February 12, 2014

Meet the new liberal theory on race

Same as the old liberal theory on race ...

In Slate, an extremely self-confident youngish white guy named Tanner Colby is writing a long series about how he started to reading up on race a few years ago and had the revelation that everything his fellow liberals know about race is wrong, and all that's leading up to him revealing his New Solution to the Race Problem in a future article. 

For example, Colby explains, affirmative action is bad for blacks because it was started in 1969 by Richard Nixon who assume -- Can you believe it? -- that blacks tend to be good at sports and Asians good at math.
The Massive Liberal Failure on Race

Part 2: Affirmative action doesn’t work. It never did. It’s time for a new solution. 
By Tanner Colby  
In 2009, I attended the NAACP’s 100th annual convention at the Midtown Hilton in New York. Not just the centenary celebration for the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, this was also the group’s first convention under our newly inaugurated black president. The theme of the week’s events was to pay homage to the great civil rights victories of the past while at the same time defining a new mission for the next century. But on the night NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous took the stage for his big speech, when the subject turned to affirmative action, he didn’t sound like he was charting a new course so much as doubling down on the orthodoxy of the past. “The only question about affirmative action,” Jealous declared, “isn’t whether or not we need the hammer. The only question is whether or not the hammer is big enough!” 
The line was met with thunderous applause. At the time, this didn’t really stand out to me, because, like a lot of well-intentioned but minimally informed white liberals, I believed in affirmative action. I didn’t have terribly strong convictions about it, but given America’s history it generally seemed like “the right thing to do.” That was five years ago. Then, in the course of writing a book about the history of the color line and our efforts to erase it, I took a closer look at the origins of affirmative action, and its results. Having done so, I’m a believer no more. 
In part because of recent Supreme Court cases like Fisher v. Texas, the current national conversation about affirmative action has focused mostly on its use in college admissions, but my focus here will be on affirmative action in the white-collar workplace, the failure of which I observed up close during my years in the advertising industry. Race-conscious policies in college admissions and corporate hiring are different creatures, with different pros and cons, but I came to see that they also share some common, troubling flaws. 
When I think back now to the rousing applause affirmative action earned at that Hilton ballroom, I can’t help but wonder why, 45 years down the line, liberals like Jealous are still so fervently devoted to a program so plainly inadequate and ill-conceived from the start. Having botched the effort to integrate American schools through the overzealous misuse of an otherwise valuable instrument, the school bus, the left’s second great blunder on race was pinning the economic fortunes of black America on affirmative action. 
... That Richard Nixon was racist is well beyond dispute—he believed that, moral objections to abortion aside, the practice was justified in the case of mixed-race pregnancies. When giving instructions to the aide who scheduled his appointments and photo ops, Nixon said the Oval Office calendar should have “just enough blacks to show that we care”—setting a precedent for Republican racial engagement that stands to this day. But Nixon wasn’t just racist in the sense of thinking blacks inferior; he was racist in the sense that he subscribed to an actual taxonomy and hierarchy of race—the idea that different groups possess inherent qualities. Asians are smart and industrious. Jews are crafty but lack moral fiber, and so on. When the first wave of studies were published purporting to show that blacks have lower IQs than whites, Nixon, in a conversation with domestic aide Daniel Patrick Moynihan,

What Colby is fumblingly referring to is not the first test results showing racial differences in IQs, but UC Berkeley professor Arthur Jensen's 79-page metanalysis "How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?" of tests and intervention programs designed to Narrow the Gap in Harvard Education Review. Nixon thought this topic so central to understanding how America works that he assigned his top domestic aide, the famous Democratic social scientist Daniel Patrick Moynihan, to keep him updated on the science in the debate.
said he “couldn’t agree more” with the findings. The president was quite generous on the subject of what black people were good at: “Athletics isn’t a bad achievement. You look at the World Series. What would Pittsburgh [presumably, the 1971 team with an outfield of Willie Stargell, Al Oliver, and Roberto Clemente] be without a hell of a lot of blacks?” But he was far less charitable when it came to black talent in other areas: “… when you get to some of the more shall we say profound, rigid disciplines, basically, they have a hell of a time makin’ it. … In terms of good lawyers, even though a lot of them go to law schools, I mean, it is not really their dish of tea.”
.... But to judge from the rhetoric that still surrounds the issue, most progressives are nowhere near ready to admit the truth: that the liberal establishment pinned the economic hopes of the civil rights revolution on a program set up by a president whose racial philosophy was based on the idea that blacks make great athletes and Asians are good at math.

Whereas in 2014, we are so much better informed than Nixon, Moynihan, and Jensen were over 40 years ago. We've had 45 years of experience that proves them wrong, wrong, wrong. For example, here's a picture showing the many the Asians who play on the 2014 Super Bowl-winning Seattle Seahawks defensive unit:
Seriously, Tanner is just the latest in a common pattern. Some youngish white person gets interested in the topic of race and quickly decides that All Those Idiots in the Past got it wrong and he can come up with a much better policy solution (which Tanner promises to unveil Real Soon Now). Maybe he really will come up with a brilliant breakthrough.

