May 28, 2014

NYT: "If You Work in Silicon Valley, Odds Are You’re a White Man"

At the time of the 2012 election, I pointed out that the Obama Coalition was a fissiparous mishmash of the fringes of American society that could only be kept from turning on each other by constant demonization of the core of American society -- Straight White Married Gentile Men -- as the embodiment of all that is wrong with America. 

From the NYT:
If You Work in Silicon Valley, Odds Are You’re a White Man
MAY 28, 2014

Claire Cain Miller

It’s good to be a man, particularly a white or Asian one, in Silicon Valley. 
Otherwise, not so much. 
The tech industry has been known to have a serious diversity problem. But on Wednesday, we got a peek at just how bad it is. Google released statistics about the make-up of its workforce that showed that while men and Asian people are overrepresented, women and black people are drastically underrepresented as compared to the overall United States workforce. ...
Read more about Google’s demographics on The Times’s Bits blog.

Now, if you go there, you find Claire Cain Miller's headline is inflammatorily distorted:
Of its United States employees, 61 percent are white, 2 percent are black and 3 percent are Hispanic. About one-third are Asian — well above the national average — and 4 percent are of two or more races. Of Google’s technical staff, 60 percent are white, 1 percent are black, 2 percent are Hispanic, 34 percent are Asian and 3 percent are of two or more races. 
In the United States workforce over all, 80 percent of employees are white, 12 percent are black and 5 percent are Asian, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This last set of data probably lumps most Hispanic workers into white, but in any case whites are somewhat underrepresented at Google and Asians are vastly over-represented, just like you and I imagined.
Let's not be surprised that Silicon Valley reporter Claire Cain Miller has messed up again. She's responsible for three recent anti-white man fiascos in the NYT: GoldieBlox, Glimpse, and Github, in each of which she got played by some adventuress to promote her career as part of the War on Silicon Valley Bro Culture.


  1. How do you tell her aprat from Selena Roberts?
    They both have that write the narrative and not what is observable talent.

  2. Has Miller really been played, or was it more of a symbiotic relationship?

  3. The War on White really seems to be intensifying, right before our eyes, in real time.

    Do 'they' sense that a window of opportunity may be beginning to close, that if they don't finish the job soon then they may face some sort of resurgence? That they really need to make sure White is completely destroyed, soon, otherwise they just won't be able to relax? Sure feels that way.

  4. If You Work, Odds Are You're a White Man.

    1. Odds are you're a white woman, actually.

    2. Closer. If you work in an office you're more likely to be a white woman.

  5. She's right that Google and Facebook would rather flood America with Pakistani immigrants as hires than hire American women, even though the cost of this strategy includes cutting Sheryl Sandberg a billion dollar check.

    Steve Sailer has documented the historical role that women played in computing, but today's silicon valley companies want nothing of this.

  6. Claire Miller did not get played. Like nearly ALL White women from the middle and upper class she ... wait for it ... HATE HATE HATES beta male White guys. Which is easily 90% of White guys.

    Really, the anti-White guy glue WORKS because most White women HATE HATE HATE White guys. For not being sexy enough. That's the one sin women don't forgive. Ever.

    War on White is just War on White guys. White women? They're not the target. Heck they are the dishers out. In their view its justified because White guys became icky beta males about as sexy as a bowl of cold oatmeal. Not like the Bomb Brothers.

    Guaranteed, if 90% of White guys acted all Checheny, well "Chicks Dig Chechens" and you'd see an abrupt end to World War White Guy.

  7. Should we have any sympathy for those white/Asian males in Silicon Valley? They have high enough IQs to know what's going on, and the prestige to speak truth. But, judging from their campaign donations and voting patterns, they're about as left wing as your typical member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Why sympathize with such people?

  8. Is she implying that Google's workforce makeup should mirror that of the country as a whole? Why should that be? Perhaps different groups have different preferences.

  9. "they're about as left wing as your typical member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Why sympathize with such people?"

