March 27, 2014

Tablet: "The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America."

From The Tablet, a fine Jewish magazine:
The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing? 
Prof. Xu Xin’s Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University seeks to establish Chinese scholarship on Jews 
By Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore|March 27, 2014 12:00 AM

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews. 
The Chinese recognize, and embrace, common characteristics between their culture and Jewish culture. Both races have a large diaspora spread across the globe. Both place emphasis on family, tradition, and education. Both boast civilizations that date back thousands of years.
In Shanghai, I am often told with nods of approval that I must be intelligent, savvy, and quick-witted, simply because of my ethnicity. While it is true that the Chinese I’ve met are fascinated by—rather than fear—the Jews, these assertions make me deeply uncomfortable. 
So, it was with a degree of apprehension that I recently traveled to the former imperial capital of Nanjing to spend the day with Prof. Xu Xin, director of the Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University. The first thing Xu did was suggest lunch. As we sat down to a steaming tofu hot pot, he woefully conceded that many Chinese believe the Jews to be “smart, rich, and very cunning.” Just before my visit to Nanjing, the Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao made international headlines by publicly announcing his ambitions to buy the New York Times and later the Wall Street Journal. In a TV interview he explained that he would be an ideal newspaper magnate because “I am very good at working with Jews”—who, he said, controlled the media. 
Yet Chen presumably, like the majority of Chinese, has few concrete ideas about the reality of Jewish history or practices. Xu, the 65-year-old pioneer of Jewish studies in China, is campaigning to change that—and, by doing so, challenging entrenched stereotypes. The diminutive professor has made it his life’s pursuit to present a more nuanced view of the Jewish race and religion to his countrymen: one based on scholarship rather than rumor. To this end he launched the Institute of Jewish Studies in 1992, the first of its kind in Chinese higher education. 
Today there are more than half a dozen similar programs across the country, many started by Xu’s former students. In Nanjing, Judaica courses—from Ancient Jewish History to Rabbinic Literature to Holocaust Studies—have proved popular. According to Xu one of the best-attended courses in the institute is Jewish Culture and World Civilization, in which 18 topics are covered in a 20-week semester. It attracts roughly 200 undergraduate students per term. Survey of Judaism and Study of Monotheism, both graduate courses, have enrollments of around 30 to 40. 
Strung up around the unheated classrooms of the institute are dated photographs of Jerusalem and fuzzy black-and-white images of the death camps. Bookshelves boast Chinese translations of the Haggadah and Xu’s own books, including his best-selling A History of Jewish Culture. In a glass cabinet sit various teaching tools: embroidered kippas, bronze menorahs, and polished shofars. Thankfully, there is not a “get rich quick” manual in sight. 
The institute is funded largely by foreign Jewish donors, who have their own interest in seeing portrayals of Judaism propagated in a more balanced way. “Hatred and intolerance are bred in ignorance,” the executive director of the China Judaic Studies Association, Beverly Friend, a patron of the institute, wrote to me in an email. “The institute provides knowledge.” 
... Chinese state media has long championed positive portrayals of the Jews, in part because Judaism, with its ethnically based and non-evangelical nature, has proved less of a threat to the Communist Party than other foreign monotheistic religions, like Christianity or Islam. 
... Today China’s authoritarian government is invested heavily in the oil states, including Iran and Iraq. But it is also increasingly forming ties with Israel. ... “China finally decided to establish former diplomatic relations with Israel [in 1992] because they believed that being friendly with Jews is good for China’s development and to change China’s image internationally.” If China’s global clout does not yet match its status as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, developing closer ties with Israel and the Jewish Diaspora may be a relatively easy way to widen China’s influence, or so some Chinese leaders seem to believe. 
... It is this space and allowance—even encouragement—for debate that has helped Jews make cultural and scientific strides in the world, Liu said he believed: “In the Talmud, for one question they have different answers. But in China we have [either] correct or incorrect. If someone has different opinions, it is difficult to live.” 
“Do you know how many Chinese Nobel Prize winners there are?” asked Liu, not waiting for an answer. He didn’t have to. The Chinese have long articulated ambitions to win more Nobel prizes. (No Chinese-born scientist, for example, has ever been awarded a Nobel Prize for work in the mainland.) “The Jewish population is very small but the Chinese is big,” Liu said. “Compare that, if you will. When we know that the Jewish people are so successful in both science and human studies, we feel that maybe we can learn from them.” 
As the afternoon drew to a close, I mentioned Chen Guangbiao, the billionaire who declared he is good at working with Jews. Liu was exasperated by such reductions. 
“In their minds, Jewish people control the banks in America. It means for them that Jewish people control the world, controls the governments,” he railed, shaking his hands in disbelief. “I feel it’s a joke.” 
Prof. Xu was more understanding. “Stereotypes are overemphasized. But in China this is positive,” he said calmly. After all, he added: “Had the Jews achieved nothing, no Chinese would be interested in them.” 
You can help support Tablet’s unique brand of Jewish journalism. Click here to donate today. 
Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore, a Sydney-based journalist, lived in China from 2009 to 2014. Her Twitter feed is @cmontefiore.

The Sebag-Montefiores are a grand old Sephardic family.

Here's a 2004 "strategy paper" from the Jewish People Planning Institute on building Jewish ties with China. In the introduction, U.S. State Department Middle East honcho Dennis Ross, then Chairman of the Jerusalem-based JPPI, wrote a decade ago:
... there is a risk of the resurgence of "the old canard of a Jewish world conspiracy" could seep into China. To date it has not.


  1. They must have read Triple Package.

  2. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

    Chinese wanna learn something new and positive from Jews cuz the Mao-communist years were so terribly destructive for China.

    But "High-profile Jewish figures in the Chinese Communist Party’s own history include Sidney Rittenberg, the first American citizen to join the party, and the journalist Israel Epstein, whose funeral was attended by former Chinese President Hu Jintao and former Premier Wen Jiabao."

    Many Jews were pro-communist, beginning with Marx.

    So, Jewish learning is necessary for China to shed its communist past, but Jews should respect Jewish role in communism.

    You can find more logic from a fortune cookie.

  3. """"... there is a risk of the resurgence of "the old canard of a Jewish world conspiracy" could seep into China. To date it has not.""""

    Bet at the time there were all sighs of relief that they had managed to dodge that mental bullet but now they might have to rethink their original theories re: China. And they're probably still wondering why China would think that way.

    After all:


    "Yeah, Morrie?"

    "Looks like we're found out. Even the Chinese are onto us."

    "Yeah, but Morrie, there's still one thing that puzzles me."

    "What is it, Sadie?'"

    "If we're such high and mighty big shots and everyone says we now control the world, how come I STILL can't get a decent pastrami on rye down at the Carnegie Deli?"

    "It's those Damn Russian cooks they hired last year, Sadie. What are ya gonna do?"

  4. The Chinese have a secret weapon, women that Jewish men (be they intellectuals or centibillionaires) can't resist. The Chinese realised the only way their kids can get into Harvard in substantial numbers is with a Jewish father.

    Don't laugh, a few hundred years ago Chinese men were queuing up to get castrated so they could get a good job as a rich man's eunuch servant.

  5. Seem to recall Kissinger commenting on how the Arabs all believed that Jews rule America, a belief that he used to his advantage during his tenure as Secretary of State.

  6. Interesting tidbit about the Jews in China is that they were unable to resist being absorbed by the Chinese, which forms an interesting contrast to their history in Christendom and the House of Islam.

