February 20, 2014

The future of the Democratic Party

Awhile ago I mentioned that Minnesota legislator Phyllis Kahn had once introduced a bill to legalize cousin marriage in the Gopher State to please her growing number of Somali constituents. But that hasn't kept the Somalis wholly content with the veteran politician of the Democratic Farm-Labor party (as the Democrats are known in Minnesota).

Having solved all political problems in their home country (countries? federation? state-free libertarian utopias?), the Somalis have deigned to bestow some of their genius for political order upon the hopelessly nondiverse Minnesotans. So, now Ms. Kahn is being challenged for the Democratic nomination by fellow Democrat Mohamud Noor of the Minneapolis school board.

At a DFL caucus earlier this month, matters got a little heated between Somalis supporting the incumbent and the challenger, and the brawl (or, as it's known back home in Mogadishu, the normal state of daily life) led to the caucus being shut down. From Hirsaan Online:
Greg Oliver, DFL chair of the Senate district, said he didn’t know which side broke the agreement, since much of the argument was in Somali. 
“All I know is at some point they started to scream at each other and I was in the middle,” Oliver said. 
Even the registration desk was a chaotic scene, requiring Oliver to tell several Noor supporters from Brooklyn Park that they could caucus only in their home precinct. ...
“You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy,” said Oliver ...

This may suggest that the future of the Democratic Party is not as trouble-free as Democrat proponents of electing a new people have long assumed. Fortunately, evil white men will no doubt be around for still some time to provide Democrats with hate objects to rally around against.


  1. What's happening in Minneapolis is merely a much-delayed version of what happened in a lot of large urban cities back in the 70s and 80s. The "diverse" population keeps increasing until it effects start being felt in local politics. Eventually the vibrant crowd shoves the white liberal lot out of power.

  2. The big local paper really downplayed this, because they are big Democrats and it looked bad for them. They mentioned it as if it 'just happened' the way so many bad things do to certain gatherings.

    I live here, and Somalis are just the worst neighbors in the world (ok, except Gypsies). They commit crimes at high rates, don't try to integrate with society (including Afro-Americans), don't try to dress/educate/monitor their children, and when the 'acheivement gap' shows up it's all the focus. Yet, anyone who mentions anything bad is labeled a racist, ethnophobe, etc. and so everyone just quietly despises them. The leaders, nonetheless, think everything is awesome (it active policy that gets them here, with special support telling them how to navigate the welfare system, get green cards, etc.).

  3. Lots of politicians think they are importing new supporters and happy voters, until they realise that the newcomers don't want the silly old order that went before. They may not understand the west's idea of democracy but so what? They have got their own, shiny and very happy candidates waiting to take over...

  4. rightsaidfred2/20/14, 4:38 AM

    You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy

    "Democracy" is more and more becoming a slur.

  5. John Mansfield2/20/14, 4:38 AM

    One of the many delights in McCullough's Truman biography was the depiction of later 19th Century Missouri party politics as a contact sport in which Truman's father, John Truman, was a boisterous participant. On election day the winner was the one whose team could get the most players into the poll and keep the other team out. I don't think it gets much more American than being Harry Truman's father in 19th Century Missori.

  6. Of course this opens up the GOP to entryism and a leftward tilt. So they still win because the GOP are stupid and weak.

  7. I harken back to the Battle of Mogadishu (1993) and wonder what the 19 American soldiers who died heroically in that hellhole would think about all of the Somalis we've admitted to this country. They'd wonder what the hell they were fighting for, and why they were dying in Somalia while over here we've given up our country without firing a shot.

    The Somalis in Minnesota are the ones who refused to handle bacon when they were checking out customers at Target or wherever. A densely stupid and difficult people. There are stupid people, and there are difficult people, but when you combine the two it's a perfect hell.

  8. Exactly right, Steve.
    Once you make the connection that the Democrat party, Britain's disgusting New Labour and the rest of the western lefties are onlu concerned with literally destroying white men, everything else slots into.place.
    Basically destroying white men is the only thing they actually believe in and fight for.

  9. I'm seriously tempted to send a campaign contribution to Mohamud Noor. Phyllis Kahn and all her fellow lefties have been saying how much they love diversity. They deserve to get diversity, and to get it good and hard.

