January 4, 2014

The Jewish Journal on "Wolf of Wall Street"

DiCaprio / Belfort
Rob Eshman, publisher of the Jewish Journal, writes about The Wolf of Wall Street:
‘The Wolf’ and the Jewish problem 
... But I do regret that Scorsese chose not to deal with the fact that Jordan Belfort is Jewish. Although some of the characters in “Wolf,” like Jonah Hill’s Donnie Azoff, are clearly portrayed as Jews, even to the point of wearing chai necklaces around their coke-frosted necks, Belfort, with his Anglo looks and Frenchy name, is left to be simply American. I get it: To do otherwise might give the movie a whiff of anti-Semitic caricature. Scorsese feels much safer depicting the Italian-ness of his violent mobsters than the Jewishness of his greedy con men.

Final round of 2010 International
Power Staring tournament
Or maybe it's because these days Scorsese makes Leonardo DiCaprio movies. And DiCaprio appears to be 1/4 Italian, 1/4 German, and, as he told Vladimir Putin in 2010, 1/2 Russian (although his apparently Russian maternal grandparents lived in Germany, where his grandfather was a coalminer). Scorsese could cast his former main man De Niro as Jewish in Casino, but DiCaprio would be a tougher sell.
But, just between us, let’s talk about Belfort-the-Jew — let’s go there. In the movie, you never really understand how someone so gifted can be so morally unmoored. But in his memoir, upon which the movie is based, whenever Belfort refers to his Jewish roots, the diagnosis becomes more apparent.  
He is a kid from Long Island. His dad, Max, grew up “in the old Jewish Bronx, in the smoldering economic ashes of the Great Depression.” Belfort didn’t grow up poor by any means, he just wasn’t rich enough. The hole in him wasn’t from poverty, but from desire for acceptance. The “blue-blooded WASPs,” Belfort writes, “viewed me as a young Jewish circus attraction.”  
Belfort had a chip on his shoulder the size of a polo pony, and so did everyone he recruited. They were, he writes, “the most savage young Jews anywhere on Long Island: the towns of Jericho and Syosset. It was from out of the very marrow of these two upper-middle-class Jewish ghettos that the bulk of my first hundred Strattonites had come….” 
It’s not complicated, really. Poor little Jordan wanted to show those WASPs whose country clubs he couldn’t join that he was smarter, richer, better.

I really am going to have to write about the country club thing one of these days. I've found an Anti-Defamation League report from a half century ago on country clubs that's pretty interesting.
What he failed to understand is that just about every Jew, every minority, shares the same impulses. But only a select few decide the only way to help themselves is to hurt others.    
Belfort, like Bernie Madoff, is an extreme example. These are guys who feel they have nothing, they are nothing, so they will do anything to acquire everything. They cross a pretty clear line and just keep going. 
The question that gnaws at me is whether there’s something amiss in the vast gray area that leads right up to that line. Are the Belforts and Madoffs unnatural mutations, or are they inevitable outgrowths of attitudes that have taken root in our communities? ... 
These days, we are deep in the pit arguing over the American Studies Association’s (ASA) boycott of Israeli academics and whether Jewish students at Swarthmore College’s Hillel should open their doors to anti-Zionist speakers. We have devoted so many smart words and fiery sermons to these issues, you’d think the entire Jewish future depended upon them. Never mind that there are bridge clubs bigger than the ASA, and that the State of Israel, with its history, power and genius, may just survive the withering onslaught of a panel discussion in suburban Pennsylvania. The Jewish world never lacks for turbulent conversations. My only concern is whether they're the right ones. Talking about Israel is easy — talking about money is uncomfortable. 
But these are the conversations we need to be having. What’s the right way to make money? How much is enough? How much must we share, and with whom? We are blessed to be living at a time of unparalleled Jewish power and wealth, and it makes us so uneasy, we prefer to talk about everything but.


  1. Canadian Observer1/4/14, 10:48 PM

    I find that Israeli commentators are much more willing to be self-critical and provide a more balanced analysis of Jewish power and influence than Jewish Americans. "Let's go there" indeed because Jewish Americans never do.

  2. "DiCaprio's maternal grandmother, Helene Indenbirken (1915–2008),[8] was born Yelena Smirnova in Russia."

    Smirnova is a Russian surname, Indenbirken is a German one ("in the birches"). That implies that he's 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Italian and 1/2 German, but reality could be more complicated than that.

  3. Yes, but Putin was giving DiCaprio his best KGB interrogator steely gaze when Leo said that.

  4. "How much should we share, and with whom."

    American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else. Over 90% of that goes to non-Jewish causes like medical research and homelessness.

    Israelis donate more to charity than any European country.

    Jews support higher taxes despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to them having the highest income.

    Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college (citing Jewish overrepresentation in top colleges does not disprove this anymore than blacks citing white overrepresentation proves racism - Jews would've made up an even higher percentage of top schools if only the SAT and the GPA was used).

    I see far more articles of Jews criticizing each other than any other ethnic group. While racial self-flagellation is common, ethnic self-flagellation is done only by Jews. I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist.

    Meanwhile, mainstream Jewish organizations like Hillel are expected to give a forum to fellow Jews (and others) who are against Israel's existence.

  5. Anonydroid at 2:34 AM said: I also wonder about Bronson's and Schwarzenegger's.

    Hunsdon said: Charles Bronson's father was a straight up Lithuanian Tatar.

  6. Hm, I really doubt affirmative action has any significant effect on Jewish college admission. As Ron Unz disvovered, Jews are over represented by 5:1 at Harvard relative to their representation in NMS semi finalist lists, whereas white Christian males appear to be underrepresented by the same factor. A large part of Jewish financial success appears to be rooted in something orthogonal to intelligence. In Si Valley, a lot of 6 figure marketing executives and accountants have gut degrees from places like San Jose State and University of Miami.

  7. Others will deal with the delusions of 2.34 am and 3.36 am. I'm just going to taunt him with Israel's PISA results.

  8. "American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else. Over 90% of that goes to non-Jewish causes like medical research and homelessness. Israelis donate more to charity than any European country."

    Oddly, all that giving to non-Jewish groups seem to boost Jewish power while decreasing gentile power.
    After all, Jews give a lot of money to gentile politicians of both parties and all stripes, but the effect of this is to make those politicians slavish to Jewish demands.
    Jews gave a lot to the Sierra Club, but that made the environmental group support massive immigration, a policy favored by Jewish elites.
    SPLC and ACLU are nominally non-Jewish causes but they are dominated by Jews and serve Jewish interests.
    NPR and PBS are nominally non-Jewish, but the upper management is dominated by Jews, and both are politically skewered to promote Jewish perspectives and degrade white interests.

    Jews not only come to own gentiles with all this 'generous' giving but they control what other can give. If a famous rich person donated $100,000 to Sailer, the Jewish-dominated media would run headlines, "So-and-so funds hateful racist", and the man would be publicly destroyed in public. Look how Heritage Foundation had to let go of Richwine because Jewish complaints associated it with 'racism', and no donor wants to be associated with 'racism' and Heritage feared it might lose donors.

    Jews don't give to others to empower them but to own them. It's like Jewish pawnbrokers didn't give money for items to do the customers a favor. Rather, it was to take ownership of the item.

    Don Corleone could be generous, but that all that giving came with strings attached.

    "Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this justice a gift on my daughter's wedding day."

  9. "Belfort, like Bernie Madoff, is an extreme example. These are guys who feel they have nothing, they are nothing, so they will do anything to acquire everything. They cross a pretty clear line and just keep going."

    The fact that Madoff lasted as long as he did means he was enabled by a whole network of other Jews, esp because he donated to Jewish causes and made a lot of Jews rich.

    Madoff and Belfort are actually opposites. Belfort rose fast and fell fest. Like Blagojevich, he got reckless and stupid. He was too much of a cowboy(like Tommy in Goodfellas) and attracting the wrong kind of attention for Wall Street. Gangsters wanna be lowkey and play it smart, not attract too much attention by having some jerk raise eyebrows. That way, they can steal better and longer.

