May 29, 2014

World War T meets Gladwellism



  1. I thought when you found a reductio ad absurdum you were supposed to re-examine your premises.

  2. Now, I don't want to read too much into Time magazine, but I do think there is some significance to this. And I keep saying to myself, "When is this gonna end? When are we going to reach the point where people say 'I can't take this shit anymore'?" Are Americans simply going to put up with being boiled to death by degrees until they have been boiled?

  3. Steve from Detroit5/29/14, 1:35 PM


    I just finished reading this from a link on Drudge, and you again define the word prescient.

    I just watched the video trailer, "Accepting Cassidy", and I need to go for a walk and clear my head. It's funny, despite the meme of being the first transgender homecoming queen, Cassidy accidentally goes off script and uses the term gay on two or three occasions to describe herself/himself and her/his friend.

    Gosh I'm tired.

  4. The thing is that while I'm sure there'll be future Important Causes, with same-sex marriage/transgender stuff they're successful because of the whole innate state argument, even though they're obviously a little more ambiguous in that regard compared to race. Contrast with something like polyamory that might be pushed more from some corners in the coming years, when that's obviously a choice + duh, guys want multiple women & we already have that with the whole "friends with benefits" thing.

  5. Once again, Time and the media aren't interested in science.

  6. This is what happens when mags are dying.

  7. If Hillary announced she was transgendered, would that assure her of being the next POTUS?

  8. Transgenderism is the exact opposite of gay liberation. This will become apparent in the coming generation. Once all the effeminate boys who want to be queen are out of the closet, wither gay liberation?

  9. Steven Hawking5/29/14, 2:02 PM

    All she needs is the wheelchair.

  10. Noel Coward's Spinning grave5/29/14, 2:04 PM

    I always knew there was something sinister about the promotion of Beyonce and Michelle Obama. Know I know what they were prepping us for.

  11. IIRC The New Yorker published an article on this subject that did express some degree of skepticism on how early certain kids were "transitioning." Pretty soon those'll go the way of your occasional pre-mid '00s liberal mild unease over homosexuality though, bank it

  12. Cassidy the homecoming "queen" reminds me of the whole "Is there anything white guys can't do?" thing that Steve has commented on before.

    Now a queen can be homecoming queen!

    You can't make this stuff up.

    The saddest, and sickest, part is that the high school kids were so brainwashed that they actually voted the queen for homecoming queen. Is it me or is this another slam against feminine females? First feminism comes along and tears down women for being chaste and mothers etc and demands they be more like men, then the trannies come along and take women's natural place.

    I see feminism and trannies as attacks against the kind of women men generally want. It is anti woman. It is trading natural relations for unnatural.

  13. What's next? WWD or dwarfism?

  14. There have always been people whose brains' gender didn't fit their bodies' gender, probably due to some hormonal problems in utero. Societies have done different things with them--the ancient Greeks, for example, would let you sleep with men if you were a guy but you still had to father kids for the polis.

    Demanding that we all treat them as the gender they think they are strikes me as silly and requiring some nasty surgery...and you will never be able to fool most people. No matter what you tell them, most guys don't want to bonk a girl who used to be a guy.

  15. For a second, I was scared I'd find Gladwell in drag on the cover!

  16. Is that a picture of Serena Williams on Time Magazine?

    Or is it Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Soebarkah?

  17. lol Beyoncé doesn't look like a dude what the hell

  18. Does anyone know if there is a discussion about what's happening to our civilization among intellectuals in places like Russia, China, Japan or even Indonesia, Malaysia and other ascending societies ?

    What do they see ? Are they puzzled ? Are they afraid that it's coming their way ?

  19. Malaysia is spending most of their time becoming more nutty-Islam (the current panic is because some Cadbury's chocolate has trace amounts of lard) and freaking out that the Chinese minority, which is by far and away the most productive group, are leaving in droves. Of course, they aren't worried enough to actually change any of their policies.

    Malaysia is a great illustrative example of the majority benefiting from AA. A glimpse of our future, if you will. Google the New Economic Policy if you're curious.

  20. God will sort it out. Dysfunctional people who can't reproduce themselves will be replaced.

  21. That chick begged me to come home with 'her' in SF in 1986, at Polk and Post. In those days, that was a great spot to find hot runaways.

  22. Does anyone know if there is a discussion about what's happening to our civilization among intellectuals in places like Russia, China, Japan or even Indonesia, Malaysia and other ascending societies ?

