April 28, 2014

NYT: Donald T. Sterling, Southerner

From the New York Times:
After 33 Years of Sterling, a Boiling Point 
APRIL 28, 2014 
... For decades it was perfectly acceptable to let him run his team like “a Southern plantationlike structure,” as the former Clippers general manager Elgin Baylor once charged in a lawsuit. ... 
That suit also accused Sterling of running his franchise with the mentality of a Southern plantation owner, as a man who preferred a team of “poor black boys from the South” who were “playing for a white coach.” 
Baylor lost the lawsuit, but among the most shocking parts of it — just like the most shocking aspect of the most recent accusations against Sterling — was how long Baylor put up with “the Southern plantation” mentality before standing up for himself. [emphasis added]

And here's some mood music to go with this NYT article:
Here's Luke Ford on Donald T. Sterling's non-Southerness.


  1. Ah, blaming the South even when no Southerner is directly involved. A familiar point of reference for NYT. After all, tis better to shift blame away from Sherman, I mean Sterling and not actually allow a touch of grey into the uh, black and white narrative that everyone's suppose to notice.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is NYT.

  2. >the most shocking aspect [...] was how long Baylor put up with “the Southern plantation” mentality before standing up for himself.<

    It's called staying bought. A concept the SlimTimes ought to have no trouble grasping.

  3. When will the HBD crowd admit that just meticulously noting ethnic differences (which everyone knew about 1,000 years ago) just isn't that big a deal?

    Yes, go into more detail on racial/ethnic differences, in a dry manner, that's fine. But when will you learn that is NO substitute for having a gut level loyalty to your own people?

    Those who don't have it, go away.

  4. Chris Paul makes about eighteen million dollars per year. My heart bleeds for these "poor black boys from the South". Why, they're treated little better than slaves!

  5. it's almost surprising to me that it's taken this long.
    In soccer, there's been already a few catastrophic melt-downs of "whycome darkie always needs to defer to whitie?" moments (eg most notably the utter collapse of the French world cup team in South Africa).
    It amazes me basketball was able to remain free of these notions for as long as it has

  6. In 2012, democrats and the MSM created the war on women to punish the GOP at the ballot box. Now facing grim prospects in the 2014 midterms, they are going to use this incident to fire up blacks to vote to punish the racist GOP. Yet this whole mess was created by a lifelong democrat, but that will be lost down the memory hole.

  7. A Southern Man don't need him around, anyhow.

  8. Jewish Democrat behaves badly - whites, Southerners hardest hit.

  9. "In 2012, democrats and the MSM created the war on women to punish the GOP at the ballot box. Now facing grim prospects in the 2014 midterms, they are going to use this incident to fire up blacks to vote to punish the racist GOP. Yet this whole mess was created by a lifelong democrat, but that will be lost down the memory hole."

    Racist KKK Republicans are going to burn down Black churches and kill innocent Black children who have skittles in their hands if most Black voters stay at home during the midterm elections.

  10. When IS the Old Gray Lady going down for the full count?

  11. Don't you just love the really strong, courageous thing the Clippers did the other night in throwing down their warm ups, inside out, on top of the logo?

    Wow, such bravery.

    Unfortunately, the media thought it actually WAS dramatic and thus, great, great for ratings.

    Newton Minnow, you are still right about television.

  12. LOL. The "Southern [California] {Jewish ambulance chaser] plantationlike structure!" [doubleplus outrage]

  13. They can't call him a Nazi, so the next best thing is to associate him with the South. LOL

    This is actually part of damage control. TPTB intend to get Sterling out of trouble, and by making a dumb analogy to Southern plantations and blaming the "plantationlike structure," they shift blame off him as an individual.

    The first step was: he isn't a Jew. The second step is: it's the org structure we're criticizing. Especially the past structure.

    This thing has to be handled gingerly, and it will be interesting to see what the next steps are. You'll know it's officially blown over when Sterling makes a big donation to the $PLC or similar and issues an apology to Abe Foxman who says "I feel Mr. Sterling is sincere in his contrition," etc.

    The players will stand up? (snicker) He can replace the whole team a hundred times over with a wave of his hand, as long as that hand holds a checkbook. There will be no rebellion whatsoever from that quarter.