    Madoff played it smooth, which is why he was protected for so long. But gradually, he got greedier and when the financial bubble burst, he was exposed.
    In contrast, Belfort was begging to be noticed from day one. So, just rid of Blago, Belfort too had to gotten rid of by the system.

    Madoff played it like Hyman Roth. Belfort played it like Moe Green.

    "I knew Moe, I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. So when he turned up dead, I let it go."

  10. "Anyways, Jews should only feel uneasy if the money and power was ill-gotten."

    But it doesn't seem to matter much to true anti-semites.

  11. When it comes to movies criticism of any Jew is off limits. Witness the reception to The Passion of the Christ, or What Makes Sammy Run. Steven Spielberg owns the rights to What Makes Sammy Run for the purpose of not allowing another version to be made.

  12. Eshman wrote: I get it: To do otherwise might give the movie a whiff of anti-Semitic caricature.

    Hunsdon said: Reality has a whiff of anti-Semitic caricature? Oh, really?

  13. "So that's where his slanty eyes come from. I also wonder about Bronson's and Schwarzenegger's."

    Bronson's father was a Russian Tatar (Mongol) so that explains that. Don't know about Ahnold, although it's possible he got some Slavic genes in there somewhere down the line.

    Interestingly enough, DeNiro is only 1/4 Italian, which I would not have guessed.

  14. As a gentile attending Brandeis in the early '60s two things struck me about my new classmates. The first was their ferocious intelligence and inspiring intellectual orientation. I'd always been the academic star in my hometown, a bedroom suburb of Boston. At Brandeis I was just barely above average. And in terms of breadth and depoth of learning and culture I became ashamed of my relative shortcomings. It turned out that this was one of the best experiences of my life as I was taking under the wings of others where I was encouraged to stretch my own wings and explore intellectual and cultural domains far beyond any previous personal horizon.

    A second characteristic that occassionally popped up among some of my new associates was a ruthless competitiveness, the like of which I'd never encountered before. This was characterized not just by a will to "win", but to win by any means, and then to humiliate one's supposed competitors, and crush them into the dust. Ghengis Khan's famous quote perfectly captured the attitudes of this sort. Anyone who surpassed these persons in any way - winning a small bet, getting into a "better" grad school, etc. - became an instant enemy and a constantly attacked target. Fortunately, such persons were a very, very small part of the student population. I did notice two characteristics though: They tended to be from Long Island or Northern New Jersey and they were uisually a lot less intelligent and intellectually inclined than their fellows.

    One final note: The primary victims of Belfort and his ilk have always been fellow Jews. I was embarassed to realize that an extremely smart and accomplished friend from Brandeis (a Harvard Professor with a background in economics, no less)- and I whom he talked into joining him - were perfect examples of Belfort's victim on the other end of the telephone line in one of the funniest scenes in the movie. I personally got taken for about $2,000 (more like $10.000 or $15,000 in today's money. My friend lost much, much more. It wasn't until I saw the movie this past Boxing Day that I realized fully that we were just two more pathetic victims of a highly succesful con.

  15. American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else

    Like this pious guy.

  16. "I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist."

    That's because Jews are involved in a battle to deny that any goys can have their own country. So they are caught by their own double-edged sword. Let white ethnic groups have their countries and then you don't have to fret about Israel jstifying its existence.

  17. "I see far more articles of Jews criticizing each other than any other ethnic group. While racial self-flagellation is common, ethnic self-flagellation is done only by Jews. I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist."

    I see English anti-imperialist critiques, and the Germans are pretty hard on themselves over their Nazi past. I have to say I've never seen another ethnic group form a lobby to pressure the homeland to be less nationalistic (ie, J Street).

    I think the real problem is that Jewish guilt over power tends to take the form of liberal politics (which may ALSO be a result of self-interested fear of the Christian Right--human motivations are never simple, and convincing yourself you have an altruistic motive for behaving selfishly is one of the oldest forms of self-deception), which doesn't endear them to the folks here.

    I don't think a browner America is good for the Jews, American or Israeli, and it's not good for gentile Americans either. My attempts to convince people of this have been entirely fruitless--they just cry racism and look at you funny.

  18. I see far more articles of Jews criticizing each other than any other ethnic group. While racial self-flagellation is common, ethnic self-flagellation is done only by Jews. I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist.


    You poor, poor jews, just the noblest little things on this earth, and never getting any credit for anything.

    There are a lot of "americans" who feel that America has no right to exist. And we know this not just from their words, but their actions.

    White people criticizing (poorer) white people is the entire premise of slate, gawker, etc

    TLDR-- sure thing pal, whatever you say

  19. http://www.businessinsider.com/mark-cuban-and-the-wolf-of-wall-street-2014-1?utm

  20. Stratton Oakmont founder Jordan Belfort

    "Stratton Oakmont"?

    Sounds so waspy.



    Sell you bad stocks, bad real estate, bad derivatives, bad college degrees.

  21. American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else. Over 90% of that goes to non-Jewish causes like medical research and homelessness.

    Israelis donate more to charity than any European country.

    Jews support higher taxes despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to them having the highest income.

    Data please.

    Jews would've made up an even higher percentage of top schools if only the SAT and the GPA was used).


  22. To Anonymous at 3:36 AM:

    How about some sources to back up your big claims of such great Jewish generousity?

    "There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence.."

    Of course there are no Palestinians locked up in Apartheid-style Bantustans in Ireland though...

  23. Anonymous at 3:36 AM: Perhaps you don't hear of Irish bemoaning Ireland's existence because Ireland has been home to the Irish - and only the Irish (of Celtic and not Scandinavian origin) for thousands of years. Their claim to their native land does not rest upon ancient scriptures or purported purchasing from landlords or God. Their ancestors' ancestors settled and lived there generation upon generation. Of course, now that Jewish Alan Shatter is in charge, he's rapidly filling Ireland with Nigerians and other aggrieved minorities because of Ireland's evil colonial past . . . er historic racism . . . er White privilege . . . or something.

    Jews are happy to raise taxes, because it does not disproportionately harm them - it's amazing what wealth and good tax lawyers can do for some (see some of Steve's past posts about Penny Pritzker and family). Rather, it primarily effects middle class White Americans. Most of Jewish charity goes to buildings or foundations with Jewish names on them, or organizations designed to import more vibrancy into any and all historically White, Christian nations.

    I realize most here already know the score, so there's no need to go on. Check your Jewish privilege, anonymous - or spend a little time in the real world (outside of New York, Florida, LA, or the Ivy League schools).

  24. Looks like the WASPs really underestimated the danger of that whole minority chip-on-the-shoulder phenomenon. Big mistake.

  25. Reply Anonymous said...1/5/14, 3:36 AM

    Too bad you quit early. As you ran through the same tired taking points put out by the ADL and the Marty Peretz to Goldberg variety Neo-Cons , I was hoping we would hear the old chestnuts that the Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School was a goyim Right-Wing fantasy cooked up by the likes of Glenn Beck and the xenophobes and that the real threat to America was "Liberal-Fascism".

  26. PC Makes You Stupid1/5/14, 10:44 AM

    Let's see if some plain Dave Barry-type responses to Anonymous 1/5/14 3:36 AM can make it through Komment Kontrol.

  27. PC Makes You Stupid1/5/14, 10:49 AM

    The reason non-Jews post anonymous comments in defense of Jews is that they know Jews are misunderstood. Only the pure goodness of their hearts makes them want other non-Jews to understand Jews, so everyone can love and trust them. Call it "explanatory journalism", to coin a phrase. Of course, anonymous Jews make the same comments for exactly the same reason. Why should someone's religion matter when it comes to worshipping Jews?

  28. DiCaprio in Titanic, Aviator, Gatsby , and now Wolf. He's either a rich guy or around rich guys. Even as rich guy, an outsider rich guy.