  7. Info on Jews in China:

    "The Kaifeng Jews are members of a small Jewish community in Kaifeng, in the Henan province of China who have assimilated into Chinese society while preserving some Jewish traditions and customs. Their origin and time of arrival in Kaifeng are a matter of debate among experts.

    Most scholars agree that a Jewish community has existed in Kaifeng since the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), though some date their arrival to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) or earlier.[1] Kaifeng, then the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a cosmopolitan city on a branch of the Silk Road. It is surmised that a small community of Jews, most likely from Persia or India, arrived either overland or by a sea route, and settled in the city, building a synagogue in 1163.[2]
    During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai, Shi, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. By the beginning of the 20th century one of these Kaifeng clans, the Zhang, had largely converted to Islam.[3] Two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone.[4][5]
    The Jews who managed the Kaifeng synagogue were called "mullahs". Floods and fire repeatedly destroyed the books of the Kaifeng synagogue; they obtained some from Ningxia and Ningbo to replace them, and another Hebrew Torah scroll was bought from a Muslim in Ning-keang-chow in Shen-se (Shanxi), who acquired it from a dying Jew at Canton.[6]

    The existence of Jews in China was unknown to Europeans until 1605, when Matteo Ricci, then established in Beijing, was visited by a Jew from Kaifeng, who had come to Beijing to take examinations for his jinshi degree. According to his account in De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas,[7] his visitor, named Ai Tian (Ai T'ien) (艾田) explained that he worshipped one God. It is recorded that when he saw a Christian image of Mary with Jesus, he believed it to be a picture of Rebecca with Esau or Jacob. Ai said that many other Jews resided in Kaifeng; they had a splendid synagogue (礼拜寺 libai si) and possessed a great number of written materials and books."


  8. cuz the Mao-communist years were so terribly destructive for China.

    This is not how Mao and his (Jewish) collaborators are seen in China, which is why his picture is still on the money, in Tiananmen Sq., etc. and why the top leadership attended their funerals. Mao is seen as having made some errors, especially at the end of his life when he was lead astray by the Gang of Four but on the whole "did more good than bad". The tension runs both ways - as old line Communists, Rittenberg, Epstein, etc. would spin in their graves if they saw the current disparities in income, billionaire party leaders, etc. who still pretend to be Communists. But everyone just ignores the contradiction because the Communist Mao is the basis of their legitimacy to this day.

  9. More on Jews in China:

    "About three years after Ai's visit, Ricci sent a Chinese Jesuit Lay Brother to visit Kaifeng; he copied the beginnings and ends of the holy books kept in the synagogue, which allowed Ricci to verify that they indeed were the same texts as the Pentateuch known to Europeans, except that they did not use Hebrew diacritics (which were a comparatively late invention).[8]
    When Ricci wrote to the "ruler of the synagogue" in Kaifeng, telling him that the Messiah the Jews were waiting for had come already, the "Archsynagogus" wrote back, saying that the Messiah would not come for another ten thousand years. Nonetheless, apparently concerned with the lack of a trained successor, the old rabbi offered Ricci his position, if the Jesuit would join their faith and abstain from eating pork. Later, another three Jews from Kaifeng, including Ai's nephew, stopped by the Jesuits' house while visiting Beijing on business, and got themselves baptized. They told Ricci that the old rabbi had died, and (since Ricci had not taken up on his earlier offer), his position was inherited by his son, "quite unlearned in matters pertaining to his faith". Ricci's overall impression of the situation of China's Jewish community was that "they were well on the way to becoming Saracens [i.e., Muslims] or heathens."[8]
    Later, a number of European Jesuits visited the Kaifeng community as well.
    The Taiping Rebellion of the 1850s led to the dispersal of the community, but it later returned to Kaifeng. Three stelae with inscriptions were found at Kaifeng. The oldest, dating from 1489, commemorates the construction of a synagogue in 1163 (bearing the name 清真寺, Qingzhen Si, a term often used for mosques in Chinese). The inscription states that the Jews came to China from India during the Han Dynasty period (2nd century BCE-2nd century CE). It cites the names of 70 Jews with Chinese surnames, describes their audience with an unnamed Song Dynasty emperor, and lists the transmission of their religion from Abraham down to the prophet Ezra. The second tablet, dating from 1512 (found in the synagogue Xuanzhang Daojing Si) details their Jewish religious practices. The third, dated 1663, commemorates the rebuilding of the Qingzhen si synagogue and repeats information that appears in the other two stelae.[9]
    Two of the stelae refer to a famous tattoo written on the back of Song Dynasty General Yue Fei. The tattoo, which reads "Boundless loyalty to the country" (simplified Chinese: 尽忠报国; traditional Chinese: 盡忠報國; pinyin: jìn zhōng bào guó), first appeared in a section of the 1489 stele talking about the Jews’ “Boundless loyalty to the country and Prince”. The second appeared in a section of the 1512 stele talking about how Jewish soldiers and officers in the Chinese armies were “Boundlessly loyal to the country.” (WIKIPEDIA)

  10. So one culture that respects cunning appreciates another culture that respects cunning.

    Funny thing is neither Jews nor Chinese have any special secrets, because there are no special secrets. I'm half Jewish (was raised modern orthodox and am now secular atheist) and have worked extensively with both Jews and Chinese. There's nothing to learn. Be hard (very hard, relentlessly hard), be cunning, be devious, be dirty. Anyone can do it. The question is, are you motivated? Is "success" the most important thing for you? Will you sell life, health, leisure, liberty, fun for "success"? Do you have an incredible need to "prove" yourself? Do you find sly, devious behavior for the purpose of getting money inspiring rather than depressing? Are you willing to do dirty, low things to make a buck, things that anyone steeped in the Western classics of literature and philosophy would find degrading and pathetic?

    If you answered yes to the above, then you TOO can be ass successful as Jews, or to a lesser extend, Chinese! Anyone motivated enough will quickly learn what kind of devious, hard actions are needed for "success", and just how much ceaseless effort. There is nothing to "learn" from Jews or Chinese or anyone else. You'll discover it all on your own provided you have the motivation

    That's for worldly "success" - there's nothing to it, it's mostly about personality, the Jews I know who are successful in this sense aren't extremely intelligent (smart, but nothing amazing).

    As for science, well, Jews have done about as well as their IQ's would lean one to expect, together with the fact that they are steeped in Western culture. The Chinese have underperformed in science relative to their IQ, massively so, but then science seems to require Western culture.

    Will the Chinese ever do well in science? I sincerely doubt it. They've been trying so hard for so long now. There's something about creativity that we don't understand, cannot measure, and that seems very absent among Chinese. Who knows what it is - I don't, and all the idiot psychometricians are even more clueless than I am with their pathetic IQ tests.

  11. Ultimate fate of Chinese Jewry:

    "Despite their isolation from the rest of the Jewish diaspora, the Jews of Kaifeng preserved Jewish traditions and customs for many centuries. In the 17th century, assimilation began to erode these traditions. The rate of intermarriage between Jews and other ethnic groups, such as the Han Chinese, and the Hui and Manchu minorities in China, increased. The destruction of the synagogue in the 1860s led to the community's demise.[11] However, J.L. Liebermann, the first Western Jew to visit Kaifeng in 1867, noted that "they still had a burial ground of their own". In 1868 it was reported that their liturgy consisted only of pieces from the Bible.[12] S.M. Perlmann, the Shanghai businessman and scholar, wrote in 1912 that "they bury their dead in coffins, but of a different shape than those of the Chinese are made, and do not attire the dead in secular clothes as the Chinese do, but in linen".

