April 15, 2014

World War T disappears up its fundamental aperture

Contemporary Who? Whom? thinking is highly appealing because it doesn't require reasoning from objective principles, which can make your brain heat up. All you need to know is which categories of people are on your team, and then you know who is right and who is wrong, because your team is good and the other team is bad.

On the other hand, there is also the urge to incorporate onto Your Team as baroque a set of teammates as possible to prove the undeniable goodness of your team, as exemplified by the ongoing World War T.

From the San Francisco Examiner:
Transgender, women’s rights advocate and prominent Twitter engineer charged with rape  
By Jonah Owen Lamb @Jonahowenlamb
A prominent advocate for transgender and women's rights in the tech world has been charged with raping her wife, The San Francisco Examiner has learned. 
Dana McCallum, a senior engineer at Twitter who speaks and writes about women's and transgender-rights and technology issues, was arrested Jan. 26 and booked into County Jail on suspicion of five felonies, according to the Sheriff's Department. 
McCallum, 31, who was born a male, openly identifies as a female and whose legal name is Dana Contreras, was charged Jan. 29 with five felonies, including three counts of spousal rape, one count of false imprisonment and one count of domestic violence, according to the District Attorney's Office. She has since pleaded not guilty. 
Despite the charges, McCallum's attorney, John Runfola, says the case is simply about money. 
"I'm just disgusted that, you know, this is going on," Runfola said. "Dana is an employee [at Twitter] and is about to come into a large amount of money. ... This whole thing is about money." 
The couple had been separated, he said, but were still having sexual relations. 
McCallum served her wife with divorce papers the day before the incident, Runfola said. ...
According to McCallum's profile on the online publication Model View Culture, for which she wrote about transgender people and women in tech in January 2013, "Dana McCallum has been working in software engineering and engineering leadership since 2000. As an advocate for women in technology and the LGBT community, Dana helped create advocacy teams at Twitter and other companies, served as a delegate on women's issues in India, and speaks regularly at events focused on women and LGBT people in tech." 
A December story in Business Insider listed McCallum as one of the most important gay people in the tech world. 

I don't want to be too graphic here, but this question is inevitable: Raped with what?


  1. A December story in Business Insider listed McCallum as one of the most important gay people in the tech world.

    He's a man who likes women. Yet he's "gay". Wow.

  2. "Raped with what?"

    In this digital era, I don't know where to point the finger.

  3. I used to laugh at pastebin stories.

    Alas, they are coming true.

  4. Maybe his just a Transgender(Crossdresser) and not a Transexual?

  5. Hey, did you guys hear about that Neo-Nazi dude that shot up all those people in Kansas? Pretty crazy, huh?

  6. The various "T" terms seem to be used pretty loosely. Part of the point is to separate "gender" from any mooring in physicality; ergo, you can't be sure this T-woman has gone to the trouble of having her wang sawn off.

  7. He's a prevert. He musta did it.

    I bet he never saw that coming when he threw off the yokes of conformity. I bet she did.

    Gilbert P

  8. "McCallum, 31, who was born a male..."

    by a penis.


    Gay transgender rapes wife

    If the new SAT is all about reading comprehension, i say let the kids grind their teeth on that.

    What is the sex of the rapist?
    (a) male
    (b) female

  9. "raping her wife"... Things I never thought I'd ever hear.

    He is a [fake] lesbian. Of course they 'accessorized'.

  10. You are behind the times! Physical sexual characteristics have nothing to do with gender any more, as any Butlerian womens' studies student will tell you. You can be a transgender women simply through self-declaration.
    This person is accused of imprisoning and raping their wife with their own penis (I think a penis may be required for a rape charge in Cali)

  11. Sounds like a case of autogynephilia.


    Of course I assume that the term autogynephilia is highly anti-PC.

    It seems to me that autogynephilia is a narcissistic disorder common to middle aged moderately successfully but one time aspiring top alpha-males.

    It is like "Oh well I can't be the TED NUGENT of alpha-males, but at least I can remake myself as the TED NUGENT of lesbians.

