last HBO special (incidentally, one of the few genuinely funny bits in that set was also one of the few non-transgressive ones, and involved that sister)?

    Going out on a limb here, but I wonder if claiming transgression and obscenity as intrinsically Jewish might just be an expression of Jewish guilt on the part of Furst. Assuming he's a secular Jew, he probably feels guilty about abandoning the religious traditions. But if having a dirty mouth makes him authentically Jewish, that's a pretty easy and self-indulgent way to assuage his guilt.

  2. "And, yet, judging by the membership of the Forbes 400, their financial interests seem to be doing pretty well. Mormons, to pick out a notoriously agreeable people, are outnumbered by Jews on the Forbes 400 by a ratio of something like 5 to 140. "

    Well I'm sure the (lack of) agreeableness entirely explains it. Pay no attention to +1 sigma mean IQ. Or significantly higher skew and variance in Jewish IQ distribution, assuring that very right ends of the Bell curve are always saturated with members of the tribe.

    After all how else can you explain vast Ashkenazi over-representation among Nobel science winners, Fields medalist and Turing prize winners? Or does disagreeableness also give you a leg-up in particle physics, theoretical math and algorithmic analysis?

    And for that matter, consider American blacks, probably among the most disagreeable sub-group in human history. Don't' believe me? Try cutting in line in front of a large black woman and see how polite she acts. If disagreeableness was the recipe for success blacks should make up a high proportion of the world's billionaires.

    For someone who was extolling the virtues of Occam's Razor just a few posts ago, you sure seem to be oblivious to it here.

  3. I am no psychologist, but the snipped quoted has more than a whiff of rationalisation to me. The very idea that it's OK to push the envelope of comedy no matter who is offended is demonstrably false.

    I think he's neither funny nor particularly salutary, but here in France, the "coedian" Dieudonne Mbala Mbala has dominated the news (along with the comical menage a trois involving the president).

    Not very many loud voices among priminent Jewish entertainers here defending Dieudonne for his jokes...

  4. Off Topic:

    NYC school cuts popular gifted program over lack of diversity: report

  5. DR: It's a bit of a false dichotomy. Disagreeable and -1 SD gets you, well, ghetto; disagreeable and +1 SD gets you on the Forbes 400 and the Nobel lists. Of course, the Nobelists are probably less disagreeable; it's about shifts in the average producing more outliers at a given end. So there are more Ashkenazim with the combination of intelligence and ruthlessness to succeed in business.

    Interestingly, the Inductivist also did this one with the Big 5:


    Extraversion might have the same positive effects in business; odd negative emotionality would do any good, but there you go.

    Openness explains why there are so many Jewish actors and so few Jewish farmers, although that has to do with historical occupational patterns and is likely an adaptation to an urban role.

  6. Miguel,

    Steve believes in *lot* of competing and allied conspiracies, as does anyone with any sense.

    P.S. It isn't the disagreeableness its the subversiveness.

  7. Miguel S. said: If Jews really ran the world, it wouldn't look as bad as it does.

    Hunsdon said: You seem to be presupposing that smarts is all it takes to run the world, and run it well. Maybe that's not enough. Maybe, just maybe, a millenia long tradition of being the outsider works against governance for the greater good. Just theorizing, here.

    Dave Pinsen said: How about, to name a prominent current Jew, the House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.

    Hunsdon said: How about Anthony Weiner? Oh, wait---"Not all Jews are like that."

    Pinsen continued: I wonder if claiming transgression and obscenity as intrinsically Jewish might just be an expression of Jewish guilt on the part of Furst.

    Hunsdon said: How come Jewish guilt never seems to be centered around the hash they've made of America?

    DR said: Well I'm sure the (lack of) agreeableness entirely explains it. Pay no attention to +1 sigma mean IQ.

    Hunsdon said: Merit! Merit! DR is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

    DW Budd said: I am no psychologist, but the snipped quoted has more than a whiff of rationalisation to me.

    Hunsdon said: I'm not a psychologist either, but (in the words of little Bobby Zimmerman) "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

    Furst wrote: What’s lost in “Unclean Lips” is the thrill obscenity can create. It’s the sharp dangerous edge of anarchy and when used effectively, it can BLEEP up the most carefully planned cocktail party, smashing all propriety to BLEEP.

    Hunsdon said: Hey, that was MY cocktail party, that was MY propriety you just got your transgressive kicks trashing.

  8. Author Explores Link Between Purity Laws and Anti-Semitism

    Right, but does he get around to how these "anti-semites" invented the concepts of keeping kosher and circumcision and the Jewish need to separate even when buried in a mixed cemetery. Saw one of those recently, Jews had their special section and it wasn't forced upon them.

    Seems like Jews have a history of being obsessed with purity and separateness.

    When the goyim do it then it becomes associated with the threat of anti-semitism. When Jews do it...it's, well it's called Judaism.

  9. @DR: Given the characteristics of their respective IQ bell curves and their population sizes, what should be the ratio between the Jewish and non-Jewish (IQ >140) in the US?

    If it is greater that of Jew/non-Jew on Fortune 500, then some other temperamental trait might plausibly account for the difference.

    1. There are approximately five Gentiles for every Jew with a genius IQ in the US. However, it's rare to find a Jewish genius who hasn't made something of himself whereas comic book reading Gentile genius losers who watch DrWho marathons on the Sci Fi channel are pretty much a stereotype.

      I wonder if Steve reads comic books.

  10. After all how else can you explain vast Ashkenazi over-representation among Nobel science winners, Fields medalist and Turing prize winners? Or does disagreeableness also give you a leg-up in particle physics, theoretical math and algorithmic analysis?