  12. It's funny that the people who are most ignorant of how Western politics really works are westerners themselves.

  13. Don't laugh, a few hundred years ago Chinese men were queuing up to get castrated so they could get a good job as a rich man's eunuch servant.

    Actually becoming a eunuch was a desperate measure and was considered shameful since in Confucianism continuing the patriline was emphasized and had religious significance.

  14. Will the Chinese ever do well in science? I sincerely doubt it. They've been trying so hard for so long now. There's something about creativity that we don't understand, cannot measure, and that seems very absent among Chinese.

    Will the Japanese ever do well in science?

  15. In the Talmud, for one question they have different answers. But in China we have [either] correct or incorrect

    How is that any different from the Bible or Koran, where for the important questions there most definitely is only one correct answer?

  16. ... there is a risk of the resurgence of "the old canard of a Jewish world conspiracy" could seep into China. To date it has not.

    So they're saying it's a "canard" while engaging in a world conspiracy - strategizing to shape and influence the thoughts of Chinese?

  17. Sidney Rittenberg is a really fascinating guy:

    "Sidney Rittenberg (Chinese: 李敦白; pinyin: Lǐ Dūnbái; born August 14, 1921) is an American journalist, scholar, and Chinese linguist who lived in China from 1944 to 1979. He worked closely with People's Republic of China (PRC) founder Mao Zedong, military leader Zhu De, statesman Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan'an. He witnessed first-hand much of what occurred at upper levels of the CCP and knew many of its leaders personally. Later, he was imprisoned in solitary confinement, twice, for a total of 16 years.[1] He was the first American citizen to join the CCP.[2]
    Rittenberg's connections and experience have enabled him to run a successful consultancy business representing some of the world’s biggest brands, such as Intel, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Hughes Aircraft and Teledesic.

    Rittenberg was born into a Jewish family in Charleston, South Carolina, and lived there until his college studies. After attending Porter Military Academy, he turned down a full scholarship to Princeton University and instead attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he majored in philosophy. While attending Chapel Hill, he became a member of the US Communist Party. In 1942, following the entry of the US into World War II — and after his leaving the Communist Party — Rittenberg joined the Army and was sent to Stanford's Army Far Eastern Language and Area School to learn Japanese. Rittenberg did not wish to be assigned to study Japanese, and was able to be assigned to learn Chinese instead. This led to his being sent to China in 1944. Rittenberg said that one of the turning points in his life came shortly after he arrived in China. He was sent to bring a $26 check to the family of a girl who was killed by a drunken US soldier. Despite the family's devastation, they gave Rittenberg $6 for his help. It was at that point that "something inside Sidney Rittenberg shifted."[3] After the end of the war, he decided to stay in China as part of the United Nations famine relief program. This led to his meeting the leaders of the Communist movement at Yan'an in 1946."

  18. Judaism, with its ethnically based and non-evangelical nature


  19. For the curious, here is a YOUTUBE video of Rittenberg. Guy looks pretty sharp for a man his age:

  20. My comment from over there:

    "Luke Lea · Top Commenter · Reed College
    The author might have mentioned that Jews were instrumental in bringing Communism, Stalin Style, to China. The most influential Comintern agents who guided Mao under Stalin's direction were Jewish. You can read about them in Mao: The Real Story by Alexander V. Pantsov.

    It just isn't true that if the Jews ran the world it would necessarily be a better place. For one thing, because of their historical experience in Europe, they have very little feel for governance and can be extraordinarily naive considering their high intelligence (case in point: the idea that the state would wither away under communism). I think it was Marty Perez who remarked that Jews were good at everthing except governance. He was referring to Israel however.

    Today, in the US, the influence of Jewish elites over the past generation has not been an entirely happy one, as witness the disunited state of our country, torn by culture wars, increasing inequality, dwindling of the middle-class, etc. It is silly to pretend that our current trade and immigration policies are not in large measure responsible for these developments, or that influential American Ashkenazis were not highly instrumental in their enactment.

    The conclusion I draw? That organized American Jewry needs to get on the side or ordinary American people before they undermine American popular support for the state of Israel and endanger their own standing at the top of our society. Don't pat yourselves on the back. Instead learn from your mistakes. There are a lot of them. Study yourselves more honestly.

    BTW, I converted to Judaism forty years ago. That didn't make me Ashkenazi though, and it is that community to whom these remarks are addressed."

  21. Rittenberg's experiences in China:

    "During the Cultural Revolution, Rittenberg was radicalised and in the summer of 1967 headed the "Dr. Norman Bethune - Yan'an rebel group",[5] which had about seventy members. He led political struggles at China Radio International. Han Suyin at that time said that Rittenberg was in complete control of the radio station. On April 8, 1967, the People's Daily published a long article written by him.[6] On April 10, he represented a faction of foreigners in struggle session against Wang Guangmei at Tsinghua University. He also attacked other foreigners who were living in Beijing at that time, including Dr. Ma Haide (George Hatem). Ma Haide had advised Rittenberg not to interfere in Chinese political affairs.
    Second imprisonment[edit]

    After several people were labelled as "516 elements" (五一六分子) in September 1967, foreigners also became targets of that campaign and were labelled "516 elements" and foreign spies. A poster with the title "How an American seized red power at Radio China International" was put up at the radio station, and Rittenberg was also criticised in a poster at the Friendship Hotel, where many foreigners were living.
    In February 1968, several members of the "Dr. Norman Bethune - Yan'an rebel group" were arrested, among them Israel Epstein and his wife Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley, Michael Shapiro and Rittenberg. This time, the reason for his arrest was supposed actions and criticisms against the dictatorship and bureaucracy. Ironically, he was also charged with connections with the "Chinese Nikita Khrushchev" Liu Shaoqi, whom Rittenberg had strongly criticised in the previous campaigns. His wife, Wang Yulin (Chinese: 王玉琳) was sent to a "May Seventh Cadre School". During his stay he penned a new Confucian saying: "Man who climbs out on limb should listen carefully for sound of saw." According to him, he couldn’t hear the saw until it was too late.
    On International Women's Day, March 8, 1973, there was a reception for foreign experts in the Great Hall of the People, most of whom had been released by that time. Zhou Enlai spoke and apologised to the foreigners, but also said: "There are also some foreigners who during the Cultural Revolution participated in a certain organisation, who participated in destructive activities of bad elements. Sidney Rittenberg is one of those people; he was involved in the counterrevolutionary clique of Wang Li, Guan Feng and Qi Benyu."
    In November 1977, Rittenberg was released and rehabilitated — probably as the last of all the foreigners. In March 1980, he moved back to the United States.
    Present day[edit]

    Rittenberg is a faculty member in the Chinese Studies Program at Pacific Lutheran University. He is married to Yulin, and has four children. In 1993, he wrote a book about his experiences in China entitled The Man Who Stayed Behind, with the aid of Amanda Bennett.
    Rittenberg and his wife operate Rittenberg & Associates, a consulting firm that provides assistance to businesses who work with Chinese companies. Some of their best-known clients include Billy Graham and Mike Wallace. Rittenberg frequently speaks about his experiences in China, and is currently living on Fox Island, Washington. In an interview in 2008, he criticized the neoconservative and the Bush administration's view of China as a threat.
    In 2012, Irv Drasnin, Lucy Ostrander, and Don Sellers produced a documentary about Rittenberg called The Revolutionary. Rittenberg and the producers spoke about his experiences and the film at the USC U.S.-China Institute in June 2012.[7]"


  22. Luke Lea quoted himself: For one thing, because of their historical experience in Europe, they have very little feel for governance and can be extraordinarily naive considering their high intelligence (case in point: the idea that the state would wither away under communism). I think it was Marty Perez who remarked that Jews were good at everthing except governance. He was referring to Israel however.