    Still haven't seen Titanic but it sounds like Gatsby on a ocean liner. Luhrman's Gatsby, I lasted for only 30 cuz it is just obnoxious and trashy on every level. That it was a big hit makes me sick in the stomach.

    Mebbe Fitz tapped into something very American but as American is the new universal, it appeals to everyone around the world.

  29. "Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college"

    No, 'affirmative action' sacrifices bright goyim to make room for diversity. Jewish share of elite participation in top colleges have remained the same. White goyim share has gone down dramatically.

  30. OBLIVION. The girl who plays Tom Cruise's love interest looks like Gordon Levitt with a wig.
    Great special effects but dead as story.

  31. When I saw 'Casino' it took me a little while to register that De Niro was playing a Jew. It seemed like a odd choice. Then instead of concentrating on the plot I spent my internal mental time pondering the question - did that casting work?

    De Niro had been type cast for most of his career as an Italian mobster, although the first movie in which I remembered him, he played Irving Thalberg - a Jew. Ironically in that movie - 'The Last Tycoon' - one of the other stars was Tony Curtis, a Jew who impersonated an Italian for most of his career.

    On the silver screen Jews and Italians are pretty interchangeable. Jews and Nordics are less so. But still in one of the favorite movies of my youth - 'The Vikings' - all three of the main Vikings, Tony Curtis, Kirk Douglas and Ernest Borgnine, were Jews. I could be wrong about Borgnine but I think he like Curtis was a Jew who could pass for Italian.

    Abraham is said to have come to Ur from the East and Italians ( or at least Etruscans) were also from somewhere Eastern, so these two Mediterranean basin peoples are connected.

    There was a article connecting Jews and Italians genetically just this last week. I think it was based on a haplotype analysis.


  32. Anonymous Jewish supremacist said:

    "While racial self-flagellation is common, ethnic self-flagellation is done only by Jews."

    How about this: while collective insecurity, guilt, and shame are common, only Jews think themselves special for experiencing them? Seriously, how many countries did you study before making that ridiculously parochial comment? The Chinese -- a large ethnic group if there ever was one -- love to point out their national/ethnic failings. Of course, they also love to trumpet their putative virtues. Triumphalism and self-hatred not only can coexist, but often do, as they do in Jews.

    Anti-zionist Jews don't even condemn Jews qua Jews. The folks at Mondoweiss seem happy enough to be Jewish, just not in Israel. And every time I hear a Jew making a fuss about these awful anti-zionist Jews, I think of liberals complaining about the "right-wing media." They really brook no dissent, do they?, however feeble. The difference is Fox News has about a million times the influence of anti-Zionist Jews.

    "Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college"

    Not so fast. It would hurt Jews the most if they were limited to their percentage of the population, but they are not. They count as Whites. If strict ethnic representation were imposed, you can bet that Jews would not only overwhelmingly oppose affirmative action, but also cry "antisemitism" for good measure. After all, they still harp on about the erstwhile Jewish quota even while supporting the current White quota. This apparent contradiction is easy to explain.

    A Jewish supremacist like you are a better breeder of antisemitism than a thousand neo-Nazis. You certainly succeeded with me. Black supremacists think they are more athletic and rhythmically gifted than everyone else, but at least just as smart and beautiful. Jewish supremacists think themselves not only smarter (oh, how they love to remind us) and richer, but also more ethical, altruistic, and introspective etc etc. Fine, ubermenschen, I'll cede to you all the Master-Race Chosenness goodies save one. I'll take self-awareness any day.

  33. Jews support higher taxes despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to them having the highest income.

    It has been extensively documented that people in the highest income brackets are largely unaffected by increases in tax rates. They employ teams of layers to find ways to shelter their money.

    American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else. Over 90% of that goes to non-Jewish causes like medical research and homelessness

    America Jews do donate a lot of money, but saying it is to "non-Jewish causes" is dubious. Was David Gelbaum's lavish donation to the Sierra Club a donation to a "non Jewish cause"? No, not really, given the strings attached to it. American Jews donate generously to Ivy League universities, but that is seen by them as an investment in their own children's future.

    You don't see American Jews setting up free, Jewish funded health clinics in the ghetto to serve non-Jews.

  34. To Anonymous of 1/5/14, 3:36 AM:

    Your post runs the gamut from baseless assertions to outright lies.

    According to you and other (professional?) Hasbara trollers we are to believe that alone among all the peoples of the Earth Jews are now and forever have been entirely without fault. How likely is that, really?


  35. Jews support higher taxes despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to them having the highest income.

    Do they pay a higher percentage of taxes than anyone else? I doubt it. Charity is publicly recognized - nobody gets a wing of the IRS named after them for paying a pile of taxes. Having a hospital named after you is good PR.

    Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college (citing Jewish overrepresentation in top colleges does not disprove this anymore than blacks citing white overrepresentation proves racism - Jews would've made up an even higher percentage of top schools if only the SAT and the GPA was used).

    Affirmative Action hurts the above-average achiever much more than the extremely high achiever who is always a shoe-in. Working class whites who don't know the ins and outs of educational competition are hurt more than anyone else. Jews are very underrepresented in the fields where AA has the most impact - firefighting, police, transit, military and any other exam-selected civil service job. They do, however, earn a fortune making those tests "fair."

    I see far more articles of Jews criticizing each other than any other ethnic group. While racial self-flagellation is common, ethnic self-flagellation is done only by Jews. I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist.

    Most groups have plenty of critics from the outside; Jews have declared themselves an endangered species and they prohibit any outsider criticism with the penalty of ostracism from the mainstream. NAMs have learned this strategy, and every once in a while the creators of it get hoist on their own petard - that's the exception. Jews play a huge role in framing foreign policy, but how many US Jews are in fighting positions in the military? What greater charity is there than giving one's life for one's special ally's country?

  36. Did any one selse see this article that Drudge linked to:

    Slumlord found dead

    A somewhat less flashy wolf of the business world who apparently, finally, pissed off the wrong people.

  37. American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else

    According to the Grio, blacks give more to charity than any other group.

  38. American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else. Over 90% of that goes to non-Jewish causes like medical research and homelessness.

    Two of the top 5 US charities are clearly Christian. The Salvation Army is number 2 and Catholic Charities is number 5.

    The largest, the United Way, might be secular now, but started out as a Christian organization.

    The number 3 charity, Task Force for Global Health, is secular, but was founded by a devout Lutheran.

    The number 4 charity, Feeding America, is secular, but was begun by a devout Roman Catholic who pioneered the concept of the food bank.

  39. Simon in London1/5/14, 12:42 PM

    " I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. "

    There's a fair bit of Anglophobia amongst the English. Some Scandinavian ethnies also evince self-loathing or self-abnegation. And there's the Germans, of course. And don't white Liberal Americans commonly express dislike of their own ethny? American is an ethnicity, whatever Americans might claim.

  40. "Anyways, Jews should only feel uneasy if the money and power was ill-gotten." - people are irrationally status driven so I wouldn't count on that. Still, we're irrationally status driven for a reason.

  41. goy kevin spacey played orthodox "jack abramoff"... and how did that work out?...

  42. Meanwhile, mainstream Jewish organizations like Hillel are expected to give a forum to fellow Jews (and others) who are against Israel's existence.
    Just about every university campus in North America has a Hillell branch. There is no equivalent for WASPs. If we WASPs even think about setting up pro-WASP organisations existing strictly for our own benefit, the ADL goes ape and demonises us into oblivion and we here some preposterous cant about how "wasps have all the power so they don't need their own organisations". Not only is that totally false that we enjoy any great degree of power, but it implies that the right of free association should only belong to those having some kind of Marxist "need" for it, which is a pretty twisted idea.

    That said I do admire Jews for the ir large donations to medical charities. I have noticed that.

  43. I'm not buying the alleged country club envy in Belfort's case. I worked with one guy who worked at Belfort's firm in the '90s, but I worked with dozens of guys who worked at similar firms. Only one or two even played golf. And I can't remember the words "WASP" or "country club" coming up in conversations, even those lubricated by drinks.