But it's hardly encouraging that he can't even imagine questioning the conventional wisdom's strongest roadblock to thinking constructively about race policy: the underlying assumption that it can't possibly be true that blacks tend to be better at athletics and Asians better at math.


  1. ... I was at a talking shop the other day given by a gallery in a second tier US City.

    The talk was given by a very white, very clever guy. He deeply cares about the city. He was asked jokingly at the end by someone:

    "so, you are Joseph Stalin, you have five years to fix the place. What stays what goes?"

    His answer was to annex the surrounding counties.

    Truly like Stalin in the Baltics... Maybe he realized the questioner had exposed him and his agenda.

    Get YT to pay for Devontavious, at all costs.

  2. I admire your ability to actually read all this liberal tripe on race, Steve. Kudos.

  3. I love the way he thinks that he refutes things just by stating them, e.g. .. the idea that blacks make great athletes and Asians are good at math. That's just crazy talk, isn't it?

    I will say that a lot of black excellence in sport is probably based on young black men being a good deal more likely to be juicing. But that in turn just raises the question of why they're more likely to do so.

  4. http://tannercolby.com/

    Dork boy tanner should look into interracial violence in schools with both lots of blacks and asians. Why is the violence almost entirely black on asian? Could it be cuz blacks are naturally physically bigger/stronger than Asians?
    How come lots of black men take Asian chicks but almost no Asian men attract black chicks? Could it be cuz black men are more macho than asian men?

    We need a new term: nold or neo-old or neold. It's old stuff dressed as something new but it's stale.

  5. Steve, if you were dumb enough to get to the bottom of that article, you'd know that his Grand Solution is universal pre-K.

    1. Color me surprised!

      More free sheit for lil' dawg.

  6. Is NAACP for aff-action for Asians, Mexicans, and Muslims in the NFL and NBA?

  7. Meet the new liberal theory on race.

    You mean the libs are discovering JUST NOW, 4 decades after the fact, that Tricky Dick was the guy who got the Affirmative Action ball rolling?

    Which reminds me of a local cultual meeting I recently attended. There were a number of gratuitous remarks directed at wingnuts: "extremist Republicans"..."Fox News lies"... you know the drill. Which have so much to do with kulcha, doncha' know?

    What was interesting was that the conversation segued into discussing mixed income housing developments. The same person who talked about "Fox News lies" said that mixed income housing developments wouldn't work because they would juxtapose [poor] people who didn't care about the upkeep of their properties with people who cared about the upkeep of their properties. Not racist, but classist.

  8. "I will say that a lot of black excellence in sport is probably based on young black men being a good deal more likely to be juicing."

    Huh? Isn't it well-established that West Africans (i.e. the descendants of African-Americans) have physiological differences that enable them to be faster? There anti-doping regime in track is pretty serious from what I understand and track results show the enormous difference in speed between West Africans and anybody else. The 10 second mark in the 100M was broken in the mid-sixties. The first white person to run a sub-10 mark did it in 2010. No other white person since has done this.

    And if black athletic dominance was due primarily to doping, why don't East Africans do well in the 100m? Are West Africans just more prone to doping?

    1. If we didn't enrich people for running fast, it wouldn't be pursued by people who'd otherwise need to make an honest living.

      I might add that doping is a real issue. So many blackletes have been caught doing it that it's amazing people bother to follow professional sports at all. The entire industry is just a way to thug out culture.

  9. "[Nixon] believed that, moral objections to abortion aside, the practice was justified in the case of mixed-race pregnancies."

    I'm sure the vast majority of whites forty years ago thought the same thing. Just forty years it's taken to subvert a whole race of people in this country to accept that which is, on its face, monstrous. And the results of this subversion are apparent more and more anywhere and everywhere you go. White girls are being bred by blacks as if it was a national policy. Just amazing. It's simply not the homely and heavy--innocent white girls who hardly have enough experience or sense to wipe themselves in the morning are being decimated.

    On the abortion issue, internationally, abortion is a net loss for Whites as Europeans (especially Russians) seem to use it as a matter of course. In the US, however, abortion has been a net gain for Whites given that black women abort (and have for at least two decades) at more than three times their percentage of the population. Given that the US is quickly heading for a miscegenated population, and therefore abortion doesn't matter in demographic terms long-term, as much support as possible should be given to outlawing abortion in European countries.

  10. http://tannercolby.com/

    Just look at photos of him. Pure SWPL privileged white boy dork. A goo goo boy who grew up with token nice negro friends. He knows little of the reality where poor whites are often beaten up by big tough nasty black thugs. To state this fact would be 'racist' in his feeble little brain.