    What, exactly, does the GOP have to offer them?

  10. "What, exactly, does the GOP have to offer them?" - not having to deal with this for one.

  11. Reminds me of the Old Negro Space Program:

    "See, in 1957 if you were Black, and if you were an astronaut, you were out of work."

    Likewise, this is a terrible time to be a black computer programmer.

  12. """""""""""""""""""""NYT: "If You Work in Silicon Valley, Odds Are You’re a White Man" """"""""""""""""

    If you work at the NYT, odds are you're a white non-gentile person (but mostly male).

  13. My work takes me to top universities (MIT, Tufts,..) and top tech companies. When I see the males there I sometimes wonder whether it is a genetic or environmental (BPA) cause which is feminizing these males. There is definitely a lack of testosterone with this new generation of STEM males and I find more and more disturbing. Funny, it didn't seem to be the case with our fathers who grew up in the Sputnik era.

  14. It’s good to be a man, particularly a white or Asian one, in Silicon Valley.

    Wow. Starts out stupid and only gets worse.

    I guess women and minorities figure technical jobs just get handed out to cronies like government sinecures and academic positions.

  15. "If You Work in the MSM, Odds Are You’re Jewish"


    "The War on White really seems to be intensifying, right before our eyes, in real time."

    It certainly feels that way.

  16. The real diversity problem can be found in the staff composition of the great advertising agencies who bombard us with an unending stream of diversity programming.

  17. The Obama Coalition may well be a mishmash - but fissiparous? Really? Are they fissuring? Seems to me they stick together quite well. It's called the NEw Deal coalition and it's been around for oh, 70 years.

    Fringes? Do you really call the business elite the "fringe of American society"?

  18. Well, I admit it. I work in Silicon Valley and I am white.

  19. "Anonymous said...

    My work takes me to top universities (MIT, Tufts,..) and top tech companies. When I see the males there I sometimes wonder whether it is a genetic or environmental (BPA) cause which is feminizing these males. There is definitely a lack of testosterone with this new generation of STEM males and I find more and more disturbing. Funny, it didn't seem to be the case with our fathers who grew up in the Sputnik era. "

    That's because your father grew up pre-feminism. Men are being pussified.

  20. "Well, I admit it. I work in Silicon Valley and I am white."

    Can you explain why everyone there is an HBD-denying idiot who believes racism and sexism are the biggest problems holding back society?

  21. It's going to be rough for technology companies if the equality brigades start zoning in on them ...there are certain jobs you just can't fudge your way through - there is no way in the world they are going to meet their female or black quotas...the talent is just not there and there's no way to fake it.

    1. They'll strike a deal that everyone except essential programmers must be NAMs. The administrative assistants, the cleaning people, the gardeners, everyone in HR, all the sales force, the security people, etc. The goal will be to preserve the essential positions for Jews and cooperative Asians, while NAMifying everything else.

      How do I know this? Because they've done it already throughout much of Corporate America. Regarding support positions, the following is true. When there aren't enough black females, the suits resort to black males. When there aren't enough black males, they resort to Hispanics. When there aren't enough Hispanics, they resort to white women. Straight white Christian men are out because Hitler. Of course, this is presented as Ayn Rand meritocracy. How a bunch of dummies at NASA put man on the moon remains a mystery.

      Who-whom. Ethnic politics in action.

  22. Someday soon, every employer will have to make sure that his workforce is as close as possible to the demographic breakdown of the country.

  23. "Someday soon, every employer will have to make sure that his workforce is as close as possible to the demographic breakdown of the country."

    And the demographic breakdown of immigrants will also have to match the demographic breakdown of the country, just as the 1924 law prescribed.
    Robert Hume

    1. Related, here is a comparison of maps showing each state's largest source of immigrants in 1910 versus 2010.

  24. last I read there were more asians than whites working in tech in SV. Google only hires STEM nerds from the Ivies et al, so of course the demographics will sort out accordingly. Notice that the founders, top management marketing are not representative demographically of the employees. and if you really want to refine it, all the asians are indian, not chinese at the top.

