March 21, 2014

Same as it ever was ...

From the NYT:
School Data Finds Pattern of Inequality Along Racial Lines 
Racial minorities [i.e., non-Asian minorities] are more likely than white students to be suspended from school, to have less access to rigorous math and science classes, and to be taught by lower-paid teachers with less experience, according to comprehensive data released Friday by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights
In the first analysis in nearly 15 years of information from all of the country’s 97,000 public schools, the Education Department found a pattern of inequality on a number of fronts, with race as the dividing factor. 
Black students are suspended and expelled at three times the rate of white students. ... 
In his budget request to Congress, President Obama has proposed a new phase of his administration’s Race to the Top competitive grant program, which would give $300 million in incentives to states and districts that put in place programs intended to close some of the educational gaps identified in the data. ...
One of the striking statistics to emerge from the data, based on information collected during the 2011-12 academic year, was that even as early as preschool, black students face harsher discipline than other students. 
While black children make up 18 percent of preschool enrollment, close to half of all preschool children who are suspended more than once are African-American. 

If they looked at 97,000 schools, surely some of them must have the opposite pattern where, at a statistically significant level, Asian females get in trouble more than black males. Right? So, all they have to do is figure out What These Schools Are Doing Right and then repeat it nationally.

Gap Closed!


  1. "Motoko Rich March"

    Sometimes by just looking at a name you can tell you would never, ever get along with him (or her).

  2. What I never read about in these disparity stories is the fact that Blacks mostly attend segregated schools.

    The segregated schools Blacks attend are often staffed primarily by Black teachers mostly female, run by Black principals in Black run school districts.

    So how can most of the disparity be caused by racism?

  3. For a second there I thought the insertion of "[i.e., non-Asian minorities]" was actually in the Times article. Kind of made me jump! Then I realized no, no that can't be.

    I love the heavy sigh in the piece that NAMs "have less access to rigorous math and science classes." Gosh, do they really?

    Motoko lives with her white, very Waspy sounding husband (Mark Harrison Topping)in Park Slope. Who could have guessed that? And she went to Yale (surprise!) and Cambridge. She is herself of mixed race, I guess, with her parents Peter and Junko Rich.

    Her husband, the slacker, went to Oberlin and NYU (loser).

    Look on your elites, ye Whitey, and despair!

  4. The Daily Howler focused on Ms. Rich about a year back.

  5. No, square brackets mean I added it.

  6. So every year, thousands more beautiful talented voluptuous STEM-ish and FSI-ish young white girls will be required to give up their prime years of fertility in order to nurture these poor neglected children?

  7. Ms Motoko Rich March should volunteer to take a group of Black, Hispanic and Asian elementary kids to a public library and ask them to pick out a book that interests them.

    See if she notices any differences in behavior.

  8. "even as early as preschool, black students face harsher discipline than other students."

    They wouldn't if you controlled for age of puberty.

  9. "Sometimes by just looking at a name you can tell you would never, ever get along with him (or her)."

    especially when you can tell her last name is rich, not march. march is the date.

  10. more interesting is that africans are almost 20% at the preschool level.

    Jody - is that figure just for PUBLIC preschools?

    Because a huge portion of all white kids will be in PRIVATE preschools, or at home with Mom [possibly even being home-schooled already]?

  11. always ask yourself what would michelle obama do?
    would she put her children with the disruptive or find the schools where the ruling white elite go? michele and barack have never gone to a public school.

  12. >>Did jody really say?...
    "Sometimes by just looking at a name you can tell you would never, ever get along with him (or her)."

    """"especially when you can tell her last name is rich, not march. march is the date."""""

    Jody, Jody, Jody. Come on now.

    There's probably a hyphen after the Rich, so it reads thus Rich-March.

    IF we go by David and the other David who kept insisting all along that Richard Sherman was actually Jewish, based on his surname, here in this actual instance IS a concrete example.

    The person (perhaps Asian based on the first name) The two last names would indicate that she was the offspring of a mixed couple (Asian and Jewish) and then married a Jewish person. Also what could possibly cinch this as being most likely is that she works for the NYTimes.

    So there you go.

  13. One of the striking statisticswas that even as early as preschool, black students face harsher discipline than other students.

    Striking to whom? We live in a relatively affluent area, so the number of black kids around here is pretty small. Yet the few times we've encountered them, at the park say, their elevated levels of "wildass-ness" are immediately evident.

    Once a half-black toddler (a freakin' 1 1/2 year old!) pulled some pretty hard-core dominance moves on the playground. When my smallest kid went for a baby bucket swing the toddler immediately pulled a "try-n-take-it" move, despite there being an empty swing right next to it. He then climbed onto a jungle gym platform and proceeded to "guard" it, preventing other kids from climbing up. His aggressiveness was not just a figment of my imagination, as his (Latina?) grandmother soon had to pull him away and correct him. Having spent probably a thousand hours at the park among thousands of other kids, I have NEVER EVER seen this behavior before, even in much older children.

