April 3, 2014

Gay McCarthyism notches another victim

The Washington Examiner reports:
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich forced to resign for supporting traditional marriage laws 
BY JOEL GEHRKE | APRIL 3, 2014 AT 3:48 PM  
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resigned under pressure after gay rights activists demanded that he step down or recant his support of traditional marriage laws.

Mozilla provides the free Firefox blogger. Eich invented JavaScript back in the 1990s while working for Netscape.
Eich donated $1,000 to support Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that amended the state's constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. 

Proposition 8 passed, with especially heavy support from the black community.
"I don't want to talk about my personal beliefs because I kept them out of Mozilla all these 15 years we've been going,” Eich told The Guardian. “I don't believe they're relevant.” 
That wasn't an option. "CEO Brendan Eich should make an unequivocal statement of support for marriage equality," a Credoaction petition signed by almost 75,000 people said, per The Inquirer. "If he cannot, he should resign. And if he will not, the board should fire him immediately." 
When asked if his beliefs about marriage should constitute a firing offense the way racism or sexism does, Eich argued that these religious beliefs — and beliefs popular as of 2008 — should not be used as a basis for dismissal. 
"I don't believe that's true, on the basis of what's permissible to support or vote on in 2008," he told CNET. "It's still permissible. Beliefs that are protected, that include political and religious speech, are generally not something that can be held against even a CEO. I understand there are people who disagree with me on this one." 

Shouldn't Eich at least have been burnt at the stake?

It's World War G and it needs to be waged on all fronts, domestic and foreign. America should conquer Crimea now, so the poor Crimeans can be free. We cannot rest until American troops install Masha Gessen as Imperial Procuratrix to bring those homophobes some democracy, good and hard.

(Speaking of Gay McCarthyism, the rumor that McCarthyism, as run by McCarthy's chief-of-staff Roy Cohn, was more or less of a Big Gay Hissy Fit was a major engine in U.S. Army attorney Joseph Welch's demolition of McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings.)


  1. non-terrorist4/3/14, 1:58 PM

    Boycott gay businesses. Don't buy a house if the selling agent is gay.

  2. "When asked if his beliefs about marriage should constitute a firing offense the way *racism or sexism* does"

    Yeah, racism or sexism is a firing offense. Nice how you just slipped that in there.

  3. Good riddance.

    Eich was widely hated in the profession as the man responsible for JavaScript.

    That he's a bigot too is just frosting.

  4. More Stalinist than McCarthyist, but I get the point

  5. actually i'm pretty surprised he resigned. i knew some people were advocating that he resign but i thought he'd, correctly, just ignore that.

    not so. this is a chilling development. in fact i'm pretty sure this is illegal. of course, those rules only apply if you are trying to find out how a democrat voted and then take action against them.

    you still have free speech in a strict technical sense: the federal government will not hunt you down. the bill of rights protects you from them. but only from them. every cultural marxist will hunt you down now. they'll find out how you voted, then attack you. not legal, unless you are attacking a conservative. then anything goes.

    this is how the bitter winners of a war behave, and the cultural marxists believe they have won a war. they are out to hunt down the surviving losers. some winners will let bygones be bygones, but not these people. they hate with a burning passion rarely seen outside of a physical war.

    i don't regret doing this in limited way myself after the 2012 election. i took a pretty educated guess about who in my daily and professional voted for obama twice, and eliminated them from my business dealings. immediately after the election i ended several business contracts from known super obama supporters. because i know, this is what they would do to me eventually.

    if you never fight back, they'll just run you over like a steamroller. i've had several shouting matches with my dad over this, trying to get him to do something, anything, in retaliation. you can't just let them win every battle then shake their hand and smile and say thanks, can you punch me in the face yet again, and hey don't worry, i definitely won't hit back ever no matter what you do to me.

    leave that kind of stuff to the republicans.

