April 28, 2014

Paging Dr. Gregory Clark ...

By the way, don't trust individuals who change their surnames to sound like money. For example, 



  1. "My real name's McGill. The Jew thing I just do for the homeboys."

  2. A Great White Defendant is news that STAYS news.

  3. Actually that is a good point and I don't know whether Clark addresses it. Sometimes - maybe even relatively often - socially upwardly mobile persons change their name.

  4. M. Buttermilk4/28/14, 10:49 PM

    Also be suspicious of young urban groupies who go by a letter for their [sic] first name...

  5. MAD magazine was satirizing this kind of thing literally five decades ago.

  6. Kids, there's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way!

  7. Remington Steele? Pierce Brosnan was great in that.

  8. "Kids, there's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way!"

    Isn't that the wrong way?

  9. OT - Ukraine sure wasn't her first rodeo...

    We are so blessed.


  10. Donald Tokowitz changed his last name to Sterling, but Michael Bloomberg, born only about 10 years later, didn't adopt a Waspy name. Was this part of a generational or cultural shift? Sheldon Adelson and Mort Zuckerman are closer to Sterling's age and didn't adopt Waspy names either. Neither have young Jewish Silicon Valley moguls that come to mind (Aaron Levie, David Karp, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.).

  11. Bloomberg is clearly a less dodgy guy than Sterling.

  12. The Rick Sanchez In The Iron Mask4/29/14, 12:28 AM

    If you really wanted to sound like money, and power too, you'd pick a name like Bloomberg or Goldman.

    People don't dare to do that. They pick on the names of WASPs, who have no power and dare not call anybody on taking their gang signs, because they have no gang.

    You dare not do that with Jews. (Unless it's a joke and they think the joke is funny. See: Whoopi Goldberg.)

    Jews do have a gang, and power, and they have no mercy on people who reveal the knowledge that Jews do have wealth and power and they are not only helpless, innocent victims.

    1. "If you really wanted to sound like money, and power too, you'd pick a name like Bloomberg or Goldman.

      People don't dare to do that."

      Anthony and Salvatore Marchiano started one of the hottest boiler room brokerages of the 1990s. The named it A.S. Goldmen.

  13. the Koch brothers4/29/14, 12:59 AM

    Don't underestimate the level of cosmic influence that comes with having a goofy name

  14. Add Bill de Blasio to that list (born Warren Wilhelm). Why his opponents didn't take to calling him the Kaiser can only be ascribed to political ineptitude.

  15. How about the ultra Waspy and British aristocrat sounding, Cultural Marxist icon and public intellectual fraud "Ashley Montagu" born Israel Ehrenberg?



    Personally I would have suggested the names Reed Rothschild or Chest Rockwell.

  16. Claude Monet?

  17. I wonder if "Donald Sterling" was to bring to mind an association with the ultra Brit super hero and founder of the SAS David Stirling?


  18. Holden Caulfield4/29/14, 3:54 AM

    Sterling Manhattan Cable was the name of the closed-circuit TV wiring Time Inc. acquired in the 70s (following FCC-mandated divestment of their broadcast interests), eventually to become HBO. Believe it or not "cable TV" in those days was usually thought of as rural phenomenon: little one-stoplight burgs in Appalachia situated outside antenna range, that sort of thing.

  19. Lol Donald trumps family

  20. Walter Kirn's book Blood Will Out on his brush with badness in the form of Clark Rockefeller is really good. As is The Man in the Rockefeller Suit by Mark Seal.

    Or maybe it just turns out that I could read about Clark Rockefeller all day long. In the words of his idol and role model Thurston Howell III when confronted by a menacing savage howling gibberish at him: "Boola boola! Must be a Yale Man!!

  21. Donald Tokowitz changed his last name to Sterling, but Michael Bloomberg, born only about 10 years later, didn't adopt a Waspy name. Was this part of a generational or cultural shift? Sheldon Adelson and Mort Zuckerman are closer to Sterling's age and didn't adopt Waspy names either. Neither have young Jewish Silicon Valley moguls that come to mind (Aaron Levie, David Karp, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.).

    Bloomberg was from a more respectable middle class background. He went to Johns Hopkins and Harvard, worked on Wall St. He was on the East Coast, in New York City. Similar deal with Zuckerman. Adelson is in a less respectable business, though his name sounds much less foreign than Tokowitz and his first name is Sheldon, which is WASPy.

    Young Jewish moguls today virtually all come from upper middle class backgrounds in a society with lots of upper and upper middle class Jews.

    Tokowitz grew up lower middle class in LA, which was more exclusively WASP dominated at the time than older cities back east. He was also in a much less respectable business of downscale injury law.

  22. Was 1960 Hollywood really more Anglo than the cities of the East Coast? I was born over 20 years later so its difficult for me to even imagine.

  23. "Steve Sailer said...

    Bloomberg is clearly a less dodgy guy than Sterling."

    And clearly more dangerous to this nation's founding peoples, their culture and traditions. Bloomberg uses his money to undermine the Constitution, flood the country with illegals, and promote a nanny/police-state. Sterling may be a gauche, grasping guy on the make, but that's no skin off my teeth.

  24. To me it doesn't sound upper crust at all; more like some director of late-night softcore movies-- "Donald Sterling Presents: Free Throws of Passion"

  25. Bloomberg is clearly a less dodgy guy than Sterling."

    Sterling's got to be more fun.

    TBG pictures Sterling magnanimously making it rain in the VIP room at da scrip club.

    TBG pictures Bloomberg shutting down said club because they served 16oz cokes.

  26. Robert Maxwell
    Allen Stanford

    Shitavious... ok I just wanted to type "Shitavious"


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