    If we treat Jewish over-representation the way Jews treat White over-representation, answer is clear: the Jews are the beneficiaries of unearned Jewish Privilege, institutional racism and philosemitism, and the lack of a system to ensure that everyone's contribution is recognized.

    Many of the award committees demonstrate a shocking lack of diversity and fail to mirror global demographics. Nor are Jewish committee members subjected to the same type of “diversity training” inflicted on Whites. Are Jews serving on awards committees forced to individually stand up, atone for their Jewish “privilege knapsack,” and apologize to every participant who belongs to a group that was ever harmed, even once, by any Jew anywhere?

    The disparities you enumerated can only be addressed by ensuring that the gentile equivalents of Abe Foxman and Tim Wise help Jews to understand that, since all groups are equally capable, these and other painful steps must be taken to ensure that Jews receive fewer awards and historically underrepresented groups receive their fair share.

  11. Using obscenity to fight 'antisemitism'...

    Could it be that 'antisemitism' was partly a reaction to Jewish obscenity?

    And wasn't this obscenity a combination of Jewish self-loathing of their ugliness and their envy of handsomer wasps they wanted to defile AND Jewish sense of superiority over dimmer gentiles and their sadistic contempt for those they can toy with.

    It's like Groucho and Margaret Dumont.

    Anyway, this explains the Jewish-homo alliance.

  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Conrad_(academic)


    "Modern Times, Modern Places: Life and Art in the Twentieth Century" is a very interesting book.

  13. The impact that jews had on American culture and way of life has been extremely underestimated.

    The 20th century was the jewish century.

  14. A Short History of a Franco-Cameroonian and Obscenity

    A French comedian named Dieudonne seems to have created a mock political movement complete with salute, the quenelle, and party songs, actual French patriotic songs with the words changed. One thing he mocks in his act is the Holocaust which has caused him to be banned under French hate crime laws, although various Anti Fascist groups threatened violence so the French government . He is currently under intense investigation by the French tax police.

  15. http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com/2014/01/dershowitz-on-dsouza.html

  16. http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com/2014/01/to-fight-or-not-to-fight-depression.html

  17. It's early and maybe the coffee hasn't sunk in, but that segment seemed to go beyond double-speak to maybe quadruple-speak.

    What I got out of it is this. So essentially this guy is admitting that the age old "anti-Semitic canard" that Jews are smut peddlers is, in fact, true?

    Of course anyone with eyes and ears knows precisely who pushed the filth envelope in American media, but it's funny to see them trying to say how great that is.

  18. So, Jews are admitting the use of obscenity as a weapon. If a goy had noticed as much in the 70s, he would have been attacked as a paranoid antisemite. But now, Jews are saying they'd always been mindful of obscenity as a cultural weapon.

    It's like Jews accused the goy of paranoia if the latter surmised that Jews were pushing immigration to undermine white power.
    Yet Jews today are ecstatic with joy and spitting in the white goys' face that whites cannot 'take their country back'. Look at Tim Wise and Frank Rich. Jews are all but admitting that the destruction of white power was what they had in mind all along.

    Jews pull a dirty trick but then scream if someone calls it out as a dirty trick.
    But once they've won by using the dirty trick, they brag about how brilliantly they used the dirty trick to hoodwink and destroy the goyim.

    This is what whites get for trusting Hyman Roths of the world.

  19. "Miguel S. said...

    You don't believe in a Jewish conspiracy, so why are you pretending to? If Jews really ran the world, it wouldn't look as bad as it does."

    You are supposing that those inclined to run things want them to run well. That is not always the case. A lot of the world is awful because powerful and influential people want it to be awful.

  20. "I love the loudmouths and the unreasonably argumentative. I love people who are willing to go to great hyperbolic length to get a laugh or to irritate their opponents. I love the ranters and the hysterics, those who never know when enough is enough."

    He has identified a number of traits that are noticeable in many prominent jews (though I don't think they are characteristic of all jews, or even most jews individually). Does Mr. Furst ever stop to consider that disagreableness is.........disagreable. That other people don't like it, and will act toward people who exhibit such traits accordingly?

  21. "and how in the presence of the resurgent Christian right, secular Jews like Larry David and Sarah Silverman “continue to assert their Jewishness emphatically, in virtually every one of their performances, but also glory in and glorify the use of taboo language… [because] identifying oneself as a ‘dirty Jew’ in the 21st century has become attractive as a means for signaling one’s opposition to… the country’s most powerful social, religious, and politically reactionary movement.”"

    1. Love how the author brings it back to the need to stand up to those perfidious Gentiles....

    2. Larry David vs the Christian Right: Funny, I seem to recall quite a few episodes of THE LARRY DAVID SHOW that revolved around Larry antagonizing his fellow Jews (cf the one where Larry gets attacked for whistling Wagner).

    3. Odd how the Christian Right's fervent support of Israel gets them no points from elite American Jewry...

  22. Steve Sailer- standing athwart history yelling stop

  23. "Maybe more problematic, if one cares about the relationship between Judaism and American culture, are the limited and predetermined objectives Lambert presents his Jewish protagonists as having. In these pages, obscenity is first and foremost presented as a tool by which Jews were able to assimilate and gain acceptance by the American cultural elite as well as monetary and societal success, and to enter the “prestige culture” as Lambert calls it. ...
    But what of the other ways in which obscenity can and has been used? What of transgression and dissidence? Obscenity is such a powerful weapon against those who would wish to control our behavior (to say nothing of our imaginations) and villainize us for our culture."