    Who knows it may all be linked to middle age drops in testosterone levels linked in part to severe depression. Apparently Bruce/Bridgette Jenner's "transgender coach" Rene Richards, the former Dr Richard Raskind, is recommending trying anti-depressants before doing anything "drastic". Sounds like hard learned wisdom.

    Hell, if I was married to that crazy ball busting, emasculating, fame whore, harpy Kris Jenner, I might be suffering from a drop in testosterone levels myself.

  12. Ok, trannie marriage for dummies, bear with me....

    Man "becomes" woman. Got it
    Trannie marries woman. Still with you, but.....
    Trannie is gay (bogus surgical/chemical female real woman)
    Trannie ????? To said woman?

    This is a Frankfurt school riddle wrapped inside a psyop encased in a mind tease

  13. Raped with what? Hateful words, one
    possibility. or one of Doc Johnson's finer products?

  14. I believe that transgender basically means crossdresser, although there may be exceptions.

    Steve, you should look into Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey. They have some politically incorrect HBD based theories on the subject:


    Blanchard divided trans women into two different groups: so-called "homosexual transsexuals," whom Blanchard says seek sex reassignment surgery to romantically and sexually attract (ideally heterosexual) men, and "autogynephilic transsexuals" who purportedly are sexually aroused at the idea of having a normative female body.

    Autogynephilia ... is a term coined in 1989 by Ray Blanchard, to refer to "a man's paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman.

    There is also an ongoing controversity between lesbian transwomen (heterosexual, male crossdressers) and lesbians. The former accuse lesbians who wouldn't sleep with them to be transphobic...

    So expect feminist lesbian attacks on this guy.

  15. Not all (or even most?) transsexuals receive the "unkindest" cut, so my guess is that McCallum was still packing heat, so to speak.

    A straight man, trapped inside a woman (who is technically still a man).

  16. thank goodness we have only one such group of non-objective set of americans--the progressives. Thank goodness we have only one propagandized, self-righteous political tribe. Thank goodness we have only one political tribe that thinks their way is the only one, the One True Path. Thank goodness we have only one such tribe to defeat.

    It's So Good that we are Right and that they are Wrong.

    We are Right and they are Wrong.


    It's not possible that Our Side is just as wrong as their side, is it?

  17. "He's a man who likes women. Yet he's "gay". Wow."

    I wonder if more guys are going to start doing this as feminist pressure identifies.

    Raped with what? If he's a preop (or non-op), it's same as any other rape, except the rapist wore panties.

  18. He became a lesbian? He's 31 yet has worked in software engineering since '00? That he was sent as a "delegate" on women's rights to India is really cringe inducing, who, along with Gessen at Radio Liberty, are the kind of people held up before the rest of the world as being representative of American 'values'. It's an ongoing embarrassment to every person in this country. Meanwhile, in this city a popular free weekly paper that's all over the place has as it's front page story a transgender MMA fighter. Truly the burning issue of the century. Claiming to be an American is less appealing than it's ever been. At one time there was a certain prestige attached to being a US citizen. Now it's becoming a stigma.

  19. Yeah, I agree with the previous comment that "she" could still be a he but only identifies as a she. From what I understand, your sex (or "gender") is based on how you identify yourself, not by anything objective. I can be masculine, heterosexual, have only a penis, and according to the new rules if I identify myself as a woman, I'm a woman. Transgender doesn't necessarily mean transsexual. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender

  20. Raped with what? The usual thing.


    "According to the San Francisco police, the state of California classifies rape as penial on vaginal assault. They were not able to reveal any of the specific details about the suspect or the victim, but said that in order for a rape to have occurred, it would have to meet the aforementioned criteria."

  21. From the article's comments:

    Smokey on 04/11/2014 at 12:08 PM --
    "Does this person have a penis or not? Seems a relevant fact not included."

    Warrior Bunny on 04/11/2014 at 12:20 PM --
    "Penises are NOT relevant. The alleged rapist may have a penis, but her penis IS feminine. This fact is much more important to understand than whether the female penis was used for raping a privileged cis woman. Please. Stop. You are a vaginist, and your words erase identities, and erasing someone's identity is EXACTLY like killing them."

    The general loopiness of the forum makes it hard to distinguish the sincere commenters from the comedians.

