May 16, 2014

The great issue of our times: World War T

Top right on the now:

What Is this Child Doing in Prison?
The transgender teen needs treatment, not isolation.

Marketing is the great art form of the 21st Century, especially socio-political marketing.

Update: As a commenter points out, to get the straight story on this, you need to go the radical feminist blog GenderTrender to find out that this youth broke a female staffer's jaw. This post is more than a month old, so the NYT had plenty of time to find out what was really going on:
It turns out that Jill, the ultra-violent girl cited in testimony by DCF Commissioner Joette Katz in February 14th hearings regarding the need for a Connecticut facility for ultra-violent female juveniles is in fact a male transgender. 
The 16 year old “girl” and “female” cited in multiple reports as an alleged serial violent batterer of women and girls across several foster care placements was revealed to be a male “transgender teen” yesterday when gay activist groups revealed he has since been remanded to an adult prison facility for evaluation and placement by the state. 
In most recent charges, the male teen has been charged with biting a woman on the top of her head, kicking her repeatedly in the head arms and face, punching, assaulting, [temporarily] blinding [in one eye] a female caseworker, and breaking her jaw. 
The young man has now been sent for evaluation to an adult (female!) prison for evaluation without charge, an extraordinary occurrence.

Strikingly, the main resistance to World War T is coming from hardcore feminists, typically lesbians, who have been trying to get away from the attentions, violent or sexual, of men in dresses for decades, as the old policy of the Michigan Womyn's Festival of keeping out anybody born male suggests.


  1. This is sad and terrible, but I have to comment on this:

    Jane was born a boy. She began exhibiting feminine characteristics from age 5, and by the time she was 9 she knew that she was, in fact, a girl. Born into a society where blending gender lines was unacceptable, where God and preachers condemn, Jane didn’t have a chance.

    So, it wasn't the rape, the prostituting, the drug-addicted mom, the beatings, the tortures, the absent father, it was the contrived notion that, in spite of having a penis, he was, in fact, a girl. And that society didn't like that.

  2. And it was written by Harvey Fierstein?
    Forget what I said. I don't believe a word that was written.

  3. Brilliant article. Everything about it is great. By the end of it you can just smell the evil stepmother fumes wafting off of the insufferably evil Ms. Katz.

  4. Of all the crimes that have been committed against Jane, the worst may be that of omission: our failure to nurture, protect and teach our children, and to treasure them as unique individuals. The crime is ours.

    We have not done enough. Even more needs to be done (cough spent). And we need to be punished. Maybe take our country away and give it to foreigners. That should fix everything.

  5. Dollars to donuts we're talking about a deranged black teenaged male housed in a girls correctional facility.

    Damn Ms. Katz for cruelly disallowing this vicious sexual animal his natural born rights to the harem of incarcerated girls.


  6. Too bad Theodore Dreiser isn't still around -- he could rework the plot of An American Tragedy.

  7. International Jew5/16/14, 12:51 PM

    Wow, the warden considers this "girl" to be a physical threat to male juvenile delinquents?!

  8. Marketing is the great art form of the 21st Century, especially socio-political marketing.

    Not marketing. Conditioning.

  9. i find it depressing that among women, only the despicable maneating radfems are calling bullshit on this whole transwomen farce.

    The other women can't stop fawning over those freaks.

  10. And someone aged 16 ought not be treated or referred to as a 'child'.

  11. Women love freaks. No, women LOVE LOVE LOVE Freaks. Men mostly don't.

  12. Sunnis vs. Shias; Transgenders vs. Lesbians: place all four groups in a massive cauldron and let them at each other. We have solved two very big problems.

  13. See obviously the best way to play in prison is get 'reassigned' as female.

    Any healthy man would be 'queen' in a correctional facility where physical intimidation is a daily fact of life.

    If you don't even need the surgery to declared female you'd essentially run the place.

  14. I accidentally read a whiskey comment. I feel impure. I need cleansing! Maybe that punkassB who left the turd here knows Magic and can hook me up with some cleanser? Whiskey is the worst. Ugh, ugh, UGH!

  15. Holy hell, if the gov ever decided to send me to the pokey for not kissing cop cock enough or something I'm TOTALLY going transgendered in order to get reassigned to a female prison. Can you imagine the poontang?

    Can I also be trans-aged and trans-geographic and declare myself a teen from Utah?

    Mommy LIKE!!!

  16. Miss Tavon White, please

    Tavon, Tavon likes her money
    She's got a lot they say

  17. Oswald Spengler5/16/14, 6:23 PM

    "Too bad Theodore Dreiser isn't still around -- he could rework the plot of An American Tragedy."


    America is more farce than tragedy nowadays. As someone once remarked, "America is now a fundamentally unserious country."

  18. Francis Parker Yockey was a seer in 1948:

    "Hollywood-feminism has created a woman who is no longer a woman but cannot be a man, and a man who is devirilized into an indeterminate thing. The name given to this process is “the setting free” of woman and it is done in the name of “happiness,” the magic word of the liberal-communist-democratic doctrine."

  19. So if "feminism" ensures that a female does not reach womanhood then why is this movement not called dykism instead?

  20. What's this 'teen's' name,
    'Travis Herrold'?

  21. Simon in London5/17/14, 5:01 AM

    The age old wisdom "Men are often Violent and Bad - and society needs to be shaped around that truth" seems now to be held only by religious traditionalists and radical lesbians.

  22. ""where God and preachers condemn, Jane didn’t have a chance.""

    ""So, it wasn't the rape, the prostituting, the drug-addicted mom, the beatings, the tortures, the absent father, it was the contrived notion that, in spite of having a penis, he was, in fact, a girl. And that society didn't like that.""

    It was also a preacher's fault. Almost certainly a white one.

  23. Oswald Spengler5/17/14, 12:31 PM

    ""where God and preachers condemn, Jane didn’t have a chance.""

    ""So, it wasn't the rape, the prostituting, the drug-addicted mom, the beatings, the tortures, the absent father, it was the contrived notion that, in spite of having a penis, he was, in fact, a girl. And that society didn't like that.""

    It was also a preacher's fault. Almost certainly a white one.


    Whiteness is deadlier than plutonium.

  24. Anonymous said...
    ... I'm TOTALLY going transgendered in order to get reassigned to a female prison. Can you imagine the poontang?

    Can I also be trans-aged and trans-geographic and declare myself a teen from Utah?

    Mommy LIKE!!!
    I didn't check but someone pointed otu that on tumblr you have people going trans-fat. Those are thin people who think or wish they were fat and who go around dressed in xxxl clothing to show "solidarity" with the true obese. And I don't think they're being ironic.

    It's not that hard to become really fat but just like in the transsex/gender case some people can't put in the effort of waiting for the surgery or waiting to actually get fat.

    Transthin would be funny as hell. Girl answers your personal ad asking for a thin woman. She's 400lb and doesn't claim that you should love fat people, but that you should like her because in her head she's 120lb and that's what matters.

    Next : transBeautiful, transugly, etc.

  25. It's still extremely surprising to see any member of the Satan Coalition not conforming to the program.

  26. Scoff, but it IS a great issue, if only for the fact that a lot of elite, crazy people champion it.

    I'm sorry for the unfortunate normal people who get damaged by these crazy trannies, but WWT is rather fun and has some good consequences. Transgenderism is now eating up the gay/lesbian movement. In particular, it's destroying the unnatural and hard won entente between gay men and lesbians. Hoorah.

    Gender Trender's piece on PFLAG is a case in point. Transgenderism has infected the entire "LGBT{" movement. Great.


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