  6. The lavender mafia strikes again!

  7. that's so gay4/3/14, 2:16 PM

    As I've mentioned before, in the early 90's in Berkeley I saw a hot-pink poster with the title "The Gay Agenda, whose last item read, "To Turn Western Civilization Inside Out!" I guess by the evidentiary standards of this blog that lone incident was not meaningful. But it sure turned out to be prescient.

  8. Shouldn't he at least have been burnt at the stake?

    Wouldn't it be more appropriate to have him sodomized by the stake in this case?

  9. Eich was widely hated in the profession as the man responsible for JavaScript.

    JavaScript is actually quite popular in the profession.

  10. Yes, but NATO should have shot cruise missiles at Eich first.

  11. The real America strikes again. But never mind. An ex-KGB officer has troops in Crimea! He's threatening to invade Eastern Ukraine! Obama is leading from behind. America IS Freedom. We need to send troops to the Ukrainian/Polish border to show freedom-loving Ukrainians that Freedom is on their side.

  12. The hilarious thing is that a person like him isn't part of the TBN, CBN, Evil Christian Right Club. He's not Pat Robertson nor Dobson.

    He's not official. He's not legitimate.

    Basically, these bitter modern liberals are going after the survivors who never fought the war.

    Basically, those who just stayed outside of the war.

    Like illegitimate bastards who are hidden or passed on as someone else, this guy wasn't in the center.

    Creationists, Orthospherians and Dark Enlightenment types all fit this illegitimate mold.

    He's like the surviving bastard soldier who stayed behind underground, hidden in his home, tent and whatnot.

  13. "Initially introduced in May 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act passed both houses of Congress by large, veto-proof majorities and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in September 1996." Wikipedia

    Large, veto-proof majorities. Heh.

  14. Anonymous
    >Eich was widely hated in the profession >as the man responsible for JavaScript.

    TF are you talking about?

  15. Mozilla reports: "We have purged the heretic, look how holy we are, sorry for not purging the heretic fast enough."

    What really disturbs me isn't the Lavender Lobby itself, but the speed at which the Lavender Lobby managed to move over the past 20 years, and the inference about how fast something else might move in the next 20.

    Oh, and I predict Firefox is going to turn to shitbrowser within five years with a new focus on social justice. Probably Chrome will take over, might be some upstart like Opera if Opera gets their shit in order after the core engine rewrite that "temporarily" dropped a lot of features.

  16. The Anne Applebaums and other assorted neo-cons should be asking themselves why people like Brendan Eich should be rooting for Team America over Team Putin.

    In this Herbert Marcuse/Ayn Rand bastard child mashup that is modern America, anyone who holds to old school 4H/Boy Scout virtues is a sucker.

    Modern Russia may be traditionally repressive, but Modern America is progressively repressive.

    Duginist Eurasianism isn't my ideology(and his influence is oversold), but he's right on in this article on liberalism... he comes close to plagiarizing Alasdair Macintyre who wrote a book critiquing Marcuse.

    The podcast historian Dan Carlin has a nice trolling opinion: Putin is Russia’s Ronald Reagan


    “Let’s be honest ladies and gentlemen, is that the Russian version of what Ronald Reagan is always credited with doing in the United States in that post-Vietnam malaise period we had after the ’70s ended? ‘He made us stand tall again!’ I mean, all the slogans that were big for the Reagan era in the ’80, ’81, ’82 period where this big transition happened, you could just Russify those statements and it works for Putin now. People like — especially if you are the citizens of a great power — the idea that the great power status is being protected. It’s a rah-rah patriotism, national pride thing, that as much as some of us would like to suggest this is a post-nationalistic world, [we] have to realize that there may be no such thing as a post-nationalistic world, especially for the really big powers.”

  17. This won't end well..4/3/14, 2:50 PM

    This episode reinforces my opinion of elements of the left in this country: In another life, they’d be enthusiastic Stasi informers and Cheka agents.

    It also reinforces my opinion of the situation grassroots traditionalist conservatives in this country face:
    It’s not your country anymore.
    You’re out-manned and out-gunned, baby.

