April 30, 2014

Nicholas Wade: "A Troublesome Inheritance"

My review of Nicholas Wade's book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History is up at Taki's Magazine.


  1. What Jorge Zimmerman, Donald Sterling, and Lawrence Reed all have in common.

    They are all 'southern whites'.


  2. The comment sections are often so depressing.

  3. Great review. I can't wait to see how the reviews play out in the Times, New York Review of Books, etc. Or will they just give it the "nothing to see here" treatment and ignore it?

  4. Let's add slavery to the discussion: not the brief flash of the international slave market for 300 years, but the 500,000 years of black supremacy in Africa where it was invented and practiced aggressively. Slavery: for, by and about black people, before there were even white people on earth. It's a curse in both the biblical sense and the biological one, in that the presence of slaves (including, btw, ALL women) relieved pressure to adapt from the environment. They guys were just too comfortable in their Eden of low hanging fruit and abundant game. Thus: half million years without a single adaption, which meant: no writing, no wheel, no domestication of animals, no science, no navigation (larget coastline in world; they never got further out than half a mile!), no need to plan or plow deep (the women did the shallow plowing by hoe, no development. They say "It's our time." Uh-uh. They had half a million years of time and did NOTHING with it. Their time will come when God or biology remove the curse, which is still 499, 700 years off.

  5. OT, but in case you'd not yet seen this, guess who's interested in buying the Clippers? Ready for the intersection of American sports, blacks, and gays?


  6. You fact check most of your stuff pretty religiously but you seem to have made an error in your Taki piece.

    Gould was an expert in mollusks not crustaceans.

    Pat Boyle

  7. Steve you say "infectious disease burden was so lethal that dense populations could not be achieved due to epidemics.[...] big danger in Africa was not Malthusian overpopulation, but underpopulation, which may account for how sexualized their cultures are."

    Maybe polygyny is something to do with it too. Supposing selection in polygyny skewed Africans of both sexes to the focus of selection in polygyny (ie the most sexually successful men) which meant the high testosterone ones. And because high testosteronisation reduces resistance to infectious disease, and infectious disease becomes more lethal when it spreads easily (Ewald) there is a lot of lethal disease where the population is highly testosteronesed. Black skin is a barrier to infection BTW.

    And if it isn't sexual selection, why are is it that black women might as well be part of the woodwork as far as the the most eligible black men are concerned:-

    “There is no love left between a black man and a black woman. Take me for instance. I love white women and hate black women. It’s just in me so deep that I don’t even try to get it out of me anymore. I’d jump over ten [n-word] bitches just to get to one white woman. Ain’t no such thing as an ugly white woman… and just to touch her long, soft, silky hair. There’s softness about a white woman, something delicate and soft inside of her. But a [n-word] bitch seems to be full of steel, granite-hard and resisting…I mean I can’t analyze it,...” (Eldridge Cleaver 1968:107)

    “As young women, many Black girls experienced rejection from Black males” Black British Feminism: A Reader - Page 115

    Steve you say "European cultures tried to keep population below the famine level by inculcating the sexual restraint and romantic choosiness conducive to relatively late marriages,"

    Or maybe they were always (for 10,000 years or more) a bit like that before they and they alone created the first civilisations.
    "He’s interested in not just explaining the solid science of race, but in also sketching out a more speculative theory of how history has been driven by racial differences in evolution:"
    I'm afraid this is is just occupying a set of fixed positions in a pre-existing trench war. And going by the total lack of success to date it's one we can't win.

  8. Duke of Wellington4/30/14, 10:44 AM

    And Doreen Lawrence is a peer of the realm because her teenage boy got in a fight with local toughs.

    We are so doooommed!

  9. "For example, in one study, the variant of the MAO-A gene most associated with aggression and delinquency was found in 5.2 percent of a sample of black males but only 0.1 percent of Caucasian males, which may explain a lot."

    Yes, and that allele frequency might be the best representation, so far, but the latest study actually couldn't find any whites with MAOA-2R (and found it in 6% of black men). So, could it be infinity times more common in black people? :) By itself, MAOA-2R has only been studied in 11 mostly African-American men. I think we should encourage activists like Al Sharpton to raise money for a large study in Africa, where it would probably be much more common. After all, the liberal solution to black violence, elimination of poverty, is taking a while.

    I noticed that JP Rushton argued that because 2 percent of black people in the US have HIV (in the 90s), AIDS would "break open" race science into "public debate." Now, 6% of black men and 3% of black women have diagnosed HIV, but it is a manageable chronic disease. I think it makes more sense to bet on the genetics of violence.