    Interesting. Furst seems quite eager to retain the image of the Jew as subversive/outsider, someone who who never be "clubbable."Hence his need to counter Lambert, who demonstrates that all of this alleged "subversion" has actually brought American Jews into the ranks of the elite.

    MMMM, seems that Lambert is the one being truly subversive then, shattering cherished myths and beloved legends. Furst, in contrast, emerges as the "crown and altar" conservative, the man who would rather believe an edifying legend...

  24. Try cutting in line in front of a large black woman and see how polite she acts. If disagreeableness was the recipe for success blacks should make up a high proportion of the world's billionaire.....or wait in line like the WASPS. Steve is well aware of Jewish high iq he just wishes they would use it for the greater good. It's really not that hard to understand.

    Dan in DC

  25. putz putsch

  26. Such a celebration of Jewish ability to manipulate our culture for their benefit.

  27. If it is greater that of Jew/non-Jew on Fortune 500, then some other temperamental trait might plausibly account for the difference.

    How many years have we been having this conversation? At some point, a man gives up on the idea that he's having an honest conversation, and resigns himself to the fact that he's seen as part of an audience being worked.

  28. If Jews really ran the world, it wouldn't look as bad as it does.

    It is funny how the trolls pretend that what is bad for us is not good for them.

  29. "Hunsdon said: How about Anthony Weiner? Oh, wait---"Not all Jews are like that."'

    Weiner and Silverman aren't quite the same examples. Silverman is a comedian who owns her off-color comedy. Weiner is a former politician with some apparent mental issues, who initially denied his cyber sex addiction.

    More to Steve's point though, since he ties in this post with Jews' disproportionate presence among the Forbes 400, is how obscene or transgressive are the wealthiest Jews? If being obscene and transgressive has some special money-making power, than Sarah Silverman ought to be richer and more successful than the tame and clean Jerry Seinfeld.

    Sarah Silverman is a piker compared to Jerry Seinfeld, and he's a piker compared to billionaires such as Mike Bloomberg or Sheldon Adelson. Any Sarah Silverman-esque rants by those two floating around on YouTube?

  30. Among the Jewish traits I am most proud to be historically and culturally associated with is the way my people obstreperously defend our principles even when doing so goes against our best interests.

    What I find more interesting is the Jewish trait of defending their tribe and its members, even well past the point of that defense being in the tribe's best interests. Throwing blacks, grandma, Mother Theresa, and Jesus Christ under the bus to save Leo Frank isn't doing the tribe any favors, but you can bet your ass you'll run into more than a few Jews willing to do it. I think the interesting part is that they don't seem to know what this suggests about them to others. Which is always an interesting way to suss out the real psychological differences between groups.

    And one of the greatest rhetorical tools people bent toward this sort of behavior can wield is the well-timed, carefully aimed obscenity.

    This is another one. I don't think they really know how they sound to others when they say some of the unbelievably nasty shit they say. They really don't know other people's minds don't work in that way, and don't dream up that sort of stuff. And if they did, they'd know to keep it to themselves.

  31. There is a minority of obnoxious and transgressive Jews who seek to normalize their obnoxiousness and transgression by claiming, as Furst does here, that they are inherent Jewish cultural characteristics. But that strains credulity

    I think they're Jewish behavioral genetic characteristics.

    when you consider a broader swath of Jews. Consider the German Jews you mentioned in an earlier thread. We're the Loebs known for talking like Sarah Silverman? Marcus Goldman? Not that I know of.

    So blacks aren't inherently more criminal, because Thomas Sowell?

  32. Josh Lambert must be enthralled with the transgressive thought and hyperbole expressed in the Stevosphere. The cultural renegades are not on HBO.

  33. Anon,

    You'd get more people to click on your links if you hyperlinked them, and described what they were. Leaving an off-topic link without describing it is kind of spergy. As it happens, you're first link, about Alan Dershowitz comparing Attorney General Eric Holder to Stalin's NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria, is worth a read.

  34. "Seems like Jews have a history of being obsessed with purity and separateness."

    Steven Pinker's former student John Durant addresses this in his book The Paleo Manifesto, saying that these developed as an effective way to avoid disease. He also contrasts Jewish purity laws with the Indian caste system. Ancient Jews adopted hygiene practices such as washing hands; Indians instead separated the people with the dirtiest jobs in society (e.g., disposal of bodies) into an untouchable caste.

  35. How do you know the same Jews who are being obscene are the ones getting onto the Forbes 400? Bad bit of thinking, there. Could be different types of Jews.

    And even if they are, at most we can say that being hyper-aggressive seems not to have made it impossible for them to succeed, but it might not have helped them, and might even have hurt them.

    So many assumptions simply being read into the data, or imposed on the data.

  36. http://benswann.com/media-blacks-out-new-snowden-interview-the-government-doesnt-want-you-to-see/

  37. What’s lost in “Unclean Lips” is the thrill obscenity can create. It’s the sharp dangerous edge of anarchy and when used effectively, it can BLEEP up the most carefully planned cocktail party, smashing all propriety to BLEEP. ...

    Huh? Is this guy arguing that the Jews can take credit for the shit-smearing toddler play-pen that American culture has become?

  38. Corrupting sexual morals and making perversity seem routine also inures the people to the sort of immoral financial shenanigans that have become routine and have helped a certain ethnic group become become immensely wealthy.

  39. The comments from Jews on posts like this are the best argument one could make for whites taking a hard line against Jews.

    They fanatically defend other Jews who are attacking whites. How are we supposed to react to an ethnic group that is relentlessly attacking us? Even when the culprits themselves announce that their attacks are motivated by their Jewishness, we have folks here telling us that Jewish identity has nothing to do with anti-white hostility.