    This sounds like a tacked-on, ex post facto justification by Belfort, one calculated to elicit sympathy from gullible journos.

  44. "Let's see if some plain Dave Barry-type responses to Anonymous 1/5/14 3:36 AM can make it through Komment Kontrol."

    You got whim all wrong. Dave Berry type of comments always go through. It's the Michael Savage/Bob Grant type of rant that gets stopped and frisked by whim.

  45. goy kevin spacey played orthodox "jack abramoff"... and how did that work out?...

    Please explain.

  46. Aren't there a number of Jews-only country clubs in the New York City area? How come we never hear about those?

  47. Jews needed the political alliance with the blacks and ethnics to bring down the wasps.

    Was there really ever a coherent "WASP" group to "bring down"? I'm starting to believe the whole "WASP" power notion is just more mythologizing.

  48. " I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. "

    I don't see Zionist, or even anti-Zionist, Jews condemn themselves.

  49. American Jews donate more in terms of the overall amount AND percentage of their income than anyone else

    Declining marginal utility of the dollar?

  50. Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college

    Not true. Unlike whites, Jews face no affirmative action quota. Jews get to take advantage of the quota of the largest ethnic group, white Americans.

    If Jews had their own quota, like everyone else does, then your statement might have some merit.

  51. her gumby is his gumby1/5/14, 3:55 PM

    Whether 'austerity' is good or bad, it seems like Jews have a knee-jerk hostility towards it because it smacks of responsibility, sobriety, and self-discipline among the goyim, all of which are protestant-work-ethic values that may solidify a people's resolve and unity.

    Frederick the Great was a great man and did much for Prussia. He shaped them folks into disciplined and responsible hardy people. Such values mean self-reliance and unity for a people. It means solidarity, and what Jews fear most is solidarity among goyim. Jews want goyim to be dependent and addicted to Jewish finance and credit. It's like the last thing a pusher wants is is hear that his customers have gone cold turkey to get off the drug. The customers will eventually be clear of addiction and own their lives again, and the pusher will be out of business. He may even come to be vilified.

    Similarly, so much Jewish power is invested in lending money, printing money, and getting people addicted to borrowing and spending this money. If a people of a nation grow sober and responsible in their spending and saving, Jewish power will diminish.

    This isn't to say that the likes of Krugman are consciously thinking of Jewish interests, but I think Jews have a habit of getting nervous when non-Jews talk about getting sober, responsible, and etc and regain control over their own lives. Instead, Jews promote more credit, more Smiley Circus, more trash culture, more hedonism, more childishness, more infantilism, and etc among the goy population.

    The best advice to nations around the world would be follow the Frederick the Great/Prussian model, but then, such nations would be less beholden to global finance and would develop and control their own economies. Jew prefer us to act like Ottoman sultans.

    "Much of this chapter focuses on western bureaucratic efficiency, as personified by Frederick the Great of Prussia, versus the harem-bound sultans of Turkey." Ferguson is a neo-con whore but makes some good points when he's not kissing ass.

    Same with psychoanalysis. It promised people to set them free from their neurosis, but it had the opposite effect of burdening with ever more neurosis that they needed more counseling, more sessions, more fees to pay. Shrinks became mind-pushers.

    Same with Big Pharma the Harma. While Tom Cruise was extreme--some people really do need drugs--, it's best for most people to cope with reality and be tough than rely on drugs and more drugs. Soma, soma, soma. But the last thing the drug company wants is for us be tough and responsible. They would run out of business. So, with lobbying from drug companies, the medical community keep diagnosing more and more illnesses and neurosis--all the while telling us that fecal penetration is normal and healthy under pressure from the Jewish/homo lobby.

  52. As a gentile attending Brandeis in the early '60s two things struck me about my new classmates. The first was their ferocious intelligence and inspiring intellectual orientation. I'd always been the academic star in my hometown, a bedroom suburb of Boston. At Brandeis I was just barely above average.

    Wouldn't that tend to be the experience of anyone in transitioning from their hometown to any good university?

  53. What percentage of people even belong to country clubs?

  54. I don't see the English, the Irish, the Italians, the Arabs condemn themselves the way anti-Zionist, or even Zionist Jews do. There are no Irishmen who oppose Ireland's existence, nor any Koreans who feel Korea has no right to exist.

    I guess that explains why Israel is open-bordering itself out of existence by deliberately importing lots of non Jews, while Ireland, England, and Italy are not, and are in fact engaging in a policy of strict ethno-nationalism. Oh, wait a sec ...

    I'm sorry, but whenever I'm exposed to the thoughts of Jews my first reaction is "How did these people ever get the reputation for exceptional intelligence?". It's not merely that the arguments they advance are wrong (after all, lot's of smart people come to wrong conclusions) but they are wrong in a blatantly obvious "2+2=5" sort of way which should be evident to even an average intellect. Your willful denial of reality borders on the psychotic.

  55. "Steven Spielberg owns the rights to What Makes Sammy Run for the purpose of not allowing another version to be made."

    Yeah, like someone in the movie business has the guts to make another version of the movie even if he could.

  56. "And in terms of breadth and depoth of learning and culture I became ashamed of my relative shortcomings."

    Damn, the way you were going, I thought 'depoth' was some posh-ass term, but it turns out to be a misspelling of 'depth'.

    But maybe depoth should be a term.

  57. "As a gentile attending Brandeis in the early '60s two things struck me about my new classmates. The first was their ferocious intelligence and inspiring intellectual orientation... It turned out that this was one of the best experiences of my life as I was taking under the wings of others where I was encouraged to stretch my own wings and explore intellectual and cultural domains far beyond any previous personal horizon... A second characteristic that occassionally popped up among some of my new associates was a ruthless competitiveness, the like of which I'd never encountered before. This was characterized not just by a will to "win", but to win by any means, and then to humiliate one's supposed competitors... Fortunately, such persons were a very, very small part of the student population. I did notice two characteristics though: They tended to be from Long Island or Northern New Jersey and they were uisually a lot less intelligent and intellectually inclined than their fellows... One final note: The primary victims of Belfort and his ilk have always been fellow Jews. I was embarassed to realize that an extremely smart and accomplished friend from Brandeis (a Harvard Professor with a background in economics, no less)- and I whom he talked into joining him - were perfect examples of Belfort's victim on the other end of the telephone line in one of the funniest scenes in the movie."

    ROTFL. Whatever you say, Bubi! Hahahahaha. Hahahahaha. Let me catch my breath. Hahahahaha. Wink wink. Hahahahahaha.

    Get a load of this...

    'He' was a 'gentile' at Brandeis. The Jews were so smart and wonderful.
    (Uh oh, the readers are getting suspicious of all this shmoozing about Jews.)
    So, to even things out a bit, he says Jews could be awful nasty and ruthless. (Whew, regained my credibility with the iSteve crowd.)
    But, such Jews were just a Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini number of Jews. Just a few, really.
    And they tended to be DUMB Jews from Jersey. (Hahahahahaha).
    And these supposedly dumb Jews managed to fleece people who were mostly smart Jews.

    This 'gentile' should be the heir to David Mamet.
    If you're gonna trick goyim, THIS is the way to do it.
    Anonymous at 1/5/14, 3:36 AM was too obvious a Zionist shill with all the yammering about Jewish charity and Hillel's tolerance and etc.

    But this 'gentile' balanced criticism with praise and ultimately goes for the kill by saying dumb Jews rob smart Jews, so the rest of us goyim need not worry.
    Hahahahaha. LOL. ROTFL.

  58. "Stratton Oakmont"?

    Sounds so waspy.

    oak is English for Eiche

    mont is French for Berg

    Eichenberg is a common German-Jewish name.

  59. Just about every university campus in North America has a Hillell branch. There is no equivalent for WASPs.

    In addition to providing community activities, Hillel is responsible for providing Jewish chaplain services at many universities, including the one I attended. It wasn't conceived as an ethnic advocacy organization. Did your university have Christian chaplains and organizations like Fellowship of Christian Athletes? If so, it offered many of the same services to Christian gentiles (many of whom would be WASP's) that Hillel offers to Jewish students.