    What do they see ? Are they puzzled ? Are they afraid that it's coming their way ?

    No. The world intellectual class is pretty homogenized, everyone reads the same founding "texts" and tries to apply the same formulas. The only difference is that large parts of non-Western societies either live in areas almost untouched directly by "modernity" (as of now), or do not get to imbibe it with universal schooling or the mass media, because the reach of both is weak.

    The result is that the intellectual class of, say, Ghana, Lebanon, Pakistan, etc. is a clone of its Western model - but doesn't have that much clout, because it is much smaller, and because "unreconstructed bigots" are a large part of population and keep the Overton window way to its (culturally-based) right as compared to the West. There, too, the Overton window only moves leftward, each year a little bit, but the pace is much slower than in the West.

    It's picking up though. Besides mass culture, which is overwhelmingly produced in America, the problem is that the United States is the richest and most powerful nation in the world. So, when anyone with half a brain asks asks, "what should we do?", the answer "emulate the U.S." is the most obvious. The current U.S., not the U.S. that rose to greatness. Once America is down, it will serve as a model to no one, but it'll take time for the decline to become so obvious to outsiders.

  23. God will sort it out. Dysfunctional people who can't reproduce themselves will be replaced.

    ... by other dysfunctional people, who reproduce too much.

  24. "God will sort it out. Dysfunctional people who can't reproduce themselves will be replaced.

    ... by other dysfunctional people, who reproduce too much." - thats the beauty of it, starvation hits then.

  25. "God will sort it out. Dysfunctional people who can't reproduce themselves will be replaced.

    ... by other dysfunctional people, who reproduce too much." - thats the beauty of it, starvation hits then.

    In the winter, the gorillas all freeze to death

    1. The Simpsons was so funnuy

  26. Trannies are some real old fashioned types. They want men to let them go first, to have doors opened for them, all the courtly behavior long ago denounced as regressive by those claiming to speak on behalf of those who were born female. They want the special treatment previously accorded to women and they want plenty of it. No women's libber type rhetoric for them. Every one wants to be a princess.

  27. ... by other dysfunctional people, who reproduce too much." - thats the beauty of it, starvation hits then.

    Not when modern bleeding hearts have a say in the matter. Mind you, I have more sympathy for those handicapped by medical conditions than those handicapped by a dysfunctional ethnic culture. Anyone can walk away from an culture, especially if they can see right in front of them that it ain't workin' out.

    In the winter, the gorillas all freeze to death

    What do gorillas have to do with any of this? Gorillas are not dysfunctional. They are superbly adapted to their environment, which happens to be the tropics of Africa. Can arctic musk-oxen transported to central Africa survive as well?

  28. I'm reminded of Oswald Spengler. Culture is not in decline, it's in the sewer.

  29. America's next civil rights frontier is trannies. What will be the last?

  30. One thing I forgot to mention on the trannies-intruding-in-bathrooms issue is that lately there have been several incidents with grown men ("transwomen") exposing themselves to little girls in pool changing rooms and such, scandals in schools because of little supposedlly-trans kids being encouraged to use the bathrooms of the other sex, etc. Some of these incidents have been so surreal, I really do wonder is the US really so far gone as to accept them? Is this really going to be the new normal?

    Not that I underestimate the power of media brainwashing, but some of this stuff really is gonna be some of the most absurd, surreal crap the American public has ever been expected to swallow. We'll see, I guess.

  31. Fundamentally.



    It works everywhere.


  33. the cotton ceiling ladypenis nonsense "lesbian" trannies keep pulling

    Cotton ceiling?

  34. ""


    it is simply not possible that i grew up in the united states in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. that has to have been a dream. it cannot possibly have been the same planet. it was all a mirage, a fantasy. i imagined the united states as it was in 1985. certainly such a place did not actually exist.

    also goes to show that you simply cannot trust open homosexuals as politicians or in positions of authority. as i posted before, maybe you could trust 2 or 3, but in general, not a chance. they simply cannot be counted on to act on behalf of their constituents. they simply will not do what is best for heterosexuals with children, because they are not heterosexuals with children.

