April 7, 2014

Jeb Bush's wife was an illegal alien

There's been much discussion of Jeb Bush's speech announcing that illegally entering America is an "act of love" (Mike Tyson should have used that "act of love" defense in his rape trial), but little awareness that Columba Bush, Mrs. Jeb, was likely an illegal alien herself for part of her childhood.

And, yet, illegal immigration seemed to dissipate love within her family, since Mrs. Bush is notably unloving toward her own illegal immigrant father. Here's an AP news story that appeared in the Jacksonville News on 2/14/2001:
Jeb Bush's father-in-law hopes to reconcile with daughter 
Associated Press Writer 
SILAO, Mexico - Jose Maria Garnica has newspaper photos of his daughter Columba and her husband, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, along with articles on his grandson [George P. Bush], who lobbied for the Latino vote during his uncle's presidential campaign. 
But that's about the only information he has on his daughter's family. Garnica says he hopes President Bush's visit to Mexico on Friday may help him make peace with his 47-year-old daughter. 
Garnica said he hopes to catch a glimpse of Bush. He has gained the support of several local leaders and has a framed poster of Jesus he wants to give the president. 
Local broadcasters and newspapers have portrayed Garnica as the victim of an ungrateful daughter, but Columba Bush has said her father left the family when she was 3. 
Reforma, one of Mexico's leading newspapers, accused Columba of "forgetting her roots." She hasn't publicly responded to the reports, and declined to speak directly with The Associated Press. 
Families divided by a border are common in Mexico. Garnica said he traveled to California in 1960 - when Columba was about 7 years old - got construction work and brought his family north four years later. By then, he and his wife had grown apart and they soon separated, the father said, adding that Columba continued to visit him in California. 
Garnica said their three children - Columba, Francisco and Lucila - spent time with both parents in Mexico and California. 
He said he last saw Columba in 1973, when she told him she was going to the post office in La Puente, Calif. They haven't talked since. 
"That was so many years ago," the 77-year-old Garnica said. "Twenty-seven years isn't just a little bit. It's almost a lifetime." 
Gov. Jeb Bush refused Tuesday to comment on Jose Garnica's account of his relationship with Bush's wife, Columba. A member of the Bush's staff, speaking only on background, said there was no truth to the story that Mrs. Bush went to the post office and never returned. 
Garnica said his daughter Lucila called him this week and told him to stop talking to the media, saying he was "hurting Columba." 
"I don't want to hurt her, but everything I say is true," he said. 
A spokeswoman for Jeb Bush, Katie Baur, said it was a "personal, family issue" and Columba Bush wouldn't comment. 
Columba Bush has kept a relatively low profile. One of the few times she has been in the news was when she failed to declare $19,000 worth of clothing at customs after a Paris shopping spree. She paid a $4,100 fine. 
Garnica receives pension and Social Security checks from the United States - money that lets him live comfortably in Silao. The town is 200 miles northwest of Mexico City and a few miles from the ranch where President Vicente Fox and Bush will meet Friday. 
Garnica said he met Jeb Bush once, in California, when Bush and Columba were dating. The couple met when she was 17 and Bush was on an exchange program in Mexico. 


  1. There's been much discussion of Jeb Bush's speech announcing that illegally entering America is an "act of love"


    1. Plz no more of the Bush family.

  2. There's been much discussion of Jeb Bush's speech announcing that illegally entering America is an "act of love"

    Mi casa es su casa, mi culo es su culo.

  3. I had no idea what his wife looked like. She's not one of those White Mexicans at all.

  4. http://forward.com/articles/194978/-billion-bucks-the-jewish-charity-industry-unco/?p=all


    and you can't make this stuff up:


  5. Mexicans don't love one another, so it's up to us to show them the love.

  6. considering his powerful position and bully pulpit, I believe jeb bush just committed treason by facilitating mass immigration, which is an act of economic terrorism, not an act of love.

    I call on the Dept of Justice to immediately arrest Jeb Bush and indict and try him for an "act of treason."

  7. Anonymous said...

    There's been much discussion of Jeb Bush's speech announcing that illegally entering America is an "act of love"


    go tell it to tyler cowen...markets in pepper spray?

  8. Jesse Jackson is a con-man and a rogue, but bless his little heart he had one of the most prescient moments in 21st Century politics:

    "I say, America, stay out the Bushes. Stay out the Bushes. Stay out the Bushes. Stay out the Bushes. Stay out."