    Liberals have the Democratic Party’s back and the Dems have the lib’s back.
    Conservatives have the Republican Party’s back, but the Repubs will shank traditionalist conservatives in the back when their donor base requires it.
    Hell, the Repubs will kick traditionalist conservatives to the curb if traditionalist conservative beliefs aren’t fashionable within their social circles.

    After the Republicans secure the conservative vote in November, does anyone doubt they’ll pass “immigration reform”?

  18. It's funny how bigotry isn't as popular as you wish it were.

    You have a right to your precious degenerate beliefs but we as a society will exercise our right to make you face the consequences.

  19. "It's funny how bigotry isn't as popular as you wish it were.

    You have a right to your precious degenerate beliefs but we as a society will exercise our right to make you face the consequences."

    Prop 8 won didn't it? Gay marriage was losing at the ballot box until the bans were starting to be stuck down by the courts. The people followed the courts, not the other way around.

  20. "Masha Gessen as Imperial Procuratrix of Crimea."

    Oh wow, Steve. You just made me mentally compare Gessen's and Poklonskaya's faces. For those who don't know, Ms. Poklonskaya is the chief prosecutor (prokuror in Russian) of the Crimea. Prokuror/procuratrix. They're calling her prosecutie online. She has a huge following in Japan.

  21. Since the prohibition of homosexuality originates (as far as I know) in the Hebrew Bible, there would seem to be a tension here among two of the cathedral's "absolute values." Yes, of course, the vast majority of secular, Reform and even Conservative Jews are pro-homosexual. But what about the Orthodox? I don't know what this man's religion was, but what would happen if/when the Stasi finds an high-profile Orthodox who opposed homosexual marriage? Which "absolute value" trumps? I imagine that being serious about one's faith will not save a person, in that case. Certainly, it doesn't if you're a Christian, that's for sure.

    Or, even better, some day surely they will find a Muslim who has done something to oppose the homosexual agenda. What then? What wins? That's a harder case, because the left can always find a way to hate Judaism for being foundational to the West, but it loves Islam for being of the Easter Other (and because so many Muslims today hate the West and America).

  22. I am a heterosexual white man with a good job. What browser should I use?

  23. anonymous commenter (why the heck can't people create a moniker, to make conversation easier? it takes maybe one minute):

    You have a right to your precious degenerate beliefs but we as a society will exercise our right to make you face the consequences.

    That was so good sarcasm I'm still uncertain as to whether it was sarcasm or in earnest.

  24. "but what would happen if/when the Stasi finds an high-profile Orthodox who opposed homosexual marriage?"

    Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder in the Soviet block. The Stasi could not possibly have been pro-gay. Please look for other analogies.

  25. "This episode reinforces my opinion of elements of the left in this country: In another life, they’d be enthusiastic Stasi informers and Cheka agents."

    Cheka yes, Stasi no. Pre-WWII Communism was pro-gay, post-WWII Communism wasn't.

  26. an high-profile Orthodox who opposed homosexual marriage

    Of course Orthodox Jews are never held accountable for their un-PC beliefs. Muslims, sometimes, when America or the West needs to get whipped into another ME war.

    BTW I doubt Orthodox Jews oppose homosexual marriage. They only oppose it for themselves. I hardly think they oppose it for the goyim.

  27. you still have free speech in a strict technical sense: the federal government will not hunt you down. the bill of rights protects you from them. but only from them. every cultural marxist will hunt you down now. they'll find out how you voted, then attack you. not legal, unless you are attacking a conservative. then anything goes.

    Yes. In other words, there's no freedom of speech. A few years ago I thought it was hyperbole to talk of Stalinism in the contemporary West. Now I'm not even sure if they won't reintroduce capital punishment - of course not for murder (that would be barbaric), but only for racism, sexism, heterosexism, etc.

  28. Eich's big mistake was apologizing when this story first broke. He'd have been better off if the first thing he said had been, "Any Mozilla employee who has publicly criticized me via social media is hereby terminated for cause." Apologies are just blood in the water.