    Again- higher levels of impulsiveness, lower levels of risk aversion/neuroticism = more and more severe discipline. News only to a SWPL.

  14. "By MOTOKO RICH MARCH 21, 2014"

    No, her name isn't "Motoko Rich March," it's "Matoko Rich March 21."

    Wish her happy birthday!

  15. Forbidden to sort applicants by written-test score, unwilling to use a lottery which would leave firefighters' relatives with no way at all to stand out from the crowd, the Los Angeles Fire Department resorts to using a nearly-secret 1-minute (60 second) application-acceptance period to ensure that clueless outsiders won't have a chance to get an LAFD job interview.

  16. "those are the population numbers when you add in all the 60 year old europeans who will soon exit the work force"

    This is the main factor in the rapidity of Europe's soon demise. When you hear shills say it's only 15% or only 20% or whatever they are deliberately leaving out the age distribution.

    It will jump towards 50% very fast as the older part of the population passes on.

  17. Hmm, interesting. Ms. Motoko Rich somehow "mistakenly" left out of her article the fact that the same Dept. Of Ed. report also found that white students were disciplined much more frequently than Asian students.

    As a white person, I am outraged at this obvious discriminatory treatment of our nation's white children!!

  18. I suspect that if they left race out of it and measured the behavior of children of single mothers, the statistics would be about the same.

  19. USA is concentrating on making losers into averagers (is... that a word? doubt it). In the process making winners into averagers, as ALL the effort goes to the losers.

  20. "especially when you can tell her last name is rich, not march. march is the date"

    Even better.

  21. Ms. Motoko also "forgot" to mention that the same DOE report shows that boys suffer expulsion 3x as much as girls.

    How long must we abide this blatant sexism?!?

  22. I'm annoyed by the media's perpetual use of the term "minorities" when what they really mean is blacks and mestizos. I work with people from a wide variety of non-European ethnic minority groups, many of which are highly successful in the US and thus non-"minority" according to the media.

    Of course, it's probably done intentionally to promote the white oppressors vs oppressed people of vibrancy narrative.

  23. Do the numbers, Steve. No, there is no such school where Asian females get more in trouble than black males. Not out of 97,000 at p<0.05, anyway.

  24. I read the New York Times every day and the articles seem increasingly like homosexual and non-white parodies. It is definitely getting worse.

  25. Cogswell's Cog3/22/14, 5:17 PM

    It's increasingly clear that Equality of Outcome by Race is Radical Leftist Creationism: postulate that the world is supposed to behave in some sort "ideal" form, then when it fails to live up to the ideal, assign the discrepancy to evil in the form of racism. Conveniently, Radical Leftist Creationism denies the Theory of Evolution every bit as much as the Fundamentalist Christian variety.

    If the Department of Education begins demanding equal levels of discipline by race, who will be hurt? It will be the students and teachers most likely to be around the students who should have been disciplined but remain in school to torment their classmates and disrupt the learning environment. There is no way the outcome hurts white students more than black students. Ergo, this particular issue is just something for the Left to bitch about as proof that the world is evil and racist.

  26. "I suspect that if they left race out of it and measured the behavior of children of single mothers, the statistics would be about the same."

    Most definitely. And I sense this is true for all surveys of educational achievement, and all statistics relating not only to education but also to crime and even IQ. Black kids growing up in two parent households will come out as brighter than white kids raised by single moms.

    1. Not the case.

      There is an average difference of 175 SAT points between white households $200,000 and over and black households in the same band. The SATs for that high earning black echelon are similar to whites in the $20 and less households. Your familiarity with stats is appalling.

      Whites are uniform in their higher scores. It's genetic superiority.

    2. You sense? Wtf?

      Poor whites tend to achieve scores that are on average the same as extremely wealthy blacks. Wealthy whites score a couple of standard deviations higher than the wealthiest blacks.

  27. "I suspect that if they left race out of it and measured the behavior of children of single mothers, the statistics would be about the same."

    Most definitely. And I sense this is true for all surveys of educational achievement, and all statistics relating not only to education but also to crime and even IQ. Black kids growing up in two parent households will come out as brighter than white kids raised by single moms.




  28. "There is an average difference of 175 SAT points between white households $200,000 and over and black households in the same band. The SATs for that high earning black echelon are similar to whites in the $20 and less households"

    Not the same. White kids raised by single moms of any economic status come out worse than black kids raised by two parent families. Single motherhood is the most important factor.

  29. I see we have an apologist for single motherhood and out of wedlock births here.


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