March 30, 2014

Non-New Yorkers! Do as we say, not as we do.

From a report by the liberal fundamentalist UCLA Civil Rights Project:
New York State’s Extreme School Segregation: Inequality, Inaction and a Damaged Future 
Authors: John Kucsera, Foreword by Gary Orfield 
Date Published: March 26, 2014 
New York has the most segregated schools in the country: in 2009, black and Latino students in the state had the highest concentration in intensely-segregated public schools (less than 10% white enrollment), the lowest exposure to white students, and the most uneven distribution with white students across schools. Heavily impacting these state rankings is New York City, home to the largest and one of the most segregated public school systems in the nation.


  1. Someone apparently forgot to inform UCLA's grad students about the relevant provisions of the Coastal Asshat Non-Aggression Pact.

  2. It's almost like white liberals don't want to send their kids to school alongside masses of often-uncivilized minorities they claim to love so much. Who knew?

  3. By the way, NYC has had fewer murders so far this year than at this point last year. And last year's murder rate was the lowest in more than 50 years.

    I'm getting the impression that De Blasio is a don't rock the boat kind of guy. His leftism is probably mostly rhetorical, like our president's. Another data point on this: he's said to be very pro-development. Manhattan real estate is an enormous business, and he's friendly to it.

    If he shafts city unions in the upcoming contract negotiations, the verdict on his leftism will become final.

    1. This has been a colder and snowier winter in New York, so I wonder if that has lowered homicide stats.

    2. Botch enough snow storms and you can get rid of stop and frisk.

  4. Message to Messrs. Kuesara and Oldfield: if you'd poll the brown kids and their parents, they don't want any whites around anyway.

  5. Now you know why the NYT floods the pages with World War G stories.

  6. Well, for God's sake, if you lived in NYC, would you send your kids to public schools?

    That is if you had any other alternative?

  7. : he's said to be very pro-development.
    and the effects on NYC are devasting - overcrowding, driving out long time residents, doubling of property taxes - and remember this is not 'free market' development but government driven - tax breaks, susidies, seizing land (usually from middle and lower class whites and middle class blacks) via eminent domain and giving it to a few families ,who by coincidence no doubt are all scots irish.

  8. De Blasio is a don't rock the boat kind of guy
    he is a friend of the super-elite NOT the upper middle classes.
    Once you figure that out, his policies make sense - the super elite want a super elite * peon class - no pesky civic minded middle class.

  9. Yeah but who's paying the tax money for public schools to keep going their merry way? Blacks and browns are subsidized in the main by white taxpayers. People keep writing articles and reports extolling the need for greater racial integration without reality ever entering into it. Kind of hard to integrate that 10% or less into the mix without driving out even that last little bit remaining by burdening them with yet another scheme.

  10. I arrived in NYC in about 1976, a fresh faced dumb hippie from San Francisco. Originally from downstate Illinois.

    Moved into Ft. Greene Park. Why not put the kids in public school? That's what you do, right?

    Big mistake.

    Barely escaped with the kids still alive.

  11. Steve, how'd you make out in the earthquake?

  12. "Exposure to white students..."

    I like that. Like my kids are a public resource to be redistributed at will. Ok, not my kids. My kids are half Chinese. Even worse.

  13. The funniest part of living in Woodstock, NY, where I now live, having retired from my two home existence with an apartment in Manhattan is this...

    Bitching about racism in other places is a favorite pastime for the far lefties here in Woodstock.

    Most of them have a resume just about like mine. They moved their families to Woodstock to escape the violence and chaos of the NYC public schools and put their kids in nice, safe 98% white schools.

    You can tell which ones feel really guilty about this. They are the ones on a crusade to integrate other places. The more they bitch about racism, the more you know they are aching with white guilt.

  14. You people really don't get it: when the Leftist rulers make these rules and pronouncements, they intend that they apply to YOU, not to them. If they thought they would have to actually live under the arbitrary rules and regulations they make up, do you think they'd actually make them?

  15. Immigrant Parent in NYC here. White students actually have it very good in nyc. The idiots in NAACP keep thinking that just "exposing" black and hispanic students to white students will make them smarter, so what has NYC done? If you are white and apply to an excellent magnet school, you are pretty much guaranteed a seat, cause whites only make up what 15% of the student body, so the magnet schools fight over them to get them to be at least 30% of the student body of the school to keep 1:1:1 ratio of white, black, hispanic. If you are asian (chinese, south asian) you are screwed, ditto if you are black or white middle class. The latter and immigrants have to compete with the much larger minority population that is "at risk" or "underprivileged", and immigrants are not considered "at risk" or "underprivileged". It is unbelievable what NYC does for poor black students, yet it is never, ever enough. Free lunch, breakfast, snacks, dental care, health care,after school program, tutoring, counseling, parent training, summer programs, free prep programs...nothing helps. I am a recovering liberal, and find it so bizzare how liberals keep stalking white kids to make sure that are going to school with black kids..I am not white btw.