  29. Hey paleocons, anti-gay hatred is dying with your generation. Congrats at being the last in the West to support a meaningless prejudice based on your belief in a book written by goat herders three thousand years ago. Congrats on your alliance with Uganda, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

    How does it feel, knowing that basically everyone in for the entire likely future history of civilization is going to look on your prejudice as a shameful atavism?

    Why should the employees and owners of this company pay for this jerk's boneheadedness?

  30. "You have a right to your precious degenerate beliefs but we as a society will exercise our right to make you face the consequences."

    Wow, the champions of sodomitic pseudogamy now call traditional marriage and the natural family "degenerate." Pot, kettle, black, ur, ah, African-American.

  31. Gotta resign so the liberals don't have to look bad doing whatever they would have done against you had you stayed.

  32. Using Chrome today for the first time ever.

  33. "How does it feel, knowing that basically everyone in for the entire likely future history of civilization is going to look on your prejudice as a shameful atavism?"

    The future will be owned by those who breed. That means fewer gays, and not a whole lot of the kinds of people who are on the big flaming gay bandwagon. Most of the people I know who are obsessed with "marriage equality" don't have and damned kids at all. They are the ones dying out.

  34. """(Speaking of Gay McCarthyism, the rumor that McCarthyism, as run by McCarthy's chief-of-staff Roy Cohn, was more or less of a Big Gay Hissy Fit was a major engine in U.S. Army attorney Joseph Welch's demolition of McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings.)"""

    How come we never hear about this aspect of McCarthyism?

    Oh that's right, why would we since that might cause ordinary folks to begin to think by asking questions that they shouldn't.

  35. Okay, so what browser do I use? Had been using Firefox for years per my older kid's advice. Seriously, even though it's free and won't make a difference to them, I don't want to use it anymore. Practical suggestions, anyone?

  36. When asked if his beliefs about marriage should constitute a firing offense the way racism or sexism does, Eich argued that these religious beliefs — and beliefs popular as of 2008 — should not be used as a basis for dismissal.

    No, no, no. This reminds me of that recent Arizona bill trying to carve a narrow religious exemption out of civil rights laws as they apply to gays.

    You can't acquiesce to the totalitarian premise and then wheedle about how your views are okay because they are religious in nature and/or meet an acceptable threshold of popularity. Once you give these ghastly little kommissars a mandate to police "racism," "sexism," or any other -ism they see fit to anathemize, none of your ancient liberties are safe.

    On the plus side, I do feel vindicated about voting for Prop 8 despite not having strong feelings on gay marriage as such--it was never really about gay marriage. It's about the exercise of power and the expression of ideological domination. It's about who-whom, which is why these people can complain about bullying and then hound this guy out of his job without evincing any hint of self-awareness.

  37. Pelican jaw Steve Salier is having a heterosexual hissy fit. We can all see it with your crazed and false posts in recent months. Hetero Steve can't stand that gay people are not accepting hetero BS anymore. The heterosexual cabal works endlessly to try to use their numbers to exclude gay people from society and to tell gay people what kind of sex they can have.

  38. I wish you wouldn't use the term McCarthyism. After all McCarthy was more right than wrong and he tried to out traitors who were serving in the US government.

    The lavender mafia is bringing down ordinary citizens exercising their right to vote. These victims are not working inside the government on behalf of a foreign power trying to bring America down.

    McCarthy is not in their category.

  39. "Shouldn't Eich at least have been burnt at the stake?"

    Yeah, it's almost like his attackers were hyper-partisans of some super-aggressive religion.

  40. Eich had to be fired for having the same position on gay "marriage" that Barack Obama had as late as May 8, 2012.

  41. As far as the long term .... don't underestimate the huge negative backlash on campuses from Gender Studies. It is about as popular as ROTC in 1970.

    Once students have gone through a round or two of 'it's all a cultural construct' -- they are intellectually more than capable of simply ignoring everything that isn't immediately useful.

    And get on with the age old battle of careerism vs sex/drugs/rock and roll vs the examined life.

    The winner -- all time champion -- beer and hetero sex.