  10. C'mon Steve, this is a very important book. It requires a much stronger review than the limited space in Taki's allows.

  11. """""Not surprisingly, each continent’s culture seems to have bred people befitting its environment, and their traits live on in their descendants in modern America.""""""

    An interesting observation. But then, does this give additional fodder to those leftists who make the claim that the reason modern destructive behaviors occur among African-Americans at large today (e.g. out of wedlock birthrates, a propensity to violence, lower literacy rates, etc) is directly due to their cultural environment, both during the ante bellum era of slavery AND including their history in Africa where slavery was fairly common as well?

    In other words, African culture has bred into their African-American descendants many of the destructive traits that are observed in 21st century American society, and anyone who attempts to ignore this aspect of African-America's history can be branded insensitive to their pre-American history?

    Are people supposed to allow for a suitable time frame of adaptation? If it took the English between 1200 and 1800 to adapt traits befitting their environment or society, should we in turn permit additional time for African Americans today to 'catch up' so to speak, to the other races that exist within modern US society?

    Africans have only been in the US for roughly 400 yrs, therefore, come back in another 200 yrs to see if they have fully adapted to US cultural environment.

    Thus it's only partly correct, the excuse 'Its a legacy of slavery'; in point of fact we'd have to go back to the continent as well and include that time frame when looking at the full picture of their developmental history.

  12. It's only troublesome if there are people around who want to stir up trouble.

  13. "anti-Darwinian" seems a polemic too far. I suggest you're confusing the actual stance and work of the academics in question with the culture (war) that has employed their work.

  14. The only thing I don't understand is how Wade keeps his job. Another zinger, Steve. Quibcagged, etc. here:
    A new book on race and genetics is coming out. Obama will no doubt call it "ignorant."

  15. The comments over at Taki's are hilarious!

    What won't men argue about on the web?

    I particularly liked the comments that challenged you to produce "data" in a review of a book that, I'm assuming, produces the requisite data.

    And, of course, the pro forma blabbering about racism. That has become utter madness.

  16. Sean:"Steve you say "European cultures tried to keep population below the famine level by inculcating the sexual restraint and romantic choosiness conducive to relatively late marriages,"

    Or maybe they were always (for 10,000 years or more) a bit like that before they and they alone created the first civilisations."

    European cultures did not create the first civilizations. Egypt and Sumer, for example, pre-date the first literate European culture (Minoan Crete) by centuries.

  17. After I read your piece I started to think about Gould. I read at least a dozen books by Gould but none of them except 'Wonderful Life' was really about paleontology.

    He didn't seem to very interested in mollusks after all. He was more concerned with digging up examples of politically relevant scientific misconceptions by Victorians. For many of these he provided a Marxist slant.

    Then I sat down and started reading a book I got yesterday in the mail. I was deep in the second chapter about the gills of mollusks when it occurred to me that this was the book I would expected from Gould.

    The book is 'Out of Thin Air' by Peter D. Ward a paleontologist from Washington State. It's a great read. For a real paleontologist mollusks can be a rich and fascinating topic.

    Patrick Boyle

  18. Einstein is supposed to have been wrong about a static universe. HBD will probably be in for some big surprises about genes.

    Those running white counties would need to understand all this stuff Wade talks about is basically correct for them to find it troubling, which they do. Considering that they are quite clever enough to work much of it out for themselves, I wonder if elites really believe that the the end of white majorities is going to be such a great thing for whites or anyone else. Bringing it about even though it is not in their particular ethnic interests may become a motive in and of itself for universalists. And HBD science could be counter productive in that case.

  19. Steve peoplecant function without a religion particularly Whites hence Crystal Methodism a belief in pc, diversity, multiculturalism, universality and sameness of man and Black sacredness. Some animals more equal than others.

  20. "Egypt and Sumer, for example, pre-date the first literate European culture (Minoan Crete) by centuries."

    The earliest stuff that has been dug up that looks like writing is from the Balkans, mostly Serbia. Look up the Vinca symbols of you're curious. The problem is that it hasn't been deciphered. Sumerian writing from southern Iraq is the oldest that has been deciphered. There is a guy named Gordon Whitaker who says he's found an Indo-European substrate in Sumerian. According to him the Sumerian script was invented by Indo-Europeans. I'm not qualified to say if he's right on that though.

  21. Steve people cant function without a religion particularly Whites hence Crystal Methodism a belief in pc, diversity, multiculturalism, universality and sameness of man and Black sacredness. Some animals more equal than others.

    That's like saying people can't function without a gov't, hence communism.

  22. Lib are Constructionists.

    Creationists think God created the races.

    Constructionists think man (socially)constructed the 'races'.