    Hunsdon said: Well said, sir. I've had similar thoughts rattling around in my brain, but was afraid to enunciate them.

    As a Christian, I had a Christian answer: having missed the Messiah, Jews fell for every other messianic scheme to come down the turnpike.

  23. The Jews control Israel.

  24. The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing For the Jews?

    C'mon, folks, this stuff writes itself. Have the veal, I'll be here all week.

  25. "So, Jewish learning is necessary for China to shed its communist past, but Jews should respect Jewish role in communism.

    You can find more logic from a fortune cookie."

    Oh please, that one's easy. It's like pretending Noam Chomsky and Netanyahu have anything in common. They want to learn how to do business from Jews--who cares if a bunch of other Jews tried to wipe out business?

  26. The Chinese have one thing going for them (well, actually quite a few things, but you get my drift):

    They are mind-bogglingly politically incorrect.

    Which means, like Steve Sailer, when they notice things, they point them out.

    In fact the only reason I welcome the rise of China is because as their power grows, so will their influence.

    And a billion Chinese ripping political correctness to shreds is a good thing.

    It'd have been nice had we had the guts to do it ourselves.

  27. Luke: I agree with you 100%, but there's not much I or you can do.

  28. eastern asteroid3/27/14, 5:47 PM

    In the early 80s I met a lady who said her Japanese friend was very anti-Semitic. He claimed he could tell the type from other whites, etc.etc., and he did, indeed, find them threatening. He was in some sort of diplomatic/financial position on the global scene. I'd never heard of Asian anti-Jewishness before, but apparently it's not unusual. OTOH, I've met a Jewish guy who was so into Japan and claimed people thought he was Japanese sometimes.
    I guess my point is, it's not a case of Asians identifying with Jews as a matter of course. At lesat not the Japanese. Since that time I've come across other instances of anti-Jewish Asians (Japanese mostly). And oddly, the middle eastern and far eastern (Caucasoid/Mongoloid dichotomy) seem to have an aversion to each other. I remember a flamboyant Moroccan Jewish lady saying she just didn't like the eyes of a certain Asian. She liked wide, big eyes (like her own). Mongoloid peoples (so much more descriptive than "Asian") tend to have an aversion to Arabs, etc.
    I knew this mutual aversion from contacts at the World Bank, though of course there were exceptions. This I've notice, especially among individuals I wouldn't have expected it from.

  29. "Don't laugh, a few hundred years ago Chinese men were queuing up to get castrated so they could get a good job as a rich man's eunuch servant"

    It wasn't a few hundred years ago. The last such eunuch died in the middle part of the 20th century. I think around the time of the Vietnam war.

  30. I wonder if there is a Chinese sitcom where a Chinese man is getting a date with a western Jewish woman, his buddies are high-fiving him, and one of his female friends asks "isn't that a little racist?". And he responds "If I like their race, then it's not racist!". The audience roars with laughter.

  31. Good stuff, original angle, as usual. To how many people but SS would the surname Sebag-Montefiore ring a bell?

    Re: Chinese men queuing up to get castrated.

    As a bit of trivia of uniquely Sailerian relevance, these days Chinese men who are under-5'5" are lining up to have their thigh bones sawn-through, reattached via expandable metal brackets, said brackets via excruciating pain that lasts over a year, serving to put another 2"-3" on a man's stature before they are removed. And we are talking about men who can afford such an operation, i.e. professionals, enterpreneurs etc. who want to stand out more, metaphorically too, in China's society and matrimonial market.

    Re: Jews control the world

    The Japanese believed so too, though having opened to the West before China, have come to embrace a more rational outlook. Among others, it was Jacob Schiff --recognized in Japan as a national hero -- whose financing allowed Japan to beat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. This only one reason why I say that crude antisemitism, such as prevailed in Russia then and among some white ethnonationalists now, tends to be a boomerang felling those who launch it.
    Takuan Seiyo

  32. in the Russo-Japanese War. This only one reason why I say that crude antisemitism, such as prevailed in Russia then and among some white ethnonationalists now, tends to be a boomerang felling those who launch it.

    Given that Japan's defeating Russia helped lay the groundwork for Hitler's rise to power in the aftermath of WWI, you might want to rethink your assumption of exactly whom the boomerang is being thrown by.

  33. Hunsdon:
    As a Christian, I had a Christian answer: having missed the Messiah, Jews fell for every other messianic scheme to come down the turnpike.

    OK, Mr. Christian, so how come the Muslims never fell for messianic schemes in the same way? Could it be they found their own true/false messiah?

  34. As a bit of trivia of uniquely Sailerian relevance, these days Chinese men who are under-5'5" are lining up to have their thigh bones sawn-through, reattached via expandable metal brackets, said brackets via excruciating pain that lasts over a year, serving to put another 2"-3" on a man's stature before they are removed. And we are talking about men who can afford such an operation, i.e. professionals, enterpreneurs etc. who want to stand out more, metaphorically too, in China's society and matrimonial market.

    I am very surprised that more Western men under 6'0" are not undergoing that mutilation for their all-important careers, etc.

  35. Takuan Seiyo said: This only one reason why I say that crude antisemitism, such as prevailed in Russia then and among some white ethnonationalists now, tends to be a boomerang felling those who launch it.

    Hunsdon said: Once more, the poor inactive Jews have no agency, they have nothing to do with it. Anti-semitism just "boomerangs" back on anti-semites. Somehow. Kismet. Karma. The wrath of a vengeful Yahweh. Or, gravity.

  36. Anonydroid at 7:31 PM said: OK, Mr. Christian, so how come the Muslims never fell for messianic schemes in the same way? Could it be they found their own true/false messiah?

    Hunsdon said: It's Mr. Hunsdon, actually. Mr. Christian was the mate on the HMS Bounty under "Breadfruit" Bligh.

    But yes---the Muslims have their answer. Wikipedia (always a questionable source for deep understanding) implies that Jesus was not only a prophet in Muslim eyes but the Messiah as well. I'm not sure how that squares with Mohammed, to whose name the Muslims attach (PBUH).

    Am I incorrect in thinking that the Jews are still awaiting their messiah? It sure seems that they tend to be vastly overrepresented in radical new notions that will save the world.

  37. Are American Ashkenazi Jews living off past glory? Cruising through a news search of physicist and mathematician yields no American Jews I could find. There was a fellow named Sinai who was born Soviet. Where have you gone Richard Feynman? Can you name some important
    American Ashkenazim intellectuals?

  38. Re: Marty Peretz's comment about Jews being good at everything except governing themselves. I seem to recall reading an interview where Ehud Barak said pretty much the same thing. Of course the interview came after his fall from power so...

    Re: Hundson and Jewish agency. This is something I've noticed too in Jewish writing. A good example would be the Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon. I won't spoil it, because it's a well-written book, but it appears that Chabon believes in the idea that Jews (as individuals and as a group) have no control over their actions. Thus their actions are never wrong.