  42. a Newsreader4/3/14, 6:44 PM

    This whole gay rights movement has the whiff of an economic bubble. So far it has been sustained by increasing returns in hedonism, with lower-than-normal losses in human health. I predict that the hedonic returns will flatline soon (i.e. gay marriage won't provide any benefits to anyone at all), and that health losses will begin to accumulate as antibiotics become less effective at treating venereal diseases. The gay rights movement's political utility will become nullified as its enemies are defeated. I think its influence will start to wane now or in the next year.

    As the arguments disappear from the mainstream conversation, people will forget about it. Acceptance will turn into indifference, which will turn into tolerance, which will turn into a grudging but tolerant dislike. The question is who will be around after it recedes? Mormons and Mexicans?

  43. "This whole gay rights movement has the whiff of an economic bubble."

    Well put. Just as the surge in homosexual military recruits joining up has been nonexistent, so, once the fanfare is over, SSM will simply disappear through disuse. It was pushed by the homosexual campaigners simply as a means to remove the legal stigma from homosexuality. SSM was a fraud from the beginning and it'll be a dying fad in the end.

  44. On JavaScript: it has many flaws, and was thrown together quickly by Eich. Numerous groups have tried replacing or "fixing" it, including Google and Microsoft, but it is the de-facto "assembly language" of the web for now.

    Something that isn't being covered enough is that Eich's donation was exposed as an result of an illegal 2012 IRS leak, for which there has been no prosecution.

  45. 1. Javascript is quite popular with developers. There's even a popular server-side system called NodeJS. Together with Flash, it's what Java could have been if Sun hadn't been incredibly stupid. It should be less popular with users because it's overused and tends to slow down sites. Flash is an even bigger culprit. To see exactly how many scripts (or at least script sources) sites use, install NoScript before uninstalling Firefox. For some sites I have to allow one set of scripts, then allow another, then another, etc. until the site actually works.

    2. Firing someone over ideology should be a 90% issue: something 90% of Americans would oppose no matter their stance on gay marriage. Watch out and do something about those using this as a 20% issue. For instance, leaders using it as a way to push their real agenda ("only you True Conservative Teaparty Patriots oppose firings like this, and by the way make sure and contact your Representatives about lowering this oppressive yacht tax").

    3. Don't firings like this show that those outside the far-left aren't "fit"? The cultural far-left knows how to get it done. Others are corrupt, decadent, delusional, or can't figure out how to change things.

  46. Speaking of the tide of illiberalism, the pro-Russian blog Vineyard of the Saker, which Hunsdon was recommending a couple of days ago, has been removed from Blogger.


    I think Steve should find himself another online home.

  47. "I don't believe that's true, on the basis of what's permissible to support or vote on in 2008," he told CNET. "It's still permissible. Beliefs that are protected, that include political and religious speech, are generally not something that can be held against even a CEO. I understand there are people who disagree with me on this one."

    Can someone help me out here? How is political speech "protected"? The Constitution prohibits the gov't from interfering, but political beliefs are not "protected" the way people are "protected" from racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious discrimination. As far as I know, people can be legally hounded right out of their jobs for their political beliefs.

  48. The heterosexual cabal works endlessly to try to use their numbers to exclude gay people from society and to tell gay people what kind of sex they can have.

    I, for one, am perfectly happy to tell gay people what kind of sex to have, or rather not to have: namely, don't have anal sex, particularly without a condom. It's bad for you from a strictly physical point of view, and it's a major vector for spreading STDs, including AIDS, of course. As a practice it's arguably responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths among gay men and continues to take a toll despite therapies. Heteros should stop it too, but they're not as into it as gays, and the network effects are quite different and less dangerous.

    Stick with interfemoral frottage and fellatio... it was good enough for the ancient Greeks!

  49. http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com

    It's back. False alarm.

    Even so, Steve...

  50. Hey paleocons, anti-gay hatred is dying with your generation. Congrats at being the last in the West to support a meaningless prejudice based on your belief in a book written by goat herders three thousand years ago. Congrats on your alliance with Uganda, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

    Hey sodomites, you aren't important enough for my hatred. You're going to have to earn it. Congrats on living in another man's poopie-chute.