    The problem with the discussion of race is the article of faith among libs and even cons that racism is evil and wrong. Okay, if 'racism' means automatic knee-jerk hatred of races other than your own, then I agree it is bad. But race + ism should really mean belief in the existence of races and racial differences. We went over this so many times that it's not worth repeating. Without the concept of race, evolution is not possible. It's through progression of racial changes that new species eventually arise. If race can't exist, evolution cannot happen, pure and simple. Every species must be locked in itself.

    It's obvious to anyone with honest pair of eyes that races are different in a general way. It's obvious that ashkenazi Jews are smarter, blacks are faster and stronger, and whites(like Colby)are dweebier than blacks. (Btw, regression to the mean didn't beat Manning. It was all them big black guys who made up the entire Seattle defense. I mean no red herrings please to soften white defeat at the hands of blacks.)

    It's a mindless article of faith that race-ism is bad. So, the likes of Colby kneejerkedly think Nixon was evil because tricky dick believed in racial differences. This isn't thinking but pre-thinking. For most libs and even lots of cons, they don't need to think about race since the truisms about race have been pre-thought for them by dogma and PC taboos.
    I used to be like that too... until my eyes kept noticing something else.

    But Colby boy enjoys too much love and privilege in his SWPL world. He may flatter himself as a courageous wiberal for going against liberal orthodoxy but it's new packaging based on the same article of faith(which proves that most libs are not rational on some taboo issues).

    Btw, while it's true that Nixon cynically hired and used blacks, is it any different with lib elites? I mean what is Obama? Isn't he the biggest token in US history? Was he a bona fide brotha from the black community? There are so many blacks in the black community, yet not one of them appealed to white liberals.
    No, white libs had to find someone who grew up with whites and Asians in Hawaii and hung around rich and powerful Jews and homos. He had to 'earn' street cred in Chicago south side, but even there, he lived in Hyde Park with mostly Jews and whites. And look at the light-skinned mulattoes who make up so much of the black 'liberal' elite.

    And where did Stop and Frisk take place? Dallas TX or New York? And why are liberal cities racially so segregated? And why did liberals cynically use homo-as-victim card to gentrify entire urban blocks and drive blacks out?

    This Colby is a dork boy.

  11. "I will say that a lot of black excellence in sport is probably based on young black men being a good deal more likely to be juicing. But that in turn just raises the question of why they're more likely to do so."

    Completely ridiculous. Needless to say this commenter has zero contact with any young person of any racial background.

    The HBD example that Steve often leads off with is the fact that zero sprinters of non-West African ancestry appearing in the Olympic finals since the 1980s, because there really is no non-biological way to account for it.

    1. Take a long hard look at some of the sprinters and tell me they ain't juicing!

      Not that this would magically reveal a white sprinter to compete, but the evidence is right there. Just notice it! That's all. Then stop patronizing the circus.

  12. "Could it be cuz blacks are naturally physically bigger/stronger than Asians?

    Is this even true? They might be bigger, as in more obese, but I think the height difference isn't that huge. For example, whites are actually taller than blacks in the US. And Asians in the US, who have access to protein-rich diets, aren't that short. They're probably somewhat shorter (can't find any numbers on this) but I doubt this causes the black-on-Asian violence.

    "How come lots of black men take Asian chicks but almost no Asian men attract black chicks?"

    Maybe because Asian men aren't exactly interested in black chicks. Why? I leave that question up to you.


    Black women are likelier to respond to an Asian sender than a black one. On the other hand, Asian males are least likely of all groups to respond to a black woman.

    1. Why risk congenitally lobotomized offspring?

  13. I love the way he thinks that he refutes things just by stating them, e.g. .. the idea that blacks make great athletes and Asians are good at math. That's just crazy talk, isn't it?

    This is how liberals "argue".

    Colby looks a bit off-white to me. Maybe it's just a tan, but he looks swarthier than a 1/4 Indian (South Asian) ex-gf of mine.

  14. Steve, if you were dumb enough to get to the bottom of that article, you'd know that his Grand Solution is universal pre-K.

    Universal pre-K is the idea that will not die. Nice white people are just obsessed by it. If we can just teach these precious snowflakes their ABC's before they get all big and scary, then the Gap will disappear.

    Gawd almighty. Now Ta-Nehisi Coates will start telling blacks they could all be billionaire-geniuses but YT wouldn't spring for pre-K.

    1. The 3 year old, he be turning his life around.

      The thing about white boys is that they peak physically and intellectually and probably sexually around 26.

      Look at La Liga players or EPL stars. You don't know with a white kid what he'll do until much later.

      Blacks peak out and fade away in their teens.

  15. >>Perhaps somewhat ironically, Steve Sailer concluded with:
    """But it's hardly encouraging that he can't even imagine questioning the conventional wisdom's strongest roadblock to thinking constructively about race policy: the underlying assumption that it can't possibly be true that blacks tend to be better at athletics and Asians better at math.""""

    One name may have had something to do with this hesitation, Steve.


    If he's around the same age as Richwine, he may want to continue his budding career as professional "Gee, folks, have I got a swell new and improved theory on race for you!' Type of thing.