    2014 will go down as the year things officially started to go crazy. may 29 in particular is a landmark day!

    look at the headlines on zerohedge, drudgereport, vdare. the economy contracts 1% and in response the stock market in goes to all time highs. what, how, what the? does this mean...the federal reserve completely owns the entire US financial market?

    interest rates are going DOWN. what? how? wages are not moving up, so stagflation seems likely. the US economy contracts but the price of oil stays at 104 for WTI.

    civil war in ukraine, that the US started. civil war in iraq. in syria. in libya. the US is arming and training al-qaeda in syria! china is moving on oil fields in vietnam waters. russia and china are beginning a global trade strategy to get out of using the dollar as the reserve currency.

    and to ensure there was no mistake that in one single day we crossed the rubicon into sheer insanity, an offer has been made on the los angeles clippers for...2 BILLION dollars? may 29 2014. mark it down. all it will take now is for amnesty to pass and this will be the most significant year in decades. the government is already openly setting up aid stations for illegal aliens...

  35. "Does anyone know if there is a discussion about what's happening to our civilization among intellectuals in places like Russia, China, Japan or even Indonesia, Malaysia and other ascending societies ?"

    Contra what others are saying, yes, actually, there is. None of them talk specifically about transsexuals to my knowledge, except to point in slack jawed horror. I think the writers for the Asia times, including "Spengler" have some interesting ideas, written in easily accessible English. Ditto the Singapura thinkers (including and perhaps especially LKY), though Kishore Mahbubani occasionally quotes Thomas Friedman for some reason. I'm quite certain the Chinese also think about this in inner party discussions we'll never read, and the Russians have a deep back bench. Islamic nations almost certainly have thinkers who interpret our decadence in the same way as any other sensible person would.

  36. also goes to show that you simply cannot trust open homosexuals as politicians or in positions of authority. as i posted before, maybe you could trust 2 or 3, but in general, not a chance. they simply cannot be counted on to act on behalf of their constituents. they simply will not do what is best for heterosexuals with children, because they are not heterosexuals with children.

    Without taking sides here, I think the root of the problem is that homos and heteros have no common ground, no mutual understanding. They will always do what's best for their kind. It's not a moral failing, rather an intellectual and empathic one. As a married-but-childless hetero man, I can see some of the other side of the coin, and it is very alien.

  37. One thing I forgot to mention on the trannies-intruding-in-bathrooms issue is that lately there have been several incidents with grown men ("transwomen") exposing themselves to little girls in pool changing rooms and such, scandals in schools because of little supposedlly-trans kids being encouraged to use the bathrooms of the other sex, etc. Some of these incidents have been so surreal, I really do wonder is the US really so far gone as to accept them? Is this really going to be the new normal?

    Not that I underestimate the power of media brainwashing, but some of this stuff really is gonna be some of the most absurd, surreal crap the American public has ever been expected to swallow. We'll see, I guess.

    There was a Canadian boy who had a botched circumcision so the docs decided to operate on him to make him a girl and in a study conducted by child molestor John Money it was deemed a success so the media and academia deeemed it a success.

    The moment he could he got himself changed back to being male.

  38. It's only May, but this could be an early favourite for 'Man of the Year.'

    Gilbert P

  39. It's a strange world when RuPaul is the voice of reason & sanity.

    Spengler isn't Asian, he's an American Jew who writes for Asia Times. I don't think that the non-Western elites are in slack-jawed horror right now, as the US clings to the shreds of its former glory. The slack-jawed horror will come later, when we've sustained some kind of catastrophic defeat. JMO.

  40. The boy in the John Money experiment (great name for a fraud pseudo-scientist) lived a miserable life as a man, and eventually killed himself.

    Look for the suicide rates to rise in coming years. Trannies are very unstable people.

  41. @jody, thank you for the link. I read it aghast. The racial aspect is interesting - the only organized group against this abomination was a group of black pastors who played the race card in frustration. Normally I am opposed on principle to any playing of the race card I loathe it so, but perhaps in this case the pastor who complained of being 'sent to the back of the bus' had a point.

    The only situation where whites stand up to blacks is on behalf of gay rights. I wonder if it isn't a proxy war of sorts.

    Weird. Race realists such as myself stand with blacks on this. Politics really does make strange bedfellows.

    Speaking of strange bedfellows was lesbians and gays. Is WWT going to cause a gay and lesbian divorce?

  42. Too many feminists subscribe to "intersectionality" which is fancy academic speech for "you show up at my rallies and I'll show up at yours".

    In other words don't look for feminists to start cutting off the loons anytime soon.

  43. Ironically Ru Paul is featured on Drudge calling out his/her totalitarian compatriots. What's the trannie derivative of "Uncle Tom"?

  44. "The boy in the John Money experiment (great name for a fraud pseudo-scientist) lived a miserable life as a man, and eventually killed himself."

