April 26, 2014

World War A: Another adventuress plays the identity politics card

No Pole Left Behind: The demure V Stiviano showing off her skills
Earlier this week I pointed out that an increasing number of the identity politics brouhahas in Silicon Valley don't seem to involve traditional victims, but instead revolve around attractive young women who hand the press a prefab narrative about the horrors of "alpha-male culture." Large concentrations of money have traditionally attracted that type of woman formerly known as the adventuress. Some Internet searching suggests that the term "adventuress" is no longer used in polite society, although it remains a popular title for pulp novels for women. It's considered sexist to say that Bonaparte was an adventurer while Lola Montez was an adventuress. So, the word and, increasingly, the concept are forgotten.

The shrinking of vocabulary makes us dumber, just as Orwell explained in the Appendix to 1984, so it's hardly surprising that:

- Adventuresses have figured out how to play the political correctness game for fun and money

- Nobody else notices they are adventuresses

At the moment, the most important news story in the history of forever is some an comment about Magic Johnson apparently made by the octogenarian billionaire slumlord and owner of the L.A. Clippers NBA team, Donald Sterling, to his mistress V Stiviano, which she recorded. (It's illegal in California to record private conversations without the consent of both parties, but racism!).

From the Los Angeles Times:
Sterling's wife describes mistress as gold digger in lawsuit

By Bettina Boxall 
April 26, 2014, 6:25 p.m. 
Donald Sterling’s wife of more than 50 years describes his alleged mistress as a gold digger who seduces older, wealthy men and persuades them to shower her with gifts, according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 7. 
The Clippers team owner and a woman identified as V. Stiviano allegedly began an affair after meeting at the 2010 Super Bowl game and were still in the relationship as of the filing date, according to the lawsuit filed by Rochelle H. Sterling, who is described in the suit as "a married woman seeking to protect and recover community property in her individual capacity."   
Rochelle Sterling alleges that her husband used community property to buy Stiviano a 2012 Ferrari, two Bentleys and a 2013 Range Rover, worth a total of more than $500,0000. 
Sterling also allegedly gave Stiviano $1.8 million to buy a duplex on West 4th Street near the Beverly Center last December, according to the suit, which claims that Sterling additionally provided her with $240,000 for upkeep and living expenses. 
The property was supposed to be held in the Sterlings’ name, Rochelle Sterling contends, but Stiviano has title and has refused to relinquish it. Arguing that the gifts were all allegedly made without Rochelle Sterling’s knowledge or consent, the complaint seeks their return along with compensatory damages. 
The suit, which includes as defendants unnamed agents and employees of Stiviano, alleges that before the complaint was filed, Donald Sterling asked her to return the property. The complaint also says that Stiviano goes by several other names, including Vanessa Maria Perez, Monica Gallegos and Maria Valdez. ...
Late Friday, TMZ posted an audio recording it said captures Sterling making racist statements in the course of an argument to a woman identified as V. Stiviano. The Times has not confirmed the authenticity of the tape. ...
The Clippers released a statement Saturday in which President Andy Roeser says the team does not know if the man recorded is Sterling, but that the comments do not reflect Sterling's "views, beliefs or feelings." 
Furthermore, Roeser claims the woman on the tape is the defendant in a lawsuit filed by the Sterling family that claims she embezzled more than $1.8 million. Sterling told Roeser that the woman said she would "get even" with Sterling for bringing the lawsuit against her.


  1. AHA, I TOLD YOU, I told you. 'Wonder where the wife is? And that wiki said still married.'

    AND....was right, not one Bentley, but TWO! Two Bentleys.

    Still not sure why he didn't just use his spare change for all the gifts.

    When if the gilted wife will give a TMZ interview about his secret stash of Viagra as well?

    Called it, called it on the Bentley, though.

    Wow, 4yrs. Maybe she's trying to do an Anna Nichole Smith type of thing, going for broke a la wedding ring so she's put in the will.

    Imagine if she dropped a on him "oh, by the way, Donald, I'm also carrying your child!"

  2. the question is, why do wives of rich men deserve higher amounts of alimony than the wives of poor men? I assume the workload of being a wife actually gets easier when your husband is wealthy, because you can have hired help. Plus life is better because your husband buys you cool stuff. so if anything, rich men's wives should get less alimony than poor men's wives.