    But concerning what to do regarding reporting accurately on race, threin lies the rub. Who wants to risk being Richwined?

    We has pickle, we does.

  16. Speaking of the NFL, I am a bit surprised that the latest Jason Collins like coming out has not commented on by this blog.

    Calling it Collins but with an important twist:

    An NFL player who is openly homosexual? He comes out before he's even officially drafted?
    At the start of his career, not the end of it?

    What could this all mean?

    Is this Jackie Robinson Re dux???l

  17. Sending a couple dozen white kids to a majority-black school may offer a rewarding cultural experience, it may count as “diversity,” but it is not integration. [emphasis added]

    This guy's hilarious.

  18. "Universal pre-K is the idea that will not die. Nice white people are just obsessed by it. If we can just teach these precious snowflakes their ABC's before they get all big and scary, then the Gap will disappear."

    The feminists don't really care about The Gap. They care about being able to avoid taking care of their kids.

  19. """The HBD example that Steve often leads off with is the fact that zero sprinters of non-West African ancestry appearing in the Olympic finals since the 1980s, because there really is no non-biological way to account for it."""

    Well, but you can turn the example around as well.

    How many US black PHDs have there been since the 1980s? The TOTAL number and then compare them with other whites including Jews.

    That's it. Lets take that example. Two minorities, blacks and Jews.

    WHICH one....has more PHDs and other academic awards, honors, etc.


    Does anyone even have to pause to think about it?

    And unlike the sprint track, the classroom's open to all, that is, to all who are willing to try to put in the time, effort, hard work, blah blah.

    WHICH group has more PHDS? Total number, which group?

    And remember, many fields that contain PHDS (e.g. STEM; Medicine; Law, etc) are verrrry strongly correlated to IQ as a whole.

    So again.....WHICH group has more PHDs total number since the 1980s?


  20. Michael Sam's proclaiming his gay status raises interesting questions for team GMs. do they pick him, and dive into nonstop media circuses? or pass, and be accused of bigotry. if other LBs are chosen ahead of him, wait for the lynch mob to gather. safest to pick receivers, RBs, offensive linemen,,.,

  21. "Blacks peak out and fade away in their teens."

    yeah, that must be why Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Muhammad Ali had such lasting power.

    Actually, because blacks have sturdier bone structure, they last much longer. White guys are more likely to suffer from joint wear and tear earlier.

    Compare Kareem Abdul Jabaar with Bill Walton.
    Compare Michael Jordan with Larry Bird.

  22. "When giving instructions to the aide who scheduled his appointments and photo ops, Nixon said the Oval Office calendar should have “just enough blacks to show that we care”"

    Whereas a Democratic aide would just instinctively know how many would be enough to "show that we care".

  23. *Does anyone even have to pause to think about it?*

    Just found this blog today, huh?

  24. If pro-wrestling were to take on a homo wrestler, what would his stage name be?

    Butt Buster Man?

    The Iron Fist?

    The Bangmeister?

  25. "I will say that a lot of black excellence in sport is probably based on young black men being a good deal more likely to be juicing."

    If that were the case then countries like China would be producing 100m sprint champions, because it is not a secret that China desperately wants these things for national prestige and is known for pushing the boundaries to achieve these goals.

    So far there has been no Chinese Usain Bolt, there was one hurdles champion, but was probably more to do with high discipline in getting the hurdles rythem close to perfection. No amount of juicing will create a Bolt, it would require some serious genetic engineering to get there.

    1. Take a look at the physiques, the juicing is overt.

      American sports fans are delusional vis a vis football and baseball. The Sprinters juice for kicks. Now admittedly having that stopped will not produce a great white hope, but the cheating runs deep. Sports really is the only way out of the ghetto for these chumps. That's why whites ought to think about why they subsidize the bread and circuses.

  26. "Maybe because Asian men aren't exactly interested in black chicks. Why? I leave that question up to you."

    This is a very easy question to answer, but it will mean that it will very severely hurt your PC sensibilities, so if you are sensitive please stop reading now.

    Black women on average are the least feminine looking, which more bluntly means they are the ugliest on average. Yes, beauty is subjective, but subjective preferences also can be averaged, and yes it does not reflect on character, but sexual attraction does drive most when they seek out partners.

  27. " that blacks tend to be good at sports " Boxing used to be dominated by blacks then all of a sudden various Ukrainian and Central Asians took over. Mixed Martial Arts seems to be dominated by Hispanics. A Filipino was lightweight champ for a while.

    American Football can be dominated by Blacks because it is not an international sport.

    Asians win Olympic Medals at plenty of sports.

  28. "Actually, because blacks have sturdier bone structure, they last much longer. White guys are more likely to suffer from joint wear and tear earlier. "

    Actually they do age faster as far as their general physical condition. They are born more mature,physically, after a shorter gestation. As studies done comparing babies of different races showed, the black babies were more developed at birth than other races. Asians developed the slowest, Caucasians, in between. Blacks are considered to age more slowly as far as their exterior, but inside they suffer from more wear and tear, with a shorter average life span. otoh, they have more solid bones and do not incline to osteoporosis. Asians and whites do.