  9. Oberhauptstandartenuberfuhrer Lawnorder4/7/14, 7:09 PM

    Mexicans don't love one another, so it's up to us to show them the love.

    Don't you get it?

    Mexicans love themselves, and each other, TOO MUCH. They are too happy, too carefree, too self-indulgent, and need to be taught a little self-control and restraint in order to function as civilized human beings. Things like chastity belts to prevent lust, and jaw-wiring to prevent gluttony, and forced haircuts, residential schools, military training, forced manual labor, uniforms, fluoride, Ritalin, castor oil, enemas, etc. ALL FOR THEIR OWN DAMN GOOD!

  10. OT: There are reports of American mercenaries from a company called Greystone being in the Ukraine right now. There's shooting going on in various cities in southeastern Ukraine. The Tatar oligarch Akhmetov, whom Steve has mentioned, is on the pro-Russian side. The Kiev government is trying to dislodge separatists from the administrative buildings they had taken.

    I don't know to what extent the separatists coordinated these building seizures with Putin. They may have acted too early. The Ukrainian government was self-destructing by itself. Maybe it would have been smarter for them to sit back for a few months as the Kiev junta cracked down on Right Sector and other nationalists and as IMF imposed austerity (aka impoverishment) on the Ukraine, and THEN, when the full effects of that sank in, do something.

    I could be wrong of course. Probably am. I've never seen Putin make a mistake.

  11. "Columba Bush has kept a relatively low profile. One of the few times she has been in the news was when she failed to declare $19,000 worth of clothing at customs after a Paris shopping spree. She paid a $4,100 fine".

    She must have really loved that clothing to bring it illegally into our country. Lucky for her they just made her pay a fine in exchange for amnesty for the clothes.

    Joe H.

  12. Oswald Spengler4/7/14, 8:28 PM

    "You know it's no fun being an illegal alien."


  13. To follow up on a previous comment: the Greystone guys are reported to wear the clothes of Ukrainian government forces. Greystone is a former subsidiary of Blackwater. Basically, nobody wants to fight for the Kiev junta. Banderites wanted to fight, but the junta has alienated them. Hence US mercenaries.

  14. > "You know it's no fun being an illegal alien." <

    Not easy being bean.

  15. Wasn't the Derb an illegal alien at one point? But he was our illegal alien, right? Not like Columba who is their illegal alien.

  16. I suspect the Republicans are going to get one more term in the White House before party falls apart. I really hope that last term is not Jeb Bush.

  17. Wasn't the Derb an illegal alien at one point?

    Mr Sailer,

    For completeness, and to forestall further ribbing about hypocrisy, please add a post entitled 'John Derbyshire was an illegal alien'. Or maybe 'The Derb was an illegal alien' -- I'll leave the title to your literary discretion. TIA.

  18. " Mrs. Bush is notably unloving toward her own illegal immigrant father."
    He receives Social Security payments from the U.S.

    Sloppy reporting, or a scandal?

  19. I was an illegal alien in Mexico for a while. I corrected my papers to ensure that I was squeaky clean before taking a job, though. And like a responsible adult, I left when my visa was up.

    I think Derbyshire is a US citizen now and came by it honestly. I.e., he corrected his situation by ending up slogging through the legal procedures for gaining citizenship which the Overlords bitch are too onerous for poor Juan and Marie to handle.

    And unlike Columba, the Derb isn't complaining about those procedures and agitating for the government to do away with them. Don't compare beans and limes.

  20. "a framed poster of Jesus he wants to give the president": at least it didn't say "portrait".

  21. "Anonymous said...

    But he was our illegal alien, right? Not like Columba who is their illegal alien."

    Yes. And that's important, nitwit. Importing people from Britain into America makes it not very different than it already was. Importing people from Mexico or India makes the US more like Mexico or India.

  22. Jonathan Silber4/8/14, 6:35 AM

    Think how much better the illegal Columba could've married had she not had to live in the Shadows.

  23. Illegal Mexican immigrants are a story of bravery of love...

  24. "Columba Bush has kept a relatively low profile. One of the few times she has been in the news was when she failed to declare $19,000 worth of clothing at customs after a Paris shopping spree. She paid a $4,100 fine."

    Was that also a "crime of love"?