  60. As a gentile, i've often rolled my eyes at an accusation of anti-semitism. But some of the responses to the 3:36 AM Anon are clearly anti-semitic.

    To those who asked for citations, you're right. That will get us closer to the truth of this sensitive subject.

    To those who provided their own observations without citations, you came off as ugly and stupid. If you believe that Jews hold you in contempt, based on your "observations", they should.

  61. In addition to providing community activities, Hillel is responsible for providing Jewish chaplain services at many universities, including the one I attended. It wasn't conceived as an ethnic advocacy organization. Did your university have Christian chaplains and organizations like Fellowship of Christian Athletes? If so, it offered many of the same services to Christian gentiles (many of whom would be WASP's) that Hillel offers to Jewish students.

    I would be interested in seeing if there are some Hillell's that restrict membership to religious Jews. Most university Hillell's have web sites, and sorry to beat this dead horse but Christianity is purely a religion. You could be a Martian and become a Christian convert if you wanted to. To be Jew you don't have to believe in or practice the Jewish religion at all. BTW I'm not a fan of the monotheistic faiths, so I'm *not* talking from a Christian perspective here, but in practice you can't even be a religious Jew unless other Jews acknowledge you as otherwise Jewish in the first place and if I were to attempt to become Jewish, I might be *rejected*. Does this give me a right to a big grudge which I should pass down to my decendents in perpetuity. I would say no, because, although being Jewish may have certain material advantages (sort of like membership in a country club might), I really haven't been wronged. However, it seems that Jews are extremely hypocritical on this score, i mean a hypocrisy so extreme its jaw-dropping.

  62. De Niro is pretty pan-Western European looking, as befits his ancestry:

    "His father was of half Italian and half Irish descent, and his mother was of English, Irish, German, French, and Dutch ancestry.[5][6][7]"

    De Niro looks very much like a more handsome version of my late father, whose ancestry was from dead center of Western Europe in Switzerland.

  63. Israel's PISA results don't have much relevance to American Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews make up less than half of Israel's population. The low scores of the Mizrahi Jews and Arabs are responsible for the low overall scores.

    But it's not just the overall scores which are low. The scores of the top 5% are low as well. See Rindermann et al.

    To those who provided their own observations without citations, you came off as ugly and stupid.

    Can you back up that ad hom ... I mean that "observation" ... with a citation? If not you'll come across as "ugly and stupid".

  64. to: 1/5/14, 6:15 AM

    Madoff stole more from Jewish people than from anyone else. He ran in "Jewish" circles and so that's who he got to pitch to. Many, many of his victims have discussed in the Jewish newspapers, about how they were pointed towards Madoff by a Jewish friend/co-industry person.

    Of course, we all know that several "real" money pros were pointing at Madoff as a "too good to be true" scenario, several years before the truth became public.

    None of them went VERY far with it because, even just RESPONDING to a civil defamation lawsuit is massive lawyer fees.

  65. As a gentile, i've often rolled my eyes at an accusation of anti-semitism. But some of the responses to the 3:36 AM Anon are clearly anti-semitic.

    Such as?

  66. if I were to attempt to become Jewish, I might be *rejected*.

    Interesting point. If exclusion is wrong, why isn't excluding others from The Jewish Club wrong?

  67. >> If we WASPs even think about setting up pro-WASP organisations existing strictly for our own benefit, the ADL goes ape and demonises us into oblivion and we here some preposterous cant about how "wasps have all the power so they don't need their own organisations".

    Well, here's one Jew telling you that it's not remarkably difficult to buy off the ADL types with VERY modest size donations and other assorted cleverness.

    You can find a cure for your appendicitis, but you can't find a cure for your lack of smooth-operator genes. Go hire a NewYorkJew PR firm to lay the groundwork for you. As they say in that business: "the first one to fax a press release wins".

  68. Wasps, in contrast, would shake the Jew's hand and smile but would also send signals that Jews are not welcome at the country club.

    Not that I accept the veracity of this statement (I think it more likely an old anti-white canard), but why aren't Gentiles welcome at Jewish clubs?

  69. It's been a while since I read the Rindermann smart fraction paper, but if I recall, they estimated a mean cognitive ability for countries based on items like PISA and TIMSS scores and then extrapolated 95th percentile cognitive ability based on that mean. But in Israel, there are really three different populations with very different mean IQ's -- Ashkenazi Jews, Mizrahi Jews, and Israeli Arabs. It would have been more meaningful to estimate a mean cognitive ability of the "smart fraction" for each of those groups, which understandably the authors didn't do because the paper did not focus on Israel. Since Ashkenazi Jews are over-represented in the Israeli government bureaucracy, business, university, and high-tech sectors, the authors likely underestimate the cognitive ability of the active Israeli smart fraction.

  70. >> DiCaprio in Titanic

    It was DiCaprio who used Israeli model Bar Rafaeli as a temporary sidebar service vagina for a few years, then kicked her to the curb.

    she's back in Israel now; couldn't find enough modeling work to pay for the Hollywood-Elites lifestyle she had decided to become accustomed to.

    There's a large fraction of Israelis who don't love her too much: she used marraige-fraud to dodge the IDF conscription; and now that's she's back here, she's given a few interviews in the newspapers she can't get a boyfriend because she's gotten used to only dating HollywoodApexAlpha guys - plain old Israeli guys who risk getting stabbed at Judea/Samaria checkpoints during reservist duty so Bar's town can remain safe, aren't good enough for her.

    She's certainly not ugly, but I myself wouldn't call her anything more than a 7. Your mileage may vary.

  71. >> Never mind that without the goy financial and military backing, there would be no Israel

    And of course, there were no Frenchmen nor Poles helping the American Revolutionary effort.

  72. but why aren't Gentiles welcome at Jewish clubs?

    There aren't very many Jewish country clubs. The one in my hometown, a mid-sized city in the hinterlands, closed because of financial difficulties twenty years ago. Only the larger Jewish clubs, in places like the NYC suburbs and Los Angeles, have much financial stability. Returning to my city's former Jewish club, it was always a far less prestigious membership than the gentiles-only club in town. It was formed in response to exclusion from the gentile-only club. If I recall, even the ritzy Los Angeles Jewish country clubs followed that pattern. If the restricted country clubs hadn't been restricted, they wouldn't have been founded at all.

  73. I personally got taken for about $2,000 (more like $10.000 or $15,000 in today's money.

    Wasn't the scam in the 90s? I don't think dollars have declined in value by 5 to 8 times over the past 20 years.

  74. "Stratton Oakmont"

    Oakmont is a country club outside of Pittsburgh that has hosted more U.S. Opens than any other course. Stratton is perhaps constructed out of "Stratford-upon-Avon."

    The idea is to imply Old Money and respectability.

  75. De Niro is pretty pan-Western European looking, as befits his ancestry:

    I always he thought he looked very French or northern Italian, both areas which are a mix of Latin, Celtic, and Germanic people, France especially.

    He played an Irish gangster in Goodfellas, although I don't think he really passed as Irish partly because he's been typecasted as an Italian and because when we think Irish we think of red hair, ruddy skin, freckles, etc. I don't think it mattered though since most viewers probably don't know that his character was Irish.

  76. There aren't very many Jewish country clubs. The one in my hometown, a mid-sized city in the hinterlands, closed because of financial difficulties twenty years ago. Only the larger Jewish clubs, in places like the NYC suburbs and Los Angeles, have much financial stability.

    Sorry, the existence of "Jewish country clubs" stands as evidence that Jews exclude Gentiles.

  77. Sorry, the existence of "Jewish country clubs" stands as evidence that Jews exclude Gentiles.

    As if more were needed. There's a veritable tautology to be found in the concept.

  78. Stratton Oakmont founder Jordan Belfort

    "Stratton Oakmont"?

    Sounds so waspy.