  23. "C'mon Steve, this is a very important book. It requires a much stronger review than the limited space in Taki's allows."

    But Sailer has been (p)reviewing it for yrs, indeed even before Wade decided to write it.

    90% of what's in the book isn't new to us.

  24. When Ed Koch referred to black thugs as 'animals', that was no Jew. It was a white southerner.

  25. "C'mon Steve, this is a very important book. It requires a much stronger review than the limited space in Taki's allows."


  26. "90% of what's in the book isn't new to us."

    Yah, this is what I'm most curious about. If you've already read Gregory Clark & Cochran & Harpending, is the book worth buying?

  27. " Take me for instance. I love white women and hate black women. It’s just in me so deep that I don’t even try to get it out of me anymore"

    I don't say this lightly, in fact I almost never get into mother-baiting that used to be ubiquitious, but that man hated, hated, hated, his mother. For all his stupidity, Muhammed Ali liked brown (not black women) and always cited his mom as his idol, praising her and her color to the sky.
    I really don't think its anything that innate -- the males and females of a race are made to be attracted to each other, to fit together. If you have read or seen black women with their young children, you'd know what I mean. If that's love (in many cases, not all certainly) I'd like to know what hate is. It probably has a lot to do with the circumstances of conception and birth. Whites are similar, though not as bad, toward any children they conceive and born in chaos and depravity.

  28. Anonymous:"The earliest stuff that has been dug up that looks like writing is from the Balkans, mostly Serbia. Look up the Vinca symbols of you're curious. The problem is that it hasn't been deciphered."

    That's proto-writing.They are not a true writing system.

    Anonymous:" Sumerian writing from southern Iraq is the oldest that has been deciphered. There is a guy named Gordon Whitaker who says he's found an Indo-European substrate in Sumerian. According to him the Sumerian script was invented by Indo-Europeans. I'm not qualified to say if he's right on that though."

    He's wrong. No one takes the idea of an I-E substrate in Sumerian seriously.

  29. "Are people supposed to allow for a suitable time frame of adaptation? If it took the English between 1200 and 1800 to adapt traits befitting their environment or society, should we in turn permit additional time for African Americans today to 'catch up' so to speak, to the other races that exist within modern US society?"

    Adaptation isn't a function of time alone. It's a function of time and selective pressure. If there's no selective pressure then the amount of time won't change anything.

    That process was under way in America up until the 1960s revolution blew it all up.


    "Creationists think God created the races. Constructionists think man (socially)constructed the 'races'."

    Geography created races.


    "European cultures did not create the first civilizations. Egypt and Sumer, for example, pre-date the first literate European culture (Minoan Crete) by centuries.


    He's wrong. No one takes the idea of an I-E substrate in Sumerian seriously."

    I wonder if he'd have more luck if he looked for a close relative of I-E rather than I-E directly like some population that lived adjacent to I-E.

  30. I have only ever read Wade's articles, none of his books, but this one I might take a flyer on. He seems willing to push the boundaries of what is permissible in the PC heavy Mainstream Media "dialogue", unlike Pinker who will only discuss genes if he can apply them to all humans or to one sex or the other, but is terrified of discussing race. Obviously Cochran and Harpending are unafraid, but they have been largely ignored by the MSM, it might be harder for them to ignore one of their own who writes for their newspaper of record. I wonder if he will be "Richwined", I wouldn't be surprised if he was given the deplorable state of intellectual discourse in the media.

  31. "C'mon Steve, this is a very important book. It requires a much stronger review than the limited space in Taki's allows."

    Definitely true, did Taki not give you enough space Steve?

  32. BurplesonAFB5/1/14, 9:12 AM

    Yeah Steve, you know Taki can print only so many column inches per issue

  33. "Are Russians rougher cuz they had lots of land?"

    Muscovite barbarism has suffered failure after failure. Russia, backward for half a millenium, abolished serfdom after losing the Crimean war. The limited democratic reforms of the October Manifesto came after they managed to lose a war with Japan. Then Russia tried to modernise its society after effectively capitulating to the West in the Cold war, and there was another revolution in which the NATO advanced to deep within the borders of historic Russia. Political discontent in Russia comes after defeats at the hands of more advanced powers. Russians wants their country to be 'tough, like Putin is trying to be, but it's just a backward country with an economy about the size of Italy's.

    After Superpower America gets Russia to back down there are going to be changes in Russia to make it more effective. "SIMMS shows how both winners and losers were preoccupied, more or less effectively, with enhancing their economic capacity and administrative efficiency in order to withstand external pressure, or to exert it. Sometimes the domestic changes were revolutionary:"


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