  29. Here's a link to a photo of winners of the 2010 US Math Olympiad. No Asians there.

  30. The Five Jays2/12/14, 7:37 PM

    Here's your boy Tanner talking about race and such like with Soledad O'Brien...


    I managed to get through six minutes before I gave up. A couple of interesting facts about Tanner, he grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and has a degree in "Modern American History from Tulane." So, he's a special type of SWPL, the guilty white southern liberal SWPL.

    He also got a dig in at his all white high school, mentioning the confederate flag and how until the late 70s Alabama high school text books never mentioned Rosa Parks and praised George Wallace. Somehow, even though he doesn't look much over 30, this profoundly affected him into becoming a dork.

  31. "But on the night NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous took the stage for his big speech, when the subject turned to affirmative action, he didn’t sound like he was charting a new course so much as doubling down on the orthodoxy of the past. “The only question about affirmative action,” Jealous declared, “isn’t whether or not we need the hammer. The only question is whether or not the hammer is big enough!” The line was met with thunderous applause."

    Remind me again why Jews have worked so closely with an organize that uses language couched in veiled racial threats to make its points. Why, isn't that hate language? Shouldn't we designate the NAACP a hate group? Ah, but, who am I kidding. Nobody really takes the NAACP that seriously...

  32. "Black women on average are the least feminine looking"

    But they got them juicy booties.

  33. I love the way he thinks that he refutes things just by stating them

    That got me thinking. Some of the tricks liberals use when they argue with non-liberals are suspiciously common. It's as if they're all being coached. My all-time favorite is when they tell you that you've proven them right just by disagreeing with them. It usually takes the form of "Thank you for proving my point." That one is very popular these days, particularly when "rape culture" is discussed.

  34. Harry Baldwin2/12/14, 8:55 PM

    Anonymous said... If pro-wrestling were to take on a homo wrestler, what would his stage name be?

    Creepy Ass Cracker?

  35. Althouse: in addition to his book "Some of My Best Friends Are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America," he's written biographies of 2 white male comedians, John Belushi and Chris Farley. Here's a HuffPo piece that had him going on about how he has no black friends, even though he's totally liberal and lives in NYC. He's "never even been inside a black person's house." So that's his background. Why he's the person to declare and explain the failure of affirmative action and to propose a solution, I do not know.


  36. Giving black kids iodine supplements would increase their IQ like it does in Africa.

    But that would entail admitting the problem exists.

  37. "I will say that a lot of black excellence in sport is probably based on young black men being a good deal more likely to be juicing."

    Earlier puberty. Earlier muscle growth.

    White athletes will have earlier puberty relative to white non-athletes also.

  38. "Could it be cuz blacks are naturally physically bigger/stronger than Asians?"

    Earlier puberty.

  39. "It's obvious to anyone with honest pair of eyes that races are different in a general way. It's obvious that ashkenazi Jews are smarter,"

    I believe that less and less every day.

    "blacks are faster and stronger"

    earlier puberty.

  40. The Massive Liberal Failure on Race

    It's a great title. Everything goes downhill fast after that, but the title is rock solid.

  41. Almost no Asian men attract black chicks.

    Tell that to Hallmark. In Walgreens last night, I saw their big Valentine's day poster, showing a really cute light-skinned black chick, sort of a Traci Wolfe with frizzy hair, ecstatic with her nerdy Asian boyfriend wearing oversized Big Bang glasses.

  42. Look, Colby's all wet for A more basic reason than y'all mention. The fact is that, despite the inability of blacks to compete intellectually with whites at prestige universities or in genuine disciplines, the AA regime has still been a huge boon to blacks. When Jealous exclaimed about a biggerhammer, all he was talking about was more six figure public sector jobs and 'diversity coordinator' positions. How does the kid see that as a negative for blacks? I guess he doesn't realize that blacks are not embarrassed by fraud.

  43. The specter of the Jowlhound still haunts America - and iSteve - years after his apparent passing.
    The Jowlhound embodied, corporally, somehow America's dark, hidden side - a national phantom and demon at whose calling the forces of darkness descend back to earth. Those jowls, that deep voice, that retrousee nose, the blue chin, a menace conjured up the dark side of the national pysche as a bugbear to frighten the children and remind straight-path Americans of the danger of deviating to far from the right side of the path. Let not his true name be spoken for fear of conjuring him!, let the sign of the cross be made as protection after thinking of the jowls and the sulfur!

  44. Simon in London2/13/14, 1:40 AM

    "I can’t help but wonder why, 45 years down the line, liberals like Jealous are still so fervently devoted to a program so plainly inadequate and ill-conceived from the start. "

    Because Jealous is not a 'liberal', he's a black nationalist who believes in the Advancement of Colored People, like it says on the tin. Affirmative Action means more jobs and money for black people, so black people like it. The only issue is whether it's in African-American interests to support AA for non-blacks and for African-Africans like Obama. Current consensus is yes; a big coalition demanding more AA increases AA benefits for every beneficiary.