    Still going to have to find a nice girl if you want to get married, though.

  51. We do not live in a free country.

    Act accordingly.

  52. Congrats on your alliance with Uganda, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

    How does it feel, knowing that basically everyone in for the entire likely future history of civilization is going to look on your prejudice as a shameful atavism?

    Why don't you also include India, China, Japan as well as much of the rest of the world? In fact I believe the future is against you on this. As Europe becomes more and more islamic, support for your position there will wane. The rest of the world, especially the muslim areas and sub-Sahara Africa are the fastest growing populations. The future is with their beliefs, not yours.

  53. eich is lucky they didn't force him
    to write a mildly useful javascript
    app that works on all browsers.

  54. "BTW I doubt Orthodox Jews oppose homosexual marriage. They only oppose it for themselves. I hardly think they oppose it for the goyim"

    You are mistaken though - the ortho organizations like Agudath Israel and it's ilk are foursquare behind every public initiative like Defense of Marriage Act etc. In ortho community(with which I'm very familiar) World War G is seen as sign of descent into depravity by Western society and viewed with deep loathing.

  55. Excellent point from Gg: Eich's donation was revealed via documentation the IRS leaked to a gay advocacy group; see more on this here.

    So to say this was an entirely private action isn't true; there was government collusion. Remember that the barriers between government agencies, the press and lobbying groups are, shall we say, porous.

  56. "Anonymous said...

    Good riddance.

    Eich was widely hated in the profession as the man responsible for JavaScript.

    That he's a bigot too is just frosting."

    I hope that you get fired someday over something trivial.

    That you're a pervert too is just frosting.

  57. "Anonymous said...

    The heterosexual cabal works endlessly to try to use their numbers to exclude gay people from society and to tell gay people what kind of sex they can have."

    And here I thought it was homosexuals who excluded themselves from decent society by engaging in sex in public places, like parks and rest-stops and bathhouses, and even city streets during their so-called "pride-parades".

  58. "Anonymous said...

    You have a right to your precious degenerate beliefs but we as a society will exercise our right to make you face the consequences."

    You are the degenerate.

  59. Percy Gryce: SSM surely is a fraud, but it was invented back in the 1980's as a way to get AIDS treatment paid for by other-folks' health insurance. Really-- I was there. Queers too sick to work wanted to quote-unquote "marry" their not-yet-disabled cornholing partners to draw on those fellows' health insurance.

  60. As someone who is bisexual, this really pisses me off. Not all non heterosexual people are insane like these people are.

    Freedom of speech is a joke. Who cares about the government when you can lose your job?

    There are laws against firing someone because of their race or sex, how about for their political beliefs?

    Conservatives should start doing this just to prove a point. Just start firing anyone who supports gay marriage for being an "anti christian bigot" or something ridiculous.

    The left has no fear for doing stuff like this because they always picture that it is them doing it to conservatives.

  61. There are few good options when deciding which Internet browsers and tech companies to support. All of the major players are objectionable for at least one reason, and here's how I'd roughly rank the big boys from not-so-bad to really bad:

    5. Amazon
    4. Apple
    3. Microsoft
    2. Google
    1. Facebook

  62. "Hey paleocons, anti-gay hatred is dying with your generation."

    I'm sure they felt the same way in the 1920s in Berlin. Then, well, the party ended!

    In fact the best reasons to understand homosexuality as immoral are secular--the wealth of social science which indicates that gays chase deviancy and have more in common with other sexual deviants than they do with healthy heterosexuals.

    And I mean among other things, they and blacks hold the special honor of having incubated a particularly nasty immune deficiency syndrome. Seems like that is a good indication of how abnormal their behavior is.