  25. Anonydroid at 6:33 PM linked: http://forward.com/articles/194722/three-jews-among-those-killed-in-ukraine-uprising/?p=all

    Hunsdon said: These are the only Jewish construction workers I've ever even heard of, outside of the "My boss is a Jewish carpenter" thing.

  26. Illegal Mexican immigrants are a story of bravery of love...

    I knew someone was going to throw that out there ... I just didn't want it to be me. Oddly enough.

  27. I think Derbyshire is a US citizen now and came by it honestly. I.e., he corrected his situation...

    Did he pay a fine to "correct" his status to gain citizenship eventually? Some would call that amnesty. No amnesty!

    Yes. And that's important, nitwit. Importing people from Britain into America makes it not very different than it already was. Importing people from Mexico or India makes the US more like Mexico or India.

    But Derb importing someone from China in chain migration to make the US more like China is okay, right? Because he is our chain migration coyote, right?

    And "nitwit"? Ad hominem, weak argument and all that, eh?

    Look here, I am against mass immigration. I am also a race realist. I prefer Northern European and East Asian imports over brown and black ones (or even olive-colored ones), because they seem to work out the best with the existing population. But like Sailer, I'd like our representatives to uphold the interests of the existing "shareholders" of this country first. That means "no mass immigration," not just "no mass non-white immigration."

    Our fellow blue collar citizen (a white one if you would like) doesn't care if his job is taken by an atheist (and probably socialist) Englishman who can prattle about cricket or by Juan. His family is still on the road to serfdom.

    It seems to me we don't need to import the likes of immigrants Derbyshire and Brimelow* to take immigration restrictionist activist jobs from natives.

    (Brimelow at VDARE often refers to nonwhite naturalized citizen newsmakers on his site as "immigrant so and so does X, Y and Z" all without a hint of irony about himself -- not surprising given the convoluted, lame explanation he gives in the "about" section about being a white nationalist (hint, hint) without saying he is a white nationalist).

  28. To be fair, I don't know where it says her father was an illegal immigrant.

  29. The republican party wishes to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Republican presidential aspirants Jeb Bush, Christie and Scott Walker are more eager to audition for the role of Sheldon Adelson's bitch than solve the problems of Americans. Neocon parasites in the GOP want to squander American resources in reckless foreign wars.

  30. Where does it say he or she were illegal?

  31. Jonathan Silber4/8/14, 2:54 PM

    Bush-League policy on immigration: Amor the Merrier.

  32. Immigration isn't bad, aside from two general conditions.

    1, It is so large that it changes the society for the worse economically.

    2. It is so large that it fundamentally hanges the ethnic composition of the country (race replacement is likely to be cultural-political replacement).

    We want much less immigration, and very much less immigration of non-Europeans.

    "Much less" doesn't mean "always zero." A common error is to apply Kant's universalization principle seriously - to anything (Kant didn't give primacy to "phenomenal" reality, i.e., he was a madman). The dose makes the poison. It's fine to have a Chinese or Mexican, etc., becoming an American, so long as there are immigration restrictions in place to prevent a flood of them. As to chain migration, there too moderation is appropriate. A proper control would be a quota on it, not a permanent total ban.

    Never become the caricature your enemies have of you.

  33. Everybody's got it wrong. The motto of La Raza and all illegal aliens is: Su casa es mi casa.

  34. We want much less immigration, and very much less immigration of non-Europeans.

    >>David said:

    """""Much less" doesn't mean "always zero." A common error is to apply Kant's universalization principle seriously - to anything (Kant didn't give primacy to "phenomenal" reality, i.e., he was a madman). The dose makes the poison. It's fine to have a Chinese or Mexican, etc., becoming an American, so long as there are immigration restrictions in place to prevent a flood of them. As to chain migration, there too moderation is appropriate. A proper control would be a quota on it, not a permanent total ban."""""

    Translation: Let's return to the 1924 Reed-Johnson Immigration Act. It basically accomplished the things youre referring to and it wasn't nil immigration just reduced immigration.

    And it worked.

  35. If her father was illegal how is he collecting Social Security?

  36. Her father worked in Califoriia for the required length of time to receive social security. You do not have to be a US citizen in Oder to pay into and receive social security.

  37. Her father worked in Califoriia for the required length of time to receive social security. You do not have to be a US citizen in Oder to pay into and receive social security.

  38. Your Mike Tyson jab is ridiculous. He was clearly railroaded.


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