  45. The Monstrous Nixon refers to his team as "us". I like that better than the guy who refers to his team as "I" -- though I have to admit that's about the only difference between 'em.

  46. If pro-wrestling were to take on a homo wrestler, what would his stage name be?

    Butt Bam Boom?

    Andrew Sullivan?

    The Cock? AKA "The People's Penis"?

  47. Huh? Isn't it well-established that West Africans (i.e. the descendants of African-Americans) have physiological differences that enable them to be faster? There anti-doping regime in track is pretty serious from what I understand and track results show the enormous difference in speed between West Africans and anybody else. The 10 second mark in the 100M was broken in the mid-sixties. The first white person to run a sub-10 mark did it in 2010. No other white person since has done this.

    Some corrections are in order here: The drug testing has been improved but there is still a lot of cheating and most of the high profile cheats the last 20 plus years have been black ( Ben Johnson, Marion Jones, C.J. Hunter, Tim Montgomery, Justin Gatlin ). It's widely suspected the current dominance of Jamaican sprinters is largely due to their country's flimsy drug testing vis-a-vis those of developed nations. Additionally although that French sprinter is considered the first white guy officially to run sub-10 in the 100m, it's suspected that 2 other white sprinters in the 1970's did as well, but that the timing equipment wasn't accurate enough to distinguish small increments so their times were rounded up to 10.0. There was also a half white half Aboriginal Australian sprinter who broke 10.0 before the Frenchman. Black sprinters were not routinely running sub-10 in the mid-60's, no sprinter was officially. Jim Hines did it in 1968 at the Mexico City Olympics, but that was at very high altitude ( 1.4 miles above sea level ) and he was the only sprinter at those Olympics that did so, and the only sprinter anywhere who did prior to the 1970's.

    Remember world records were set in the 100m, 200m, 400m, long jump, and an Olympic record in the high jump at those Olympics. The long jump record stood until 1991, the 400m record stood until 1989, and the 200m record stood until 1979, and when it was broken, it was in the same stadium in Mexico City and by a white Italian sprinter, and his record lasted until 1996. The 100m record set in 1968 wasn't officially broken until 1983 and then it was at high altitude as well and wasn't broken at sea level until 1987 in Rome by a guy named Ben Johnson, otherwise known as " Benoid " perhaps you've heard of him? Carl Lewis also broke it at the same meet, but many people suspected that he was doping as well, because the only reason Johnson was busted a year later was because he needed to recover quickly from a hamstring injury and took steroids closer to the race than he ever did before. Sprinters routinely breaking 10.0 really didn't start occurring until the late 1980's to early 1990's, not the mid-1960's, which also coincides with a lot of sprinters being busted for PED's.

  48. There's a factual error in the beginning of Colby's article. The NAACP is NOT the country's oldest civil rights organization. The National Rifle Association is, preceding the NAACP by forty years.

  49. Victor said...Here's a link to a photo of winners of the 2010 US Math Olympiad. No Asians there.

    On the Mathematical Association's homepage, the banner picture for "Join the MAA Community" shows five women (pretty sure!) out of the nine people in the pic. The "2014 MAA MathFest" shows a crowd at the conference with maybe three or four women out of 50+ people.

  50. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/116601/chris-christies-rise-and-fall

  51. "The Five Jays said...

    Here's your boy Tanner talking about race and such like with Soledad O'Brien...


    I managed to get through six minutes before I gave up. A couple of interesting facts about Tanner, he grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and has a degree in "Modern American History from Tulane.So, he's a special type of SWPL, the guilty white southern liberal SWPL."

    He doesn't sound remotely southern. He has the same kind of semi-effeminate emo accent that almost all SWPLs have. And, given that he was born in 1975, according to his IMDB bio, I'll wager that he did not actually grow up "in Birmingham" - more likely he grew up near Birmingham, which now and for some time has been a mostly black city. The fact that he claims hardly to have known any black people indicates that to the case.

    I also saw, according to his IMDB bio, that he wrote biographies of John Belushi and Chris Farley. Yep - he's a real significant writer - interested in the big questions.

    "He also got a dig in at his all white high school, mentioning the confederate flag and how until the late 70s Alabama high school text books never mentioned Rosa Parks and praised George Wallace."

    George Wallace probably rated higer in the textbooks because he was the governor and exercised some editorial power over how he was portrayed. He also likely did more good for the state than Rosa Parks did.

  52. Isn't it well-established that West Africans (i.e. the descendants of African-Americans) have physiological differences that enable them to be faster? Blah blah track .. blah blah 100 meters.

    Try to keep up, Jack, the topic was sports, not sprinting.

    And no West African (you know, from West Africa?) has ever won a gold medal in running. Incredible, but true.