    1. Took the words right out of my mouth. The whole "lifestyle they've become accustomed to " thing is malarky.

  3. If I was Sterling's PR guy (or, for that matter, Mel Gibson's) I could make the whole thing go away with three sentences:

    "The comments I made don't reflect my views. She surreptitiously recorded some of our sexual foreplay. She can't climax unless I talk to her like that."

    This would make everyone uncomfortable, so much so that they'd drop it. Some women are aroused by physical abuse, and some men have used this fact as a defense. It's a matter of time before this is attempted. In the Fifty Shades era, who could object?
    What a world we live in.

    1. Comment of the Decade!!!!!!!!!!

  4. "the question is, why do wives of rich men deserve higher amounts of alimony than the wives of poor men? I assume the workload of being a wife actually gets easier when your husband is wealthy, because you can have hired help. Plus life is better because your husband buys you cool stuff. so if anything, rich men's wives should get less alimony than poor men's wives."

    Considering how stupid this old man is, perhaps his fortune was the result of or grew due to the smarts of his old lady.

  5. >>hardly said...
    """the question is, why do wives of rich men deserve higher amounts of alimony than the wives of poor men?""""

    Because they have more money. As Hemingway said re: the Rich.

    It's proportional. If the rich wife bore some kids, hey. The point is...she's the stay at home or at least giving the best prime yrs of her life to him.

    """Plus life is better because your husband buys you cool stuff."""""

    Until she's dumped for a younger model. Then the cool stuff suddenly stops AND unlike for many poor wives, the wives of the rich and public, well they get humiliated on a regional, and sometimes national scale. If jane nobody gets a divorce, it may be written up a sentence in local paper.

    When Donald and Ivana got divorced, it made almost all America's papers and for quite a few news cycles. So if anything, the rich woman does deserve some extra cash for dealing with the emotional/psychological abuse.

    """so if anything, rich men's wives should get less alimony than poor men's wives""""

    Yeah, whatever.

  6. What Sterling has in common with Bundy is that they're both déclassé. The race stuff reminds me a bit of that scene in Bonfire of the Vanities where the Kramers, formerly insecure in front of their proper English nanny, breathe a sigh of status relief when she outs herself as lower class with a racist comment.

    Google billionaire Eric Schmidt knows how to have affairs without getting egg in his face like this. For starters, he dates a different kind of woman.

  7. The fact that this woman goes by variety of names all Hispanic, maybe she is Fillipina.

    Also, maybe she really did think he was gonna marry her since this was like, hitting the jackpot with his bucks. Kinda like Anna Nichole Smith.

    Now if she had a kid to him, she'd have been set for a long time.

    One thing though. Is he buying her used cars?

    No way that $500,000 buys 2 Bentleys, 1 Ferrari, and a Range Rover. Two Bentleys alone could easily total the total. Must've been cheap Bentleys and Ferrari.

  8. Where is William Makepeace Thackeray when you need him? Becky Sharp would be so proud of this woman.

    I learn so much from this website. I'm hardly a billionaire but I've only resorted to dating one outwardly slutty girl (like VS) in my life and that was a set up by a friend with poor judgment. The rest were respectable girls. If fact, I rarely have the occasion to come into contact with a woman like VS, so how does a billionaire? I would have assumed such people had layers of protection between them and riffraff like VS. Didn't Paul Fussell call such people (billionaires) Top Out of Sight for just this reason?

    Based on this and an article I read regarding women hoping to be impregnated by sports stars, I gather there is an entire underworld of adventuresses who somehow gain access to men like Sterling. It would be interesting to learn more about how they operate.

  9. Well! It saddens me that well paid hoochies can't keep confidences anymore. Where has respect gone? Poor Sterling.

  10. So keeping up with the times,
    being a gold digging whore = good,
    being a racist = bad.

    Or is she fighting against the patriarchy too? Lol.

    Anyway, I won't feel sad for that rich guy, or anyone in this ridiculous story.

    P.S. I saw some other pics, she's not worth a Ferrari, you can get a better hooker for $ 150. She's full of tattoos too. Meh.