  22. "Raped with what?"
    Obviously, she raped her wife with his penis.
    But seriously, folks, did I not see a recent newspaper or AP report of a middle school kid who "identified" as female and so was allowed by the school board to use the girl's locker room? The paper (I have forgotten the source and location of the incident) solemnly reported that the kid had caused a ruckus when "she exposed her male genitalia" to the girls.

  23. I think this is more a matter of being able to ridicule LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH than the Star Wars bar scene Democrat-left coalition.

  24. That article's sickening. I've just been raped too--mind raped. But whom can I sue?

  25. SidewaysTo save everyone else the time of looking it up, no, the business insider article did not say that he was gay.4/16/14, 6:14 AM

    To save everyone else the time of looking it up, no, the business insider article did not say that he was gay.

  26. With her rapier wit?

  27. Oswald Spengler4/16/14, 6:29 AM


    McCallum looks like a huskier version of Lena Dunham.

  28. What a wonderful trolling opportunity! I can see the comments now:

    "When are lesbians going to admit the domestic violence issues in the Lesbian Community?"

    "This is just another example of lesbian-on-lesbian DV."

    "This should be a lesson to all of us that homosexual marriages are a mistake."

    I can just hear the womon-born-womon community grinding their teeth in silent rage.

  29. "Raped with what?"

    Perhaps he/she is pre-op?

  30. This story is confusingly light on the details. It needs more meat.

  31. RE: Who?Whom?,

    It's interesting to see how even the more radical thinkers of the past are now no longer without sin. Here's a recent review of Joanna Russ' "classic" Lesbian SF novel, THE FEMALE MAN:

    "However—wow, can I see where that treads very, very close to transphobic territory. It doesn’t help that the attitude of second wave feminism toward transwomen was negative at best, violently hostile at worst—it doesn’t make me terribly inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. So, reader be forewarned. It’s a very short section of the book, but it’s there, and it’s got some uncomfortable tension for me as a critic/reader in 2011."


  32. http://bub.blicio.us/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/DSC_0565.jpg


    Just adorable. I see nothing wrong with the picture. When they build the multi-verse transporter I'm going to buy my own universe and slow things down a little. Set the red men free...

  33. "McCallum, 31, who was born a male, openly identifies as a female and whose legal name is Dana Contreras,....."

    should read: "McCallum, 31, was born a male, is f**ked up in the head, and had his willie lopped off....."

    The way the news media humors these deranged wierdos - referring to them as "he" or "she" according to their delusion - is sickening. Must we address crazy people who believe themselves to be Napoleon as "Mon Emperereur".

  34. It's not clear from the article, but Dana McCallum has had a penis since day one. Make of that what you will.

  35. A foreign object, natch.

  36. Steve, did you see yesterday's story on India's Supreme Court creating a "3rd sex" category for their Hajras? "Hirjas is a broad term used throughout South Asia that can be used to refer to everything from a transgender person to a 'natural hermaphrodite to a male cross-dresser in a sari,' according to ABC News."


  37. Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta4/16/14, 8:22 AM

    "an advocate for women in technology..."

    No doubt also has also worked to get more women involved in technology.

    But Ms. McCallum shows perhaps a more effective way to achieve better numbers of women in the industry.

    Take the promising men who are already there and just call them "women" and they'll be able to benefit from all the special mentoring and support programs reserved for "women."

    Ms McCallum even shows that this doesn't necessarily get in the way of dating or a relationship with a natural woman. But it still doesn't protect one from the false accusations and legal manipulations so popular among the crazier cis-women breeders.

  38. Steve, did you see yesterday's story about India's Supreme Court ruling which created a 3rd sex category for their Hijras, "a broad term used throughout South Asia that can be used to refer to everything from a transgender person to a 'natural hermaphrodite to a male cross-dresser in a sari,' according to ABC News"?


    (Sorry if this double posted.)

  39. One presumes he still has his 'male' eyes and tongue.

    Many feminists cry rape from mere glances and words. Surely he's sill capable of that.

    I will not refer to him as her no matter how he mutilates himself. No more than I would refer to him as a 'table' if he fused his limbs into that position and asked people to dress him in table linens.