  63. Pelican jaw Steve Salier is having a heterosexual hissy fit. We can all see it with your crazed and false posts in recent months. Hetero Steve can't stand that gay people are not accepting hetero BS anymore. The heterosexual cabal works endlessly to try to use their numbers to exclude gay people from society and to tell gay people what kind of sex they can have.

    this is going to be my favorite iSteve comment for some time to come [sic]

  64. If you can find an honest liberal, ask if it's really evil to agree with the views he had ten years ago.

  65. flash is a lot worse than javascript, which is kinda useful. i was writing scripts for eaton corporation all the way back in the 90s. flash just crashes browsers on the regular, yet it is almost impossible to avoid. unfortunately, chrome has bad flash issues since version, eh, i forget, but starting about 2 years ago. chrome has it's own internal version of flash that conflicts with pages which load their own flash.

    "Eich had to be fired for having the same position on gay "marriage" that Barack Obama had as late as May 8, 2012."

    that bill clinton, president of the united states, signed into federal law, in 1996. only 18 years ago.

    it's astounding clinton has never once been interviewed about how wrong he was signing that into law, and why he was so wrong, and what was he thinking? if eich gets fired merely for voting, what punishment does clinton deserve for single handedly 'oppressing' all homosexuals in the entire united states for 18 years straight?

    "Something that isn't being covered enough is that Eich's donation was exposed as an result of an illegal 2012 IRS leak, for which there has been no prosecution."

    like most federal agencies, the IRS was politicized under barack obama.

    the united states will never recover from barack obama. i'm thinking about writing a seperate article, "Bad ideas floating around the HBD sphere", namely, that oh man, we really dodged a bullet with that john mccain losing the election thing. no, no we didn't.

  66. If you can find an honest liberal, ask if it's really evil to agree with the views he had ten years ago.

    Aye, there's the rub.

  67. "If you never fight back, they'll just run you over like a steamroller. i've had several shouting matches with my dad over this, trying to get him to do something, anything, in retaliation. you can't just let them win every battle then shake their hand and smile and say thanks, can you punch me in the face yet again, and hey don't worry, i definitely won't hit back ever no matter what you do to me."


    It's one think to continue friendly relationships, business and personal, even if you understand you and the other party have political differences but that those political differences don't involve their trying to ruin you, your reputation, your business, etc.

    Obama's minions really do bring guns to knife fights, so, in that case, the other party must bring a bigger gun.

    Good for you, Jody. I applaud you.

  68. I have to laugh at how homo-promoters seem to think Christianity is at the root of homoaversion. Last I knew, most people on earth aren't Christian yet still view homosexuality as perversion.

    Check out Jayman's post (and some recent research papers) that suggest homoaversion may be hardwired.

    If the pathogen hypothesis is correct, the hard-wiring is understandable.

  69. Got rid of Firefox.

  70. Got rid of Firefox.

  71. You have to be at least 45 or older to understand the supreme irony of the Brandon Eich story and the other witch hunts and the term "McCarthyist." You have to be old enough to have grown up in Cold War America, otherwise you just can't appreciate the jaw-dropping hypocrisy of the "liberal" establishment of today.

    You see those of us who came of age in the 60s and 70s were subjected to endless propaganda from the "progressives" about the endless perfidy and depravity of Tail Gunner Joe, Roy Cohn, and J. Edgar Hoover.

    Why, the Hollywood black list of a couple of dozen multi-millionaire screenwriters and actors for their Commie political affiliations was the worst thing that ever happened, ever, in the whole 20th Century, except for the Holocaust! It was another Kristlenacht! It was "Scoundrel Time," as Lillian Hellman described it in her self-pitying memoir of the 70s. It was just ilke the Salem witch hunt, as Arthur Miller said it was in "The Crucible"!

    Endless books, movies, plays, popular songs, TV shows pounded it home to us impressionable little kiddles, again and again and again and again, and then for decades and decades after we grew up, all the way up to the mid-2000s (remember "Angels in America"?) We learned the lesson very well indeed.

    Firing someone for their political opinions! Horrible, awful, the worst thing possible. Witch hunts! Free speech forever! And anyone who was too much of an anti-Communist hardliner during the Cold War--well we were taught to ridicule them and scorn them as a book-burning, anti-free-speech "McCarthyist"! Oh, the horrors of being a "McCarthyist"--it was only a couple of degrees less horrible than being a Nazi! But only a couple.