  40. So, the book is saying that, if not for Jews, we wouldn't have such loose obscenity laws?

    What heroes!

  41. “I see it as my birthright to get under people’s skin and annoy them until they want to scream”

    I wonder if Jews are over-represented amongst those afflicted with Asperger’s? To claim a “birthright” to annoy people to the brink of violence, and then scream “anti-semitism” and feign surprise when you get the reaction you were apparently looking for is…bizarre.

    “Obscenity is such a powerful weapon against those who would wish to control our behavior (to say nothing of our imaginations) and villainize us for our culture.”

    The control of unwelcome forms of behavior is part of what makes a civilization. As the uninvited guests, a more aware group of people might acknowledge the right of the majority that was already here and that BUILT THE F***NG COUNTRY to control their behavior to the extent that behavior “villainized” the host’s culture. If you intentionally act like a rude asshole, odds are people will view you as a rude asshole.

    “the thrill obscenity can create. It’s the sharp dangerous edge of anarchy and when used effectively, it can BLEEP up the most carefully planned cocktail party, smashing all propriety to BLEEP. .”

    I used to feel a thrill from obscenity as well. And then I left my teen years.

    So we’re supposed to buy that an important part of Jewish culture is spewing cursewords and “smashing all propriety to BLEEP” and also not have a problem with that? Got it. It sure is hard to understand why they’ve been persecuted for 5,000 years.


  42. What are the relative numbers of Goys and Jews at 140 IQ level?
    The Goy Bell Curve is 32 times larger so the right tail is larger.

    From a web posting titled, Why is the IQ of Askanazi Jews so high?


    "This suggests that either the “bell’s curve” is lifted for the Ashkenazi a bit longer at the high end or there are additional factors that enhance their ability to succeed. Regarding the first possibility, Charles Murray notes that “the proportion of Jews with IQs of 140 or higher is somewhere around six times the proportion of everyone else.” Harpending, Hardy and Cochran sport roughly the same equation; “4 out of every 1,000 Northern European is 140+ IQ, but 23 out of every 1,000 Jew is 140+.” Murray also relays a report from sky-high up in the genius range, when he notes that a 1954 survey of New York public school children with 170+ IQs revealed that 24 of the 28 were… Jewish."

    My question, as always, is what about the fact that the Goyim Bell curve is 32 times larger? Sure it is 24 of 28 in NYC. NYC is the center of Judaism in the US. These kind of triumphant articles always neglect to consider absolute numbers.
    I thought there were 6 million Jewish people and 200 million White Goyim. So given those numbers, and the Stupid Goys with a HUGE Dumb Bell Curve, 32 times larger, the actual IQ ratio of Goys to Jews at the upper levels is 7 to 1 (IQ >130) or 4.5 to 1 (IQ > 145).
    But if you were to comment anywhere else than here you would be accused of anti semitism merely by virtue of your comment's questioning tone.

    Antisemitism is the belief by non Jewish people that Jewish people can be criticized....like everyone else.

  43. All I can contribute are these two quotes from Joe Sobran:

    “Just as the dwarf is obsessed with height in a way people of normal size can hardly imagine, the Tribe is obsessed with its marginal minority status, which it experiences as victimization, imagining slights and insults — “anti-Semitism” — even when none are intended.”

    “A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you.”

  44. 1) It's weird how saying Jews deliberately tried to debase and corrupt western culture is both anti and pro semitic depending on who says it.

    2) If you had a population with a culture that had been selecting for agreeableness for a long time you could see how a minority population developing particularly sharp elbows could be an advantageous adaptation as long as they were concentrated in certain niches and not spread out among the whole population.

    Those who were spread out would have to conform to the majority but those who were concentrated in a particular niche in a particular locality could reinforce each other.

    In other words human populations adapting to other human populations.

    3) They're really don't like the Mormons.

    4) "If Jews really ran the world, it wouldn't look as bad as it does."

    If an elite's stewardship is proportional to how related they are to the rest of the population then yes it would.

    The end result of having an elite with High IQ + Low Stewardship would be far worse than one with Average IQ + High Stewardship.

    5) "Going out on a limb here, but I wonder if claiming transgression and obscenity as intrinsically Jewish might just be an expression of Jewish guilt on the part of Furst."

    Or an expression of higher trait frequency caused by point (2).

    6) "Or does disagreeableness also give you a leg-up in particle physics, theoretical math and algorithmic analysis?"

    Probably - (although not enough on its own of course) - you'd need the brains also.

  45. @SFG
    Fair enough, there might be an interaction effect between agreeableness and IQ. A feisty child prodigy is precocious. A feisty dumb kid is a troublemaker.

    "odd negative emotionality would do any good"

    I suspect that Ashkenazi neuroticism evolved for the same reason as Ashkenazi intelligence, the historical role of that group in money lending. When you own debt surprises are almost always of the bad variety. At best you get paid off what you own, at worst you lose your capital. In certain types of businesses neuroticism is still quite important.


    "If it is greater that of Jew/non-Jew on Fortune 500, then some other temperamental trait might plausibly account for the difference."

    I suspect one big factor is that verbal intelligence is much more important to being a billionaire than spatial intelligence. Jewish intelligence has much higher verbal intelligence, and close to gentile spatial intelligence. One big reason you don't see many East Asians billionaires in America.

  46. Johan Furst says:
    Among the Jewish traits I am most proud to be historically and culturally associated with is the way my people obstreperously defend our principles even when doing so goes against our best interests.
    ^Who says "defending principles" is a Jewish trait? And according to their own prophets, such "principle defence" is often not only sorely lacking, but primarily a matter of convenience. I don't say it- see the writings of Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc etc.. in which "my people" FAILED to defend their principles. In fact the prophets describe quite the opposite- where failure to defend principles went against their interests.