  40. Peter Akuleyev4/16/14, 8:38 AM

    I don't want to be too graphic here, but this question is inevitable: Raped with what?

    With the usual equipment probably. A lot of modern "transgender" dont have the surgery, they just "identify" as women, and maybe have some hormone therapy. Probably a convenient way for a beta male to become an Alpha Dyke.

  41. The Business Insider article is not very helpful. It does not list everyone's specific gender identity.

  42. With a tool of the PATRIARCHY!!!

  43. Words escape me.

  44. The old advice is "don't stick your dick in the crazy", but that obviously needs to be updated for the new age.

  45. True story- went on a "return run" this week, returning some items my wife didn't want before the close of this month's credit card billing cycle. It's a psychological thing for me, cushions the blow of an inevitably large statement, plus even the simplest women's clothing items are surprisingly expensive.

    One of the returns was at the local WalMart, which we both broke down and started patronizing. It's not their prices, so much as other stores will sometimes simply not carry the exact tool or houseware you need. Our Walmart lives up to its national reputation, which is amazing since their employee pool is drawn from the exact same community which produces the much more presentable cashiers at Target.

    Anyway, waited in the returns line till a 50's-ish beat-down looking woman asked if she could help us. Except the voice was the strong baritone of a 50's-ish man. But the name tag said "Ella". And it had robin's egg blue nail polish on. And double-C/single-D size cleavage (paying for the high-impact items first, I guess). My kid was in tow but didn't say anything (he was recovering from a cold, so maybe was blessedly oblivious).

    I wonder what "Ella" does for fun at night, and who or what dwells in its basement. Does Ella throw a party for it? Does Ella do the tuck dance when getting ready? Maybe while playing Escape ("If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain..."). I know I'd like listening to Escape on my cassette recorder stereo boombox if I were doing the tuck dance...

    And all I got for the effort was a lousy refund of $4.73 ...

  46. "Raped with what?" McCallum might be pre-op.

  47. I work at a VC firm in the Valley, and the scuttlebutt here is that she forced analingus with her wife.

  48. Speaking of Silence of the Lambs, it's interesting to note that Thomas Harris took pains in the original (late 80's) novel to emphasize serial killer "Buffalo Bill" was not really gay, he just thought he was. Harris had already had a novel turned into a movie by then, and so he probably knew who he would have to avoid ticking-off if he wanted any more of that Hollywood money rolling in. And yet the closest real-life counterpart to Harris's most famous creation was Jeffrey Dahmer, an honest-to-goodness, bathhouses-and-all, gay cannibal serial killer.

    In the spirit of retroactive non-immunity, though, shouldn't we be hauling Harris before the transgender rights committee for his hateful representation of a transgender man in Silence of the Lambs? And what about the creators of Hangover II? The single punchiest gross-out gag of the last 10 years surely must be Ed Helms's reaction to learning what he did the other night with a Thai boy-woman prostitute. Yet by playing up the disgusting-ness of the situation for cheap laughs rather than exploring the situation with more tenderness and sympathy, I think the Hangover's producers must certainly be guilty of transgender-phobia, homophobia, and also maybe racism.

  49. The truth is stranger than fiction

  50. Just as slavery is not anymore slavery as you read in the British Encyclopedia, San Francisco rape is not a physical act, but a brutal unfeeling intrusive look, a very hurting gesture and words. Thinking that a "what" is involved is so ... Republican?

  51. Looks like McCallum found the solution to increase the number of women in tech.

  52. white race is a sexual mess, don't ya think? and they think they always know it all.

  53. "I don't want to be too graphic here, but this question is inevitable:"

    I'm disappointed in you, Mr. Sailer. Even in complete ignorance of McCallum's physiology, a little investment of imagination presents many ways in which rape can be accomplished regardless of physical attributes.

    The ending is just a cheap shot, the sort of rhetorical stunt I expected you to not need to stoop to. I know you can do better than this.

  54. Im sorry but this article is ridiculous. A cis person CANNOT be raped by a trans person. Trans people do not have the required institutional power to rape their oppressors. Cis people may feel they have had an unwanted sexual experience with a trans person (usually the result of transphobia) but it's privilege-blind stupidity to call it rape. It's like white people complaining that they experience racism.