  10. It's important to look at this from the Somalis perspective. Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office? It's perfectly natural for them to be feeling the way that they do.

  11. If they do gain control of the local Democrat party Minneapolis politics will then cross the MSM diversity event horizon. No information gets out and thus deluded white liberals outside in the wider world will not be troubled by anything untoward.

  12. Check out the (presumably all Somalian) comments at the Hiiraan online article.

  13. Bert said...
    It's important to look at this from the Somalis perspective. Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office? It's perfectly natural for them to be feeling the way that they do.

    Phyllis Kahn is not Scandinavian.

  14. Sequester Grundleplith2/20/14, 5:57 AM

    "You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy."

    Well, that's my internet LOL of the week. It just isn't going to get any better than that.

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit_(play)

  16. >>> Eventually the vibrant crowd shoves the white liberal lot out of power.

    Or else the white population just decamps to somewhere else, which raises the question of how long they can continue to give ground!

  17. Lol. That elderly SWPL in the dorky green sweater sitting in the middle of it all . . . What's that German word I'm looking for?

  18. Dare one point out that Ms. Khan, in her own way, bestows some of her genius for political order upon the hopelessly nondiverse Minnesotans? I mean, she's from Brooklyn.

  19. Speaking of the future, here's an OT but "fun" story about the future of America. Dogs are running riot in Maryvale, Arizona, as packs of them roam the streets. Apparently, nobody can figure out why this is happening in this area more than other areas. Interviewing locals Ray Rios and Frank Garcia did not provide any ontological insights to the press.

    Seriously, watching the video you cannot see any difference between streets there and streets in Mexico.


  20. It's important to look at this from the Somalis perspective. Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office? It's perfectly natural for them to be feeling the way that they do.

    The question is, why are the whiny old Scandinavian socialists even dumber than Somalis to not realize this?

  21. John Manfield:"One of the many delights in McCullough's Truman biography was the depiction of later 19th Century Missouri party politics as a contact sport in which Truman's father, John Truman, was a boisterous participant. On election day the winner was the one whose team could get the most players into the poll and keep the other team out. I don't think it gets much more American than being Harry Truman's father in 19th Century Missori."

    What about the New England style town meeting? That seems to me to be more purely American.

  22. Given that the Somali population will quadruple in the next couple of years given their belief in large families (5+ children) and more family immigration provided by the missionary Lutherans, I would not be surprised in the next couple of that they boot out non-Somali DFL candidates out of state political offices...

  23. It didn't take long for the Somalis to see through Kahn. You have to give them credit-they are smarter than the rest of the voters in her ward.

  24. This is what happens when you rig redistricting so Somalis can vote in greater numbers. They will throw non-Somali democrats under the bus and try to seize as much power as they can. You can see this happening already. Guess one of the democrats' favorite 'voting blocks' can no longer be trusted. Way to go, dems. This is only the beginning. And is this really America when 'translators' have to be brought in? So much for assimilation.

  25. Harry Baldwin2/20/14, 7:56 AM

    NAMs are a key voting block for the Democrat Party, but liberals don't seem to get, or else don't think it's important, that the interests of the NAMs don't coincide with their own. The NAMs vote Democrat on a strictly "what's in it for me?" basis. Do they care about all the liberals' pet issues--LGBT rights, animal welfare, recycling, climate change, green energy, gun control, bicycle lanes, gender issues, etc? No, they couldn't care less about those things. So as the country becomes more diverse, and the Democrat Party becomes an increasingly NAM party, those issues won't have a constituency.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Exactly right, Steve.
    Once you make the connection that the Democrat party, Britain's disgusting New Labour and the rest of the western lefties (and the old USSR) are only concerned with literally destroying white men, everything else slots into place. Basically destroying white men is the only thing they actually believe in and fight for.

    This should go on a billboard. I'm not kidding. It's straight forward and makes the incomprehensible suddenly "slot" into place. everything becomes illuminated.

  27. Arnold Willis2/20/14, 8:10 AM

    "It's important to look at this from the Somalis perspective. Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office?"

    Meet Phyllis Kahn, "Scandinavian socialist," Brooklyn division. Is "Scandinavian socialist" the new "Scots-Irish" or the new "Harvard WASP Mafia"?