    No, Magic Johnson will never take the Clippers away from Sterling. The gay mafia is still no match for a canny old Jewish billionaire.

    The only way Sterling goes down is if he orders a hit on the skank and the hitman is undercover FBI. He seems almost soft enough in the head for this, but it's very unlikely he's that far gone.

  14. "In 2012, democrats and the MSM created the war on women to punish the GOP at the ballot box. Now facing grim prospects in the 2014 midterms, they are going to use this incident to fire up blacks to vote to punish the racist GOP. Yet this whole mess was created by a lifelong democrat, but that will be lost down the memory hole."

    Both Nixon and Bush 1, knowing the media was stacked against them, hit back hard when they got their chance, and it paid off.

    The GOP nominee HAS to call out the media, absolutely HAS to, because the average Joe hates the media too.

    Romney had his chance, but unfortunately it was a woman, Candy Crowley, who he would've had to hit. He should have done it, though, done it hard, then gone after NBC, and then after Bob Schieffer of CBS.

    The number one reason we are so effed is that journalism has ceased to exist.

  15. >>David said:
    """""No, Magic Johnson will never take the Clippers away from Sterling. The gay mafia is still no match for a canny old Jewish billionaire."""""""

    Let's not be so hasty. If there really are 100 hrs of unreleased conversations, suppose there are some homophobic conversations that Sterling takes part in? And suppose that she didn't have to prompt him much at all re: those folks?

    Where was it stated (maybe here, maybe someplace else) that it was Andrew Breitbart who perfected the technique of rope a dope via the media.

    In other words, "the minorities" is just the opening salvo. Contained within the alleged 100hrs are lots of tasty choice bits. First make Sterling sweat a little bit over what might be released next. Release a few here and there slowly and gradually.

    In other words, she could build a coalition of "the minorities" (e.g. blacks, homosexuals, etc) until he goes down or at least loses the court of public opinion and ultimately she can retain her stuff in court.

    His trump card will have to be to discuss with his lawyers: "Hey, this is CA and all the conversations we had I was unaware she was taping me, and that's illegal."

    So then he'll successfully sue to prevent her from releasing any more conversations. Then her lawyer(s) will have to resort to other strategies.

    Could be a toss up as to which one could emerge victorious.

  16. I have a hard time taking Elgin Baylor seriously on this. He did a lousy job as GM, for a lousy owner. Failure is an orphan no one wants to take responsibility for.

  17. burning down my master's house4/28/14, 10:31 PM

    Crazy thing is the paper's top editor used to be a guy from Alabama, this is within living memory

  18. OT:
    John Kerry's characterization that Israel becoming or at risk of becoming "an apartheid state" is "repugnant" per Abe Foxman and "deeply troubling" per AIPAC.


  19. Does this mean Stephen Colbert's thing is now revoked too

  20. The NYT comments are pathetic.
    A couple of people noticed that this was the downfall of an old man trying desperately to save face. No one dared to mention that he was jewish.
    Macur seems to be a Welsh family name.

  21. Baylor's suit was absolutely hilarious. It takes real gall to work for someone for 2 decades, during which period the team is utter shit, finally get canned, and then claim discrimination. Who could imagine, canning someone after only 2 decades of failure?

    I suppose Sterling kept Baylor around for 20 years of incompetence so that it would really sting Baylor when Sterling finally, umm, racist-ly canned him. Racism is a dish best served very, very, very cold, I guess.

  22. At least this latest act of kabuki race theater has helped answer the question: When is a Jew not a Jew/victim? When he's a rich racist Jew -- then his Jewishness will be completely ignored.

  23. Oh Oh California
    You got the rest of the Union
    To help you along

  24. Why not go all the way and call him Nazi?

  25. http://pjmedia.com/michaelwalsh/2014/04/28/chicago-the-shame-of-a-nation/?singlepage=true

  26. So if Sterling had made "homophobic" remarks, would the faux outrage reach the same heights? Doesn't the über-macho NFL discipline players for making "homophobic" statements these days? I'm trying to come up with the victimology equivalent of rock-paper-scissors, but it's proving difficult.

    And this sure did the job of getting that alleged Hollywood gay pedophile ring off the front pages, didn't it?

  27. http://nation.foxnews.com/2014/04/27/dartmouth-cancels-charity-fundraiser-after-one-student-complains-%E2%80%98fiesta%E2%80%99-racist

    You can bring your black friends. Just don't call it fiesta.