  25. Nerds and east asians in particular are a low testosterone bunch

  26. Can you explain why everyone there is an HBD-denying idiot who believes racism and sexism are the biggest problems holding back society?

    Probably some combination of:

    1. They have never experienced some of the darker sorts of vibrancy

    2. They don't speak Chinese or Hindi or other Indian language, so they don't know what these people say about people not in their group.

    3. They don't like engaging in crimethought.

  27. What percent of those white workers in the Valley are Jewish? Similarly to the Ivies, where Jews make up almost a third of the student body, I imagine a huge chunk of those whites in the Valley are Jewish.

  28. Well, I admit it. I'm glad most tech people are white.

    'Cuz pretty much all the computer products I've bought that were made in Africa are junk.

  29. Silicon Valley dinosaur5/28/14, 8:39 PM

    Google is very white, for Silicon Valley. Your second-tier mid-size companies are now overwhelmingly Indian. At least based on my observations and anecdotal information. I'd love to see some comprehensive data on this...
    Another indirect method is to look at the lunchtime crowds at restaurants in Sunnyvale.

  30. In case anyone needed yet another reminder that most journalists think the way Steve Sailer says they do:

    Tech entrepreneur Evan Spiegel gets doxxed...we find out he has committed horrible crimes including being the son of a lawyer and (gasp!) drinking underage.

    Look that word up: "doxxing." It's the Stalinist wave of the future. Every successful person in the 21st century will be doxxed at some point.

  31. I actually think Google does well wrt white women programmers. I worked near two when I contracted there, though they were both fresh out of school. Come to think of it I don't think I saw older women /programmers/ there, or if I did it was at lunchtime and I figured they were non-engineering. White women programmers have been rare elsewhere, though not non-existent. They've all been young, for what that's worth (I've heard they tend to leave before men do). Non-white (east-asian) women were about par at Google (though I don't recall seeing Indian women, not many Indian men either) and everywhere else Indians have been way /over/represented, with women being only somewhat fewer. Google was astounding for the quantity of white men though - I can remember thinking "so this is where they all are!"


  32. My work takes me to top universities (MIT, Tufts,..) and top tech companies. When I see the males there I sometimes wonder whether it is a genetic or environmental (BPA) cause which is feminizing these males. There is definitely a lack of testosterone with this new generation of STEM males and I find more and more disturbing. Funny, it didn't seem to be the case with our fathers who grew up in the Sputnik era. "

    "That's because your father grew up pre-feminism. Men are being pussified."


    In the valley of the eunuchs, half a man is king!

  33. @Hepp:

    > Can you explain why everyone there is an HBD-denying idiot who believes racism and sexism are the biggest problems holding back society?

    Am not the anon you asked, but am also a white programmer in Silicon Valley:

    Outside of the Valley I've run into one near-whispered, brought-up-short complaint against Indians, but in the Valley there are too few whites together at a time to let you feel comfortable doing that. Plus it just isn't the culture; here it really is much more diverse than elsewhere, and programmers are mostly young and feeling invulnerable anyway.

    Square that for Google - well plenty are middle aged (really!) but, if any thought that way everyone would be too smart to say anything, and they live in a virtual walled garden; their brains, money, treatment, assured futures - they've got the Google stamp - (not to mention buses, heh) carry them right above the common people, for real. Now this is speculation or imagination, I never spoke to any of them about this, but the sense of being special and 'in the world but not of it' is very strong there. Larry Page's dreaming out loud about making his own country should give you a taste.

    But of course there are lots who do online - Mencius Moldbug, famously.