  55. Wait ... Dana Contreras? Dana McCallum? is he/she a Latino, a Latina, a White male, a White female. A Harvard Business School grad? Did he/she switch genders to gain favor with lesbian Dean Frances (with and "e") Frei? Did he/she make the 4 children with his/her own you-know-what? Does he/she still have his/her you-know-what?

    I'm sorry, but trying to keep track is making my brain heat up, but alas no other body parts. It is about the unsexiest story I've ever heard.

    "As a trans (male-female) woman, the Harvard Business School grad always wanted to work in programming and information technology.

    Contreras married her wife, Melissa, in 2007 before going through the male-female transition process. She currently lives in Indiana with Melissa and her four children."


  56. "Trans people do not have the required institutional power to rape their oppressors."

    I can't tell whether post #57 (11:47 AM) is intended to be a parody or not. I've heard much the same claims made about various 'minority' groups and racism.

    Rape doesn't require 'institutional power', my good man. It only requires forcing people into unwanted sex. Or, having sex with people legally incapable of giving consent, which is a trickier issue.

    I'd like to see you tell a female rape victim that she wasn't really raped because her attacker was a transsexual. I'd like to see you tell her that to her face. Or, for that matter, tell a raped man that he wasn't actually raped because his attacker decided they were a man/woman in a woman's/man's body, respectively.

    No jury in the world would convict them.

  57. Modern Abraham:
    Thomas Harris was gay.

  58. Modern Abraham:"In the spirit of retroactive non-immunity, though, shouldn't we be hauling Harris before the transgender rights committee for his hateful representation of a transgender man in Silence of the Lambs?"

    Harris also had Lecter say that the killer wasn't a real transsexual;he just thought that he was. Truly, Harris was prescient about the evolution of our societal taboos.

  59. If Dana is said to be a lesbian and still has his penis does that make his wife gay or straight?

  60. OT: The neocons are mad at the Ukrainian army because it doesn't want to shoot at fellow Ukrainians. The soldiers are joining the insurgents as soon as they get in contact with them. This has now happened dozens of times.

    During the Maidan protests the neocons were mad at Yanukovich for not wanting to shoot at the protestors. They pitted two groups of Ukrainians against each other, but for several months these two groups were refusing to fight. So foreign snipers had to be called in.

    The conditions are ripe for a repeat of that. If Greystone guys or whoever shell Slavyansk, real war will start. It's in neocons' interest to do that, so I'm guessig they will do it. They'll blame Putin for it. There's a precedent beyond those Maidan snipers. When the neocon-backed Chechens blew up some apartment buildings in Moscow, Western media blamed Putin. I think "Putin did it" is still the MSM party line on that point.

    Anyway, there's an impasse right now. The Nuland-installed junta can get Ukranian soldiers to the frontline, but it can't make them fight. They're unwilling to shoot at fellow Ukrainians, they're surrendering their weapons without a fight. Enter shelling by non-Ukrainian mercs? Aerial bombardment? I've seen a rumor about Croatian pillots being in the Ukraine right now.

  61. When the neocon-backed Chechens blew up some apartment buildings in Moscow, Western media blamed Putin. I think "Putin did it" is still the MSM party line on that point.

    Well, there are still a lot in the media who think Bush did it. (911, that is.)

  62. "The couple had been separated, he said, but were still having sexual relations."

    uh, what. so were they separated or not.

    also i want to know what woman would marry this person. i thought lesbians hated transexuals.

    as to steve's question, most male transexuals retain their penises. they change the rest of themselves, but they usually do not give up their penises. the ones who go all the way, are usually attracted to men, and wish to find and date straight males. they would not marry a woman.

    considering the reported details here, i would assume this person still has their penis. not necessarily, but those are the usual dynamics.

  63. Miguel S. said...
    "That article's sickening. I've just been raped too--mind raped. But whom can I sue?"

    Too funny!!! That article raped my mind and assaulted my sensibilities!

  64. Female hormones = Lack of control = Hysteria = Violence

    Hence, female hormones cause rape.