    1. I read that book (a bit of a letdown from Cavalier & Klay, IMO), and don't see how you drew that conclusion. The Jews in that book vary from religious zealots to secular, if memory serves, and Chabon didn't seem to paint the religious ones in a flattering light.

      Anyhow, to the point about Jews being bad at governing: how is Israel an example of that? It's been a politically stable democracy for close to 70 years now (which is pretty long compared to most countries), and its per capita GDP has grown to first world levels over that time frame.

  39. Our host wrote: In the introduction, U.S. State Department Middle East honcho Dennis Ross, then Chairman of the Jerusalem-based JPPI, wrote a decade ago . . . .

    Hunsdon said: And what could be wrong with having our Middle East policy run by a deeply involved member of one of the Middle Eastern states? (Oh, is this the vicious anti-Semitic canard of "dual loyalty" I'm raising?)

  40. RE: Dennis Ross,

    "Ross was born in San Francisco and grew up in Marin County. His Jewish mother and Catholic stepfather raised him in a non-religious atmosphere.[2] Ross graduated from University of California, Los Angeles in 1970 and did graduate work there, writing his doctoral dissertation on Soviet decision-making.[3] He later became religiously Jewish after the Six Day War.[2] In 2002 he co-founded the Kol Shalom synagogue in Rockville, Maryland.[2]
    During President Jimmy Carter's administration, Ross worked under Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz in the Pentagon. There, he co-authored a study recommending greater U.S. intervention in "the Persian Gulf Region because of our need for Persian Gulf oil and because events in the Persian Gulf affect the Arab-Israeli conflict."[4] During the Reagan administration, Ross served as director of Near East and South Asian affairs in the National Security Council and Deputy Director of the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (1982–84).[3]
    Ross returned briefly to academia in the 1980s, serving as executive director of the Berkeley-Stanford program on Soviet International Behavior from 1984-1986.[3] In the mid-1980s Ross co-founded with Martin Indyk the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)-sponsored Washington Institute for Near East Policy ("WINEP").[5] His first WINEP paper called for appointment of a "non-Arabist Special Middle East envoy" who would "not feel guilty about our relationship with Israel."[6]
    In the administration of President George H. W. Bush, Ross was director of the United States State Department's Policy Planning Staff, working on U.S. policy toward the former Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany and its integration into NATO, arms control, and the 1991 Gulf War.[3] He also worked with Secretary of State James Baker on convincing Arab and Israeli leaders to attend the 1991 Middle East peace conference in Madrid, Spain." (WIKIPEDIA)

    Interesting to see how he only became "religiously" Jewish as a response to the 6 Day War....

  41. So the Chinese and Jewish people, "Both place emphasis on family, tradition, and education. Both boast civilizations that date back thousands of years."

    But whites in America are supposed to sit back and watch their traditions and the foundations of their civilization derided and pushed aside.

  42. Re: Jews control the world

    The Japanese believed so too, though having opened to the West before China, have come to embrace a more rational outlook.

    Actually this sort of belief is common in Japan today as well. And it's a perfectly "rational outlook"

  43. the Russo-Japanese War. This only one reason why I say that crude antisemitism, such as prevailed in Russia then and among some white ethnonationalists now, tends to be a boomerang felling those who launch it.

    By a "boomerang felling those who launch it" like the Russians back then in the early 20th century, you must mean the Bolshevik Revolution. But how exactly would that have disabused those Russians from their "crude antisemitism" considering the heavy Jewish representation of the Bolshevik Revolution? If anything it would have cemented it.

  44. If the Chinese are interested in studying the ways of a successful minority group, why not study the overseas Chinese? They are sort of the Jews of Southeast Asia, except in places like Singapore and Thailand, they are more politically powerful than Jews are here.

  45. "The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts."

    "... there is a risk of the resurgence of "the old canard of a Jewish world conspiracy" could seep into China. To date it has not."

    Is there a more odious people than these scumbags?

    There was a time where I considered "anti semites" to be simpletons. As I grow older, I'm starting to understand why one would dislike them.

    Nevermind the fact that they are the closest thing you could get to an aristocracy. But these are nobles that excommunicate/burn at the stake anyone who dares to point out that they're nobles in the first place. Kind of Orwellian, that.

  46. "Cruising through a news search of physicist and mathematician yields no American Jews I could find. There was a fellow named Sinai who was born Soviet."

    I don't think you're accurate but if are interested in science achievement I would think you could figure out a better methodology than cruising through news to support the trend you're arguing.

  47. Anonydroid at 8:06 PM said: A good example would be the Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon. I won't spoil it, because it's a well-written book, but it appears that Chabon believes in the idea that Jews (as individuals and as a group) have no control over their actions.

    Dave Pinsen said: I read that book (a bit of a letdown from Cavalier & Klay, IMO), and don't see how you drew that conclusion. The Jews in that book vary from religious zealots to secular, if memory serves, and Chabon didn't seem to paint the religious ones in a flattering light.

    Hunsdon said: I'm not sure how painting the religious ones in a flattering or unflattering light is dispositive. Ashkenazi Jews, even secular ones,tend to display a certain set of characteristics. Religion forms culture, and even if religion falls away, that thousand years of culture still exerts a profound influence.

  48. Dave Pinsen asked: Anyhow, to the point about Jews being bad at governing: how is Israel an example of that?

    Hunsdon said: Good question! Could a constant external enemy have contributed to a "garrison state" mentality? It is almost axiomatic that when leaders want to weld a people together, they point to an external enemy. (Which in Israel's case isn't hard to do.)

  49. "If the Chinese are interested in studying the ways of a successful minority group, why not study the overseas Chinese? They are sort of the Jews of Southeast Asia, except in places like Singapore and Thailand, they are more politically powerful than Jews are here."

    The Thai elite is Chinese like the Shinawatra family, the only adopted Thai names and in Singapore they're the majority.

  50. This could work out well.

    Jews like to believe their history is a cycle of:


    whereas in reality it is

    economic collapse
    economic collapse

    because their wealth was connected with money-lending and borrowing from the future with interest is *inherently* economically destructive.

    If the Chinese study Jewish history fully they might figure out the destructive force of usury before they are destroyed by it like the Middle-East, Southern Europe and now Northern Europe and diaspora before them.

  51. The Japanese still believe that the jews control America, there was even a Anime in the early 90s called Angel Cop that was about this:

    "The original Japanese-language version of Angel Cop is controversial for its antisemitic plot points. In the original Japanese, it is revealed that Jews are the main threat to Japan's standard of living, and are trying to sabotage the country's economy and turn it into a dumping ground for radioactive material. When Manga Entertainment adapted Angel Cop into English, they removed all traces of antisemitism from not only the dub, but the subtitled version as well, replaced with an American-owned corporation as antagonist."

  52. "It's funny that the people who are most ignorant of how Western politics really works are westerners themselves."

    Which illustrates how critical media power is and how if the Chinese want to avoid what is happening to America they need to realize that maintaining absolute control of their media is only second in importance to maintaining absolute control over the banks.

  53. "The diminutive professor has made it his life’s pursuit to present a more nuanced view of the Jewish race and religion to his countrymen: one based on scholarship rather than rumor. To this end he launched the Institute of Jewish Studies in 1992, the first of its kind in Chinese higher education."

    Does he mean like the "nuanced" view we have in the US - that Jews are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful people in the World. A people who are, have been, and always will be, blameless in all things - a people who have never, not ever, not even once, as a people, behaved in ways that might invite any kind of legitimate criticism.