  34. Torn and Frayed5/28/14, 10:33 PM

    Women will push quotas over merit only up to the point they start losing. A real world example happened in Sweden a few years ago. Despite the fact that 60% of university students were women, feminists were upset that several areas (STEM) were still male dominated. They demanded affirmative action to help reach to supposed “fair” ratio of 50/50 in these areas. The men agreed on condition that the same rules would apply to female dominated areas of study. The dumb-ass feminists figured any area of study dominated by women was worthless and just of sign of patriarchy so they agreed. Adjustments would be made for admissions with the goal of bringing each area of study towards a 50/50 gender ratio.

    Say what you will about low IQ blacks, none are stupid enough to discuss introducing a quota system based on population percentage into the NBA.

    Jews howled with indignation when WASPs used to limit their entry into Ivy League schools based on their percentage of the population.

    The problem with Swedish feminists is that their ideological brainwashing did not allow them to understand that they were already in the dominant position. When all the adjustments were made, 95% of the affirmative action changes were made in favor of men, into such fields as veterinary and human medicine, dentistry, and psychology. It ends up very few women applied for the male dominated fields, so not many adjustments were possible in this direction. Did the feminists stand up and cheer the fact that Swedish society was taking a giant step towards gender equality promised land of 50/50? No, of course they didn’t; they howled in indignation that hard working women were getting pushed aside to make room for lazy, shiftless, penis-wielding, douchebag men. They sued to cancel the self same affirmative action program they themselves pushed through a few years before.

  35. "Related, here is a comparison of maps showing each state's largest source of immigrants in 1910 versus 2010." - love the comments trying to deflect crimethink.

  36. The reason why you're seeing feminine men in STEM jobs is because only feminine men can be successful in today's environment.

    Women are very conscientious and detail-oriented. We are good book studiers...but are not necessarily doers.

    Society has changed to favor that rule-abiding, book studier personality...versus the more rogue explorer/creator type.

    This is due to:
    - Asians
    - Testing
    - Asian overseas kids taking university spots
    - Impossible/Unlikely to go to university as an adult
    - Can't get a foot in the door without a worthless degree of some kind
    etc etc etc

    Imagine you take all the asians out of the college system. That would free up tons of science spots for white men of a lower testing category, but higher creativity "let's build this!" caliber.

  37. "But in the Valley there are too few whites together at a time to let you feel comfortable doing that"

    The stalling of progress right there.

    Too few white men together at any given time.

  38. What those numbers tell us is that whites as a whole are slightly under-represented in Silicon Valley. African- and hispanic-americans (including white hispanics) are heavily under-represented while asians are heavily over-represented.

    If you discount the jews (who are also heavily over-represented especially at the top level) and other middle-easterners (who are classified as "white" by the US census) it becomes clear that whites of full european ancestry are significantly under-represented in silicon valley.

  39. I think it would be very revealing if the composition of whites in Silicon Vallēy is broken down by ethnicity. Just looking at the names/bios it is clear that jews are the most over-represented white ethnicity. Anglos and scandinavians seem to hold their own while german, slavic, italian names are few and far between compared to their share of the general population.

    Note that Steve Jobs of Apple had a syrian muslim biological father, the founders of Google are a russian jew and an american half-jew, the current CEOs of Microsoft and Adobe are indian, the founders and CEOs of Oracle ænd Facebook are both jewish, the founder of eBay is iranian...

  40. Btw, a significant proportion of whites in Silicon Valley are homosexual men. The most prominent examples being Tim Cook, current CEO of Apple, and Peter Thiel of Pay Pal, Facebook and Founders Fund fame.

  41. ""they're about as left wing as your typical member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Why sympathize with such people?"

    What, exactly, does the GOP have to offer them?"

    A bit of an odd reply, is that supposed some kind of clever gotcha ? Let me try to make it as clear as possible to you what that first comment was probably about, it is because of the fact that google and facebook are run by hard leftists. That means anything that damages and ultimately destroys both google and facebook is good and all the increasing attacks they are getting from the anti white movement must be supported, not because I am anti white, but because google and facebook are anti white and deserve to suffer the consequences of what they themselves have openly funded and supported.