  65. Warrior Bunny said:

    "her penis IS feminine"

    What planet am I on?

  66. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDswiT87oo8

    Girls who are boys
    Who like boys to be girls
    Who do boys like they're girls
    Who do girls like they're boys

  67. If Dana is said to be a lesbian and still has his penis does that make his wife gay or straight?

    And what do they call a woman who marries a man who then has himself turned into a woman? If there's a term for that, we all need to know it so we can be properly empathetic to her(?).

  68. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4

    I woke up this morning with a bad hangover
    And my penis was missing again
    This happens all the time
    It's detachable

    This comes in handy a lot of the time
    I can leave it home when I think it's going to get me in trouble
    Or I can rent it out when I don't need it

    But now and then I go to a party
    Get drunk
    And the next the morning, I can't for the life of me
    Remember what I did with it...

  69. "Modern Abraham said...
    Speaking of Silence of the Lambs, it's interesting to note that Thomas Harris took pains in the original (late 80's) novel to emphasize serial killer "Buffalo Bill" was not really gay, he just thought he was. Harris had already had a novel turned into a movie by then, and so he probably knew who he would have to avoid ticking-off if he wanted any more of that Hollywood money rolling in. And yet the closest real-life counterpart to Harris's most famous creation was Jeffrey Dahmer,"

    No, the character is based on the very real female skin suit builder Ed Gein:


    This guy is probably the origin of all horror stories with crossdressing villains from Norman Bates to the Silence of the Lambs. The guy appears to have been seriously disturbed in multiple ways and moviemakers just focused on one of the aspects because the real word nutcase would be unbelievable to audiences so one film about impersonating the crazy domineering dead mother and another about skin suits and...

  70. No, the character is based on the very real female skin suit builder Ed Gein

    I was talking more about Lecter ("most famous creation"). Harris probably was thinking of Gein, but Gein was a piker compared to Dahmer. Without going too much into the details I remember Gein only killed about 2 people; most of his grisly hobbies involved bodies he stole from the local cemetery. Dahmer, on the other hand, killed about 20 people, ate parts of some of them, kept other parts as trophies. His fridge at the time of his arrest was as bad as any horror movie has come up with.

    Thomas Harris was gay.

    Well I'll be! I could swear reading he lived reclusively with a female companion...

  71. Hilarious, Anonymous 4/16/14, 11:42 AM!

    Now, could you please tell me whether that was meant as satire or in earnest? It would help a lot if I knew whether I was laughing at you or with you.

    Many thanks1

  72. You are a vaginist, and your words erase identities, and erasing someone's identity is EXACTLY like killing them

    I love this website! I get all my (continuing) sex education here. I first realized I was a cis-male on iSteve, and now I found out about things called "vaginists".

  73. You are behind the times! Physical sexual characteristics have nothing to do with gender any more, as any Butlerian womens' studies student will tell you.

    I'm tellin' ya, if you are smart you will no longer refer to yourself as a "straight white male", but as a "pre-conversion lesbian bull dyke transsexual".

    You get to dress like a guy, act like a guy, and chase women just like always, but (a) you are about at PC as it gets, and (b) you get to blame "the Patriarchy" when you act up.

  74. "You are a vaginist, and your words erase identities..."
    Mandrake gestures hypnotically!

  75. "You are a vaginist, and your words erase identities..."

    How about conservatives have

    'hands monologue'

    'feet monologue'

    'nose monologue'

    'ears monologue'

    'back monologue'

    and etc.

    They'd be more interesting--and for the entire family--than ugly women whining about pussy.

  76. Please, people, boycott San Francisco. This nonsense would stop if that happened.

  77. Harry Baldwin4/16/14, 7:31 PM

    My local public radio news had a
    story about a transgender 16-year-old who was so violent that DCF decided she had to be put in a woman's prison. Of course, public outrage ensued. Obviously, the DCF commissioner in a state like Connecticut is going to be as liberal as liberal can be, but evidently not liberal enough.

    The Commissioner of the state Department of Children and Families is defending her agency's rare transfer of a 16-year-old transgender girl to Connecticut’s women’s prison. Joette Katz said the state had run out of options for the troubled youth....