  11. >>Dave Pinsen:
    """"Google billionaire Eric Schmidt knows how to have affairs without getting egg in his face like this. For starters, he dates a different kind of woman.""""

    What you're getting at, is the different kind is definitely not a Sherman.

  12. "...she's the stay at home or at least giving the best prime yrs of her life to him."

    Oh please. Rich entitled women aren't *giving* anything.

  13. http://www.amren.com/news/2014/04/fbi-video-warning-about-spying-for-china-stars-white-college-student/

    Israel spies a great deal on the US but we've been so sold on the notion that Israel interests are our own that we don't regard Israeli spies as spies but as undocumented agents of the US government.
    If Pollard did today what he did then, he would be rubbing shoulders with the bigwigs.

    Amnesty for illegals and for Pollard.

  14. 'Racist' bundy and Sterling.

    Cowboy and billionaire Jew.
    How did they end up on the same boat?

    One spoke openly, the other got caught unawares.

    1. But they were both correct.

  15. """"Oh please. Rich entitled women aren't *giving* anything."""""

    And neither are poor women. What do they give? Take the argument to the conclusion.

    But really, it's all relative and proportional. I mean, if this mistress has gotten 5 luxury cars and a 1.8million duplex, obviously, the jilted wife who bore him 3 kids when he was a mr Nobody, should get considerably more.

    Thankfully most courts would tend to agree.

    It's actually, quite.....pathetic. This Rochelle probably thought the two of them were going to take the grandkids on trips, etc. and instead he's getting the best....in a long time.

    No....she clearly is the victim and deserves a proportional just and fair compensation of his net worth.

  16. """"P.S. I saw some other pics, she's not worth a Ferrari, you can get a better hooker for $ 150. She's full of tattoos too. Meh.""""

    She's obviously worth something to him. At his age, he probably doesn't think he could land Scarlett Johannsson or Kierra Knightley.

    """"Based on this and an article I read regarding women hoping to be impregnated by sports stars, I gather there is an entire underworld of adventuresses who somehow gain access to men like Sterling. It would be interesting to learn more about how they operate.""""""

    For starters in right nowland of 2014, there is Twitter and Facebook. Especially Twitter. Lots of millennial athletes are on Twitter. Tons of women throw themselves at them. Do you honestly expect the athletes to rebuff every single advance from them? And many many many of the women throwing themselves don't look skanky ho-ish either.

    But yes, its all about access. Once they get that, its relatively easy to seduce them. And in some cases, access is really easy, specially with Twitter making it easy for these girls.

    NYT around 09 wrote that roughly about 60-80% of athletes' marriages end in divorce.

  17. She could be any streetwalker in Manila, by appearances. You know, I'm as un-PC as anyone here, but I've never heard that use of the term "adventuress". And anyway it sounds more euphemistic than "gold-digger" (a term the media is comfortable with), when they both apparently refer to an upper-class prostitute. Everyone observing this story realizes what this woman is. She's a parasite on the neck of a parasite. Who cares about either of them?

  18. Um, it's still obscene to own an NBA team and make money off black guys and not be comfortable with your girlfriend taking a photo with Magic Johnson.

    Were his septua/octogenarian buddies giving him shit because his mistress was posting photos with black dudes she was likely having sex with? The whole conversation is deeply weird.

  19. I like reading Steve's orthogonal takes as much as the next guy...but it really is Big News if a NBA team owner finds it ICKY to associate with blacks personally.

  20. The above observation deserves a question - what if the gold digging whore was a racist?

    Would she then be goad? Or bood?

    $190 000 would get you one type of Bentley so I doubt they were new models.

    P.S. I saw some other pics, she's not worth a Ferrari, you can get a better hooker for $ 150.

    D Strauss-Khan is more of an expert in these matters.

  21. Adventuress? Nah, just golddigging skank.

  22. Steve, Sterling is a slumlord? Shit, I wish I lived in the slums he owns.


    Corner of Beverly Glen and Wilshire.