    That kind of nuanced?

  54. Re: Dave Pinsen. I agree that the religious Jews were absolutely portrayed negatively. But in the end, the Jewish terrorists were merely being manipulated, with the driving force behind the conspiracy to invade Palestine being Christian Americans, personified by a blond-haired intelligence operative. As if Jews are incapable of blowing stuff up in Palestine on their own? Also, I seem to recall that with the exception of Willie Dick, all the gentiles were portrayed as idiots. That being said, it's a great book (though I'm a sucker for mysteries).

  55. I've long thought that the next alignment is Jews/Chinese vs. WASP/Japanese, especially via interbreeding.

    Interesting faceoff there and already very evident if you look at how intermarriage goes in China/Japan.

  56. Volksverhetzer3/28/14, 9:26 AM

    "If the Chinese are interested in studying the ways of a successful minority group, why not study the overseas Chinese?"

    Why not study the Scandinavians, that have managed to be a non-hated minority in all the countries they have been a minority?

  57. Anti-Jewish Ressentiment, eh?3/28/14, 9:31 AM

    Morris Abraham "Two-Gun" Cohen was aide-de-camp to Sun Yat-Sen and a major-general in the Chinese National Revolutionary Army.

    You can focus on Jewish involvement in communism, but Jews are disproportionately successful on the Right (and elsewhere), too (Disraeli, confederate Judah P. Benjamin, the early days of Italian fascism, the birth of National Review, Paleocons like Paul Gottfried, Paleolibertarians like Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, anarchism, etc.). Even among the Jews there is Revisionist Zionism. This makes for a very odd conspiracy.


    This is from 1987.

  59. "Among others, it was Jacob Schiff --recognized in Japan as a national hero -- whose financing allowed Japan to beat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. This only one reason why I say that crude antisemitism, such as prevailed in Russia then and among some white ethnonationalists now, tends to be a boomerang felling those who launch it." worked pretty well for Adolf, until he bit off more than he could chew. Really, he could have just held on to the Sudetenland and Austria, say 'I have reunited the German peoples!', and left it at that.

    Good point about Schiff--he was really, really pissed at the tsar, and helped fund the Japanese in response. It is interesting that the one country to be helped by the House of Rothschild, England, has always had less antisemitism than its neighbors. So I think you have a good point.

    Personally I just wish my odious relatives would stay out of politics. They've got nice houses on Park Avenue, why grab for the moon and send everything crashing down? I mean, OK, you can fight racial discrimination if you feel some empathy for the oppressed or whatever, but do you have to jump onto every stupid left-wing movement that comes along?

  60. Dave Pinsen:"I read that book (a bit of a letdown from Cavalier & Klay, IMO), and don't see how you drew that conclusion. The Jews in that book vary from religious zealots to secular, if memory serves, and Chabon didn't seem to paint the religious ones in a flattering light."

    Yeah, the religious Jews in the novel came across as a pretty unpleasant bunch.

  61. >non-evangelical nature<

    And tikkun olam?

    I've met Asian women who state forthrightly that Jewish men are what they're after, or what they're after for their daughters.

  62. This makes for a very odd conspiracy.

    It's not odd at all. It's called hedging your bets.

  63. "And a billion Chinese ripping political correctness to shreds is a good thing" - they'll do no such thing. PC will continue to survive so long as it exercises power over us, and it will die the instant it does not.

  64. If the Chinese are interested in studying the ways of a successful minority group, why not study the overseas Chinese? They are sort of the Jews of Southeast Asia, except in places like Singapore and Thailand, they are more politically powerful than Jews are here.

    The overseas Chinese experience in SE Asia has not been identical to the Jewish diaspora experience in the West.

    SE Asia was much more economically undeveloped compared to Europe. Many of the early Chinese in SE Asia were brought in by SE Asian rulers to establish and work agricultural plantations in primitive, tropical horticultural economies. As the agricultural base developed, more Chinese came for the trading built on the agricultural base.

    Europe had an advanced agricultural and trading/market economy when the Jewish diaspora began, and Jews adapted to this more sophisticated environment.

  65. Simon in London3/28/14, 12:37 PM

    This supports Huntington's view of the Chinese as a 'bandwagoning' civilisation: Jews control America, so we better get on their good side! Whereas Jewish diaspora culture reflects the Western 'tall poppy' view, that being seen as powerful is a bad thing.

    I guess I like the refreshing honesty of the Chinese. OTOH they will obviously have to learn to stop saying publicly that the Jews are in charge, if they are to successfully ally with the Jews. They seem to be learning.


  67. I think the Japanese may be the wesr's best allies going forward. They are a better, abler, less destructive people than the Chinese and share (keenly) the west's instinct that there is something fundamentally dangerous and world-swamping about the Chinese. Japanese in the west feel more like friends and less like the colonisers/advance troops of an oriental Mordor. The Japanese feel kind of precious; the Chinese feel cheap and locust-like.

  68. It is interesting that the one country to be helped by the House of Rothschild, England, has always had less antisemitism than its neighbors. So I think you have a good point.

    It might have to due with the English having had less proximity to Jews than her neighbors. Jews were banned from England for over 350 years,and when they returned, they never returned in significant numbers. It also probably helped that the Jews were never put into a position to appear to be assisting muslims with occupying and ruling England, nor were they used as oppressive agents of foreign landlords.

  69. SFG said: Personally I just wish my odious relatives would stay out of politics. They've got nice houses on Park Avenue, why grab for the moon and send everything crashing down? I mean, OK, you can fight racial discrimination if you feel some empathy for the oppressed or whatever, but do you have to jump onto every stupid left-wing movement that comes along?

    Hunsdon said: Can I buy you a bullhorn?


  70. Given that Japan's defeating Russia helped lay the groundwork for Hitler's rise to power in the aftermath of WWI, you might want to rethink your assumption of exactly whom the boomerang is being thrown by.

    I'd say your attempt at cause and effect here is a weak butterfly effect that is no better than the boomerang.

  71. I think the Japanese may be the wesr's best allies going forward. They are a better, abler, less destructive people than the Chinese and share (keenly) the west's instinct that there is something fundamentally dangerous and world-swamping about the Chinese. Japanese in the west feel more like friends and less like the colonisers/advance troops of an oriental Mordor. The Japanese feel kind of precious; the Chinese feel cheap and locust-like.

    Actually from the beginning of the 20th century when Japan was on the rise until the end of the WWII, the exact opposite obtained. The Japanese were viewed as the menacing Oriental, the aggressive, dangerous world-swamping locusts, incorrigibly alien and heathen, etc. While the Chinese were viewed as more human, moral, amenable to Christianity and Republican government (especially by the WASPs and Christian proselytizers who were keenly involved in China and in the "China Lobby" in the US).

  72. "It might have to due with the English having had less proximity to Jews than her neighbors. Jews were banned from England for over 350 years,and when they returned, they never returned in significant numbers."

    Jews were expelled and so England developed her own non-destructive financial system. Sephardic Jews returned in small numbers from the 17th century onwards particularly connected with niche industries like slavery and sugar but it wasn't until the mass immigration of Ashkenazi Jews in the 1860s and the second wave of refugees in the 20s and 30s that they had the numbers to take over finance again and like America that process wasn't fully complete until the 1980s.

    The economic and cultural disintegration since then has been spectacularly fast.