  28. hahaha look at comments from Somali's on that Hirsaan Online link:

    Nasrudin Dubad · Follow · Top Commenter · Kismaayo, Jubbada Hoose, Somalia
    "This so called Mohamed Noor wants to get elected for office by supporting LGBT rights, I would suggest for all Somali American citizens in Riverside precinct not to vote for a Somali man who believes in civil union and gay rights and defends them publicly just like Amiin Jeesoow the Somali MP. Acuudu bilaahi minhum"

    AfricanDaimond Diamond
    "Look at his face he looks like gay and should not be elected or voted for by Somalia. We can not vote for someone supporting child molesters."

  29. hopefully, when democrats have finally passed their new immigration bill in congress, the one they are working on now that will not only legalize all the mexicans, but increase immigration up to 3 million per year, this at least triples somali immigration, and they all move to minnesota.

  30. The cosmic justice of this situation - white hardcore liberals being ousted by the Somalis they worked to bring here - is delicious. From a story about the Somali fistfight at the Democratic caucus:

    The Somali community has grown into a major political force in Minneapolis, able to assemble massive numbers of voters at political events. Some well-attended yet similarly chaotic caucuses in April helped propel Warsame to win the DFL endorsement over incumbent Robert Lilligren, who complained that the events were tainted by irregularities.

    Just a little taste of Somali politics there for Mr. Robert Lilligren. Hope he's enjoying being enriched by that diversity!

    If you go to the "brawl" link and check out the video taken at the caucus, check out the grey-haired white man sitting in the right foreground. Looks like a typical granola-eating Minneapolis urban liberal...wonder if he's also enjoying all that vibrancy? I guess not, because by the end of the video he has moved out of sight.

    1. Maybe he'll go home and start reading iSteve

  31. Diversity is conflict, the left just doesn't realize it because they can still direct all that conflict towards white people. For now.

  32. Bert said...

    It's important to look at this from the Somalis perspective. Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office? It's perfectly natural for them to be feeling the way that they do.

    Phyllis Kahn is not a Scandinavian socialist.

  33. 'Why the heck should they vote to keep a bunch of whiny old Scandinavian socialists when they can have someone like themselves in office?'

    Phyllis KAHN is about as Scandinavian as Al Franken and Norm Coleman!!

  34. I harken back to the Battle of Mogadishu (1993) and wonder what the 19 American soldiers who died heroically...They'd wonder what the hell they were fighting for, and why they were dying in Somalia while over here we've given up our country without firing a shot.

    Yeah, you can wonder the same thing about most recent wars in which the US has participated, including WWII.

    America is a conquered state and Americans, a targeted population. Not only are your elites actively hostile to your heritage and values, but they are importing masses of third world settlers to replace you.

    What were all those wars for, again?

  35. >>>
    I harken back to the Battle of Mogadishu (1993) and wonder what the 19 American soldiers who died heroically in that hellhole would think about all of the Somalis we've admitted to this country. They'd wonder what the hell they were fighting for, and why they were dying in Somalia while over here we've given up our country without firing a shot.

    Agreed. These @$$holes killed our guys and shot down our choppers and then our "leaders" let them into our country. "Uncle Sucker" indeed.

    GHWB and Clinton should've let them starve.

  36. rightsaidfred said...
    You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy

    "Democracy" is more and more becoming a slur.

    2/20/14, 4:38 AM

    To some of us, it always was.

  37. Oswald Spengler2/20/14, 10:49 AM

    I wonder if the Roman elite of the fifth century crowed with ethnomasochistic delight as they were being overwhelmed by the barbarian hordes?

  38. Auntie Analogue2/20/14, 10:53 AM

    One. More. Time:

    Import the Third World and You ARE The Third World.

  39. Somehow I don't see party hacks in suits coming out on top in the Party of Multiculturalism.

  40. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/17/health/study-links-autism-and-somalis-in-minneapolis.html?_r=0

    spot the wrong assumption in this article

  41. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/17/health/study-links-autism-and-somalis-in-minneapolis.html?_r=0

  42. Basically destroying white men is the only thing they actually believe in and fight for.


    Don't believe this is true, but if so. Why?

