May 10, 2014

World War T: Bearded lady circus freak wins Eurovision

World War T rolls onward.


  1. It calls itself Conchita Wurst. As others have already pointed out, concha means seashell and by analogy vagina in Spanish. Conchita means little seashell or little vagina. Wurst means sausage in German.

  2. Gays seem to be winning everything now except gay marriage. Democracy in action

  3. Personally I think its fixed just like him.

  4. "Did an Israeli spy hide in Al Gore's bathroom?

    Former intel officials deny Newsweek claims operatives would entice U.S. officials with women and drugs to find their weak spots."

    "Just days after Newsweek quoted senior U.S. intelligence officials as saying that Israeli espionage operations in the United States have "gone too far," the online magazine revealed more details of such "aggressive operations" and how they were "hushed up."

    An article by Jeff Stein that was published on Thursday describes a scene that could have easily belonged in a spy movie (or, for that matter, a spy movie spoof): An Israeli spy hiding in the air duct in Al Gore's bathroom in 1998.

    According to a former U.S. intelligence operative quoted in the article, a Secret Service agent who was using the then-vice president's restroom heard a metallic sound coming from the vent above him. "And then he sees a guy starting to exit the vent into the room,” the official says, adding that after the agent coughed, the guy went back into the vents.”

    Such incidents, claims the new report, were hushed up for one reason: The transgressor was Israel."

  5. World War T is over. Unfortunately you lost

  6. Watched the whole thing.

    Noticed very early on in the shots of the audience - almost no women. Clearly Eurovision went Full Gay tonight.

    Russia and mentions of Russia were routinely jeered.

    The BBC's man on the Eurovision spot is gay Graham Norton, more than once, made vague veiled comments about Russia.

    The final segment is the voting. The hosts go live to the representative of each nation to get their votes. The BBC rep is usually a non-entity from BBC Radio 2. This time it was Scott Mills a Radio 1 DJ, much better known and more importantly - G.A.Y!

    In theory there is a popular vote, you can text etc. These votes are aggregated with those a shadowy panel of judges in each country. Its pretty obvious that the public vote has no bearing on the outcome whatsoever.

  7. "NFL's First Openly Gay Draft Pick Celebrated by Kissing His Boyfriend"

  8. Austrians have changed.

  9. Well, I love this line:

    "She isn't the first genderqueer contestant to take first place—Israeli pop singer Dana International, a trans woman, won in 1998—but her victory was Austria's first in 49 years."

    I suspect it'll be a long time before Israel ever wins the Eurovision song contest again.

    Israel should count itself lucky.

  10. She's hot a and sang beautifully. It is nice to hear a real human singing voice too since all female US pop stars since around 2000 use that horrible synthesizer thing on their microphones.

  11. Eurotrash commenter5/10/14, 6:51 PM

    I liked the Russian entry. Two classily-turned out young ladies dinging a nice song while the audience boo'd and waved rainbow flags at them. Ho hum.

    It's interesting how thoroughly americanized European culture is now. So many rap or rap-like acts (the guy presenting the Finnish scores was especially embarrassing) & even when 'something different' turns up - e.g. the Netherlands entry - it's an American-style country song with slide guitar and everything. Or when they got a shy/soft spoken young girl to sing & suddenly she belts it out like an early 20C. black blues singer.

  12. "World War T is over. Unfortunately you lost"

    It seems like whenever Steve mentions WWT and WWG a lot of random lefties pop in to make worthless one-liners. It's very amusing.

  13. World War T is over. Unfortunately you lost

    Don't think it's over...but WWT has taken a turn for the Wurst.

  14. The jury and televote ranks from each country are available at the Eurovision website:

    It looks like Wurst scored both with the jury and viewers. The LGBTQ vote was concentrated. Pro sanity voters lacked coordination.

  15. Conchita in its victory speech:
    "We are unstoppable"

    At least it sings well and it can be a good role model for the usually fat & ugly Austrian girls. Been several times to Vienna, Conchita actually looks better than most of 'em - at least from the nose up.

  16. The jury and televote ranks from each country are available at the Eurovision website:

    Possibly true but I rather suspect a heavy boot was resting on the scales.

    Was watching it with my step-daughter. She has gay friends and a mixed race daughter, prime multicult believer. Yet she looked at Mr Weirdy Beardy and said "Disgusting".

  17. Wurst should have sung "Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" from "My Fair Lady."

  18. Oswald Spengler5/10/14, 7:45 PM

    Alec Baldwin's daughter Ireland is doing her part for the WWG/WWT war efforts.