  23. "the question is, why do wives of rich men deserve higher amounts of alimony than the wives of poor men? I assume the workload of being a wife actually gets easier when your husband is wealthy, because you can have hired help. Plus life is better because your husband buys you cool stuff. so if anything, rich men's wives should get less alimony than poor men's wives. "

    Because marriage is more than just a service contract. Without the conception of marriage as a personal union civilization would fall apart. The simple implication of that is treating all personal property as marital property. There's never been a successful society where someone could simply discard their spouse without paying high penalties.

    If you don't like it, then the solution is simple: either don't get married or get a prenup. The fact that most women will refuse a prenup goes to show you that the implied agreement is that in the case of divorce or infidelity the husband agrees to fork over half his estate. So in that sense the wives *do* deserve it, since absent a prenup, it was implied as part of the marriage agreement.

  24. That Montez link is pure Roissy-bait:

    "In what were perhaps more virile ages, the great ones of the earth frankly acknowledged the irresistible power of passion and the supreme desirability of beauty. Their followers thought none the less of them for being sons of Adam... A splendid animal, always doing what she wished to do; a natural pagan in her delight in life and love and danger.."

  25. "There's never been a successful society where someone could simply discard their spouse without paying high penalties"

    Until recently, you mean - oh. I see what you did there.

  26. The simple implication of that is treating all personal property as marital property. There's never been a successful society where someone could simply discard their spouse without paying high penalties.

    So you don't consider ours a successful society? Your wife can discard you for fun and profit without paying any penalty at all.

  27. obammy

    “When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk.”

    Must be why he just let Wright talk for 20 yrs.

  28. Blacks make statements all the time they just use the card as a excuse. They are no different than any other group or people . They just get away with it an when it's a true statement they really go off.

  29. the homo version:


  30. Spinosaurus Shawn4/27/14, 6:28 AM

    When it comes down to it, he is a John, and she is a hooker.

    There's a broad spectrum of what is prostitution...

    There's women who marry a man BECAUSE he has money; and there's women who do tricks on the street corner for $30 a pop; then there's everything in between, which is where this woman falls...

  31. The word "adventuress" is pretty mild. One could better explain this to African-Americans by saying he was just trying to keep his Ho in line.

  32. " There's never been a successful society where someone could simply discard their spouse without paying high penalties."

    Exactly. That's the problem we have. Not only the the whores get to divorce without paying a thing, the get rewarded for blowing up their marriage.

    Honestly though, people like you are the scum of the earth. Marriage has been the way you described for centuries, nay, millennia. Alimony after divorce is a fairly recent thing. It doesn't suprise me that retarded socons tell men that they should suck it up and marry those sluts.

    You cockroach.

  33. Her features look kind of strange. Is she a trannie?

  34. I really don't get this story.

    Do American billionaires not know how to have affairs?

    Anna Nicole Smith. This girl.

    They overpay, and an outside observer wonders what is going on besides a gallon of silicon. I mean these two...

    The guy is a billionaire. Did he shop around? What? How did he settle on her? Sounds like a pita.

    And there are lots more super attractive women out there, than this head case.

    So can you see a wealthy european or asian being involved with a trainwreck like this? Other than maybe a quickie at a strip bar?

  35. She's half Mexican half black and all vulgar. But the man seems vulgar too. I bet he picked her out of a crowd.

  36. it really is Big News if a NBA team owner finds it ICKY to associate with blacks personally.

    While that's the story line the racist press are running with, there is nothing in the published remarks (even assuming they are from Sterling) to support the notion that he "finds it ICKY to associate with blacks personally".

  37. """"Oh please. Rich entitled women aren't *giving* anything."""""

    And neither are poor women. What do they give? Take the argument to the conclusion.

    Taking the argument to its bitter and cynical conclusion, nobody in the world ever "gives" anything to anybody and every "gift" is a bribe or form of emotional manipulation.

  38. """"$190 000 would get you one type of Bentley so I doubt they were new models."""""

    And she has TWO Bentley's a '12 Ferrari and a Range Rover.

    Ferrari's usually start between $200-350,000.

    Man, the more details come out sounds like this Sterling character is anything but. A couple of cheap cars, bet that 1.8 Duplex is a real dump in a slum part of downtown LA.

    Some boyfriend!