  42. i guess i should just move to SV and automatically get handed a job due to my white maleness...

  43. Torn and Frayed said...
    "Did the feminists stand up and cheer the fact that Swedish society was taking a giant step towards gender equality promised land of 50/50? No, of course they didn’t; they howled in indignation that hard working women were getting pushed aside to make room for lazy, shiftless, penis-wielding, douchebag men. They sued to cancel the self same affirmative action program they themselves pushed through a few years before."

    I thought the Swedish STEM fields were dominated by lesbian, heavily tattooed, Aspie hackers who could break into any computer in the world and blackmail Nazi pedophile rapist white males who run Sweden. Or simply beat them up. Despite being men-hating lesbians, they nonetheless have the hots for right-thinking (i.e., communist) middle-aged male journalists who have sex with their chief editors (whose gelding husbands are totally OK with it.

    Oh wait, does this really happen, or was it dreamed up by a middle-aged Commie white male journalist/fiction writer?

  44. I have a woman friend recently promoted past her competency to manage a more tech-oriented group than she's dealt with before. Her Facebook page was chock-full of horror stories of grueling classwork and how the guys working for her weren't nice.

    She's the first woman in this group, and she wasn't promoted from within the group. Her husband, a good friend, has confided that she's an emotional mess and is wondering if she did the wrong thing in accepting the position. Corporate HR has been very supportive, to the point of counselling her to be more authoritarian with her staff until they toe the line. She denies that she's the company's canary in the coal mine.

    I don't see any of this ending well.

  45. BurplesonAFB5/29/14, 8:07 AM

    Anglos and scandinavians seem to hold their own while german, slavic, italian names are few and far between compared to their share of the general population.

    Surprised to hear about the Germans. I've read some histories of US high tech and in the early days (let's say between the invention of the transistor and 1990 when Microsoft Office came out), there were a lot of German guys from midwest farming towns.

  46. Jonathan Silber5/29/14, 8:20 AM

    And if you play in the NBA, odds are you're a Black man.

    What of it?

  47. Well, there are places in the plains and the midwest which are mainly white. I looked at Silcon plains area granted the weather is not great but most the folks are white and Omaha and many of those cities have older housing that appeals to hispers or tech geeks. In fact I Iike their clothing better than California or Texas. Ca or Tx are going Hispanic while these states are not.

  48. Jonathan Silber5/29/14, 8:29 AM

    Steve Sailer has documented the historical role that women played in computing, but today's silicon valley companies want nothing of this.

    Yes, were it not for the contributions of women to computing, the world would still probably be counting on its fingers.

    And no doubt the Personnel Departments of Silicon Valley would be deserted.

  49. A bit of an odd reply, is that supposed some kind of clever gotcha ? Let me try to make it as clear as possible to you what that first comment was probably about, it is because of the fact that google and facebook are run by hard leftists. That means anything that damages and ultimately destroys both google and facebook is good and all the increasing attacks they are getting from the anti white movement must be supported, not because I am anti white, but because google and facebook are anti white and deserve to suffer the consequences of what they themselves have openly funded and supported

    GOP is Jealous because they pushed defense spending that is what Paul Ryan did to pushed up aeropsace in the south and Fracking blue collar whites and Mexicans in Texas. In fact facebook is not hard left because really it wants cheap labor which is pretty libertarian and right wing. A far left person like Bernie Sanders is more opposed to the H1b vistas.

  50. Torn and Frayed: Women will push quotas over merit only up to the point they start losing. A real world example happened in Sweden a few years ago...

    Hahahahahaha. That is a thing of beauty. But I'll bet it's still lesson status=not learned.

  51. Not tech geeks but a lot of jobs are remote now and many comapnies sell online. In fact the red states only have a sales tax advantage but depend more on property or sales tax so they don't give a break to a small company but a big one like Texas probably give Toyota a tax break to move there. In fact the tech starts might help whites better than fracking which blue collar Mexicans can do as well in places like Texas or the defense assembly which blacks can do.