  19. What kind of transvestite wears a beard? He really does seem, intentionally, to be imitating a bearded-lady circus act than a tranny. Most trannies try as hard as possible to look feminine, not freakish.

    I couldn't believe the Netherlands did so well, given that there's was the only decent song.

  20. Auntie Analogue5/10/14, 8:02 PM

    "There is one thing that has disappeared, not just from the U.S. but from the entire world, is the idea of ever being embarrassed by anything." - Fran Lebowitz

  21. She has gay friends and a mixed race daughter,

    And you read iSteve? That must be tough.

  22. And you read iSteve? That must be tough.

    Indeed it is. Im used to biting my tongue.

  23. Somehow this could be seen coming. The winner was decided upon even before anyone even stepped up on stage. So why is an Austrian performer that presumably is there to represent their country singing in English? Is the English speaking world now the acknowledged patron of all the kinky weirdness that bubbles up from the nether regions of the planet?

  24. I didn't mean you lost as in ha ha you lost. Just that the war is over and the winning side was the opposition and. I did say "unfortunately" !

  25. The Association from the 60s had an Asian member:

  26. >> the Netherlands entry - it's an American-style country song with slide guitar and everything

    but you don't complain about Country fiddlers using an Italian-invented instrument

  27. They're ruining their own image.

    Let them continue.

  28. I have to say, I'm very glad it's not a real bearded lady. I don't think I could have taken that.

  29. Vissi!

  30. The Eurovision song contest went gay a long time ago. The campiness of it just screams gay. It is the Broadway of pop music here.

  31. "Somehow this could be seen coming. The winner was decided upon even before anyone even stepped up on stage. So why is an Austrian performer that presumably is there to represent their country singing in English? Is the English speaking world now the acknowledged patron of all the kinky weirdness that bubbles up from the nether regions of the planet?"

    Every country has the same number of votes and Slavs have dozens of countries. Everyone swapped to English after the ex-communist countries joined up because otherwise the top 5 ranks would all be in some version of Slavic.

    The Slavic bloc vote is also what turned the whole thing impossibly gay since the gay bloc is the only thing spread over even more countries. It was bad enough before with the Scandinavian bloc vote and the French bloc but with the Slavs and the gays everyone else just gave up.

  32. The BBC described Wurst as "she". And as predicted the booing of Russia made their news headlines.

  33. What kind of transvestite wears a beard?

    One who sees that being a transvestite is no longer enough to grab attention, so the only way to compete is to do something really unexpected and combine the dress, wig, etc. with facial hair. Only someone else had the same idea 30 years ago.

  34. >>World War T is over. Unfortunately you lost
    Don't think it's over...but WWT has taken a turn for the Wurst.<<

    It ain't over til the fat bearded lady sings.

  35. " The Slavic bloc vote is also what turned the whole thing impossibly gay..."
    Yikes, what a horrible thing that is to contemplate. I must be living in the past. The last time Austria won was in 1966. Looking at Eurovision '66 on YouTube one can see some really good looking people singing in their respective languages. It's a nice, refreshing experience to see all those attractive European faces. All in the past, one supposes. Nowadays all that seems to get pushed as entertainment is decadence and depravity.

  36. They still have the Eurovision contest? The only thing I know about it is that ABBA won it one year by singing "Waterloo". I'm guessing the contest hasn't been relevant since then. Those lyrics would certainly be relevant today - "The battle is over you won the war" - indeed.

  37. Eurovision is the gayest event in the world:

    "The first thing that one observes when one enters the press arena, with a seating capacity of 1200 press members and crew, is the lack of women. And the extremely friendly men. Born with a terrible gaydar, which malfunctions every now and then when I travel abroad, I thought it best to keep a low profile and not to jump to conclusions. Cultural differences, I told myself, as I saw two middle aged men with tight t-shirts and protruding beer guts in the press jump enthusiastically and greet each other with a kiss on each cheek. A sight replayed every 5 minutes during the 10 preparatory days leading to the event.