  53. The PED theorists sound like libs who say higher white IQ is a product of better nutrition. Okay...

  54. "And no West African (you know, from West Africa?) has ever won a gold medal in running. Incredible, but true."

    Out of 89 people to run a sub-100, 13 represented actual African countries--primarily Nigeria, but a few others thrown in there as well. Besides, what's your point?

    "Try to keep up, Jack, the topic was sports, not sprinting."

    Sprinting is a test of explosive speed, which is important for some athletic endeavors and not others. It's very important for positions like running back and cornerback. It's less important at quarterback. It's not very important for baseball, where the most important variable is coordination, so 64% of MLB players are white, and blacks are less than their percentage in the overall population. Explosive speed is very important for basketball, where the playing field is very small. There are plenty of very good white players at basketball positions that do not emphasize speed. 7 foot 3 Lithuanian Aryvydas Sabonis was possibly the greatest center to play the game before injuries and Soviet sports medicine took their toll. Bill Walton, obviously. Today, one of the best centers is Croatian Andrew Bogut. There are also many rising talents at the center position who are white--the Plumlee brothers are very good; the mostly-white Lopez brothers, Tiago Splitter (Brazilian of German extraction, with some Jewish blood), the Portugese Anderson Varjao, Yugoslavians Vukovic and Pekovic, Russian Mozgov, Polack Gortat; Tyler Zeller, Greek Kosta Koufos, white trash Chris Andersen. These are all guys, according to advanced stats, who are in the top of the league at the center position and are getting regular playing time. The Gasol brothers are having an awful year, but they are also very good obviously. It just so happens that the position where white players are the most dominant in is the one that requires least explosive speed. Surprise!

    I know, it must be nice to blame racism or PEDs or whatever for not being the starting cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks, but you sound like a lib.

  55. Please forgive me for thinking outside the box but am I the only one bothered by this statement -
    Part 2: Affirmative action doesn’t work. It never did. It’s time for a new solution.

    Exactly what is in need of a solution?

    I have come to accept that Bill Gates has a lot more money than I do. I know from the #OccupyWherever riots of a couple years ago that not everyone else has been able to achieve my state of inner peace. Many young people seethe with bitterness over the fact that they do not have nine digit disposable incomes.

    Yet most of us recognize that envy of the success of others is not a sign of emotional maturity.

    I have achieved an even higher and more transcendent level of understanding. I don't let it bother me that black people are often poor.

    Why should anyone (who isn't black) care? Why should anyone spend a lot of money on this non-problem?

    It reminds me of the Black Tulip craze. Suddenly Holland woke up and realized that obsessing over a flower was silly. We have a similar Black Poverty obsession. One day we too may wake up.

    Concern over the relative poverty of black people is not rational. Nor is it moral or ethical. It is just an arbitrary popular affliction - a stylish political stance.

    We know that black people everywhere are poorer than comparable groups. The wealth of a particular nation is largely a function of its racial composition. Other factors can matter (oil makes you richer, Islam and Communism make you poorer) but for the general case wealth is a racial.

    I didn't make these rules but it seems foolish to ignore them.


  56. Sprinting is a test of explosive speed, which is important for some athletic endeavors and not others.

    Indeed. So why do you insist on taking it as a proxy for 'sport'?

    (technically, sprinting is s test of explosive running speed, not "speed" in general)

  57. "And no West African (you know, from West Africa?) has ever won a gold medal in running. Incredible, but true."

    Out of 89 people to run a sub-100, 13 represented actual African countries--primarily Nigeria, but a few others thrown in there as well

    One: That's a bizarrely non-responsive response to the initial point. Not every sub-10 second run results in a victory, and not every track event awards medals.

    Two: It's pretty sneaky of you to try to substitute "African" for "West African".

    Three: Doping is widespread in track and field. If you're trying to rebut the initial observation about the prevalence of doping among young black men, you're not doing a very good job. Many of the men on the sub-10-second list have failed a doping test at some point in their careers.

  58. If blacks are endowed with natural "explosive speed", why are they all juicing?

  59. A few responses:
    Giving extra iodine to young black children in the US won't make a difference. Iodized salt has been readily available for decades. Any benefits of iodine supplements for a US population have already been realized.
    As far as blacks using steroids, its my assumptions that anyone who competes on a world-class level is already using steroids (if they would benefit their performance), regardless of race. So the accusation that blacks are only fast because they juice just doesn't carry water with me. They juice not because they're competing against non-blacks, but because they're competing against other blacks.

  60. does he atleast admit that humans are irrational status seekers(which is what he is engaging in)?

  61. "One: That's a bizarrely non-responsive response to the initial point. Not every sub-10 second run results in a victory, and not every track event awards medals.

    Two: It's pretty sneaky of you to try to substitute "African" for "West African".

    Three: Doping is widespread in track and field. If you're trying to rebut the initial observation about the prevalence of doping among young black men, you're not doing a very good job. Many of the men on the sub-10-second list have failed a doping test at some point in their careers."