  43. I am not sure how white liberals think this can end any other way ? I am sure that during the apartheid days there where many white liberal politicians in the corridors of power, how many whites are there now that hold power ?

    Clearly the white liberals do all this pandering to immigrants to beat white conservatives. I think its time to also play this game, wherever there a white liberal politicians they should be targeted and have a diverse politician challenge him. The satisfaction of unseating a white liberal with third worlder is the consolation of having ones country taken over by a new people.

  44. Humorous race bait aside, this:

    "You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy."

    Is actually true. How many fat fuck white Americans in Oklahoma/Mississippi do you think care enough to vote in state elections?

    How many of them fight over something other than a piece of trailer-ass?

    Low quality here, Steve. You didn't even keep the tongue in cheek going long enough.

  45. What a bunch of nonsense. Sure, the Somalis are probably among the worst possible people to invite here, but you ascribe it to deliberate Democratic policy when the bulk of them arrived under the Bush presidency.

    It boggles the mind why conservatives continue to carry water for the Republican party as if it has ever, even once, done the right thing on immigration. It has never, and it never will. You are not its constituency, you are just the fools paying taxes to run a government just big enough to launch an unneeded war every few years.

  46. The American system vests total control in 50%+1 vote.

    The ability to get things done depends on having the most motivated strongest core group possible, a minority, possible 35% of the population, and then using temporary bribes to the most willing to cheaply get you over 50%+1.

    Otherwise you risk letting some minority in your coalition slow down your progress.

    There's going to be a culling in the Democrat party once whitey and the ghost of whitey are defeated. But whose oxe is going to get gored?

  47. Every damn local station should show that...but they won't.

    After all, diversity is always good.

  48. I don't worry all that much about Somalis coming in and acting up. White natives on this and other blogs always attest to Somali bad behavior and their resistance to assimilation.

    The original expectation of assimilation is no longer really expected by even the most liberal of liberals. In fact no one seems to have an 'exit strategy' or 'end game' at all to this particular social experiment. The mainstream opinion seems to be things are bad and will just get worse endlessly into the future.

    But it seems more likely that there will be some kind of civil war on racial/ethnic lines. Most nations were formed so as to moderate frictions with neighbors and among differing ethnics. No one should be surprised about bad results when Americans do exactly the opposite.

    Rather than 'good fences make good neighbors' somehow we have come to believe that ethnic, racial, and religious differences are just illusions that we can ignore. If we are nice so will everyone else be nice - the Stuart Smalley vision of international relations. Of course Smalley is now the real Senator in Minnesota.

    So that means everyone is more or less just waiting around for violence to finally resolve things. That's regrettable, I suppose, but no one seems to be listening. You Steve keep trying to warn people but I, I'm afraid, have given up.

    I don't worry about it because I've read Victor Davis Hanson on "The Western Way of War". We Europeans are just much better at violence than other peoples. When we get to the deciding point, Europeans will prevail over Somalis every time.


  49. Instead of donating to Noor, conservatives ought to donate to Dave Brat, who is trying to unseat Eric Cantor.

  50. Yeah, you can wonder the same thing about most recent wars in which the US has participated, including WWII.

    America is a conquered state and Americans, a targeted population. Not only are your elites actively hostile to your heritage and values, but they are importing masses of third world settlers to replace you.

    What were all those wars for, again?

    As a kid growing up in the late 70s, I remember some WW2 vets telling me that we don't speak German because of them. Now as I grew up I realized that was an exaggeration, but another thought popped into my head. Did those vets ever wonder why they were unable to prevent us from speaking Spanish?

    In retrospect, I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants.

  51. This goes back to KKKrazy Glue.

    In one ward in Minneapolis, conservative whites essentially do not exist as a political force. Therefore, KKKrazy Glue has no adhesive qualities.

  52. OT a bit, but to show the trouble we're in, seems being in one's twenty, male, heterosexual, and married with child is now "an alternative lifestyle."


  53. Huh. I guess it's true what they say about assumptions.

    My point still stands though.

  54. "I wonder if the Roman elite of the fifth century crowed with ethnomasochistic delight as they were being overwhelmed by the barbarian hordes?"

    Emperor Valens was killed by a hoard of immigrants.