    There was also "JB Oxford & Co.", another shady boiler room in the 90s:



  79. It's been a while since I read the Rindermann smart fraction paper, but if I recall, they estimated a mean cognitive ability for countries based on items like PISA and TIMSS scores and then extrapolated 95th percentile cognitive ability based on that mean.

    No. A simple inspection of the data would refute that "recollection" even if you were unaware of the methodology used. I'm giving you an "F" for that response, which I may change to a passing grade if you do the obvious thing and actually look at the paper in question.


  80. Steven Spielberg owns the rights to What Makes Sammy Run for the purpose of not allowing another version to be made.

    One of Sammy Glick's incarnations died last week.

  81. Somewhat OT, Steve have you seen the HUGE! (Donald Trump Voice) demonstration by African illegals in Israel covered in the LAT? Over 30,000 Africans demanding amnesty and the right to work and move freely in the heart of Tel Aviv? Business owners gave the migrants the day off to protest.

    Gee, I wonder what Israelis will do? Roll over and become Jews in Greater Sudan and Somalia? [This is where the bulk of the illegals come from.] Meanwhile Israeli law forbids their deportation because their home regimes are hell-holes. Even Israelis who have the margin of error of zero, basically can't get rid of or stop Third World immigrants.

    The will just isn't there. It's Westerner Disease and they have it as much as everyone else.

    As far as Jews donating, please don't make me laugh. Outside of weasels like Mark Zuckerberg, the latter day Bill Gates who is the latter day Andrew Carnegie, strike breaker, Johnston Flood instigator, etc. buying respectability, Jews participate the LEAST in volunteering AND donations. Charitable giving and participation is highest among Evangelical Christians and Mormons. No question, Utah rates the highest in hours volunteered by State (and Jews are thin on the ground in Utah, Mormons, outdoor life, family-kids-suburbia are not attractive to Jews who cluster in Eastern Cities). I've seen data too lazy to look up showing Evangelicals donate the most (excluding tithing) followed by Mormons then Catholics. Jews about the last, on the level of Blacks and Hispanics which is about zero.

    That does not make them bad people. But selfless volunteers they are not. [Too much Churchy-ness volunteering and Blind Side Evangelicalism imports lots of Somalis to places like Maine and MN to "rescue them" so altruism has a downside indeed.]

    As for the Country Club, who cares? Boring City. I'd rather hang with David Lee Roth, or Evil Knievel back in the day, or Johnny Cash back in the day. Guys who were interesting and DID SOMETHING.

  82. Jewish overrepresentation in the top colleges does not mean they aren't suffering from affirmative action. In fact, it proves they are the biggest victims because they apply to the best schools where affirmative action is very relevant.

    Two white students, one Jewish and one Gentile, with a 2000 SAT score will both face the same affirmative action, but because Jews are MUCH more likely to score 2000+, they are much more likely to get hit by affirmative action.

    At lower levels, affirmative action just doesn't have the same effect on a student. There are only a few colleges on par with Harvard and if you get rejected from these, you have to go to a lower school. There are, however, many dozens of schools on par with UCLA and hundreds of schools on par with UC-Riverside, so your odds of going to one of them are pretty good. Plus, the difference between UCLA and UC-Riverside is not as big as the difference between Harvard and UCLA in terms of the effect it will have on your career.

    When there was no affirmative action or Jew-limits, the Jews made up about 40% of the top schools in the nation, with many programs being majority Jewish. We see the same with Nobels in sciences where Jews are 40-50% of American winners (outside of the fluff Nobels in literature and peace). We see the same 30-50% figure across all the top achievements: top doctors, top inventors, etc.

    Despite the WNs following the example of blacks by denying the IQ differences (when they are behind the Jews, but not when they are ahead of the blacks), there is every reason to believe that among those at the very, very far right of bell curve, at least a third and maybe the majority is Jewish.

    The regular standard deviation is usually miscalculated by people. By the time you get into the top 0.1% or higher, you usually see one group just dominate.

    Thus, among the marathon winners, we see Kenyans. This doesn't make sense if you count by the standard deviation, but at the very top, most groups fail to produce anyone, while the group with the highest average still produces a decent number of competitors. Among the sprint runners and football linebackers, we see people of West African descent as the dominant group, with 90% of the world's ethnicities failing to produce even one superstar runner per generation.

    Among chess world championship, the majority is Jewish. Among other intellectual pursuits, Jews are consistently 30-60% of the very, very top.

    I realize that you'll attack this as "Jewish supremacism," just as people who cite that whites have a higher IQ than blacks are accused of "white supremacy" and racism.

    Nobody likes to admit that another group is better at anything. Thus, Steve is posting about whites being discriminated for wide receiver positions and likes to run articles that imply that Jewish success is due to their sneakiness and cheating, not higher average IQ. I get that nobody like this, and neither do the Jews, who dislike it when someone points out that they are underrepresented in sports and always love to cite examples of anti-Jewish bias as proof that this is due to discrimination, not inferior ability.

    But like it or not, Jews have a higher IQ, and all the spinning and playing with facts by Richard Lynn and his fellow Holocaust deniers will not change that.

    Jews have a higher IQ, and people with a higher IQ tend to suffer more from affirmative action than someone trying to get admitted to the local community college or even to the University of Texas.

  83. One more comment on taxation. Liberals like to push upon us the idea that the rich don't pay taxes. This is a lie. The top 2% pays more than half of all taxes.

    Among those 2%, the Jews are phenomenally overrepresented.

    Maybe a corporate owner can get away with hiding his income in the Bahamas, but a doctor making $250,000 a year working for a hospital cannot. And there are a hell of a lot more Jews who are doctors (or similarly-paid working people) than there are owners of Google and Facebook.

    The average Jew who supports higher taxes gets his rear-end handed to him by the IRS.

    The majority of the Jews are not billionaire, but people in the top 10%-15%. To suggest that they don't suffer from higher taxes is factually false. The top 15% pays 80% of all taxes, and the Jews are greatly overrepresented in this tax bracket.

  84. ""It’s not complicated, really. Poor little Jordan wanted to show those WASPs whose country clubs he couldn’t join that he was smarter, richer, better."

    I really am going to have to write about the country club thing one of these days. I've found an Anti-Defamation League report from a half century ago on country clubs that's pretty interesting."

    How about that country-club known as the Federal Reserve, the chairmanship of which has become "No WASP need apply".

    These pushy jewish guys with the chip on their shoulder need to get over thier country-club angst. My ancestry is pretty white, pretty anglo-saxon, and pretty protestant; I probably have some celtic, catholic ancestry, but I almost certainly have no jewish ancestry. And yet, I couldn't have gotten into any of those same country-clubs. My ancestors would have been considered "not the right kind of people" - too poor, too humble, too ne'er-do-well, too white-trash. They lived. They dealt with it. So get over it, already.

  85. "One of Sammy Glick's incarnations died last week."

    There will probably be a big celebration at John Fogerty's house ...

  86. It becomes tedious to repeat it, but if in Israel Jews from the near east score much lower than Jews from Europe(for which no-one has cited any evidence) that demolishes the biological theory of Jewish intellectual supremacy. They had the same social institutions throughout their history and have shared the same country for two generations, so whatever intellect had been bred into them they would show equally.

  87. Jewish over representation in brainiac occupations and Ivy leagues etc is questioned by stating the absolute numbers at the right tail of the Bell curve. Sure Jewish people are smarter(schmarter?) in IQ, 115 to 100. But in absolute numbers the Goyim Bell curve is 32 times bigger so their right tail, even though a standard deviation to the left has more people in it.
    I have read there are 7 times more Goys at 130 IQ and 4 times as many Goys at 140 IQ. I think it starts to even out at 150.
    So whats with the over representation?
    Ron Unz does not address this Bell curve bit but has some startling stats in his 40 page(yeah 40 pages...what about the game?) article in the American Conservative.


  88. @ Anon336

    By the way, your every post here has been an attempt to discredit any discussion of jewish power and wealth, for the ultimate purpose of squelching any such discussion.

