January 29, 2014

The next Sacha Baron Cohen movie?

From the Associated Press:
HK Lesbian Appeals to Tycoon Dad Over Dowry Offer 
HONG KONG — The lesbian daughter of a flamboyant [but not that kind of flamboyant] Hong Kong tycoon who publicly offered millions of dollars to any man who could woo her into marriage appealed to her father in an open letter published Wednesday to accept her for who she is. 
Cecil Chao made world headlines in 2012 when he tried to find a man who could successfully win his daughter, Gigi Chao, away from her partner by offering 500 million Hong Kong dollars ($65 million), an offer that a Malaysian newspaper who interviewed him last week said he has doubled. 

I initially figured that the Professor Poindexter with the bowtie in this above photo is dad Cecil. But the caption implied these were two women. So, I figured Gigi is doing about as well as she can, what with looking like Yoko Ono's nerdy nephew, to land a cute gold-digger like the one in the dress. But, apparently, the heiress is the one in the dress.
Gigi and Cecil
Sacha Baron Cohen, the actor behind "Borat," is reportedly working on a movie inspired by the tycoon's proposal, according to Hollywood trade publications.

I would go see that movie.
Cecil Chao, who made his fortune as a Hong Kong property developer, has a reputation for being a playboy with a love for Rolls-Royces. He once claimed to have had 10,000 girlfriends but has never married. Gigi Chao is one of his three children by three different women.

Okay, so that explains it. Gigi really hates her dad and this is her revenge on him for being a massive jerk.


  1. Whatever else one may say about homosexuality and gay marriage, it's generally true that no parent wants to see little Johnny grow up and 'marry' another man. It's just that they don't have as much money as Mr Chao. Perhaps more good sense, but not more money.

  2. You might want to look into this a little further.

    The father first offered someone money to marry his daughter a year or more ago. Her initial reaction was low-key and, I thought, pretty affectionate towards him. I don't think she hates him.

  3. I guess if you have 10K girlfriends your daughter might think that men aren't to be trusted. And the financial offer isn't exactly contradicting that either.

  4. Well, seems to me genetics in action. She probably picked up some of her daddy's genes for overactive desire in women. This is probably one of the reasons why homosexuality never disappears...

  5. Cecil Chao, who made his fortune as a Hong Kong property developer, has a reputation for being a playboy with a love for Rolls-Royces. He once claimed to have had 10,000 girlfriends but has never married. Gigi Chao is one of his three children by three different women.

    Okay, so the rough, back-of-the-envelope calculation would something look like

    3 / 10,000 = 0.0003 TOTAL FERTILITY RATE

    Once again, great for the Alpha Male, but disastrous for a society and its civilization.

    Maybe the Darwinian nihilists can concede at least the EMPIRICAL usefulness of adhering to some basic fundamental tenets of morality?

    1. Steve's comment sections really do have an incredible, YouTube- level number of morons.

    2. Unless this guy is in the habit of cutting out the uterus of any woman he dates and breaks up with. And killing any children they've already had.

  6. Taking your last conclusion to its furthest extreme, perhaps all Mr. Chao needs is some counseling to do the exact *opposite* of his daughter's wishes to get what he wants.

    My suggestion? Obsequiously fawn over daughter's choice of accompaniment, attend Lilith Fest w/ them and start brushing up on his woodworking. Perhaps more surreptitiously, start arranging dates with the most attractive lesbian women he can find for her. (Millionaire Matchmaker tie-in here is a given. "Just give it a try, dear!")

    That type of annoying meddling might get her to pull the old Anne Heche.

    You're right, a movie based on this will be a must-see.

  7. John Mansfield1/29/14, 6:06 AM

    This movie was made 45 years ago starring George Lazenby and Diana Rigg.

  8. It's all a shtick.

  9. http://stuartschneiderman.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-twelfth-commandment.html

  10. Are the other two Chao Chows sisters? Are they single? Whiskey, here's your chance!

  11. Why Putin is hated by 'American' media.

    He is not a whore lie this:



    Dems attack Repubs and Repubs attack Dems, but both parties prostrate themselves before AIPAC. This is really a one-party system.

  12. http://www.timesofisrael.com/adl-chief-pollard-case-on-the-verge-of-anti-semitism/

    Nothing will please and appease Newman. And yet, it's the likes of Abe Newman and Sheldon 'nuke Iran' Adelson that GOP whores pander to.