    Valens, sometimes known as the Last True Roman, was defeated and killed in the Battle of Adrianople, which marked the beginning of the collapse of the decaying Western Roman Empire.

    "Valens moved out to Adrianople. From there, he marched against the confederated barbarian army on 9 August 378 ..."


  55. I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants.

    There is much fine literature in Castilian Spanish, for example Don Quixote and the poetry of Jorge Manrique.

  56. "If they do gain control of the local Democrat party Minneapolis politics will then cross the MSM diversity event horizon."

    ha! awesome description!

    previously i've called this effect 'radio silence' but your version is better. once an area becomes majority vibrant, it enters radio silence, or, as you say here, we have crossed the event horizon, and sam neill is about to drag all further communication out of the area straight to hell, never to be heard from again. not even lawrence fishburn could stop him.

  57. "NAMs are a key voting block for the Democrat Party, but liberals don't seem to get, or else don't think it's important, that the interests of the NAMs don't coincide with their own"

    the somalis interests coincide exactly with mrs kahns interests.

    it's the scandinavian americans who's interests don't line up with either the somalis or mrs kahn. but they don't realize that yet. or maybe ever. they did vote for the democrat in the 1984 reagan landslide. 49 out of 50 states going for reagan, and 1 state (guess which) going for mondale.

    "Do they care about all the liberals' pet issues--LGBT rights, animal welfare, recycling, climate change, green energy, gun control, bicycle lanes, gender issues, etc? No, they couldn't care less about those things."

    all of that is true. but the NAMs don't take much power at the national level. the mrs kahns of the world accumulate and retain all that power at the congress level. so, their issues - LGBT rights, animal welfare, recycling, climate change, green energy, gun control, bicycle lanes, gender issues - are, in fact, moved forward by a massive NAM population solidly voting democrat. speaking of the 1984 presidential election, DC went for mondale as well. guess where all the mrs kahns of america are coalescing their power? yeah, you only need 1 guess. the mrs kahns of the world are none too concerned about minnesota becoming somali. in fact, they welcome it. once an area crosses the diversity event horizon, the mrs kahns simply move on to the next non-vibrant zone and repeat the process.

    i've tried to explain this to one of my older friends, a 60 year old mineral engineer i've mentioned before. he lives in colorado, and thinks mexicans are fine. in fact, not only are mexicans fine, but more mexicans means more people and more people means more customers for the coal industry he has worked on over the last 30 years. i've tried to explain to him that more mexicans actually means less coal. at first he thought that was idiotic. "Mexicans don't care about shutting down coal plants." yes, that's true. mexicans actually barely care about anything, but they vote democrat. and democrat politicians, who the mexicans elect over and over, are fanatical about shutting down oil, gas, and coal.
    "Oh," he's starting to reply. he's beginning to get it, but it's taken a while. in the meantime, he voted for obama in 2008. with great regret. he voted romney in 2012. sometimes i question his intelligence. obama OPENLY stated what he was going to do to coal power plants as well as energy prices when he campaigned in 2008.

  58. This is something I have always wondered about. The tribe and other white leftists think they can import non-whites to vote for them and do their bidding.


    What if muslims in the U.K., stop voting for Labour and start electing their own people or party? Ditto here and elsewhere. What then?

  59. it's the scandinavian americans who's interests don't line up with either the somalis or mrs kahn.

    Believe it or not, there are ordinary Jewish Minneapolitans who don't want to see their city transformed into Somalia.

  60. they did vote for the democrat in the 1984 reagan landslide. 49 out of 50 states going for reagan, and 1 state (guess which) going for mondale.

    In all fairness to MN, Mondale was the native son. Despite this he only won MN by less than 4000 votes! And he did not even get over 50% of the vote.

  61. Regarding "It's the scandinavian americans who's interests don't line up with either the somalis or mrs kahn. but they don't realize that yet. or maybe ever" -

    The numbers and influence of "Scandinavian Americans" in Minnesota politics is not what it used to be. In any event there aren't very many of them in Mrs. Kahn's district, or in the city of Minneapolis generally.