  39. She's half Black half Mexican.

  40. She's pretty and she's young but she's not that pretty or that young.

    Sterling doesn't seem to know how to get value for money. For the price of all those cars and the condo he should have been able to get one or more twenty something blondes not a low rent mixed race woman fast approaching forty.

    I was shocked at the way the conversation went. I would have expected something more along the lines of:

    "I told you bitch, no blacks"

    "Yes, sir".


  41. On one of the Sunday morning "news" shows today: "Well, this just goes to show that latent racism still exists."

    You know, no one has brought up the hypocrisy of the Clipper's coach, who said this "thing doesn't surprise me," for his having taken the job.

    He could have remained the Celtics' coach or gotten the head job at any number of other franchises, but he chose a SoCal big market franchise with a superstar and budding other stars, knowing he was working for a racist.

    I won't hold my breath waiting for any sportscaster or other broadcaster to ask about his hypocrisy.

  42. Perfect compromise to Sterling Scandal.

    He should revise his statement to:

    "You CAN bring black friends to my games but stop-and-frisk them first. And make sure to invitel mostly well-heeled mulattoes like Obama, Holder, Gladwell, McWhorter, aand Jarrett than loud-mouthed punks with no manners. But if you must bring the darker ones, be sure to seat them in section 8 than in our section."

    Hey, if it's wonderful for NY and San Fran, why not at basketball games?

  43. Bundy really didn't say anything bad at all. Someone got a copy of the original transcript, and this is another case of liberal press carefully editing the comments to make Bundy look bad.

    In truth, he spoke positively about both Mexicans and blacks. And, his body guard is a black man who says Mr. Bundy has not a racist bone in his body.

    Enough of lying, scheming press dolts with an agenda.

    Anonymous age 72

  44. ...her husband used community property to buy Stiviano a 2012 Ferrari, two Bentleys and a 2013 Range Rover, worth a total of more than $500,0000.
    Sterling also allegedly gave Stiviano $1.8 million to buy a duplex on West 4th Street near the Beverly Center last December, according to the suit, which claims that Sterling additionally provided her with $240,000 for upkeep and living expenses.

    Donald Sterling is 80 years old and might be suffering dementia. Perhaps V. Stiviano should be prosecuted for exploitation of the elderly.

    From Wikipedia: Donald Tokowitz (legally added Sterling as his last name as an adult) was born in 1934 in Chicago, Illinois. .. His parents, Susan and Mickey, were Jewish immigrants...

  45. I love the World War G meme but aren't we getting a bit carried away here.

  46. One Google result says V. Stiviano is black and mexican.

  47. "Anonymous said...

    Were his septua/octogenarian buddies giving him shit because his mistress was posting photos with black dudes she was likely having sex with? The whole conversation is deeply weird."

    I could see where he might be upset if his mistress was having sex with Magic Johnson.

  48. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    P.S. I saw some other pics, she's not worth a Ferrari, you can get a better hooker for $ 150. She's full of tattoos too. Meh."

    When I saw that picture of her sitting next to him and then the caption in Steve's earlier post on the subject, I thought it odd that a billionaire had a thai transvestite as a girlfriend/mistress. Can't a rich old guy like Sterling do better than that? She's ugly.

  49. I find it interesting but not surprising that there is no mention of Sterling being jewish instead he is being portrayed as on of the evil WASPs. When are those accused of "racism" going to learn the biggest mistake you can is apologizing, DON'T APOLOGIZE. I never cared for "Duck Dynasty" but it was fun watching the usual suspects weep and gnash their teeth in the face of Robertson's refusal to apologize.

  50. What's Stiviano's endgame here? My theory is that Stiviano figures she is going to lose the case vs Mrs Sterling, so she came up with a plan to humiliate her sugar daddy and make herself famous enough to get a reality show on a network like E! or Bravo. It's not a good plan because the recording was illegal and I doubt she's that intelligent of a woman. Some of her scripted conversation makes me think she's either an idiot or non-native English speaker, e.g. when she says Magic Johnson has done great work for "the minorities".