    “Unclean Lips” is, essentially, an examination of the way obscenity laws have been historically used to legitimize anti-Semitism in America and the notable roles Jewish writers, publishers and lawyers have played in fighting these laws, and by extension, furthering the cause of Jewish equality in American culture.

    But here Furst contradicts his own opener. WHen said Jews, like Dr. Judith Reisman, defend certain elements of child porn, what becomes of the touted "Jewish principles' that "my people" supposedly hew to? In fact, much of what is defended tooth and nail by the Jews Furst touts is morally incompatible with the foundational moral teachings of Judaism. But this glaring contradiction is not addressed.

    As Victorian prudery gave way to modernist transgression, Jewish writers and publishers were able to exploit the laws for personal gain. Lambert explains: “The publishing of obscenity was one means through which to convert… financial capital into a very precious form of cultural capital. It was… a way of purchasing literary prestige.

    OK this may be so, and profits were made. But if they were exploiting the laws for personal gain, what does this say about "our principles"? Is defence of child porn a principle of "my people"? [Jewish]

    “Portnoy” is presented as an allegorical argument against Zionism and “Crackpot” depicts the sexual love between a mother and her son as a transgressive celebration of the imperative to marry within the tribe. ..
    But if such Jewish stirring of the pot, such rabble-rousing, such bomb throwing, such dissenting for which the writer holds Jews to be famous for is true, what exactly are the "principles" being defended? The right to child porn? The right to be an “eternal irritant” or “eternal deconstructor” is a weak foundation for moral life.

    but also glory in and glorify the use of taboo language… [because] identifying oneself as a ‘dirty Jew’ in the 21st century has become attractive as a means for signaling one’s opposition to… the country’s most powerful social, religious, and politically reactionary movement.”
    ^^But this cuts both ways. There is some oppositional attractiveness, but there is also a strong counter-element of scorn and contempt. By positioning themselves as the face of Jewishness, said oppositional or deconstructive elements risk building that scorn and contempt, even among the Left. The Palestinian issue for example has shifted a fair number on the left towards anti-Semitism. THe good old days picture of heroic Jews fighting for their land of Israel has radically changed in the world's eyes. Deconstructivism appears trendy and progressive but definitely has a deep backlash, and can turn opinion around in unexpected ways. The "eternal gadfly" pose is partially a liability for Jews as regards Israel for example.

    What’s lost in “Unclean Lips” is the thrill obscenity can create. It’s the sharp dangerous edge of anarchy and when used effectively, it can BLEEP up the most carefully planned cocktail party, smashing all propriety to BLEEP. ... t

    The “thrill” is all well and good but Furst seems not to understand that said deconstructivist “thrill” itself lays a basis for a powerful counter-reaction, furnishing a powerful motivator and content generator for a virulent anti-Semitism.

  47. Sometimes, Jews project their own hatreds, paranoia, extremism, and supremacism onto other groups, especially white gentile conservatives.

    But when it comes to their power, a kind of 'deflection' seems to be happening. Suppose Jews are at the top of the hill but don't wanna be seen as the lord of America. So, they hold up a mirror before us--who are looking up at them--and position it in such a way that other groups who are way below are reflected in it. So, our gaze is deflected from Jewish power and fooled into thinking that that those shown in the mirror are at the top. So, if Jews at the top use the mirror to reflect southern hillbillies in the bottom of the valley, people are bound to think southern hillbillies got the power.

    Jewish elites use the media this way; as a deflective mirror. So, we think yellow peril is taking over this country, Saudis are buying up everything, Mormons dominate finance, KKK are taking over colleges, Texans rule this country, homos run all the cities(when homo power would be nothing without Jewish support), mulatto stealth Muslims run DC, Russians are taking over the world, etc.

  48. "So blacks aren't inherently more criminal, because Thomas Sowell?"

    So, Jews are disproportionately represented among the Forbes 400, because Sarah Silverman?

  49. "After all how else can you explain vast Ashkenazi over-representation among Nobel science winners, Fields medalist and Turing prize winners?"

    or lack of east asians winning such awards, particularly chinese. 1 billion chinese.

    be careful when using evidence which does not support your premise. data cannot both support and at the same time contradict the intelligence quotient hypothesis.

    there's something unique about modern ashkenazi jews.

    also, as noted previously by myself, east asians are underrepresented in forbes.

  50. "Harpending, Hardy and Cochran sport roughly the same equation; “4 out of every 1,000 Northern European is 140+ IQ, but 23 out of every 1,000 Jew is 140+.”

    There is no scientific basis for either part of this assertion.

  51. "Remington Chase", born Seamus O'Donnell in County Clare, is that not correct?

  52. I started reading Mitchell Heisman's 1900 page suicide note, and I'm afraid I'm hooked. If this were a politically correct document, it would have been elevated to required reading for college courses, but it's not. A 1900 page PDF is no easy reading task, but is good enough that I'm struggling through. Everyone should at least give it a scan out of respect for 5 years of effort. Packed with insight from an evolutionary perspective.

  53. I haven't written about it because I hate how he shot himself on the steps of Harvard's library to publicize it rather than do the hard of editing, proofreading and publicizing it. On the other hand, just from scanning it, there appeared to be brilliant passages that I do want to return to.

  54. I see your point, if I had kids, I'd be horrified to discover them reading it. My friend told me if he ever witnesses me ordering chicken fingers and lentil soup for breakfast, he's calling the police.