  52. If all the blacks working in the VA, the SSA and the courts were transferred to SV tech companies, the country would be better off. Let 'em design video games and phone apps.

  53. "Anonymous said...

    The reason why you're seeing feminine men in STEM jobs is because only feminine men can be successful in today's environment.

    Women are very conscientious and detail-oriented. We are good book studiers...but are not necessarily doers."

    I disagree. Women may pay exquisite attention to details when it comes to people and social interactions, but I have never noticed them to be especially detail oriented when it comes to physical things. They also do not seem particularly observant when it comes to physical things. How many women notice a change in the routine sounds that a car or a house makes, and realize that this change in sound is telling them something - that something is malfunctioning? Attention to detail is very important in any kind of technical work, and in my experience men are better at it than are women.

  54. The Russians bred for gentleness and they got pie-bald foxes. You hire for competence and you get Asians.

    Pat Boyle

  55. as expected, we have arrived at parsing every industry and field by demographics.

    also as expected, comparisons to the demographics of the general population at large at made only with respect to cultural marxist goals. tech companies being largely european, asian, and male, is a big problem. 'The best person for the job' principle is not conserved here.

    political physics are not like scientific physics. fundamental forces of nature change their behavior depending on what the desired outcome is.

    next up: research indicates that 'hot chicks' threads on the internet are 89% white, and 99% female. a congressional task force to oversee web postings of scantily clad models will be formed, and diversity targets initiated.

    (what? not 100% female? well there is always the prankster who posts a tranny in the hot chicks thread as a joke these days)

    1. "Hot chicks" is written in english, try another language

  56. "Someday soon, every employer will have to make sure that his workforce is as close as possible to the demographic breakdown of the country."

    well, not every employer...

  57. It enrages me as an Asian Indian that Asian Indians are not considered good enough diversity by the NYT. Please judge me by the color of my skin, not by the content of my character.

  58. ""NYT: "If You Work in Silicon Valley, Odds Are You’re a White Man""

    As someone who's been in Silicon Valley for a long time, this is bizarre. I think this entire story is based on a few large companies, like Google and Facebook, releasing their diversity stats. If you look at the aggregate, Silicon Valley, like LA, has become a world city. In a lot of engineering groups whites (of any sex) are very thin, or entirely absent, on the ground. There are usually still some older ones around.

    Like Steve's cocker spaniels, too much of a good thing ruins it. The overall quality of engineering teams is no longer what it used to be. I'd not go so far as to claim that it's due to the raw material, though sometimes I have my suspicions. The whole "world churn" culture often keeps velocity of team thinking, expertise, competence, "know how", and all that down at some lower common denominator than what it once was.

    If nothing else, I miss people actually being able to write a multi-page document. One reason PowerPoint is so popular is you don't need to be able to write english well. Just list a few bullet points.

  59. I'm really getting disturbed by the media. This story has now spread all over with the typical refrain of how horrible it is that Google has no diversity. It is only in the comment section that folks push back against this tripe with links to data, personal stories etc.

    Is it possible for the media to be even a little critical when it comes to these matters?

  60. Oh wait, does this really happen, or was it dreamed up by a middle-aged Commie white male journalist/fiction writer?

    The book getting published happened and the only reason it did was because an editor was able to remove 10 page descriptions of IKEA tables which had nothing to do with the plot.

    His first English translator resigned because they wanted a book of 250 pages rather than the 350 he wanted.

    People go on about JK Rowlings 6 rejections. Those publishers were right in that it would not sell to people who did not want to read it because they did not know how to market it to people who did. Nobody knows anything as that screenwriter wrote.