    Minneapolis is Minnesota's largest city, and far to the left of suburban and rural Minnesota, where there are more Scandinavian Americans. Michelle Bachmann represents Minnesota's sixth congressional district, including a mixture of suburban and rural areas to the east and north of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. John Kline, though not as prominent in national news as Bachmann, is an equally conservative Republican, representing the second district, which encompasses most of the southern suburbs.

    What we've seen here is comparable to what has developed in many so-called "blue" states, which is an urban population that contains substantial numbers of NAMs and votes heavily for Democrats, with the suburban and rural constituencies voting for Republicans - sometimes quite conservative Republicans - electing them to local and district offices, but not having the numbers to dominate in statewide races.

  62. "Emperor Valens was killed by a hoard of immigrants."

    Wait, what? I thought he got killed in that plane crash with Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. "I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants."

    The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V is supposed to have said ""I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."

  65. I'm predicting that the GOP will win the 7th and 8th congressional districts in Minnesota.

  66. Arnold Willis2/20/14, 4:55 PM

    "they did vote for the democrat in the 1984 reagan landslide. 49 out of 50 states going for reagan, and 1 state (guess which) going for mondale."

    Mondale was the native son (back when parties weren't so split ideologically and being the native son meant something). Mondale barely won. I've heard that Reagan didn't even campaign in Minnesota. He was supposedly so assured of his victory that he wanted to be gracious to his opponent.

    Minnesota leans a little to the Left, but not as far as you might think. Republicans have won there, and recently.

  67. "You have to be impressed with their passion for democracy

    "Democracy" is more and more becoming a slur."

    A reading of the Founders would suggest it was a slur in the 1780s.

  68. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V is supposed to have said ""I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."

    I'm skeptical. Back then people spoke Latin to God, not Spanish.

  69. Wikipedia claims Phyllis Kahn has been in office since Jan 1973, 41 years.

  70. >So that means everyone is more or less just waiting around for violence to finally resolve things. That's regrettable, I suppose, but no one seems to be listening. You Steve keep trying to warn people <

    Violence won't occur unless people plan it and carry it out. I don't see this happening. So unless it can appear out of the clear blue sky (Martians with disintegrator guns, perhaps?), you have nothing to worry about.

  71. "In retrospect, I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants."

    German is indeed a language of of culture and knowledge. But so is Castilian Spanish. Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play, La vida es sueño, first performed in 1635, is still performed, even in translation, today. Machado's poems, Bécquer's Rimas, Jiménez's Platero y yo and Cervantes's Don Quixote are all world-renowned works of literature. I have read all of these in Spanish, as well as studying both English and German poetry. The literature of all three languages is equally rich and beautiful.

  72. "In retrospect, I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants."

    German is indeed a language of of culture and knowledge. But so is Castilian Spanish. Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play, La vida es sueño, first performed in 1635, is still performed, even in translation, today. Machado's poems, Bécquer's Rimas, Jiménez's Platero y yo and Cervantes's Don Quixote are all world-renowned works of literature. I have read all of these in Spanish, as well as studying both English and German poetry. The literature of all three languages is equally rich and beautiful.

  73. I'd rather have German as a second language than Spanish. The first is a language of culture and knowledge, the latter one of peasants.

    I've been wondering about which to teach my son. It's a tough call if you live in Texas. And Spanish is about 20% as difficult as German.

  74. >I've been wondering about which to teach my son.<

    Ben, if you know both, why not speak both to him? Assuming your son is a toddler or thereabouts, it would be relatively easy for him to pick up 2 or 3 languages. Just speak 'em around the house.

    You could alternate languages on a predetermined schedule (if it's Tuesday it must be German). Or by predetermined situation (casual conversation in Spanish). I'm probably misunderstanding your situation, though.

    The aching regret of one of my German friends is that she didn't speak both German and English around the house when her kids were growing up.

    (Immersion isn't everything, but it's - what else? - a head start.)

  75. I've heard that Reagan didn't even campaign in Minnesota. --A. Willis

    Reagan did make a campaign stop in Minnesota, but not for himself. It was to help another Republican in a tight race. Still, he was accused of trying to "run up the score".

    Mondale praised Reagan at the latter's death for never hitting below the belt. Neither did Mondale. You want a clean and civil election? Well, there it is-- 1984.

    Four times in the last century the Democrats put decent men at the top of their ticket-- Davis, Smith, McGovern and Mondale. All of them got creamed. No wonder they prefer sphincter muscles!