    This is dumb. Sub-10 speeds are a sign of ultra-elite speeds. If you want to argue that actual West Africans (e.g. Nigerians) are less successful at this than Jamaicans, go ahead, no argument from me. But Nigerians and Namibians and Ghanaians and Gambians, who all have entered the sub-10 club, are all West Africans.

    I'm not trying to disprove doping. You haven't proved that every black member of the sub-10 club has doped. You have an unproven assumption that all black sprinters dope and no whites do. Burden of proof is on you.

    But really, bottom line is: keep arguing the ridiculous. People like you who accept HBD only when it suggests white supremacy are an embarrassment.

  62. "Explosive speed is very important for basketball, where the playing field is very small. There are plenty of very good white players at basketball positions that do not emphasize speed. 7 foot 3 Lithuanian Aryvydas Sabonis was possibly the greatest center to play the game before injuries and Soviet sports medicine took their toll. Bill Walton, obviously. Today, one of the best centers is Croatian Andrew Bogut. There are also many rising talents at the center position who are white--the Plumlee brothers are very good; the mostly-white Lopez brothers, Tiago Splitter (Brazilian of German extraction, with some Jewish blood), the Portugese Anderson Varjao, Yugoslavians Vukovic and Pekovic, Russian Mozgov, Polack Gortat; Tyler Zeller, Greek Kosta Koufos, white trash Chris Andersen. These are all guys, according to advanced stats, who are in the top of the league at the center position and are getting regular playing time. The Gasol brothers are having an awful year, but they are also very good obviously. It just so happens that the position where white players are the most dominant in is the one that requires least explosive speed. Surprise!"

    You obviously know quite a lot about basketball. I should add, however, that there have been successful white NBA players at the "speed" positions: Nash, Stockton, Mark Price, the Barry brothers, Hornacek, Marciulionis, Petrovic, now Parsons, Reddick, Hayward and many others. All of them, btw, are set apart by their very high basketball IQ (NBA code for "white") and shooting skill.

    Oh, and I wouldn't really count Chris Andersen as white. He has all the qualities of a black NBA "athlete" - drug user, thuggish, covered with tats up to his ears, high leaper, minimal ball skills other than blocking shots and rebounding.

  63. Nigerians and Namibians and Ghanaians and Gambians, who all have entered the sub-10 club, are all West Africans.

    That's goal-post moving. In fact, it's explosive goal-post moving. (See what I did there?) The claim was that they don't win gold medals in running.

    I'm not trying to disprove doping.

    You were doing so earlier on, when you were suggesting that West Africans possessed "explosive speed" and that this rather than juice explained their over representation in American sports.

    You haven't proved that every black member of the sub-10 club has doped.

    At this point I've certainly proved that your IQ is in the double digits.

  64. "That's goal-post moving. In fact, it's explosive goal-post moving. (See what I did there?) The claim was that they don't win gold medals in running."

    No, no, no. You all moved the goalposts. The original claim was evidently about the speed of West Africans being superior to that of whites. You all moved the argument to the speed of Caribbean and American West African blacks versus the speed of West African blacks who currently reside in West Africa. Then you all moved the debate to the number of gold medals won by blacks currently residing in West Africa. Yeah...

    Too clever by half.

  65. Albertosaurus, because Slavery. White people bad. Need government, controlled by special/better/holier white people to keep white people in line. Amen! If bad things, more whips*&^%^$government to keep people more in line. Need more money&^%$penance. Like movies, TV. Proves it's true.

  66. >If pro-wrestling were to take on a homo wrestler, what would his stage name be?

    PROTIP: Pro-wrestling is already gay.

  67. No, no, no. You all moved the goalposts. The original claim was evidently about the speed of West Africans being superior to that of whites.

    Learn to read, you babbling idiot. Or learn to do an in-page search for the first reference to "speed" in this comment section, if learning to read is beyond you.

  68. I'm now in my fifties. The bodies of men in general, and of black men in particular, have changed quite dramatically in my lifetime. That's not "HBD" in action, it's a lot of men (and an even higher proportion of black men) juicing from the time they hit puberty.

    This is so obvious that it should not even need to be pointed out, but I guess the "war on noticing things" has opened a front here as well.

  69. Sending a couple dozen white kids to a majority-black school may offer a rewarding cultural experience, it may count as “diversity,” but it is not integration. [emphasis added]

    This guy's hilarious.


    'Hey, nice little place ya got here. Be a shame if you had a... rewarding cultural experience.'

  70. "Giving extra iodine to young black children in the US won't make a difference."

    Yeah it would. The blank slatists won't tell black parents because it would mean messing up the PC narrative.

  71. "Oh, and I wouldn't really count Chris Andersen as white. He has all the qualities of a black NBA "athlete" - drug user, thuggish, covered with tats up to his ears, high leaper, minimal ball skills other than blocking shots and rebounding."

    If you went to the right (wrong) kind of school it's really obvious once you figure it out: early puberty.

    It also makes perfect sense from a fast life history / slow life-history point of view.


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