    DCF said the child came into DCF custody in 2009 when she was eleven or 12. . . Katz said that during this time, the juvenile had a long history of assaulting her peers and staff. That’s why the Commissioner agreed late last year to send her to a facility for girls in Massachusetts.

    "At the time," Katz said, "I said, I’m running out of options. [The teen] engaged in some of her typical behaviors assaulting youth, grabbing hair, punching; but the one that really was the final straw was the one at the end of January."

    That’s when the teen got into a fight with staff. Katz said the teen fractured a staff member’s jaw and temporarily blinded her....

    Katz refuted the claim by some of the teen’s advocates that she is being singled out because she is a transgender female, and that DCF doesn’t know "what to do with her."

    I know--place her in the home of her most vocal advocate!

  78. Titus Didius Tacitus4/16/14, 7:59 PM

    "Raped with what?"

    The male gaze.

  79. This story shows how "women" can get ahead in the tech field: be born a male.

  80. And on the Gay Hollywood side of things:

    According to the lawsuit filed in federal court in Hawaii, plaintiff Michael Egan, who was named in a press release by his lawyers, was 17 when he was forcibly sodomized by Singer, among other accusations.

    “Defendant, BRYAN JAY SINGER, manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats, and inducements which resulted in Plaintiff suffering catastrophic psychological and emotional injuries. Defendant Singer did so as part of a group of adult males similarly positioned in the entertainment industry that maintained and exploited boys in a sordid sex ring. A Hollywood mogul must not use his position to sexually exploit underage actors.”

    Variety reports,

    Marc Collins-Rector, the former chairman of Digital Entertainment Network, an ambitious Internet startup that sputtered in the dotcom bust of 2000, is also cited in the Singer lawsuit, although he is not named as a defendant. He is accused of initiating the sexual abuse of Egan and arranging for Singer to assault Egan at a house in Encino, Calif.

    Collins-Rector is a registered sex offender, having plead guilty in 2004 to luring minors across state lines for sexual acts.

  81. So it really does get better.

  82. "Despite the charges, McCallum's attorney, John Runfola, says the case is simply about money.
    "I'm just disgusted that, you know, this is going on," Runfola said. "Dana is an employee [at Twitter] and is about to come into a large amount of money. ... This whole thing is about money."

    Not quite as interesting as 'with what' but I can't help thinking WELCOME TO THE JOYS OF MARRIAGE.

    This proves the need for gay prenups. And just like gay weddings tend to be lavish, gay divorce will likely be equally spectacular.

    And gay palimony. If you haven't already herald of it, you heard it here first.

  83. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBOQzSk14c

    STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'.

    REG: What?

    LORETTA: It's my right as a man.

    JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?

    LORETTA: I want to have babies.

    REG: You want to have babies?!

    LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.

    REG: But... you can't have babies.

    LORETTA: Don't you oppress me!

    REG: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?

    LORETTA: (crying)

    JUDITH: Here! I - I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies.

    FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry.

    REG: What's the point?

    FRANCIS: What?

    REG: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?

    FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

    REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality.

  84. "I don't want to be too graphic here, but this question is inevitable:"

    I'm disappointed in you, Mr. Sailer. Even in complete ignorance of McCallum's physiology, a little investment of imagination presents many ways in which rape can be accomplished regardless of physical attributes.

    The ending is just a cheap shot, the sort of rhetorical stunt I expected you to not need to stoop to. I know you can do better than this.

    My thoughts exactly.

  85. Most modern male-to-female transgenders keep their penises. The last statistic I saw said more than 70% plan to keep the penis even after surgery.

    "Gender reassignment surgery" can be considered "complete" after facial feminization surgery and/or breast implants, which is why many states that officially recognize gender changes no longer require that the genitals also be altered. Many trannies are hetero male autogynephiles, so they want to keep their dicks.

  86. I was talking to an acquaintance about a girl I was friendly with in college that he works with now. I asked how Jennifer was doing. "Oh, didn't you hear, he goes by Jeremy now?"

    I mean, I've read about this stuff, but to actually be exposed to something so stupid in person...


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