    What are gentiles to construe from that?

  89. "Wasps, in contrast, would shake the Jew's hand and smile but would also send signals that Jews are not welcome at the country club. 'Wops' were rude-hostile whereas wasps were nice-hostile. Thus, they seemed more hypocritical, more exasperating to the Jews."

    More exasperating but also more vulnerable.
    If Jews had to out-fight blacks and ethnics--a messy business--, they merely needed to outwit the wasps who were too manner-conscious to get down and fight dirty, i.e. wasps would rather lose the battle than lose their 'dignity'.

  90. The Jewish Daily Forward regularly chats about stuff that would call forth accusations of "hysterical anti-Semitism" if iSteve commenters chatted about it.

    I get the eerie feeling that many of these accusers aren't actually Jewish.

    It is all too likely that the most indignant anonymous defenders of Jewish people have names like Thurston Howell, or Lulu Moonshine.

  91. Deniro's character in Goodfellas was only half Irish. His mother, like Hendry's, was Italian.

  92. Taki's Filthy Foreign Lucre1/6/14, 10:14 AM

    Still lots of people trotting out the Unz study who aren't aware that its been thoroughly debunked. I realize some of the commenters here aren't all that quick on the uptake, but the fact that Sailer himself stopped mentioning the study quite awhile ago might have been a hint.

  93. The fact remains Jews rule. They made the world. No doubt Christians of yesteryear rue the day when they outlawed usury, and the Jews picked up the slack to become the money lenders of the world. Nations sought to expand their power, and who did they go to for the money to accomplish their imperialistic exploits? Jews.

    Again, Jews rule, and everyone else is simply jealous.

  94. "Abraham is said to have come to Ur from the East and Italians ( or at least Etruscans) were also from somewhere Eastern, so these two Mediterranean basin peoples are connected".

    You are over thinking this a bit. Italy's genetic connection to the East has more to do with the streaming in of various and North Africans and Arabs who found safe harbor along it's immense coastline over many centuries.

    Italians are a European people with a high percentage of Eastern blood from a slow trickle of both wayfarers and invaders. They are not a Middle Eastern people who swarmed en masse to the peninsula. The features of Ancient Romans in artistic representations are largely Celtic in appearance.

  95. Belfort's WASP envy reminds me of a great line from the movie "Nixon":
    "You got people dying because he didn't make the varsity football team. You got the Constitution hanging by a thread because the old man went to Whittier instead of Yale."

  96. >To those who provided their own observations without citations, you came off as ugly and stupid. If you believe that Jews hold you in contempt, based on your "observations", they should.<

    Your faux-sensitivity isn't impressive. It's an old schtick.

    Here's Larry David's take on country clubs. In this clip he and his non-Jewish wife on the show are interviewed painfully by "Jim Remington" and "Ken."

  97. I can't wait to hear more about the country club thing.

  98. "but if in Israel Jews from the near east score much lower than Jews from Europe(for which no-one has cited any evidence) that demolishes the biological theory of Jewish intellectual supremacy."

    It doesn't because

    a) the base IQ of the two host populations was different


    b) the mechanism put forward as a possible explanation requires a *monopoly* on the banking niche. Jews only had a monopoly on the banking niche in Western Europe.

    The evidence that demolishes it as an explanation of Jewish over-representation in areas like the media is simply numbers i.e. the much larger White numbers means that at most IQ levels Jews are a small minority of the total but that is not reflected in certain critical areas like the media. The only explanation is ethnic nepotism and discrimination.


    "These pushy jewish guys with the chip on their shoulder need to get over thier country-club angst."

    It's not angst it's a tactic. Attack is the best form of defense.


    "I'm sorry, but whenever I'm exposed to the thoughts of Jews my first reaction is "How did these people ever get the reputation for exceptional intelligence?"

    I think the genuinely smart ones go into science. The political ones succeed purely on aggression and a total lack of moral restraint.

  99. Something you overlook. Did you know that Koreans and FINNISH share a very similar linguistic connection? In other words, Finnish, descended from Hungarian, is similar in language to Korean and vice versa?

    So then....Koreans and Hungarians must've gotten together somewhere along the line.

    Nonsense. Korean is a language isolate and is either a part of the proposed Altaic language group (probably Tungusic) or is in a sprachbund with the same. Finnish and Hungarian are Uralic languages. There is a proposed Ural-Altaic super language group, under which Korean and the latter two would be distantly related.

    You also better check that. Japan is at least as old as Korea which is merely an outgrowth of China.

    I don't know what you mean by old here. But urban civilization in East Asia is the oldest in the Yellow River Valley (China), then Korea, then Japan.

    CHINA is definitely older in race and in civilization than Korea. Dont bet the farm on Korea. Best to wager on the oldest and the largest Asian race in the world, China of which almost all Asians are descended from in one form or another.

    I'd like to bet on America, my country, thank you very much, so the rest is irrelevant to me. But as others have pointed out Han Chinese have very mixed origins (and I agree with others that being Han Chinese is propositional and aspirational).

    Koreans are ethnically more homogenous and descend almost entirely from south Siberia via Manchuria.

    Japanese are highly related to southwestern Koreans with a bit more Austronesian admixture.

    So I guess if you follow the Lynn/Rushton model, Koreans are probably the most K-adapted of the bunch.

  100. "Jews support affirmative action despite the fact that it hits them more than anyone else due to their highest SAT scores and greater desire to attend college."

    Would Jews support affirmative action if they were broken out as a separate race? And why shouldn't they be broken out as a separate race? If the goal of affirmative action is equality, then why shouldn't we be concerned about equality between ethnic groups every bit as much as equality between races?

    As it is, Jews are fine with affirmative action so long as they are considered white, because that entitles Jews (2% of the population) to all of the white share (60-70%) of the affirmative action pie.

    Jews are not really subject to desegregation anymore than other whites - perhaps even less so. A Jewish person is no more likely (perhaps less likely) to send his kid to a desegregated school than a non-Jewish white. When desegregation rears its beautiful head, Jews either flee to the suburbs, send their kids to "magnet schools," or pack their kids off to private schools, every much the same as non-Jewish whites. They are no more likely (less likely, probably) to work in diverse workplaces than are non-Jewish whites.

    On a post above this one, Sailer posts about the demand by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (who is Jewish) that the LA Fire Department be more diverse. How many Jews are in the LA Fire Department, or aspire to be? Not many. This is the kind of affirmative action the elites are always pushing on us - affirmative action that doesn't affect them.

    You wanna say Jws support affirmative action? Fine - let's only allow Jews to be 2% of law school, medical school, and B-school students; 2% of Ivy League students; 2% of of judges; 2% of elected legislators; 2% of partners at Goldman Sachs, etc.

    We frequently hear of how Jews were "locked out" of the Ivy League in the early 1900s under anti-Semitic quotas. Under those quotas, Jews were actually dramatically overrepresented in the Ivy League - in some cases 17% of the student body when they were maybe 5% of the population. They certainly weren't supporting affirmative action then, were they - even for private, WASP-founded schools.

    You say Jews support affirmative action? Give me affirmative action that affects Jews, and let's see.

  101. Re: John Fogerty's celebration.

    Poor Saul. Successful, Oscar-winning producer, and half his obituary headlines mention his legal war with Fogerty. I guess only a Jew could make prickly perfectionist Fogerty a sympathetic figure!

  102. Still lots of people trotting out the Unz study who aren't aware that its been thoroughly debunked.

    Are you out of your mind? You linked to something that claimed that only 10-11% of Harvard students are Jewish! That's crazy.

  103. You say Jews support affirmative action? Give me affirmative action that affects Jews, and let's see.

    Ivy League quotas in early 20th Century.

  104. "You say Jews support affirmative action? Give me affirmative action that affects Jews, and let's see."

    "Ivy League quotas in early 20th Century."