    Yes, I hate "progressives" very, very much. If you are younger than 45, you just don't understand how much they deserve the hatred. Piano wire and lamp-post-grade hatred.

  72. >Queers too sick to work wanted to quote-unquote "marry" their not-yet-disabled cornholing partners to draw on those fellows' health insurance.<

    True, this was the only substantive reason given at the time, along with being allowed to visit the dying in hospital/hospice without being a bona fide relative. Heard these arguments all the time in the mid-80s to mid-90s, before the movement became libertarian and ditched them for the ldeals of the guillotine (liberty, equality, fraternity).

  73. The gay rights fixation is indeed a fad. While great swathes of the public are naturally repelled by homosexuality, as one would anticipate them to be of such deviant and destructive behavior, in practice it has very little impact on most people's day to day lives. So you can gin up hysteria by simply repeating slogans again and again. People will follow because it doesn't cost them anything to do so, they don't have to sodomize or be sodomized by anyone, and it may cost them a lot to refuse. The hysteria is often genuine, but it's shallow. If the noise machine ever turns off nature will re-assert itself. And it's hard to believe it will go on forever, too few people have a real stake in it.

    It's fashion. And like so much fashion, decades from now people are going to be totally incapable of even remembering why they thought it was such a big deal.

  74. Perhaps this is an opportunute time for Steve to post about Larry Brinkin, the former San Francisco "Human Rights Commissioner" who was recently convicted of emailing child porn and who was also caught contributing posts to a white supremacist Yahoo list where he posted disgusting racial slurs and publicly fantasized about anally raping two year old black children.

    He retired from his government-funded six-figure position a few years ago, but he was allowed to keep his public pension and benefits (which we all know are quite lavish in California.) The "progressive" media got the Larry Brinkin story out of way as fast as their traitorous, hypocritical little fingers could press the "delete" button on their keyboards, but there was still a bit of low-key coverage:


    I haven't noticed any Twitter mobs demanding that this white supremacist kiddie porn consumer and former "gay rights icon" give up his public pension. For the life of me, I just can't think why. I guess being a white supremacist kiddie porn consumer who gets off on fantasizing about raping black children just isn't in the same league of moral depravity as a guy who donated a few bucks to the Prop. 8 campaign six years ago.

  75. Anonymous Rice Alum $44/4/14, 3:12 PM

    If you're looking for a new browser, try Opera. http://www.opera.com/

    Been using it since this morning. So far, faster than Firefox and has LastPass integration.

  76. Mozilla provides the free Firefox blogger


    Browser, Steve, browser...

  77. Disliking black people doesn't make one a white supremacist.

  78. Ah, The Sweet Smell Of Elitism4/6/14, 10:41 AM

    "The lavender mafia strikes again".

    No different when the Christian Libertarian intelligentsia and their toadies use similar methods to drive home their points. I'm sure the folks here will most definitively note those occasions. (rolling of eyes)

  79. ***"You have to be at least 45 or older to understand the supreme irony of the Brandon Eich story and the other witch hunts and the term "McCarthyist." You have to be old enough to have grown up in Cold War America, otherwise you just can't appreciate the jaw-dropping hypocrisy of the "liberal" establishment of today."***

    This, this, this, a thousand times THIS. As a fellow 45+'er, I was going to note the same thing.

    Notice how the lefist warning phrase "chilling effect" has been shit-canned down the Orwellian Memory Hole?

    Used to be you couldn't even call an actual, card-carrying Communist Party member a "communist" because it would have a "chilling effect" on free speech or something or other.

    But now that the jackboot is on the other foot, they don't worry about causing "chilling effects" on anything anymore.

    Indeed, the entire idea is to shut up anyone who disagrees with them - chilling effect is the desired effect.

    Over on Vox Day's blog they are suggesting using Pale Moon as a replacement browser; it's a fork of Firefox, apparently, so it should be an easy transition for current Firefox users:



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