    What amazes me is how nobody is talking about this conversation being an obvious setup and that Stiviano is trying to goad Sterling into saying something horribly racist. Most of the racist commentary, to me, seems like is implied because she goes into long awkwardly worded anti-racist diatribes and Sterling then doesn't agree with her or at least doesn't emphatically agree. From what I gathered, the most racist things Sterling directly says are, paraphrased, 1) don't post pictures with black dudes on Instagram, 2) blacks and latinos don't get along, and 3) Stiviano should project herself as being a delicate latino or white girl (lol wut?). That's a far cry from saying a bunch of n-bombs or ranting about a master race.

  51. It's very bizarre that this whole thing is something the president feels compelled to comment on.

  52. http://deadspin.com/exclusive-the-extended-donald-sterling-tape-1568291249

    "It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs."

  53. So, how long until Magic Johnson owns the Clippers?

  54. "this baffling exchange about black Jews in Israel:"

    "DS: It's the world! You go to Israel, the blacks are just treated like dogs.

    V: So do you have to treat them like that too?

    DS: The white Jews, there's white Jews and black Jews, do you understand?

    V: And are the black Jews less than the white Jews?

    DS: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent.

    V: And is that right?

    DS: It isn't a question—we don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture.

    V: But shouldn't we take a stand for what's wrong? And be the change and the difference?

    DS: I don't want to change the culture, because I can't."

  55. the question is, why do wives of rich men deserve higher amounts of alimony than the wives of poor men? I assume the workload of being a wife actually gets easier when your husband is wealthy, because you can have hired help. Plus life is better because your husband buys you cool stuff. so if anything, rich men's wives should get less alimony than poor men's wives.

    The answer I always see attached is, "the lifestyle to which her marriage had made her accustomed," or some such.

    When Donald and Ivana got divorced, it made almost all America's papers and for quite a few news cycles. So if anything, the rich woman does deserve some extra cash for dealing with the emotional/psychological abuse.

    Haha, you're funny. Husband must pay wife for abuse suffered at the hands of a totally unaffiliated third party; "I married you because money, now the press is attacking you because money, so I should get half."

    Um, it's still obscene to own an NBA team and make money off black guys and not be comfortable with your girlfriend taking a photo with Magic Johnson.

    He's Jewish, so it might prove interesting to see how bad it gets for this guy. You'd think it would mean the end of his ownership, but we'll see.

    If you don't like it, then the solution is simple: either don't get married or get a prenup.

    The impression I get is that prenups are about as useful in court as a roll of Charmin.

    I find it interesting but not surprising that there is no mention of Sterling being jewish instead he is being portrayed as on of the evil WASPs.

    Heh. They've got the culture so fine-tuned now that they don't have to portray him as a "WASP"; he's rich, "white," and racist, and owns a basketball team, so he's automatically associated with the default "white European, definitely not Jewish" stereotype created in the minds of the public long ago.

  56. "One could better explain this to African-Americans by saying he was just trying to keep his Ho in line."

    Ha. As if black men and women don't know what he was doing as they do it all the time.

    It's whites and others that are confused.

  57. "What amazes me is how nobody is talking about this conversation being an obvious setup and that Stiviano is trying to goad Sterling into saying something horribly racist."

    You must be a foreigner, unfamiliar with the American "progressive" press or an American perhaps totally unfamiliar with the sporting press, the worst of the PC offenders.

  58. >>Aristippus said...
    """"What's Stiviano's endgame here?"""""

    She wants as much as she can get, and to keep what she's gotten from him. The wife looks extremely petty and dumbass for trying to sue to get "back" stuff she most likely knows her husband gave her. If the wife had any real spine, she'd file for divorce and in CA, she gets half his fortune.

    Also, clearly sounds as if the wife had her suspicions and hired private detectives to find out what was going on with her husband.

    """My theory is that Stiviano figures she is going to lose the case vs Mrs Sterling, so she came up with a plan to humiliate her sugar daddy and make herself famous enough to get a reality show on a network like E! or Bravo.""""

    Not necessarily. She may actually win the case by getting it tossed out of court. Its kinda difficult to prove that he explicitly used his community money to pay for his mistress. He could've used his own money, and she'll claim that these were made in the form of a gift.

    ""It's not a good plan because the recording was illegal and I doubt she's that intelligent of a woman."""