  16. meant "dittoif you are black or hispanic middle class"

  17. Growing up in Queens in the 70's, everyone in my neighborhood attended Catholic school, the ultimate deterrent to crossing the misbehavior line was "you want to go to public school?"; which we all knew meant ending up like some lost white hunter in a Tarzan movie

  18. Liberal ideologues are hypocrites and project that hypocrisy towards their opponents, often accusing others of hypocrisy.

    That's why they can't understand consistency and rationality, because their lifestyles aren't.

  19. NY is also just about the only major city where middle class people actually can and do use the public schools.

    Progressives should be celebrating the way NY does things.

  20. "the lowest exposure to white students"

    Can we call this the magic white neighbor theory?

    That if you set a dark skinned youth next to a creamy skinned white kid that somehow great things will happen to the dark skinned kid?

    I guess by osmosis or something?

    Maybe this goes along with the failing schools theory, whereby school buildings full of minorities are deemed to be failed schools in need of closure, as if somehow the bricks and windows put out negative vibes that made minority kids not want to read and fail at math.

  21. The NY Times ran a pretty long story about this not too long ago

    Some excerpts: " He has spoken to white parents trying to comprehend why the local schools aren’t more integrated, even as white people move in. “They say things like they don’t want to be guinea pigs,” he said. “The other day, one said, ‘I don’t want to be the only drop of cream in the coffee.’

    Other students speak street slang that she repudiates: “They will say to me, ‘You are so white.’ I tell them, I have two black parents. Do I look white?”

    She had been having trouble making friends. This year, her mother noticed a speech change. “She’s slacking off more to fit in,” Ms. Kingston said. “She’s saying: ‘I been there.’ ‘I done that.’ ”

  22. "less than 10% white enrollment"

    which is extremely unfun btw

  23. I like that. Like my kids are a public resource to be redistributed at will.

    That's exactly the premise. Whites produce positive externalities, and non-Whites have a right to capture them for their own benefit. That's another way of saying that non-Whites have an ownership interest in Whites.

  24. My neighbor's kid was kicked out of the magnet program that kept him in a mostly white part of a very black school system. My neighbor was a leftwing Jewish guy, quite literally, a card-carrying member of the ACLU. But when his son was kicked out of the magnet program he managed to have his son's legal address changed to the home of a relative who lived in the neighboring, overwhelmingly white school district - a white flight district that had never been subject to busing. So yeah, these assholes are all hypocrites. But we all knew that, didn't we?

  25. That's exactly the premise. Whites produce positive externalities, and non-Whites have a right to capture them for their own benefit. That's another way of saying that non-Whites have an ownership interest in Whites.

    It worked for the Ottoman Empire.

  26. Anon 9:57, it's the most reprehensible thing about the Scots-Irish. A S/I lawyer friend lived in Mission Hill in Boston 30 years ago, when it was essentially Kenya. He is an attendee of the annual Black & White Ball (back-slapping white elites congratulating each other for having black friends) every year, and has never had anything but Haitian secretaries (Creole speaking, better to profiteer on the Haitian community.)

    As soon as the his were old enough for school, though, it was off to leafy Weston, though he still didn't avail himself of the excellent Weston Public School, preferring instead to send them to private schools. When called on his hypocrisy, he just laughs and says he's fighting for change, but not with his kids.

  27. There are clear benefits of racial integration for minority
    students, such as greater academic achievement and future earnings, and for majority
    students, including the ability to communicate and make friends across racial lines.

  28. "‘Why Don’t We Have Any White Kids?’" - as a general rule: black people have black kids.

  29. "There are clear benefits of racial integration for minority
    students, such as greater academic achievement and future earnings, and for majority
    students, including the ability to communicate and make friends across racial lines."

    Greater academic achievement and future earnings are probably cases of correlation rather than causation: smarter/wealthier minority parents being more likely to get their kids enrolled in majority white schools. And successful white adults have no trouble communicating and making friends with minorities in their socioeconomic class across racial lines.

  30. When called on his hypocrisy, he just laughs and says he's fighting for change, but not with his kids.

    Tell him that's how we know the change he's fighting for is the bad kind.

  31. Tech is a disgusting lemon meringue pie with a dash of curry.


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