    But soon even my senses of direction and orientation came back and I realised that I was possibly the youngest of the press members (I’m 21), and evidently a Eurovision virgin. This killer combination ensured much repetitive glances from other press members, smiles, winks, and extremely odd flirtatious conversations, not that I enjoyed it at all. As said truly by another press member, the only other one of Indian origin, “It’s tough being a straight man here. We are just a handful in number, and in this kind of an environment it is really difficult to convince a nice hot girl you meet at a party that you are a press member and not gay. They look at you as if you’re an alien; it’s an impossibility to find a straight press member”

    So I started off asking people who’ve been around much more than I have about what makes Eurovision so gay. One middle aged volunteer (yes! People from all walks of life volunteer for this event. This one’s been following ESC since 1979) whom I happened to corner and ask some questions answered beautifully “The queerness of the event is in the history. Imagine a grand scale all-Europe song contest with songs that would befit Celine or Mariah Carey being performed with amazing orchestral performances; which self-respecting gay boy in the early 70’s would not automatically tune in to their radio sets or televisions and follow it with passion! The fan following has grown to be much more due to the advent of digital media, and nowadays songs in Eurovision are more about entertainment. We do see a lot of straight fans, but that’s seemingly overpowered by the gay boys and the girls.”

  38. Another extract of the article:

    "“The straight boys have the World Cup. We have the Eurovision Song Contest”

    “I’ve been and competed at the Asia-Pacific Outgames in Melbourne, the World Outgames in Copenhagen, and the Gay Games in Cologne, but I’ve never been anywhere as gay as the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf! This is gay heaven!”

    The above lines might give you an idea. But I’m just getting started.

    With every ESC come the parties. These grand parties are organised for the journalists, volunteers, and of course the participants and delegates from all different countries. They include the regular every day parties, special parties organised by different country delegations in attempts to woo the journalists, and of course the official post-event parties, which are VIP only.

    The one thing that was common with all the events and parties was the same – the massive proportion of gay men! In someone’s words (I forgot who said this golden line) “90% of the people involved with Eurovision are gay men. The rest are women”. Every party was full of gay men (30 plus generally) grinding and dancing and being gay (pun definitely intended). If anyone’s seen Bablyon on QAF, you’d know what I’m talking about. Except the age group (imagine poor lil me, 21, in a sea of men. That pun wasn’t intended)."

  39. 'but you don't complain about Country fiddlers using an Italian-invented instrument'

    nope because they used them to make their own music, not endlessly pastiche another culture's music, down to the smallest details, over and over and over.

    at least The Netherlands' song wasn't that bad though. Globalised rap is the worst, you get someone shouting in a foreign language over a drum beat, and adopting the dress sense and attitude of an american 'urban youth', when in the not to distant past they'd have been making something that at least had a local & unique musical value.

  40. The Eurovision song contest reached its peak in 1965 with Ingvar Wixell representing Sweden.
    He sang a traditional Swedish song in English.

    Wixell recently died. I saw his American debut and many performances thereafter. A great, great baritone in a wide variety of roles and styles. He had a sweet but huge voice in the theater.

    I think it was in the seventies that Placido Domingo appeared as a guest on Eurovision. It was unfair. In those days the pop singers sang special songs that were only heard, I think, at Eurovision. Most pop songs used to be for Broadway shows but then tin pan alley started to write songs for radio in the fifties. Many of these pop songs lost structure. The 32 bar AABA form was supplanted by songs that just faded out as the recording technician turned down the volume and it simply faded away.

    Such a faded out song could work well on the radio as you drove to work but it wasn't going to do well in a song competition. In a contest you needed something more boffo.

    So Eurovision contest songs sort of recapitulated the aria-cabaletta of Italian opera. Most of the songs had a slow cantabile first section and then finished with a higher more driving rhythmically accented second section.

    So Domingo sang one of these Eurovision type songs as if it were 'Ah, si ben mio' and 'Di Quella Pira'. The crowd went wild.

    It wasn't fair. He was a ringer.

    Pat Boyle

  41. The face of the future !

    Now, why hasn't google doodled this yet ? I am disappointed

  42. Most trannies try as hard as possible to look feminine, not freakish.

    A friend of mine who works in the criminal justice system encounters lots of trannies for some reason and says a lot of them don't want to project a convincingly born-female image but prefer to stay in the uncanny valley, like this guy. He thinks what they really want is to be "special".

  43. Putin won Eurovision.

  44. Hey outsider, why would a bearded lady be worse? Some of them-- various Persians I've met come to mind-- are quite attractive under their fur!

    De gustibus and all that but I would rather have a bearded lady than a drag queen no matter how dolled up.

  45. German_Reader5/11/14, 11:42 AM

    Yeah, what a loathsome decadent freak, and the media (in Germany at least) were very positive about it. If that's what western values are about nowadays, I'm beginning to feel sympathetic to Putin.

  46. I'm very glad it's not a real bearded lady.

    Hater! A bearded lady (or a bloke in a dress) is just as beautiful as any number of super hot blonde Polish and Russian girls and don't you forget it.