    Are you trying to disprove my point, or prove it? Because you did the latter. Ivy League Jewish quotas were affirmative action, and Jews opposed them

    Even with the quotas, Jews were
    still heavily overrepresented
    in most institutions - institutions which, keep in mind, were private, and therefore under no obligation to admit based entirely on merit.

  105. "Ivy League quotas in early 20th Century."

    Are you trying to disprove my point, or prove it? Because you did the latter. Ivy League Jewish quotas were affirmative action, and Jews opposed them

    I intended to support it.

  106. I am reading that whining by the anonymously self-deprecating "goyim" and trying to figure out what is it that - short of becoming stupid - Jews are supposed to do for you to chill out?

    It's not that difficult, even you should be able to understand it. Stop advocating one program for other people (and calling them racists and bigots if they resist following that highly destructive program) while you yourselves do the exact opposite. How hard is it to comprehend "Don't be a self-serving hypocrite"?

  107. Sure Jewish people are smarter(schmarter?) in IQ, 115 to 100.

    This appears to be an article of faith on HBD blogs, but there is absolutely no scientific evidence that the average Jewish IQ is 115. While good data is hard to come by the best numbers available suggest that American Jews of European ancestry have an IQ in the 105 - 107 range. And "American Jews of European ancestry" seem to be a more intelligent subset of "all Jews of European ancestry", who are in turn a more intelligent subset of "all Jews".

  108. "Jews are not really subject to desegregation anymore than other whites - perhaps even less so."

    This is false. Jews tend to live in major cities more than other whites and this was especially so prior to desegregation. White Flight in the major northern and western cities was in large part Jewish Flight. In New York, almost every black neighborhood (East New York, Canarsie, Bed-Stuy, Brighton Beach [it's white again, but different people], Coney Island, South Bronx, etc) were all Jewish neighborhoods.

    When blacks sought to fire the white teachers working in black schools in New York, a large majority of them were Jewish.

    A white guy living in rural Kentucky did not have to concern himself with any of this.

  109. "Are you out of your mind? You linked to something that claimed that only 10-11% of Harvard students are Jewish! That's crazy."

    During the times when there was neither affirmative action, nor the old anti-Jewish quotas, they made up 35-40% of the students at Harvard, Yale, Columbia and other top schools.

  110. "Still lots of people trotting out the Unz study who aren't aware that its been thoroughly debunked."

    I think Unz's Asian thing is iffy at best, but I'm not convinced that Jews are NOT favored over white goyim at elite colleges. While Jews on average may have higher SAT than average goyim at places like Harvard, there are many more white goy students around the nation, and we need to ask how many white goyim with very high scores were rejected and why.

    The evidence given in the piece doesn't prove that Harvard took the best white goy students. Also, it may be that there are more 'legacy' students among white goyim, and they drive down the SAT scores. That means quality white goy students are squeezed by Jews and by white legacy students.

  111. Taki's Filthy Foreign Lucre1/7/14, 3:27 PM

    >>>Still lots of people trotting out the Unz study who aren't aware that its been thoroughly debunked.

    "ben tillman":
    Are you out of your mind? You linked to something that claimed that only 10-11% of Harvard students are Jewish! That's crazy.

    That's not the point of either the Unz study or the study I linked. (In fact, the study I cites specifically says that it isn't claiming that Jews are a given percentage at Harvard, but "rather that Jews constitute a similar percentage of both Harvard College students and NMS semifinalists".)* The point is whether or not Jews are overrepresented relative to their academic performance.

    What the study does (and Unz did not do) is apply the same methodology to both the Harvard student body and the names of NMS semifinalists. Once you do that, and especially if you account for the fact that the NMS cutoff is higher in states with high Jewish populations, the percentage of Jews at Harvard is the same as (actually, slightly lower than) the percentage of Jews among NMS semifinalists.

    I will point out agin that Sailer knows perfectly well that Unz's study is junk, as he's been following the demolition of Unz's argument (and making no attempt to defend its merits - other than trying to change the subject). It seems less than forthright to run a bunch of posts trumpeting Unz's study when it first came out and then going silent when it gets shot down.

    *Actually, 10-11% is probably closer than Unz's estimate of 25%, given that the Harvard Crimson survey found that 9.5% of freshman identified as Jewish.

  112. Got any data showing that higher proportion of the Jews are crooked?

    To even investigate such a thing would be anti-semetic.

    "anti-Semite" = a person Jews don't like. Definition courtesy of the wonderful writer, Joe Sobran, who paid dearly for earning the title. How many Jews have paid for being anti-anybody? Sarah Silverman has offended an awful lot of people, yet I don't see a blacklisting in her future. Hmmm, wonder why?

    Feel free to use your full name - I really doubt your opinions put you at any risk. I, however shall remain anonymous, or risk winding up clearing drains in prisons. You have great power whether you know it or not.

  113. "I think Unz's Asian thing is iffy at best, but I'm not convinced that Jews are NOT favored over white goyim at elite colleges. While Jews on average may have higher SAT than average goyim at places like Harvard, there are many more white goy students around the nation"

    Yeah, there are a lot of rednecks who either lack the ability to go to Harvard or if they are high IQ outliers in their community, there's peer pressure to either avoid college or go to a local school. "University of Alabama was good enough for cousin Jimmy, and he's very smart, so how can it not be good enough for you?"

    Among people with 130+ IQ that is generally the norm in Harvard and equivalent schools, the Jews are not 2% of the population, and they aren't even the 10-25% that people estimate them to be among the students in those schools.

    At a minimum they are 1/3 of the gifted population.

    When you count that Jews put pressure on their children to go to the best possible school instead of the local (often community) college where the rural whites send their kids, Jews should be over-represented even compared to other whites of the same IQ.

    There's just a difference between a high IQ person who's an outlier and a high IQ person who's surrounded by similar high IQ people who pressure him to go to the best school he can get into.

    That Jews are only 10-25% of the students at the top schools is proof that they get killed by affirmative action, as well as "geographic diversity" which is a form of affirmative action for rural whites to prevent the top schools from having only the kids from major cities (where nearly all the Jews live).

  114. Among people with 130+ IQ that is generally the norm in Harvard and equivalent schools, the Jews are not 2% of the population, and they aren't even the 10-25% that people estimate them to be among the students in those schools.

    At a minimum they are 1/3 of the gifted population.

    And the relevant statistics demonstrating this can be found...where, exactly?

  115. "Yeah, there are a lot of rednecks who either lack the ability to go to Harvard or if they are high IQ outliers in their community, there's peer pressure to either avoid college or go to a local school. "University of Alabama was good enough for cousin Jimmy, and he's very smart, so how can it not be good enough for you?"

    Who's talking about rednecks?
    We are talking about smart whites who might feel discouraged from even applying for Harvard since they know the culture is so biased against them. Ivy Leagues put out a pretty effective message of 'no white cons and dogs allowed'.

    While I don't deny Jewish meritocracy and talent, there seems to be a good number of idiot Jews coming out of elite schools who don't know how to think.

    I don't deny that Jews are affected by 'aff action'. But if we follow your logic and argument--that Jews are immeasurably smarter--, they will suffer less than white gentiles BECAUSE they are counted as white.

    If Jew gets 130 on the test, if white goy gets 120 on the test, and if black gets 100 on the test, the white goy will be dropped to make way for the black.

    At Harvard there's equal proportion of Jews and white gentiles, and for sure a lot of smart whites are not even bothering to apply.

    At 130 IQ, you really think Jews and white goys are 50/50?
    Total BS.

  116. "At a minimum they are 1/3 of the gifted population."

    "And the relevant statistics demonstrating this can be found...where, exactly?"

    David Juke.

  117. It's really quite simple: if ethnoracial exclusion, as represented by those Jewish clubs and institutions is not intrinsically wrong, then there's no reason why Jews should not be excluded from the Ivies and country clubs. If, however, it is intrinsically wrong, and proportional representation is an acknowledged and necessary good, then no degree of Jewish intelligence or achievement can excuse Jewish over-representation in universities, business, law, government, etc.


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