    1. I don't think McGovern was that decent he just used most of his dirty tricks up rigging the nomination rules at the 1968 convention ensuring the Dems would get creamed in 72. What was wrong with Stevenson? Jennings Bryan was about the most decent man I can think of as a presidential candidate other than maybe Reagan. Not to over think your comment but it is an interesting one.

  76. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/matt-taibbi-leaves-rolling-stone.html

    Billionaires fund their fav pundits

  77. Jody -

    "the somalis interests coincide exactly with mrs kahns interests.

    it's the scandinavian americans who's interests don't line up with either the somalis or mrs kahn. but they don't realize that yet. or maybe ever. they did vote for the democrat in the 1984 reagan landslide. 49 out of 50 states going for reagan, and 1 state (guess which) going for mondale."

    This effect is called a "Rotten Borough."

  78. I rather like the idea of white lefties being deprived of the opportunity to show those who have never been troubled by ethnic profiling how egalitarian they are

  79. Mondale later lost the 2002 Senate race to Norm Coleman, making him the only man to have lost a statewide election in all 50 states.

  80. Ironically, this situation clearly demonstrates the failure of the Scots-Irish-led post-1965 dispossession plan.

    It seemed so simple and effective: import Third-worlders, dispossess whites of European descent, and rule over a new nation.

    Unfortunately, the Third-world importees don't really want Scots-Irish rulers, as Phyllis Kahn is learning.

  81. Sorry, the thrilling frisson of schadenfreude triggered by loony Jewish lefties being suborned by their dusky imported lackeys is just too rich. I'm tingling like Chris Matthews' leg.

  82. >>So that means everyone is more or less just waiting around for violence to finally resolve things. That's regrettable, I suppose, but no one seems to be listening. You Steve keep trying to warn people <<

    >Violence won't occur unless people plan it and carry it out. I don't see this happening. So unless it can appear out of the clear blue sky (Martians with disintegrator guns, perhaps?), you have nothing to worry about.<

    Love it... the best level ever. When you think about it, western politics has become one gigantic internet discussion type level.

  83. Minnesotans may have voted for Mondale, but Reagan gave us amnesty...

  84. Lol. That elderly SWPL in the dorky green sweater sitting in the middle of it all . . . What's that German word I'm looking for?

    Where can one see that?

  85. Mondale later lost the 2002 Senate race to Norm Coleman…

    …a win sandwiched by embarrassing losses to entertainers Jesse Ventura and Al Franken. At least Mondale had the excuse of having only a week to campaign.

    Instead of mocking poor Fritz, we should be waving pictures of his proto-Minuteman march with César Chávez: "This is what a patriotic Democrat looks like. When was the last time you saw one?"

  86. Lol. That elderly SWPL in the dorky green sweater sitting in the middle of it all . . . What's that German word I'm looking for?

    Don't know. He reminds me of Mr. Alexander, Alex's victim/benefactor in A Clockwork Orange.

  87. Democrats are not denouncing Zimbabwe for its harsh anti-porn laws which have ensnared the former Democrat standard bearer, Mel Reynolds. NY Times, WPost, CNN and other leftist media in the forefront in defending free speech are not coming to the aid of their fellow traveller.

  88. What was wrong with Stevenson? Jennings Bryan was about the most decent man I can think of

    By "last century", I meant 1914-2014, not the 20th, so Bryan wasn't on my mind. The silver/gold ratio stuff seems arbitrary-- what if the market says 18-1 or 14-1?-- but he certainly didn't propose it for self-aggrandizement.

    Like Carter's pettiness, Stevenson's (intellectual) snobbery is a mark against him:
    "Every thinking person will be voting for you."
    "Madam, that is not enough. I need a majority."

    An aide had to explain patiently to him that his expertise in African affairs would do nothing to counteract his weakness with black voters.

  89. John Manfield:"One of the many delights in McCullough's Truman biography was the depiction of later 19th Century Missouri party politics as a contact sport in which Truman's father, John Truman, was a boisterous participant. On election day the winner was the one whose team could get the most players into the poll and keep the other team out. I don't think it gets much more American than being Harry Truman's father in 19th Century Missori."