  28. it's almost surprising to me that it's taken this long.
    In soccer, there's been already a few catastrophic melt-downs of "whycome darkie always needs to defer to whitie?" moments (eg most notably the utter collapse of the French world cup team in South Africa).
    It amazes me basketball was able to remain free of these notions for as long as it has

    I have not been able to shake the notion that in the last Superbowl the black Broncos players laid down to give the game to the black Seahawks quarterback.

  29. Sterling is toast. The League is meeting and will discuss Article 13 that mandates integrity to force him to sell and 17 owners have publicly told him to sell, according to KNX 1070.

    It is functionally an all Black league and fanbase so they have no choice.

    The only question will be if Sterling fights, unlikely, or meekly tucks tail. Likely the latter. Sterling is up against: NBC, Mark Cuban, Kevin Johnson, Obama and Holder, most of the other owners. He folds like a cheap suit and sells fire sale to Magic and some consortium.

  30. Time to play the senility card.

  31. "I have not been able to shake the notion that in the last Superbowl the black Broncos players laid down to give the game to the black Seahawks quarterback."

    No, that would not happen.

    Also, Russell Wilson is hardly one of the "brothas."

    Actually, one of the Bronco players, (can't recall right now), said about a week or two after the game that he felt a lack of passion and energy from his team in the locker room before the game.

    He said of the Hawks and their youth and fiery rah rah stuff that the more veteran Broncos could have used that themselves, that sometimes being a veteran team backfires.

    Made sense.

  32. LA Times also reporting League will force Strrling out as he's lost all sponsors.

    Guy is toast. Blacks are the one area of sacred civil religion. So much for vaunted Jewish power. One private conversation and the guy is forced to sell.

    Power hierarchy is Black-gay-muslim-female-Jewish-Latino-Asian-everythin else and White guys at the bottom. Didn't Larry Summers, Jew vs Feminist, teach anyone about power? Yeah Fed Chair Larry Summers, Harvard President! Feminist beats Jew.

    Biggest indicator power is based on White women likes and dislikes.

  33. Lookaway, Lookaway4/29/14, 12:31 AM

    Hey, I've been around long enough to remember back when the opinionators were attacking foreign media magnate Lorne Michaels for NOT running his business like some old gentleman planter. That was last year

  34. Archbishop McGreevey4/29/14, 12:33 AM

    Blogger Black Sea said...
    Time to play the senility card.

    You mean "time to play the GAY senility card"

  35. 2014 Syrian Science Expo4/29/14, 12:42 AM

    this sure did the job of getting that alleged Hollywood gay pedophile ring off the front pages, didn't it

    Agreed, it's going to be extremely difficult to cook up anything that can top this with all its ridiculous angles, by as early as next week anyway. If we get to the part of Putin commenting that "the franchise owner acted stupidly" you know that Sterling might as well jump into the nearest volcano then.

  36. Peter Akuleyev4/29/14, 1:51 AM

    How outraged would people be if someone made the comparison that Sterling runs his operation like a Jewish industrialist in 19th century Poland.

  37. The NYT could have used an analogy closer to home rather then plantations, they could have used the Triangle Shirt Fire where sweatshop workers were abused and lives lost due to the greed of the owners. Or maybe the owners being Jewish was too close to home.

  38. Sterling sounds like an Israeli: delightfully and unashamedly frank about what he wants and how he gets it.

    Gilad Atzmon translated this article from the Hebrew press in Israel.

    A little taste:
    “Occasionally, [an Israeli hotel guest] would come to me telling me in front of everyone else. ‘I will take Viagra and after that I will have the power to f*ck. By the way, what’s your name?’ I would say Rahima. ‘Good, Rahima. I want to f*ck you today!’” I asked myself what is going on. One [Israeli] guest asked me, ‘do you know Chartie? I went with her to the disco, I f*cked her but she wasn’t good at all. Originally I planned to give her $10 but eventually I gave her $1 only.' He was shouting like a madman and then Chartie arrived in the room. He then pointed at her with his finger and shouted ‘here she is, it was her’.”

    When reading it, I immediately thought of Mr. Sterling. God bless 'em. No sexually-repressed Puritanism in this crowd!