  13. Steve, mayor of New York Bill DeBlasio has a great track record of persuading committed lesbians to give up on lesbianism and marry a straight man. Perhaps he should fly to hong kong to give it a try. New York sure could use the money

  14. Interesting

  15. Drehery the punkass dork.


  16. Gigi Chao is the 21st century Turandot.

    What's the title of the SBC movie - "Lesborat"?

  17. It totally makes sense to me that such a man would have a lesbian daughter. I believe that homosexuality is not a choice; it is genetic. I believe that there are no genes that make one attracted to the same sex or opposite sex; there are only genes that make you attracted to women or men, regardless of your own gender. I believe that the kind of manly alpha males who are, in essence, uber-straight and extremely attracted to women, will have daughters who get so many of the "attracted to women genes" that they overwhelm any "attracted to men genes" they got from their mother. This is why alpha males are more likely to have lesbian daughters. On the flip side, some women are so feminine and womanly, they are like a nymph/playboy model/goddess. They have so many "attracted to men genes" that any sons they have will inherit those genes and possibly be gay or bisexual.

    I don't have any scientific data but my theory does match up with my gay acquaintances.

  18. Drudge reports that Ellen Degeneres is developing a lesbian sit-com. Hollywood, and NBC in particular, are determined to shove homosexuality at the TV viewing public. The message of the hostile elite is becoming increasingly clear: tolerance is no longer acceptable - you must celebrate homosexuality.

  19. I'll take this opportunity to point out that not all lesbian look ugly and masculine. I've met several feminine and attractive ones, even very attractive, and I have my standards.
    I'm reminded of one particular couple of extremely attractive lesbians I met once. All the men around them had their jaw drop to the floor.

    Stereotyping aka "noticing patterns" is fine and a sign of intelligence, but one risks falling in the trap opposite the usual one and see only one type when in fact several different "parallel" types exist. There's the type of the androgynous lesbian which is perfectly described in Sailer's "why lesbian aren't gay" chart, but there's also a certain type of woman who is feminine and queer and such type has its own patterns which differ from the stereotypical "dike" ones.
    There's more diversity among queer women than queer men.

  20. Reminds me vaguely of that movie you reviewed, "Disgrace."

    I have trouble sympathizing with the dad, and if the daughter is authentically lesbian (and why not give her the benefit of the doubt that she is?) then I feel much more sympathy for her--especially if she's actually in a serious monogamous relationship with "Poindexter" that she expects to last the rest of her life.

    As an apparent alpha male, the dad has enjoyed the fruits of post-feminist anything-goes family obsolescence. Now his chickens are coming home to roost. Will his eyes be opened by this experience?

  21. Not sure I want to see the movie about the old man who tries to bribe his daughter out of being a lesbian.

    First thing they'll do is cast Baron Cohen as the lead old man, and change the race to Southernerners. Cast somebody unsouthern as the daughter and make the whole movie about how backward those hicks in flyover country are.

  22. You couldn't pay me enough to have me watch one of Sasha Cohen's "films"...

  23. Shame on the father for his daughter not to suffer from lesbian bed death, like many a rug muncher before her.

  24. EXCLUSIVE: Obama's high school pot dealer who he thanked for the 'good times' was beaten to death with a hammer by his gay lover after fights over flatulence and drugs
    By Richard Alleyne On Honolulu, Hawaii
    29 January 2014

    * Raymond Boyer was known as 'Gay Ray' to Obama and his marijuana smoking 'Choom Gang' of privately-educated kids at Hawaiian high school

    * Ray was bludgeoned to death with a hammer in 1986, seven years after he supplied the future president and his friends with drugs

    * Lover Andrew Devere, a male prostitute, gave police a variety of reasons for the murder
    He said surfer Boyer put him down constantly and broke wind in his face

    * Court documents uncovered for the first time by MailOnline

    * Choom is island slang for pot smoking and group went on excursions to countryside to get high and party, sometimes in Ray’s surf van

    * Devere is now living on the mainland after serving his life sentence

    * Obama last week said marijuana was no more dangerous than alcohol

    * Devere's new wife Elizabeth told MailOnline doing drugs is fine if you are rich and 'have the tools to deal with it' but not if you are poor with problems

  25. According to Roissy you should always figure a man's actual notch count is half the number he claims. So I figure daddy has had no more then 5,000 girlfriends.