    Given the state's history, I think it's safe to say that "later 19th Century Missouri party politics" was a continuation of the Civil War by other means.

  90. Forgotten Minneapolis history:

    Minneapolis was known for anti-Semitism beginning in the 1880s and through the 1950s.[28] The city was described as "the capital of anti-Semitism in the United States" in 1946 by Carey McWilliams[29] and in 1959 by Gunther Plaut.[30] At that time the city's Jews were excluded from membership in many organizations, faced employment discrimination, and were considered unwelcome residents in some neighborhoods.[31] Jews in Minneapolis were also not allowed to buy homes in certain neighborhoods of Minneapolis.[32] In the 1940s a lack of anti-Semitism was noted in the Midwest with the exception of Minneapolis. McWilliams noted in 1946 the lack of anti-Semitism in neighboring Saint Paul.[33]
    The 1920s and 1930s of Prohibition, gangsters and mobs ruled the underworld of the city. North Minneapolis was ruled by Jewish gangsters led by Isadore Blumenfield, also known as Kid Cann, who was also linked to murders, prostitution, money laundering, the destruction of the Minneapolis streetcar system and political bribery.[34] Chief O'Connor of the Saint Paul Police established the O'Connor System which provided a haven for crooks in the capital city and a headache for Minneapolis Police.[35] Corruption spread to the MPD as an Irishman named Edward G. "Big Ed" Morgan operated gambling dens with bootleggers under police protection.[36] Danny Hogan, the underworld "Godfather" of Saint Paul allied with Morgan and the two competed with the Jewish gangsters until the wane of Prohibition and Hogan's death.[35]


  91. Another frayiing coalition point. Diversity disconnect between gay dude and Somali teens in Minneapolis.

  92. "Willis said...

    I harken back to the Battle of Mogadishu (1993) and wonder what the 19 American soldiers who died heroically in that hellhole would think about all of the Somalis we've admitted to this country. They'd wonder what the hell they were fighting for, and why they were dying in Somalia while over here we've given up our country without firing a shot."

    What they were fighting and dying for is what most soldiers end up having fought and died for................Nothing.

    It is because we fought in Somalia that Somalians are now here. Just as our involvement in Vietnam led to Vietnamese coming here. Just as our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan has resulted in Iraqis and Afghanis coming here. Given the nature of our contemporary society and of its elites, immigration is the inevitable outcome of our foreign interventions. If the movie "Aliens" depicted a true story, we would soon be granting asylum to alien xenomorphs.

  93. "Anonymous said...

    Believe it or not, there are ordinary Jewish Minneapolitans who don't want to see their city transformed into Somalia."

    In the absence of any kind of movement on their part to oppose it, of those two choices "believe it" or "not", I would have to choose "not".

  94. "I wonder if the Roman elite of the fifth century crowed with ethnomasochistic delight as they were being overwhelmed by the barbarian hordes?"

    I get the sense that the Roman elite were more like corporate Republican types, only concerned with money career advancement and feeling no loyalty to their tribe or neighbors.

  95. "What if muslims in the U.K., stop voting for Labour and start electing their own people or party? Ditto here and elsewhere. What then?"

    In the UK, the "Respect" party was an alliance of socialist leaders and Muslim voters motivated by opposition to the Iraq war. The trend in Europe is for Muslim voters to make up a disproportionate share of the votes for the far left. The "green" parties in some countries are becoming heavily Muslim and shifting their focus from environmentalism to extreme anti-white policies.

  96. I get the sense that the Roman elite were more like corporate Republican types, only concerned with money career advancement and feeling no loyalty to their tribe or neighbors. --ATBOTL (at the bottom of the lake?)


    Tenney Frank did an onomastic study of the late Roman élite, and noted the great diversity of name origins compared with the Republic. He argued this lack of cohesion was a major factor in the fall of Rome. The same could be said of New Netherland and New Sweden, in one-hundredth the time.

  97. "I get the sense that the Roman elite were more like corporate Republican types, only concerned with money career advancement and feeling no loyalty to their tribe or neighbors."

    Slavery was the Roman version of H1Bs.

  98. She has a PhD and a background in genetics. Do you think she's delusional or has ulterior motives about the consequences of differences among populations?


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