  47. The Eurovision song contest went gay a long time ago

    Yes, but it was in a fun, silly way, we could all join in. Now its just grim and relentless.

  48. A moral exemplar from the land of cellar sex slaves.

    Russia has a long history of insouciant posturing that is a lot more dangerous than it appears. It was largely responsible for WW1 though a provocative mobilisation.

    Completely unbeknownst to America, Kruschev's USSR actually had authorised the individual Soviet commanders of tactical missiles on Cuba to use the weapons without recourse to Moscow.

  49. Telegraph : "The Bearded Lady’s victory is one in the eye for Putin"

    Written by a former editor of the Catholic Herald !

  50. "Anonymous said...

    ""The Eurovision song contest went gay a long time ago""

    Yes, but it was in a fun, silly way, we could all join in. Now its just grim and relentless."

    Just as grim and relentless as having the cast of "Kinky Boots" march in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, or having those two gay "newlyweds" on the float in the Tournament of Roses Parade. The purpose is to rub your nose in shit. The purpose is to make you submit to the Queer World Order.

    By the way - another front in WWT - Defence Secretary Hagel is open to the idea of the "trans-gendered" being allowed to openly serve in the military:

    Hagel open to review

    Well, it was only a matter of time. Get a load of this excerpt from the article:

    "Allyson Robinson, a former army captain who campaigns with the LGBT military community Spart*a, which has about 170 transgender members, told the Associated Press: “Many of our allies, including the UK, Australia and Israel, allow transgender people to serve with pride and honour in their armed forces. It's time for the US to join them.”

    Because, after all, Sparta - a fascist kingdom of militaristic pederasts - is just the kind of model we should want for the armed forces of this Republic. And the "spokeswoman", Allyson Robinson, is obviously a dude with long blonde hair and estrogen-inflated man-boobs. "It" is now no longer man or woman - but just a freak. Maybe not as much a freak as the bearded obscenity that won that song-contest, but a freak none-the-less.

    The West is doomed.

  51. Chelsea Manning, now there's a great poster boy, er, girl for the next recruitment ad. "Be whatever you want to be in the US Army!"

  52. The state of our world.

    Vagina hair is strange, but beard on a "woman's face" is normal.

  53. Putins VP said this kind of freak is indicative of Europe. He has a point. Look at Baldwins kid. Bi Black guy is who she chooses as boyfriend. White women love this stuff.

  54. Speaking of lack of irony...

    the idea that people earnestly cheer for stuff like this and see no humor in it...

    Next, how about a 'woman' with chest hair?

  55. the next great hero!

  56. I find it sad how most women in the western world (under 30 let's say) seem to love, just love those transqueer freaks.

    An ironic possible outcome of this acceptance of the transfreaks by women is that they will get crowded out of their own organisations by those guys, who often remain very masculine minded.

    Head of the women's physicist association ? Soon a transfreak. The most successful "woman" business tycoon ? Maybe a transfreak very soon.
    Undisputed world champion of women's UFC ? Transfreak if they're allowed to compete against women.

    A few years ago, some attention seeking guy who had managed to make himself *lactate* tried to become the head of the breatfeeding mothers association in his area (it was near Ottawa, Canada). Believe it or not there were actual women going "you go girl". It's very sad that the only women who seem sane on this issue are the rather detestable radfems.

  57. Wurst is a drag queen. But it seems like even a lot of the mainstream media have forgotten what drag queens are -- or rather, are choosing to ignore it.

    Bearded drag queens have been around for a while. It's a gay thing. Some of the Eurovision audience must have gotten it and voted for the ingroup. (Eurovision is gay as hell.) As for the rest, there's the Cold War.

    Some media guy asked Wurst after Eurovision if 'she' had a message for Putin. So it's not like the point is at all subtle.

    As for Russia, their Eurovision entry last year was straight out of NPR. Check the hippie on the soundboard. And apparently the singer is a Tatar.

    Then this year the Cold War is back with the sides switched and Russia sends some blonde-haired twins singing about waging the Cold War and invading Crimea and all that. The song sounded like the sort of thing you'd hear on an oldies radio station in America. I wonder if that was intentional.

  58. Undisputed world champion of women's UFC ? Transfreak if they're allowed to compete against women.

    Fallon Fox has not taken advantage of he(r) stronger bones and bigger ligaments to win the whole enchilada .... yet.

    Height 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m)
    Weight 144 lb (65 kg; 10.3 st)

    How many natural chicks are 5' 7" and 144 pounds?


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