    """Some of her scripted conversation makes me think she's either an idiot or non-native English speaker, e.g. when she says Magic Johnson has done great work for "the minorities".""""

    Know what? Its more than likely she steered him onto this topic because he often talks this way around her in private. He figures with no one else around, just he and his ho, he can let his guard down. She's overlooked his talk for a long while since she was getting a lot out of it. But now she figured she can best humiliate him by actually recording what he normally says around her in private, away from everyone else.

    It was fairly easy of her to get him to unleash re: minorities, which shows that he most likely talks this way around her all the time whenever the subject comes up. He probably never thought she'd rat him out.

    """What amazes me is how nobody is talking about this conversation being an obvious setup and that Stiviano is trying to goad Sterling into saying something horribly racist."""

    Perhaps, but its more likely she steered onto this topic because she knows his opinions on the minorities and that it doesn't take him long to open up on his true thoughts whenever he thinks the coast is clear and Magic et all aren't within earshot.

    """From what I gathered, the most racist things Sterling directly says are, paraphrased, 1) don't post pictures with black dudes on Instagram, 2) blacks and latinos don't get along, and 3) Stiviano should project herself as being a delicate latino or white girl (lol wut?).""""

    Have a feeling that Sterlings had these types of conversations before several times over the 4yrs of their relationship. She's smart enough to record it knowing that it would make major headlines. She just lets him do the talking and in the PC world, his own words are what does him in.

    Remember, had Sterling divorced his wife and married her, she'd never have ratted him out.

  59. The LATimes article also mentioned that V Stiviano met him at the Super Bowl in 2010, and that yr it was played in Miami.

    I'm still trying to understand: How did she have the access to a big wig, elite level, VIP Super Bowl get together? In the exclusive VIP Box Seats?

    Either she was: With someone else at the time and decided to latch on to him a la 'Oh, he's a zillion times more rich than what I'm with and I can get more out of him'. But you know the kind of folks who are in those elite VIP boxes and the access one has to have to get in them to watch the Super Bowl?

    We're talking Jay Z, George Clooney, Rush, etc. You've got to be fairly high up the food chain to get in those boxes. How the heck did she get in the box seats to meet him?

    Unless they met in the bathroom, there's really no other explanation of how they actually met at the Super Bowl.

    She had to know someone to get her in OR was already with another gazillionaire (older, of course) at the time. Once there she weighed her options, dumped the one rich guy for Sterling.

    Still doesn't quite add up how they actually met. Its not like Sterling was at one of the parties held during Super Bowl week (e.g. the Playboy Party, etc).

    Suppose it goes without saying that Sterling didn't bother to take along his wife to the super bowl that yr.

  60. Black Mexican woman or southeast Asian transvestite?

  61. "It would be interesting to learn more about how they operate..."

    There are websites out there for this sort of thing. I was made aware of this by a girl I (very briefly) dated, and later by some pals in the VC community who avail themselves of mistresses.

    I logged onto one in hopes of some Takimag fodder: I ended up meeting women I had already met ... hanging around the VC community, and quite a few people I knew already. Never wrote it up: even writing in generalities, it would embarrass too many people I know.

    I'm pretty sure the sports 'hos only have to show up at sports events. I knew a girl in high school who was a Hockey groupie (at 15); she didn't have any problems.

  62. >>scottlocklin said:
    """"I'm pretty sure the sports 'hos only have to show up at sports events."""

    They also use Twitter and Facebook. There are twitter accounts of girls who brag about all the athletes they've met and banged, and they get a few public pics of them with the athlete a la instagram for their followers to see. Younger generation really likes Twitter.

  63. What's "VC"?

  64. Seriously? Is Sterling joking?

    Sorry, she's UGLY. Wow. UGLY.

    And she's HALF black as well...i don't get it.

    It's not the first time he's made comments like this....on WikiP it mentioned that he was discriminatory towards renting his apartments to Blacks and Hispanics especially in BH properties. Also, something went down between him and Mr. Elgin Baylor that was race related.

    The man's a racist, always has been always will be.


  65. What's "VC"?

    Victoria Cross. Those British and Commonwealth veterans' get-togethers are much wilder than you'd think.

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