  55. Not Larry Summers1/31/14, 4:46 PM

    he shot himself on the steps of Harvard's library

    Actually, I gather it was on the steps of Memorial Church, which is the other side of Harvard Yard from the library (Widener).

  56. Well, Steve is a polite anti-semite, and many of his commenters are louder and more vicious ones, which is why he cherry-picks dumb articles like this to represent Jews and why commenters react to it as they do. Of course Jews also played a central role in the Hollywood of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, some of the cleanest culture you'll find anywhere, but I suppose we were repressing our essential Jewish nature at that time for some reason.

    From a recent post by Steve:

    "Or in the case of the wealthiest, most powerful group [guess who!], they use their influence over the media to instill it in their children and to depress, demoralize, and divide other groups' children."

    If you really believe an ethnic group is an organized conspiracy to control your national media and demoralize the children of the majority, you ought to kick that ethnic group out of your country. If the Jews really are, as anti-semites always end up concluding implicitly or explicitly, a cunning race of super-powerful manipulators, deceivers, corruptors, and parasites, then exile or even extermination isn't an irrational idea. So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like many people in the larger world are paying attention to this site.

  57. ...cherry-picks dumb articles like this...

    If a writer in a Catholic magazine, like Commonweal, wrote an article like this - celebrating tweaking another culture's sensibilities - the Pope would be expected to apologize.

    We get it: You don't like Steve.

    Why'd you waste the keystrokes on such an insignificant site?

  58. Anti-waspite, meet antisemite.

  59. I'm crazy about that Heisman thing. Great to dip into.

  60. Well, Steve is a polite anti-semite, and many of his commenters are louder and more vicious ones, which is why he cherry-picks dumb articles like this to represent Jews and why commenters react to it as they do. Of course Jews also played a central role in the Hollywood of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, some of the cleanest culture you'll find anywhere, but I suppose we were repressing our essential Jewish nature at that time for some reason.

    You had no choice. You were required to do so, although it didn't stop the crazy but "clean" propaganda in Knute Rockne All American (1940).

  61. "MQ said...

    Of course Jews also played a central role in the Hollywood of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, some of the cleanest culture you'll find anywhere,"

    Right, the Hays Code had nothing to do with that.

  62. "Dave Pinsen said...

    As it happens, you're first link, about Alan Dershowitz comparing Attorney General Eric Holder to Stalin's NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria, is worth a read."

    I wonder why he compared Holder to Beria, rather than, say, Yagoda or Yezhov?

    ........oh, that's right.......

    1. Because:

      "The Justice Department's tactics remind Dershowitz of the words of Stalin's secret police chief, Lavrentiy Beria, who said, "Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.""

      Sometimes a kosher pickle is just a kosher pickle. No wonder Dersh votes Dem.

  63. There are approximately five Gentiles for every Jew with a genius IQ in the US. However, it's rare to find a Jewish genius who hasn't made something of himself whereas comic book reading Gentile genius losers who watch DrWho marathons on the Sci Fi channel are pretty much a stereotype.

    I wonder if Steve reads comic books.

    And who publishes, writes, draws, edits, inks, and distributes these comic books?

  64. I'm crazy about that Heisman thing. Great to dip into.
    Heisman should have presented his ideas as a novel; if he had cloaked his ideas in a veneer or ART, like Poole, Wallace or even Van Gogh, we could face them - not many people can deal with an author who gives a thorough and unvarnished picture of how the world works, through his eyes, and concludes - it's not for me.

  65. >> just what would well-known Jews DO without anti-Semitism, as they call it?

    Please understand that American Jews will ==do== or ==say== anything to avoid the ACTUAL zionist responsibility... move to Israel.

    I have nothing against white nationalism, but anyone who throws comments around without even learning to read the Hebrew newspapers is (in our opinion) in the same category as the Filipinit housemaids we import: quasi-retarded children.

    If you ask what ==lower-middle-class Israelis== mostly do when they are not under actual physical attack - the answer is best expressed in the phrase:

    סחים הם בכל מקום

  66. I have nothing against white nationalism, but anyone who throws comments around without even learning to read the Hebrew newspapers is (in our opinion) in the same category as the Filipinit housemaids we import: quasi-retarded children.

    Son, I think you just Fursted yourself...

  67. Charles Murray notes that “the proportion of Jews with IQs of 140 or higher is somewhere around six times the proportion of everyone else.” Harpending, Hardy and Cochran sport roughly the same equation; “4 out of every 1,000 Northern European is 140+ IQ, but 23 out of every 1,000 Jew is 140+.

    These calculations appear to have used 100 mean, 15 sd for white gentiles and 114 mean, 13 sd for jews. You can experiment in Excel using the built-in NORMDIST function...for example, to get the % whites over 140 type: =1-NORMDIST(140,100,15,TRUE).

    One issue with this kind of calculation is that at some high level of IQ (I'm unsure of exactly how high), actual observed IQs don't fit a bell curve distribution; they're substantially overrepresented.

  68. Sarah Silverman owns her own comedy? Is that why she gets so verklempt when someone comes back at her? Jonah Hill said something about her age and she admitted it took her "several days to get over it".

    Sounds like the usual hyper-sensitive Jewess to me.

    1. Yes, Sarah Silverman owns her own comedy, as do all comedians. Getting touchy about jokes about her age has absolultely no relevance to that. And that's a touchy subject for women (particularly, childless, unmarried ones) in general, for reasons any reader of HBD blogs ought to immediately grasp.

  69. Of course Jews also played a central role in the Hollywood of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, some of the cleanest culture you'll find anywhere, but I suppose we were repressing our essential Jewish nature at that time for some reason.

    Good god. It would be literally impossible to write a sentence more wrong than that one. A little history for you, Morty...