  61. John Mansfield5/30/14, 7:43 AM

    Listed this morning on the Washington Post homepage as 2nd most read item: How the Asians became white

  62. John Mansfield5/30/14, 9:22 AM

    "How the Asians became white" was ranked on the Washington Post's homepage as their 2nd most read item this morning, but now at noon it is ranked 1st. So, a lot of WP reader interest in a Volokh Conspiracy item not a whole lot different from the one found at iSteve.

  63. Gee, all these nasty gripes sound Rodgerian, especially since Valley is so pro-Democratic and Lib.

    Valley... dream GOP demographics but dream Democratic loyalties.

  64. Hispanics are either coming here less or there birth rates are not going up again. US census shows their birth rates are unchanged. Whites and Blacks went up less than one percent not really healthful. Asians declined 2 percent.

  65. "Valley... dream GOP demographics..."

    Huh? This does not compute!

    You must not be familiar with silicon valley demographics:

    "...A 1999 study...reported that a third of Silicon Valley scientists and engineers were immigrants..."

    That was back in 1999:


    "Asian workers now dominate Silicon Valley tech jobs",San Jose Mercury News, 11/30/2012:

    "Asian-Americans make up half of the Bay Area's technology workforce, and their double-digit employment gains came from jobs lost among white tech workers...

    The dramatic shift in the changing composition of the high-tech workforce represents a new generation of homegrown and imported workers...

    ..."It's the new world -- a world in which whites are not the majority," said Jan English-Lueck, associate dean of the college of social sciences at San Jose State University...

    The percentage of Asian tech workers grew from 39 percent in 2000 to just more than 50 percent in 2010 in Santa Clara, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco counties combined

    At the same time, white workers saw their more than 50 percent majority of tech jobs in 2000 fall to nearly 41 percent..."

    Lots of interesting demographic maps here:

    "These Maps Reveal The Racial Makeup Of San Francisco And Silicon Valley", Businessinsider, Sep 4 2013:

    See "This is technically Silicon Valley, though many consider San Francisco to be a part of "The Valley." (More on SF later.) Asians over-index in the valley."

  66. Well, tech folks in Mexico a little more mixed, not poor Indians as much but not all European. I'm shocked at the ads in Mexico like a translator for Russian. Need to know of course Spanish and English as well. Dancers for resorts. More into entertainment than the US market is when you stay at a resort. Part time call center worker or worked from home and so forth. In fact Mexicans from rural Mexico might be doing pushcarts in Baja California which has a lot of the Mexican aerospace industry than LA in the future. Mexico is developing more still very poor rural areas though. In fact Baja might have more professional jobs in cities like Monterrey than Imperial Ca or Yuma Az or Brownsville Texas, its just the pay is lower. Maybe, that why the other than Mexican is the bigger group now than the Mexican since Mexico looks good compared to Central America.

  67. The one positive of Asians taking over the tech industry and top college slots, is the complainers are eventually going to have to stop obsessing about white males!

    In all seriousness, I do worry about the dominance of Asians in western STEM university slots and companies.

    I like and respect Asians, but I think we as whites are absolutely insane to provide training to so many Asians.

    The reality is Asians, particularly Chinese have an extremely powerful attachment to their own traditional culture...when it comes down to it their first loyalty is to Chinese Civilization.

    It's interesting that westerners are so often accused of being 'racist' when the reality is other cultures are far more racially/ethnically oriented.

    Our technical elites will be focussed more on the well being of China, much as our media elite is fixated on Isreal...There are already lots of problems of Chinese/Israelies passing on trade secrets, military intelligence to their co-ethnics.

    It's nice to have some international presence at a college, but when you hear of the levels of Asians at elite schools, we're no longer talking about a few - we're looking at them being the majority in the not too distant future.

    It's all quite strange, these institutions were built up over centuries by Europeans, and we basically gave them to outsiders in a matter of 20-30 years!

    I don't think the US could get through an event like WWII or a Great Depression at this point, it's just too divided now, there is no common ethnicity , outlook or cause. It's been ruined. Its going to be bad news for everyone, not only the white majority.


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