    If I'd had my dick chopped off and been fed female hormones for a time, I'd be miserable too. And I'd be in prison, for murdering my doctors.

  45. Arabs aren't intellectual, they're visceral. Their answer to western degeneration is Islamism and Jihad. All traditional societies must be dead scared of western cancer, i.e. liberalism. It only takes 2 generations of western leftism and feminism to turn a society to rot.

  46. "There was a Canadian boy who had a botched circumcision so the docs decided to operate on him to make him a girl and in a study conducted by child molestor John Money it was deemed a success so the media and academia deeemed it a success."

    Yes, and you can read all about it in "As Nature Made Him," an excellent and very well-written book about this sad story -- the author doesn't try to make us feel anything; he just tells the story bluntly and with minimal adjectives or adverbs; and because the author doesn't try to manipulate our emotions, the prose hits hard. The disfigured boy, who they tried to raise as a girl, went on to marry and have children.

  47. Manufacturing Dissent.

    More dangerous than Manufacturing Consent.

    Most people are sheeple. Always has been the case. But now, even dissent has been shaped by the elites.

    So, Wall Street wraps itself with the 'gay pride' flag.

  48. Oswald Spengler was German.
    "Spengler" of Asia Times used the name as a nom de plume

  49. sexual identity can be all over the map but we must be totally rigid with words.

    no tranny!!!!!!

    how about trans-lingual rights!

  50. For people who profess to subvert all the rules, homos/trannies/lesbians are so fussy fussy fussy and schoolmarmish about what we can and can't call them.

  51. Arabs aren't intellectual, they're visceral. Their answer to western degeneration is Islamism and Jihad. All traditional societies must be dead scared of western cancer, i.e. liberalism. It only takes 2 generations of western leftism and feminism to turn a society to rot.

    East Asia somehow keeps up a modern intellectual society, and fights off western degeneration and fembo-ism.

  52. The boy who was the victim of the botched circumcision did get married, but he never had children, he adopted his wife's children. The marriage failed & he killed himself.

    Yes, Money deserved the noose. I don't know what happened to him.

  53. scottlocklin said...
    Contra what others are saying, yes, actually, there is. None of them talk specifically about transsexuals to my knowledge, except to point in slack jawed horror. I think the writers for the Asia times, including "Spengler" have some interesting ideas, written in easily accessible English.

    Are they mostly westerners in "exile" in Asia or are they actual local people ?

    Ditto the Singapura thinkers (including and perhaps especially LKY)

    Yes, LKY definitely has had things to say.

    I'm quite certain the Chinese also think about this in inner party discussions we'll never read, and the Russians have a deep back bench.

    Islamic nations almost certainly have thinkers who interpret our decadence in the same way as any other sensible person would.

    Someone was saying in another comment that the intellectual classes were thinking the same
    ideas everywhere.

    Uniformisation might be a trend that's accelerating at the moment but it seems to me that there are regions of the world where there still are prominent intellectuals, writers and artists who don't buy into the rootless cosmopolitan worldview.

    In a lot of African countries, a fair number of local intellectuals have strongly come out against what they actually call "western endorsed gayISM".

    There was an article here a few weeks ago about Anne Applebaum visiting Georgia and reporting that in the mind of some of the local thinkers, the west was the LGBT-West.

  54. There was a time when such cover and idea would have been Mad magazine or Onion worthy.

    But now...

  55. We are so innocently earnest about something so transgressively ridiculous.

    It's like X-rated movie as G-rated family fare.

  56. "Spengler isn't Asian, he's an American Jew who writes for Asia Times. I don't think that the non-Western elites are in slack-jawed horror right now, as the US clings to the shreds of its former glory."

    Yes, I know who Spengler is. He's the most intelligent, honest and original Neocon there is. As a result, he had to write his Spengler pieces for the Asia Times until recent years. His pieces were taken quite seriously in Singapore at least. They were deep, and pretty weird by most Western Standards. The pap he writes for First Things and PJ Media don't compare to it. Pity, really.

    You're wrong about foreign intellectuals not being horrified at what is going on in the US. LKY, who I mentioned already, is quite explicit about it, as are the Russians. I mean, Solzhenitsyn has been criticizing the direction America is going in since he got here in the 1970s (read his Harvard address from the time). Of course, nobody ever listened to him, unless he was criticizing the Soviets. He really became an unperson when he went back to Russia a patriot. Dugin, Limonov, even the modestly western favored Nalvany -all are horrified at what is going in in Western Culture and want no part of it. Neither do their common people. Neither do the physicists or data scientists I have met, with very few very Westernized exceptions. Just because you haven't read these guys in Western media doesn't mean they do not exist. It just means, like Steve Sailer, they are ignored as thought criminals by Western media.