  26. BurplesonAFB1/29/14, 9:28 AM

    I don't know why you say she hates her father, her girlfriend looks just like him

  27. eah said...
    Whatever else one may say about homosexuality and gay marriage, it's generally true that no parent wants to see little Johnny grow up and 'marry' another man. It's just that they don't have as much money as Mr Chao. Perhaps more good sense, but not more money.

    Spot on! Reminded me of a Norm McDonald joke on the Dennis Miller show. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iX_gUQeZcB8

  28. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/man-14-years-prison-tricking-girlfriend-abortion-pill-article-1.1593401

    who whom

  29. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5h_e8ENBNqf1if863Y3Hp-16VbUEg

  30. Sixty-five million big ones, eh? This sounds like a job for Heartiste.

  31. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/27/scandinavian-miracle-brutal-truth-denmark-norway-sweden

  32. I agree with the above comment. I think the general public is getting sick of the faddishness involved with gay propaganda, especially when it corners in on something popular, as seen with the "Duck Dynasty" thing.

    If Greg Cochran proves to be right-- and I believe that he is-- physical evidence will shut up the brouhaha. Everything points to a pathogen component. Even other studies-- whether amygdala patterns, hypothalamus differences (the two are connected), population explosion (a la John Calhoun; some viruses need a larger group to spread, but stay controlled in smaller ones)-- all line up neatly with the missing link.

    I do not think "gay marriage" could have gained popularity without the internet, and it can fall out of favor just as quickly as it rose, thank God.

  33. Ichabod Crane1/29/14, 11:38 AM

    Pat said, "Gay marriage is just a word game. It holds no biological reality."

    Pat, no marriage 'holds biological reality' in any meaningful sense of your pedantic and halfway-illiterate phrase. Marriage is about sociology, not biology.

    Does the marriage of infertile couples 'hold biological reality'?

  34. You couldn't pay me enough to have me watch one of Sasha Cohen's "films"... --Button

    But watching the lovely Sasha Cohen is a most rewarding pastime. She's also a good egg.

  35. I presume Baron Cohen will play a confident suitor.

  36. "Devere is now living on the mainland after serving his life sentence"

    That's a pretty good trick. I'd like to continue living in my house after "paying" the mortgage.

  37. Don't understand the point of a homo/lesbo relationship, if they're going to reenact traditional gender roles.

  38. So will dad offer up some of that cash to pay for me to fly over (First Class of course) and attempt the wooing of his wayward daughter? Is there someplace I can submit an application?

  39. EXCLUSIVE: Obama's high school pot dealer who he thanked for the 'good times' was beaten to death with a hammer by his gay lover...

    The Daily Mail piece has some interesting Obama photos. Check out the one captioned "Formative..." The pick on the left. Don't he look every inch the gaylord?

  40. Who-whom: Homosexuals "appropriating" marriage isn't just good, it's a human right; blacks "appropriating" white culture must never be mentioned; whites "appropriating" black culture is thievery and exploitation.

  41. EXCLUSIVE: Obama's high school pot dealer

    Did he inhale?

  42. I don't know why you say she hates her father, her girlfriend looks just like him


    Thread winner right there.

  43. "Is there someplace I can submit an application?"

    And does it count if you convert her, but she keeps a girlfriend on the side for threesomes? These are things we need to know.

    Not that girlfriend, though. Yikes. Are you really a lesbian when your girlfriend looks like a gay man? This tolerance stuff is so confusing.

  44. Pat said, "Gay marriage is just a word game. It holds no biological reality."

    "Pat, no marriage 'holds biological reality' in any meaningful sense of your pedantic and halfway-illiterate phrase. Marriage is about sociology, not biology. Does the marriage of infertile couples 'hold biological reality'?"

    Marriage is a socially constructed institution but one founded upon a biological fact. If not for that fact, marriage would not have been necessary. It's like clothing doesn't exist in nature but was made to serve our biological need to protect our bodies from the elements.

    Same with tools. Nature didn't create tools, but we made tools to serve natural needs like eating, hunting, fighting, and etc.
    To the extent that humans were created by nature, even man-made stuff--called 'artificial'--could be considered as indirectly natural since artificial stuff are extensions of our natural needs, desires, and impulses.