  73. This makes for a very odd conspiracy.

    It is no conspiracy. A very ethnocentric people who has lived among Europeans for millennia and came to hate white Europeans thoroughly (probably through the fault of both parties, as is usual), through ethnic networking and their higher intelligence came to dominate Western media and finance, and from this dominant position having very high levels of ethnic activism (financing politics, introducing speech codes etc.), thus, for the better or the worse, are largely controlling the West. And for the worse, if you ask me.

    The majority of Jews have never been right-wing (except in Israel), they normally support leftism in the diaspora, neoconnery is exactly that thing: individualism and leftism for the gentiles and ethno-nationalism in Israel. This is what people like Senator Schumer stand for.

    Sure, they can occasionally hate each other, just as throughout history any other elite group had its internal strifes and disagreements over both personal ambitions and matters of policy. I guess Jews don't always agree on what would be best for the Jews, and in such a case they won't be especially good for pushing things around. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for us they have a near consensus on questions like massive non-European immigration into all white countries, hate speech codes, and unqualified support for Israel.

  74. "This makes for a very odd conspiracy."

    Depends. If the conspiracy isn't a conspiracy in the usual sense but simply the result of a paranoid craving to maximize division and conflict among host populations as a form of preemptive self-defense then it makes perfect - if twisted - sense.

  75. Reinor Tor:"A very ethnocentric people who has lived among Europeans for millennia and came to hate white Europeans thoroughly"

    Yeah, that must be why my Jewish mother married my Gentile father. She just hated White Gentiles so much that she had to marry one and bear his children, all 6 of them.

  76. Aonymous:" Jews in the 1860s and the second wave of refugees in the 20s and 30s that they had the numbers to take over finance again and like America that process wasn't fully complete until the 1980s."

    Yeah, that's why there are no White Gentiles on the FORBES billionaires list....

  77. Reinor Tor:" Fortunately for them and unfortunately for us they have a near consensus on questions like massive non-European immigration into all white countries,"

    And on that point they have the full agreement of the White Gentile elite in America. You can argue that they have been brainwashed by Jewish mind control, but it does not alter the fact that White Gentile elites are fully in favor of massive immigration to the USA.

  78. Gladys Pipkin3/28/14, 5:38 PM

    Luke Lea: "BTW, I converted to Judaism forty years ago. That didn't make me Ashkenazi though, and it is that community to whom these remarks are addressed."

    One can "convert to Judaism" simply by remaining a gentile and following God's law according to the Jewish sages. This means the seven Noachide laws. That's all it takes for gentiles to live in perfect accordance with Jewish religious law.

    Becoming a member of the upper caste of Judaists (i.e. a member of "the tribe"--a Jew) is something else all together. You have to commit to following 613 laws.

  79. Have to confess, one of the things that I love about Steve's blog is reading White Gentiles bitching about Ashkenazi Jews. It's identical to the way that NAMs bitch about White people.Ashkenazi Jews are to Gentile Whites what Whites are to Blacks.Everybody needs to blame somebody else for their inadequacies.

  80. Gladys Pipkin:"Becoming a member of the upper caste of Judaists (i.e. a member of "the tribe"--a Jew) is something else all together. You have to commit to following 613 laws."

    Not at all. Just convert under the auspices of a Reform rabbi. I know a guy you converted via a Reform rabbi when he got married to a Jewish girl recently; he celebrated his conversion with a star of David tattoo on his arm (for the uninitiated, tattoos are proscribed by Orthodox Judaism).

  81. "You will not see pictures and statues of Karl Marx in Asia."

    There's plenty of Marx porn in China, statues included. And Mao envisioned himself one in a line of 'great' communists.

  82. "because their wealth was connected with money-lending and borrowing from the future with interest is *inherently* economically destructive."

    This is complete rubbish and embarrassingly economically ignorant.

  83. I'd say your attempt at cause and effect here is a weak butterfly effect that is no better than the boomerang.

    Actually, it makes far better use of the "boomerang" logic than does "Takuan Seiyo" and his clumsy, convoluted karmic account of the Russo-Japanese War, which is not an example of a boomerang coming back to hit the thrower but rather one of the target's fellows observing the boomerang striking and then vengefully arming a nearby third party to assault the thrower.

  84. "Have to confess, one of the things that I love about Steve's blog is reading White Gentiles bitching about Ashkenazi Jews. It's identical to the way that NAMs bitch about White people.Ashkenazi Jews are to Gentile Whites what Whites are to Blacks.Everybody needs to blame somebody else for their inadequacies."

    Here's the difference. When blacks act like whites, whites praise them.

    But if whites act like Ashkenazi Jews, AJs vilify them.
    'Ethnocentrism for us, not for thee', according to William Kristol and Leon Wieseltier.

    Another thing. Blacks would be nothing without whites.
    But plenty of white societies do perfectly well without elite Jewish power.

  85. It just isn't true that if the Jews ran the world it would necessarily be a better place. For one thing, because of their historical experience in Europe, they have very little feel for governance and can be extraordinarily naive considering their high intelligence (case in point: the idea that the state would wither away under communism).

    Is there any idea they actually believed that? Wasn't that just utopian nonsense included as a sales pitch to the goyim?

  86. "Anonymous said...

    Have to confess, one of the things that I love about Steve's blog is reading White Gentiles bitching about Ashkenazi Jews. It's identical to the way that NAMs bitch about White people.Ashkenazi Jews are to Gentile Whites what Whites are to Blacks.Everybody needs to blame somebody else for their inadequacies."

    Big words from a member of a group which for thousands of years have cultivated an elaborate fiction of having been uniquely persecuted and completely blameless.

    That's why one of your most important religious holidays commemorates an ancient injustice - the better to nurse those ethnic grudges.

  87. "Anonymous said...

    Yeah, that's why there are no White Gentiles on the FORBES billionaires list....

    But there are fewer gentile billionaires on the FORBES list than one would expect based on their numbers or the fact that white gentiles founded this country.

    Your several posts full of cherry-picked anecdotal factoids don't fool anyone who has some knowledge of statistics. It is statistically significant that 33% of Supreme Court seats and 10% of Senate seats are held by members of one tribe. A white gentile may well question how this benefits him........especially as it evidently doesn't. It is not a boon to me or my kind that Elena Kagan sits on the Supreme Court or that Chuck Schumer is a powerful legislator. It is not good for me and mine to have the institutions of finance and propaganda dominated by people of one particular tribe, who have an agenda that is alien to me and hostile to my interests.

  88. To answer the question - yes: Ashkenazi Jews are living on past glory. That is why Facebook, Google, and WhatsApp were all founded by Ashkenazi Jews. Past glory. Talent goes where it needed. Always.

  89. Anonydroid at 12:05 PM said: To answer the question - yes: Ashkenazi Jews are living on past glory.

    Hunsdon said: Shall we discuss Ashkenazi-American genius at foreign policy? It seems that Ashkenazi-Americans were strongly in favor of our Iraq intervention: would that go in the win column, or the loss column?

    It seems that Ashkenazi-Americans are also strongly in favor of poking the bear (i.e., Russia). Would you like to analyze how poking the bear is in US interests?

    Or are these questions that just shouldn't be asked?

  90. Ashkenazi Jews are to Gentile Whites what Whites are to Blacks.Everybody needs to blame somebody else for their inadequacies.


    By a HBD perspective -
    Europeans have been selected to have the kind of qualities, on average, that would do well as a farmer, a fisherman or a herder (or their wives).

