May 15, 2014

Donald T. Sterling's commencement address at Michigan St. dogged by controversy

I don't actually have anything to say on the subject, but I liked the title.


  1. Meanwhile, on Twitter, a sports writer I hadn't heard of took a brave stand against Sterling.

  2. That link gets me here:

    Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

    Thanks for noticing—we're going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.

    Oh, the irony!


    sailer bait again steve. waddya thnk...

  4. delete the close quote and the link works

  5. Obama takes judicious action.

    Merkel announces that EU is doomed.

    Germen opposition leader praises fertility of soil in Ukraine.

    Gay black woman attacks culture of victimhood.

    Hellary strokes cat. (nudge, nudge)

    Hellary says "different strokes for different folks". (wink, wink)

  6. In pools, young blacks drown at far higher rates

    The big irony here is that Jews have always been pretty huge in olympic-caliber swimming [for instance, Mark Spitz was Jewish].

    Koreans too [Park Tae-hwan won gold in Beijing and silver in London].

    BTW, did we ever decide whether Shirley Babashoff was Bolshevik or White Russian?

  7. I thought Sterling's opening line of the commencement speech was the best: "Why couldn't you be more like Koreans? I so much more prefer Ann Arbor to East Lansing this time of the year."

    It got weaker in the middle: "...I mean, what has he done for minorities? He went and got AIDS. I just don't think he is a good role model is all I'm saying."

  8. Sparty would be fun, but would've been much more fun if he bought his way into addressing, say, the kids graduating from Howard. Or for the truly hilarious, Yeshiva.

    "Now kids, if you ever need a loan and Uncle Moishe is a little short..."

  9. Hilarious ... I guffawed




  12. Off Topic:


    Claire Cain Miller (her again) is ON THE CASE.

  13. OT:

    I was reading some of the reviews for Wade's previous book "Before the Dawn", which he wrote in 2006.

    Interestingly, the reviews he got for his book in 2006 were not unlike his reviews for "A Troublesome Inheritance." They all followed the pattern of "I liked the first part but am disgusted with the second part of his book."

    Telling of how far HBD has come since 2006, the second section of before the dawn was about the reality of race, and everyone hated it back then. Fast forward to 2014 and everyone loves Wade's first section on the reality of race but detests his second section on race's role in the rise and fall of nations.

    By the time Wade writes his next book, critics will love his first section on race's role in the rise and fall of nations but hate his second section on , perhaps, immigration restriction.


    "There are only three Jewish players in the NBA, and no Jewish head coaches. Yet nearly half the principal owners of NBA teams are Jewish, as are the league’s current commissioner and its immediate past commissioner."



    I guess hate hoaxes are old hat.

    Now, the hate hoax crime.

  16. What's the idea? Are you trying to start a rumor?

  17. Isn't it time we have an all white basketball league? Football and baseball too?

    No one would expect the white guys to be competitive but occasionally a white team would beat a 'real' NBA team and that would generate interest. It would be 'front page news' (if there still were front pages).

    It wouldn't be racism because the racial barrier would be there only to protect the naturally inferior whites from the dominant blacks.

    No little white kid today can really hold much hope to make it in the NBA. The odds against a white person are roughly 100 times worse than those against blacks. A league in which blacks were disallowed would give them hope.

    I don't really know but I think female sports need the same kind of policies to exclude men. They have to keep alert to keep the better athletes out. I seem to remember Rene Richards - a man who had his dick cut off so as to become competitive in women's tennis. Seems like the same principle to me.

    We used to exclude blacks from white basketball and that led to the entertaining black Harlem Globetrotters and then a series of inspiring sports movies. All that has been swept away with racial integration.

    We could have an inspiring movie about a white kid who struggles up through college and white league basketball until in the final reel he qualifies for the NBA. There wouldn't be a dry eye in the house.

    It used to be that if you wanted to see basketball played with showy and selfish individualism you would go to see the Globetrotters. Now every NBA team plays that way. With a white-only league they could attract fans who might want to see basketball teams run some plays again.

    Pat Boyle

  18. In pools, young blacks drown at far higher rates

    Clearly, not enough young Whites are drowning. Must fix that.

  19. There is already a white NBA team--the Minnesota Timberwolves. Kevin Love,Ricky Rubio, Nikola Pekovic, Alexey Shved, and Chase Buddinger. This team horrifically underperformed this year, but maybe next year, they can compete.

  20. "In pools, young blacks drown at far higher rates"

    Often due to bullying

  21. The Rick Sanchez In The Iron Mask5/16/14, 1:45 PM

    Anonymous LBF: "Clearly, not enough young Whites are drowning. Must fix that."

    Investigate swimming lessons for children. If whites show desire for them at a greater rate than non-whites, they are a racist allocation of resources. Ban them, and problem solved.

  22. Don Sterlowitz is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life


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