    It's like a bird's nest is birdificial. Nature didn't make it for the birds. Rather, birds made it on their own, and yet, it serves a natural purpose.

    Same with bee hive. Nature didn't create it for the bees. Bees themselves created it, so it's bee-ficial, but it still serves a natural purpose of shelter and etc.

    Same with marriage. Marriage grew out of the biological reality of reproduction. Man and woman produce children, so the moral ideal is they should work together to raise the kids they've created.
    That is the essence of marriage.

    Of course, marriage could be 'faulty' in the sense that a woman could be barren/infertile or the man low in sperm count.
    But that isn't the problem of marriage itself but a problem of physiological defect of those
    who happen to be married.

    It's like a flat tire will stall a car, but the fact remains that the tire still belongs on a car.
    It's like a broken lightbulb won't produce light, but a light bulb still belongs in a lamp socket.

    If a bird creates a nest but only produces infertile eggs, it still doesn't negate the fact that nests are meant to provide shelter for chicks. The bird may be physiologically damaged and therefore not be able to create fertile bird eggs, but it still built the nest for the right reason.

    So, even marriage with infertile couple makes basic sense. It's about the union of man and woman, and their attraction to one another still conforms with the natural way. The only problem is either of them have some problem with their reproductive organs.
    But in the case of 'gay marriage', the very concept is ridiculous because there cannot be a single homo couple in all of history and all the world who can have children--even if both 'spouses' have perfectly healthy and functioning organs--and practice any kind of love-making that makes any biological sense. A penis into a fecal hole? A vaginal hole screwing a vaginal hole? I mean what the hell is that?

  45. It's like this. Suppose I make 100 firecrackers out of gunpowder, and 99 go off but 1 does not cuz of faulty construction. Even so, even the faulty firecracker was based on the correct formula. It just happened to be put together faultily. It's still a real firecracker even if a dud.

    But suppose another person uses coffee powder to make firecrackers, and he insists that his 'firecrackers' should be acknowledged as firecrackers too.
    You see, the ridiculousness here goes beyond faulty construction of a few here and there. Its very premise--coffee powder as basis for explosives--is ludicrous.

    Should we acknowledge coffee powder 'firecrackers' as real firecrackers too in the name of 'explosive equality'?
    Would you say it doesn't matter if coffee powder 'firecrackers' don't explode since there are some real firecrackers that are duds and don't explode either?

    So, while not every male/female couple who get married are ideally suited for biological purposes, most are.
    In contrast, there isn't a single homo couple that can practice any kind of natural/normal sex or produce life through it.

    At the very least, even infertile male/female couples are upholding the basic meaning of marriage, at least in their hearts even if their reproductive organs are faulty. They are doing everything right, but something in their physiological makeup is defective.
    In contrast, the very fact of homosexuality is faulty at the core. It doesn't matter how healthy a homo guy and a homo guy is. What they do cannot be called real sex, and for us to pretend that their behavior qualifies for marriage is decadent.

    I still ask... if 'marriage equality' is so important, why are only homos and not incest-sexuals and group-sexuals not offered the same 'right'?
    It's not about equality. It's about homo privilege to change marriage laws because they cater to the rich and have powerful Jewish allies.

  46. "Are you really a lesbian when your girlfriend looks like a gay man? This tolerance stuff is so confusing."

    Yeah, I mean what's the point?

    For a lesbian, she sure goes out of her way to look feminine. And if she wants a woman who looks like a man, why not get a real man?

    Maybe she feels like a trans-lesbian. She feels like a guy who likes to dress up like a girl and look for a guy who is really a girl.

  47. With all that money, he should just buy himself a new daughter.

  48. "Steve's comment sections really do have an incredible, YouTube- level number of morons."

    Wow, Sailersphere is finally going mainstream.

  49. Pat, no marriage 'holds biological reality' in any meaningful sense of your pedantic and halfway-illiterate phrase. Marriage is about sociology, not biology.

    Of course it does. Why else would the subjects of traditional marriage also be the natural procreative unit? Why else would nonconsummation of natural coition be a ground for annulment?

    To deny the fundamental biological reality is to engage in the homophile fever dream that 2,000 years of Roman law/canon law/common law of marriage has been an elaborate anti-homosexual conspiracy.

  50. At the very least, even infertile male/female couples are upholding the basic meaning of marriage, at least in their hearts even if their reproductive organs are faulty. They are doing everything right, but something in their physiological makeup is defective.