  57. ' In a lot of African countries, a fair number of local intellectuals have strongly come out against what they actually call "western endorsed gayISM". '

    A lot of Africans think that the Western push for LGBT 'rights (along with Western gays using Africa as a pedo sex tourism destination) is a Western attempt to fracture and undermine their societies, so that Africans can be more easily dominated and exploited (and so liberal Western intellectuals will support the domination and exploitation -- see how our best minds talk about Uganda). That just shows you how stupid Africans are.

    ('Blowback' from Africa?!)

  58. There have been a lot of articles in the press lately about violence toward gays in Africa --

    -- usually missing in the reports are the mobs' rationales that these vigilante attacks are street justice for pedophiles.

  59. 12 Years a Whore

    WWP derailed

  60. WWT and Rodgers

    It's funny that a society that endlessly promotes self-esteem should be complaining about narcissism.

    And what is the homosexual agenda if not narcissistic? If men who indulge in anal penetration or opt to their penises cut off to become 'women' should deserve to feel so great about themselves, it appears narcissism is our national cult.

    Look at the current Time mag cover.

    It's a major adventure in narcissism. Not just physical but moral narcissism. It says even freaks should feel like gods and goddesses. It's not about civil or human rights but the right to feel as gods. Even silly freaks should feel as the most beautiful and sanctimonious deities.

    There is a 'gay' sensibility behind this since homos are the most aesthetically obsessed and bitchy people on Earth. Rodgers wasn't a homo but he was feeding on 'gay sensibility' of aestheto-narcissism that is all over the media.

    When homos apply it to art, they can create remarkable stuff. When applied to life, it causes problems since reality doesn't conform to fantasies and ideals.

    Or take Oprah. Just some frumpy fat black woman. But she's been promoted and hailed as someone almost divine. And she teamed up with Dr. Phil the shrink.
    Funny, aint it?
    A 'no-nonsense' therapist in cahoots with some charlatan woman who peddles fantasies.

    And take a look at this.

    Oh, her foundation was so irresistible to stars and starlets since Somaly Mam looked like a fashion model herself.

    If Rodgers didn't kill, he'd be just another specimen of the 'new norm'.

  61. Black guy as black woman is one thing. But blonde wig too?

    Isn't it trans-racial too?

    Can a white guy trans-into-blackness and get aff-action?

    How about he get blackface and afro and declare hisself transracial?


  63. Ian Astbury doesn't dress like that anymore.

  64. I guess 'black is beautiful' is dead.

    It's 'black is blonde'.

  65. WWT is so better than WWG. It's almost like Stalingrad for the progs.

    I mean it's so totally ridiculous.

    The new image of Jomo power.

    Ludicrous. And to call it 'civil rights'.

    I have a dream... a pink underwear beneath my pants!


    This was once a big scandal, with black politicians crying foul and going nuts.

    But I guess they were just transphobic. It was really a tribute to Washington.

  67. You really have to do more of this WWT stuff.

    Thanks for turning me onto the Gender Trender website. The comments are boring, a bunch of lez whining, but the links are excellent. Here's one that is priceless:

    I guess Larry Auster was right when he called the UK the Dead Island. With apologies to Simon and dearieme, we are pretty far gone but we don't yet have pols like "Miss" Sarah Brown, with formaldehyde balls.

  68. "The result is that the intellectual class of, say, Ghana, Lebanon, Pakistan, etc. is a clone of its Western model"

    I don't agree. When it comes to economic policy non-Western intellectuals have very real and very strong disagreements with the American consensus.

    When it comes to social issues, they mostly just keep quiet. You won't find very many Pakistani college professors arguing for gay marriage and allowing men into girls locker rooms.

  69. The US will be brown and tranny by 2050. Get over it, bigots.

  70. I guess 'black is beautiful' is dead.

    It's 'black is blonde'.

    It's: Black and blonde are beautiful.

  71. "Feminists and lesbians hate trannies. They don't like dudes intruding in their bathrooms/showers."

    What a stupid thing to say. "Feminists & lesbians?" Huh? Almost no woman wants a man in the ladies room. There are serious reasons why that should be. How old are you?


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