    Nearly from the start, Hollywood -- dominated by Jews from the beginning -- was considered a sink hole of depravity. By the 20s it had gotten so bad that the studios, in a remarkably cynical ploy, imposed the Hays Code on themselves to operate as a toothless figleaf allowing them to avoid censorship.

    The Code remained toothless until 1934 when American Catholics -- pre Vatican II still a cohesive moral and political force -- under the auspices of the Legion of Decency grew disgusted enough to insist on actual enforcement of the code with effective moral standards, or else they threatened massive boycotts of films they considered unsuitable. So the censors finally cracked down hard.

    This put an end to Hollywood depravity. Was it a Jewish thing? Well the man Hays appointed as the main censor, Joseph Breen, had this to say, and I quote: “people whose daily morals would not be tolerated in the toilet of a pest house hold the good jobs out here [Hollywood] and wax fat on it. Ninety-five percent of these folks are Jews of an Eastern European lineage. They are, probably, the scum of the scum of the earth.”

    So not only was Hollywood recognized as a source of depravity, but it was recognized as a specifically Jewish form of depravity.

    After the Supreme Court overturned the Code in 1952 (even then the Supremes were a gang of Orcs out to destroy the moral order), Hollywood immediately began to push the envelope and has continued to do so endlessly ever since. Of course by now they've taken violence and sex and feminism as far as they can possibly go, so we've moved on to endless propaganda about gays and blacks and promoting race mixing. There's always the new depravity to push. Part of that "essential Jewish nature," apparently.

  70. "Or in the case of the wealthiest, most powerful group [guess who!], they use their influence over the media to instill it in their children and to depress, demoralize, and divide other groups' children."

    If you really believe an ethnic group is an organized conspiracy to control your national media and demoralize the children of the majority, you ought to kick that ethnic group out of your country. If the Jews really are, as anti-semites always end up concluding implicitly or explicitly, a cunning race of super-powerful manipulators, deceivers, corruptors, and parasites, then exile or even extermination isn't an irrational idea. So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like many people in the larger world are paying attention to this site.

    Project much? I mean, if you really believe that criticizing Jews is tantamount to fomenting their extermination, well, gulaging or exterminating critics is justified, right? And we all know that inside every white "gentile," there's a Jew-critic trying to get out...

    So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like the goyim are paying attention.

    I for one wouldn't advocate doing anything the Israelis haven't...

  71. "Of course by now they've taken violence and sex and feminism as far as they can possibly go"

    Oh man you have no idea how far down there is to go. They've barely scratched pedophilia, incest and bestiality yet. Just look at comedy - as that's always the first wave of the assault on normalcy - and see what the jokes are about e.g. Meet the Millers.

    And as far as violence goes just remember what happened last time - arenas with people being eaten alive by wild animals.

  72. I wonder why he compared Holder to Beria, rather than, say, Yagoda or Yezhov? .......oh, that's right.......

    Yezhov wasn't Jewish.

    1. Until that comment prompted me to look it up, I had thought that Beria was Jewish.

  73. "The Code remained toothless until 1934 when American Catholics -- pre Vatican II still a cohesive moral and political force... So the censors finally cracked down hard...
    This put an end to Hollywood depravity."

    Too hard to the point of parody. Even words like 'pregnant' couldn't be used. Even married couples had to have separate beds.

    Catholics made fools of themselves with such idiocy.

    While I don't like obscenity for obscenity sake, I believe in free expression in creativity, and American Catholics were idiots who gave cultural conservatism a bad name.

  74. "Or in the case of the wealthiest, most powerful group [guess who!], they use their influence over the media to instill it in their children and to depress, demoralize, and divide other groups' children."

    If you really believe an ethnic group is an organized conspiracy to control your national media and demoralize the children of the majority, you ought to kick that ethnic group out of your country. If the Jews really are, as anti-semites always end up concluding implicitly or explicitly, a cunning race of super-powerful manipulators, deceivers, corruptors, and parasites, then exile or even extermination isn't an irrational idea. So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like many people in the larger world are paying attention to this site.

    Project much? I mean, if you really believe that criticizing Jews is tantamount to fomenting their extermination, well, gulaging or exterminating Jew-critics is justified, right? And we all know that inside every white "gentile," there's a Jew-critic trying to get out...

    So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like the goyim are paying attention.

    I for one wouldn't advocate doing anything the Israelis haven't...

    It pains me to see someone whose writing and thinking have provided me with such enlightenment vilified with the "r" word. I guess you're use to it by now, but it would demoralize me. Notwithstanding, I'll continue to read and learn form you.

    The "r" word has become so broadly-defined that it has become a compliment. If that doesn't help you any, consider that it's now so broadly-defined that everyone is guilty.

  75. Jews have restless minds.

    Some people fidget all the time. The Jewish mind is fidgeting over this or that or whatever all the time. It rests less than most other minds.

    It's a habit of mind.

  76. MQ:
    If Furst and Lambert weren't talking about "organized conspiracy," then neither is Steve. Such a strawman is always a hallmark of a factual or logical deficit, not to mention a scoundrel.

    As for "cherry-picking," it's hard not be be tempted when cherries are always in season in certain gardens.

  77. Mitchell Heisman's suicide note is a hopeless mess. It shouldn't take you more than a page or two to see that it's not worth reading any further.

  78. Catholics made fools of themselves with such idiocy.

    While I don't like obscenity for obscenity sake, I believe in free expression in creativity, and American Catholics were idiots who gave cultural conservatism a bad name.

    Yeah, because like no good movies were ever made from 1934 to 1952. I mean "art" was just IMPOSSIBLE under such strictures, wasn't it?