    Well put. One might also add that in the vast majority of cases of infertility, it is only one partner who is infertile. Therefore, even though the marriage produces no children, it also serves the purpose of sexual and procreative exclusivity: the fertile husband will not have children with another woman or the fertile wife will not have children by another man.

    Additionally, saving sex for marriage still remains an ideal for many people--if perhaps honored almost entirely in the breach. Can anyone seriously imagine that as an ideal for SSM? It simply doesn't compute.

  51. I initially figured that the Professor Poindexter with the bowtie in this above photo is dad Cecil. But the caption implied these were two women. So, I figured Gigi is doing about as well as she can, what with looking like Yoko Ono's nerdy nephew, to land a cute gold-digger like the one in the dress. But, apparently, the heiress is the one in the dress.


  52. saving sex for marriage still remains an ideal for many people… Can anyone seriously imagine that as an ideal for SSM? --P Gryce

    There's little danger of premarital sex in relationships where even postmarital sex is an impossibility!

  53. On the subject of pissing off Dad:

    A few years ago, I was at a seminar where the subject was adoption. A woman who ran an adoption clinic was one of the speakers. One interesting fact about adoption in this country is that the adoptive parents are selected by the biological mother. As a result, those who want to adopt will go to great lengths to persuade the mothers to choose them. It is typical for people who want to adopt to prepare a sales brochure touting their worthiness as parents and to send copies to adoption clinics around the company. The biological mothers get stacks of these to pick and choose from.

    The speaker explained that most mothers, whatever their own background and no matter how disordered their own lives may be, want their child to be raised in the perfect Ozzie-and-Harriet, married-couple-with-two-or-more children, white-picket-fence household of a 1950's sitcom. Most brochures are written to appeal to this desire, emphasizing the prospective parent's prosperousness and the happiness of their marriage. Pictures of the couple in front of their large home and fancy cars are de rigueur.

    The speaker then added, almost as an aside to herself, "except for the ones who pick lesbians," and she commented to the audience that lesbian couples had a good rate of success in adopting.

    Naturally, in the Q&A, somebody asked, "So what's the motivation for the mothers who pick lesbians?" Her answer, "Well, some of the mothers are lesbians themselves, but most of them just want to piss off their own parents."

  54. Old Cecil has certainly read his Shakespeare, looking for someone to "come to wive it well in Hong Kong."

  55. That bit about the adoption seminar is very interesting. It's like, even if people are too tempted by 21st-century promiscuity and egalitarianism to aspire to the 1950s ideal themselves, they still want that ideal for their kids if others are willing to do the work to make it happen.

  56. Naturally, in the Q&A, somebody asked, "So what's the motivation for the mothers who pick lesbians?" Her answer, "Well, some of the mothers are lesbians themselves, but most of them just want to piss off their own parents."

    Wow. That's an insane level of hate (and insanity), to try to hurt your parents by subjecting the grandchild they'll never meet to a lifetime of dysfunction.

  57. Pat said, "Gay marriage is just a word game. It holds no biological reality."

    Pat, no marriage 'holds biological reality' in any meaningful sense of your pedantic and halfway-illiterate phrase. Marriage is about sociology, not biology.

    Does the marriage of infertile couples 'hold biological reality'?

    Actually, I thought this was one of the more sensible things Pat has said here.

    Ichabod, you're coming very late to the game, and yet you're deploying arguments (e.g., "infertile couples") that might have occurred to anybody on the very first afternoon the idea of "gay marriage" was ever raised. It seems that your thoughts on the issue haven't appreciably deepened over the last 10 years, so please permit us not to engage with you any further on this topic.

  58. "So what's the motivation for the mothers who pick lesbians?"

    Maybe the woman has bad experience with men and believe that 'two mothers' will be better for the kid than any brutish man.

    Or maybe because she won't be the mother to her own kid, she subconsciously tries to compensate for her own absence by offering 'two mothers' to the kid.

  59. Hong Kong (and Taiwan), in spite of extensive Westernization are actually significantly more traditional in their mores than mainland China. Even though there is a long history of tolerance of homosexuality in China (Tang era poetry is rife with descriptions of the matter), being gay doesn't relieve one of his/her filial duties which includes the siring/bearing of descendants.

  60. Bad new; the offer has been withdrawn.


    My dreams are crushed.


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