    Ashkenazi Jews are essentially Near Eastern people of a similar ancestral personality blend to Turks and Greeks who have been selected to offer the kind of financial services required by medieval, exploitative European nobles.

    They're essentially like a race of Greek bankers (who differ from what a race of German bankers would be like in a predictable fashion).

    This isn't like the difference between Whites and Blacks at all -
    Blacks are selected for tough minded, hardworking, hard to live with women and charming, irresponsible, violent men, with lower intelligence. They are from technologically unsophisticated, polygamous, "female farming system" cultures.

    The IQ gap is similar (basically the same), but the culture and personality gap has a completely, utterly different shape.

  91. "It seems that Ashkenazi-Americans were strongly in favor of our Iraq intervention."

    Actually, the Jews were consistently the least supportive group.

  92. Say, the word canard: is it ever used except in the context of an accusation of anti-Semitism any more?

  93. >> Hunsdon said: And what could be wrong with having our Middle East policy run by a deeply involved member of one of the Middle Eastern states?

    the same thing that would be wrong if the American security organs were controlled by folks who believe that should have a "special relationship" with the UK ?

  94. That's why one of your most important religious holidays commemorates an ancient injustice - the better to nurse those ethnic grudges.

    More to the point, most (all?) of their significant holidays celebrate Jews profiting by the mass killing of Gentiles. To look at this in perspective, imagine what modern westerners would think of the Catholic Church if, instead of Christmas and Easter, the major religious festivals all revolved around some variation on the theme of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre.

    the same thing that would be wrong if the American security organs were controlled by folks who believe that should have a "special relationship" with the UK?

    Not even remotely.

  95. Actually, the Jews were consistently the least supportive group.

    Wrong. You are conflating a group with its members.

  96. Anonydroid at 4:30 PM said: Actually, the Jews were consistently the least supportive group.

    Hunsdon said: An interesting data point. However, it was retrospective---based on polls from 2005-2007. I was thinking of the vociferous advocacy by the PNAC crowd. (Yes, yes, "William Kristol and a fax machine," I've heard that one before.)

  97. Anonydroid at 4:52 PM said: the same thing that would be wrong if the American security organs were controlled by folks who believe that should have a "special relationship" with the UK ?

    Hunsdon said: Up to point, Lord Anonydroid. Given the very deep ties between the United States and Great Britain, a certain amount of "special relationship" nonsense could be tolerated. However, clear eyed Americans looking out for clear American interests would of course be preferred.

    (Does this constitute special pleading on my part? Perhaps, but most "founding stock" Americans are of British if not English descent, and culturally the point is inarguable.)

  98. Have to confess, one of the things that I love about Steve's blog is reading White Gentiles bitching about Ashkenazi Jews. It's identical to the way that NAMs bitch about White people.

    What a stupid canard! Did you hear that, Hunsdon?

  99. Have to confess, one of the things that I love about Steve's blog is reading White Gentiles bitching about Ashkenazi Jews. It's identical to the way that NAMs bitch about White people.

    Absolutely not. Totally ass backwards. Here's the reality: Jews and Blacks relate to Whites the same way.

    As Svigor has repeatedly pointed out: Jews and Blacks will follow Whites to the ends of the earth to experience the wonders of "anti-Semitism" and "racism". Both insist that they be allowed to live with Whites and profit from the positive externalities that Whites create.

  100. Someone said: "It seems that Ashkenazi-Americans were strongly in favor of our Iraq intervention."

    A 2nd Person said: "Actually, the Jews were consistently the least supportive group."

    I think the 1st person was referring to the Neocons.

  101. Anonydroid at 9:00 PM said: I think the 1st person was referring to the Neocons.

    Hunsdon said: Jonah Goldberg told me that neocon was just a fancy way to attack the Jews. I'm limiting myself here not to all Jews, not to all Jewish Americans, but to Ashkenazi Americans. Or perhaps, "Ashkenazi Americans who get their voices heard."

    The question, however, remains. Iraq: one in the win column?

  102. ben tillman said: What a stupid canard! Did you hear that, Hunsdon?

    Hunsdon: Music to my ears.

  103. " An interesting data point. However, it was retrospective---based on polls from 2005-2007."

    Read the report. Even in 2002, in the run up to the war, the Jewish support for the war was well below the national. Here is another interesting point mentioned in the report. Even among the non-Democrat Jews the support for the war was much lower than among other non-Democrats. Jewish non-Democrats is what you commonly call Neocons, right?

    "Wrong. You are conflating a group with its members."


  104. @Silver
    "This is complete rubbish and embarrassingly economically ignorant."

    That Jewish wealth was connected to their dominance of money-lending or that money-lending is inherently economically destructive?

    On the first you're obviously wrong and on the second you're wrong too. You'll understand why eventually.


    "Yeah, that's why there are no White Gentiles on the FORBES billionaires list...."

    Time lag. If things continue on the same trajectory the only billionaires on the Forbes list who aren't connected to the banking mafia will be criminals of some kind operating under the radar.

    The essence of money-lending and the central banker scam is a wealth transfer mechanism. It only ends one way.

    In theory anyway. In practice the level of wealth concentration it leads to ends in economic collapse.

  105. Anonymous 3/27/14, 7:53 PM -

    Adam Riess and Saul Perlmutter, who won the Nobel prize for physics in 2011, are American Jews. David Gross and H. David Politzer, who won the Nobel prize for physics in 2004, are also American Jews. If, in fact, the number of American Jews in science is declining, it may reflect that an academic career in the hard sciences is perceived to be thankless in comparison to a career in finance. It could also reflect assimilation to American norms and a diminished work ethic.

  106. Read the report. Even in 2002, in the run up to the war, the Jewish support for the war was well below the national. Here is another interesting point mentioned in the report. Even among the non-Democrat Jews the support for the war was much lower than among other non-Democrats. Jewish non-Democrats is what you commonly call Neocons, right?

    I read the report and found that blurb you referenced.

    The widespread Jewish opposition to the war in Iraq is not a recent development as the majority of all Americans have come to oppose the war in the past two years. Even in 2003 and 2004, when more Americans favored (52%) than opposed the war (46%), 6 in 10 Jews (61%) were opposed to it.

    And during the run-up to the war in late 2002 and early 2003, U.S. Jews were divided in their views on whether to invade Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power (49% were in favor, 48% opposed). At that time, Americans overall favored an invasion by a 57% to 37% margin.

    My observations: Clearly after the fact it makes sense that Jews did not favor the Iraq War retrospectively because it did not turn out well, had become unpopular, and was linked to Jewish neocons. This is the type of thing that historically can lead to bad things for the Jewish people in a Gentile nation.

    Second, they mentioned poll numbers from 2002 and 2003, but did not provide too much detail. However, Steve Sailer wrote a piece about this issue back in March 2003, the day of the attack. In it he wrote this:

    A poll by the American Jewish Committee at the beginning of January found that 59 percent of Jews supported an Iraq attack -- about the same level as other polls found for the population at large.

    I believe Steve implied in this article that maybe Jews didn't support the Iraq attack more because among religious groups, they are the most anti-republican, and thus might have a gut-level instinct to not support the GOP.

    Anyway, the poll Steve quotes suggests Jews were fairly supportive of the Iraq attack. Rather than 6 in 10 Jews opposing it, it suggested nearly 6 in 10 supported it.

  107. ... there is a risk of the resurgence of "the old canard of a Jewish world conspiracy"...

    I'm calling a canard a canard.


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