  79. "Anonymous said...

    Yezhov wasn't Jewish."

    OK, whatever you say - he just happened to have a yiddish name. Your contention appears to be a matter of dispute. In any event, when in order to make a point Dershowitz and others invoke the name of a bolshevik killer, the names of a certain class of people never come up. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

  80. vinteuil said...
    Mitchell Heisman's suicide note is a hopeless mess. It shouldn't take you more than a page or two to see that it's not worth reading any further.

    His idea that Christianity values stranger-altruism as a higher good than kin-altruism, is worth reading a hundred pages alone. Add to that, that even secularists and progressives are still infected by that meme, though they are hostile to the religion that spread it, is good enough to justify a hundred more. That's all I've gotten through so far. What exactly are your specific criticisms?

  81. …American Catholics were idiots who gave cultural conservatism a bad name.

    As if Protestants hadn't just done the same with Prohibition.

  82. I wouldn't mind seeing some enthusiast edit a chapter of Heisman's book down in size and polish it up, and see if it can attract an audience.

  83. Until that comment prompted me to look it up, I had thought that Beria was Jewish.

    It's hard to keep track of all the butchers. Nobody's even mentioned Lazar Kaganovich yet. What I hadn't known is that he died in 1991. How's that for #$@!ed up?

    1. Never heard of him. But it looks like Beria and the other two fellows mentioned above both died early of lead poisoning after being brutally tortured.

  84. "Project much? I mean, if you really believe that criticizing Jews is tantamount to fomenting their extermination, well, gulaging or exterminating Jew-critics is justified, right? And we all know that inside every white "gentile," there's a Jew-critic trying to get out...

    So just come out and say it...you can go where the logic leads...not like the goyim are paying attention."

    Much better answer than mine.


    "American Catholics were idiots who gave cultural conservatism a bad name"

    American Catholics were entirely right and correct but didn't know *why* they were correct and hence were defeated.

    Annoying though it may be the human body is not designed for promiscuity. If we hadn't had antibiotics since the 1960s we'd have had a massive plague already.

    And antibiotics are running out - partly because of having to fight STDs.

  85. peterike said...

    What I got out of it is this. So essentially this guy is admitting that the age old "anti-Semitic canard" that Jews are smut peddlers is, in fact, true?

    Of course anyone with eyes and ears knows precisely who pushed the filth envelope in American media, but it's funny to see them trying to say how great that is.
    Furst is speaking to a friendly audience.He's in a "safe space", so he feels free to own jewish obscenity, to be proud of it, because very few people in his intended audience will have a problem with this admission.

    There's a lot that gets said in friendly spaces.
    I can't always do it for very long, but from time to time I read through "enemy" forums and I listen to what they tell each other.

    Sometimes, what gets said in a friendly form gets out or is a bit too outrageous. That happened when Joe Biden praised media and culture jews for the triumph of causes like gay marriage and some jewish leaders were kind of embarassed about that praise because it was uttered a
    little too loud.

  86. Steve Sailer said...
    I wouldn't mind seeing some enthusiast edit a chapter of Heisman's book down in size and polish it up, and see if it can attract an audience.

    That's unlikely because most Darwinists, naturalists, materialists and determinists hate to concede that the knowledge they convey can logically lead to nihilism and suicide. It would take an academic to edit this thing and the people qualified don't have much of a track record when it comes being associated with ideas which can be considered racist, intolerant and perhaps antisemitic. We'll just have to leave it the way it is.

    Just getting it in an ebook format would be good. It's not easy to read a 1900 pg. PDF. I've started bookmarking every page as I read them, just to keep my place.

  87. I have a hard time accepting the alleged higher than anyone elses IQ of Jews.

    Having a higher IQ does not necessarily make you wiser than anyone else. It just means that your problem solving skills are better than those with lower IQs.

  88. There are approximately five Gentiles for every Jew with a genius IQ in the US. However, it's rare to find a Jewish genius who hasn't made something of himself whereas comic book reading Gentile genius losers who watch DrWho marathons on the Sci Fi channel are pretty much a stereotype.

    Might this not be evidence of Jewish power where the gentile geniuses are marginalized in favor of the Jewish ones?

  89. I wouldn't mind seeing some enthusiast edit a chapter of Heisman's book down in size and polish it up, and see if it can attract an audience.

    I second that request!

  90. I emailed and tweeted links to this post to the Forward and tweeted a link to Furst (who has a grand total of 45 followers on Twitter). Curious to see if the Forward or he responds.

    BTW, this post now had more than 10x as many comments as the review on the Forward does. Steve seems to be one of a handful of remaining Forward readers.

  91. Meanwhile, antiSemitisn rears its ugly head in Hollywood.

  92. Of course Jews also played a central role in the Hollywood of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, some of the cleanest culture you'll find anywhere, but I suppose we were repressing our essential Jewish nature at that time for some reason.

    Their nature (call it sleazebag if you like rather than Jewish) came out in the way many Hollywood bigwigs of that era treated aspiring actresses: as whores. Their product toed the line set by the Hayes Office etc.

  93. Jew obsession is indeed irrational. Why would someone care more about jews than about malawians, ecuadorians or nicaraguans, all of whom number about 15M people in the world ? To assume that jews would have more influence on world affairs and history than malawians is to engage in shop worn, well worn, age old antisemitic thinking about ducks and pineapples.

  94. "3. Odd how the Christian Right's fervent support of Israel gets them no points from elite American Jewry... "

    Why reward someone for doing what they are 'supposed to do'?

    Also, no one respects a rube.

  95. "They are .2% of the world's population."

    But not 2% of Hollywood or the MSM.


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