  39. Cub reporter Juliet Macur has figured out the key angle: silver-haired Sterling must be some kind of secret, wannabe Southerner!

    The NYT has a storied history of emptying the privilege backpacks of white-male Southern racists. Quick, Juliette, thread your way through the newsroom and glean some insights from grizzled Timesman Duff Wilson!

  40. >>Big Bill said...
    """""Sterling sounds like an Israeli: delightfully and unashamedly frank about what he wants and how he gets it.""""""

    The proper terms are uncouth and gauche.

    """""A little taste:
    “Occasionally, [an Israeli hotel guest] would come to me telling me in front of everyone else. ‘I will take Viagra and after that I will have the power to f*ck. By the way, what’s your name?’ I would say Rahima. ‘Good, Rahima. I want to f*ck you today!’” I asked myself what is going on. One [Israeli] guest asked me, ‘do you know Chartie? I went with her to the disco, I f*cked her but she wasn’t good at all. Originally I planned to give her $10 but eventually I gave her $1 only.' He was shouting like a madman and then Chartie arrived in the room. He then pointed at her with his finger and shouted ‘here she is, it was her’.” """""""

    Beyond the over the top aspects of this scene, this has the feel of a cheap porno with Ron Jeremy in the lead.

    Or perhaps the private collection of "Groucho Marx: UNCENSORED".

  41. I just finished reading "Time of the Cross" an economic analysis of southern plantations.

    Plantations are in the news with the recent movies 'Django' and '13 years a Slave'. Was Baylor right?

    'Time on the Cross' was aimed at the abolitionist theory that plantations made no economic sense and were therefore doomed. Fogel - a Nobel Prize winning economist - shows that the large major cotton plantations were sophisticated and humane enterprises that were comparable in many ways to the assembly lines coming into practice in the industrialized North.

    Slaves ate well and had long life expectances. Most slaves lived in single family houses and had stable marriages. Promiscuity was disruptive to production so marital fidelity was encouraged.

    Almost all plantations of whatever size only had a handful of whites present. In many ways the black slaves ran the day to day operations. Bigger plantations had hospitals and just about all plantations had nurses and nurseries.

    Leonardo Di Caprio in Django is basically 'Leather Face' in 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre'. He's a homicidal monster. He's about as plausible as the sword fighting Kiddo in 'Kill Bill 1'.

    The public today has no real conception of plantations. When they use that word they mean to invoke some overheated imaginings of some nineteenth century abolitionist. The Vice President speaking before a black audience recently claimed the Republicans would put them all 'back in chains'. Did he really think you could actually pick cotton wearing chains? Did he think that the South would abandon mechanization and revert to hand picking?

    Economic institutions are very specific to time and place. For example at Los Alamos if you wanted to do matrix algebra you got a group of human 'computers' together in a classroom and had them pass the partial results from row to row and rank to rank. We don't do it that way anymore. We don't organize agriculture that way either.

    The plantation system was a slave gang system which utilized 'division of labor' and was more efficient than single share croppers or any other less organized agricultural system. But not as efficient, of course as a Rust mechanical picker.

    Almost everything publically said about race in America is just wild rhetoric based on fantasy notions. Real slaves on plantations really did earn wages and some bought their own freedom. But none were multi-millionaires with underwear and tennis shoe contracts.

    Pat Boyle (AKA Albertosaurus)

  42. Did he really think you could actually pick cotton wearing chains?

    You racist bastard!

    The real question is, did he really think you could actually pick cotton wearing chains, with no feet because massa cut 'em off, with an albino Southern Nazi sadist whipping you while raping the love of your life and strangling your baby in its crib? And the answer is no, you couldn't, because you're white.

    But the black man did!

  43. Damnit, I should've put "burning his bible, stealing his lyrics, and swiping his dance moves" in there somewhere. Live and learn.

  44. To be fair, Neil apologized for this song... much later he admitted he had 'struck a wrong note' in that tune. So at least unlike some folks on display herein, the guy isn't too proud to learn and grow.

  45. Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells5/1/14, 11:17 PM

    Steve, you just moderated a comment linking to a porn video site, literally, that's all it was. If you hate going through these so much just let them accumulate then pick a day at the end of the quarter so at least the malware and virus links will be dead.


Comments are moderated, at whim.